Dinosaucers (1987) s01e21 Episode Script
The Truth About Dragons
RYAN: We used to
be ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
Grandfather, look. A jet.
Oh, I wish I could fly one.
Oh, and where would you fly to?
I would fly all over China and see
all the places I have heard about.
To the capital, Beijing.
Oh, the big city is no
place for a farm boy, Ki.
When you grow up, you will
farm the fertile fields over the hill.
But I do not want
to be a farmer.
Huh? Without farms
we would starve.
Remember, the real strength
of our country is in the land.
But I will go to the
capital someday.
I will learn to fly jets
and defend our country.
Oh, in old days we
had no need of jets.
Oh, there were majestic
winged dragons who protected us
and brought good fortune.
You have told me about these
dragons, but I never see them.
[SIGHING] That was long ago.
Unfortunately, they
are all gone now.
Grandfather, are you asleep?
Grandfather! Was that a dragon?
I've got to see what that
was. Maybe it was a dragon.
It is a dragon.
Uh-oh. That alarm means
unidentified flying objects.
Okay. Let's identify them.
I bet it's the Tyrannos.
Whoever it is, it's
somewhere in China.
SARA: That's the
capital, Beijing.
We've been studying China in
school. It's an emerging super power.
What kind of power?
All kinds. It's one of the
biggest countries in the world.
With more people
than any other country.
Well, if power's involved, you
can bet the Tyrannos are after it.
Genghis Rex, this is Brachio.
I found a cave that would
make a good secret base.
REX: All right. I'm
coming to inspect it.
Just be careful that
no one sees you.
This is supposed
to be a secret base.
Be careful no one sees me?
What kind of idiotops
does he think I am?
Who's gonna see me?
- What?
- Oh, mighty dragon,
you have returned
to protect our land.
SARA: Down there is
the forbidden city, Allo.
A Chinese emperor built it.
And a Tyranno emperor
is about to wreck it. Look.
I am pursuing the
UFO, but it is too fast.
Rex isn't playing fair.
Let's see if we can
help that poor pilot.
Three against one isn't fair,
but I can fix that.
Now there are four UFO's
and the three new ones are
chasing the first one and
Oh, never mind.
I think I've been
flying too long.
I'm coming down.
Have you found Genghis Rex?
No. He made a bee-line
west, then he vanished.
SARA: Here, in the
province of Shanxi.
Rex is up to something.
I think we should fly a search
pattern over Shanxi province.
Good idea, Dimetro.
And the Secret Scouts can
check things out on the ground.
- All right.
- Now we'll really see China.
All right, puny mammal.
What're you doin', spyin' on me?
Oh no, great one.
I just said to myself,
"I must see a dragon."
Who are you callin' a dragon?
Why you, great one.
You are the symbol of
our country. Our protector.
Your protector? Brachio,
what is going on here?
I'm not protecting
anyone. I swear.
Who is this, dragon?
He is so small.
Is he one of your children?
I am definitely not his child.
Hmmm. Tell me what you
know about dragons, boy.
You were the giant reptiles who
guarded China in ancient times.
Like gods.
That sounds like us.
You're right. We
must be dragons.
Now tell me, they call
China a super power.
I have come to find
this power. Where is it?
Uh, well,
grandfather says that our country's
real strength is in our farmland.
What did I tell you?
They have some kind of
underground power source.
We've got to have it.
But where are your wings?
Grandfather said
you would have wings.
Wings? You want wings?
I'll give you wings.
How can you be
dragons without wings?
Well, we're very
young. Right, Brachio?
- Brachio!
- Huh?
Oh, yeah. Young.
Practically hatchlings.
You can shut off the
signal, Rex. I have arrived.
Terrible Dactyl is a more, uh,
mature dragon.
As you can see, his
wings are full grown.
Dragon? I am a purebred
pterodactyl and proud of it.
I don't have one drop
of dragon blood in my
What is your name, boy?
- I am called Ki.
- Well, Ki,
you show me where
this power is buried.
It is all around us.
All right. You
heard him, Brachio.
Start digging.
Oh, mighty dragon,
I must tell my grandfather and
the other farmers that you are here.
