Dinosaucers (1987) s01e28 Episode Script
Beach Blanket Bonehead
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
ALLO: The strange signal seems
to be coming from this meadow.
Let's see now.
REX: They're
almost within range.
DIMETRO: The signal
is coming from that cave.
Closer, closer, a little closer.
There. Styraco, fire at will.
Whose will?
Get them!
ALLO: It's the Tyrannos! A trap!
Back to the ships! Hurry!
I've got you at last.
[QUACK] You're
trapped, you're trapped.
[TAUNTING] Nya, nya,
nya, nya, nya. You're trapped.
What is this "nya, nya,
nya, nya, nya" stuff?
Oh, [CHUCKLES] an Earth sign
of triumph, oh head honchosaurus,
You're learning some very
bad habits on this planet.
What are you going to do with
the Dinosaucers, Genghis Rex?
I don't know yet. This will
take some careful planning.
I'll slow them down with a
small dose of the fossilizer.
[QUACK] I hate to spoil
this magic moment for you,
but, uh, [LAUGHS] we can't.
Can't? Who says we can't?
To me, the greatest of all the
Tyrannos, there is no such word as can't!
[QUACKS] There
is so. It's spelled:
C-A-N, little hooky guy, "T."
Besides it's Fern Day.
Fern Day? That's impossible.
[QUACKS] Just look at the sun, the
stars. Uh, look at your calendar watch.
How could you forget
such an important holiday?
We're saved.
Quackpot, you can't even
remember your own egg day.
Why'd you have to
remember Fern Day?
Be glad I did.
You know what happens to
anybody who gets violent on Fern Day.
Very well. You
Dinosaucers are free to go.
Have a nice Fern Day, Rex.
You know I forgot
about it being Fern Day.
Me, too. Wait till we tell the
Secret Scouts about our holiday.
Fern Day is Reptilon's
biggest holiday.
As you know, supplies of
food on our planet are limited.
Besides that there's
not much to eat.
Mostly we live on Ferns.
Ferns? That's lame.
Even worse than
freeze-dried seaweed.
Harvest time is called Fern Day.
All violence is forbidden for 24 hours.
What happens if
somebody forgets?
Oh, you don't even want to know.
What do you after you've finished
cutting down the, yuck, Ferns?
Good times. Maybe a
picnic down at the tar pits.
Or a fast game of how far
can you throw a mud ball.
I always win that one.
Sometimes we choose
teams and play volleyrock.
Boy, Fern Day sounds
like a thrill a minute.
Why don't we show our
friends something better.
Like the beach.
School's just out and
That's a great idea.
Come on, gang, it's Fern Day.
Yay! A day at the beach!
What is a beach?
I don't know, but
we're going to find out.
So that's the beach.
Not the beach. A very
special private beach.
Huh? Look. Wet ferns.
No! Wait!
Um, first point,
that isn't the ocean.
You just emptied
out a tide pool.
Second, those wet
ferns are seaweed.
Then what's this?
DAVID: It's a
crab. You can eat it.
I never eat anything
that's trying to eat me.
Help! Help!
Oh, no!
Wha-what are you doing here?
Just enjoying Fern Day.
Makin' sure you
don't get into trouble.
[QUACK] Maybe I can
teach you how to swim.
I don't want to learn
anything from you.
It'd be quite a
shame if one of the
Dinosaucers lost his
temper today, wouldn't it?
This is Fern Day. Not even the
Tyrannos would dare to violate the truce.
Maybe not, but I'm gonna
keep an eye on them.
Hello? I can't hear you.
The dial tone is just awful.
You'll have to talk louder.
I can't hear.
Anybody there? Hello?
Talk to me! Talk.
I can't hear you.
A dinosaur!
You. You're a dinosaur.
No I'm not. I'm a Dinosaucer.
What's the difference?
We're gentle and we're prettier,
and a lot brighter.
Brighter? Wanna bet?
You were talking to a seashell.
I gotta tell Mom about this.
Mom! Mom!
I just saw a dinosaur.
That's nice, dear. I'm
reading about some.
