Dinosaucers (1987) s01e12 Episode Script
The First Snow
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Ghengis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossosaur!
Well, follow them!
SARAH: The dinosaurs ruled
the world until 65 million years ago,
when the Earth's climate changed.
No one is sure of the cause,
but it seems likely that the
cold weather and terrible snows
brought an end to
the mighty dinosaurs.
I thought this story was
going to have a happy ending.
Well, it does. You're here.
I just wish we knew what made
all those dinosaurs vanish like that.
It's one of the great
mysteries of science, Stego.
Well, I can believe the cold did it.
On Reptilon, it's always been warm.
[SHIVERING] Not like this.
Hey, guys, how 'bout givin' us a hand
collecting firewood before the snow comes?
Before it comes?
SARAH: Open your
eyes, Paul, it's here now.
All right!
Snow? You mean what
made the dinosaurs vanish?
[SHIVERING] I don't like this.
STEGO: This is too cold.
SARAH: Wow! Super! Great!
BRONTO: It's hard to move.
I can't stay up here.
Come on, guys, it's just snow.
Not to us.
Maybe it's time we
went home to Reptilon.
Oh, come on.
ENKILO: Tyranno alert!
[SNORTS] The sky is falling!
The sky is falling!
I'm turnin' all white and cold.
What is this horrible stuff?
Calm down. It's apparently some
bizarre Earth weather phenomenon.
It's making me feel
so tired and slow.
This is what wiped out our dinosaur
cousins on this planet, isn't it, Rex?
Them maybe, but it won't
wipe out the Tyrannos.
We'll seize the power source of
the automated hydroelectric plant
on Ski Lift Mountain.
We can use it to keep the tar
pits warm till this freeze is over.
But how do we get
around the Dinosaucers?
Let's find out from
our spy in the sky.
Ghengis Rex calling
the Terrible Dactyl.
Terrible Dactyl
reporting in. I'm on
surveillance right over
the woods near Mohodome.
REX: And?
They're running around like
Throbian mammoths without heads.
There's a blind
panic down there.
Excellent. Then now's
the time for us to strike!
But I can't stay airborne, Rex. These
white flakes are forcing me down.
You won't be able to
fly the ships in it either.
No problem. Just meet
us at the base of Ski
Lift Mountain and
we'll all proceed on foot.
PAUL: Snap out of it, you
guys. Snow can be lots of fun.
Oh, yeah? Then how come I'm
turning twice as blue as usual?
Stego, you'll keep
warmer if you move around.
Stego? Stego?
Don't bother, Sarah.
He can't move or talk.
What happened to him?
It's the water. Gets into his
armor plating. He freezes up.
Wow! What do you call that?
I should have known.
This is crazy. You've got to teach
them not to be afraid of the cold.
Yeah, but first we need to
make them some winter clothes.
Great idea! Then they'll be ready
to have real fun playing in the snow.
There. Now is everyone
ready to have fun?
Fun? I can't even move.
Oh, as soon as we get you over to
Ski Lift Mountain, you'll move all right.
On these skis,
everyone moves fast.
You're just gonna love skiing.
Sure you understand, Dimetro? You jump
on the sled and slide down on your belly.
Hey, who do you think you're dealing
with? I'm an interplanetary space pilot.
You think I can't
steer a sled? Sheesh!
Okay then, follow me.
This'll be a piece of cake.
Whoa! Oh!
Oh, nice ride!
Couldn't you have left the deck
of that house in one piece though?
- I planned it that way.
- Sure you did.
Wonder how Bronto Thunder
and Stego are doing on the ice.
They're Dinosaucers. I'm sure they're
doing as well as I did on your sled.
I can see standing
in water, but not on it.
Trust me.
This won't work, I
know it. I'm too heavy.
I'm gonna sink as soon
as I step out on this lake.
Bronto Thunder, this ice is really thick.
Just distribute your weight when you skate.
Well, here goes nothing.
STEGO: Nothing is right!
Easy for you to say, show-off.
Whoa! [GRUNTS]
Face it, some of us have
it and some of us don't.
Nice going, you show-off.
It was great, Stego.
Hey, cut it out and
give me a claw, you two.
Okay. Come on, Bronto
Thunder, let's go help Stego out.
Hey! You're doing
it! You're skating!
I'm doing it!
This is really fun.
