Dinosaucers (1987) s01e22 Episode Script
Chariots of the Dinosaucers
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
I'm so excited. I can hardly
believe that I, Patrick Roscovit,
am going to be the first to set
foot inside the tomb of Stego Ra,
chief advisor to Saro Kufu,
the man who helped design
the great pyramid itself.
Hmm. I don't
recognize that symbol.
Oh, talk about a bumpy ride.
Quit complaining,
Quackpot. The less you talk,
the quicker we'll get to
the tomb of Stego Ra.
What an idiotops!
Hold still. I'm going
to call for help.
Terrible Dactyl, do you read?
Not again.
Oh, well, not everyone
can have wings.
The least they could do is come
equipped with seat belts. Ah!
Here come the pyramids.
Ah, ah, what's up there, Rex?
Where were you hatched? Don't you
know anything about Reptilonian history?
Well, 5,000 years ago, at the
dawn of Reptilon's space age,
a great scientist named Stego Ra
perfected the
technique of dinovolving.
He was given the Nobel
Saurus Award for his discovery.
But jealous scientists drove him
from Reptilon and he fled to Earth.
He soon became the
pharaoh's most trusted advisor
and helped him decide the
details of his great building plan.
[LAUGHING] Gee, Rex,
thanks for the history lesson.
No problem.
So there's a good chance Stego Ra
may have hidden his dinovolving formula
in the great pyramid and
Quackpot? Quackpot?
You just can't get
decent help these days.
- Oh.
Please, I want to be alone
with the spirit of Stego Ra.
And do not let any
tourists enter for a while.
There. Turn right. Careful.
Is this some kind of joke?
Stego Ra's tomb is
just behind that pyramid.
Quack. Really?
We'll first open the
tomb, find a map,
break into the pyramid and
steal the dinovolving formula.
Oh, Quackpot, how boorish.
We could always find a
human to do the dirty work for us.
You mean to use all
those humans, huh?
No! And put your head down.
And reaching bizarre
conclusion that Stego Ra
may have been an alien.
I thought I said I
wanted to be alone.
Who? What?
Look here, we're superior
beings from another planet.
Do what we say and you'll get
Money, fame, free
trips to outer space.
Now wait a minute.
I don't know who you are,
but it's dollars to donuts
you're not from
the Cairo Museum.
It's not working.
Time for plan M.
If you do not obey us,
beware the curse of Stego Ra!
Oh, my Gideon. All right, I'm
scared. I'll do what you say.
DAVID: Come on,
Tricero, you can do it.
Oh! Uh-oh. Oh, no.
There are some things about
humans I'm never going to understand.
There goes the computer.
Probably another Tyranno attack.
Why do they always
attack at lunchtime?
I don't know. Bad taste.
It's something about a
missing archeologist in Egypt.
Last seen digging up
the tomb of, get this,
Stego Ra. [LAUGHS]
We've got to tell Allo.
So you see, the Tyrannos
could be involved.
They've always wanted
the secret of dinovolving
and if the legend about
the secret formula is true,
they've probably broken
into the pyramid already.
You'd better be translating
the map correctly, Roscovit.
Yes, yes. Of course. Certainly.
- Ow!
- Oh!
Look where you're going!
It's too dark in here.
Quackpot, turn on the dinolight.
Not that bright,
tail for brains.
Sorry, chiefasaurus.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
Fascinating. This tunnel
leads from Stego Ra's tomb
right into the heart
of the great pyramid.
TERYX: I've got a fix on them.
They're inside all right. No
sign of a break-in, though.
They must have found a secret
passage we don't know about.
This way. I think.
ALLO: Stay with the
tourists for the time being.
When you get inside, we'll track
your position and give directions.
I'm so worried about them.
Wow! This is just like that old
movie, Land Of The Pharaohs.
Stay in the real world, dude.
What a splendid sight.
ALLO: Calling Paul and David.
It's Allo.
Make a left at the next fork.
Keep going, guys.
Listen, pattering
little footsteps.
Look at the map. Any traps?
And they're headed right for it.
BOTH: Whoa!
How far does the thing go?
Too far, that's how far.
Phew. Yow!
Let's duck into there!
This is just great!
Paul? David? I
can't locate them.
Allo? Teryx? Tricero?
That ought to hold them for
a while. A long, long while.
I know something's happened
to them. We've got to go in.
How? We don't want
to scare the tourists.
I suppose we'll have
to disguise ourselves.
As what?
Do they have trick
or treating in Egypt?
I've got it.
Quack! Wait for me.
Quick. Left or right?
Left. The right fork
is booby trapped.
ALLO: Stay where you
are. Help is on the way.
I feel so stupid.
Hey, camouflage is camouflage.
That man's looking at us.
You know, I think he likes you.
You think so?
I really do.
Come on. They're letting us in.
This way.
I say! Don't push that button!
Who said that?
BOTH: Not me.
Not I.
Here he comes again.
