Dinosaucers (1987) s01e55 Episode Script

Beauty and the Bonehead

NARRATOR 1: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
NARRATOR 2: Don't touch
the controls, puny mammal.
Allo, Teryx, I have great news.
SARAH: Hello?
Where did everybody go?
Hi, Sarah. I'm helping Teryx.
Some help.
Where's my sonic
dispersal wrench?
Teryx has invented a
new dinosynthesizer.
And I'm helping set it up.
It will make anything
we want it to.
Clothes, food
That's nice,
Bonehead, but listen.
I've got great news.
[INHALES] I've been chosen to
play the lead in the school play.
Huh? Huh?
That's wonderful,
Sarah, but what's a lead?
And what's a play?
Ha-ha-ha. I should have known.
A play is when
one group of people
gets up in front of
another group of people
and pretends to be some
other people to tell a story.
But, Sarah, that's lying.
No, it's acting.
The most important actor
in the play is called the lead.
And that's me.
The play is called
Beauty and the Beastand
Which one are you?
Beauty, of course.
And here are the costumes.
TERYX: This outfit will look
wonderful on you, Sarah.
No, that's the Beast.
This is Beauty.
Well, because she's beautiful.
Huh? Beautiful?
But she has no
feathers or shiny claws.
Wha? Ah.
She doesn't even
have any scales.
Besides her eyes
are way too big.
It's really scary.
The worst part of all
is that she doesn't even
have a useful, attractive tail.
Ow! Ouch!
Allo yourself.
Very funny.
Where's Allo? This is important.
What's wrong?
There's been a
break-in at Techo Dyne.
It's just happened an hour ago.
I heard it on the all-news
station on my way here.
Let's see if the dino recorder
taped that news broadcast.
To repeat, a person
or persons unknown
have broken into
Techo Dyne Industries.
Dr. Karl Perry, head of
research and his daughter.
Stephie are reported
missing. Huh?
search has just begun.
As yet, there are no clues.
They haven't found any
clues, but I think I have.
Teryx, can we push in
any on that last image?
Lower. To the right. There.
A Tyranno footprint.
Poor Dr. Perry.
What are we gonna do?
ALLO: About what?
Allo yourself.
What's going on?
We've gotta get to Techo Dyne.
It looks like Genghis Rex has
kidnapped the head of research.
His daughter's missing too.
Hmm, we'll have
to wait until dark,
so we won't risk being seen.
In the meanwhile, let's
find out all we can about this.
But what would Rex
want with Techo Dyne?
It does research
for the companies
that make perfumes and makeup.
Well, according to
Dr. Perry's records,
he has just developed
something called Beauty Mist.
A mist that would
make the person sprayed
appear incredibly beautiful.
But Rex already
has the face-off fog.
Yeah, but even that can't
make Genghis Rex beautiful.
Beauty is in the eye
of the beholder, Ryan.
This is Techo Dyne Industries.
Doesn't look as
though anyone's here.
They're probably still searching
the surrounding woods.
Let's land now.
SARAH: Yuck. What
an ugly gargoyle.
Modern architecture
gets weirder every year.
Now, where do we start?
As far as I can tell, Genghis
Rex was traveling alone.
So there might be a chance
that Dr. Perry or his daughter
got away and they're hiding.
Now, if they are
hiding some place,
there's a chance they wouldn't
know that Genghis Rex is gone.
And that we're looking for them.
What's that, Teryx?
It's a heat sensor.
I set it to the amazingly high
normal body temperature
of you humans.
Teryx will use the heat
sensor and search from the air.
She can even pick up residual
heat from footprints with it.
She's already filtered
out our readings,
so we can all
search on the ground.
Oh, remember, Bonehead,
we don't want anyone to see us.
Okay, Teryx, go.
Get ready.
I'm turning the
heat sensor on now.
Nothing yet.
Not yet.
I think I found them.
What a perfect hiding place.
I can't see them from the air,
and it's too dark for them
to be seen from the ground.
Are we close, Teryx?
Straight ahead, Sarah. Keep going.
You guys had better
stay out of sight.
Be careful, Ryan.
If the Tyrannos were here,
the doctor and his daughter
are probably scared
out of their wits.
Dr. Perry?
It's all right. We're
here to help you.
Uh, who are you?
Are you sure it's safe?
It was a monster.
It was just awful.
I mean really ugly.
It made so much noise
that we heard it coming
and managed to get away.
Uh, but I'm afraid that it
took the Beauty Mist spray.
I know. Shh, it's okay.
We're here to help
you. It's safe now.
Oh, the poor girl.
Genghis Rex scared
her half to death.
He really is a monster.
We thought we heard
people looking for us,
but we were afraid
it was the monster
disguising his voice to
trick us into coming out.
I've got you.
Terrible Dactel to Genghis Rex.
The Dinosaucers have found
Dr. Perry and his daughter,
just as you knew they would.
Good. Those goody-good meddlers
will probably take
them to Lava Dome too.
Brachio will meet you there.
But stay out of sight for now.
Right, oh, fearsome leader.
Hang on.
Let go of my daughter,
you you monster.
It's okay. That's Bonehead.
And he's not a monster.
He's one of the good guys.
Are you sure?
We're all on your
side, Dr. Perry.
Don't let our looks scare you.
Speaking of looks, we'd
better get out of here
before anybody comes
along and sees you.
I'm ready. That gargoyle's
giving me the creeps.
Hey! It's gone!
