Dinosaucers (1987) s01e14 Episode Script
Defective Defector
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
One, two
What're you
laughin' at, you Ow!
Now where in the
pits did that go?
It's right behind you.
Who put a magnet
on my tail? Quackpot!
[YELLS] Whoa!
That's it! I've had
it with Quackpot.
I'm telling the bossasaur.
When I get my claws on Quackpot.
Let's just leave
him to Genghis Rex.
Don't bother me with complaints
about Quackpot. I'm busy.
But, Rex
We're going on a mission as soon
as Plesio finishes our new weapon,
a ray that will make
humans our slaves.
Come on, Brachio.
Everyone's tired of
Quackpot's practical jokes.
Sometimes I wonder
whose side he's on.
Well, if this
defector ray works,
everyone will be on our side.
Defector ray? Is this the ray
that makes humans our slaves?
Well, no, but just watch.
Now, look at this.
You see, that tabby
cat has defected.
What good is that to us?
Just one zap and our
enemies will be our friends.
I don't want to make
friends with my enemies.
I want to destroy them!
Now I want everyone at a
strategy meeting. Right away.
Except you, Styraco. You
stay here and guard the lab.
What for? No one's
gonna try to get in here.
Maybe not, but there are
some valuable things in here,
like our new fossilizer cannon.
I wish the Dinosaucers would try to
Keep your eyes on it!
What a weird thing.
What the
I've got to activate
the fossilizer cannon.
The fossilizer didn't stop them!
It's Dinosaucers, everybody.
We've got to get ready!
- Whoa!
- Get up, you crazy duckbill.
I feel kind of weird.
Quackpot! What's going on here?
Enough of these stupid pranks.
I think I'll go lie down, Rex.
I feel strange.
You are strange.
Come on, we've got a meeting.
Our next target will be the
Aerodyne plant in California.
They've built a new
ion drive engine.
With it, humans could propel
spaceships to other star systems.
But we'll take it, modify
it and use it ourselves!
Quack. How can you even think
about doing such a dishonest thing?
Because I'm a Tyranno!
Well, I'm not. Quack. I
won't have any part of this.
Quackpot, I warned
you about your jokes.
To arms, everyone. The
Dinosaucers are here.
No, they aren't.
Quackpot tricked you.
What did you do
with my defector ray?
Uh, I dropped it
next to Quackpot.
The defector ray
must have hit him.
That's why he was
acting so strange.
He's defecting.
Running out on us.
The ray reversed his loyalties.
[ON RADIO] This is Quackpot calling
the Dinosaucers. Come in. Quack.
Hmm, no answer.
How am I going to
get in touch with them?
Wait a second.
I'm picking up signals from
Dinosaucers equipment down there.
There must be Secret Scouts
living in that town. Quack!
I'll get it.
Allo, this is Ryan. We've got
a Tyranno on our doorstep.
Ryan, I thought you
were gonna get the door.
Sara, could you come here a sec?
It's real simple, Ryan. You
turn the knob and open the door.
Wait, wait. I'm not with
the Tyrannos anymore.
- Allo.
- Allo!
ALLO: Understood.
Be right there.
Maybe we're seeing things.
Oh! Or maybe not seeing things.
Quack. Don't be scared.
I'm on your side now.
See? No weapon.
-Think he's telling the truth?
-I doubt it. His mouth is moving.
Oh! I am telling the truth.
You've got to put me in
touch with the Dinosaucers.
It's urgent.
All right, Quackpot,
don't twitch a spine.
Quack. Allo!
Oh, it's good to see you.
Oh, really?
Let's go out back before
Mom and Dad see you.
I don't think they're ready for
dinosaurs hugging in the front yard.
I've decided we can use
this defector ray after all.
If we use this ray on the
guards, they won't even fight.
They'll give us the ion engine.
Then what are we waitin' for?
Let's go!
And so the defector ray
made me want to be good
instead of bad.
That's why I'm warning you about
the theft of the ion drive. Quack.
Well, I'd like to believe you, but
you do have a reputation for pranks.
I can check his story.
