Dinosaucers (1987) s01e25 Episode Script
The Whale's Song
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
What's so urgent that you
interrupted my sunbath?
This could be the most important
discovery we've made on Earth.
I'll be the judge of that.
Quack. We tapped into the records
of a scientist at a top secret lab.
According to her research, a
huge meteor crashed into the ocean.
So what? Hundreds of
meteors have hit the Earth.
Yes, but only one that could have come
from a planet on the other side of the Sun.
From Reptilon?
Quack. You betcha.
A volcanic eruption thousands
of years ago sent it into space.
Quack. And you know what
happened, do you? Huh? Do you?
If I knew what happened, I wouldn't
be standing here listening to you cackle.
Now finish this story
before I fossilize.
The meteor landed
off the coast of Florida
in an area known as
the Bermuda Triangle.
Quack. Plesio is at
the exact location now.
He's getting ready to
go down and investigate.
I'm getting ready to go
down and investigate.
Perhaps one of you could
organize your thoughts long enough
to tell me why this
meteor is so important!
Quack. Because of all the ships
and airplanes that have mysteriously
disappeared in this area.
But I'm not interested
in ships and airplanes.
This scientist believes that the
meteor upset the Earth's magnetic field
and created a sort
of energy whirlpool.
Which created an invisible
tunnel through space.
To Reptilon.
You mean we have a
space tunnel to Reptilon?
That's right.
So we may have a way of
sending things back home
without the Dinosaucers
knowing about it.
[CACKLING] All kinds of things.
Big things, little things, maybe
some candy covered seaweed.
These humans have
all kinds of crazy beliefs.
Get down there and
check this out, Plesio.
Something's glowing
on the ocean floor
and my instruments
are going crazy.
I'm almost there.
It seems to be surrounded
by a strong magnetic field.
Something's coming
towards me from behind.
ANKYLO: [OVER PA] What is it?
I don't know.
But from the readings
I'm getting, it's huge.
Uh-oh, there's an even bigger
one coming in from the left.
And one from up above.
They're huge, they're monstrous.
They're going to
swallow up my whole ship!
out of there, Plesio! Run for it!
It's too late. They're
closing in from all directions.
By sea monsters on
Earth, what a way to go.
Plesio, Plesio. Are you there?
You know, they must have
been upset by the magnetic field.
was that you said, Plesio?
I got away. It was
close, but I made it.
great, but what were they?
What were they?
I don't know. They were awesome.
But hey, duty calls. I'm going in
to get a closer look at that meteor.
I want a barge
with a heavy crane
and enough magnetic insulation
material to cover that meteor.
What's your plan, oh chiefasaur?
If it's as valuable as you say,
I want it back here
under my personal control.
And don't call me chiefasaur.
This music is usually
danced to. Like this.
Of course, you really
should have the proper shoes.
That was beautiful,
Sara. I think I'll try it.
Oops. Sorry, Dimetro.
I should hope so.
And this is what we call soft rock 'n
roll. Not the kind that hurts your ears.
Just about everyone
likes to dance.
This is great.
Okay, okay. The next
one is square dance music.
How do we square dance, Sara?
Oh, it's easy,
Bonehead. Follow me.
Now, dance towards me.
Like this?
That's good. Now reach
out your arm like this.
Now hook your arm through
mine and let me turn you.
Same thing on the left side.
Hold on a minute.
This is too fast!
This is great!
Bronto Thunder,
maybe you should stop.
I just live to do-si-do.
I can't hold on much longer.
Bronto Thunder, stop!
You're going too fast.
Look out!
What happened?
Can we please go
back to rock 'n roll?
Time for something
a little more relaxing.
These are underwater
whale songs.
It's too bad Ichy is visiting
Reptilon, he'd like these.
What is it? Is something wrong?
Listen to the lyrics.
Lyrics? You mean words?
I don't hear any words.
It's so beautiful.
And sad.
Yet, the hunters have
left so few of them alive.
The whales. We must go to the
ocean and make contact with them.
Wait. You're not
going without me.
Okay, Plesio, show
me this meteor.
I can see the meteor
glow from here.
Where'd you go, Plesio?
Right behind you, as usual.
You'd better keep an eye out for those
huge sea monsters you saw before.
Sea monsters?
Oh, ah, right. The sea monsters.
Sure, boss, I'll keep watch.
a lot more magnetic activity
than before, Genghis Rex.
We'll have to work fast.
Get that insulation material
down here on the double.
What was that?
It's a whale and I think he wants
us to keep away from that meteor.
I don't have time for this.
That was easy.
REX: [OVER PA] Plesio, keep
an eye on your instruments.
I don't want to be down there if this
thing goes off, before we have it covered.
