Dinosaucers (1987) s01e54 Episode Script

Sara Had a Little Lambeosaurus

NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Wait. I don't think
we're supposed to
put that in yet, Glen.
Ah, let's just get
this thing over with.
Whoa! Aah!
Nice going, ace, you
just ruined my lab notes.
Congratulations, Sarah and Glen,
you've created charcoal.
Not exactly the intended goal
of this experiment, however.
Heh. That's funny. Ha-ha-ha.
Almost as funny as
your grade is going to be.
Sarah, if this class
is too hard for you
Oh, no, Dr. Swoford, I
really enjoy this class.
It's just [LAUGHING]
How am I gonna
replace my lab notes?
This is awful.
Come on, Sarah, it's
just stupid chemistry.
Who cares?
I do. And I wish I had a
lab partner who did too.
Well, maybe the new special-ed
student will be your partner.
Sure don't want him for mine.
That's fine with me.
Oh, you've been making
charcoal at school.
How exciting.
You're funny, Dimetro.
I am?
Hey, wait, Sarah.
Did you have a hard
day at the office, dear?
You've been watching
television again, haven't you?
How else am I going
to learn about Earth?
I wish I could stay
home and watch TV.
I don't seem to be very
good at learning chemistry.
And I wish I could go to school.
I don't seem to be very
good at Wheel of Jeopardy.
Perhaps we can help each other.
Come, show me
your chemistry book,
or did you burn that one too.
Ha, ha. You're
funny today, Dimetro.
I guess I'm just a
wild and crazy guy.
We were trying to
identify the substance
before Glen ruined the
test and my lab notes.
Oh, that's easy.
It's trans-trans 14 difeneral.
Hold it. That's not how
we're supposed to do it.
It's not?
No. We're supposed
to use all this.
Oh, that's right. I forgot.
In school, you do it
the hard way, don't you?
We certainly do.
All right.
Way to go.
You were right, it is
trans-trans whatever.
Of course.
I'm really curious
about this reagent.
It doesn't exist on Reptilon.
I, uh, hope you know
what you're doing.
Oh! Yow!
Oh! Wow!
That was impressive.
But I'm afraid I've
got to get home
or there's going to be
fireworks of a different kind.
You have a chemist at home?
No, I have a mother,
and she doesn't
like it when I'm late.
Thanks for the help,
Dimetro. You were great.
Bye. Bye.
I wish I could go to school.
There is so much I could learn.
you may or may not know,
our special-ed student
is coming in today
and will probably be nervous,
so I don't want anyone
else inventing dynamite.
Is that clear, Glen?
Oh, look.
They're doing a
And what's that?
What is that gadget
they're using?
Oh, if only I could go inside.
Don't be afraid.
There's nothing stopping
you but your own peers.
You must be the new
special-ed student.
All of the students have
been warned Uh
I mean informed of your arrival.
They're looking
forward to meeting you.
Oh, um, thank you.
Let's go in.
Hmm, special-ed student, eh?
I think Rex ought
to know about this.
BOY 1: Wow. Yeah.
Oh, no.
Sarah, I know his
appearance is shocking,
but you must try to
control yourselves.
It's not the boy's
fault, poor thing.
Class, this is, uh, um
Dimetro. Dimetro.
He is our new
special-ed student.
Now, I want you all to
make him feel at home here.
He looks more at home in a
swamp than a chemistry lab.
What a terrible thing to say.
Glen, he can't
help his condition.
Maybe he was born that way.
Uh, he was.
Sarah, I would like you
to be Dimetro's partner.
I'll be glad to have him
as a partner, Dr. Swoford.
That came out perfectly.
Let's show Dr. Swoford.
We're finished, ma'am.
Well, you two are
quick, aren't you?
Hmm. But it really
should be white.
I wonder what went wrong.
Why did you switch
our flasks, Glen?
I I thought you'd
like the blue one better.
White is so boring,
don't you think?
You're real funny, aren't you?
So you like colors, do you?
Yeah. That's cool.
What are you doing?
Oh, just a little chemistry.
Hey. Hey, man, I
was just kidding.
What'd you do?
This is, like, really far out.
I like it.
Chemistry can be fun, Glen.
According to your lab notes,
you did the
experiment perfectly so.
Glen, what have
you done to your hair?
I didn't do nothing.
He I mean
It was an accident,
Dr. Swoford. Honest.
I'm terribly sorry.
Hey, put her there, partner.
Partner? What about me?
This little experiment
here will make a substance
that will improve your
gas mileage 1000 percent.
Wow! Well, let's go for it.
I'll just have to do it myself.
Someone help! Stop this thing!
Aah! Whoa!
REX: How did this
scratch get here?
REX: Enkilo, answer me!
How did this scratch get here?
You mean this teeny-weeny
little scratch, sir?
Why, it's hardly enough to
REX: I want you to fix it now!
Yes, sir.
Anything you say, sir.
Right away, sir.
Heh. I fixed the forklift.
While you're going
to fix Rex's ship,
I'll go see how else
I can be of help.
Terrible stink
brains, those two.
Genghis Rex, the humans
have one of the Dinosaucers
in their school.
Good. I hope they dissect him.
He's a special
education student.
They're treating him very well.
The Dinosaucers are
working with the humans
right out in the open?
It seems that way.
Well, we're going to
have to put a stop to that,
Aren't we, Quackpot?
Heh. Oh, absolutely, your
cretaceous cleverness.
I've got a fossil freezer
fizz that'll be perfect.
Here's what we'll do.
You and Glen have certainly
been buddy-buddy this last week.
He's my friend.
Well, you were supposed to
be my partner and help me.
Today's the test and
now I have to do it alone.
But you can do it yourself.
