Dinosaucers (1987) s01e23 Episode Script

Eggs Marks the Spot

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
I knew I was right.
Look. Pteranodon eggs.
According to the news,
Dr. Cameron's theory was right.
She's discovered Pteranodon
eggs in the Antarctic.
You know what this means.
Yes, Rex'll want them.
But if the eggs are damaged
when Dr. Cameron thaws them out,
I can't see that it matters
if Rex steals them.
But if they're not damaged, we
can't let Rex get his claws on them.
But how can we tell if
they've been damaged or not?
I've been working on
this Aurasaurus Meter
for the Societosaurus for
Saurian Studies on Reptilon.
It picks up light readings,
if there are any to pick up.
I must have those
Pteranodon eggs.
Eggs! Right.
Coming right up, bossasaur.
Here, Rex, I've got
them. [PANTING]
I've got the eggs you wanted.
Those are chicken
eggs, fossilhead!
Hard boiled, too.
ALLO: So would you
like to visit Australia?
Has this visit anything to
do with the Pteranodon eggs
that Dr. Cameron
found in Antarctica?
That's right.
We need to have a look at those
eggs to see if they're hatchable
before Rex gets to them.
Trouble is they're being kept at
a university in Sydney, Australia,
so we're going to need your help
in getting them without being seen.
Well, we'll sure
be glad to help.
I can't wait. Let's go.
It's really very simple.
All you have to do is
go to Sydney, Australia,
get the Pteranodon eggs
and bring them back here.
All right?
I can do that.
I won't make any mistakes
this time, your Genghisness.
Yeah, and if you do I'm sure
you'll have a good eggscuse
You'd better not
make any mistakes,
either of you!
If these eggs are hatchable
I want them in one piece.
But why? They're
only Earth dino eggs.
And they'll only hatch
brainless Earth dinosaurs.
Pteranodon eggs.
Pteranodons are cousins of mine.
We could train them as spies.
And as for brainless, Ankylo,
you seem to get on okay.
Well, go on!
You're not going to let those firmbrains
stomp around Sydney on their own, are you?
I suppose this means
that you want to go, too.
Well, you could be useful.
If there are Pteranodon eggs,
at least I know eggsactly
what we're looking for.
Well, all right. But,
I'll be coming later.
So, there better
not be any foul ups.
SARA: Oh, it's beautiful.
ALLO: The university
is right ahead.
I'll try to find somewhere
inconspicuous to land.
Wow, the land of
kangaroos and koalas.
We're really in Australia.
What did you expect? Mars?
They are holding the eggs in
the veterinary science building.
Teryx, you better fly over
and see if you can find it.
Just what is this
veterinary science?
It's the study of animals and
how to keep them healthy.
Animals? They have the
Pteranodon eggs in with animals?
Well, yeah. I mean, people who
don't know about Dinosaucers
don't know any better.
-Teryx is back.
-I found the building. Follow me.
Somehow, I don't think
that's going to fool anyone.
Especially not Dinosaucers. I
should have known they'd be here.
Dinosaucers? What do we do?
We'll just have to find the Pteranodon
eggs before the Dinosaucers do.
Let's go.
This is the veterinary science
building, but the door has an alarm on it.
There's the control box.
I can see it up there.
They must activate
it by remote control.
SARA: We don't have
the remote control.
DAVID: Well, how
do we turn it off?
Well, I can fly up there.
And you can turn
the alarm off with this.
It's a skeleton key.
Can I see that skeleton key?
TERYX: Okay, but don't lose it.
We'll need it to turn the
alarms back on when we leave.
Here they are. Look.
DAVID: They're so
pretty. Are they hatchable?
Let's find out.
[CRASH]What was that?
Shh! Will you be quiet?
On second thought,
don't be quiet.
Ankylo, you and Quackpot wait
here, and try not to get caught.
Create a diversion.
What's a diversion?
[QUACKS] I don't know.
Let's just make a
lot of noise instead.
Teryx, Dimetro.
Better see what's
going on outside.
Secret Scouts, you go with them.
Who closed the doors?
Allo? Allo?
