Dinosaucers (1987) s01e27 Episode Script

War of the Worlds... II

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ALL ROARING]
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
MAN: [ON TV] This is incredible,
folks. It's really happening.
Aliens from outer space!
This is the moment we've
always wondered about.
Will they be friendly
or will they be
Somebody stop it!
It's only a movie, Bonehead.
It's gonna get us.
It isn't real. Look.
If it were real, all the channels
would have it on the news.
But they don't. See?
Gosh, Bonehead, no one's
supposed to believe movies like that.
It makes more sense
to me than football.
And that's on TV.
[CHUCKLES] Yes, I must say it
seems strange to see adult humans
mashing each other like
gizzard stones for fun.
Don't forget, Ryan, years
ago there was a major panic
over a broadcast about
invaders from Mars.
Years is right. It was on the
radio back when there was no TV.
People wouldn't
fall for that now.
Hmm. What do you
think they'd say about us?
Uh, maybe they
aren't quite ready.
Well, I'm ready.
Ready to blow a gasket.
What? Do Earth
mammals have gaskets?
By the first egg, I
can fix that in a jiffy.
Ah, wait a minute, Dimetro.
Hey, have a complete overhaul.
It might improve your manners.
Do you really have
gasket trouble?
Worse than that. It's
my cousin Francine.
Is that the one who wants
to be a big movie director?
I thought you said she
was a major science nerd.
People usually say
that kind of thing
when someone's smart
enough to make them nervous.
I mean, we have a
three-day weekend
and my folks are making
me spend it in Cedar Grove.
That's up near Crystal Lake.
Allo, it might make a
nice weekend expedition.
Well, I suppose we might
try some rock climbing.
DRIVER: Last stop, Cedar Grove.
MAN: By golly, Sam, I think the
mayor ought to call Washington.
Come on, those things
weren't real space critters.
Just some kind of goof-up
with the satellite dish.
Oh yeah? Well, I say the dish picked
up a broadcast from a flying saucer.
Hey, David!
The one and only.
What happened to your braces?
Give me a break.
That was last year.
[GIGGLING] Come on.
You'll see, one day everyone will make
their own movies, on home computers.
That reminds me. Those men were saying
something about a flying saucer on TV.
We get all our TV by satellite
up here in the mountains.
There's all kinds
of freak signals.
Sure, it couldn't
have been real.
They don't come from
any planet we know of.
According to the automatic
scanner log, Genghis Rex,
the whole transmission
only lasted two minutes.
Of course, you ninny,
they don't want to be traced.
I'm just a little too
fast for them, that's all.
The nearest mammal settlement appears
to be a tiny town called Cedar Grove.
Perhaps they want to stay
hidden for a while, your scaliness.
That's my kind of monster.
We're going to find them, Ankylo,
and get them to join forces with us.
And then [SNORTING]
It will be goodbye, mammals!
[ON RADIO] Okay, Allo,
we can make camp here.
ALLO: Beautiful. Almost
like the mountains of Reptilon.
PAUL: [ON RADIO] Except the
Rockies are a lot colder at night.
we'd better get moving.
All right, everybody, saddle up.
How far do you reckon we'll be climbing
before we make camp for the night?
We'll be leaving most of our
equipment here at the base camp.
Maybe we shouldn't
get too far away.
Nah, don't worry, Allo. Human
campers never get up this far.
RYAN: And the Tyrannos
don't know we're here.
Might as well start here.
Secret scouts ring, power up!
BONEHEAD: Look out!
ALLO: Hold on, Sara!
DIMETRO: Be careful!
Look out below!
I can use anything
for raw material.
Look. Something on TV.
MAN: [ON TV] Kitties
just love Meow Morsels.
Uh, let's go play catch, okay?
Hang on a minute.
There. How about that?
It's cute, okay? But I still don't
believe you can make a movie.
Come on, let's go play catch.
Why don't you go get us
some sodas. I'll be right down.
We'll see who can make a movie.
REX: This is the same frequency as
the last broadcast from Cedar Grove.
What if the creatures
don't want to make friends?
What if they, oh, want to fight?
You lily-livered lizard.
[LAUGHING] I can't stand it.
It's too funny.
Stop playing games with your
devolver and make yourself useful.
But this is more fun. [LAUGHING]
Fun, eh? I think I'll have some
fun and turn you into a trilobite!
Look, sire. [SNORTS]
They're back.
At last, our future allies.
REX: And they're still somewhere
in the area of Cedar Grove.
We'll go there and find
them. And once we do,
it'll be Earth's mammals
that are extinct.
Hey, I didn't know you
could handle a ball like that.
You never asked.
Well, you know, I
just figured you were
I know. Some kind of nerd.
Uh, hang on. I
never WOMAN: Ahh!
Mom! What's the matter?
Look, Francine. I
I know that place.
That's right up by Grover's Mill. Those
creatures are heading for Cedar Grove!