Let's find a passageway, quick.
I don't know. He's kind
of cute for a mammal.
Let's get out of here before
he asks you on a date!
Quack. Look at all this stuff.
All right, Terrible
Dactyl, enough of that.
How much farther to where
the dinovolving formula's hidden?
[HESITATING] I think it's left.
Can we take off
these disguises now?
That sounded like
Teryx and Tricero.
Down here.
I guess we're going
to have to jump.
All right, we're saved.
Try using your
vibrahorns to dig us out.
That's very sound advice.
- Ouch!
- Oh. Sorry.
Let's make use of those horns.
It's Tricero.
This is a lot easier
than shoveling.
Now what do we do?
ALLO: Kemp's X-ray camera
says there's a fork in the path, but
I couldn't tell you
which way to go.
DAVID: What good
is an X-ray camera?
We need a map.
I've got something better.
Someone stowed away in these robes.
Someone who's great at
sniffing out Tyrannos. Right?
-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sick 'em!
Wait for us!
Quack. Let's slow down and grab
some stuff. They'll never catch up.
Where did they go?
This is spooky, dude.
BOTH: Woah!
Drat! They're gaining on us. Quick,
Roscovit, find me the next booby trap.
Maybe I shouldn't be
working for you chappies.
All right! All right!
Here. Jump up and
down three times on it.
BOTH: Whoa!
It's fake.
I'll take care of it, Terry.
Now where?
This way!
ALL: Yahoo!
Quack. Tell me when it's over!
We need one of these in
our local amusement park.
It's a dead end!
This is it. The secret
formula of Stego Ra.
ROSCOVIT: I knew it. Good guys.
Be quiet and translate
the papyrus. Quick!
No! Don't do it!
I'd better dinovolve.
There's an aura or something
in here stopping my dinovolving.
So much for that. Now,
if you would, Roscovit.
It's too dark in here.
Quack. Oh, leave it to me.
Let me see.
"To achieve dinovolution,
the subject must first obtain"
Not so bright, Quackpot!
- TERRIBLE: Not again!
- REX: Stop them!
Yes! Foiled again.
This is all amazing.
Dr. Roscovit, it wasn't
that dark in the vault.
I was hoping the bright light
would dissolve the papyrus.
And it did.
If there ever was a secret,
it's safe from them now.
I wonder if the Tyrannos
made it out of the pyramid.
Ahhh! Wait for me.
Clumsy oafasaurus!
Oh, no!
ALL: Ahhh!
I want my mommy!
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
I'm so excited. I can hardly
believe that I, Patrick Roscovit,
am going to be the first to set
foot inside the tomb of Stego Ra,
chief advisor to Saro Kufu,
the man who helped design
the great pyramid itself.
Hmm. I don't
recognize that symbol.
Oh, talk about a bumpy ride.
Quit complaining,
Quackpot. The less you talk,
the quicker we'll get to
the tomb of Stego Ra.
What an idiotops!
Hold still. I'm going
to call for help.
Terrible Dactyl, do you read?
Not again.
Oh, well, not everyone
can have wings.
The least they could do is come
equipped with seat belts. Ah!
Here come the pyramids.
Ah, ah, what's up there, Rex?
Where were you hatched? Don't you
know anything about Reptilonian history?
Well, 5,000 years ago, at the
dawn of Reptilon's space age,
a great scientist named Stego Ra
perfected the
technique of dinovolving.
He was given the Nobel
Saurus Award for his discovery.
But jealous scientists drove him
from Reptilon and he fled to Earth.
He soon became the
pharaoh's most trusted advisor
and helped him decide the
details of his great building plan.
[LAUGHING] Gee, Rex,
thanks for the history lesson.
No problem.
So there's a good chance Stego Ra
may have hidden his dinovolving formula
in the great pyramid and
Quackpot? Quackpot?
You just can't get
decent help these days.
- Oh.
Please, I want to be alone
with the spirit of Stego Ra.
And do not let any
tourists enter for a while.
There. Turn right. Careful.
Is this some kind of joke?
Stego Ra's tomb is
just behind that pyramid.
Quack. Really?
We'll first open the
tomb, find a map,
break into the pyramid and
steal the dinovolving formula.
Oh, Quackpot, how boorish.
We could always find a
human to do the dirty work for us.
You mean to use all
those humans, huh?
No! And put your head down.
And reaching bizarre
conclusion that Stego Ra
may have been an alien.
I thought I said I
wanted to be alone.
Who? What?
Look here, we're superior
beings from another planet.
Do what we say and you'll get
Money, fame, free
trips to outer space.
Now wait a minute.
I don't know who you are,
but it's dollars to donuts
you're not from
the Cairo Museum.
It's not working.
Time for plan M.
If you do not obey us,
beware the curse of Stego Ra!
Oh, my Gideon. All right, I'm
scared. I'll do what you say.
DAVID: Come on,
Tricero, you can do it.