It was a real dinosaur.
It talked to me.
Lee, your mother is trying to read
"The Clan of the Cave Dinosaur."
But what do I do
about my dinosaur?
Why don't you buy him
and you an ice cream?
But don't be long.
Your piano lesson
is in two hours.
Oh, Mom.
Hey, skinny, your
ribs are showin'.
[GRUNTS] You can't
do that. This is Fern Day.
I didn't do anything.
I just slipped.
Like this.
Stop that or else I'll
You'll do what?
I'll feed you
your tail for lunch.
Fern Day is truce day.
You can't do anything at all.
That's it. You asked for it.
No! Stop!
Wait! It's Fern Day!
All right, that's quite enough.
Now you Tyrannos are not
gonna make us break the truce.
We're gonna have a
nice day at the beach.
We're not the ones
trying to start trouble.
Good. So why don't you stay on that side
of the beach and we'll stick to this one?
Anything to keep the peace.
Say, what does happen to
anyone who breaks the truce?
You don't wanna know.
That's it. I'm humiliated.
No, you're not. You're Stego.
I'm tired of being a
900-pound weakling.
I'm gonna get myself in shape.
Paul, what's this?
That's a starfish.
A star? What kind of star?
Movies? Were you in Top Fish?
Oh, you're one of
those shy stars, huh?
Maybe you're a musician.
Born in the undersea?
Then can I have your autograph?
Starfish can't
Okay, I'm dumb for
asking what you're doing.
But what are you doing?
Working out.
Shouldn't you put some
weights on that bar?
Then I wouldn't
be able to lift it.
Okay. That makes sense. I guess.
You're cheating. You're
using your own sail.
Tack. Tack!
I don't like tacking.
Ha. Not bad, eh?
Ha! Any idiottops can do that.
And idiottops? [SNICKERS]
Sara, bring the boat back.
I'll show you
what real skill is.
Fine. But there's a couple of
things you should keep in mind.
The last thing I need is
advice from a pushy allosaurus!
The last thing I want to be doing
is hauling some Tyranno around.
Come on now,
Sara, this is Fern Day.
Besides, Rex is ready to
show us how much he knows.
Right. Sorry. Here we go.
This isn't so hard. Huh?
Well, that didn't
take much skill at all.
Mom, I just saw this
tyrannosaurus waterskiing.
He crashed.
That's nice, dear. Go
make sure he's all right.
A waterskiing tyrannosaurus?
Oh, he must have
seen the book cover.
That can't be right.
It's gonna be okay,
it's gonna be okay!
It's not gonna be okay!
I wanna go home!
Mom, you'll never guess what the
dinosaurs have gotten themselves into.
Lee, this has gone far enough.
What was the bargain
we made this morning?
If you took me to the beach
before my piano lesson,
you could read your
book and I could play.
And you aren't keeping
your share of the bargain.
But I thought you'd be
interested in dinosaurs.
I am. The ones in my book.
Now why don't you go build a sand castle.
We'll be going home in an hour or so.
Okay, Mom.
This was all a plot.
Who plotted?
All of you.
[QUACK] You decoyed
us to this terrible place.
We never.
Well, you found us out.
And if it weren't for Fern Day,
we would take proper revenge.
Lucky for you.
Well, they'll be back.
I'm ready for 'em.
Nobody'll ever kick
sand in my face again.
Look at these pecs.
The lats, the tail.
Allo, what really happens to
anybody who gets violent on Fern Day?
Yeah, come on, you can tell us.
You vanish.
What? All ten tons of you?
With a whistle.
Actually it sounds
more like a "shrum."
No, it's a "wayplumph."
Wait a minute. Have any of you
ever seen anybody disappear?
Why, of course not.
We're non-violent.
Then how do you know it happens?
Well, we don't.
But would you take the chance?
What's the matter?
My mom wants me
to build a sand castle
and I don't know how. [SOBBING]
Your mother wants a sand
castle? She's gonna get one!
See, Mom, what do
you think of my castle?
Isn't that a great castle?
