Dinosaucers (1987) s01e30 Episode Script
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
RYAN: Seems
pretty quiet out there.
Which of these looks better?
The blue one or the green one?
Which button do I push now?
Either one looks Fine.
Try the red one.
But I don't have a red dress.
Oh, you guys are no help at all.
Hi, Teryx, can I talk to you?
What's the matter, Sara?
Harvey, the cutest
guy in school,
invited me to the school dance
and I don't know what to wear.
I'd like to help, but,
what is a dance?
You don't know what a dance is?
A dance is where
people get together and
And dance.
Oh, yes.
Well, [LAUGHS] it's
all clear to me now.
Look, I'll show you.
See, this is dancing.
A dance is where people
show off their laundry?
No, you don't dance
with your laundry.
You dance with another person.
Oh, I understand!
It's like snarfling.
Ah. Now where is
that tape measure?
I used to love snarfling
when I was back on Reptilon.
Ah, here it is.
I'll make you the best
snarfling outfit there ever was.
Can you make me a
red one, by tonight?
Of course!
Sara, I want to see how
you look. Come on out.
SARA: [OVER PA] I can't!
Oh, all right.
[GASPS] You look beautiful!
SARA: Thanks.
Come on out here so
I can see you better.
Isn't that the prettiest snarfling
outfit you've ever seen?
It's the only snarfling
outfit I've ever seen.
Wow! A jacket that blinks!
Now that's cool!
It is?
I made it just for Sara.
It's a snarfling outfit.
That's right and I'm going to
wear it to the dance with Harvey!
You're gonna be a sensation!
I was a sensation, all right.
But surely Harvey must
have liked your outfit.
He hated it!
He pretended he
didn't even know me!
He didn't even mention our
date for the masquerade ball!
What am I gonna do?
Everybody thought I was
the comedy hit of the season!
They all laughed!
I don't understand, Sara.
I would have given anything to
have had a snarfling outfit like that
when I was your age.
Well, I'm a human,
not a Dinosaucer!
And humans don't snarfle!
I felt just like Cinderella,
only in reverse.
That's what I get for having
a fairysaurus godmother.
Why is Sara so upset?
I'm not human so I don't know.
Ryan, what is a Cinderella?
It's a fairy tale.
I can get you a copy
of the story, if you like.
Oh, yes! Please do!
Have you seen my
stegodorfer around anywhere?
I can't find it.
It's right behind you.
What are you reading?
A human history book about
when Cinderella went to the ball.
A ball?
A ball is where
humans dance like this.
Sara's school is having
a masquerade ball.
Here's your stegodorfer.
Uh, thank you,
but what's a masquerade ball?
I'm not sure, but
it's very important
and I want to be
ready when it happens.
"Cinderella"? Mmm. [SNORTS]
I must tell Genghis Rex.
REX: So, the
Dinosaucers are interested
in this Cinderella
character and the ball.
Ow! Yes, oh, great one. [SNORTS]
They're obsessed with it.
REX: It must be important then.
You say it's in a book?
Yes, a history book. Let's go.
Let's steal the whole library.
All we need is one book.
And the three of us are
going to go get it right now!
Right now? [SNORTS]
But I just got here!
Then you haven't had
time to get too comfortable.
Let's go.
This isn't Cinderella, either.
Let's just steal
the whole library.
But, what if the one we
want isn't here? [SNORTS]
Excuse me, young men!
This is not the children's
section of the library!
You are supposed
to be over there!
We are not children.
You can't fool me
with your silly outfits!
I heard you mention Cinderella.
You have Cinderella?
Of course.
Every library has Cinderella.
Come with me, please.
See? Didn't I tell you it
was an important book?
All right, children,
this book is due
back in two weeks.
May I see your
library card, please?
Uh, a library card?
We don't have any li
Um, my dog ate my library card.
No library card, no book!
Give me that!
would like to have a library card.
You need a permission slip
from your mother or father.
mother's on Reptilon.
- I will bring this permission slip
first thing tomorrow.
