Dinosaucers (1987) s01e26 Episode Script

Inquiring Minds

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ALL ROARING]
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
- Smile!
- Huh?
That will be perfect for
the cover of Lifemagazine.
Well, I hope you
got my good side.
Hey Hey, let me
see that camera.
Isn't this Dad's new camera?
Yeah. So?
I thought he said that nobody
was supposed to touch it.
I'm not nobody! I'm his
one and only daughter,
who's going to be a famous
photographer someday.
Well, photograph someone else.
I'm going to take these books
on terraforming over to Allo.
Can I come, too?
Well, I guess so, as long as you
don't take anymore pictures. Okay?
Look. Paul taught Bonehead
and Stego to play tag.
You're it. I think.
I am not an it.
Not an it. Just it.
I'm gonna take these
books to Allo, Sara.
Remember, no more pictures.
You're no fun. I'm
going to play tag.
Don't forget, you promised to
take my pictures to be developed.
They close soon,
so don't take too long.
Hey, guys, smile.
Can you say dinosaur?
Of course. Can't everyone?
I knew you could.
Hi, Allo. How you
doin', Dimetro?
I'm doing fine, Ryan. We were
watching a very educational program.
Can you say dinosaur?
Sure. Dinosaur.
I thought you could.
So, Allo, I brought the books
I promised on terraforming.
What's terraforming?
It's a way of making places better
able to support life, using plants.
You see this desert?
The army will turn it into a jungle
overnight by planting special seeds.
Sounds like the perfect
thing to re-vegetate our planet.
I'd really like to
see this experiment.
Me, too. When does it start?
It started today, but if you leave
soon, you probably won't miss much.
Oh, I gotta go. I promised to drop Sara's
latest roll of film off to be developed.
Are my pictures ready yet?
Right after those, sir.
Hey, aren't you Perry Porter, the newspaper
reporter for The American Tattler?
I love your column.
PORTER: Thanks, kid.
I don't guess you got any
hot scoops for me, huh?
Whoa, looks like maybe
you got somethin' for me.
Hey, stop that wheel. I
gotta take a look at those.
I don't know, Mr. Porter.
They belong to someone else.
Letting you see them might
be against the law or somethin'.
Kid, nothin's against
the law when you're hot
on the trail of a
once-in-a-lifetime story.
I don't know.
And, of course, since I couldn't
have got this story without you,
it's only fair to share the
fame, the wealth, the glory
Whoa! Am I really
gonna be famous?
When pigs fly, kid. Ah,
oops, say Almost forgot.
Ah Who did you say
these belong to Partner?
Uh Let's see. Here it is. Sara
Spencer. Here's the address.
Anything else I can do, Mr. Porter?
Anything at all? Just name it.
No, thanks, kid. You've
done more than enough.
I went to get Sara's
pictures from the developer,
but the clerk said they
had no record of them.
Sara's gonna be really upset.
We should get her something
to make her feel better.
A copy of Photo Journal
Magazineor something.
Oh, no! Oh, no!
I can't believe it.
It was just an idea.
Look! Read the headline.
Okay, okay. What's
the matter with you?
"Giant alien lizards terrorize
defenseless humans." So?
That's Bonehead and me!
Oh, no.
Wait a minute.
What do they mean
"defenseless humans"?
Wait'll I get my
hands on these guys.
I'm afraid the only one I want to
get my hands on right now is Sara.
SARA: And here's one of the town
hall and another one of our house.
Here's my dog Charlie
and my cat Missy
Great, kid, but don't you have any other
animal pictures of strange animals, maybe?
Well, there's the Russells'
dog George. He's pretty strange.
He's got this big body
and these short little legs.
I mean real strange animals. Like
giant lizards with flying saucers.
If you're going to make fun
of me, you can just leave.
Mom, Mr. Porter
is ready to leave!
Don't play dumb, kid. You're not
good at it. I know you took these.
Never mind, Mom.
What do you want?
All I ever want, kid. The story.
Well, you're not gonna get
it, so I think you'd better leave.
Okay, kids. But
I gotta tell you
That reporter always gets his
story, even if he has to make it up.
Hello. Is this The
New York Times?
This is Perry
Porter and Snobs!
Halloween was
last week. Beat it.
Quack. Let an expert
handle this. Knock, knock.
- Who's there?
- Jurassic.
Jurassic who?
Jurassic for trouble if
you don't let us in. Quack.
Giant lizards with a bad
sense of humor. Great.
What do you want?
I want to know where you got
the pictures of the Dinosaucers.
Dinosaucers, huh? Dinosaurs
in flying saucers Clever.