QUACKPOT: Knock, knock.
Who's there?
QUACKPOT: Allosaurus.
Allosaurus who?
Allosaurus come here,
but he won't see us leave.
Very funny.
You'll still have to get over
me to get those eggs, Tyrannos.
Well, my Sleepasaurus Squirter
should make that real easy.
Night, night.
Oh, oh.
Quackpot has the incubator.
We must get it back.
You go ahead.
We've got to turn off the alarm
before someone else finds Allo.
Where's the skeleton key?
I don't know.
It must have fallen out of
my pocket when I tripped.
We've gotta find it.
It's gotta be here.
If the human scientists come, I
shall never be able to see that my
little cousins are
cared for properly.
Hey, the skeleton key.
That was Terrible Dactyl.
Why is he helping us?
Who cares? We've
gotta help Allo.
Quack! Terrible Dactyl.
That traitorsaurus!
Never mind that.
Let's get these eggs
back to the shuttle.
alarm is still sounding. Hurry.
Inside. Hurry!
Allo, wake up.
We've gotta hide Allo.
I heard voices behind us.
DR. CAMERON: You two check the
upstairs and I'll see about the incubator.
Quack. Come on.
We've gotta get
these eggs to the ship.
Quack! Oh, no you don't.
Oh, yes I do.
Oh, no.
Quack, quack, quack, quack.
What's going on here?
Someone's stolen
the Pteranodon eggs.
They went that away.
Oh, no.
You stay here and
I'll deal with you later.
Allo, are you all right?
Oh, yes. And the eggs?
Quackpot has them.
And Dr. Cameron nearly had you.
We've got to get
those eggs back.
Let's go.
Allo, Terrible Dactyl
has the Pteranodon eggs.
And that's not all of
the bad news. Look.
All's quiet. That's
a good sign, I think.
Come back here,
you thiefasaurus.
Terrible Dactyl!
Ankylo! Quackpot!
You'll pay for
this, Genghis Rex.
Don't try to stop
me, Genghis Rex.
Come back here, you eggnapper.
Somebody needs
to take charge here.
And I think it's gonna be me!
I'll protect you,
my little cousins.
ALLO: I think he went this way.
Give us those Pteranodon eggs.
Never! We need them.
For what? Slaves?
Well, what are you
gonna do with them?
Take them back to Reptilon
and put them in nursery school
where they'll have
a chance to learn.
Nursery school on Reptilon.
Would you like
that, little cousins?
DR. CAMERON: Over here.
I heard voices by the
oak tree. Come on.
I guess I was wrong.
Come on. We've got to report
the theft of the Pteranodon eggs.
Follow him.
I want those eggs!
No such luck, Rex.
Go, Teryx!
Quack. Luck is what you
make it, Dinosaucer. Quack.
And looks like
yours just ran out.
We'd better go and
see how Teryx is doing.
You'll be well cared for
on Reptilon, little cousins.
The Dinosaucers will see
that you get there safely.
Give me the eggs,
Terrible Dactyl.
If you promise that they will be taken
to Reptilon and put into nursery school.
I promise, Terrible Dactyl.
If any of the eggs
are hatchable.
Well, seven of the little
critters are hatchable,
but I'm not sure
about the last one.
Maybe all it needs is
some tender loving care.
Here, Terrible Dactyl, you'd better
get used to being an uncleasaurus.
ALL: Aw, look.
That's great. Check it out.
It's beautiful.
Terrible Dactyl, it
thinks your its mother.
And thank you all.
ALL: Aw!
ALLO: Ah, look, that's great.
Well, we need to get these
little ones back to Lava Dome
before we're discovered.
You moronodons!
You let Allo get the eggs.
Me? It was Terrible Dactyl.
Oh, you're gonna punish
Terrible Dactyl, Rex,
huh, huh, huh?
No! I don't think so.
After all, a Pterodactyl's gotta
do what a Pterodactyl's gotta do.
I will take you to
Reptilon, little cousin,
in a while.
Hush babysaurus don't you cry
Uncle Terrible's
gonna sing you a lullaby
Yum hmm
BABY: Dic.
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