He says that whales have been on
the Earth for many thousands of years.
The whales survived and evolved
to become the guardians of the deep.
But whales have been
losing the battle to protect
the oceans from
mankind's pollution.
Here's a
mini-translator for Sara.
Great. Now I'll be able to
understand whale language, too.
Say something.
Support green peace.
Hey, I understood that.
Tell your friends. Just a
minute, I'm getting a message.
I'm sorry, I have to go. There's an
emergency in the Bermuda Triangle.
What is it? Perhaps we can help.
The whale assigned to guard fire
mountain has been attacked by sky lizards.
Tyrannos. We'd
better get down there.
How would you like to be
there in about 20 minutes?
That would be great, but
how? Whales can't fly, you know.
Are you sure?
PLESIO: [OVER PA] Magnetic activity
has tripled since we got down here.
Time's running out. Get the
shield on the other side. Quickly.
It's getting dangerous down there. Fire
mountain's going to blow any moment.
What happens then?
Everything around it disappears.
Without a trace.
I hate to say this, but we
have to warn the Tyrannos.
You're sure we want to do that?
PA] They won't believe us.
Probably not, but
we've got to try.
I've got a couple of
Dinosaucers up here.
They say you'd better
get out of there or else.
Pay no attention to
those nosey sauruses.
They just want us out of here so
they can take control of the meteor.
What should I tell them?
them to go dunk their heads.
Got it.
Allo, time's up. You
must go back now.
Right, Dimetro. Bronto
Thunder, take Sara and
Bronto Thunder, look out!
My controls are jammed.
ALLO: [OVER PA] Bronto
Thunder, I'll cover you.
Bronto Thunder, are you
out of range of the meteor?
Bronto Thunder!
DIMETRO: [OVER PA] Allo, Bronto
Thunder lost power and went down.
Now get out of there fast.
We're gonna need that
barge to get them up.
What's happening?
Ankylo, the barge is moving.
Rex, the shield is falling away.
I can see that, you nitwitatops.
But this thing is
about to go off.
My engines won't respond.
I knew this was
going to be a bad day.
Brachio, fire your Fossilizer into
the meteor. Maybe that'll hold it.
PA] Just let me stomp it.
What if I fire at it
and it blows up?
What if it doesn't?
I'm startin' to lose
power, bossasaur.
PA] It's not working.
Keep firing.
Come on! You can do it!
Now to get out of here.
I'm clear, but something's
happening to the ocean.
It's forming a huge whirlpool.
What are we going to do?
You shoulda' let me stomp it.
We're going to find
out if this thing really
does what your
scientist says it does.
Send us back to Reptilon?
If we're lucky.
Well, that's over.
Now we have to get
Bronto Thunder and Sara up.
Bronto Thunder, can you hear me?
PA] We're here, Allo.
But we seem to have
sprung a slight leak.
How bad is it?
I'd say we have a good hour.
Hold on. Help is on the way.
Get the barge into position.
That should do it.
We've got to snap that chain
wrapped around Bronto Thunder's ship.
We will. Take it away.
I see it. Over there.
Swing the hook left,
Dimetro, about a hundred feet.
good. Now move it back. Lower it a bit.
Okay, now slowly forward.
It's hooked on.
Yes! Okay, Dimetro, bring us up.
DIMETRO: Allo, look
out! It's a Tyranno.
shot him, bossasaurus.
Hey, boss, where are you?
The cable snapped!
Allo, Allo, we're
taking in water real fast!
ALLO: [OVER PA] I hear
you, Bronto Thunder. Stand by.
ANKYLO: [OVER PA] Chiefasaurus,
where are you? Come in.
How long would it take
to attach another hook?
Not long at all, but
we've lost too much cable.
We can't reach them?
No, I'm afraid not.
We've got to do something.
We can't just let them
Hey, what's that?
It's the whales.
ALLO: The two whales
are pushing the ship up.
They've carried it
up on their backs.
Thunder and Sara are safe.
You saved our lives. How
can we ever thank you?
Oh, we were glad to help.
We took a look down
below. Meteor's gone.
You've been good friends. To show our
appreciation, we'd like you to have these.
These are communicator rings.
If the Tyrannos ever come back,
just whistle and we'll be there.
Well, I'm glad that not all
sky lizards are the same.
Thank you and goodbye.
I wonder what happened to Rex.
I don't know, but I have
a feeling he'll be back.
Ankylo, where are you?
We're on Reptilon. It worked.
Yeah, it worked once.
The meteor was destroyed.
Oh! How're we gonna
get back to Earth?
Well, someone's going to have to
clean all the mud out of our ships
and it isn't going to be me!
