Dinosaucers (1987) s01e52 Episode Script

Those Reptilon Nights

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
TRICERO: Lava Dome-2.
Earth brinks of the Dinosaucers.
A nice place to work,
but we didn't always work there.
We all had pasts
and this was the night that
mine caught up with me.
The communicator alert.
That's a call from Reptilon.
Let's see who it is.
Greetings, Dinosaucers.
TRICERO: Commissioner Stonebone.
The head of the Reptilon
police, the Tricerocops.
My old outfit.
How can we help
you, commissioner?
By lending us one of
your best men, Tricero.
But commissioner,
what in the eggs name is
wrong that you need me?
The case that made your
careerbefore you became a Dinosaucer
has opened up again.
You don't mean
Someone has stolen
the Maltese Pterodactyl.
We tried to find it and failed.
We need your help
because only you
know where to find
the Dino in Red.
Can you spare me,
Allo? Of course we can.
Commissioner, my best
Dinosaucer is at your disposal.
Thank you, Allo.
All Reptilon will be
gratefulto you both.
I'll leave right away.
Just one thing. Be
careful, old friend.
TRICERO: I guess
it's true what they say.
Once a Tricerocop,
always a Tricerocop.
All I knew was that whenthe
commissioner asked for me,
I had to go back.
Back to my past, Reptilon.
And down there waiting
for mewas a mystery.
Some old friends
and some old enemies.
And my troubles began
as soon as I landed.
We've been waiting a long time
for you to show your
face here again, Tricero.
Two Horns, you old devil.
And Stomper and Spike,
it's great to see you.
We need you, Tricero.
Did the commissioner
fill you in?
Only to say that the
Maltese Pterodactyl
was missing again.
Yes, the Pterodactyl.
Still one of the greatest
art treasures of our people.
And there are supposed
to be secrets hidden in it.
Anyway, it's gone and our
government needs it back.
If you can't get it
back, no one can.
Are any of you gonna
come along with me?
Not yet.
For the moment
old Stonebone said
we should leave you on your own.
But if you need
help just whistle.
My old friends, you bet I will.
See you, fellas.
There goes one heck
of a brave ceratopsid.
You said it. I hope
nothing happens to him.
TRICERO: And so I had to go
back into my past and find her.
The one I hoped I'd
never haveto see again.
The Dino in Red.
It was bad enough
that I was out of my
Dinosaucer's uniform.
I felt weird but
a job was a job.
And Jurassic Square
hadn't changed any.
The same crowd of losers.
Little dinos trying
to hide in the night.
It felt quite at home.
isn't my old buddy, Mr. Tricero.
Brontosaur, my favorite stoolie.
That's Mr. Brontosaur
to you, Tricerocop.
I'm not a cop anymore.
I'm a Dinosaucer.
Heh, and then what are you doing
out of your snazzy
uniform in these outfits?
Looks like you've
come down or
Could be, but you
don't look much better.
I can help you a
little if you help me.
Sure. You are looking
for the Dino in Red.
How did you know?
Heh, everybody knows.
Everybody knows
when the commissioner
calls in the best dino for the job.
Well, heh, you'll never
find the Dino in Red.
Not if you hunt it
for a million years.
Not without help.
And how much is
this gonna cost me,
you little stooge-adon.
Heh, nothing,
nothing at all. It's free.
I wasn't so sure about that.
Nothing I worked on was free.
And not many things I
heard but just this once,
I went along,
and I began to think
I didn't understand.
What would she be doing here?
Oh, that's none of my business.
I just brought you
where they told me.
They? Who told
you to bring me here?
I don't know nothing.
I think you know a lot more
than you let on, Brontosaur.
About a whole lot of things.
About the Maltese Pterodactyl.
Huh? Uh, no, I never
I was only following orders
and I was some place else.
Sure you were.
Well, let's see
what the story is.
TRICERO: It wasn't the kind
of place where she would be.
The prettiest dinosaur
on the planet. Nah.
It was some kind of trick.
That was fine with me
because I didn't really
wanna find her here.
Not after what happened.
Not after she broke my heart.
Tricero, why did you go away?
I had to, babe. They
needed me on Earth.
But I needed you here.
And I needed you,
except you ran out on me.
I couldn't help it, Tricero.
They made me do it.
Well, that's over and done with.
I'm a Dinosaucer now
and I've got a job to do.
And you're gonna help me do it.
I'm looking for the
Maltese Pterodactyl.
Again? What for?
It's nothing but a statue.
I've wondered about that myself.
It's nothing but a piece of
artwork or it seems that way.
But if there was something
else about it that didn't show.
Something important.
I don't care about that,
but I'll help you find it if
it's so important to you.
And then we can be together
again. The way we used to be.
Do you know where it is?
Yes, it's here.
Here? Show it to me.
I will, but you
have to trust me.
Well, sure, of
course I trust you.
How about a claw sandwich?
TRICERO: They were
somebody's henchasaurs,
I didn't know whose.[YELLS]
I didn't care. All I knew
wasthat I was mad.
No residue from a tar pit
were gonna get in my way.
You think you're real
fast, huh, Mr. Dinosaucer?
Faster than you,
you little punkatops.
We'll see about that.
Trickensaur. You're in
for it now, Tricerocop.
Oh, no!
I always did hate that
cereal Dino-toasties anyway.
And as for you,
now I'm gonna have some answers.
Oh, no.
you want answers, Tricero?
DINO IN RED: Professor Dino.
Well, you'll get them.
