Dinosaucers (1987) s01e18 Episode Script
Frozen Fur Balls
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
lizards! It's stalled again!
Come on. Let me try this time.
STEGO: Okay, Bonehead
here's the wrench
but what do you think
you're going to do with it?
I'll just make one
small adjustment here.
You really have a fine
touch with machinery.
Thanks, Stego.
STEGO: I don't what
keeps this supply ship flying.
It's so old and decrepit.
Why were we the ones
who had to go back
to Reptilon to get supplies?
Because, bone
brain, we volunteered.
Oh yeah. I thought it
would be fun to go home,
but you know what?
I miss the Earth.
I'll be glad to get back there.
I'll be glad to get anywhere
in this bucket of bolts.
Come in supply ship.
This is Lava Dome.
This is Stego. Are we
glad to hear you, Allo.
You may not be so happy
when you hear why I called.
How long until you get here?
Who knows? In this old thing,
we'll be lucky to get there at all.
Well, you'd better hurry.
The Tyrannos took
off several hours ago
and they may be
headed in your direction.
ALLO: They'll be
after your supplies.
I've already dispatched
Bronto Thunder and Tricero,
but if the Tyrannos get there
first, you'll have to outrun them.
In this old ship?
Well, do your best. We'll
give you all the help we can.
Over and out.
This is gonna spoil all our fun.
What fun? This has been the
most boring trip we ever made
and now we're gonna
be attacked by Tyrannos.
Come on, Stego, don't
be such a grumpasaurus.
Let's have a sing-along.
Why not? Your singing
might keep the Tyrannos away.
A one and a two.
Oh, my darling Oh, my darling
Oh, my darling crustacean
You are small and many legged
But I'll eat you if I can
What on Reptilon was that?
I didn't realize
this ship is so big.
I hope we don't get lost.
Whatever's here must be hiding.
You know, maybe
we better sing again.
Oh, my darling Oh, my darling
Oh, my darling crustacean
You are small and many legged
But I'll eat you if I can
Gosh, I used to love that song.
BOTH: The fur balls!
What are you two doing here?
We wanted to visit some
relatives back on Reptilon.
Come on, Ugh. You know
stowing away is against the rules.
Ah, it's only you two.
That rule seems
very unfair to me.
How are we supposed to get
around if we can't stow away?
It's not like we can just
go get a driver's license.
Okay. We won't
report you this time.
But you should know that
there may be Tyrannos after us.
Calm down. What
is going on here?
We told everyone this
would be a safe trip.
They'll have to go back to
Reptilon. After all, this isn't a tour bus.
Too bad. Tyrannos
don't attack tour buses.
You had to say that, didn't you?
Genghis Rex to Ankylo and
Quackpot. Come in, Tyrannos.
Ankylo reporting,
your geniusasaurus.
REX: [ON RADIO] Get ready.
Quack. Are we gonna quack
up their supply ship now?
REX: Prepare for attack.
Why aren't they running?
They must have seen us by now.
I studied three years
at the academy for this?
At least it's good exercise.
I'm glad you like it. Because
you can finish the job.
I'm going to see how
close we are to Earth.
Quack. What're we waiting for?
I don't want to damage their
supplies and equipment, Quackpot.
I just want to steal it.
Quack, quack. Couldn't we just
damage them a little? [LAUGHING]
That's a good idea,
bossasaurus. [GRUNTING]
If they were damaged they'd
have to land somewhere else,
not Lava Dome.
They don't seem
to know we're here.
Maybe we can make
it look like an accident.
Like a meteor storm, maybe.
Hey, if I'd wanted a fur-lined instrument
panel, I would have asked for one.
- What's this?
- Are we under attack?
Either that, or we're in a
Meteor storm!
[LAUGHING] Hey, look out.
Where Where you goin'?
Get out of here. Stop that!
Will you quit goofing around. First you
want to sing, now you want to dance?
Sorry, Stego, how're we doin'?
The good news is we're
almost in the Earth's atmosphere.
STEGO: The bad news
is we're out of control.
We have them now.
All we have to do is follow
them and see where they land.
ANKYLO: [ON RADIO] I hate to
spoil the moment, your wickedasaurus,
but we have company.
More Dinosaucers.
If we follow the supply
ship, they'll follow us.
[LAUGHING] I'll fry their
instruments with my joy buzzer ray.
should slow them down.
GENGHIS REX: Good idea,
Quackpot. We'll meet at Tar Pits Two.
Then we'll go looking
for the supply ship.
First one to find
it gets a reward.