Uh, Mom
Hurry, folks, get out
before the monsters come!
Hurry, children,
we have to pack.
Gosh, you'd better
go help your mom.
Uh Yes.
Hello, Ryan? You read me?
Ryan? Allo? Come in,
will you? It's an emergency.
DIMETRO: Keep coming,
lad, you're almost there.
Well, I've gotta say, we
did pretty well, considering.
[CHUCKLES] Considering we're
not mountain goats, you mean.
I think it's time
I went on a diet.
Not me. I'm starved.
Hey, David took our
jet packs with him, right?
I believe so. Why?
Well, we were gonna
call him anyway.
Let's see if he can
bring us some pizzas.
Honestly, Paul, are you trying to
be a mad genius or something?
You're right. That's the
smartest thing I ever heard of.
I love pizza.
David, do you read
me? Come in, please.
Come on, pal, speak to me.
That's funny. He always answers.
I suppose the mountains could
be interfering with the signal.
I still don't understand
why he went off
just to see a
mountain with a flat top.
It's not the mountaintop.
It's the view.
You can see three
different states from there.
How much further?
RYAN: We're almost there.
ALLO: Well, we've come this
far. It'd be a shame to miss it.
BONEHEAD: Yeah. Anyhow,
nothing bad could happen way up here.
ALL: Oh, no!
Oh, yes.
RYAN: The Tyrannos.
That flat mountaintop is a
perfect landing strip. Follow me.
Are you scared?
Of course not.
Well, something's
bugging you. What is it?
Attention. Please remain calm.
You have sufficient time to evacuate.
You did it, didn't you? You made those
monsters on your computer somehow.
I just wanted to show
you I could make a movie.
I believe it, don't worry.
It was just an
experiment at first.
I was watching that Space
Invadersflick the other day and
Yeah. I thought I
recognized those monsters.
So I picked them up and
fed them into my data bank.
I was just playing with
them the other night
and the town's TV dish
picked it up by accident.
How about this time?
[SIGHS] I did it on purpose.
To impress you.
Wow! You'd better
tell somebody fast.
There is no need to
panic. Please remain calm.
Hey, Francine!
Hmm, there seems to be a
disturbance in that little town down there.
Perhaps the monsters
are attacking, chiefasaur.
I don't see them. And
don't call me chiefasaur!
They must be somewhere nearby.
ANKYLO: We'll find them.
We'd better!
Yow! Ouch! What's this?
Get it off me.
Immediately, your
scaliness. Right away, your
Oh, I can't stand it.
[LAUGHS] It's, it's too funny!
Been devolving
the local bugs, huh?
We'll see how funny it is when
you join them as a dragonfly.
Wait a minute, there's a
big lake next to Cedar Grove.
Bring me a powerful devolver.
[QUACK] Yes, sir.
REX: That lake.
All right, nitwitatops, aim the beam
at where the stream runs into the lake.
Those people in Cedar
Grove will go nuts.
Ha! Who cares about that?
This is bait for the monsters.
Brilliant, Genghis Rex.
When they see the
creatures filling the lake,
they'll come out of
hiding to investigate.
And then we can
join forces with them
and destroy the human race.
Boy, was I dumb. No one
will ever believe me again.
[ON TV] And stand by.
We should be able to
begin the attack soon.
Oh, my gosh! I know that was
real. But if I try to tell anyone
Talking to yourself?
Did anybody ever
believe the boy again?
I mean, the one who cried wolf.
Sure. He was a good kid.
Holy cow! It's Genghis Rex.
Can you keep a secret?
Good. Ryan, Allo, come in.
Darn. The mountains are
interfering with the signal.
Give me the ring.
Mayday. Mayday.
Doggone it, David, come in.
Here I am, pal. What's going on?
an emergency, David.
Now here's what
I want you to do.
RYAN: There they are.
ALLO: Good. They
found the equipment.
David. You made it.
No problem.
Thank you, Francine.
If it hadn't been for your electronic
skill, we'd have been out of luck.
She's a real trooper, Allo.
All right, everybody. Is everyone
clear on the plan of attack?
You bet!
All right, folks, let's go!
That does it! Let's just
destroy Cedar Grove
and see if that will bring
those creatures out in the open.
And now it's time to
deal with you Tyrannos.
It won't be that easy, Allo.
Ankylo, take them out.
Oh, no!
ALL: Charge!
Tyrannos! Arm
yourselves! Counter at
Count Count
[QUACKS] Take it off,
take it off! Let me go!
Golly, they won't hurt
each other, will they?
Oh, it isn't as
bad as it sounds,
but I expect they'll be pretty
sore, once they transform back.
Well, how about all those
creatures they made?
We saw hundreds heading
downstream towards the lake.
DIMETRO: With creatures so
simple, the change doesn't last.
In a minute or two
they'll be back to normal.
Thank goodness for that.
I was afraid I'd have to warn
the town they were coming.
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