Dinosaucers (1987) s01e13 Episode Script

Trick or Cheat!

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day, we met some
new friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts.
Allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, Bossasaur.
Well, follow them.
Ta-da! Ladies and
gentlemen and others.
And Dinosaucers.
That comes under "others."
Welcome to the first annual Secret Scouts
exhibition of the prestidigitory art.
Ah, what's a prestididly
What he said?
It's magic.
And we're gonna
show you how it's done.
My beautiful assistant and I.
Hm. My assistant and I.
Gee, thanks, Paul.
PAUL: Don't mess me
up, man. I'm on a roll.
My assistant and I will
demonstrate to you various
he do that? That was neat.
STEGO: Where did that come from?
Tricks of a kind not known
on the planet Reptillon.
Tricks that are a mystery,
even to some earthlings.
But not to us.
Yah! Yah!
Wasn't this a great idea?
Yeah. I never would have suspected
they didn't know about magic.
SARA: And in this old
abandoned amusement park,
we don't have to worry
about people seeing them.
DAVID: I just wish the place wasn't
practically on top of Tar Pits Two.
SARA: Don't sweat it. Dimetro said all the
Tyrannos are back on Reptillon right now.
We're okay for tonight.
DAVID: Yeah, I guess.
You ready to go on?
SARA: All set. Get out there
and do your thing with the scarves.
Quack, quack, quack.
Dinosaucers and Secret Scouts
in the abandoned amusement park.
Quack. I'm glad I didn't go back to
Reptillon with the other Tyrannos.
Quack. Now's my chance to have
some fun. Quack, quack, quack.
Nothing up my sleeve,
ladies and gentlesaurs.
But when I say the
magic word, Dinokazam!
Yah! Wow! Yah! Yah!
Yah! Way to go!
Quack, quack. Those Secret
Scouts and Dinosaucers,
are gonna find out that I'm a match
for all of them. Quack, quack, quack.
How did they do that?
Even we don't have
matter transformation yet.
And now for the
highlight of the show
Making Sara disappear.
You've been trying to do that
for years. It hasn't worked yet.
This time for sure.
Dream on, short stuff.
As you see, the sides are solid.
In you go, Sara.
I'm not sure why I'm
taking this so calmly.
What happens now?
- Huh?
- Huh?
She vanished!
Where did she
go? Is she all right?
I knew it would work eventually.
Nice goin', my man.
But where's Sara?
- Boo!
- Yaw!
Are you okay? I was scared.
I didn't want you to vanish.
I'm okay, Bonehead.
I didn't go far.
Quack, quack, quack.
They don't suspect a thing.
Which makes capturing
them twice as much fun for me.
How did you teleport
yourself like that?
Earth technology
isn't that advanced.
I didn't teleport anywhere.
It's illusion.
Sleight of hand. Misdirection.
Tricking people.
I showed you that the
sides of this were solid.
But, I didn't say anything
about the bottom.
Sara went out through here.
Then I came around the back of
the room and snuck up behind you.
This is where I had the scarves.
You did have something
up your sleeve.
Yeah, but not the
sleeve I showed you.
They're made of paper. See?
In magic, nothing
is what it seems.
Right. I mean this doesn't
look very magical, does it?
Well, let's see.
RYAN: And so ends
our show for tonight.
DAVID: Let's get
our props packed up.
Dinokazam wala wala.
Open eggamy!
Maybe this magic is something
only mammals are supposed to have.
Maybe. I sure don't have it.
Uh-oh. The spotlight.
Would somebody kill
that spot before we leave?
Thanks, Dave.
Thanks for what?
I said thanks for
turning out the light.
I didn't turn out the light.
Must have been Paul or Sara.
It wasn't Paul or Sara.
Oh, look at that.
Quack. Hurry, hurry,
hurry step right up.
What in the world?
It's a fun house.
Oh boy. I like fun.
I thought this place
was abandoned.
Huh? Bonehead, wait.
Quack. See the fun house.
A million laughs.
Every minute a surprise,
right before your very eyes.
Quack, quack, quack.
We'd better go after him.
He gets lost sometimes.
Where's the floor?
Get us out of here.
It's awful dark in here.
Yeah. Bonehead
couldn't have gone far yet.
What's so fun about a fun house?
RYAN: It's full of tricks
and traps and things.
STEGO: Whoa!
Oh, sorry. Was that
one of the things?
Ah yeah.
We should all be careful.
There are probably more.
You have to be
careful where you step.
I just hope we can
find Bonehead before
Before what, Sara?
STEGO: She's gone!
She's probably just up ahead.
RYAN: I hope so.
I said I hope so.
Oh no.
I don't like this place.
All the Dinosaucers are gone.
And Sara, too.
We've got to find them. Fast.