If you think this is fun, wait till
we show you all about snowballs.
Snowballs? What are snowballs?
[LAUGHS] That's a snowball.
- Paul, watch out!
- What?
Is this one, too?
- Yeah.
- Icki, pick on someone your own size.
Like me.
Oh, no. There's no
stopping them now.
Okay. That's the tree that
broke the camasaur's back.
Whoa! Oh, no. Bronto Thunder!
Everybody's throwing
snowballs, huh?
Then maybe I
should throw one, too.
Sheesh! What a dino-sore head.
Somebody get the license
plate number of that ultrasaurus.
We're nearing the hydroelectric
plant on Ski Mountain.
This way, Tyrannos.
ENKILO: Which way?
This snow is so thick, I
can't see the snout
at the end of my nose.
Perhaps Terrible Dactyl
has a better view from above.
Ghengis Rex to Terrible
Dactyl. What is your status?
Is this heavy snow
weighing you down too much?
Uh Yeah.
Well, we can't be too far
from the power plant now.
Brackio, guide your
ship in on remote control,
and have it lower
the all-terrain vehicles.
You got it, bossosaur.
Here come our chompin',
stompin' dynomatics.
BRACKIO: These dynomatics
are not available anywhere on Earth.
They chop, dice, peel, core and
plow through stubborn Dinosaucers.
Mount up, you two.
We've no time to lose.
BOTH: Yes, sir.
Terrible Dactyl requesting
permission to come aboard, sir.
Okay, gentlemen,
start your engines.
Now we seize the power plant. And
if any Dinosaucers get in our way
So much the better!
Okay, Icki, let's see if you
can do any better than Dimetro.
I can't see where we're
going in all this snow.
Just follow me. Let's go.
This even beats lava surfing
back home on Reptilon.
Just watch out you don't run
into any giant dinosaur fangs!
It's the Tyrannos!
Ghengis Rex.
What are you doing up here?
We're taking over the
hydroelectric power plant.
But that information
will do you no good,
because one shot from my fossilizer
will turn you two into stone fossils.
Can't move
So long, cretins.
Oh, no! How horrible.
I've gotta get word to the others
before the Tyrannos reach them.
It's Paul and Icki's only chance.
If the snow doesn't stop me first.
Do you hear that?
What is that noise?
Sounds like some big
trucks headed this way.
No. Not trucks. Tyrannos!
Teryx, are you all right?
[PANTING] Ghengis Rex and his
gang Coming to seize the power plant.
Paul and Icki are fossilized.
Oh, no! What'll we do?
Of all times for Alo and
Ryan to be visiting Reptilon.
STEGO: And we have
no weapons with us.
Dimetro, you head
for the power plant.
If the Tyrannos damage it, you're
the only one who'll be able to repair it.
I'm on my way.
The rest of you listen
up. Here's what we'll do.
There are the Dinosaucers
now! Mow them down!
Look how scared they are. [SNORTS]
They've turned white with fear!
That's not fear. That's snow!
It's a trick!
I won't be laughed at by mammals
and Dinosaucers with feathers!
Brackio, crack open that power plant
so we can get the power source out!
Okay, bossosaurus.
Any idea why he
wants the power plant?
Sure. You know those
brachiosauruses. Plants are all they eat.
Dimetro to Sarah.
Come in, please.
What's up, Dimetro?
Brackio's trying to crack open
the shell of the power plant
and it's causing the
generator to malfunction.
Oh, no! Is there anyone there?
No. No one's here, but Ahhh!
This place could
explode at any moment.
Can you fix it if
we stop Brackio?
Yes. I have everything I need in
my reptobag. Everything but time.
We'll buy you more
time, Dimetro. Sarah out.
You ready for some
one-on-one with Brackio?
I've been waiting a long time to deal
with him without all his buddies present.
Well then, let's see how much you
learned from your ice skating lesson.
Go to it, big guy.
Stop it!
Stay away, Bronto Thunder!
No way, Brackio.
Then I'm gonna make you so dino-sore
you won't be able to move for a week.
As the mammals say,
"I'm rubber, you're glue,"
"whatever you say bounces
off me and sticks on you."
Ahhh, Earth hexes won't
help you. Here I come!
What's goin' on? I
can't move the right way.
That's strange. I have
no trouble moving.
Having a little trouble
there, klutzotops?
What do you call this
slippery Earth stuff?