You coming, Quackpot?
Huh? Oh, yeah,
yeah. Just a minute.
He's right. UFOs are
heading straight for Aerodyne.
All right, strap yourselves in.
Calling all Dinosaucers. We have a
Tyranno attack at the Aerodyne plant.
Oh, way to go, big guy.
I'll be along shortly.
Major Clifton, look. UFOs.
Stop them!
Ankylo, stop. I'll handle them
with a dose of the defector ray.
Wait a minute. What are we
doing? Hold your fire. They're friends.
As president of Aerodyne, I welcome
you to Earth. What can I do for you?
Well, we want your
ion drive engine.
Well, why not? Men,
disassemble that engine.
DIMETRO: What is
going on down there?
Look out! Dinosaucers!
ALLO: The Tyrannos
have the ion drive.
Keep them on the ground,
but don't hurt the humans.
We can't let them harm our
friends. Major, do something.
Open fire on the intruders.
DIMETRO: Why are
they shooting at us?
ALLO: They must have been
exposed to the defector ray.
They think we're their enemies.
So long, chumps.
We don't want to hurt the
humans. We have no choice.
We have to get out of
here before they hurt us.
With that defector ray the
Tyrannos are unstoppable.
We have to get it.
Those Tyrannos fight dirty, turning
the people we want to help against us.
Quack. Well, you've
still got me on your side.
I'll help you take your
mind off your troubles. See.
I set up a moving target so you
can practice with your freeze ray.
Thanks, Quackpot.
Maybe I had you all wrong.
PAUL: Look out. It's a mirror.
That was a dirty trick.
Quackpot, you're starting
to wear out your welcome.
All right, where's Quackpot?
What's wrong, Dimetro?
He must have reversed the polarity
on my reptool belt. Look at this.
It's time we had a talk.
This is Allo. Everyone come to
the control room. On the double.
I guess you're all wondering
why I asked you here.
On second thought,
I guess you all know.
Quack. Uh, look. I'm
just trying to fit in here.
Maybe get a few laughs.
Do you see anyone laughing?
you mean besides me?
You want to fit in then
help us get that defector ray.
Uh, I'd love to help, but
they have a fossilizer cannon.
We can't get near Tarpits Two.
Maybe not from above,
but what if we tunneled in from
below in Bronto Thunder's ship?
Good. We'll take along Dimetro,
Bronto Thunder, Tricero, Ryan and Paul.
Quack! Wait. Uh, let me come
along. I know every inch of the place.
Only if you stop the pranks.
Uh, what about me, Allo?
Uh, no offense, Bonehead, but you're
the last dinosaur I want on this mission.
Yes, sir.
Ah! Hold it! Hold it here.
Any closer to the entry and we'll
get caught in the fossilizer beam.
ALLO: All right, get ready
to follow Bronto Thunder.
Quack. We're there.
We're tunneling into a sub-basement
that the Tyrannos never use.
Quack. Here we are.
Bonehead, I thought I
told you to stay behind.
No. You said I was the last
dinosaur you wanted on the mission.
So I got on board
after everyone else did.
[SIGHS] Okay.
You better stay here
and guard the ship.
And be careful not
to trip any alarms.
"Be careful not to trip any
alarms." That's what Allo says.
I gotta be careful.
Dinosaucers in the basement!
Wait a minute. I'm not
falling for that gag twice.
Quack. Better let
me lead the way.
The place is full of booby traps,
but I know where they all are.
TRICERO: Somehow that
doesn't make me feel one bit better.
This is the safe route.
I'll try my own route, thanks.
It's quicksand. I'm stuck.
- I'll get some rope.
- No time. We have to make a human chain.
You mean a reptilian chain.
Bronto Thunder, you be the anchor.
Hurry up, guys.
Quack. Pull!
Quackpot, you saved me?
I will never live this down.
Ryan, look at the
size of this plant!
What kind of plant food
are they giving this thing?
- Allo! Help!
- PAUL: Let me out of here!
That man-eating plant has Paul.
Actually, it's a
reptile-eating plant.
Lucky for me it doesn't
like the taste of people.