There's only one
stone gargoyle I know of
who comes and
goes as he pleases.
Terrible Dactel.
We'd better get out of here.
I'm glad that Stephie's faint
has lapsed into regular sleep.
I'm really worried about her.
This whole thing
has been a nightmare.
ALLO: It'll be over
soon, Dr. Perry.
We'll do everything we can
to get the Beauty
Mist spray back to you.
Until then, you and Stephie
will be perfectly safe here.
be back, puny earthlings.
What's the plan?
He, he. It's completely evil.
Listen. So [WHISPERS
Here we are. Lava Dome 2.
DR. PERRY: This is fantastic.
I've never seen
anything like it.
Neither has anyone
else, Dr. Perry,
and we'd like to
keep it that way.
I understand, Sarah.
Your secret is safe with me.
Thank you.
Now, let's see
about your secret.
What could Genghis Rex be
doing with your Beauty Mist spray?
TERYX: According to a news
report I heard, people respond
more positively to beautiful
people than to plain ones.
Genghis Rex probably
thinks that being beautiful
will help him take
over the Earth.
But the Beauty Mist wears
off after about 30 minutes.
It says so right on the label.
So he'd need to reach as
many people as possible
before the effect wore off.
But how?
Any ideas? Teryx? Bonehead?
Bonehead, why don't you
put Stephie in the rec room?
I'm sure she'll be
more comfortable there.
Okay. It's almost time
for my favorite game
show on television.
Alphabet Roulette
with Lana Bright.
I love to see the silly costumes
the TV mammals wear.
Television! Television!
You can watch television later.
Right now we have more
important things to do.
No, we don't want
to watch television.
That's how Rex can reach
the greatest number of people
in the shortest period of time.
On television.
DR. PERRY: Ryan's right.
Alphabet Roulette is
one of the few shows on
that broadcasts live.
The studio isn't far from here.
I'll bet that must be
where this Genghis Rex is.
Bonehead, we've
figured out where Rex is.
You stay here with Stephie,
and try not to scare her.
All right let's go.
Get ready. They're leaving.
There they go.
see how many were in the shuttle?
I saw Allo, Teryx,
two of those irritating
Secret Scouts,
and that other man, Dr. Perry.
And he seemed to have
left his daughter inside.
Uh-oh, it looks
like we were right.
The Tyranno shuttle.
I hope we're not too late.
Let's hurry anyway.
I guess, Sarah, Dr. Perry
and I should go first.
I'll whistle when
the coast is clear.
It's pretty dark in here,
but it looks like a storeroom.
Lots of camera equipment,
props and costumes,
but no Tyrannos.
Get your scaley claws off Sarah.
Wait, Quackpot.
Teryx and I will
follow him to Rex.
You get into the
game show studio.
No problem, fearless leader.
How are we going
to get in there, Ryan?
Leave it to me.
How about this?
It doesn't go with
the color of my hair.
How do I look?
Wow, Lana Bright in person.
Shh. I don't see Genghis Rex.
HOST: All right, you people.
Settle down. Here we go.
Welcome to Alphabet Roulette,
starring the lovely Lana Bright.
And now our first contestant
may become the winner
of the Alphabet Roulette
dress-up contest.
We'll be back right
after this message.
BONEHEAD: I know you're
asleep and can't hear me.
I'm sorry I scared you before.
I'm telling you now because
when you wake up and see me,
you're gonna be
too scared to listen.
Unless Teryx's
Allo will be so proud of me.
TERRIBLE: It's finished.
The rest is easy
if we blow up here.
Bonehead is the
only one guarding.
He'll run to the end
of the universe crying
if we scare him a little, and
we'll be appreciated by Rex.
BONEHEAD: You're awake.
Are you hungry? No.
Who are you?
Where am I?
What happened to my clothes?
I'm Bonehead the beast.
I made myself look pretty,
so you won't faint again.
Th-the beast?
Daddy! I'm scared!
You don't have to stay
here if you don't want to.
I'll take you to your father.
Come on.
You can't walk all the way home.
It's dark, and it's a long way.
Please, let me go.
I just want my father, and
I'm scared to go with you.
How are you, Bonehead?
I'm fine, Brachio. Thank you.
Hey, hey, what a slob he is.
Our first contestant
hails from Reptilon.
Uh, that's in New Jersey, right?
Meet Genghis Rex.
It's too late, Dinosaucers.
Now to make myself
beautiful and rule the world!
Prepare to behold the
beauty of your new leader.
Come back here, you cowards!
Yuck. The Beauty
Mist didn't work.
TERYX: It worked too well.
That's what Tyrannos
think is beautiful.
He's still got the
Beauty Mist. After him.
They just don't give up.
Back to the Tarpits.
I got it.
And I've got you.
So what?
Brachio and Terrible Dactel
have your daughter, puny mammal.
She's probably waiting
for me at the Tarpits now.
Everyone to the
shuttle. Let's go.
Please come with me, my lady.
Ugh. Oh.
BOTH: Wha?
Let's get out of here.
And don't come back.
You're safe now.
You saved me.
That's a Tyranno ship.
Let's hurry back to Lava Dome.
What Rex said came true.
Stephie. You're all right.
Of course.
Bonehead wouldn't let
anything happen to me.
And aren't you afraid of him?
Why should I be
afraid of Bonehead?
He's beautiful.
Mm, mwah. Aah!
don't go away. Ha. [♪♪♪]
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
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