Wait, boy!
Some people don't like
dragons as much as you do,
so you can't tell
anyone that we're here.
Not anyone?
No. In fact,
if you hear of any
strangers in the area,
you should come back
and warn us right away.
I hear and obey, oh mighty one.
Secret Scouts, I just
passed a cave grouping
in sector G that's
showing power readings.
Can you look into it?
I'm headed that way,
Dimetro. I'll check it out.
Good. I must set down
for repairs. See you later.
Grandfather, his
skin is so dark.
Ah, young man,
please forgive Ki.
He has never been off the farm.
You are not Chinese, are you?
No. I'm an American.
We come in all
colors. My name's Paul.
What a strange vehicle.
It has something
like a dragon on it.
Dragon? Yeah!
Did either of you see
anything unusual? Like
A dragon around here?
Oh, no. We have not.
I thought I saw a
dragon flying to the north.
Really? Hey, thanks.
Ki, why did you tell him that?
I am sorry, grandfather.
I cannot explain now.
I must go.
Oh, mighty dragon.
The strangers you
spoke of, they are here.
You didn't tell them I'm here.
No, great one.
I told the stranger
you had flown north.
Oh, no! You must stop
him. He is ruining the field.
What of it! We want that
power you have in your land.
But you cannot get it that way.
Oh, no?
I can do anything I want!
Brachio, take care of
this chattering mammal.
Thanks for all
your help, mammal.
See you around.
Grandfather was
wrong about dragons.
They do not bring good fortune.
They are evil.
What if the Secret
Scouts didn't believe Ki?
They could alert
the Dinosaucers.
Don't worry about
the Dinosaucers.
I gave orders for Styraco
to keep them busy.
Where are those
miserable Dinosaucers?
I was sure I saw Styraco's ship.
It must be on the
other side of the wall.
Yup, he's there.
I don't think he saw me.
Bronto Thunder, go
around one end of the wall,
I'll go around the other and
we'll take him by surprise.
This is Sara calling Allo.
No sign of Rex and
Dimetro is still fixing his ship.
How are things on your end?
Good. All we have to do is
sneak around the end of this wall
and take Styraco by surprise.
But, Allo, that's the
Great Wall of China.
Oh, it certainly is a great
wall. Very fine workmanship.
No. I mean it'll take you
forever to reach the end of it.
It's 1,500 miles long.
ALLO: Uh-oh. I
see what you mean.
Bronto Thunder, turn around.
Hurry, he's getting away.
Sara, I'm going to
be awhile fixing this.
You go ahead and
meet up with Paul.
Okay, Dimetro.
Any luck?
No. A boy named Ki said he
saw a dragon flying this way.
I figured maybe he saw Rex.
But this girl's been painting here
all day and she hasn't seen a thing.
Why would he lie to you?
Unless he thought he
was protecting a dragon.
But why would he protect one?
In all the old stories,
they were evil.
In Chinese myths
dragons were always good.
We'd better find Ki.
Oh, please, you must
help me find my grandson.
Why? What happened?
Oh, I hear terrible land slide
and now I cannot find Ki.
He loves to play in the caves.
- Ah!
- Don't worry. We'll find him.
I don't understand it.
My geigersaurus counter
shows no power readings at all.
Maybe you didn't
dig deep enough.
If I dig any deeper
we'll be back in America.
I'm going to get the
truth out of that boy.
If there's one
thing I can't stand,
it's a sneakasaurus.
Do you hear that?
KI: Help. Help me.
Somebody's crying for help.
Ki, is that you?
Paul? I am trapped in here.
PAUL: Hold on,
Ki, we'll get you out.
Paul, don't you get stuck in there,
too. We can use my three wheeler.
I heard that.
Okay, Sara, let her rip.
Look out, Sara!
Oh, no!
What the?
Genghis Rex!
Get down, Ki!
The Secret Scouts!
Yeah. Whoa!
I'm coming, Paul!
That should hold
you for a while.
Now to get my
claws on that kid, Ki.
Paul, wake up.
PAUL: Forget it,
Ki. I can't move.