RYAN: And we've got to
find out who's behind this.
PAUL: Well, now what do we do? All
our Dinosaur buddies have vanished.
RYAN: And my sister.
This has got to be some
kind of Tyranno plot.
PAUL: I thought they were
all gone for the weekend.
So did I, but at least
one of them's here.
But let's worry
about that later.
First we've got
to find the others.
And the one who ran
in here in the first place.
DAVID: Yeah. Bonehead.
Where is everybody?
I hope they're not mad at me.
Maybe that's where
my friends are.
Wow! There are lots
and lots of me here.
And this one of me
needs to drop some weight.
Not that much though.
But this me is really strange.
Hey, wait a minute,
if I look like that
Then who are all
those other dinosaurs!
DAVID: This is awful.
They could be anywhere.
RYAN: Yeah. Well, all
we can do is keep looking.
They have to be
here somewhere
- Ah!
- Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa, look out!
Nice goin', Ryan. I'd
say we found them.
Hey, what can I
say? I'm a genius.
Question is, who's found us?
- Oh.
- Huh?
Oh, I bet a smart little
mammal like you
Ha, ha, can figure
that out. Quack.
It's Quackpot!
Quackpot the Great.
I should've realized it
was you behind all this.
Yeah. This whole
place is just your style.
And it's become
your friend's style, too.
I know I had to trick-or-cheat
a little to get you all here.
But it was worth it.
Ryan! Run!
Get away and bring
the other Dinosaucers!
No way. There are three
of us and only one of him.
Ah ah ah Hey!
What's happenin'?
Ha, ha. My joy buzzer ray will
keep you three out of trouble.
Until the performance
can begin. Ah, ah.
Oh, where's my
beautiful assistant?
We're not interested
in any performance.
Yeah, or your beautiful
assistant, either.
What I want to
know is where's my
She looks hypnotized.
RYAN: He must have used
the joy buzzer ray on her.
Quack. Precisely my
precocious little mammals.
Ah, ah, ah. And now,
with her assistance,
an exhibition of
real magic. Quack.
We've gotta get her away
from that crazy duckbill.
But we can't get loose.
For my first trick,
a little levitation.
beautiful assistant,
will now float
upwards, [LAUGHING]
as light as an
architerick's feather. Wah.
You cheatasaur.
The Secret Scouts showed
us how to do that trick.
There are wires holding Sara up.
Quack. You would never
have figured that out for yourself.
You want real magic? Ha!
I'll give you real magic.
Quack, quack, quack. Watch this!
Oh. Oh, no.
Calm yourselves, mammals
and Dinosaucers. Ha, ha.
Not even a tiger can
defend itself against this!
My magical invisible ink.
Oops. Oh, you just can't keep a
good assistant around these days.
We've gotta get loose somehow.
Gotcha, man. You distract
ol' duck face up there.
Ha. You were lucky
that time, Quackpot.
But no way can you do it twice.
Quack. You think so, mammal?
Ha, ha. Watch this.
Ichy, your pincers are right
by the rope on Stego's tail.
Get him loose and have him throw something
over here that'll break this cage.
Ah, I could have sworn
there was a spare tiger in here.
Secret Scout ring power up.
PAUL: Yo, Quackpot.
Let's get him!
Oh, no you don't. I still have
a few tricks up my sleeve.
Meet my chattering fangs.
And as for you my
little mammal friend
Ah! Oh!
I think you're going to
be all tied up for awhile.
Oh! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Thanks Ryan.
- Don't mention it, my man.
Alright. Look what I found.
Sara Sar Snap out of it.
Wha what's your problem?
The same as yours.
Quackpot. Come on.
Sarah's okay everybody.
Let's get that Quackpot.
- After him.
- Don't let him get away.
RYAN: Follow that duckbill.
DAVID: We're on a big turntable,
and it's not playing our song.
We've got to stop it somehow.
I've got it.
Nice goin', Stegs.
Look. He's getting away.
Be careful. He probably has
a trick or two up his sleeve.
We'll never find him in here.
Maybe not, but maybe he
won't find his way out either.
ha. Those lameasaurs,
and their tame mammals
will never catch up with me.
Ha! There's the way out.
Here he is, everybody.
Ha! Your reflections
can't hurt me.
No, but we can put a
damper on your fun for tonight.
Quack. Get me away
from these crazy mammals.
Ow! Ow!
Our pleasure.
What? Ah!
It doesn't matter that you
caught me, Dinosaucers.
No jail on Earth can hold me.
Well, maybe this will.
- Beautiful.
- Terrific.
- PAUL: Nice goin', Bonehead.
- RYAN: That was great.
STEGO: That's it
for that crazy duckbill.
How'd you do that, Bonehead?
With mirrors, of course.
BABY: Dic.
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