Oh, a reward would
be ducky. [LAUGHING]
We're being fired at, Tricero.
Let's move.
I can't believe my eyes. They
look like they're running away.
It isn't like Genghis
Rex to run from a fight.
Should we go after them?
No. We better keep looking
for Stego and Bonehead.
They must be in this
quadrant somewhere.
I just hope they're all right.
I thought school
would never be over.
My Secret Scout ring
has been going crazy.
Mine, too. Something
big must have happened.
If you need any more proof
of that just look up there.
Oh, no, it's Major Clifton.
Good. I'm glad I caught you.
You haven't caught
us yet, Major Clifton.
Well, that's true. But you know a lot
more about UFOs than you're lettin' on.
Only what we read
in the newspaper.
It's not in any of
the papers yet.
But one of our trackin'
stations shows that a big UFO
crashed in a remote
part of Alaska.
I'm on my way to investigate.
It was awfully nice of you to come
all this way just to tell us about it.
Nice has nothing to do
with it and you know it.
I have a feeling you know
something about this UFO.
Well, we are studying
Alaskan geography,
so I guess I shouldn't pass
up a chance to visit there.
Me neither. I'll go, too.
Don't you want to go home and
tell your friends about the UFO?
Oh, yeah, and I'll tell Mom and
Dad you won't be home for dinner.
Finding Stego and Bonehead is
gonna be harder than I thought.
Their radio and tracking
signals are both out.
Well, let's hope we find them,
not Major Clifton or the Tyrannos.
Whoever said dinosaurs were
cold-blooded was a fossil head.
How long do you
think we'll be here?
I'm sure we'll be found
in no time, Bonehead.
[STAMMERING] What was that?
[STAMMERING] You said we'd
be found, but you didn't say by what.
I don't see anything.
We may as well go back.
Not a chance. There's a UFO
out there and I'm gonna find it.
I really think it was just
a meteor that crashed.
I hope.
Any sign of the supply ship?
RADIO] Quack. Not yet.
Do you think they'll have any candy
covered seaweed on board? [LAUGHING]
No, Quackpot. But they'll probably
have some equipment we can borrow.
Remember, both of you, before
we can divide up the supplies,
we've got to find that ship!
And we've got to find it first.
Allo here. Come in.
Bronto Thunder here.
More bad news, I'm afraid.
Major Clifton's snooping around.
And the Tyrannos have
joined in the search too.
Oh, no. For a desolate wilderness,
this place is getting crowded.
I'm gonna give some new
coordinates to your on board computer.
Hurry, Allo, they
may be in danger!
Ugh, this is terrible.
If any of our cousins get eaten,
they'll never speak to us again.
Nice little poochy. Nice doggie.
I don't think those
are dogs, Bonehead.
They look like dogs.
I'll bet all we have to do is be
friendly and they'll leave us alone.
- Woah!
Do you still think they're dogs?
Yes, but they need a year
or two at obedience school.
Okay, you hairy mammals. Get
away from my ship and my captives!
Hooray, we're saved!
Yeah? Did you see
whose ship that was?
Genghis Rex's.
This is what's known as going
from a lava pit into the lava.
The Tyrannos aren't
gonna be happy to find us.
They're allergic to fur balls.
Like I've always said.
Bonehead, you're a genius!
You fur balls hide
until I give the signal,
then all of you run out
and jump on the Tyrannos.
What's the signal?
We'll sing a song.
Some signal.
Do you see that? A whole
bunch of UFOs dead ahead.
- I don't see anything.
- Cut it out. I see them.
At last, I know they're real.
Some humans just showed
up in a helicopter, chiefasaurus.
Humans. They always show up!
Especially when they're not invited.
Keep them away from the wreck.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
You got it,
chiefasaurus. [SNORTS]
Before you bust this party, buster,
you better meet the Ankyl-buster.
Tell me you didn't
see that, kid?
Are you gonna crash land
this thing or just crash it?
Relax. The auxiliary
jets should get us down.
Remember, I've gotta
be home by bedtime.
Can you take off
with the auxiliary jets?
No, they're only to slow the craft
down enough to land. We're stuck!
It's Ryan. He must be in trouble or
maybe he's found Stego and Bonehead.
Allo, can you get a fix on them?
I think so. Lava
Dome to Tricero.
Come in, Tricero.
Ryan has turned on his Secret
Scout ring signal. Can you check it out?
I'll try. The wreckage is just below me
and the Tyrannos are already landing.
Well, at least Bonehead
and Stego will be rescued.
But they'll be captives and the
Tyrannos will have your supplies.