You have to get to a dragon
we know named Dimetro.
I will never trust a dragon
again. They are bad.
SARA: Not all of them.
Dimetro will help.
He's up the road.
Take Paul's motorcycle.
I I cannot.
PAUL: If you
don't, we've had it.
All right.
What a wonderful machine.
Don't worry, friends
Paul and Sara.
I will face a
dragon to save you.
Excuse me, oh dragon.
Dragon, you must help me!
My friends are in trouble.
Well, same with mine. So
run along and let me finish.
But they are your friends, too.
Paul and Sara.
What? Why didn't you say so?
Let's go. You come with me.
I can see the capital.
The Great Wall. Everything.
We fly even faster than a jet.
DIMETRO: This is nothing. You
should see her when she's had a tune up.
Sorry, Ki,
I don't want you in the way when
this battle gets hot and heavy.
Oh, Ki, you are safe.
What was that strange thing?
Do you not recognize a dragon?
Huh? Dragon?
Forgive me, grandfather.
But I must help my friends.
REX: Empty? How did
that little sprout escape?
Maybe you'd better figure
out how you're going to escape.
It wasn't very smart of you
to show up alone, Dimetro.
Brachio! Terrible Dactyl!
You see? Three against one.
Make that two against one.
You don't need me for this.
Come back here, you snob!
All right. Go!
Here comes another
Tyranno anyway.
REX: Wait! Where
is everyone going?
Now it's three to two, Rex.
How do you like those odds?
REX: There'll be
another day, Allo.
It's just you now, Brachio.
What's it going to be?
I'll take you all on.
I'll get at least some of you.
What's that thing?
My weapons.
They have no effect
on that That dragon.
You've got him spooked.
What a great idea.
Oh. This was not my idea.
Chinese invented kites
thousands of years ago.
I can't fight that thing.
I'm leavin'.
I'll get you next
time Secret Scouts.
Ah, a toast to our
honored guests.
Two Americans who helped
Ki make his dream come true.
And three dragons.
Oh, we are lucky they are here
for dragons are always
a sign of good fortune.
Well, most dragons.
RYAN: We used to
be ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
Grandfather, look. A jet.
Oh, I wish I could fly one.
Oh, and where would you fly to?
I would fly all over China and see
all the places I have heard about.
To the capital, Beijing.
Oh, the big city is no
place for a farm boy, Ki.
When you grow up, you will
farm the fertile fields over the hill.
But I do not want
to be a farmer.
Huh? Without farms
we would starve.
Remember, the real strength
of our country is in the land.
But I will go to the
capital someday.
I will learn to fly jets
and defend our country.
Oh, in old days we
had no need of jets.
Oh, there were majestic
winged dragons who protected us
and brought good fortune.
You have told me about these
dragons, but I never see them.
[SIGHING] That was long ago.
Unfortunately, they
are all gone now.
Grandfather, are you asleep?
Grandfather! Was that a dragon?
I've got to see what that
was. Maybe it was a dragon.
It is a dragon.
Uh-oh. That alarm means
unidentified flying objects.
Okay. Let's identify them.
I bet it's the Tyrannos.
Whoever it is, it's
somewhere in China.
SARA: That's the
capital, Beijing.
We've been studying China in
school. It's an emerging super power.
What kind of power?
All kinds. It's one of the
biggest countries in the world.
With more people
than any other country.
Well, if power's involved, you
can bet the Tyrannos are after it.
Genghis Rex, this is Brachio.
I found a cave that would
make a good secret base.
REX: All right. I'm
coming to inspect it.
Just be careful that
no one sees you.
This is supposed
to be a secret base.
Be careful no one sees me?
What kind of idiotops
does he think I am?
Who's gonna see me?
- What?
- Oh, mighty dragon,
you have returned
to protect our land.
SARA: Down there is
the forbidden city, Allo.
A Chinese emperor built it.
And a Tyranno emperor
is about to wreck it. Look.
I am pursuing the
UFO, but it is too fast.
Rex isn't playing fair.
Let's see if we can
help that poor pilot.
Three against one isn't fair,
but I can fix that.