Oh! Uh-oh. Oh, no.
There are some things about
humans I'm never going to understand.
There goes the computer.
Probably another Tyranno attack.
Why do they always
attack at lunchtime?
I don't know. Bad taste.
It's something about a
missing archeologist in Egypt.
Last seen digging up
the tomb of, get this,
Stego Ra. [LAUGHS]
We've got to tell Allo.
So you see, the Tyrannos
could be involved.
They've always wanted
the secret of dinovolving
and if the legend about
the secret formula is true,
they've probably broken
into the pyramid already.
You'd better be translating
the map correctly, Roscovit.
Yes, yes. Of course. Certainly.
- Ow!
- Oh!
Look where you're going!
It's too dark in here.
Quackpot, turn on the dinolight.
Not that bright,
tail for brains.
Sorry, chiefasaurus.
And don't call me chiefasaurus!
Fascinating. This tunnel
leads from Stego Ra's tomb
right into the heart
of the great pyramid.
TERYX: I've got a fix on them.
They're inside all right. No
sign of a break-in, though.
They must have found a secret
passage we don't know about.
This way. I think.
ALLO: Stay with the
tourists for the time being.
When you get inside, we'll track
your position and give directions.
I'm so worried about them.
Wow! This is just like that old
movie, Land Of The Pharaohs.
Stay in the real world, dude.
What a splendid sight.
ALLO: Calling Paul and David.
It's Allo.
Make a left at the next fork.
Keep going, guys.
Listen, pattering
little footsteps.
Look at the map. Any traps?
And they're headed right for it.
BOTH: Whoa!
How far does the thing go?
Too far, that's how far.
Phew. Yow!
Let's duck into there!
This is just great!
Paul? David? I
can't locate them.
Allo? Teryx? Tricero?
That ought to hold them for
a while. A long, long while.
I know something's happened
to them. We've got to go in.
How? We don't want
to scare the tourists.
I suppose we'll have
to disguise ourselves.
As what?
Do they have trick
or treating in Egypt?
I've got it.
Quack! Wait for me.
Quick. Left or right?
Left. The right fork
is booby trapped.
ALLO: Stay where you
are. Help is on the way.
I feel so stupid.
Hey, camouflage is camouflage.
That man's looking at us.
You know, I think he likes you.
You think so?
I really do.
Come on. They're letting us in.
This way.
I say! Don't push that button!
Who said that?
BOTH: Not me.
Not I.
Here he comes again.
Let's find a passageway, quick.
I don't know. He's kind
of cute for a mammal.
Let's get out of here before
he asks you on a date!
Quack. Look at all this stuff.
All right, Terrible
Dactyl, enough of that.
How much farther to where
the dinovolving formula's hidden?
[HESITATING] I think it's left.
Can we take off
these disguises now?
That sounded like
Teryx and Tricero.
Down here.
I guess we're going
to have to jump.
All right, we're saved.
Try using your
vibrahorns to dig us out.
That's very sound advice.
- Ouch!
- Oh. Sorry.
Let's make use of those horns.
It's Tricero.
This is a lot easier
than shoveling.
Now what do we do?
ALLO: Kemp's X-ray camera
says there's a fork in the path, but
I couldn't tell you
which way to go.
DAVID: What good
is an X-ray camera?
We need a map.
I've got something better.
Someone stowed away in these robes.
Someone who's great at
sniffing out Tyrannos. Right?
-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sick 'em!
Wait for us!
Quack. Let's slow down and grab
some stuff. They'll never catch up.
Where did they go?
This is spooky, dude.
BOTH: Woah!
Drat! They're gaining on us. Quick,
Roscovit, find me the next booby trap.
Maybe I shouldn't be
working for you chappies.
All right! All right!
Here. Jump up and
down three times on it.
BOTH: Whoa!
It's fake.
I'll take care of it, Terry.
Now where?
This way!
ALL: Yahoo!
Quack. Tell me when it's over!
We need one of these in
our local amusement park.
It's a dead end!
This is it. The secret
formula of Stego Ra.
ROSCOVIT: I knew it. Good guys.
Be quiet and translate
the papyrus. Quick!
No! Don't do it!
I'd better dinovolve.
There's an aura or something
in here stopping my dinovolving.
So much for that. Now,
if you would, Roscovit.
It's too dark in here.
Quack. Oh, leave it to me.
Let me see.
"To achieve dinovolution,
the subject must first obtain"
Not so bright, Quackpot!
- TERRIBLE: Not again!
- REX: Stop them!
Yes! Foiled again.
This is all amazing.
Dr. Roscovit, it wasn't
that dark in the vault.
I was hoping the bright light
would dissolve the papyrus.
And it did.
If there ever was a secret,
it's safe from them now.
I wonder if the Tyrannos
made it out of the pyramid.
Ahhh! Wait for me.
Clumsy oafasaurus!
Oh, no!
ALL: Ahhh!
I want my mommy!