Dinosaucers (1987) s01e16 Episode Script
A Man's Best Friend Is His Dogasaurus
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
ALLO: That's the warning alarm.
Someone or something
is coming up the elevator
to the control room level.
Odd. We're not expecting anyone.
No one could get in this far
[STAMMERING] but a Tyranno.
I'm not so sure
it's the Tyrannos,
but get your Fossilizers ready.
Whoever it is will be coming
through that door any second.
Earth monsters are here.
Horrible, ugly Earth monsters.
- Earth monsters?
These are our pets.
This is our cat, Missy.
This is our dog Charlie.
Hey, hey, they like me.
- They're really friendly.
- Told ya.
Don't you Dinosaucers have
pets back on your planet Reptilon?
Oh, indeed we do, Sara.
As we say on Reptilon, a
dinosaur's best friend is his mammal.
And two of ours sneaked a
ride to Earth on our mother ship.
- You mean
- Sure.
The Furballs.
You called?
Grunt is in his usual good mood,
but Ugh, you're
such a sour puss.
Double phooey.
But he's a big help
to us just the same.
Tyrannos are
allergic to the Furballs.
So when these two
get under their scales,
there's non-stop,
giant-size sneezing.
Come on, Fellas, you
remember the Secret Scouts.
They're two of Earth's
most intelligent life forms.
Greetings From Reptilon.
Take me to your
leader, Earth mammal.
Hmm, these creatures
have inferior intelligence
to us Furballs,
yet they rule the planet Earth?
Those are just house pets.
It's the two beings holding
them who are the intelligent ones.
You sure, Tricero?
Could have fooled
BOTH: Yikes.
Missy, come back here.
Charlie, leave them alone.
Cool it.
Klato, verata, nicto, ah-ho.
ALLO: Don't be afraid, Ugh.
His bark is worse than his bite.
It's easy for you to say.
He's not barking at you!
Please don't eat
me. I'm a fur ball.
Well, you'll choke on me.
Well, what do you think
of the Earth dog, Ugh?
Looks like the four of them
are going to have a ball
playing with each other.
Oh, Allo. Come on leave
me alone. Oh, get out.
Suffering sauropods,
how much longer must I wait
before the monster
monitor is completed?
One last click of this reptile
and your monster monitor
is operative, Genghis Rex.
I don't get it, bossasaur,
why do we need a machine
that detects the presence of any
monster on Earth? [GRUNTING]
You mess of a Mesozoic monster.
What did I tell you
I've been planning?
You've been trying to
find us allies on Earth.
Like the Dinosaucers
have the Secret Scouts.
And when we find
an Earth monster,
we get to him before
the Dinosaucers do,
then sign him up
to join the Tyrannos.
Correct, Styraco. Now
turn on the machine.
It's time for the
Tyrannos to triumph!
GRUNT: Stop. Down.
Down, Missy. Nice kitty.
UGH: Enough licking.
Either eat me up or let me go.
Maybe the problem
is that they're hungry.
Well then, let's get
them some food.
Do you two want some lunch?
Okay, now we're in business.
Let's find you some goodies.
This is the
Dinosaucers' kitchen.
We'll see what we
can find you to eat.
Let's see now.
This meat must
be for meat eaters.
This is for plant eaters.
And this says dinosauce.
Must be for everyone else.
Here's a dish,
Grunt. Pour it in.
Ack! Looks horrible.
But I bet it tastes great.
Show them how great
it tastes, Ugh. Try it.
I'm not gonna
try it. You try it.
I'm not gonna try it.
Let's give it to Missy.
She'll probably eat anything.
Hey, she likes it.
So does Charlie. We're saved.
They won't be eating
any Furballs today.
Wonder what's in that dinosauce.
They really seem to enjoy it.
And it gives their
coats a healthy glow.
Ah, I don't think they're
supposed to be glowing like this.
Look. I've heard on TV
about how fast earthlings grow.
Yeah, they call these
the wonder years.
I'm not sure wonderful
is the right word.
Charlie's turned
into a dogasaurus!
And Missy's turned
into a catasaurus.
I think we're in trouble, Ugh.
Big trouble, Grunt.
Turn it off, spikehead.
The monster monitor's
gone off, Genghis Rex.
And where is our first
Earth monster to be found?
Ah, I have good news
and I have bad news, Rex.
Mmm, what's the
good news, Styraco.
