Dinosaucers (1987) s01e51 Episode Script

Dinosaur Dundy

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
SARAH: Look at this place.
The oohs, the slime, the bugs,
and all these
slithering creatures.
Yeah. It makes me homesick too.
No time for that,
we're on an important mission.
I still don't understand
why Allo's so interested
in some hundred-million-year-old
dinosaur eggs.
The eggs were found by
our greatest paleontologist
Dr. Joseph Dunderback.
His discovery might
solve the mystery
of why Earth's
dinosaurs became extinct.
DAVID: Wait a minute.
Isn't he the nutty scientist
they call Dinosaur Dundy?
Oh, he's probably
not that strange.
No, but we are.
Uh, maybe you and David
should go it alone from here.
If you promise to
be careful, that is.
DAVID: Sarah and
I both took a course
in swamp survival,
We're perfectly safe.
And according to
this map Allo gave me,
our destination should be just
around the next bend. Let's go.
DUNDY: Stop!
Or I'll blast you!
Hold it right there!
Looks like we won't be able
to keep the Dinosaucers
a secret now.
Good. Once that bushwhacker
sees them up close,
he won't act so tough.
He'll be scared silly.
TRICERO: He doesn't
look scared to me, Sarah.
Maybe we're not close enough
for him to get a
good look at us.
I can fix that.
DUNDY: Who are you?
I'm Bronto-Thunder.Wrong.
I'm not Bronto-Thunder?
No. No such thing as a
The correct scientific
name is Apatosaurus.
A Pattisaurus.
That's a girl's name.
Uh, who are you, anyway?
Dundy. Dinosaur Dundy.
Dinosaur Dundy. Wow.
We've been looking for you.
May we see the dinosaur
eggs you discovered?
The Triceratops is your friend?
Yes. His name is Tricero.
The kids are Sarah and David,
and they're my friends too.
Okay by me. Let's go.
You heard the man. Let's go.
What are you stopping
for? We're almost there.
That's what you've been saying
for the past two
and a half hours.
What's going on?
SARAH: Yeah. Where
are the dinosaur eggs?
Well, girl, the eggs are, uh
The truth is, uh
They Look there.
That's it. Come back, you!
ALL: Whoa!
What happened?
What was that?
Not what, who.
That was Crockpot,
the meanest crocodile
in this swamp.
And he's an egg thief.
DAVID: An egg thief?
Yes. And I'm the best
egg thief in the swamp.
Where's David?
DAVID: Sarah!
Oh, where is he?
What happened?
I don't know.
Something grabbed my
foot and then let go again.
It was probably
Crockpot being funny.
David could've been hurt.
There's nothing funny about
roughhousing in the water.
It's dangerous.
Sarah's right. That
was very dangerous.
So is Crockpot.
He's one of my biggest mistakes.
Speaking of mistakes, am I crazy
or did I hear that
crocodile talk?
Well, you are all
wet, but I heard it too.
Yes, you heard him talk.
I should know, I taught him.
And Sarah thinks I'm all wet?
Crocodiles can't talk.
Oh, yeah?
Well, there are no such things
as intelligent dinosaurs either.
He's got a point.
Will you please tell us
what's going on around here?
All right, all right.
It all started a few years ago.
I was transporting some
radioactive research stuff
from my lab to the storage place
on the other side of the swamp.
Yay! Yahoo!
Suddenly, I saw a baby crocodile
directly in my path.
I swerved and
crashed into a tree.
Whoa! Stop it!
The canister broke open
and the radioactive
stuff leaked out.
I tried to stop
the baby crocodile
from drinking the stuff,
but I was too late.
SARAH: And that baby
crocodile grew up to be Crockpot?
Yeah. Where did I go wrong?
You raise a baby crocodile,
feed it and take care of it,
and what do you get?
A broken heart, that's what.
Kids. What can you do?
Come on, I'm sure he
doesn't mean to be bad.
Maybe he's just misunderstood.
What he is is an egg thief.
And I'm gonna find him
and get my eggs back.
We'll help you. Won't we?
You bet.
Where do we start?
Well, I guess we'd better ask
the other inhabitants
of this swamp.
Other humans live here?
Other humans live here?
Well, not exactly.
CROCKPOT: Somebody called me?
Yes, you egg thief.
Give me back my eggs.
You can have them
if you can find them.
He took the airboat.
Now what do we do?
We walk.
Shouldn't take long
to get to Swamp City.
ALL: Swamp City?
Yeah. If we can
get past Crockpot.
It's just a place, but I guess
you'll find it a bit unusual.
And the folks who live
there are kind of strange.
Well, there's our way
through the swamp.
We'll take the high road.
Crocodiles can't
climb trees, can they?
Ha, ha. Of course
not, silly girl.
Dinosaucers can't
climb trees either.
At least, not
these little trees.
Then we'll take the low road.
I'm not afraid of
some talking crocodile.
Especially when
I'm bigger than he is.
BRONTO: You be
careful now, Sarah.
I will, big guy.
Let's go.
This is fun.
Can you guys keep up with us?
Sure, Sarah.
Just don't get too
far ahead of us.
Hurry up, slowpokes.
Sarah, be careful!
I'm sorry.
Maybe Sarah should lead the way.
Go ahead, girl.
Just watch out
for weak branches.
And you two down there should
be watching out for quicksand.
I'm sinking!
Hang on, guys.
Sarah, get some
vines or something.
There aren't any
here. I'll look up ahead.
BOTH: Sarah!
I'm okay. But my foot's caught
in something underwater.
I'm coming.
Sarah, I'll be right there.
He won't hurt her.
He's just trying to annoy me.
We've gotta get your
large friends unstuck
and then we'll get Sarah back.