Uh, let's get out of here.
Oh, nuts.
All right, hold it right there. Bronto
Thunder, get the defector ray.
You won't take us, Allo.
They got away, but they'll
be back with reinforcements.
Let's go.
Uh-oh. Oh, uh, Allo.
I have bad news.
What now?
The defector ray
is only temporary.
It wears off.
And my dose will wear
off in about one minute.
Then I'll be your
enemy again. Quack.
Well, then show us
the way back, fast!
They have the ray! After them!
We made it!
I made it, too. I didn't
trip over any alarms.
Thanks, Quackpot.
Aw, thanks, guys. I
enjoyed being a Dinosaucer.
I wonder if I'll miss you
when the ray wears off.
Well, we'll miss you.
[LAUGHS] Too bad, 'cause the
ray just wore off and I won't miss you.
So, Quackpot, you've
come to your senses. Good.
And now, Bronto Thunder,
I'll take that defector ray.
All right. Here.
Quack. Hey! I feel like
a Dinosaucer again.
Well, why not?
So do I. We all do.
Well, in that case, will you give us
back the ion drive engine that you stole?
Well, of course. We'll even
load it on your ship for you.
- Now, what else can we do?
- Oh, we'll take it from here.
I mean for you. Say, we
could destroy Tarpits Two.
It'd save you a lot of trouble.
Well No, I can't let you
destroy your own home.
But thanks, anyway.
Hey, what are friends for?
Let's destroy the fossilizer cannon.
That's a danger to our fiends.
Great idea.
That's it! Wreck it. We don't ever want it
to hurt our good fiends, the Dinosaucers.
Wait a second.
What do we mean, "good
friends?" They're our enemies!
What on Reptilon did we do?
All right! We're going to
rebuild this fossilizer cannon
till it's more
deadly than before!
Get to work!
Quack. What do
you want me to do?
My dear Quackpot,
you must be exhausted.
You can lie down here and rest.
I had Plesio build
this just for you.
Wh Why thank you. Quack.
Oh, you're so welcome.
And this time, we
get the last laugh.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
One, two
What're you
laughin' at, you Ow!
Now where in the
pits did that go?
It's right behind you.
Who put a magnet
on my tail? Quackpot!
[YELLS] Whoa!
That's it! I've had
it with Quackpot.
I'm telling the bossasaur.
When I get my claws on Quackpot.
Let's just leave
him to Genghis Rex.
Don't bother me with complaints
about Quackpot. I'm busy.
But, Rex
We're going on a mission as soon
as Plesio finishes our new weapon,
a ray that will make
humans our slaves.
Come on, Brachio.
Everyone's tired of
Quackpot's practical jokes.
Sometimes I wonder
whose side he's on.
Well, if this
defector ray works,
everyone will be on our side.
Defector ray? Is this the ray
that makes humans our slaves?
Well, no, but just watch.
Now, look at this.
You see, that tabby
cat has defected.
What good is that to us?
Just one zap and our
enemies will be our friends.
I don't want to make
friends with my enemies.
I want to destroy them!
Now I want everyone at a
strategy meeting. Right away.
Except you, Styraco. You
stay here and guard the lab.
What for? No one's
gonna try to get in here.
Maybe not, but there are
some valuable things in here,
like our new fossilizer cannon.
I wish the Dinosaucers would try to
Keep your eyes on it!
What a weird thing.
What the
I've got to activate
the fossilizer cannon.
The fossilizer didn't stop them!
It's Dinosaucers, everybody.
We've got to get ready!
- Whoa!
- Get up, you crazy duckbill.
I feel kind of weird.
Quackpot! What's going on here?
Enough of these stupid pranks.
I think I'll go lie down, Rex.
I feel strange.
You are strange.
Come on, we've got a meeting.
Our next target will be the
Aerodyne plant in California.
They've built a new
ion drive engine.
With it, humans could propel
spaceships to other star systems.
But we'll take it, modify
it and use it ourselves!
Quack. How can you even think
about doing such a dishonest thing?
Because I'm a Tyranno!