I call it brachiosaurus on ice!
Rex! Bronto Thunder defeated Brackio.
Now what do we do? [SNORTING]
I fossilize him, of course
And then, all the others!
Not while Bonehead still
has a bone to pick with you.
You can't stop me from fossilizing
your comrades, you bonehead!
They can't stop you, Rexie,
but these Earth skis sure can!
That would be true, if I wasn't
the best sharp shooter on Reptilon.
Secret scout ring, power up!
Oh, no, you don't.
Ahhh! What is that
horrible weapon? [SNORTS]
[LAUGHS] It's called an icicle.
Something you'll never
find back on Reptilon.
You Tyrannos are through.
My word, Ghengis Rex
and the others are in trouble.
I must streak down
and save the day.
TERYX: Don't bet
on it, leatherneck.
What have you done? I can't see!
We're far from through,
you silly mammal.
You fail to account for the
power of Terrible Dactyl.
The power of Terrible
Dactyl? Uh-huh.
Oh, shut up, you mammal!
Dimetro, is everything
okay at the power plant?
I had just enough time. I repaired the
generator and the power plant is safe.
And Stego is getting poor
Brackio out of the lake.
But what about Paul and Icki?
They're still petrified fossils.
Hmm, that should be no problem if I reverse
the polarity on Rex's fossilizer here.
Here's our two solid citizens. Think you
can make them normal again, Dimetro?
There. That ought
to do the trick.
SARAH: They're back to normal.
We're back! You did it, Dimetro.
Man, I never want to play
that version of freeze tag again.
As for you Tyrannos, it's
off to jail in the Lava Dome
until Alo returns and
decides what to do with you.
Ha! At least we've now
experienced Earth's strangest weather
and won't be caught
by any more surprises.
Hey! Ouch! Ouch!
What is this stuff?
It's some new
menace from the skies!
This crazy planet is bombarding
us with some sort of ice rocks.
[LAUGHING] We call it hail.
Ooh, that hurts.
Whose side is this planet on?
Mine maybe. It's tickling me.
Let's get out of here!
No more surprises, huh?
REX: Oh, shut up
and keep running.
If you guys think winter here is
neat, wait until you see summer.
Have another snowball, Paul.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Ghengis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossosaur!
Well, follow them!
SARAH: The dinosaurs ruled
the world until 65 million years ago,
when the Earth's climate changed.
No one is sure of the cause,
but it seems likely that the
cold weather and terrible snows
brought an end to
the mighty dinosaurs.
I thought this story was
going to have a happy ending.
Well, it does. You're here.
I just wish we knew what made
all those dinosaurs vanish like that.
It's one of the great
mysteries of science, Stego.
Well, I can believe the cold did it.
On Reptilon, it's always been warm.
[SHIVERING] Not like this.
Hey, guys, how 'bout givin' us a hand
collecting firewood before the snow comes?
Before it comes?
SARAH: Open your
eyes, Paul, it's here now.
All right!
Snow? You mean what
made the dinosaurs vanish?
[SHIVERING] I don't like this.
STEGO: This is too cold.
SARAH: Wow! Super! Great!
BRONTO: It's hard to move.
I can't stay up here.
Come on, guys, it's just snow.
Not to us.
Maybe it's time we
went home to Reptilon.
Oh, come on.
ENKILO: Tyranno alert!
[SNORTS] The sky is falling!
The sky is falling!
I'm turnin' all white and cold.
What is this horrible stuff?
Calm down. It's apparently some
bizarre Earth weather phenomenon.
It's making me feel
so tired and slow.
This is what wiped out our dinosaur
cousins on this planet, isn't it, Rex?
Them maybe, but it won't
wipe out the Tyrannos.
We'll seize the power source of
the automated hydroelectric plant
on Ski Lift Mountain.
We can use it to keep the tar
pits warm till this freeze is over.
But how do we get
around the Dinosaucers?
Let's find out from
our spy in the sky.
Ghengis Rex calling
the Terrible Dactyl.
Terrible Dactyl
reporting in. I'm on
surveillance right over
the woods near Mohodome.
REX: And?
They're running around like
Throbian mammoths without heads.
There's a blind
panic down there.
Excellent. Then now's
the time for us to strike!
But I can't stay airborne, Rex. These
white flakes are forcing me down.
You won't be able to
fly the ships in it either.