Are you a Dinosaucer, too?
No more questions, puny human.
Where did you
get those pictures?
You don't scare me.
I've had stranger things than
you delivered with my junk mail.
Let's talk a deal.
A deal? I like
the sound of that.
Yeah. Well, let's just say you
scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
Whoa, whoa, whoa I'll take
the rain-check on the back scratch.
Hurry! We've got to reach Allo
before he leaves for New Mexico.
Genghis Rex, this is Perry.
The kids are coming your way.
Tyrannos, prepare
for takeoff. Now!
RYAN: Tyrannos!
Sara, this is all your fault.
Quack! How lucky that I just
happen to have some sticky,
dragonfly paper handy.
Looks like you're going to be
all tied up for a while, human.
Oh! Ryan, oh no!
I'll get the girl. Quackpot and Ankylo,
you take the boys to the warehouse.
I'm closer to the
woods than I thought.
It's no use, mammal!
You're mine, hatchling!
Clever girl, but
not clever enough.
That's what you think.
I can't see!
You're done for now,
mammal. As soon as I find you.
Ryan was right.
This is all my fault.
We have the boys,
but the girl got away.
But she's the one
who took the pictures.
No matter. Meet us at the paint
warehouse you told us about.
Perry Porter. I should have
known. I've got to reach Allo.
You won't get away with this.
Oh, yes, we will. Bring
the hatchlings inside.
Okay, mammals,
empty your pockets.
What for?
Because I said so.
The rings, too, humans.
I know, because you said so.
Lock them up until I
decide what to do with them.
Allo. Allo, please come in.
Tag! You're an it.
Not an it. Just it.
Well, whatever. You are one.
Where's Allo?
He and everyone else have gone to New
Mexico to see that terraforming experiment.
STEGO: We're the only ones here.
Oh, no. This is all my fault.
No, it's not, Sara. It was Ryan's
idea for Allo to watch the terraforming.
We don't mind being
left behind. Really.
That's not what I mean. Rex has
Ryan and Paul and it's all my fault.
Well, we'll just have
to go and rescue them.
You can tell us
about it on the way.
So, Rex probably wants the rest of
the pictures to see if he can find out
anything more about Lava Dome.
Look, Tyrannos' ships
and that's the warehouse.
I'll fly around it once. Maybe
we can find a hidden way in.
There. The warehouse
backs up against those caves.
I read once that they used to store
paint thinner in there to keep it cool.
Then there will be a
way in through there?
There should be. I
just hope we're in time.
Why are you helping
the Tyrannos?
Anything for a story, kid.
Don't talk to him, Paul. Anything you
say will just end up on the cover of his
sleazy newspaper.
That's right, kiddies,
pictures and everything.
[GASPS] Oh, it's only you.
Can you see Paul and Ryan?
No, all I see are Ankylo, Quackpot,
Genghis Rex and that sneaky Perry Porter.
Wait, there's a closed door at
the back. They have to be in there.
We'd better go in
through the caves in back.
Bonehead, you get your ship
ready in case we need outside help.
Let's go.
Hurry, Stego.
Sorry, but it's a
pretty tight squeeze.
This kind of makes me homesick
for Reptilon. Swamps, damp, mud.
Stego, look.
This is it. We're under the
warehouse. I'd better go, Stego.
This ladder probably
wasn't built for Dinosaucers.
This stuff must
be very important,
or the Secret Scouts
wouldn't keep it all with them.
I'm especially
interested in these rings.
Genghis Rex has Ryan and Paul's
Secret Scouts rings. [SCREAMS]
ANKYLO: I've got the girl, Rex.
Bonehead! Now!
ANKYLO: I've got the girl.
The Secret Scouts
ring. And a pocket knife.
Maybe I can use the knife
to get Ryan and Paul out
Bonehead, hurry.
Let go, Dinosaucer. Get back
into the hole you crawled out of.
I'll save you, Stego
Quack. My hot gun ray will
take care of this sticky situation.
Oh, no you don't.
How sweet. She's come
to rescue her brother.
Secret Scouts ring, power up!
Hold it right there.
Ryan! Paul! Can you hear me?
Sara! Let us out! Help!
Bossasaur. Oh no
Ankylo! Whoa!
Thanks, Sara. Let's go.
After them!
Let's get out of here.
Hold it right there. Nobody
leaves till I get what's comin' to me.
- Whoa!
Poor choice of words.
Oh, well, win a few, lose a few.
You all look so clean
with that paint washed off.
How about a picture?
- Are you crazy?
- Forget it.
Sillies. I've decided to be an
artist instead of a photographer.
After all, I am good with paint.
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