Go ahead, Tricero,
and look for Ryan.
We can't handle the Tyrannos without
endangering Stego and Bonehead.
On my way.
BRONTO: [ON RADIO] I'm afraid
Stego and Bonehead are on their own.
Quack! I can taste that candy
covered seaweed now. [LAUGHING]
I want to learn all their
secrets, especially dinovolving.
I hope we can
take some captives.
Are you Furballs ready?
Hi ya, Genghis Rex. Funny
bumping into you out here.
You Dinosaucers got yourselves
into a little bit of a bind, didn't you?
What do you mean? We're just
doin' some Alaskan sightseeing.
Well, we thought it
would be fun to rough it.
Well then, you won't be needing
any of these supplies, will you?
Quack. Step away from
that candy covered seaweed
and don't pull any
funny business. Quack.
You mean, we have to leave already?
We haven't even started a campfire.
Or sung any campfire songs.
Please, let us sing at
least one campfire song.
Okay, go ahead,
but make it short!
She'll be comin' round
the volcano, when she comes
She'll be comin' round the
volcano, when she comes ♪
Oh, we love Tyrannos.
Especially you,
because you're so cute.
Get away from me. Get away!
Yuck! Candy covered
seaweed. How gross.
Retreat! Retreat!
You're safe now.
We're safe? But look.
I know I followed Ryan's signal,
but we can't let Major Clifton see us.
The blades. We're free.
Should I try and
take the chains off.
Don't, son, I wouldn't
want to chance it from here.
If only we were on solid ground.
Some big gorilla is
pullin' us off the ledge.
Maybe it's a Sasquatch.
Wow! What a trip.
We see all those UFOs
and now we're rescued by
the Abominable Snowman.
He's gone now.
I wonder who that really was.
As much as I'd like to, we
aren't waitin' around to find out.
Good job, guys.
Poor Major Clifton. He'll
never capture a Dinosaucer.
Ugh and Grunt, your cousins were
a big help chasing off the Tyrannos
and rescuing Ryan.
Hey, thanks.
But they're still gonna
have to go back to Reptilon.
Yeah, we know. They're ready
to go back, on one condition.
What's that?
That Stego and
Bonehead take them.
We can sing songs all the way.
There was a common dinosaur
and Stego was his name-oh
And Stego was his name-oh
STEGO: This is
gonna be a long trip.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
lizards! It's stalled again!
Come on. Let me try this time.
STEGO: Okay, Bonehead
here's the wrench
but what do you think
you're going to do with it?
I'll just make one
small adjustment here.
You really have a fine
touch with machinery.
Thanks, Stego.
STEGO: I don't what
keeps this supply ship flying.
It's so old and decrepit.
Why were we the ones
who had to go back
to Reptilon to get supplies?
Because, bone
brain, we volunteered.
Oh yeah. I thought it
would be fun to go home,
but you know what?
I miss the Earth.
I'll be glad to get back there.
I'll be glad to get anywhere
in this bucket of bolts.
Come in supply ship.
This is Lava Dome.
This is Stego. Are we
glad to hear you, Allo.
You may not be so happy
when you hear why I called.
How long until you get here?
Who knows? In this old thing,
we'll be lucky to get there at all.
Well, you'd better hurry.
The Tyrannos took
off several hours ago
and they may be
headed in your direction.
ALLO: They'll be
after your supplies.
I've already dispatched
Bronto Thunder and Tricero,
but if the Tyrannos get there
first, you'll have to outrun them.
In this old ship?
Well, do your best. We'll
give you all the help we can.
Over and out.
This is gonna spoil all our fun.
What fun? This has been the
most boring trip we ever made
and now we're gonna
be attacked by Tyrannos.
Come on, Stego, don't
be such a grumpasaurus.
Let's have a sing-along.
Why not? Your singing
might keep the Tyrannos away.
A one and a two.
Oh, my darling Oh, my darling
Oh, my darling crustacean
You are small and many legged
But I'll eat you if I can
What on Reptilon was that?
I didn't realize
this ship is so big.
I hope we don't get lost.
Whatever's here must be hiding.
You know, maybe
we better sing again.
Oh, my darling Oh, my darling
Oh, my darling crustacean
You are small and many legged
But I'll eat you if I can
Gosh, I used to love that song.
BOTH: The fur balls!
What are you two doing here?
We wanted to visit some
relatives back on Reptilon.
Come on, Ugh. You know
stowing away is against the rules.
Ah, it's only you two.
That rule seems
very unfair to me.
How are we supposed to get
around if we can't stow away?
It's not like we can just
go get a driver's license.