Now there are four UFO's
and the three new ones are
chasing the first one and
Oh, never mind.
I think I've been
flying too long.
I'm coming down.
Have you found Genghis Rex?
No. He made a bee-line
west, then he vanished.
SARA: Here, in the
province of Shanxi.
Rex is up to something.
I think we should fly a search
pattern over Shanxi province.
Good idea, Dimetro.
And the Secret Scouts can
check things out on the ground.
- All right.
- Now we'll really see China.
All right, puny mammal.
What're you doin', spyin' on me?
Oh no, great one.
I just said to myself,
"I must see a dragon."
Who are you callin' a dragon?
Why you, great one.
You are the symbol of
our country. Our protector.
Your protector? Brachio,
what is going on here?
I'm not protecting
anyone. I swear.
Who is this, dragon?
He is so small.
Is he one of your children?
I am definitely not his child.
Hmmm. Tell me what you
know about dragons, boy.
You were the giant reptiles who
guarded China in ancient times.
Like gods.
That sounds like us.
You're right. We
must be dragons.
Now tell me, they call
China a super power.
I have come to find
this power. Where is it?
Uh, well,
grandfather says that our country's
real strength is in our farmland.
What did I tell you?
They have some kind of
underground power source.
We've got to have it.
But where are your wings?
Grandfather said
you would have wings.
Wings? You want wings?
I'll give you wings.
How can you be
dragons without wings?
Well, we're very
young. Right, Brachio?
- Brachio!
- Huh?
Oh, yeah. Young.
Practically hatchlings.
You can shut off the
signal, Rex. I have arrived.
Terrible Dactyl is a more, uh,
mature dragon.
As you can see, his
wings are full grown.
Dragon? I am a purebred
pterodactyl and proud of it.
I don't have one drop
of dragon blood in my
What is your name, boy?
- I am called Ki.
- Well, Ki,
you show me where
this power is buried.
It is all around us.
All right. You
heard him, Brachio.
Start digging.
Oh, mighty dragon,
I must tell my grandfather and
the other farmers that you are here.
Wait, boy!
Some people don't like
dragons as much as you do,
so you can't tell
anyone that we're here.
Not anyone?
No. In fact,
if you hear of any
strangers in the area,
you should come back
and warn us right away.
I hear and obey, oh mighty one.
Secret Scouts, I just
passed a cave grouping
in sector G that's
showing power readings.
Can you look into it?
I'm headed that way,
Dimetro. I'll check it out.
Good. I must set down
for repairs. See you later.
Grandfather, his
skin is so dark.
Ah, young man,
please forgive Ki.
He has never been off the farm.
You are not Chinese, are you?
No. I'm an American.
We come in all
colors. My name's Paul.
What a strange vehicle.
It has something
like a dragon on it.
Dragon? Yeah!
Did either of you see
anything unusual? Like
A dragon around here?
Oh, no. We have not.
I thought I saw a
dragon flying to the north.
Really? Hey, thanks.
Ki, why did you tell him that?
I am sorry, grandfather.
I cannot explain now.
I must go.
Oh, mighty dragon.
The strangers you
spoke of, they are here.
You didn't tell them I'm here.
No, great one.
I told the stranger
you had flown north.
Oh, no! You must stop
him. He is ruining the field.
What of it! We want that
power you have in your land.
But you cannot get it that way.
Oh, no?
I can do anything I want!
Brachio, take care of
this chattering mammal.
Thanks for all
your help, mammal.
See you around.
Grandfather was
wrong about dragons.
They do not bring good fortune.
They are evil.
What if the Secret
Scouts didn't believe Ki?
They could alert
the Dinosaucers.
Don't worry about
the Dinosaucers.
I gave orders for Styraco
to keep them busy.
Where are those
miserable Dinosaucers?
I was sure I saw Styraco's ship.
It must be on the
other side of the wall.
Yup, he's there.
I don't think he saw me.
Bronto Thunder, go
around one end of the wall,
I'll go around the other and
we'll take him by surprise.
This is Sara calling Allo.
No sign of Rex and
Dimetro is still fixing his ship.