The good news is that we've
located two Earth monsters, not one.
And what may I
ask is the bad news?
Ah, they're both located inside
the Dinosaucers' headquarters.
No. I will not be denied.
We'll invade.
Seize those Earth monsters before
the Dinosaucers know what hit them.
Tyrannos, to your ships!
I give up. Where does an
ultrasaurus sleep on Earth?
Anywhere he wants
to. [CHUCKLING] Get it?
Hey, what was that?
I think that was the Furballs.
UGH: Run for your
lives! It's a dogasaurus.
GRUNT: And a catasaurus!
What on Reptilon is a
dogasaurus and a catasaurus?
I've never seen any,
but I bet that's them.
Those are the two ugliest
dinosaurs I've ever seen.
What in the name of the
great egg are those things?
SARA: Why that's
Charlie and Missy.
They've been changed
into real dinosaurs.
- Cool!
- What do you mean cool?
It's neat.
Now I can have my
very own pet dinosaurs.
How do you know
they'll still obey you?
I don't know what made them
change, but they may be dangerous.
Dangerous? Missy and Charlie?
That's silly, Allo.
They're our pets.
Then I suggest
you tell them to stop
before they grind us
up like gizzard stones.
No problem. Missy, Charlie.
Heel. Heel.
Heel, you two. Sit. Stop.
Missy! Charlie! Heel!
Too late. We're finished.
BOTH: Missy! Charlie! Heel!
They're doing it.
They're obeying us.
Well, I must say you humans
certainly control your pets
better than we
control the Furballs.
Hey, watch it, Charlie.
Oh, he's only trying to give
you a friendly lick, Paul. Let him.
Okay. Come here,
Charlie. Give me a kiss.
Atta boy. Whoa.
You humans sure know
how to have a good time.
Tell me about it.
How could this
happen to our pets?
When there's trouble around
here and no sign of Tyrannos,
you can bet the
Furballs aren't far away.
Grunt, Ugh, where are you?
We're right here, Tricero.
Enough, you two. We've got
a couple of giant size problems
here that need to be dealt with.
It's not a problem, Allo.
Missy and Charlie are okay.
Lie down.
Great tricks, kids, but
it'll take a greater trick
than that to turn them back
into a normal dog and cat again.
But I like them this way.
I never had a pet
dinosaur before.
Use your head.
We can't take them home
again till they shrink back down.
I guess you're right,
but how do we do that?
- Grunt?
- Yes, sir?
What turned Missy and
Charlie into dinosaurs?
I cannot tell a lie.
We fed them a can of dinosauce.
Well, I think we can set
all this straight. Wait here.
What's that, Allo?
The wishbone. It has many uses.
But one of the
things it does best
is return artificially changed
things to their proper forms.
Everyone stand back, the
wishbone's very powerful.
Here we go.
What? Styraco?
Excuse me for not knocking,
but I didn't want to
spoil the surprise.
Well, how's this for a surprise?
Nice try, Allo, but no good.
The wishbone.
SARA: Charlie's going after it.
He thinks we're playing fetch.
You and Sara get to your Secret
Scout's vehicles and follow Charlie.
You must get to that
wishbone before the Tyrannos.
We're out of here. But
you be careful, buddy.
I've secured Allo's claws, Rex.
Good. You follow
the two monsters.
Styraco will engage
Tricero. I'll handle the others.
It's Ankylo. He's trying to
beat us to Charlie and Missy.
I've been waiting a
long time for this, Tricero.
It's just you and me now.
I arrested you on Reptilon and
I'll stop you here on Earth, Styraco.
You Tricero-cops
think you're so tough.
Do your worst, you
plundering plant eater.
I'm taking you in.
Out of my way, Stego.
It's Allo I want, not you.
Well, you'll have
to deal with me first.
Put me down!
As you wish. Heads, I win.
Tails, you lose.
And now for the main event.
I don't suppose you'd free my claws
so we can face each other fairly?
I don't suppose I would.
It'd be against
all my principles.
Then may the best dinosaur win.
An Allosaurus never does much
fighting with his claws anyway.
Neither does a Tyrannosaurus.
You can't hold out
much longer, Hornface.
And I don't have to.
Oh! That strange noise!
What are you doing
to me! Turn it off!
Paul, Ankylo's
closing in on Charlie.
I just hope they don't get any
closer to that school up ahead.
Cassie. Samantha.
