Dinosaucers (1987) s01e20 Episode Script

The Prehistoric Purge

RYAN: We used to
be ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
- Stego!
- Sorry, Allo. It slipped.
But I'll clean it up.
Why don't you go help
Dimetro and Bronto Thunder?
Hey, guys,
need any help!
Oh, no!
Gee, I was wondering
where I left this.
RYAN: Okay, you Dinosaucers,
we've got one
extra ticket for the
wrestling matches at
the civic center today.
Who wants to go?
ALL: Stego!
But we can't just go out and
show ourselves to humans.
Don't worry, everyone wears
costumes at these matches.
We'll dress you up a little.
STEGO: So what happens now?
PAUL: Wrestling
isn't a "what," Stego,
it's more like a "who."
Yeah, you see,
two guys get in the ring
and they kind of they
Sort of You'll see.
Hey man, look at
those wild threads.
[LAUGHS] No, man, I mean you.
A dinosaur suit.
That makes my giraffe man
outfit look like yesterday's news.
I love wrestling
fans. They're crazy.
What dinosaur suit?
Never mind. Our
seats are over here.
Welcome, wrestling fans!
Are you ready for another
afternoon of great wrestling action?
- Sorry.
As I was sayin',
the match we've
all been waitin' for.
Vic The Vampire!
Versus Caveman Carl.
Wait a minute, wrestlin' isn't
the same as dancin', is it, Ryan?
No, Stego. Just watch.
I could do that.
I could do that!
Oh, boy, audience participation!
Well, excuse me.
- Ah, Stego?
- Huh?
Hey, look, buddy, do you mind?
This is my match.
If you want to wrestle so badly
why don't you step into the ring.
Oh, boy, can I?
Now wait a minute,
pal, I didn't mean to
BOTH: Come on, Stego!
Stego! Stego! Stego!
They like me.
Of course they like you, but
I like you, too, so
don't hurt me, okay?
Let's wrestle!
The Prehistoric Plunge.
- The Stone Age Stomp
Hey, take it easy, will you?
Aren't I supposed to
throw you around like this?
Sure you are, but easy.
Do it easy.
Oh, okay.
The Stego Toss!
Stego's terrific,
isn't he, Paul?
Yeah, I just hope it
doesn't go to his head.
SARA: Oh, you don't
have to worry about Stego.
By tomorrow he'll have
forgotten all about wrestling.
he'll have forgotten all about wrestling.
SARA: So how was I
to know Vic the Vampire
would challenge him to a
grudge match on Halloween?
Imagine, Stego, the
Prehistoric Purge.
I wonder what's keeping
Allo and the others.
SARA: It was sure neat
of the Prehistoric Purge
to send a limousine
to pick us up.
BRONTO: I'll I'll just set this
here in the, uh, the back seat.
The boss ain't gonna like this.
Ah, just charge it to
the Prehistoric Purge.
Wrestling [GROANING]
I can't wait to see Stego
at his first press conference.
Just remember why we're here.
We've got to remind Stego
that he's a Dinosaucer first
and the Prehistoric
Purge second.
Oh, lighten up, Paul.
It's only until the grudge
match on Halloween.
- Look, here comes Stego now.
C'mon, you big lug, it's time
for you to meet the press.
Okay, Joe.
Hi, guys.
Tell us, Joe, as the
Prehistoric Purge's manager,
what do you think his chances are in
the grudge match with Vic The Vampire
on Halloween night?
And by the way, I
love the dinosaur suit.
What? This old thing?
Lots of my friends
have 'em, too. See?
Uh, yeah, well, uh, anyway
Vic The Vampire
don't stand a chance.
Why, the Prehistoric
Purge here will
I'll pulverize him,
that's what I'll do.
Why, I'll clean up the
town with Vic The Vampire.
I want everyone to be there
Halloween night, in costume, too.
So my friends won't
feel out of place.
Why, when I get
through with that guy,
there won't be
anything left of him.
So, Stego's a
wrestler now, is he?
I guess so, bossasaurus.
[SNORTING] At least
that's what he said.
Maybe this could
work to our advantage.
Surely the Secret Scouts
will be right there at ringside
the night of the match.