How are things on your end?
Good. All we have to do is
sneak around the end of this wall
and take Styraco by surprise.
But, Allo, that's the
Great Wall of China.
Oh, it certainly is a great
wall. Very fine workmanship.
No. I mean it'll take you
forever to reach the end of it.
It's 1,500 miles long.
ALLO: Uh-oh. I
see what you mean.
Bronto Thunder, turn around.
Hurry, he's getting away.
Sara, I'm going to
be awhile fixing this.
You go ahead and
meet up with Paul.
Okay, Dimetro.
Any luck?
No. A boy named Ki said he
saw a dragon flying this way.
I figured maybe he saw Rex.
But this girl's been painting here
all day and she hasn't seen a thing.
Why would he lie to you?
Unless he thought he
was protecting a dragon.
But why would he protect one?
In all the old stories,
they were evil.
In Chinese myths
dragons were always good.
We'd better find Ki.
Oh, please, you must
help me find my grandson.
Why? What happened?
Oh, I hear terrible land slide
and now I cannot find Ki.
He loves to play in the caves.
- Ah!
- Don't worry. We'll find him.
I don't understand it.
My geigersaurus counter
shows no power readings at all.
Maybe you didn't
dig deep enough.
If I dig any deeper
we'll be back in America.
I'm going to get the
truth out of that boy.
If there's one
thing I can't stand,
it's a sneakasaurus.
Do you hear that?
KI: Help. Help me.
Somebody's crying for help.
Ki, is that you?
Paul? I am trapped in here.
PAUL: Hold on,
Ki, we'll get you out.
Paul, don't you get stuck in there,
too. We can use my three wheeler.
I heard that.
Okay, Sara, let her rip.
Look out, Sara!
Oh, no!
What the?
Genghis Rex!
Get down, Ki!
The Secret Scouts!
Yeah. Whoa!
I'm coming, Paul!
That should hold
you for a while.
Now to get my
claws on that kid, Ki.
Paul, wake up.
PAUL: Forget it,
Ki. I can't move.
You have to get to a dragon
we know named Dimetro.
I will never trust a dragon
again. They are bad.
SARA: Not all of them.
Dimetro will help.
He's up the road.
Take Paul's motorcycle.
I I cannot.
PAUL: If you
don't, we've had it.
All right.
What a wonderful machine.
Don't worry, friends
Paul and Sara.
I will face a
dragon to save you.
Excuse me, oh dragon.
Dragon, you must help me!
My friends are in trouble.
Well, same with mine. So
run along and let me finish.
But they are your friends, too.
Paul and Sara.
What? Why didn't you say so?
Let's go. You come with me.
I can see the capital.
The Great Wall. Everything.
We fly even faster than a jet.
DIMETRO: This is nothing. You
should see her when she's had a tune up.
Sorry, Ki,
I don't want you in the way when
this battle gets hot and heavy.
Oh, Ki, you are safe.
What was that strange thing?
Do you not recognize a dragon?
Huh? Dragon?
Forgive me, grandfather.
But I must help my friends.
REX: Empty? How did
that little sprout escape?
Maybe you'd better figure
out how you're going to escape.
It wasn't very smart of you
to show up alone, Dimetro.
Brachio! Terrible Dactyl!
You see? Three against one.
Make that two against one.
You don't need me for this.
Come back here, you snob!
All right. Go!
Here comes another
Tyranno anyway.
REX: Wait! Where
is everyone going?
Now it's three to two, Rex.
How do you like those odds?
REX: There'll be
another day, Allo.
It's just you now, Brachio.
What's it going to be?
I'll take you all on.
I'll get at least some of you.
What's that thing?
My weapons.
They have no effect
on that That dragon.
You've got him spooked.
What a great idea.
Oh. This was not my idea.
Chinese invented kites
thousands of years ago.
I can't fight that thing.
I'm leavin'.
I'll get you next
time Secret Scouts.
Ah, a toast to our
honored guests.
Two Americans who helped
Ki make his dream come true.
And three dragons.
Oh, we are lucky they are here
for dragons are always
a sign of good fortune.
Well, most dragons.