No problem. Just meet
us at the base of Ski
Lift Mountain and
we'll all proceed on foot.
PAUL: Snap out of it, you
guys. Snow can be lots of fun.
Oh, yeah? Then how come I'm
turning twice as blue as usual?
Stego, you'll keep
warmer if you move around.
Stego? Stego?
Don't bother, Sarah.
He can't move or talk.
What happened to him?
It's the water. Gets into his
armor plating. He freezes up.
Wow! What do you call that?
I should have known.
This is crazy. You've got to teach
them not to be afraid of the cold.
Yeah, but first we need to
make them some winter clothes.
Great idea! Then they'll be ready
to have real fun playing in the snow.
There. Now is everyone
ready to have fun?
Fun? I can't even move.
Oh, as soon as we get you over to
Ski Lift Mountain, you'll move all right.
On these skis,
everyone moves fast.
You're just gonna love skiing.
Sure you understand, Dimetro? You jump
on the sled and slide down on your belly.
Hey, who do you think you're dealing
with? I'm an interplanetary space pilot.
You think I can't
steer a sled? Sheesh!
Okay then, follow me.
This'll be a piece of cake.
Whoa! Oh!
Oh, nice ride!
Couldn't you have left the deck
of that house in one piece though?
- I planned it that way.
- Sure you did.
Wonder how Bronto Thunder
and Stego are doing on the ice.
They're Dinosaucers. I'm sure they're
doing as well as I did on your sled.
I can see standing
in water, but not on it.
Trust me.
This won't work, I
know it. I'm too heavy.
I'm gonna sink as soon
as I step out on this lake.
Bronto Thunder, this ice is really thick.
Just distribute your weight when you skate.
Well, here goes nothing.
STEGO: Nothing is right!
Easy for you to say, show-off.
Whoa! [GRUNTS]
Face it, some of us have
it and some of us don't.
Nice going, you show-off.
It was great, Stego.
Hey, cut it out and
give me a claw, you two.
Okay. Come on, Bronto
Thunder, let's go help Stego out.
Hey! You're doing
it! You're skating!
I'm doing it!
This is really fun.
If you think this is fun, wait till
we show you all about snowballs.
Snowballs? What are snowballs?
[LAUGHS] That's a snowball.
- Paul, watch out!
- What?
Is this one, too?
- Yeah.
- Icki, pick on someone your own size.
Like me.
Oh, no. There's no
stopping them now.
Okay. That's the tree that
broke the camasaur's back.
Whoa! Oh, no. Bronto Thunder!
Everybody's throwing
snowballs, huh?
Then maybe I
should throw one, too.
Sheesh! What a dino-sore head.
Somebody get the license
plate number of that ultrasaurus.
We're nearing the hydroelectric
plant on Ski Mountain.
This way, Tyrannos.
ENKILO: Which way?
This snow is so thick, I
can't see the snout
at the end of my nose.
Perhaps Terrible Dactyl
has a better view from above.
Ghengis Rex to Terrible
Dactyl. What is your status?
Is this heavy snow
weighing you down too much?
Uh Yeah.
Well, we can't be too far
from the power plant now.
Brackio, guide your
ship in on remote control,
and have it lower
the all-terrain vehicles.
You got it, bossosaur.
Here come our chompin',
stompin' dynomatics.
BRACKIO: These dynomatics
are not available anywhere on Earth.
They chop, dice, peel, core and
plow through stubborn Dinosaucers.
Mount up, you two.
We've no time to lose.
BOTH: Yes, sir.
Terrible Dactyl requesting
permission to come aboard, sir.
Okay, gentlemen,
start your engines.
Now we seize the power plant. And
if any Dinosaucers get in our way
So much the better!
Okay, Icki, let's see if you
can do any better than Dimetro.
I can't see where we're
going in all this snow.
Just follow me. Let's go.
This even beats lava surfing
back home on Reptilon.
Just watch out you don't run
into any giant dinosaur fangs!
It's the Tyrannos!
Ghengis Rex.
What are you doing up here?
We're taking over the
hydroelectric power plant.
But that information
will do you no good,
because one shot from my fossilizer
will turn you two into stone fossils.
Can't move
So long, cretins.
Oh, no! How horrible.
I've gotta get word to the others
before the Tyrannos reach them.
It's Paul and Icki's only chance.
If the snow doesn't stop me first.