All right then. You can
have this book overnight.
But don't forget
that permission slip.
Thank you.
I'll find out what a permission
slip is, Your Awfulness,
[SNORTS] and bring one here.
Don't be a fool!
We're never going to
see that human again.
How's it coming, Teryx?
Are you sure that this tool will
change the structure of matter,
like you said?
But the programing of the
dinotransformatter is very exact.
[ON RADIO] Make sure you
don't try to use it for anything else.
Or who knows what will happen.
ANKYLO: I spied on that multi-feathered
Dinosaucer and you were right.
Uh, just like you
always are. [SNORTS]
And she's working
on a new device,
called the dinotransformatter.
And it can change the
structure of matter. [SNORTS]
But what does all of this have to do
with Cinderella or her fairy godmother?
Ah, a kind of human wishbone.
They're going to make
a fairy godmother.
Why? So they could all wear
pretty dresses? [SNORTS]
No, you fool!
So, the Dinosaucers can finally
transform themselves into humans
and no one would be able
to recognize them anymore.
We've got to get our
hands on that new weapon.
I can use it myself. Let's go.
But I just got here!
Are you sure this
is going to work?
What if something goes wrong?
Of course it'll work.
Since the effect is going to wear
off at midnight, what could go wrong?
Famous last words.
Okay, here goes.
One fairy godmother coming up.
It worked better
than I ever hoped.
You look beautiful.
I can't wait to go to the ball.
I want to learn all about
human courting rituals.
Me, too. I just want to dance.
So let's go!
Oh, nuts! I've still got
the dinotransformatter.
Oh, well, we'll
just take it with us.
Oh, no, Tyrannos!
I know what you're planning with
that transformatter, Dinosaucers.
Let me have it
before I fossilize you!
I said, let me have it!
REX: What is that?
What have you done?
I don't know! What do we do?
I just wanted you
to stop fighting.
Get out of here before
Rex fossilizes us.
- Come on!
By Suttel, I'll
get you for this!
Sara, look out!
Hold on!
- [THUDDING] - REX: Come
back here, you mammals!
Why didn't the dinotransformatter
turn the Tyrannos human?
It was only programed
to work for us.
And now you've
completely drained its power.
We can't use it again.
Well, at least we've lost them.
For now.
Let's just hope they
don't show up here.
I wonder if Harvey
is here already.
At your service.
And this is my friend,
His Majesty, Douglas.
And this is my,
uh, cousin, Teryx.
Would you like to
dance, Cinderella?
Perhaps we should
just sit this one out.
Teryx isn't from around here.
She's from, uh, France.
Oh, no!
Don't look now,
Teryx, but Teryx?
But on the other
hand, let's dance.
I think it's time
for me to cut in.
That's a pretty odd
looking magic wand, Sara.
This is my dance with
Sara. Get your own girl!
She got away!
Ankylo, you circle to the right.
Brachio, you go to the left
and I'll head down the middle.
She won't be able to get away.
There are those kids
that stole my library book!
I can't believe how
well you dance.
Well, you're as light on
your feet as a as a, uh
As an Archaeopteryx?
[STUTTERS] No. I was
gonna say, as a bird.
Birds are such quaint
creatures. [CHUCKLES]
A little bit on the stupid
side for me however.
The Tyrannos
are here. Take this.
You're looking really good.
Not like last time, huh?
All right! Give it to me!
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Go away, clown. We're busy.
Come on. You want to
get something to drink?
It's getting a little
crowded around here.
Yeah, I'm dying of thirst.
We've got to get out
of here. It's not safe!
But I'm just getting the
hang of being human.
Well, you're just
going to have to
So, you thought
you could get away?
my line, young man!
I'm going to have you
and your little buddies
thrown out of this dance
for not returning that book
or bringing me
a permission slip!
I don't have to
bring you no Ow!
Mind your manners and
your grammar, young man!
You're not my gramma.
She's on Reptilon
with my mother.
Very funny!
I want the three of
you to come with me!
Come back here!
I'm not going anywhere
without that dinotransformatter!