Oh, I had to be a conqueror.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
What's so urgent that you
interrupted my sunbath?
This could be the most important
discovery we've made on Earth.
I'll be the judge of that.
Quack. We tapped into the records
of a scientist at a top secret lab.
According to her research, a
huge meteor crashed into the ocean.
So what? Hundreds of
meteors have hit the Earth.
Yes, but only one that could have come
from a planet on the other side of the Sun.
From Reptilon?
Quack. You betcha.
A volcanic eruption thousands
of years ago sent it into space.
Quack. And you know what
happened, do you? Huh? Do you?
If I knew what happened, I wouldn't
be standing here listening to you cackle.
Now finish this story
before I fossilize.
The meteor landed
off the coast of Florida
in an area known as
the Bermuda Triangle.
Quack. Plesio is at
the exact location now.
He's getting ready to
go down and investigate.
I'm getting ready to go
down and investigate.
Perhaps one of you could
organize your thoughts long enough
to tell me why this
meteor is so important!
Quack. Because of all the ships
and airplanes that have mysteriously
disappeared in this area.
But I'm not interested
in ships and airplanes.
This scientist believes that the
meteor upset the Earth's magnetic field
and created a sort
of energy whirlpool.
Which created an invisible
tunnel through space.
To Reptilon.
You mean we have a
space tunnel to Reptilon?
That's right.
So we may have a way of
sending things back home
without the Dinosaucers
knowing about it.
[CACKLING] All kinds of things.
Big things, little things, maybe
some candy covered seaweed.
These humans have
all kinds of crazy beliefs.
Get down there and
check this out, Plesio.
Something's glowing
on the ocean floor
and my instruments
are going crazy.
I'm almost there.
It seems to be surrounded
by a strong magnetic field.
Something's coming
towards me from behind.
ANKYLO: [OVER PA] What is it?
I don't know.
But from the readings
I'm getting, it's huge.
Uh-oh, there's an even bigger
one coming in from the left.
And one from up above.
They're huge, they're monstrous.
They're going to
swallow up my whole ship!
out of there, Plesio! Run for it!
It's too late. They're
closing in from all directions.
By sea monsters on
Earth, what a way to go.
Plesio, Plesio. Are you there?
You know, they must have
been upset by the magnetic field.
was that you said, Plesio?
I got away. It was
close, but I made it.
great, but what were they?
What were they?
I don't know. They were awesome.
But hey, duty calls. I'm going in
to get a closer look at that meteor.
I want a barge
with a heavy crane
and enough magnetic insulation
material to cover that meteor.
What's your plan, oh chiefasaur?
If it's as valuable as you say,
I want it back here
under my personal control.
And don't call me chiefasaur.
This music is usually
danced to. Like this.
Of course, you really
should have the proper shoes.
That was beautiful,
Sara. I think I'll try it.
Oops. Sorry, Dimetro.
I should hope so.
And this is what we call soft rock 'n
roll. Not the kind that hurts your ears.
Just about everyone
likes to dance.
This is great.
Okay, okay. The next
one is square dance music.
How do we square dance, Sara?
Oh, it's easy,
Bonehead. Follow me.
Now, dance towards me.
Like this?
That's good. Now reach
out your arm like this.
Now hook your arm through
mine and let me turn you.
Same thing on the left side.
Hold on a minute.
This is too fast!
This is great!
Bronto Thunder,
maybe you should stop.
I just live to do-si-do.
I can't hold on much longer.
Bronto Thunder, stop!
You're going too fast.
Look out!
What happened?
Can we please go
back to rock 'n roll?
Time for something
a little more relaxing.
These are underwater
whale songs.
It's too bad Ichy is visiting
Reptilon, he'd like these.
What is it? Is something wrong?
Listen to the lyrics.
Lyrics? You mean words?
I don't hear any words.
It's so beautiful.
And sad.
Yet, the hunters have
left so few of them alive.
The whales. We must go to the
ocean and make contact with them.
Wait. You're not
going without me.
Okay, Plesio, show
me this meteor.
I can see the meteor
glow from here.
Where'd you go, Plesio?
Right behind you, as usual.
You'd better keep an eye out for those
huge sea monsters you saw before.
Sea monsters?
Oh, ah, right. The sea monsters.
Sure, boss, I'll keep watch.
a lot more magnetic activity
than before, Genghis Rex.
We'll have to work fast.
Get that insulation material
down here on the double.
What was that?
It's a whale and I think he wants
us to keep away from that meteor.
I don't have time for this.
That was easy.
REX: [OVER PA] Plesio, keep
an eye on your instruments.
I don't want to be down there if this
thing goes off, before we have it covered.