Well, I'm not. Quack. I
won't have any part of this.
Quackpot, I warned
you about your jokes.
To arms, everyone. The
Dinosaucers are here.
No, they aren't.
Quackpot tricked you.
What did you do
with my defector ray?
Uh, I dropped it
next to Quackpot.
The defector ray
must have hit him.
That's why he was
acting so strange.
He's defecting.
Running out on us.
The ray reversed his loyalties.
[ON RADIO] This is Quackpot calling
the Dinosaucers. Come in. Quack.
Hmm, no answer.
How am I going to
get in touch with them?
Wait a second.
I'm picking up signals from
Dinosaucers equipment down there.
There must be Secret Scouts
living in that town. Quack!
I'll get it.
Allo, this is Ryan. We've got
a Tyranno on our doorstep.
Ryan, I thought you
were gonna get the door.
Sara, could you come here a sec?
It's real simple, Ryan. You
turn the knob and open the door.
Wait, wait. I'm not with
the Tyrannos anymore.
- Allo.
- Allo!
ALLO: Understood.
Be right there.
Maybe we're seeing things.
Oh! Or maybe not seeing things.
Quack. Don't be scared.
I'm on your side now.
See? No weapon.
-Think he's telling the truth?
-I doubt it. His mouth is moving.
Oh! I am telling the truth.
You've got to put me in
touch with the Dinosaucers.
It's urgent.
All right, Quackpot,
don't twitch a spine.
Quack. Allo!
Oh, it's good to see you.
Oh, really?
Let's go out back before
Mom and Dad see you.
I don't think they're ready for
dinosaurs hugging in the front yard.
I've decided we can use
this defector ray after all.
If we use this ray on the
guards, they won't even fight.
They'll give us the ion engine.
Then what are we waitin' for?
Let's go!
And so the defector ray
made me want to be good
instead of bad.
That's why I'm warning you about
the theft of the ion drive. Quack.
Well, I'd like to believe you, but
you do have a reputation for pranks.
I can check his story.
You coming, Quackpot?
Huh? Oh, yeah,
yeah. Just a minute.
He's right. UFOs are
heading straight for Aerodyne.
All right, strap yourselves in.
Calling all Dinosaucers. We have a
Tyranno attack at the Aerodyne plant.
Oh, way to go, big guy.
I'll be along shortly.
Major Clifton, look. UFOs.
Stop them!
Ankylo, stop. I'll handle them
with a dose of the defector ray.
Wait a minute. What are we
doing? Hold your fire. They're friends.
As president of Aerodyne, I welcome
you to Earth. What can I do for you?
Well, we want your
ion drive engine.
Well, why not? Men,
disassemble that engine.
DIMETRO: What is
going on down there?
Look out! Dinosaucers!
ALLO: The Tyrannos
have the ion drive.
Keep them on the ground,
but don't hurt the humans.
We can't let them harm our
friends. Major, do something.
Open fire on the intruders.
DIMETRO: Why are
they shooting at us?
ALLO: They must have been
exposed to the defector ray.
They think we're their enemies.
So long, chumps.
We don't want to hurt the
humans. We have no choice.
We have to get out of
here before they hurt us.
With that defector ray the
Tyrannos are unstoppable.
We have to get it.
Those Tyrannos fight dirty, turning
the people we want to help against us.
Quack. Well, you've
still got me on your side.
I'll help you take your
mind off your troubles. See.
I set up a moving target so you
can practice with your freeze ray.
Thanks, Quackpot.
Maybe I had you all wrong.
PAUL: Look out. It's a mirror.
That was a dirty trick.
Quackpot, you're starting
to wear out your welcome.
All right, where's Quackpot?
What's wrong, Dimetro?
He must have reversed the polarity
on my reptool belt. Look at this.
It's time we had a talk.
This is Allo. Everyone come to
the control room. On the double.
I guess you're all wondering
why I asked you here.
On second thought,
I guess you all know.
Quack. Uh, look. I'm
just trying to fit in here.
Maybe get a few laughs.
Do you see anyone laughing?
you mean besides me?