What could be more interesting outside
than the arithmetic we're doing in here?
We just saw a giant dogasaurus and a
giant catasaurus running on the playground.
And they were being chased
by a dinosaur in a flying saucer.
That's nice, but
pay attention now
so you can go outside and
play with them at recess.
SARA: He's got Charlie.
PAUL: Not if I can help it.
Hey, I'm not pulling
this dogasaurus.
The dogasaurus is pulling me.
Now if this level
squirter works, okay.
Ankylo will be
going on a long trip.
I've got the wishbone back.
Oh, no, Paul look!
Now he's chasing
the Ankylo saucer.
Charlie thinks it's a toy.
Come back here with my
ship, you crazy mammal.
Oh, what else could
possibly go wrong today?
Not that.
Whoa, nice kitty.
Easy girl. Help.
GRUNT: It doesn't seem fair.
Genghis Rex is making
Allo fight with his claws tied.
You're right for once, Grunt.
Well, why don't we drop in
and even up the sides a little.
Ah, come on. It'll
be lots of laughs.
Get off me, you Furballs!
I don't think ol'
Rex likes us, Ugh.
Hah! And just because
he's allergic to us, Grunt.
That's no excuse for
the bad manners, Ugh.
Curses! I'll get
you two for this!
The catasaurus.
Careful Dinosaucers.
Someone get the
number of that catasaurus?
Come on. Let me
up. Not like that.
No, let me out of here.
Oh, no you don't.
Charlie, sic him.
I think we Tyrannos
have been licked.
No, no, stop!
I didn't mean that kind of lick.
Stop it. [LAUGHS] Cut it out.
Here. I picked this up
when Charlie dropped it.
Great. Tricero, will
you do me the honor?
Now let's turn Charlie and Missy
back into a normal Earth dog and cat.
Allo, you did it. It worked.
PAUL: Quick, Sara,
we gotta get home.
What's up, Paul?
I just heard on my cycle radio
it's gonna start raining catasauruses
and dogasauruses any minute.
Stay back all of you.
We're going back to Reptilon,
where dinosaurs reign
not where it rains dinosaurs.
Well, you all really saved
the day. No doubt about it.
On Earth, a dinosaur's
best friend is his human.
And a human's
best friend is his dog.
And cat.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
ALLO: That's the warning alarm.
Someone or something
is coming up the elevator
to the control room level.
Odd. We're not expecting anyone.
No one could get in this far
[STAMMERING] but a Tyranno.
I'm not so sure
it's the Tyrannos,
but get your Fossilizers ready.
Whoever it is will be coming
through that door any second.
Earth monsters are here.
Horrible, ugly Earth monsters.
- Earth monsters?
These are our pets.
This is our cat, Missy.
This is our dog Charlie.
Hey, hey, they like me.
- They're really friendly.
- Told ya.
Don't you Dinosaucers have
pets back on your planet Reptilon?
Oh, indeed we do, Sara.
As we say on Reptilon, a
dinosaur's best friend is his mammal.
And two of ours sneaked a
ride to Earth on our mother ship.
- You mean
- Sure.
The Furballs.
You called?
Grunt is in his usual good mood,
but Ugh, you're
such a sour puss.
Double phooey.
But he's a big help
to us just the same.
Tyrannos are
allergic to the Furballs.
So when these two
get under their scales,
there's non-stop,
giant-size sneezing.
Come on, Fellas, you
remember the Secret Scouts.
They're two of Earth's
most intelligent life forms.
Greetings From Reptilon.
Take me to your
leader, Earth mammal.
Hmm, these creatures
have inferior intelligence
to us Furballs,
yet they rule the planet Earth?
Those are just house pets.
It's the two beings holding
them who are the intelligent ones.
You sure, Tricero?
Could have fooled
BOTH: Yikes.
Missy, come back here.
Charlie, leave them alone.
Cool it.
Klato, verata, nicto, ah-ho.
ALLO: Don't be afraid, Ugh.
His bark is worse than his bite.
It's easy for you to say.
He's not barking at you!
Please don't eat
me. I'm a fur ball.
Well, you'll choke on me.
Well, what do you think
of the Earth dog, Ugh?
Looks like the four of them
are going to have a ball
playing with each other.
Oh, Allo. Come on leave
me alone. Oh, get out.
Suffering sauropods,
how much longer must I wait
before the monster
monitor is completed?