And afterwards you won't
need any other answers
ever again.
TRICERO: It was a
nice mess to be here
and caught by a bunch
ofsmall time crooks on Reptilon
and fossilized.
Things looked pretty dark to me.
he's been on the
rocks long enough.
Soften him up a little.
And if he doesn't talk to us,
we'll soften him
up a little more.
Right, bossasaur.
Now then, we'll find
out what you know,
Mr. Bigshot Dinosaucer.
He doesn't know anything.
intend to find out plenty.
Oh, yeah?
Well, there are people
who don't want you
to find out anything.
And if you cross them,
you'll just get fossilized
for a few minutes.
You'll wind up at the
bottom of the great tar pit
wearing cement over shoes.
The tar pits, huh?
Now there's a thought.
I wonder if our old
friends the Tyrannos
are mixed up in this somehow.
I didn't say anything, I swear.
So that's it. It's
Genghis Rex after all.
Now, why would he want
the Maltese Pterodactyl?
Especially if it's just
a piece of artwork
like everybody says.
But I think it's more than that.
You know too much,
Tricerocop. That's dangerous.
And maybe you don't know enough.
You say you'd like to
know what this is all about,
but you'll never find out
anything without help.
Maybe you've got
something there.
Tell you what, help us and
we'll cut you in on the loot
when we sell the
Pterodactyl to the Tyrannos.
No dice, you crookasaur.
Well, we'll leave you here
to think about it for a while.
But not for long. And
you'll only get one chance.
Come on, boys.
TRICERO: They thought they
had me justwhere they wanted me.
But they had
forgotten something.
It wasn't just
another Tricerocop
they were dealing with.
It was a Dinosaucer.
Not everyone knew
we could dinovolve
to our pre-historic ancestors.
And it's probably just as well.
Now there was only one problem.
I couldn't get out without
mashing the place up
and alerting everybody
for blocks around.
I decided to mash the place up.
But somehow these
things never work
the way you think they will.
always were the subtle type.
TRICERO: And you always like to
stand around and make wise cracks.
That's better.
Yes, but we have
to get out of here.
The fat Dino must
have heard you.
No sooner said than
done, babe-adon.
We'll never get away.
Sure we will. If old fatasaur
has nothing to chase us in.
Sorry, fella, I'm
driving tonight.
Have a nice flight.
Do you know how to
drive one of these things?
I think.
Get in the car. Get after them.
DINO IN RED: I thought you
knew how to drive this thing.
Uh, it's been a while.
Where are we going?
Back to the warehouse.
TRICERO: You mean the
Maltese Pterodactyl is really there?
DINO IN RED: Of course it is.
And we have to hurry
before Genghis Rex gets it.
Then I was right.
The Tyrannos are
behind it being stolen.
But what do they want
the Maltese Pterodactyl for?
DINO IN RED: I've heard rumors.
I don't know if they're true,
but the statue is
supposed to have
some secret
information hidden in it.
Something that the Tyrannos
want more than anything.
Well, we've gotta stop them.
You don't have far to go.
There's the warehouse.
Oh, good.
call that a landing?
Any landing you walk
away from is a good one.
Well, I'm just glad we
had our seat belts on.
Come on.
Just where is the Maltese
Pterodactyl hidden?
In one of these crates.
But which crate?
I don't know. We'll just
have to look in them all.
TRICERO: So we started
looking and looking.
And looking.
Hmm, not bad.
TRICERO: And what
the hey, we found it.
The Maltese Pterodactyl.
It's beautiful.
It's the stuff
cartoons are made of.
But why does Rex want it?
REX: Because
inside the Pterodactyl
is something I've
wanted for a long time.
The secret of Dinovolving.
What? REX: Yes, indeed.
One of your remote
Dinosaucer ancestors
hid a secret formula
inside that statue.
When I have that formula,
the Tyrannos will
be able to dinovolve
just as the Dinosaucers do.
And then there'll be
nothing left to stop us
from conquering
the Planet Earth.
So give me that Pterodactyl.
Got it.
You'll have to do
better than that.
Give me that Pterodactyl
or you'll both be
fossils in half a minute.
Here, Tricero, catch.
Whoa! Oh, no.
I've got it. I've got it.
No, I've got it.
ALL [IN UNISON]: Oh, no.
I've got it. I've got it.
The secret is mine.
The secret is two cups of sugar,
half a pound of flour,
half a pound of dino chips.
It's a recipe for
dino-chip cookie.
The secret of dino
cooking. Not dinovolving.
And after what I paid for it!
This time you won, Tricero,
but next time you
won't be so lucky.
Sure, Rex.
And I have this
seaweed soufflé recipe
I bet you'd like too.
Oh, shut up.
I wonder if Ankylo is any
good at making cookies.
TRICERO: So everything
came to a happy ending for once.
The commissioner got
his Maltese Pterodactyl.
I got to go back to
Lava Dome-2 as a hero.
And Rex got a
terrific cookie recipe.
You did a great job, Tricero.
You made all the
Tricerocops proud.
Thanks, commissioner.
You sure you wouldn't
like your old job back?
No, thanks, commissioner.
I have a duty to the Earth.
It's a nice little planet
and I can't let it down.
And is there nothing that
could change your mind?
Well, I could come
visit sometimes.
Take care of yourself, Tricero.
Yes, take care of yourself.
I will.
There goes one fine saurian.
not just another saurian.
He's a Dinosaucer.
Dinosaucer ♪
Dinosaucer ♪
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