We're sinking!
Throw us some vine or something.
There are no vines.
Even if we found some vines,
your friends are too big
and heavy for us to pull free.
Too big? That's it.
If you were bigger, you could
just step out of the quicksand.
Dinovolve. It's
your only chance.
Nice trick.
Maybe I'll study you sometime.
First, let's go find Sarah
and the dinosaur eggs.
Now, we won't have to
worry about ol' Crockpot.
He'll never pick on
somebody your size.
DUNDY: Here we are. Swamp City.
No wonder meeting
Tricero and Bronto-Thunder
didn't surprise you.
DUNDY: I've seen it all, kid.
Ah, your guys might
wanna change back now.
No use scaring the locals.
And you are pretty scary.
DUNDY: Let's go.
TURTLEBACK: They don't
care what shape they take.
The bigger they are,
the harder they fall.
Hurry, hurry.
Step right up and
win a game of chance.
Why, as I live and crawl.
It's Dinosaur Dundy.
Tricero, David, Bronto-Thunder,
meet two of the slipperiest
characters I've ever met.
Turtleback and Shellhead.
Hi, rubberneck.
You're about to become
the luckiest, winningest
reptile in history
in a game called
three-card rummy.
Okay, stretch, you
see these cards?
One has a picture of you on it.
All you gotta do is watch
me move them around like so.
Now, just point out
which card is the one
with your handsome mug on it.
Ha! This is so easy.
That's my card.
Are you absolutely sure?
How about a little bet?
If you lose, you give
us all your supplies?
Uh, sure, I can't lose.
Don't do it, Bronto-Thunder.
You should never bet.
This game is always
fixed. You can't win.
But what if he does
win, Turtleback?
You'll tell us where
Crockpot took Sarah
and the dinosaur eggs, right?
Crockpot? Who's Crockpot?
You lose.
But But
Care for another
chance, you hustlers?
Oh, all right. Come here.
That last time must
have been a fluke,
but you can win back
everything you lost.
Shall we say double or nothing?
Uh, sounds fair.
How do you play?
DUNDY: Wait a minute.
What does he get if he wins?
If he wins,
we'll not only tell you
where the dinosaur eggs are,
we'll help you find them.
And Sarah. Whatever that is.
Just keep your eye on
the shell with the egg.
I bet he doesn't have
an egg under any shell.
These guys are
playing you for a sap.
What's a sap?
I think what David
means is an idiotops.
But if I don't win, they
won't help us find Sarah.
SHELLHEAD: Hey, let me go!
Hands off the
material, you big lug.
What's the matter? Ain't
you got no sense of humor?
Not where Sarah is concerned.
But, uh, well, I guess
I can take a joke.
Good, because the yolk's on you.
Why, you
SHELLHEAD: Let's make tracks.
BRONTO: Come back here, you two!
Look! What's with the
weird colored water?
DUNDY: Oh, some more
of that radioactive stuff
I told you about.
It's harmless to humans,
but it sure did react weird
with these swamp critters.
They're closing in
on us, Shellhead.
Start tossing your
supply of turtle shells.
They're shelling us.
Quick, everyone duck and cover.
Well, the worst
is over, I think.
Or maybe it isn't.
There you are, you scaly menace!
What have you done
with my dinosaur eggs?
And with Sarah?
No need to be so hostile.
BRONTO: Hostile? Huh?
I'll show you hostile.
Where's Sarah?
Yikes! I'm only having some fun.
Come back here!
Well, you wanna have some fun?
Then let's party.
Relax. Relax, big guy.
She's Incoming!
Those pesky turtles!
Gee, what sore losers.
I thought you mammals were
the most unpredictable creatures
in the galaxy.
But the Earth reptiles here
have you beaten by light-years.
It's not their fault.
They were exposed to
some weird radioactive stuff.
Right, Dr. Dundy?
That's what it looks like.
I haven't really
studied the situation.
Sure. You've been too
busy studying old dinosaurs
to pay any attention
to anyone around here.
Aah! What did you say?
Incoming turtles at 1 o'clock.
Turtles? Where?
I don't see any
So you like to play, do you?
How about a game
of Spin the Turtle?
Oh, thanks. I needed that.
I'll get you for ruining
my card game, Dundy.
Oh, no!
Great shot, Crockpot.
Gee, thanks.
Enough sweet
stuff. Where's Sarah?
SARAH: Here I am.
My dinosaur eggs.
Where did you find them?
Crockpot had them.
He left these two to guard me,
but we all got bored and
decided to join the action.
Monty and Snake
Eyes are musicians.
I used to have a
band on Reptilon.
Trombonehead and
Pianosaurus Rex.
I played my three horns.
What I don't understand is
why Crockpot took the eggs
in the first place.
Oh, Crockpot and I had a
long talk about that, didn't we?
DUNDY: Well, out with it.
I just wanted a little
notice, you know?
Back when I was
knee-high to a swamp lily,
you played with me all the time.
Now it's all dinosaurs.
No time for Crockpot.
I guess I did overlook you all.
You mean that you
never studied Crockpot
or any of the others
here in the swamp?
That's awful.
You're right.
You take these to study.
I have enough to
concentrate on right here.
Let's get these back to Allo.
Well, you two certainly have
an interesting bunch
of descendants.
TRICERO: Sarah's right.
Turtles, crocodiles and snakes
are descended from dinosaurs.
Well, all I have to say
is that your relatives
didn't treat us very nicely.
You're right, David.
Let's go and see your relatives.
I'm sure they'll react
much better to Dinosaucers.
Uh, on second thought, maybe
those reptiles weren't so bad.
DUNDY: Yahoo!
You can't beat me.
Or my name's not Dinosaur Dundy.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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