Okay. We won't
report you this time.
But you should know that
there may be Tyrannos after us.
Calm down. What
is going on here?
We told everyone this
would be a safe trip.
They'll have to go back to
Reptilon. After all, this isn't a tour bus.
Too bad. Tyrannos
don't attack tour buses.
You had to say that, didn't you?
Genghis Rex to Ankylo and
Quackpot. Come in, Tyrannos.
Ankylo reporting,
your geniusasaurus.
REX: [ON RADIO] Get ready.
Quack. Are we gonna quack
up their supply ship now?
REX: Prepare for attack.
Why aren't they running?
They must have seen us by now.
I studied three years
at the academy for this?
At least it's good exercise.
I'm glad you like it. Because
you can finish the job.
I'm going to see how
close we are to Earth.
Quack. What're we waiting for?
I don't want to damage their
supplies and equipment, Quackpot.
I just want to steal it.
Quack, quack. Couldn't we just
damage them a little? [LAUGHING]
That's a good idea,
bossasaurus. [GRUNTING]
If they were damaged they'd
have to land somewhere else,
not Lava Dome.
They don't seem
to know we're here.
Maybe we can make
it look like an accident.
Like a meteor storm, maybe.
Hey, if I'd wanted a fur-lined instrument
panel, I would have asked for one.
- What's this?
- Are we under attack?
Either that, or we're in a
Meteor storm!
[LAUGHING] Hey, look out.
Where Where you goin'?
Get out of here. Stop that!
Will you quit goofing around. First you
want to sing, now you want to dance?
Sorry, Stego, how're we doin'?
The good news is we're
almost in the Earth's atmosphere.
STEGO: The bad news
is we're out of control.
We have them now.
All we have to do is follow
them and see where they land.
ANKYLO: [ON RADIO] I hate to
spoil the moment, your wickedasaurus,
but we have company.
More Dinosaucers.
If we follow the supply
ship, they'll follow us.
[LAUGHING] I'll fry their
instruments with my joy buzzer ray.
should slow them down.
GENGHIS REX: Good idea,
Quackpot. We'll meet at Tar Pits Two.
Then we'll go looking
for the supply ship.
First one to find
it gets a reward.
Oh, a reward would
be ducky. [LAUGHING]
We're being fired at, Tricero.
Let's move.
I can't believe my eyes. They
look like they're running away.
It isn't like Genghis
Rex to run from a fight.
Should we go after them?
No. We better keep looking
for Stego and Bonehead.
They must be in this
quadrant somewhere.
I just hope they're all right.
I thought school
would never be over.
My Secret Scout ring
has been going crazy.
Mine, too. Something
big must have happened.
If you need any more proof
of that just look up there.
Oh, no, it's Major Clifton.
Good. I'm glad I caught you.
You haven't caught
us yet, Major Clifton.
Well, that's true. But you know a lot
more about UFOs than you're lettin' on.
Only what we read
in the newspaper.
It's not in any of
the papers yet.
But one of our trackin'
stations shows that a big UFO
crashed in a remote
part of Alaska.
I'm on my way to investigate.
It was awfully nice of you to come
all this way just to tell us about it.
Nice has nothing to do
with it and you know it.
I have a feeling you know
something about this UFO.
Well, we are studying
Alaskan geography,
so I guess I shouldn't pass
up a chance to visit there.
Me neither. I'll go, too.
Don't you want to go home and
tell your friends about the UFO?
Oh, yeah, and I'll tell Mom and
Dad you won't be home for dinner.
Finding Stego and Bonehead is
gonna be harder than I thought.
Their radio and tracking
signals are both out.
Well, let's hope we find them,
not Major Clifton or the Tyrannos.
Whoever said dinosaurs were
cold-blooded was a fossil head.
How long do you
think we'll be here?
I'm sure we'll be found
in no time, Bonehead.
[STAMMERING] What was that?
[STAMMERING] You said we'd
be found, but you didn't say by what.
I don't see anything.
We may as well go back.
Not a chance. There's a UFO
out there and I'm gonna find it.
I really think it was just
a meteor that crashed.
I hope.
Any sign of the supply ship?
RADIO] Quack. Not yet.
Do you think they'll have any candy
covered seaweed on board? [LAUGHING]
No, Quackpot. But they'll probably
have some equipment we can borrow.
Remember, both of you, before
we can divide up the supplies,
we've got to find that ship!
And we've got to find it first.
Allo here. Come in.
Bronto Thunder here.
More bad news, I'm afraid.
Major Clifton's snooping around.
