Dinosaucers (1987) s01e58 Episode Script
Camp Tyranno
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day we
met some new friends
from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
The red team wins
the softball game.
Well, you can't win 'em all.
That's okay. The green
team will win the next one.
I love color war.
It's the best part of
the whole summer.
The red team's gonna
slaughter the green team.
Oh, yeah?
Remember that
green is for go, dude.
We got this competition
in the bag. Right, Sarah?
Green all the way.
As your assistant counselor,
I want to congratulate
the red team
on winning the opening
event of this year's competition.
Color war has officially begun.
Yeah! Color war.
We're ready.
Let's go for it.
Now it's time to
decide on a theme
for this year's
color war pageant.
Since the red team
won the opening event,
they get first dibs on picking.
Any ideas, guys?
How about America
versus the world?
Okay, okay, it was just an idea.
Does anyone from the green
team have a better idea?
What about humans
versus dinosaurs?
GIRL 1: Yeah, not a bad idea.
GIRL 2: Great idea.
BOY 1: Okay, I'm game.
GIRL 3: All right!
Looks like that's
the one, folks.
Now, remember, whichever
team has the most points
at the end of two weeks wins.
So let the color war continue.
I don't like it. BOTH: Huh?
The Secret Scouts haven't
been seen at Lava Dome
or their own homes
for almost six weeks.
They've disappeared
without a trace,
and I don't like it.
BOTH: We don't like it.
It must be a plot against us.
Probably a huge counterattack.
It must be
something frightening,
beyond our imagination.
You said it, Genghis Rex.
I know I said it. Oh!
I was the only one talking!
Uh, right. Sorry, bossasaur.
I want you to comb
the entire Earth
until you find the mammals.
I must know what
they're up to. Get it?
Got it. Got it.
Ready, get set [ALL CHEERING]
Good race, buddy.
Thanks, but I'll
get you next year.
Red team wins the
swimming competition.
Score is 5 to 4 in
favor of the red team.
On to the three-legged race.
I don't believe it.
It's an anti-Tyranno boot
camp for Earth children.
They're in training
to wipe us out.
You're right.
They must have been practicing
survival in enemy waters.
Ooh, better examine
this more closely.
ALL: Go, go, go!
That ties up the score, 5 to 5.
On to the archery range.
They even train
them to run and fight
when an enemy has tied them up.
Let's see how it works.
This might help us someday.
Wait. We can't let
them out of our sight.
Come on.
SARAH: Bull's eye!
All right, Sarah.
Scores, 6 points
for the green team,
5 for the red team.
The green team
is winning the war!
GIRL 1: All right.
BOY 1: Yay, green!
On to the mess hall.
Let's chow down.
ALL: Yay!
GIRL 1: All right!
They're really amazing.
It's a nice look for you.
Definitely your color.
I wish I had a camera
so I could take
a picture of you.
This exercise is obviously
to sharpen their target skills
so that they can
take better aim at us.
And did you hear
them talking about war?
Maybe they already
have a strategy
and are just trying to
decide when to attack us.
What do you mean?
We'll be attacked if
we give them a chance.
BOTH: Uh-oh.
Ugh, chipped beef again?
I wanna eat something better
since I'm burning up
a lot of energy today.
No complaints, David.
I'm taking points
off for that. Ha, ha.
Uh, heh.
Hmm, come to think
of it, this isn't bad at all.
Mm. Yum. Yum.
This must be an exercise
in how to survive with
the worst rations possible.
They call it chowing down.
You're right.
They're all eating,
whatever it is,
and they're obviously
living through it.
They'll eat anything
for energy to attack us.
What courage.
We'd better report to
Genghis Rex, and fast.
And we have to show him
what we just saw here
in detail and accurately.
ANKYLO: It was some fight.
The red and green were
tangled like this and
And then the green ones
captured the red
ones' flags like this:
Give me that flag.
That's my flag.
Wait. Give it back to me.
I wonder if the Earthlings
were more coordinated
than you beauties.
All I know is they
mean to wipe us out.
To the last lizard.
A boot camp for Earth children,
training to combat the enemy.
Wait. I've got it.
We'll start a boot
camp of our own.
But I'm not in the mood
for combat training.
Not for you, dragon
breath, for Earth children.
The worst ones we can find.
We'll advertise in the papers.
Rats only.
We'll call our camp
Camp Tyranno.
And our motto will be:
Every day in every way,
I'm getting nastier and nastier.
Both of you, get
on it right away.
BOTH: Yow!
Not only will our
young Tyranno tikes
be fierce opponents
to the Secret Scouts,
but with their assistance,
I will be able to
conquer the entire world!
Attention, hatchlings.
This whole thing's a drag.
It must be some kind
of hidden camera thing.
Yeah. I think
they're testing us out
to be in a movie or something.
Or a TV commercial.
Just look at the costumes
these guys are wearing.
Eh, it doesn't bother
me. I'll play along.
REX: Welcome to
Camp Tyranno, children.
You're the best,
or should I say,
worst of your species.
Uh, children, I haven't
finished my speech.
REX: That's better.
