Dinosaucers (1987) s01e31 Episode Script

Trouble in Paradise

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles against
Genghis Rex and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur. [SNORTS]
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers [ALL ROARING]
Dinosaucers [ROARING]
PAUL: Hey, Keeno,
get a load of that.
This week the world's
top volcano experts are
Are, uh, are meeting
Meeting here in Hawaii
to, uh, talk shock
Talk shop about
Ooh! Look at that dude run!
You know, I bet Allo would
be interested in that conference.
Paul to Lava Dome.
- Come in.
- This is Lava Hello.
ALLO: That sounded like Paul.
Ooh. Bonehead!
DAVID: Hey, you guys
turn to fossils or something?
What was that about fossils?
PAUL: Just one of
David's bad jokes.
Listen, all the big
volcano experts
are meeting in Hawaii this week.
I thought you
might be interested.
Thanks, Paul.
Yes, we could learn
something to help Reptilon.
Allo, what's up?
Get packed, Bronto
Thunder, we're off to Hawaii.
There's a big volcano conference
we're all gonna eavesdrop in on.
And leave him in charge?
And Stego. They can handle it.
- Look,
the only way Bonehead and Stego
can learn responsibility
is by giving them a little.
Besides, we're only
gonna be gone a few days.
A few days?
Those two could wreck
this place in a few minutes.
Dimetro, I still
don't understand
why you insisted that we
wear these stupid things.
Now we can hear
everything they say.
knew they'd show up.
Oh, yes, Genghis Rex. [SNORTS]
You know the unknowable
and think the unthinkable.
Can the uncannable.
Okay? [LAUGHS]
Are you finished rewiring
this weather platform?
ANKYLO: Yes, oh,
terrible lizard. [SNORTS]
The mammals will never guess
that we're using their own
new weather changing
machine against them. [SNORTS]
Look out you clumsy duck bill.
Oh! Hey, this isn't so bad.
It's the Dinosaucers we
want to get, tail-for-brains.
Yes, oh, great Genghis Rex.
Eggs of shells, what's that?
Earth sure got some
strange weather.
Well, here we go again.
-Oh, no! What's happening?
-Hey! Look out!
It's forcing us
toward the volcano.
ALLO: Over there. Come on.
Oh, I've never seen
anything like that.
No, which makes me think
Genghis Rex is behind it.
Look! Look!
Quick. Back to our
ships. It's our only chance.
We can't get out.
Perfect, Ankylo.
Now make it permanent.
With pleasure, oh, fanged fury.
Look, it's cooling.
It's hardening fast.
Dimetro to Lava Dome.
Can you hear me?
Stego! Bonehead! Scouts
headquarters. Come in.
Oh, it's no use.
They can't hear us.
I know, we'll dig our way out.
It's hard as rock.
Hard as lava rock,
Bronto Thunder.
We could try Dinovolving.
No, not even you could
break through these walls,
Dinovolved or not.
Well, I guess Stego and Bonehead
are gonna learn about
responsibility real fast.
Finally, those meddling, busy-bodies
are exactly where I want them.
Now nothing can stop me from
taking over this poor excuse for a planet.
Ooh, not again.
Maybe we'd better call it a day.
Not yet. I'm just
getting the hang of it.
That's it. No more table tennis.
I hope we can still reach Allo.
Allo, come in.
This is Lava Dome.
Allo? Dimetro?
RYAN: You can't
reach them, either?
Yeah, with all that weird
stuff going on in Hawaii,
we thought they
might be in trouble.
What weird stuff?
It's all over the news.
Scientists are baffled by
this impossible fluke of nature.
A sudden whirlwind
made this thing.
Gee, maybe they need help.
Exactly. Hawaii.
I've always wanted to go there.
I'll call David and Paul.
Paul? David?
Come in, please.
DAVID: Yo, what's up?
A quick trip to paradise.
Allo, may have run into trouble.
We'll be right there.
So what's happening with Allo?
We think, they're in trouble.
So what are we
waiting for? Let's go.
But, shouldn't
someone stay here?
Aloha, Stego.
We'll drop you a postcard.
Ah, shucks.
Gee, no one's ever left me
in charge of anything before.
The scientist believe
a weather satellite
is the cause of this
strange weather.
We have a picture here
from our new satellite.
It looks as though
some crackpot
Oh! Crackpot!
That was Quackpot
and Genghis Rex.
Bonehead and the Scouts
are heading for trouble.
Big trouble. I've
got to warn them.
Ryan, Paul, Bonehead,
someone answer me.
Hi, Stegs.
Hey, we feel really bad
we had to leave you behind.
Listen, you guys,
you're in real trouble.
Genghis Rex is behind all this.
He's got some kind of
super weather beam.
Thanks for the warning, Stego.
We'll be on the lookout for it.
Well, be careful out there.
Don't worry. We
will. Over and out.
Keep it full power
at the South Pacific.
I want Japan and
Australia under water.
Is that clear?
Ah, that's too easy.
Well, that's still too easy.
Hey, look at that.
Look! The weather beam.
All we have to do is
follow it back to its source.
MAN: Hey! What's going on?
Try to get out of that
one, buddy. [LAUGHS]
Try to get out of
this one, Quackpot.
[LAUGHS] The silly Scouts.
Oh, boy. [LAUGHS]
Mommy, Mommy, a rainbow.
[LAUGHS] Who's next?
Oh, no!
But I can't
I always wanted to see
London, but not like this.
I am going to be sick!
This is terrific.
RYAN: It's up to you, Stego.
Somehow you've got to
destroy that weather beam.
You're our only hope, Stegs,
otherwise Rex will conquer Earth.
You can do it, Stego.
I know you can.
But if all of them couldn't
stop Genghis Rex, how can I?
I wish Allo or Bronto Thunder
or even Bonehead was
here to tell me what to do.
Ooh, I wonder.
Well, I haven't got
any better ideas.
Australia was hit by
massive tidal waves
and a freak sandstorm
paralyzed Europe.
So far all attempts to destroy the
weather beam machine have failed.
Experts are baffled as to who
is behind this malicious device.
Well, I know and
I'm going to stop him.
I'll bring it back. I promise.
Now, what's wrong
with this thing?
A dinosaur took the
dish, Mommy. I saw him.
That's nice, honey.
It's now or never.
REX: What shall I
do to North America?
An ice age.
Yes. I'll freeze those
wretched Dinosaucers solid.
Perfection, oh, greatest
of saurians, as always.
Your judgment is
[LAUGHS] Take that,
you creature's pet.
Let's borrow some ice
from the Arctic Circle.
I'm supposed to stop that?
Maybe this wasn't
such a good idea.
STEGO: I want to go home.
I can't stop this thing.
Hey, that's not nice.
Oh, poor baby.
Got to try to reflect
that beam away.
Isn't that touching?
A family reunion.
I'll give him a tour of
the world he won't forget!
If I can just reflect this
beam back at the Tyrannos.
I can stop them,
and the beam, too.
Two can play at this game.
Almost there.
The only way to fly. [LAUGHING]
I did it. I actually did it.
And now to save
Allo and the others.
To Stego.
You really saved the day.
And all of us, too.
Gee, thanks.
I'm proud of you, Stego.
I knew you and Bonehead
could handle the responsibility.
Speaking of which
where's Bonehead?
What a planet!
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