And the Tyrannos have
joined in the search too.
Oh, no. For a desolate wilderness,
this place is getting crowded.
I'm gonna give some new
coordinates to your on board computer.
Hurry, Allo, they
may be in danger!
Ugh, this is terrible.
If any of our cousins get eaten,
they'll never speak to us again.
Nice little poochy. Nice doggie.
I don't think those
are dogs, Bonehead.
They look like dogs.
I'll bet all we have to do is be
friendly and they'll leave us alone.
- Woah!
Do you still think they're dogs?
Yes, but they need a year
or two at obedience school.
Okay, you hairy mammals. Get
away from my ship and my captives!
Hooray, we're saved!
Yeah? Did you see
whose ship that was?
Genghis Rex's.
This is what's known as going
from a lava pit into the lava.
The Tyrannos aren't
gonna be happy to find us.
They're allergic to fur balls.
Like I've always said.
Bonehead, you're a genius!
You fur balls hide
until I give the signal,
then all of you run out
and jump on the Tyrannos.
What's the signal?
We'll sing a song.
Some signal.
Do you see that? A whole
bunch of UFOs dead ahead.
- I don't see anything.
- Cut it out. I see them.
At last, I know they're real.
Some humans just showed
up in a helicopter, chiefasaurus.
Humans. They always show up!
Especially when they're not invited.
Keep them away from the wreck.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
You got it,
chiefasaurus. [SNORTS]
Before you bust this party, buster,
you better meet the Ankyl-buster.
Tell me you didn't
see that, kid?
Are you gonna crash land
this thing or just crash it?
Relax. The auxiliary
jets should get us down.
Remember, I've gotta
be home by bedtime.
Can you take off
with the auxiliary jets?
No, they're only to slow the craft
down enough to land. We're stuck!
It's Ryan. He must be in trouble or
maybe he's found Stego and Bonehead.
Allo, can you get a fix on them?
I think so. Lava
Dome to Tricero.
Come in, Tricero.
Ryan has turned on his Secret
Scout ring signal. Can you check it out?
I'll try. The wreckage is just below me
and the Tyrannos are already landing.
Well, at least Bonehead
and Stego will be rescued.
But they'll be captives and the
Tyrannos will have your supplies.
Go ahead, Tricero,
and look for Ryan.
We can't handle the Tyrannos without
endangering Stego and Bonehead.
On my way.
BRONTO: [ON RADIO] I'm afraid
Stego and Bonehead are on their own.
Quack! I can taste that candy
covered seaweed now. [LAUGHING]
I want to learn all their
secrets, especially dinovolving.
I hope we can
take some captives.
Are you Furballs ready?
Hi ya, Genghis Rex. Funny
bumping into you out here.
You Dinosaucers got yourselves
into a little bit of a bind, didn't you?
What do you mean? We're just
doin' some Alaskan sightseeing.
Well, we thought it
would be fun to rough it.
Well then, you won't be needing
any of these supplies, will you?
Quack. Step away from
that candy covered seaweed
and don't pull any
funny business. Quack.
You mean, we have to leave already?
We haven't even started a campfire.
Or sung any campfire songs.
Please, let us sing at
least one campfire song.
Okay, go ahead,
but make it short!
She'll be comin' round
the volcano, when she comes
She'll be comin' round the
volcano, when she comes ♪
Oh, we love Tyrannos.
Especially you,
because you're so cute.
Get away from me. Get away!
Yuck! Candy covered
seaweed. How gross.
Retreat! Retreat!
You're safe now.
We're safe? But look.
I know I followed Ryan's signal,
but we can't let Major Clifton see us.
The blades. We're free.
Should I try and
take the chains off.
Don't, son, I wouldn't
want to chance it from here.
If only we were on solid ground.
Some big gorilla is
pullin' us off the ledge.
Maybe it's a Sasquatch.
Wow! What a trip.
We see all those UFOs
and now we're rescued by
the Abominable Snowman.
He's gone now.
I wonder who that really was.
As much as I'd like to, we
aren't waitin' around to find out.
Good job, guys.
Poor Major Clifton. He'll
never capture a Dinosaucer.
Ugh and Grunt, your cousins were
a big help chasing off the Tyrannos
and rescuing Ryan.
Hey, thanks.
But they're still gonna
have to go back to Reptilon.
Yeah, we know. They're ready
to go back, on one condition.
What's that?
That Stego and
Bonehead take them.
We can sing songs all the way.
There was a common dinosaur
and Stego was his name-oh
And Stego was his name-oh
STEGO: This is
gonna be a long trip.