Dinosaucers (1987) s01e53 Episode Script
The Dinolympics
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to theseDinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BONEHEAD: Where's Sarah?
ALLO: I don't know, Bonehead.
She hasn't been around lately.
BONEHEAD: But why not?
Is she mad at the Dinosaucers?
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe she's mad at me.
Well, you can ask her
yourself. Here she comes.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Sarah. Sarah.
Oh, Sarah, I missed you.
Don't be mad at me.
Why should I be mad
at you, Bonehead?
You were gone a long time.
I thought you didn't
like us anymore.
Oh, Bonehead.
I've been busy,
that's all. Real busy.
I just stopped in to pick
up a couple of things.
BONEHEAD: Busy doing what?
My school's participating
in the Junior Olympics
and I'm one of the
people on the team.
Wow. That's neat.
What's an Olympics?
It's a special kind of festival.
A festival of games.
People have been having Olympics
for hundreds of years.
Hey! Everybody gets together
and competes at
all kinds of sports.
In the old days, if there
was a war going on,
even the war would stop so
that the Olympics could go on.
If that worked for humans,
I wonder if it could work for
Dinosaucers and Tyrannos.
You mean, have
your own Olympics?
Or Dinolympics. Yes.
You could help
us set it up, Sarah.
And we would invite
the Tyrannos to it.
Uh, I'm not so sure
that's a good idea.
Oh, come on, Boney, we
have to give them a chance.
You come to my school with me
and see what kind
of things we do.
Then you can be Allo's
advisor to the Dinolympics.
Wow! Hooray!
We're gonna go to school,
we're gonna have a Dinolympics.
And meanwhile, I'll do my part.
I wonder what Rex will say.
GENGHIS REX: That's the most
ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.
You say you want us
to put aside our weapons
and show up at Lava Dome
to play games with you?
Allo, you must have
some scales loose.
Rex, I'm perfectly serious.
It's an Earth tradition.
It's obviously a trick to
get us to lower our guard
against you cursed Dinosaucers.
But, Rex You bore me, Allo.
Try something more
original next time.
Hmm. You sure told
him, bossasaurus.
Of course I told
him, tail for brains.
Don't interrupt me
while I'm thinking.
This friendly call was
obviously a ploy to distract us
from whatever
Allo's really up to.
He said something
about an Earth tradition.
This means those
wretched Secret Scouts
are involved somehow.
Brachio, you and Terrible Dactel
find out who was at Lava
Dome today and then watch them.
Yeah, bossasaurus.
BONEHEAD: Are you sure
it's all right for me to be here?
SARAH: As long as
you stay out of sight.
Not many kids are in practicing
this late after school anyway.
What kind of things
are you practicing?
Gymnastics. That's
my sport. Watch.
Ugh, there. How about that?
GIRL: Not bad for a beginner.
But you're gonna have
to do a lot better than that
if you're gonna beat me
in the Junior Olympics.
I might have a surprise or
two in store for you, Gizel.
Oh, yeah?
Well, honey, you're gonna need
to get some help from somewhere
if you're gonna beat this.
See you at the game, Sarah.
Is everything all right?
Nothing's all right when
Gizel Freeman's around.
She wasn't very nice.
That's her specialty and the
problem is she's real good.
I don't know if I can beat her.
And I really want to beat her.
She's so stuck up.
[IMITATING GIZEL] You're gonna
need to get some help from somewhere.
Now, there's a thought.
My Secret Scout ring
enhances my athletic abilities
all the rest of the time.
That's a great idea.
But are the other kids'
rings as good as yours?
Bonehead, they don't have rings.
Especially Gizel
doesn't have one.
But that's not right.
You'd have an advantage.
And in Dino Scouts they told us
that a dino must
always play fair.
But maybe there are
different rules for humans.
No, but Oh, Bonehead,
you don't understand.
If I don't win, Gizel will make
my life miserable for years.
And if you do win, you'll make
her life miserable instead?
I've gotta think of something.
Can you see okay, big fella?
I sure can.
I can see people and
a lot of weird equipment
and flags and a marching band
and Brachio and
Terrible Dactel. What?
Where? Over
behind that building.