Instead of piano lessons,
maybe you should
take an art class.
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
ALLO: The strange signal seems
to be coming from this meadow.
Let's see now.
REX: They're
almost within range.
DIMETRO: The signal
is coming from that cave.
Closer, closer, a little closer.
There. Styraco, fire at will.
Whose will?
Get them!
ALLO: It's the Tyrannos! A trap!
Back to the ships! Hurry!
I've got you at last.
[QUACK] You're
trapped, you're trapped.
[TAUNTING] Nya, nya,
nya, nya, nya. You're trapped.
What is this "nya, nya,
nya, nya, nya" stuff?
Oh, [CHUCKLES] an Earth sign
of triumph, oh head honchosaurus,
You're learning some very
bad habits on this planet.
What are you going to do with
the Dinosaucers, Genghis Rex?
I don't know yet. This will
take some careful planning.
I'll slow them down with a
small dose of the fossilizer.
[QUACK] I hate to spoil
this magic moment for you,
but, uh, [LAUGHS] we can't.
Can't? Who says we can't?
To me, the greatest of all the
Tyrannos, there is no such word as can't!
[QUACKS] There
is so. It's spelled:
C-A-N, little hooky guy, "T."
Besides it's Fern Day.
Fern Day? That's impossible.
[QUACKS] Just look at the sun, the
stars. Uh, look at your calendar watch.
How could you forget
such an important holiday?
We're saved.
Quackpot, you can't even
remember your own egg day.
Why'd you have to
remember Fern Day?
Be glad I did.
You know what happens to
anybody who gets violent on Fern Day.
Very well. You
Dinosaucers are free to go.
Have a nice Fern Day, Rex.
You know I forgot
about it being Fern Day.
Me, too. Wait till we tell the
Secret Scouts about our holiday.
Fern Day is Reptilon's
biggest holiday.
As you know, supplies of
food on our planet are limited.
Besides that there's
not much to eat.
Mostly we live on Ferns.
Ferns? That's lame.
Even worse than
freeze-dried seaweed.
Harvest time is called Fern Day.
All violence is forbidden for 24 hours.
What happens if
somebody forgets?
Oh, you don't even want to know.
What do you after you've finished
cutting down the, yuck, Ferns?
Good times. Maybe a
picnic down at the tar pits.
Or a fast game of how far
can you throw a mud ball.
I always win that one.
Sometimes we choose
teams and play volleyrock.
Boy, Fern Day sounds
like a thrill a minute.
Why don't we show our
friends something better.
Like the beach.
School's just out and
That's a great idea.
Come on, gang, it's Fern Day.
Yay! A day at the beach!
What is a beach?
I don't know, but
we're going to find out.
So that's the beach.
Not the beach. A very
special private beach.
Huh? Look. Wet ferns.
No! Wait!
Um, first point,
that isn't the ocean.
You just emptied
out a tide pool.
Second, those wet
ferns are seaweed.
Then what's this?
DAVID: It's a
crab. You can eat it.
I never eat anything
that's trying to eat me.
Help! Help!
Oh, no!
Wha-what are you doing here?
Just enjoying Fern Day.
Makin' sure you
don't get into trouble.
[QUACK] Maybe I can
teach you how to swim.
I don't want to learn
anything from you.
It'd be quite a
shame if one of the
Dinosaucers lost his
temper today, wouldn't it?
This is Fern Day. Not even the
Tyrannos would dare to violate the truce.
Maybe not, but I'm gonna
keep an eye on them.
Hello? I can't hear you.
The dial tone is just awful.
You'll have to talk louder.
I can't hear.
Anybody there? Hello?
Talk to me! Talk.
I can't hear you.
A dinosaur!
You. You're a dinosaur.
No I'm not. I'm a Dinosaucer.
What's the difference?
We're gentle and we're prettier,
and a lot brighter.
Brighter? Wanna bet?
You were talking to a seashell.
I gotta tell Mom about this.
Mom! Mom!
I just saw a dinosaur.
That's nice, dear. I'm
reading about some.
It was a real dinosaur.