And if we could
somehow be assured
that the Dinosaucers
were somewhere else,
then snatching the Secret
Scouts would be child's play.
Then the Dinosaucers
would have to do
whatever we said
to get them back.
If we give them back.
Yes, if we give
them back, indeed.
Goodness, look at the way
these people are dressed.
And you humans
think we look funny.
They're wearing
costumes, Dimetro.
It's Halloween, remember?
So what's Halloween?
ALLO: Never mind.
Hey, down in front.
You're blockin' my view.
Hey, Mike, is that you?
Hey, baby Hey, look, guys!
It's Mike and Ben and, uh,
some other guy from work.
This is great. These
humans think they know us.
Our disguises have
worked perfectly.
Welcome, wrestling fans,
to the Vic The Vampire,
Prehistoric Purge grudge match.
This promises to be a
great fight today, fans,
as both wrestlers have been
trainin' hard for this meet.
Gee, Joe, there sure are
a lot of people out there.
Yeah, and they've all
come to see you, kid.
Why you're gonna be a bigger
star than Meat Man Mongo.
And here he is,
our own wrestling champion.
The one, the only,
Vic The Vampire!
And the challenger,
Stego the Prehistoric Purge!
Hi, guys.
Let's wrestle.
Good, they're all here.
It's time to set my
plan Our plan.
My plan into action.
This should get those Dinosaucers
out of our way long enough
for us to snatch
those Secret Scouts.
- Uh-oh.
- What is it?
The intrusion
alarm at Lava Dome.
Someone has
breached our security.
The Tyrannos.
We'd better get back and fast.
We'll come with you.
No, no need. You kids
stay and enjoy the match.
After all, Stego's counting on
his friends to lend moral support.
If you say so.
I insist.
Gee, I hope we can find a cab.
Bonko, it's the Dinosaucers.
That's bingo, you nitwittops.
Let me look.
Yes, the Dinosaucers
are leaving.
It's time to make our move.
Follow me.
Quack. Come on, Stego! [LAUGHS]
Come on, Stego.
Quack, quack, quack.
Turn that vampire into
Ah! Yeah!
that stupid Dinosaucer.
Yeah, Yeah. Hooray, Vic.
Uh, let's go, Vic!
Hey, Mike, what do you
think of this match, huh?
Oh, sorry. [LAUGHS]
I thought you were someone else.
BOTH: Tyrannos!
Oh, no. Tyrannos!
Hey, what's going on?
Sorry, Vic, I can't
play anymore.
My friends are in trouble.
May I be of some assistance?
I don't know about that,
but you can help if you want to.
SARA: Help!
That's Sara. She needs me.
Then let's go!
Hey, what's going on out there?
I don't know.
But whatever it is,
it ain't in the program.
Wait'll I catch you guys.
You guys don't suppose
this will be a free-for-all,
you know a battle
royale or something?
It ain't in the program.
Well, who cares,
it looks like fun.
I'm going to stomp you
guys into lizard meat.
Oh, boy, now we're
startin' to get good.
This should be interesting.
You said a mouthful, Sara.
Now this is getting even better.
Quack! Wow!
This is exciting.
[LAUGHS] Yay! Go for it!
Wow, look at them go.
We sure were lucky Stego and his
friends came to our rescue back there.
You can say that again.
Quack. Say that again.
- Popcorn?
- BOTH: Quackpot!
BOTH: Help!
Quack. They won't get me.
Oh, Stego, you're so brave.
Ah, shucks.
And if you want to be a wrestler,
then that's good enough for us.
A wrestler?
Can't I be a Dinosaucer anymore?
Why of course you can, Stego.
We just thought that
That I wanted to
leave the Dinosaucers
and all my friends?
I'll never wrestle again.
Come on, Stego, we have
to finish our grudge match.
Ah Do you think it would be all
right if I wrestled just one more time?
- Come on, Stego!
- Get him!
Hit him, Stego!
Allo, you're back.
What happened at Lava Dome?
Was there any
excitement back there?
No, it turned out
to be a false alarm.
Almost as if someone didn't
want us here at the wrestling match.
Oh, was there any excitement
here while we were gone?
Are you kidding?
Stego's just about to
pin Vic The Vampire
for the wrestling championship.
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