Dinosaucers (1987) s01e15 Episode Script

For the Love of Teryx

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
Gee, Teryx, if I
had your color hair
I mean, feathers, I'd bet
Jeffrey would notice me.
If you had my color feathers,
the whole world would notice you.
Well, Jeffrey Osher
doesn't even know I'm alive.
[SIGHS] Boys! Sometimes
they make me so mad.
You said it, Sara.
Teryx, have you
ever been in love?
Well, love is different
among my kind,
but I do hold a special place
in my heart for someone.
Oh, tell me!
All right, but you
mustn't tell anyone.
Secret Scout's honor.
Okay. It's Ichy.
Ichy? Well, that's great.
Why don't you tell him?
Unfortunately, Ichy's far too busy
to be bothered with such nonsense.
And besides, it
would never work.
Well, why not?
Because I'm an airborne dinosaucer
and Ichy is a waterborne one.
We're just too different
for it to ever last.
Mmm, we don't need this anymore.
And this doesn't work.
One of those trashy novels, huh?
Quiet, you imbecilasaurus!
That book just revealed a truth
I would have rather not read.
What did it say? [GASPS]
That I, Genghis Rex,
am the first ruler of the
Tyrannos in thousands of years
who does not have a
mate ruling by his side.
Forget the lady, Rex.
You remember what she
told you back on Reptilon.
She made it perfectly
clear where her heart lies.
With Ichy and the Dinosaucers.
Yuck! Ichy. [RETCHES] Ew!
- That's right!
But this is not Reptilon!
Your feathers look nice, Teryx.
Thanks, Ichy.
I didn't think you'd notice.
- What is it?
- ICHY: It's from the Tyrannos.
What could they want?
Genghis Rex! What do you want?
Listen and listen well.
I request the presence of Teryx,
and Teryx only,
at 0100 hours at
these co-ordinates.
If Genghis Rex thinks
you're gonna meet him,
he's crazier than I thought.
Ichy, I have to go.
I forbid it, Teryx.
This could be
one of Rex's traps.
I must go, Ichy.
I have to settle the score with
Genghis Rex once and for all.
Females! They're always late.
Hello, Genghis Rex.
Teryx, I've missed you.
What do you want, Rex?
Why this sudden
urgency for a meeting?
Um, well, this was
worn by my mother
when she ruled
by my father's side.
And now I want you to
wear it and rule by mine.
I told you once before, Rex.
I could never be with you.
My heart is given to another.
Forget me, Genghis
Rex, once and for all.
You will be mine, Teryx!
I promise you
that! I promise you!
[ECHOING] Promise you.
I must have her.
There must be a way.
I got it!
What is it, Genghis Rex?
Lezio, it's time to resume your
experiment on mind control.
If I cannot have her
heart, I will have her soul!
Teryx will learn to love me.
She just dumped you for a
second time, bossasaurus.
[SNORTS] How will you
get her to come to you?
That's where you come in.
All I need is a little
bargaining power.
Now go.
And bring me back that miserable
mammal with the long golden locks.
Wait till Teryx hears that Jeffrey
finally asked me out on a date.
Oh, no, my ring is broken!
[SNORTING] Jackpot!
How am I going to control Teryx's
mind with those puny bands?
Ah, don't worry, Genghis.
When you wear this
mind-changer band,
whoever wears the other one will
automatically fall in love with you.
Look who I have,
o great oneasaurus.
Now imprison her in the
holding chamber for safekeeping.
You'll never get away with this.
But we already have.
Now all I have to do is send
Teryx a ransom message
and set up an
exchange for the girl.
Do you think she'll go for it?
If she ever wants to see her
miserable friend again, she will.
I hope there's nothing
wrong with Sara.
I can't get hold of her
and she said she was coming
right over with some important news.
What now, Genghis Rex?
I thought we straightened
that out earlier.
Not quite.
I said I will have
you and I will!
Your claw in matrimony in
exchange for the safe return
of your precious little mammal.
All right, Genghis Rex, you win.
Just don't harm Sara.
My chauffeur will pick you
up at the same spot as earlier.
Leave now and
don't be late, my love.
Oh, no! What are
we gonna do, Teryx?
You can't marry Rex.
I have no choice, Stego.
I can't let them hurt Sara.
STEGO: But, Teryx,
you can't go yet.
At least wait for the others
to come back from patrol.
Allo will know what to do.
There's no time to
wait. I must go now.
What am I gonna do?
This is terrible.
Oh, I wish Allo was here.
Okay, now, Stego.
Get a hold of yourself.
These are your
friends in danger.
Ah, my blushing
bride has arrived.
Okay, Genghis Rex, you've got
what you want, now let Sara go.
You think I'm stupid,
my beloved Teryx?
I'll let the mammal go when
you've become my bride.
You'll never get
away with this, Rex.
I already have!
Imprison her with the
mammal and put these on!
You'll be needing
them. Take her away!
Come, my little henchasaur,
help me prepare
for the ceremony.
Now where could they
be holding Sara and Teryx?
Now don't try anything funny.
I'll be keeping an eye on you.
Teryx, am I glad to see you!
But you shouldn't have come.
Now they're going to
make you marry Rex.
Sara, I had to come.
I couldn't let anything
happen to you.
Oh, Teryx
that up, you idiot!
Sorry about that.
Wake up, you fool!
Rex is ready.
Bring the bride.
You will now rule by my
side, my beautiful bride.
Ah! Yuck!
What is the meaning of this?
This is an outrage.
Does this mean I don't
get to rule by your side?
Don't abandon me, Rex.
Stego, you'll regret this
day for the rest of your life!
Seize him!
Leave him alone.
Don't move or I'll shoot.
Stego, come on.
Turning the door to solid stone
should hold them off for a while.
Now let's get out of here.
Get away from me,
you monstersaurus.
Oh! Oh, Rex!
Hurry, Stego. Get
this thing moving.
But I don't know
how to fly this thing.
Get away!
But, Rexy poo
Hurry up and break
down that door,
you useless imbecilidons!
SARA: Stego, you'd
better get us out of here!
They're coming.
It's too late! They're
gonna get us!
Here goes nothing!
Should we follow them?
Yoo-hoo, Rex. [SNORTING]
Whoa, no!
Lezio, I'll get you for this.
What was that?
It's gotta be a
Tyranno Tracker Beam.
They've got us.
Well, we won't
go without a fight.
Ichy, it's you!
We thought you
were the Tyrannos.
[CHUCKLING] You thought
we were the Tyrannos?
We thought you were.
Are you all right,
Teryx? What happened?
I'm fine now, Ichy.
As for what happened
It's a long story.
ICHY: I wouldn't
mind hearing it.
Well, maybe someday,
but in the meantime,
Rex is going to have other
things to worry about besides us.
on, my little Rexy Wexy.
GENGHIS: Somebody do something!
Somebody get him off my case!
Somebody make him cut it out!
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