Now, as I was saying
You have all been
carefully chosen
for your various abilities.
Now, the first
order of business
All right there, if you
want to play games
Oh, no, not my ship.
Anything but my ship!
The little Earth devils
have taken my ship!
Gee, that's bad
news, bossasaurus.
Yes, a tough break.
Don't just stand
there, find them!
Uh, uh, right.
Uh, right, Genghis Rex.
The goal, children, is
to do this kind of thing
to the Secret Scouts.
Not to your head counselor!
You can't get away with that.
Get us down.
Very clever, children,
but I hope you've played
your last practical joke
for the day.
Now, as I was saying before
Whose idea was this, anyway?
Well, Tyranno tikes,
during the last three days,
can't say that it's been fun,
but it has certainly
been educational,
to say the least.
Now, I'd like to
Thank you, children.
This was a wonderful
going away present.
But now it's time to
put your training to work,
so go get 'em!
KIDS: Yeah!
I'll sure gonna miss the patter
of young hatchling
feet about the house.
Watch out!
You were, uh, saying?
Pretty good, Paul.
You almost look
like a real dinosaur.
I wonder if the
Dinosaucers would think so.
Oh, it's you.
You scared me.
Great costume, David.
Looks like we've
got stiff competition.
RYAN: Attention, all campers.
The color war float
competition is about to begin.
RYAN: First, we have
the green team's float.
GIRL 1: All right!
RYAN: Here we find the
dinosaur and the human
in hand-to-hand combat.
RYAN: Oops. It looks
like the human is winning.
Hey, what's going on?
Paul, look.
Those kids are wearing
Tyranno T-shirts.
Oh, well, looks
like the green team
had some bad
luck with their float.
Let's hope the red
team does a little better.
RYAN: And don't they
look realistic, folks?
The red team has really
gone out of their way.
These dinosaurs are so
well done they look alive.
Wait, those are Tyrannos.
Ryan to Lava Dome. Come in.
What is it, Ryan?
RYAN: Trouble at
Camp Summer Fun, Allo.
The Tyrannos are here.
We'll need your help.
We'll be right there.
We've got you now, Tyranno.
Hey, it's me, guys.
Sorry, pal.
The Dinosaucers
are on their way.
In the meantime,
I have some ideas on how
to fend off the Tyrannos.
Attention, all dinosaurs,
report to the playground
on the double.
All dinosaurs to the playground.
Here's a flash from Reptilon.
I've got a plan.
You'd better leave
peacefully, Tyrannos.
We don't want any trouble.
What a shame.
Because trouble's
our middle name.
How original.
Get 'em, Tyranno tikes.
BOTH: Whoa!
That should tie
you up for a while.
Here, have a lifesaver.
You take care of the rest, Ryan.
Let me go, you
overgrown armadillo.
Why, thank you.
I take that as a compliment.
Hang on, Paul.
BOTH: Hey!
Surprise, kiddies.
ALLO: Why don't you pick
on someone your own size?
REX: With pleasure, Dinosaucers.
We're with you.
What practical joke
can we play now?
I'll handle this.
Hey, that's not
funny, Genghis Rex.
Pipe down, brat, or
you three are next.
This dude is too mean for me.
Let's team up with the Scouts.
BOTH: Yeah, you
said it. Let's go.
Thanks, guys, maybe
you're not so bad after all.
Look, Allo's in trouble.
Hey, I have it.
Head for the volleyball net.
DAVID: Okay, we all pull
this net as hard as we can.
Hey, Ankylo, your mother
wears prehistoric army boots.
Why you [♪♪♪]
Now. Let go!
Allo, give up. This
is the end of you.
Good work, guys.
That's team spirit.
Let's get out of here.
Congratulations to both teams.
Color war is over
and the score is tied.
Both teams win.
STEGO: And on that
planet, the dinosaurs reigned
having never suffered
the catastrophe
that destroyed them on Earth.
What a great story.
And that's definitely the best
costume I have ever seen.
You're right.
I wonder who he
is under the mask.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
NARRATOR: We used to
be four ordinary teenagers.
Until one day we
met some new friends
from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
The red team wins
the softball game.
Well, you can't win 'em all.
That's okay. The green
team will win the next one.
I love color war.
It's the best part of
the whole summer.
The red team's gonna
slaughter the green team.
Oh, yeah?
Remember that
green is for go, dude.
We got this competition
in the bag. Right, Sarah?
Green all the way.
As your assistant counselor,
I want to congratulate
the red team
on winning the opening
event of this year's competition.
Color war has officially begun.
Yeah! Color war.
We're ready.
Let's go for it.
Now it's time to
decide on a theme
for this year's
color war pageant.
Since the red team
won the opening event,
they get first dibs on picking.
Any ideas, guys?
How about America
versus the world?
Okay, okay, it was just an idea.
Does anyone from the green
team have a better idea?
What about humans
versus dinosaurs?
GIRL 1: Yeah, not a bad idea.
GIRL 2: Great idea.
BOY 1: Okay, I'm game.
GIRL 3: All right!
Looks like that's
the one, folks.
Now, remember, whichever
team has the most points
at the end of two weeks wins.