SARAH: I don't know
what they're up to here,
but I bet it's not good.
I'm gonna find out
what they're up to.
But isn't it almost time
for your part of the games.
Yeah. Don't worry.
I'll be on time.
Ready for your farewell
performance, Sarah?
Sure, Gizel, and you
have a nice day too.
Oh, I will. I will.
BRACHIO: Now we'll find out
what these humans
are up to out here.
What's this for?
I don't know. Looks
like sand to me.
I get it.
They're trying to figure
out how Earth sports work.
Allo must have called to invite
the Tyrannos to the Dinolympics
and they're trying to
figure out ways to cheat.
Secret Scouts ring power up.
I still don't understand it.
Yes. How do you use
sand as a weapon?
Like this, ugh.
Why, you runty little mammal.
I'll get you for that.
Gotta catch me
first, slowpokatops.
Or maybe I should
say ostrasosaurus.
Thought those were
extinct though, ha-ha.
This nasty little human.
I'll swoop down on
the creature from above
and teach her a lesson.
Not if I swoop up and
teach you one first.
I may be a runty little mammal,
but there are some
things I'm pretty good at.
I wish I left my stomach home.
But I was supposed to go first.
Are you Sarah Spencer? Uh, yes.
You forfeited your first heat
in the gymnastics competition.
We were told you weren't here.
But I
Gotta learn to take
things seriously, Spencer.
Now, if you miss another one,
you'll be disqualified
from the Junior Olympics.
Ha, ha, ha. You
shouldn't run away
just because you can't
beat me, Sarah baby.
Sarah, that girl got
you in trouble. I saw it.
You saw right, Bonehead.
She tried to get
me disqualified.
She is not nice.
If I miss one
more heat, I'm out.
But what about the Tyrannos?
Oh, I cooled them
out pretty good.
I don't think they'll
bother us much more.
Look, I'm on in a
minute. Wish me luck.
Break a horn.
Uh, right.
competitor, Sarah Spencer.
If only I could use my ring.
Ha, that'll show
the little mammal
not to mess with a terraform.
ANNOUNCER [ON PA]: One major
flaw that's going to lower the score.
Five-six, four-nine,
five-two, five-five.
Just not good
enough, huh, Sarah?
Might as well give up now.
Sarah Spencer takes
second place behind
Gizel Freeman.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
Terrible Dactel
isn't so nice either.
Never mind.
You ought get back to Lava Dome.
Your own Dinolympics
will be getting started soon.
I'd rather stay with you.
Oh, Bonehead, it's too
dangerous for you here.
You go ahead.
You certain this is
going to work, Allo?
Bone vaulting was my
favorite sport back at Jurassic U,
right next to tail
wrestling. Watch.
Well, okay.
Bronto Thunder.
Are you all right?
Not for this sport, no.
Okay, we're ready
to start the games.
First comes bone tossing.
TRICERO: Hey, this is fun.
Tail wrestling.
The dinathalon.
I forget how many
events that is.
Long bone archery, bone vaulting
and the long tar pit jump.
And for me, of
course, stunt flying.
Hey, what about me?
I didn't forget you, Bonehead.
You're in the dinathalon.
That's nice.
But I miss the Secret Scouts.
We really need more people here.
REX: We decided to come
to your little
party after all, Allo,
to show you how
real dinosaurs play.
We invited you,
Rex. You're welcome.
REX: We'll see how welcome
we are after we beat you.
ALLO: Winning
isn't everything, Rex.
Winning is everything
when you're losing.
Just can't keep
up, eh, feather flea.
That's pretty big talk
from a flying leather jacket.
Now, we'll see what
you're made of, Brachio.
Better stuff than you are.
Let's see you beat this.
Just can't pull your
weight, eh, Bronto Thunder?
You're doing pretty
well there, Ankylo.
Oh, really?
I love the way you fall down.
This is awful.
I gotta get some help.
Sarah. Come in, Sarah.
What? BONEHEAD: Come in, Sarah.
Bonehead, what's the matter?
It's the Tyrannos.
They crashed our
Dinolympic games
and now they're
competing in all the events
and cheating at them all.