Now give it to
WOMAN: Attention, everyone.
May I please have your attention?
It is my pleasure to announce
the winners of the masquerade.
The prize for best
costume goes to
Who are these guys?
Rex, Ankylo and Brachio.
Thank you.
To Rex, Ankylo and Brachio.
Let's give a big round of
applause for these three gentlemen.
ALL: Hooray! Hooray!
Come on, Teryx, now's
our chance to escape.
Come on, Teryx!
Can't we go later?
What time is it, anyway?
BOTH: It's almost midnight!
You don't have to go now.
Uh, the dance
isn't over till 1:30.
Yeah, you have
more than an hour yet.
Uh, sorry, but our pumpkin
will turn back into a coach.
Boy, they take this Cinderella
business seriously, don't they?
Hey, where're you going?
I've had enough
of your foolishness!
Now, where's your friend?
I've got you, two,
and you'll never steal a library
book from my library again!
I'll bring it back.
[SNORTS] Honest.
Oh, I know you will!
Do you really have to leave?
Yes, and I won't be coming back.
I'll never forget you though.
That's really good!
Oh, hi.
Do that thing you were doing
again. That backflip thing.
You mean this?
Yeah, that.
I got a couple of tickets
to the movies tonight.
You don't happen to
want to go, do you?
Sure, it sounds like fun.
You can bring your
French cousin, if you want.
Peter's not doing
anything tonight.
Uh, she had to leave.
Well, maybe you
and I could go anyway.
Okay by me.
Guess what? Harvey asked me out!
- Oh, that's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
What are you building?
Oh, nothing much.
I guess I just learned what
it feels like to be human.
SARA: And you made
a fantastic human, too.
I did?
Yes, you did.
You were a thousand times
better than the Tyrannos.
I wonder whatever
happened to the Tyrannos.
Especially with the
dinotransformatter's malfunction.
"I will not steal
library books."
"I will not steal"
Only 955 more to go.
"I will not steal"
BOTH: "Library books."
"I will not steal
library books."
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
RYAN: Seems
pretty quiet out there.
Which of these looks better?
The blue one or the green one?
Which button do I push now?
Either one looks Fine.
Try the red one.
But I don't have a red dress.
Oh, you guys are no help at all.
Hi, Teryx, can I talk to you?
What's the matter, Sara?
Harvey, the cutest
guy in school,
invited me to the school dance
and I don't know what to wear.
I'd like to help, but,
what is a dance?
You don't know what a dance is?
A dance is where
people get together and
And dance.
Oh, yes.
Well, [LAUGHS] it's
all clear to me now.
Look, I'll show you.
See, this is dancing.
A dance is where people
show off their laundry?
No, you don't dance
with your laundry.
You dance with another person.
Oh, I understand!
It's like snarfling.
Ah. Now where is
that tape measure?
I used to love snarfling
when I was back on Reptilon.
Ah, here it is.
I'll make you the best
snarfling outfit there ever was.
Can you make me a
red one, by tonight?
Of course!
Sara, I want to see how
you look. Come on out.
SARA: [OVER PA] I can't!
Oh, all right.
[GASPS] You look beautiful!
SARA: Thanks.
Come on out here so
I can see you better.
Isn't that the prettiest snarfling
outfit you've ever seen?
It's the only snarfling
outfit I've ever seen.
Wow! A jacket that blinks!
Now that's cool!
It is?
I made it just for Sara.
It's a snarfling outfit.
That's right and I'm going to
wear it to the dance with Harvey!
You're gonna be a sensation!
I was a sensation, all right.
But surely Harvey must
have liked your outfit.
He hated it!
He pretended he
didn't even know me!
He didn't even mention our
date for the masquerade ball!
What am I gonna do?
Everybody thought I was
the comedy hit of the season!
They all laughed!
I don't understand, Sara.
I would have given anything to
have had a snarfling outfit like that
when I was your age.
Well, I'm a human,
not a Dinosaucer!
And humans don't snarfle!
I felt just like Cinderella,
only in reverse.
