Dinosaucers (1987) s01e19 Episode Script

Hook, Line and Stinker

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossossaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
Just look at this old ship.
I bet there are all kinds of
things just waiting here for me.
What I could do with
some treasure of my own
that not even Rex
would know about.
Oh, no!
I eat fish, not the
other way around.
Where am I?
Treasure chests.
I've struck it rich
and it's all mine!
I'll be back for the rest.
Hey, Dr. Bell,
you won't believe what
we saw down there.
Show him the pictures.
Oh, of course.
You're right, I
don't believe it.
TIM: Well, what do we do now?
I'm going to radio
the university.
Why chase turtles when
you can chase Plesiosaurs!
This is the Ragged Island
expedition, Bell speaking.
MAN: University here. Valdini.
What's up, Bob?
DR. BELL: Frank, we might just
have the discovery of the century.
A living Plesiosaurus.
Allo, come to the
control room, please.
DR. BELL: We're going
to attempt to capture it.
We'll keep you informed.
[LAUGHING] Quack, quack, quack!
Sounds like Plesio's
got himself in hot water.
Turn that noise down
and find out where
that expedition is.
I wonder what
they'll do with him.
Probably a little lemon
butter and some parsley.
That's enough of you
two dingbattedods.
Now, where's Plesio?
TERRIBLE: I think he said something
about exploring the Bahamas.
You don't think
Rex is our leader, he
doesn't have to think.
Brachio, have you found out
where those humans are yet?
Some place called the
Ragged Island Range.
It's the Bahamas, all right.
Then let's get down there
and make their lives interesting.
The transmission came
from one of those two islands.
I'll go and investigate.
I need you three to stay
behind and set up camp.
We may be here a while.
After all, we can't let human
scientists get hold of a Tyranno.
- Yes. Plesio would give us all a bad name.
- Right.
If I don't check in every hour,
you'd better come
looking for me.
No problem, my friend.
Plesio should be around
one of these islands.
Go find that idiotops and
don't come back without him!
Over there! [SNORTS]
And don't come back without him.
Thank you so much, Ankylo.
Wait a minute.
Plesio, stop!
No way, bubble brain.
Look, you're gonna get
caught if you stay around here.
By humans?
No way.
If a Dinosaucer can't catch me,
no dumb mammal can.
Hey, let go!
You never give up, do you?
Why didn't you tell me?
I was busy. Let's
get out of here!
With that extra weight,
you'll never get away.
This is not how I planned it.
Can't we talk this
over? We'll have lunch.
Oh, forget I said that.
You saved my life.
Don't mention it. You okay?
I'm fine. Thank you.
What happened to your friend?
Who, Plesio?
I guess he got away.
Well, I gotta go.
Gonna play tag with
a trawler. See ya.
There goes one nice mammal.
I wonder where Plesio went.
Hey, fearless leader!
How many times have I told you,
use proper radio procedure.
Whatever you say, exalted one.
I'm following a trawler three
miles north of Arato Island.
That'll be the scientists
out to capture Plesio.
That's not all.
Ichy's here, too.
Is he? Good.
I want you to find
Plesio and tell him
that if he ever wants
to see Reptilon again
he'll do exactly as I say.
Now, have you got that straight?
He'll never know what hit him.
Hey, what have
you got in the chest?
None of your business!
Will you say that to Rex, too?
You bet.
Get lost, you turkeydactel.
Some people have no manners.
Are you sure the fence we put
across the inlet will hold, Denise?
No problem.
Will the nets be strong enough?
Should be. They're
reinforced with steel mesh.
This is where we
saw the Plesiosaur.
Hmm, call Steve.
Steve. Get ready.
DR. BELL: Very
well. Stream the nets.
Aye, aye.
Well, if that critter's
still out here, we'll get it.
Well, Plesio was okay
and Pteryx will
be waiting for me.
Might as well get back.
Hey, Plesio, what's the rush?
Eat my waves, fin-face.
Oh yeah?
We'll just see about that.
Nyah-nyah, Ichy can't catch me!
You're not getting
away this time.
Something really
big is in the port net.
Just you wait.
No, you wait.
But you won't have to wait long.
They're pulling in the net.
Got yourself all
tied up, huh, Ichy?
Can't let the humans see
me, even if it's temporary.
I've got to Dinovolve.
ALL: Whoa!
What happened?
I don't know.
It suddenly got super
heavy and jammed the winch.
It was just a little joke, Ichy.
No offense.
Oh no!
We've got another one.
Don't pull it in yet.
We don't want the boat jammed.
Okay, Dr. Bell.
Whatever's in that net has
stopped thrashing around.
If it stays quiet
we should be okay.
The winch is fixed.
But, Doctor,
that's not the creature
from the photograph.
No, it certainly isn't.
Guide the ship to shore fast.
I hope Pteryx has Found Ichy.
I worry about those
scientists getting him.
Don't sweat it. I'd rescue him.
You and what air force?
That air force.
David. Ryan.
They've got Ichy.
We've got to help him.
It's a steel fence, right?
Then call Dimetro and ask him
if we can borrow
one of his reptools.
Help! Let me go!
I'll make you rich.
Just let me out of here.
I don't believe this.
Just what I wanted.
A late supper.
They caught him.
That incompetent
excuse for a water lizard.
Well, they have Ichy, too.
Plesio was only
following your orders and
Since when did I
order him to foul up?
He does that on
his own just fine.
He never obeys me.
I obey you. [SNORTS]
Yes, you do, Ankylo.
You're a great comfort to me.
Go back to sleep.
I'm sure Plesio didn't mean
to disobey you like that.
It makes no difference.
How are we supposed to save
him from these wretched mammals?
None of us can swim!
DR. BELL: Now to
call in and report this.
I don't think the
radio's working.
Well, at least Tim's
watching the ship.
I'm not. I'm right here.
What's the matter?
I think we're too late.
What do you think you're doing?
We aren't going to get out
of here until they take us out.
There's always hope of a rescue.
Until then I'm doing what I can
and not wasting
my breath talking.
Is that your great rescue?
A couple of baby mammals?
You came to help!
Two hours?
A gun? What?
I don't get it.
Scissors? Cutting?
Ah, you'll be back
in a couple of hours
and you'll get me out then.
I brought my bone breaker.
It should do the job.
You're sure?
Don't worry. We'll have
Ichy safe in no time.
Watch how you use it.
This thing can cut
through anything.
Including Ichy,
huh? We'll be careful.
Please, hurry.
Ichy's been in
that pen for hours.
Don't worry, Pteryx, we'll
have him sprung In no time.
Aren't you going to let me out?
They'll let you
out, but just you,
not the rest of that stuff.
Okay, okay, just don't leave me.
I'll get you for this.
Maybe next time.
They should have
been back by now.
Where's David?
He's just putting back
something we borrowed.
I'd better check our find.
Radio parts?
Well, I'll be a
Plesiosaur's uncle.
REX: And when I get
my claws on Plesio,
he's going to wish he never
heard the word "treasure."
Well, I guess it wouldn't
be fair to root for the shark.
Which the scientist
described as dinosaurs.
Unfortunately, when they
returned to the pen in the morning,
both monsters had escaped.
But had left behind
two treasure chests,
believed to date from the 1500s.
However, when the
chests were opened,
they were found to contain
nothing but seaweed.
Wow! Now, that's a treasure.
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