Next entry, Sarah Spencer.
Final competition.
Please enter the field.
But I can't do anything.
BONEHEAD: But we need you.
And besides, if I miss this
heat, they'll disqualify me.
Oh, what does that matter?
Think you're pretty
hot, don't you, Ankylo?
Hotter than you.
Dinosaucers ♪
Well, how about that?
Boy, I can't leave
this place for a minute.
Secret Scouts ring, power up!
Terrible Dactel, get
that mammal out of here.
Right, Ghengis Rex.
Hey, TD! Catch.
He never learns. Oh, well.
You think that's real cute, huh?
I know mammals who
could lift all of those at once.
Can you do this? Here.
Huh? Uh-oh.
I guess they're just
not building dinosaurs
for brains anymore.
I'll stop that mammal
for you, Ghengis Rex.
Anybody else? Rex?
I refuse to demean myself
by fighting with mammals.
Or Dinosaucers
either, it looks like.
Best two out of
three, Ghengis Rex?
Some other time when
we have the advantage.
Don't go away mad, Rex.
Just go away.
What? Sarah. Sarah.
Did you win? Did you win?
Sure we did.
The Tyrannos left.
No, I mean your
gymnastics thing.
Oh, no.
They were about to start.
They'll disqualify me.Ah.
Sometimes I wonder
how we ever got along
without mammals as our friends.
I know.
Five-nine, five-nine, five-nine,
five-nine and five-nine.
GIZEL: You're just in time.
Beat that, Sarah,
or get ready to lose.
I don't care if I do.
I've already won once today.
competitor, Sarah Spencer.
Six, six, six, six, six.
A perfect score.
All right. Yay!
ANNOUNCER: The winner of the
gold medalin the gymnastics competition,
Sarah Spencer.
My ring. I forgot my ring.
Big deal.
Boney, how come
you sneaked in here?
You might have been caught.
I wanted to see you win.
But what if I'd lost?
It wouldn't have mattered.
They told us in Dino Scouts
it isn't whether
you win or lose
BOTH: It's how
you play the game.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers
until one day, we
met some new friends
from out of town.
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to theseDinosaucers
from outer space.
And joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
BONEHEAD: Where's Sarah?
ALLO: I don't know, Bonehead.
She hasn't been around lately.
BONEHEAD: But why not?
Is she mad at the Dinosaucers?
Oh, I don't think so.
Maybe she's mad at me.
Well, you can ask her
yourself. Here she comes.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Sarah. Sarah.
Oh, Sarah, I missed you.
Don't be mad at me.
Why should I be mad
at you, Bonehead?
You were gone a long time.
I thought you didn't
like us anymore.
Oh, Bonehead.
I've been busy,
that's all. Real busy.
I just stopped in to pick
up a couple of things.
BONEHEAD: Busy doing what?
My school's participating
in the Junior Olympics
and I'm one of the
people on the team.
Wow. That's neat.
What's an Olympics?
It's a special kind of festival.
A festival of games.
People have been having Olympics
for hundreds of years.
Hey! Everybody gets together
and competes at
all kinds of sports.
In the old days, if there
was a war going on,
even the war would stop so
that the Olympics could go on.
If that worked for humans,
I wonder if it could work for
Dinosaucers and Tyrannos.
You mean, have
your own Olympics?
Or Dinolympics. Yes.
You could help
us set it up, Sarah.
And we would invite
the Tyrannos to it.
Uh, I'm not so sure
that's a good idea.
Oh, come on, Boney, we
have to give them a chance.
You come to my school with me
and see what kind
of things we do.
Then you can be Allo's
advisor to the Dinolympics.
Wow! Hooray!
We're gonna go to school,
we're gonna have a Dinolympics.
And meanwhile, I'll do my part.
I wonder what Rex will say.
GENGHIS REX: That's the most
ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.
You say you want us
to put aside our weapons
and show up at Lava Dome
to play games with you?
Allo, you must have
some scales loose.
Rex, I'm perfectly serious.
It's an Earth tradition.
It's obviously a trick to
get us to lower our guard
against you cursed Dinosaucers.
But, Rex You bore me, Allo.