That's what I get for having
a fairysaurus godmother.
Why is Sara so upset?
I'm not human so I don't know.
Ryan, what is a Cinderella?
It's a fairy tale.
I can get you a copy
of the story, if you like.
Oh, yes! Please do!
Have you seen my
stegodorfer around anywhere?
I can't find it.
It's right behind you.
What are you reading?
A human history book about
when Cinderella went to the ball.
A ball?
A ball is where
humans dance like this.
Sara's school is having
a masquerade ball.
Here's your stegodorfer.
Uh, thank you,
but what's a masquerade ball?
I'm not sure, but
it's very important
and I want to be
ready when it happens.
"Cinderella"? Mmm. [SNORTS]
I must tell Genghis Rex.
REX: So, the
Dinosaucers are interested
in this Cinderella
character and the ball.
Ow! Yes, oh, great one. [SNORTS]
They're obsessed with it.
REX: It must be important then.
You say it's in a book?
Yes, a history book. Let's go.
Let's steal the whole library.
All we need is one book.
And the three of us are
going to go get it right now!
Right now? [SNORTS]
But I just got here!
Then you haven't had
time to get too comfortable.
Let's go.
This isn't Cinderella, either.
Let's just steal
the whole library.
But, what if the one we
want isn't here? [SNORTS]
Excuse me, young men!
This is not the children's
section of the library!
You are supposed
to be over there!
We are not children.
You can't fool me
with your silly outfits!
I heard you mention Cinderella.
You have Cinderella?
Of course.
Every library has Cinderella.
Come with me, please.
See? Didn't I tell you it
was an important book?
All right, children,
this book is due
back in two weeks.
May I see your
library card, please?
Uh, a library card?
We don't have any li
Um, my dog ate my library card.
No library card, no book!
Give me that!
would like to have a library card.
You need a permission slip
from your mother or father.
mother's on Reptilon.
- I will bring this permission slip
first thing tomorrow.
All right then. You can
have this book overnight.
But don't forget
that permission slip.
Thank you.
I'll find out what a permission
slip is, Your Awfulness,
[SNORTS] and bring one here.
Don't be a fool!
We're never going to
see that human again.
How's it coming, Teryx?
Are you sure that this tool will
change the structure of matter,
like you said?
But the programing of the
dinotransformatter is very exact.
[ON RADIO] Make sure you
don't try to use it for anything else.
Or who knows what will happen.
ANKYLO: I spied on that multi-feathered
Dinosaucer and you were right.
Uh, just like you
always are. [SNORTS]
And she's working
on a new device,
called the dinotransformatter.
And it can change the
structure of matter. [SNORTS]
But what does all of this have to do
with Cinderella or her fairy godmother?
Ah, a kind of human wishbone.
They're going to make
a fairy godmother.
Why? So they could all wear
pretty dresses? [SNORTS]
No, you fool!
So, the Dinosaucers can finally
transform themselves into humans
and no one would be able
to recognize them anymore.
We've got to get our
hands on that new weapon.
I can use it myself. Let's go.
But I just got here!
Are you sure this
is going to work?
What if something goes wrong?
Of course it'll work.
Since the effect is going to wear
off at midnight, what could go wrong?
Famous last words.
Okay, here goes.
One fairy godmother coming up.
It worked better
than I ever hoped.
You look beautiful.
I can't wait to go to the ball.
I want to learn all about
human courting rituals.
Me, too. I just want to dance.
So let's go!
Oh, nuts! I've still got
the dinotransformatter.
Oh, well, we'll
just take it with us.
Oh, no, Tyrannos!
I know what you're planning with
that transformatter, Dinosaucers.
Let me have it
before I fossilize you!
I said, let me have it!
REX: What is that?
What have you done?
I don't know! What do we do?
I just wanted you
to stop fighting.
Get out of here before
Rex fossilizes us.
- Come on!
By Suttel, I'll
get you for this!
Sara, look out!
Hold on!
- [THUDDING] - REX: Come
back here, you mammals!
