Dinosaucers (1987) s01e50 Episode Script

Attack of the Fur Balls

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts.
Allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
I always love a
drive in the woods.
You said it.
BRACHIO: This new trap
box of Rex's should really catch
the Dinosaucers off guard.
ENKILO: It, unh, better.
It sure is taking a
strain to get it here.
Don't fall, Enkilo,
you'll take me with you.
Don't drop me, Brachio, buddy.
BRACHIO: But you're too heavy.
You think David took care
of what we need
for our homework?
I bet he's watching TV instead.
RYAN: Don't remind me. Heh.
Mr. Cartoon Freak strikes again.
Wow, I love this silly stuff.
Out with the bad
air, in with the good.
Phooey, phooey, phooey,
phooey, phooey, phooey.
Can you put a cork in
it, please? I can't hear.
And cut out the bouncing.
But I'm helping
Ugh get fresh air.
You're gonna need
some in a minute.
At least Genghis Rex's
new trap box is in place.
Yes. And now to
see what happens.
BRACHIO: Let's get back to
Tarpits Two and report to Rex.
And I thought we came
over to help you study.
Give me a break, you
guys. I got sidetracked.
In with the good air.
Out with the bad.
SARA: Yeah. I could see
where you might have had
a little trouble concentrating.
Well, let's do the best we can.
That test you've got
coming up is gonna be rough.
Ugh, what are you
doing under there?
Hiding from the ghost.
What ghost? The
one on television.
But television
ghosts aren't real.
Whoa. Why not?
The lady who reads
the news is real.
So the ghost must be real too.
UGH: So I'm not coming out.
Fur ball logic is beginning
to make sense to me.
I'm ready for a different room.
Heh. Good idea. Good idea.
Let's go do something else.Okay.
Wow, look at
all this neat stuff.
I want a milkshake.
What flavor do you want?
Uh, chocolate, peanut butter,
anchovy, mozzarella crunch.
Here goes.
Heh, you sure shook
that milkshake up.
Yeah, Guess we better
wash the dishes now.
Here goes.
A swimming pool.
GRUNT: Yahoo! UGH: Yippee!
Oh, no. Look at this.
Ugh and Grunt, what
are you two doing?
GRUNT: Uh-oh. UGH: Uh-oh.
GRUNT: Run away. UGH: Run away.
You're gonna clean
this all up, aren't you?
Sometimes I wish we'd
never let those things
hitch a ride with
us from Reptillon.
Let's go up there.
Yippee. Yippee.
What was the square
root of negative one again?
At this rate we
may never find out.
Do you mind getting off me?
You're turning me
into a "hen way."
What's a "hen way"?
About five pounds.
What are those
creatures into now?
It's getting a little
loud up there.
You said it.
Well, I've had it.
Anyone like to go solve
this little annoyance with me?
I'll help.
Allo. You go right ahead.
Grunt! Ugh, are you in there?
Oh, no, it's the ghost
from the recreation room.
RYAN: I'm in the control
room. Come on out.
BOTH: Whoa!
The exit. Let's go!
Whoa. What?
BOTH: Yikes.
Oh. Yikes.
BOTH: Ghosts! Ghosts!
My data. All of my
data. They dumped it.
BOTH: Whoa!
You ruined my whole day's work.
And your annoyance
completely blew our study time
out of the water.
Yeah! I'm gonna fail my test.
Nobody loves us.
Everybody hates us.
gonna run away from home.
Uh-oh. I think maybe
we hurt their feelings.
Ah, they'll get over
it. They always do.
Still, I worry about them.
No, Sara, David's right.
Besides, even if
they were angry,
they couldn't go very far.
ALLO: Just wait for
them to calm down.
They'll come out
when they're ready.
We'll show them. Yeah.
And then they'll be
sorry they yelled at us.
for a few minor adjustments
before trying out
my new invention,
the old switcheroo.
Stand right there,
Terrible Dactyl.
I wanna take a picture of you.
A picture? Why? Oh, of course.
Here. Let me give
you my good side.
It works. It works.
It turns all your
clothes inside out.
We'll see who quacks
last, you dim duckbill.
Whose idea was this, you
leather winged lunkhead.
No, no, no. It's not my fault.
Look at me. The
crazy duckbill did it.
Now, listen, Brachio.
I had to test the
weapon on someone.