It talked to me.
Lee, your mother is trying to read
"The Clan of the Cave Dinosaur."
But what do I do
about my dinosaur?
Why don't you buy him
and you an ice cream?
But don't be long.
Your piano lesson
is in two hours.
Oh, Mom.
Hey, skinny, your
ribs are showin'.
[GRUNTS] You can't
do that. This is Fern Day.
I didn't do anything.
I just slipped.
Like this.
Stop that or else I'll
You'll do what?
I'll feed you
your tail for lunch.
Fern Day is truce day.
You can't do anything at all.
That's it. You asked for it.
No! Stop!
Wait! It's Fern Day!
All right, that's quite enough.
Now you Tyrannos are not
gonna make us break the truce.
We're gonna have a
nice day at the beach.
We're not the ones
trying to start trouble.
Good. So why don't you stay on that side
of the beach and we'll stick to this one?
Anything to keep the peace.
Say, what does happen to
anyone who breaks the truce?
You don't wanna know.
That's it. I'm humiliated.
No, you're not. You're Stego.
I'm tired of being a
900-pound weakling.
I'm gonna get myself in shape.
Paul, what's this?
That's a starfish.
A star? What kind of star?
Movies? Were you in Top Fish?
Oh, you're one of
those shy stars, huh?
Maybe you're a musician.
Born in the undersea?
Then can I have your autograph?
Starfish can't
Okay, I'm dumb for
asking what you're doing.
But what are you doing?
Working out.
Shouldn't you put some
weights on that bar?
Then I wouldn't
be able to lift it.
Okay. That makes sense. I guess.
You're cheating. You're
using your own sail.
Tack. Tack!
I don't like tacking.
Ha. Not bad, eh?
Ha! Any idiottops can do that.
And idiottops? [SNICKERS]
Sara, bring the boat back.
I'll show you
what real skill is.
Fine. But there's a couple of
things you should keep in mind.
The last thing I need is
advice from a pushy allosaurus!
The last thing I want to be doing
is hauling some Tyranno around.
Come on now,
Sara, this is Fern Day.
Besides, Rex is ready to
show us how much he knows.
Right. Sorry. Here we go.
This isn't so hard. Huh?
Well, that didn't
take much skill at all.
Mom, I just saw this
tyrannosaurus waterskiing.
He crashed.
That's nice, dear. Go
make sure he's all right.
A waterskiing tyrannosaurus?
Oh, he must have
seen the book cover.
That can't be right.
It's gonna be okay,
it's gonna be okay!
It's not gonna be okay!
I wanna go home!
Mom, you'll never guess what the
dinosaurs have gotten themselves into.
Lee, this has gone far enough.
What was the bargain
we made this morning?
If you took me to the beach
before my piano lesson,
you could read your
book and I could play.
And you aren't keeping
your share of the bargain.
But I thought you'd be
interested in dinosaurs.
I am. The ones in my book.
Now why don't you go build a sand castle.
We'll be going home in an hour or so.
Okay, Mom.
This was all a plot.
Who plotted?
All of you.
[QUACK] You decoyed
us to this terrible place.
We never.
Well, you found us out.
And if it weren't for Fern Day,
we would take proper revenge.
Lucky for you.
Well, they'll be back.
I'm ready for 'em.
Nobody'll ever kick
sand in my face again.
Look at these pecs.
The lats, the tail.
Allo, what really happens to
anybody who gets violent on Fern Day?
Yeah, come on, you can tell us.
You vanish.
What? All ten tons of you?
With a whistle.
Actually it sounds
more like a "shrum."
No, it's a "wayplumph."
Wait a minute. Have any of you
ever seen anybody disappear?
Why, of course not.
We're non-violent.
Then how do you know it happens?
Well, we don't.
But would you take the chance?
What's the matter?
My mom wants me
to build a sand castle
and I don't know how. [SOBBING]
Your mother wants a sand
castle? She's gonna get one!
See, Mom, what do
you think of my castle?
Isn't that a great castle?
Instead of piano lessons,
maybe you should
take an art class.