Try something more
original next time.
Hmm. You sure told
him, bossasaurus.
Of course I told
him, tail for brains.
Don't interrupt me
while I'm thinking.
This friendly call was
obviously a ploy to distract us
from whatever
Allo's really up to.
He said something
about an Earth tradition.
This means those
wretched Secret Scouts
are involved somehow.
Brachio, you and Terrible Dactel
find out who was at Lava
Dome today and then watch them.
Yeah, bossasaurus.
BONEHEAD: Are you sure
it's all right for me to be here?
SARAH: As long as
you stay out of sight.
Not many kids are in practicing
this late after school anyway.
What kind of things
are you practicing?
Gymnastics. That's
my sport. Watch.
Ugh, there. How about that?
GIRL: Not bad for a beginner.
But you're gonna have
to do a lot better than that
if you're gonna beat me
in the Junior Olympics.
I might have a surprise or
two in store for you, Gizel.
Oh, yeah?
Well, honey, you're gonna need
to get some help from somewhere
if you're gonna beat this.
See you at the game, Sarah.
Is everything all right?
Nothing's all right when
Gizel Freeman's around.
She wasn't very nice.
That's her specialty and the
problem is she's real good.
I don't know if I can beat her.
And I really want to beat her.
She's so stuck up.
[IMITATING GIZEL] You're gonna
need to get some help from somewhere.
Now, there's a thought.
My Secret Scout ring
enhances my athletic abilities
all the rest of the time.
That's a great idea.
But are the other kids'
rings as good as yours?
Bonehead, they don't have rings.
Especially Gizel
doesn't have one.
But that's not right.
You'd have an advantage.
And in Dino Scouts they told us
that a dino must
always play fair.
But maybe there are
different rules for humans.
No, but Oh, Bonehead,
you don't understand.
If I don't win, Gizel will make
my life miserable for years.
And if you do win, you'll make
her life miserable instead?
I've gotta think of something.
Can you see okay, big fella?
I sure can.
I can see people and
a lot of weird equipment
and flags and a marching band
and Brachio and
Terrible Dactel. What?
Where? Over
behind that building.
SARAH: I don't know
what they're up to here,
but I bet it's not good.
I'm gonna find out
what they're up to.
But isn't it almost time
for your part of the games.
Yeah. Don't worry.
I'll be on time.
Ready for your farewell
performance, Sarah?
Sure, Gizel, and you
have a nice day too.
Oh, I will. I will.
BRACHIO: Now we'll find out
what these humans
are up to out here.
What's this for?
I don't know. Looks
like sand to me.
I get it.
They're trying to figure
out how Earth sports work.
Allo must have called to invite
the Tyrannos to the Dinolympics
and they're trying to
figure out ways to cheat.
Secret Scouts ring power up.
I still don't understand it.
Yes. How do you use
sand as a weapon?
Like this, ugh.
Why, you runty little mammal.
I'll get you for that.
Gotta catch me
first, slowpokatops.
Or maybe I should
say ostrasosaurus.
Thought those were
extinct though, ha-ha.
This nasty little human.
I'll swoop down on
the creature from above
and teach her a lesson.
Not if I swoop up and
teach you one first.
I may be a runty little mammal,
but there are some
things I'm pretty good at.
I wish I left my stomach home.
But I was supposed to go first.
Are you Sarah Spencer? Uh, yes.
You forfeited your first heat
in the gymnastics competition.
We were told you weren't here.
But I
Gotta learn to take
things seriously, Spencer.
Now, if you miss another one,
you'll be disqualified
from the Junior Olympics.
Ha, ha, ha. You
shouldn't run away
just because you can't
beat me, Sarah baby.
Sarah, that girl got
you in trouble. I saw it.
You saw right, Bonehead.
She tried to get
me disqualified.
She is not nice.
If I miss one
more heat, I'm out.
But what about the Tyrannos?
Oh, I cooled them
out pretty good.
I don't think they'll
bother us much more.
Look, I'm on in a
minute. Wish me luck.
Break a horn.
Uh, right.
competitor, Sarah Spencer.
If only I could use my ring.
Ha, that'll show
the little mammal
not to mess with a terraform.