He says that whales have been on
the Earth for many thousands of years.
The whales survived and evolved
to become the guardians of the deep.
But whales have been
losing the battle to protect
the oceans from
mankind's pollution.
Here's a
mini-translator for Sara.
Great. Now I'll be able to
understand whale language, too.
Say something.
Support green peace.
Hey, I understood that.
Tell your friends. Just a
minute, I'm getting a message.
I'm sorry, I have to go. There's an
emergency in the Bermuda Triangle.
What is it? Perhaps we can help.
The whale assigned to guard fire
mountain has been attacked by sky lizards.
Tyrannos. We'd
better get down there.
How would you like to be
there in about 20 minutes?
That would be great, but
how? Whales can't fly, you know.
Are you sure?
PLESIO: [OVER PA] Magnetic activity
has tripled since we got down here.
Time's running out. Get the
shield on the other side. Quickly.
It's getting dangerous down there. Fire
mountain's going to blow any moment.
What happens then?
Everything around it disappears.
Without a trace.
I hate to say this, but we
have to warn the Tyrannos.
You're sure we want to do that?
PA] They won't believe us.
Probably not, but
we've got to try.
I've got a couple of
Dinosaucers up here.
They say you'd better
get out of there or else.
Pay no attention to
those nosey sauruses.
They just want us out of here so
they can take control of the meteor.
What should I tell them?
them to go dunk their heads.
Got it.
Allo, time's up. You
must go back now.
Right, Dimetro. Bronto
Thunder, take Sara and
Bronto Thunder, look out!
My controls are jammed.
ALLO: [OVER PA] Bronto
Thunder, I'll cover you.
Bronto Thunder, are you
out of range of the meteor?
Bronto Thunder!
DIMETRO: [OVER PA] Allo, Bronto
Thunder lost power and went down.
Now get out of there fast.
We're gonna need that
barge to get them up.
What's happening?
Ankylo, the barge is moving.
Rex, the shield is falling away.
I can see that, you nitwitatops.
But this thing is
about to go off.
My engines won't respond.
I knew this was
going to be a bad day.
Brachio, fire your Fossilizer into
the meteor. Maybe that'll hold it.
PA] Just let me stomp it.
What if I fire at it
and it blows up?
What if it doesn't?
I'm startin' to lose
power, bossasaur.
PA] It's not working.
Keep firing.
Come on! You can do it!
Now to get out of here.
I'm clear, but something's
happening to the ocean.
It's forming a huge whirlpool.
What are we going to do?
You shoulda' let me stomp it.
We're going to find
out if this thing really
does what your
scientist says it does.
Send us back to Reptilon?
If we're lucky.
Well, that's over.
Now we have to get
Bronto Thunder and Sara up.
Bronto Thunder, can you hear me?
PA] We're here, Allo.
But we seem to have
sprung a slight leak.
How bad is it?
I'd say we have a good hour.
Hold on. Help is on the way.
Get the barge into position.
That should do it.
We've got to snap that chain
wrapped around Bronto Thunder's ship.
We will. Take it away.
I see it. Over there.
Swing the hook left,
Dimetro, about a hundred feet.
good. Now move it back. Lower it a bit.
Okay, now slowly forward.
It's hooked on.
Yes! Okay, Dimetro, bring us up.
DIMETRO: Allo, look
out! It's a Tyranno.
shot him, bossasaurus.
Hey, boss, where are you?
The cable snapped!
Allo, Allo, we're
taking in water real fast!
ALLO: [OVER PA] I hear
you, Bronto Thunder. Stand by.
ANKYLO: [OVER PA] Chiefasaurus,
where are you? Come in.
How long would it take
to attach another hook?
Not long at all, but
we've lost too much cable.
We can't reach them?
No, I'm afraid not.
We've got to do something.
We can't just let them
Hey, what's that?
It's the whales.
ALLO: The two whales
are pushing the ship up.
They've carried it
up on their backs.
Thunder and Sara are safe.
You saved our lives. How
can we ever thank you?
Oh, we were glad to help.
We took a look down
below. Meteor's gone.
You've been good friends. To show our
appreciation, we'd like you to have these.
These are communicator rings.
If the Tyrannos ever come back,
just whistle and we'll be there.
Well, I'm glad that not all
sky lizards are the same.
Thank you and goodbye.
I wonder what happened to Rex.
I don't know, but I have
a feeling he'll be back.
Ankylo, where are you?
We're on Reptilon. It worked.
Yeah, it worked once.
The meteor was destroyed.
Oh! How're we gonna
get back to Earth?
Well, someone's going to have to
clean all the mud out of our ships
and it isn't going to be me!
Oh, I had to be a conqueror.