One last click of this reptile
and your monster monitor
is operative, Genghis Rex.
I don't get it, bossasaur,
why do we need a machine
that detects the presence of any
monster on Earth? [GRUNTING]
You mess of a Mesozoic monster.
What did I tell you
I've been planning?
You've been trying to
find us allies on Earth.
Like the Dinosaucers
have the Secret Scouts.
And when we find
an Earth monster,
we get to him before
the Dinosaucers do,
then sign him up
to join the Tyrannos.
Correct, Styraco. Now
turn on the machine.
It's time for the
Tyrannos to triumph!
GRUNT: Stop. Down.
Down, Missy. Nice kitty.
UGH: Enough licking.
Either eat me up or let me go.
Maybe the problem
is that they're hungry.
Well then, let's get
them some food.
Do you two want some lunch?
Okay, now we're in business.
Let's find you some goodies.
This is the
Dinosaucers' kitchen.
We'll see what we
can find you to eat.
Let's see now.
This meat must
be for meat eaters.
This is for plant eaters.
And this says dinosauce.
Must be for everyone else.
Here's a dish,
Grunt. Pour it in.
Ack! Looks horrible.
But I bet it tastes great.
Show them how great
it tastes, Ugh. Try it.
I'm not gonna
try it. You try it.
I'm not gonna try it.
Let's give it to Missy.
She'll probably eat anything.
Hey, she likes it.
So does Charlie. We're saved.
They won't be eating
any Furballs today.
Wonder what's in that dinosauce.
They really seem to enjoy it.
And it gives their
coats a healthy glow.
Ah, I don't think they're
supposed to be glowing like this.
Look. I've heard on TV
about how fast earthlings grow.
Yeah, they call these
the wonder years.
I'm not sure wonderful
is the right word.
Charlie's turned
into a dogasaurus!
And Missy's turned
into a catasaurus.
I think we're in trouble, Ugh.
Big trouble, Grunt.
Turn it off, spikehead.
The monster monitor's
gone off, Genghis Rex.
And where is our first
Earth monster to be found?
Ah, I have good news
and I have bad news, Rex.
Mmm, what's the
good news, Styraco.
The good news is that we've
located two Earth monsters, not one.
And what may I
ask is the bad news?
Ah, they're both located inside
the Dinosaucers' headquarters.
No. I will not be denied.
We'll invade.
Seize those Earth monsters before
the Dinosaucers know what hit them.
Tyrannos, to your ships!
I give up. Where does an
ultrasaurus sleep on Earth?
Anywhere he wants
to. [CHUCKLING] Get it?
Hey, what was that?
I think that was the Furballs.
UGH: Run for your
lives! It's a dogasaurus.
GRUNT: And a catasaurus!
What on Reptilon is a
dogasaurus and a catasaurus?
I've never seen any,
but I bet that's them.
Those are the two ugliest
dinosaurs I've ever seen.
What in the name of the
great egg are those things?
SARA: Why that's
Charlie and Missy.
They've been changed
into real dinosaurs.
- Cool!
- What do you mean cool?
It's neat.
Now I can have my
very own pet dinosaurs.
How do you know
they'll still obey you?
I don't know what made them
change, but they may be dangerous.
Dangerous? Missy and Charlie?
That's silly, Allo.
They're our pets.
Then I suggest
you tell them to stop
before they grind us
up like gizzard stones.
No problem. Missy, Charlie.
Heel. Heel.
Heel, you two. Sit. Stop.
Missy! Charlie! Heel!
Too late. We're finished.
BOTH: Missy! Charlie! Heel!
They're doing it.
They're obeying us.
Well, I must say you humans
certainly control your pets
better than we
control the Furballs.
Hey, watch it, Charlie.
Oh, he's only trying to give
you a friendly lick, Paul. Let him.
Okay. Come here,
Charlie. Give me a kiss.
Atta boy. Whoa.
You humans sure know
how to have a good time.
Tell me about it.
How could this
happen to our pets?
When there's trouble around
here and no sign of Tyrannos,
you can bet the
Furballs aren't far away.
Grunt, Ugh, where are you?
We're right here, Tricero.
Enough, you two. We've got
a couple of giant size problems
here that need to be dealt with.
It's not a problem, Allo.
Missy and Charlie are okay.
Lie down.
Great tricks, kids, but
it'll take a greater trick
than that to turn them back
into a normal dog and cat again.
But I like them this way.