You just happened
to be in the right place
at the right time, ugh?
Yeah, like you're in
the right place for me
to make duckbill
burger out of you.
If this device can interfere
with clothing the way it does,
it could do the
same with weapons.
They'd be useless.
That's right.
REX: And with a few
more adjustments,
it would be fully operational.
REX: All right, put
him down, Brachio.
Ah, Rex.
You can have your
little fun with him
after he finishes the weapon.
We'll try it out on
the first Dinosaucer
we catch in the trap box
you left at Lava Dome.
And you'll get yours
later, duckface.
Saved once again
by my own genius.
RYAN: It's awful
quiet around here.
DAVID: Yeah. Too quiet.
I have this feeling those
fur balls are into something.
You and me both.
Let's go find them.
I don't believe this. You
wanna go looking for them?
I'll feel better about it.
DAVID: You go ahead.
I'm going out for a ride.
I wonder where we should look.
We should check
the lower levels.
Oh, no! My skateboard.
They took my skateboard.
Those no good little.
Allo, can we borrow
the shuttle craft.
Yes, and I'll come with you.
No telling what trouble
those two are getting into.
Up! Up! No. Down.
Look out! Yikes!
GRUNT: You don't
fly this thing at all well.
That smarts.
Hey, what's this thing?
You got me. Uh, a refrigerator?
Nope. No handles. I
know, it's a present.
And it's a present
that opens itself.
Great time saver.
I guess we might
as well have a look.
I wonder if the
present is a bicycle.
I always wanted a bicycle.
UNISON]: Let us out! Help!
Aha! Our dinosaucer
trap is returning to base.
What perfect timing.
It could be any of them.
Bronto Thunder. Allo himself.
Maybe even Teryx.
The time has come, Quackpot.
Get over here and point
that thing at the door.
Now, Brachio. Open it.
Right, Genghis Rex.
Fur balls. Fur balls.
It's a bunch of Tyrannos.
You were expecting
maybe Lizard Taylor?
Where's Teryx?
It's just the fur balls, heh.
Even if we weren't allergic
to these things Ah-chhoo.
I'd make throw pillows
out of them. Get them.
Fur balls! Heh.
Hold still, you
brainless oink-oinks.
Come out you
ridiculous balls of fluff!
Okay, but not that way.
The locator's homed in on them.
They're in the Tarpits.
Oh, no.
Did you see anything? No.
GRUNT: You sure
you didn't see anything?
Are you scared?
Yes. I mean, no. Oh, let's go.
Huh? Dead end?
Ugh, don't push.
Wow, what's all this?
I hope so. We never
did get our present.
The ghost Don't
come any closer.
GRUNT: Would you
put that thing down.
Somebody could get hurt.
As usual, it's me.
Get me out of this.
I caught a ghost.
It's me, you fuzzbrain.
And now I'm gonna
catch something else.
I don't understand
why Rex got mad
that my old
switcheroo didn't work.
After all, fur balls
don't have any clothes.
Oh, well, better put
this in the armory.
I caught something else.
And this is much prettier
than the thing I've been using.
I'll take this.
Eh! No. No. Don't!
What's this?
Oh, no, don't push that.
Let's see what it does.
You pushed.
Yay. Let's go catch
more Tyrannos.
BRACHIO: Find those fur balls!
I have a good idea.
I tried to contact them
three or four times.
And there was no answer.
What's more the entrance
to the pits is standing open.
You think it's a trap?
Somehow I don't think so.
I think we should go in
with our fossilizers
ready, of course.
Let's do it.
The thought of what
those Tyrannos are doing
to those poor fur balls
just gives me the creeps.
REX: Get them!
REX: Whoa!
What is this?
We got more Tyrannos.
Yay. Yay.
Let me do it this time.
No! I forbid it.
Oh, no.
Nothing worse than
this can possibly happen.
ALLO: Hello. Anybody home?
You spoke too soon.
Good day to you, Genghis Rex.
Not very.
You bad things.
Don't you ever run
away from home again.
You could have
gotten in trouble.
But we didn't. We were good.
Real good.
And now we want to
go home and have lunch.
And a cookie.
BOTH [IN UNISON]: The ghost!
DAVID: Well, they were
worried about ghosts.
That kind of thing can
come back to haunt you.
The ghost! The ghost!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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