ANNOUNCER [ON PA]: One major
flaw that's going to lower the score.
Five-six, four-nine,
five-two, five-five.
Just not good
enough, huh, Sarah?
Might as well give up now.
Sarah Spencer takes
second place behind
Gizel Freeman.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
Terrible Dactel
isn't so nice either.
Never mind.
You ought get back to Lava Dome.
Your own Dinolympics
will be getting started soon.
I'd rather stay with you.
Oh, Bonehead, it's too
dangerous for you here.
You go ahead.
You certain this is
going to work, Allo?
Bone vaulting was my
favorite sport back at Jurassic U,
right next to tail
wrestling. Watch.
Well, okay.
Bronto Thunder.
Are you all right?
Not for this sport, no.
Okay, we're ready
to start the games.
First comes bone tossing.
TRICERO: Hey, this is fun.
Tail wrestling.
The dinathalon.
I forget how many
events that is.
Long bone archery, bone vaulting
and the long tar pit jump.
And for me, of
course, stunt flying.
Hey, what about me?
I didn't forget you, Bonehead.
You're in the dinathalon.
That's nice.
But I miss the Secret Scouts.
We really need more people here.
REX: We decided to come
to your little
party after all, Allo,
to show you how
real dinosaurs play.
We invited you,
Rex. You're welcome.
REX: We'll see how welcome
we are after we beat you.
ALLO: Winning
isn't everything, Rex.
Winning is everything
when you're losing.
Just can't keep
up, eh, feather flea.
That's pretty big talk
from a flying leather jacket.
Now, we'll see what
you're made of, Brachio.
Better stuff than you are.
Let's see you beat this.
Just can't pull your
weight, eh, Bronto Thunder?
You're doing pretty
well there, Ankylo.
Oh, really?
I love the way you fall down.
This is awful.
I gotta get some help.
Sarah. Come in, Sarah.
What? BONEHEAD: Come in, Sarah.
Bonehead, what's the matter?
It's the Tyrannos.
They crashed our
Dinolympic games
and now they're
competing in all the events
and cheating at them all.
Next entry, Sarah Spencer.
Final competition.
Please enter the field.
But I can't do anything.
BONEHEAD: But we need you.
And besides, if I miss this
heat, they'll disqualify me.
Oh, what does that matter?
Think you're pretty
hot, don't you, Ankylo?
Hotter than you.
Dinosaucers ♪
Well, how about that?
Boy, I can't leave
this place for a minute.
Secret Scouts ring, power up!
Terrible Dactel, get
that mammal out of here.
Right, Ghengis Rex.
Hey, TD! Catch.
He never learns. Oh, well.
You think that's real cute, huh?
I know mammals who
could lift all of those at once.
Can you do this? Here.
Huh? Uh-oh.
I guess they're just
not building dinosaurs
for brains anymore.
I'll stop that mammal
for you, Ghengis Rex.
Anybody else? Rex?
I refuse to demean myself
by fighting with mammals.
Or Dinosaucers
either, it looks like.
Best two out of
three, Ghengis Rex?
Some other time when
we have the advantage.
Don't go away mad, Rex.
Just go away.
What? Sarah. Sarah.
Did you win? Did you win?
Sure we did.
The Tyrannos left.
No, I mean your
gymnastics thing.
Oh, no.
They were about to start.
They'll disqualify me.Ah.
Sometimes I wonder
how we ever got along
without mammals as our friends.
I know.
Five-nine, five-nine, five-nine,
five-nine and five-nine.
GIZEL: You're just in time.
Beat that, Sarah,
or get ready to lose.
I don't care if I do.
I've already won once today.
competitor, Sarah Spencer.
Six, six, six, six, six.
A perfect score.
All right. Yay!
ANNOUNCER: The winner of the
gold medalin the gymnastics competition,
Sarah Spencer.
My ring. I forgot my ring.
Big deal.
Boney, how come
you sneaked in here?
You might have been caught.
I wanted to see you win.
But what if I'd lost?
It wouldn't have mattered.
They told us in Dino Scouts
it isn't whether
you win or lose
BOTH: It's how
you play the game.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