I never had a pet
dinosaur before.
Use your head.
We can't take them home
again till they shrink back down.
I guess you're right,
but how do we do that?
- Grunt?
- Yes, sir?
What turned Missy and
Charlie into dinosaurs?
I cannot tell a lie.
We fed them a can of dinosauce.
Well, I think we can set
all this straight. Wait here.
What's that, Allo?
The wishbone. It has many uses.
But one of the
things it does best
is return artificially changed
things to their proper forms.
Everyone stand back, the
wishbone's very powerful.
Here we go.
What? Styraco?
Excuse me for not knocking,
but I didn't want to
spoil the surprise.
Well, how's this for a surprise?
Nice try, Allo, but no good.
The wishbone.
SARA: Charlie's going after it.
He thinks we're playing fetch.
You and Sara get to your Secret
Scout's vehicles and follow Charlie.
You must get to that
wishbone before the Tyrannos.
We're out of here. But
you be careful, buddy.
I've secured Allo's claws, Rex.
Good. You follow
the two monsters.
Styraco will engage
Tricero. I'll handle the others.
It's Ankylo. He's trying to
beat us to Charlie and Missy.
I've been waiting a
long time for this, Tricero.
It's just you and me now.
I arrested you on Reptilon and
I'll stop you here on Earth, Styraco.
You Tricero-cops
think you're so tough.
Do your worst, you
plundering plant eater.
I'm taking you in.
Out of my way, Stego.
It's Allo I want, not you.
Well, you'll have
to deal with me first.
Put me down!
As you wish. Heads, I win.
Tails, you lose.
And now for the main event.
I don't suppose you'd free my claws
so we can face each other fairly?
I don't suppose I would.
It'd be against
all my principles.
Then may the best dinosaur win.
An Allosaurus never does much
fighting with his claws anyway.
Neither does a Tyrannosaurus.
You can't hold out
much longer, Hornface.
And I don't have to.
Oh! That strange noise!
What are you doing
to me! Turn it off!
Paul, Ankylo's
closing in on Charlie.
I just hope they don't get any
closer to that school up ahead.
Cassie. Samantha.
What could be more interesting outside
than the arithmetic we're doing in here?
We just saw a giant dogasaurus and a
giant catasaurus running on the playground.
And they were being chased
by a dinosaur in a flying saucer.
That's nice, but
pay attention now
so you can go outside and
play with them at recess.
SARA: He's got Charlie.
PAUL: Not if I can help it.
Hey, I'm not pulling
this dogasaurus.
The dogasaurus is pulling me.
Now if this level
squirter works, okay.
Ankylo will be
going on a long trip.
I've got the wishbone back.
Oh, no, Paul look!
Now he's chasing
the Ankylo saucer.
Charlie thinks it's a toy.
Come back here with my
ship, you crazy mammal.
Oh, what else could
possibly go wrong today?
Not that.
Whoa, nice kitty.
Easy girl. Help.
GRUNT: It doesn't seem fair.
Genghis Rex is making
Allo fight with his claws tied.
You're right for once, Grunt.
Well, why don't we drop in
and even up the sides a little.
Ah, come on. It'll
be lots of laughs.
Get off me, you Furballs!
I don't think ol'
Rex likes us, Ugh.
Hah! And just because
he's allergic to us, Grunt.
That's no excuse for
the bad manners, Ugh.
Curses! I'll get
you two for this!
The catasaurus.
Careful Dinosaucers.
Someone get the
number of that catasaurus?
Come on. Let me
up. Not like that.
No, let me out of here.
Oh, no you don't.
Charlie, sic him.
I think we Tyrannos
have been licked.
No, no, stop!
I didn't mean that kind of lick.
Stop it. [LAUGHS] Cut it out.
Here. I picked this up
when Charlie dropped it.
Great. Tricero, will
you do me the honor?
Now let's turn Charlie and Missy
back into a normal Earth dog and cat.
Allo, you did it. It worked.
PAUL: Quick, Sara,
we gotta get home.
What's up, Paul?
I just heard on my cycle radio
it's gonna start raining catasauruses
and dogasauruses any minute.
Stay back all of you.
We're going back to Reptilon,
where dinosaurs reign
not where it rains dinosaurs.
Well, you all really saved
the day. No doubt about it.
On Earth, a dinosaur's
best friend is his human.
And a human's
best friend is his dog.
And cat.