That's not the point.
You promised.
Okay, I'll be your
Oh, my [SIGHING]
Dimetro, what's wrong?
What's wrong?
Is he sick? Maybe he
should see a doctor.
I don't know. He Yow!
He's so cold.
Uh, did you see a
big ugly guy pass by?
Big ugly dude?
Yeah. He went
that away. Poor kid.
That's some bad acne.
Oh, what am I gonna do now?
Oh, no. It's contagious.
Dr. Swoford, help, help!
terrible. Oh, my goodness.
try to do anything, Sarah.
I'm all right, Dr. Swoford.
But I think Dimetro needs
to be put out in the sun.
I think she's delirious.
It's contagious.
I am not delirious
and it's not contagious.
It's just that Dimetro
has sort of gone into
Hibernation. He Aah!
On the other hand,
maybe you're right.
Uh, I do feel a
little bit funny.
I'll just sit right here
and you can take
Dimetro to the doctor.
You're right.
She is a bit delirious.
Oh, no! It's Genghis Rex!
You're coming
to the doctor's too.
No, I've got to
get a hold of Allo.
All right. Let's take Dimetro
to the infirmary, Sarah.
GLEN: You heard the lady.
Let's get my man
Dimetro to the doc.
Allo, Bronto, somebody. Come in.
ALLO: This is Allo.
What's wrong, Sarah?
Dimetro's out cold. Literally.
And the Tyrannos are here.
Aah! Got you.
Now, where is that clumsy
Dinosaucer friend of yours?
SARAH: Secret Scout's
ring, power up. Power up.
Well, I'm glad
you're feeling better.
Okay, everyone, back to class.
We have a test to take.
BOY 1: Oh, come on. Oh, really?
ALLO: Alert the others, Teryx.
The Tyrannos are causing
trouble at Sarah's school.
I knew Dimetro should
have stayed here.
Okay. I'm going to give
each of you three unknowns.
You and your partner will
have an hour to identify them all.
Wanna be lab partners again?
You really like
Dimetro, don't you?
Yeah, he's great.
I even like chemistry
now, thanks to him.
I like him too, so get to work.
And no talking.
If you're looking for Dimetro,
you'll find him at the doctor's.
I wonder what kind
of medical condition
makes them look like that.
Genghis Rex is
going to get Dimetro.
Don't worry, Sarah,
I told my friends to
look after Dimetro.
Shh. No talking.
Uh [♪♪♪]
Stop feeding him those
thermometers, dude.
You're gonna make him sick.
He must've eaten
a dozen already.
I'm trying to take
his temperature.
He doesn't need his
temperature taken, dude,
he's cold.
Feel him, he's
freezing to death.
Well, hello to you too.
You see, he's better already.
Oh? And where did you
get your medical degree?
You kids get back to class.
You don't get to the break
rules just because you're special.
Quiet, mammal!
There he is, Quackpot.
Get him!
Heh. Okay, get out of the way.
You heard the Tyranno.
We're taking him.
Oh yeah. Says who?
You got any complaints.
Heh. Genghis Rex is fearless.
He eats creeps like
you for breakfast.
I refuse to put up with bullies.
Hey, way to go, doc.
You're all right.
Let's get the big
dude out of here.
Heh. You haven't got a
very big vocabulary, dude,
but you're okay.
Let's go.
Uh, take two aspirin and
call me in the morning. Bye.
Like, ooh, this dude is heavy.
I thought you'd never get here.
Doesn't anyone know
how to say hi or howdy?
Oh, at last.
Hey, good to see you, dude.
How'd the test go?
Piece of cake.
Thanks to Sarah and Dimetro.
GLEN: I could never have
done it without their help.
BOY 1: Hey, dude,
come back here!
When he wakes up, we'll
pump him for information
on this special-ed stuff.
All I've got to say
is I'm awake now.
Heh. Bully.
Ugh! Heh.
Heh. Nice.
There he is.
Whose fossil-headed
idea was this, anyway?
Don't look at me.
REX: Ow!
Heh. Sorry.
Hey! Ha, ha!
Wait for me!
Now, those were a
bunch of ugly dudes.
Ugly on the inside, I mean.
It's not how you look on
the outside that counts.
I know exactly what you mean.
You'd better come back with
us and we'll check you over.
Wow, this is some
kind of ambulance.
Boy, Dimetro,
you're really lucky.
I know I am.
Lucky, I got a chance to
come to school and meet you.
Likewise, I'm sure.
Thanks for help on the test.
Ah, it was nothing.
No, I mean it.
Thanks a lot.
You aren't making
any more of that stuff
that dosed you, are you?
Yes, but I'm being very careful.
Put it down, Dimetro.
It's okay. I'm just tired.
Did you get your grade
on the chemistry test?
I got an A.
Glen and I got
the highest grades.
I wish I could have
stayed in school.
I could have learned so much.
I wasn't much
help to you, was I?
Oh, Dimetro, you helped me
more than you'll ever know.
And Glen too.
I did?
The real special-ed
student arrived today.
She's in a wheelchair and
has to wear an oxygen tank.
And guess who's showing
her around the school?
He never would have
done that before he met you.
Gee, I guess I'm kind of
all right as a teacher, huh?
But how are you as an actor?
I'm taking a drama
class this semester.
Who is Hamlet?
A real cool dude.
"To be or not to be,
that is the question."
Now, what kind
of question is that?
Sounds like something the
Tyrannos would make up.
He-he-he. No.
The Tyrannos didn't make
it up, Shakespeare did.
Maybe he was a Tyranno.
He could have been.
No, he couldn't.
Allo, listen to this.
To be or not to be,
that is the question.
Is that some kind of
Tyranno nonsense?
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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