Why didn't the dinotransformatter
turn the Tyrannos human?
It was only programed
to work for us.
And now you've
completely drained its power.
We can't use it again.
Well, at least we've lost them.
For now.
Let's just hope they
don't show up here.
I wonder if Harvey
is here already.
At your service.
And this is my friend,
His Majesty, Douglas.
And this is my,
uh, cousin, Teryx.
Would you like to
dance, Cinderella?
Perhaps we should
just sit this one out.
Teryx isn't from around here.
She's from, uh, France.
Oh, no!
Don't look now,
Teryx, but Teryx?
But on the other
hand, let's dance.
I think it's time
for me to cut in.
That's a pretty odd
looking magic wand, Sara.
This is my dance with
Sara. Get your own girl!
She got away!
Ankylo, you circle to the right.
Brachio, you go to the left
and I'll head down the middle.
She won't be able to get away.
There are those kids
that stole my library book!
I can't believe how
well you dance.
Well, you're as light on
your feet as a as a, uh
As an Archaeopteryx?
[STUTTERS] No. I was
gonna say, as a bird.
Birds are such quaint
creatures. [CHUCKLES]
A little bit on the stupid
side for me however.
The Tyrannos
are here. Take this.
You're looking really good.
Not like last time, huh?
All right! Give it to me!
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Go away, clown. We're busy.
Come on. You want to
get something to drink?
It's getting a little
crowded around here.
Yeah, I'm dying of thirst.
We've got to get out
of here. It's not safe!
But I'm just getting the
hang of being human.
Well, you're just
going to have to
So, you thought
you could get away?
my line, young man!
I'm going to have you
and your little buddies
thrown out of this dance
for not returning that book
or bringing me
a permission slip!
I don't have to
bring you no Ow!
Mind your manners and
your grammar, young man!
You're not my gramma.
She's on Reptilon
with my mother.
Very funny!
I want the three of
you to come with me!
Come back here!
I'm not going anywhere
without that dinotransformatter!
Now give it to
WOMAN: Attention, everyone.
May I please have your attention?
It is my pleasure to announce
the winners of the masquerade.
The prize for best
costume goes to
Who are these guys?
Rex, Ankylo and Brachio.
Thank you.
To Rex, Ankylo and Brachio.
Let's give a big round of
applause for these three gentlemen.
ALL: Hooray! Hooray!
Come on, Teryx, now's
our chance to escape.
Come on, Teryx!
Can't we go later?
What time is it, anyway?
BOTH: It's almost midnight!
You don't have to go now.
Uh, the dance
isn't over till 1:30.
Yeah, you have
more than an hour yet.
Uh, sorry, but our pumpkin
will turn back into a coach.
Boy, they take this Cinderella
business seriously, don't they?
Hey, where're you going?
I've had enough
of your foolishness!
Now, where's your friend?
I've got you, two,
and you'll never steal a library
book from my library again!
I'll bring it back.
[SNORTS] Honest.
Oh, I know you will!
Do you really have to leave?
Yes, and I won't be coming back.
I'll never forget you though.
That's really good!
Oh, hi.
Do that thing you were doing
again. That backflip thing.
You mean this?
Yeah, that.
I got a couple of tickets
to the movies tonight.
You don't happen to
want to go, do you?
Sure, it sounds like fun.
You can bring your
French cousin, if you want.
Peter's not doing
anything tonight.
Uh, she had to leave.
Well, maybe you
and I could go anyway.
Okay by me.
Guess what? Harvey asked me out!
- Oh, that's wonderful.
That's wonderful.
What are you building?
Oh, nothing much.
I guess I just learned what
it feels like to be human.
SARA: And you made
a fantastic human, too.
I did?
Yes, you did.
You were a thousand times
better than the Tyrannos.
I wonder whatever
happened to the Tyrannos.
Especially with the
dinotransformatter's malfunction.
"I will not steal
library books."
"I will not steal"
Only 955 more to go.
"I will not steal"
BOTH: "Library books."
"I will not steal
library books."