Do you hear that?
What is that noise?
Sounds like some big
trucks headed this way.
No. Not trucks. Tyrannos!
Teryx, are you all right?
[PANTING] Ghengis Rex and his
gang Coming to seize the power plant.
Paul and Icki are fossilized.
Oh, no! What'll we do?
Of all times for Alo and
Ryan to be visiting Reptilon.
STEGO: And we have
no weapons with us.
Dimetro, you head
for the power plant.
If the Tyrannos damage it, you're
the only one who'll be able to repair it.
I'm on my way.
The rest of you listen
up. Here's what we'll do.
There are the Dinosaucers
now! Mow them down!
Look how scared they are. [SNORTS]
They've turned white with fear!
That's not fear. That's snow!
It's a trick!
I won't be laughed at by mammals
and Dinosaucers with feathers!
Brackio, crack open that power plant
so we can get the power source out!
Okay, bossosaurus.
Any idea why he
wants the power plant?
Sure. You know those
brachiosauruses. Plants are all they eat.
Dimetro to Sarah.
Come in, please.
What's up, Dimetro?
Brackio's trying to crack open
the shell of the power plant
and it's causing the
generator to malfunction.
Oh, no! Is there anyone there?
No. No one's here, but Ahhh!
This place could
explode at any moment.
Can you fix it if
we stop Brackio?
Yes. I have everything I need in
my reptobag. Everything but time.
We'll buy you more
time, Dimetro. Sarah out.
You ready for some
one-on-one with Brackio?
I've been waiting a long time to deal
with him without all his buddies present.
Well then, let's see how much you
learned from your ice skating lesson.
Go to it, big guy.
Stop it!
Stay away, Bronto Thunder!
No way, Brackio.
Then I'm gonna make you so dino-sore
you won't be able to move for a week.
As the mammals say,
"I'm rubber, you're glue,"
"whatever you say bounces
off me and sticks on you."
Ahhh, Earth hexes won't
help you. Here I come!
What's goin' on? I
can't move the right way.
That's strange. I have
no trouble moving.
Having a little trouble
there, klutzotops?
What do you call this
slippery Earth stuff?
I call it brachiosaurus on ice!
Rex! Bronto Thunder defeated Brackio.
Now what do we do? [SNORTING]
I fossilize him, of course
And then, all the others!
Not while Bonehead still
has a bone to pick with you.
You can't stop me from fossilizing
your comrades, you bonehead!
They can't stop you, Rexie,
but these Earth skis sure can!
That would be true, if I wasn't
the best sharp shooter on Reptilon.
Secret scout ring, power up!
Oh, no, you don't.
Ahhh! What is that
horrible weapon? [SNORTS]
[LAUGHS] It's called an icicle.
Something you'll never
find back on Reptilon.
You Tyrannos are through.
My word, Ghengis Rex
and the others are in trouble.
I must streak down
and save the day.
TERYX: Don't bet
on it, leatherneck.
What have you done? I can't see!
We're far from through,
you silly mammal.
You fail to account for the
power of Terrible Dactyl.
The power of Terrible
Dactyl? Uh-huh.
Oh, shut up, you mammal!
Dimetro, is everything
okay at the power plant?
I had just enough time. I repaired the
generator and the power plant is safe.
And Stego is getting poor
Brackio out of the lake.
But what about Paul and Icki?
They're still petrified fossils.
Hmm, that should be no problem if I reverse
the polarity on Rex's fossilizer here.
Here's our two solid citizens. Think you
can make them normal again, Dimetro?
There. That ought
to do the trick.
SARAH: They're back to normal.
We're back! You did it, Dimetro.
Man, I never want to play
that version of freeze tag again.
As for you Tyrannos, it's
off to jail in the Lava Dome
until Alo returns and
decides what to do with you.
Ha! At least we've now
experienced Earth's strangest weather
and won't be caught
by any more surprises.
Hey! Ouch! Ouch!
What is this stuff?
It's some new
menace from the skies!
This crazy planet is bombarding
us with some sort of ice rocks.
[LAUGHING] We call it hail.
Ooh, that hurts.
Whose side is this planet on?
Mine maybe. It's tickling me.
Let's get out of here!
No more surprises, huh?
REX: Oh, shut up
and keep running.
If you guys think winter here is
neat, wait until you see summer.
Have another snowball, Paul.