You want to fit in then
help us get that defector ray.
Uh, I'd love to help, but
they have a fossilizer cannon.
We can't get near Tarpits Two.
Maybe not from above,
but what if we tunneled in from
below in Bronto Thunder's ship?
Good. We'll take along Dimetro,
Bronto Thunder, Tricero, Ryan and Paul.
Quack! Wait. Uh, let me come
along. I know every inch of the place.
Only if you stop the pranks.
Uh, what about me, Allo?
Uh, no offense, Bonehead, but you're
the last dinosaur I want on this mission.
Yes, sir.
Ah! Hold it! Hold it here.
Any closer to the entry and we'll
get caught in the fossilizer beam.
ALLO: All right, get ready
to follow Bronto Thunder.
Quack. We're there.
We're tunneling into a sub-basement
that the Tyrannos never use.
Quack. Here we are.
Bonehead, I thought I
told you to stay behind.
No. You said I was the last
dinosaur you wanted on the mission.
So I got on board
after everyone else did.
[SIGHS] Okay.
You better stay here
and guard the ship.
And be careful not
to trip any alarms.
"Be careful not to trip any
alarms." That's what Allo says.
I gotta be careful.
Dinosaucers in the basement!
Wait a minute. I'm not
falling for that gag twice.
Quack. Better let
me lead the way.
The place is full of booby traps,
but I know where they all are.
TRICERO: Somehow that
doesn't make me feel one bit better.
This is the safe route.
I'll try my own route, thanks.
It's quicksand. I'm stuck.
- I'll get some rope.
- No time. We have to make a human chain.
You mean a reptilian chain.
Bronto Thunder, you be the anchor.
Hurry up, guys.
Quack. Pull!
Quackpot, you saved me?
I will never live this down.
Ryan, look at the
size of this plant!
What kind of plant food
are they giving this thing?
- Allo! Help!
- PAUL: Let me out of here!
That man-eating plant has Paul.
Actually, it's a
reptile-eating plant.
Lucky for me it doesn't
like the taste of people.
Uh, let's get out of here.
Oh, nuts.
All right, hold it right there. Bronto
Thunder, get the defector ray.
You won't take us, Allo.
They got away, but they'll
be back with reinforcements.
Let's go.
Uh-oh. Oh, uh, Allo.
I have bad news.
What now?
The defector ray
is only temporary.
It wears off.
And my dose will wear
off in about one minute.
Then I'll be your
enemy again. Quack.
Well, then show us
the way back, fast!
They have the ray! After them!
We made it!
I made it, too. I didn't
trip over any alarms.
Thanks, Quackpot.
Aw, thanks, guys. I
enjoyed being a Dinosaucer.
I wonder if I'll miss you
when the ray wears off.
Well, we'll miss you.
[LAUGHS] Too bad, 'cause the
ray just wore off and I won't miss you.
So, Quackpot, you've
come to your senses. Good.
And now, Bronto Thunder,
I'll take that defector ray.
All right. Here.
Quack. Hey! I feel like
a Dinosaucer again.
Well, why not?
So do I. We all do.
Well, in that case, will you give us
back the ion drive engine that you stole?
Well, of course. We'll even
load it on your ship for you.
- Now, what else can we do?
- Oh, we'll take it from here.
I mean for you. Say, we
could destroy Tarpits Two.
It'd save you a lot of trouble.
Well No, I can't let you
destroy your own home.
But thanks, anyway.
Hey, what are friends for?
Let's destroy the fossilizer cannon.
That's a danger to our fiends.
Great idea.
That's it! Wreck it. We don't ever want it
to hurt our good fiends, the Dinosaucers.
Wait a second.
What do we mean, "good
friends?" They're our enemies!
What on Reptilon did we do?
All right! We're going to
rebuild this fossilizer cannon
till it's more
deadly than before!
Get to work!
Quack. What do
you want me to do?
My dear Quackpot,
you must be exhausted.
You can lie down here and rest.
I had Plesio build
this just for you.
Wh Why thank you. Quack.
Oh, you're so welcome.
And this time, we
get the last laugh.