So let the color war continue.
I don't like it. BOTH: Huh?
The Secret Scouts haven't
been seen at Lava Dome
or their own homes
for almost six weeks.
They've disappeared
without a trace,
and I don't like it.
BOTH: We don't like it.
It must be a plot against us.
Probably a huge counterattack.
It must be
something frightening,
beyond our imagination.
You said it, Genghis Rex.
I know I said it. Oh!
I was the only one talking!
Uh, right. Sorry, bossasaur.
I want you to comb
the entire Earth
until you find the mammals.
I must know what
they're up to. Get it?
Got it. Got it.
Ready, get set [ALL CHEERING]
Good race, buddy.
Thanks, but I'll
get you next year.
Red team wins the
swimming competition.
Score is 5 to 4 in
favor of the red team.
On to the three-legged race.
I don't believe it.
It's an anti-Tyranno boot
camp for Earth children.
They're in training
to wipe us out.
You're right.
They must have been practicing
survival in enemy waters.
Ooh, better examine
this more closely.
ALL: Go, go, go!
That ties up the score, 5 to 5.
On to the archery range.
They even train
them to run and fight
when an enemy has tied them up.
Let's see how it works.
This might help us someday.
Wait. We can't let
them out of our sight.
Come on.
SARAH: Bull's eye!
All right, Sarah.
Scores, 6 points
for the green team,
5 for the red team.
The green team
is winning the war!
GIRL 1: All right.
BOY 1: Yay, green!
On to the mess hall.
Let's chow down.
ALL: Yay!
GIRL 1: All right!
They're really amazing.
It's a nice look for you.
Definitely your color.
I wish I had a camera
so I could take
a picture of you.
This exercise is obviously
to sharpen their target skills
so that they can
take better aim at us.
And did you hear
them talking about war?
Maybe they already
have a strategy
and are just trying to
decide when to attack us.
What do you mean?
We'll be attacked if
we give them a chance.
BOTH: Uh-oh.
Ugh, chipped beef again?
I wanna eat something better
since I'm burning up
a lot of energy today.
No complaints, David.
I'm taking points
off for that. Ha, ha.
Uh, heh.
Hmm, come to think
of it, this isn't bad at all.
Mm. Yum. Yum.
This must be an exercise
in how to survive with
the worst rations possible.
They call it chowing down.
You're right.
They're all eating,
whatever it is,
and they're obviously
living through it.
They'll eat anything
for energy to attack us.
What courage.
We'd better report to
Genghis Rex, and fast.
And we have to show him
what we just saw here
in detail and accurately.
ANKYLO: It was some fight.
The red and green were
tangled like this and
And then the green ones
captured the red
ones' flags like this:
Give me that flag.
That's my flag.
Wait. Give it back to me.
I wonder if the Earthlings
were more coordinated
than you beauties.
All I know is they
mean to wipe us out.
To the last lizard.
A boot camp for Earth children,
training to combat the enemy.
Wait. I've got it.
We'll start a boot
camp of our own.
But I'm not in the mood
for combat training.
Not for you, dragon
breath, for Earth children.
The worst ones we can find.
We'll advertise in the papers.
Rats only.
We'll call our camp
Camp Tyranno.
And our motto will be:
Every day in every way,
I'm getting nastier and nastier.
Both of you, get
on it right away.
BOTH: Yow!
Not only will our
young Tyranno tikes
be fierce opponents
to the Secret Scouts,
but with their assistance,
I will be able to
conquer the entire world!
Attention, hatchlings.
This whole thing's a drag.
It must be some kind
of hidden camera thing.
Yeah. I think
they're testing us out
to be in a movie or something.
Or a TV commercial.
Just look at the costumes
these guys are wearing.
Eh, it doesn't bother
me. I'll play along.
REX: Welcome to
Camp Tyranno, children.
You're the best,
or should I say,
worst of your species.
Uh, children, I haven't
finished my speech.
REX: That's better.
Now, as I was saying
You have all been
carefully chosen
for your various abilities.
Now, the first
order of business
All right there, if you
want to play games
Oh, no, not my ship.
Anything but my ship!
The little Earth devils
have taken my ship!
Gee, that's bad
news, bossasaurus.
Yes, a tough break.
Don't just stand
there, find them!
Uh, uh, right.
Uh, right, Genghis Rex.
The goal, children, is
to do this kind of thing
to the Secret Scouts.
Not to your head counselor!
You can't get away with that.
Get us down.
Very clever, children,
but I hope you've played
your last practical joke
for the day.
Now, as I was saying before
Whose idea was this, anyway?
Well, Tyranno tikes,
during the last three days,
can't say that it's been fun,
but it has certainly
been educational,
to say the least.
Now, I'd like to
Thank you, children.
This was a wonderful
going away present.
But now it's time to
put your training to work,
so go get 'em!
KIDS: Yeah!
I'll sure gonna miss the patter
of young hatchling
feet about the house.
Watch out!
You were, uh, saying?
Pretty good, Paul.
You almost look
like a real dinosaur.
I wonder if the
Dinosaucers would think so.
Oh, it's you.
You scared me.
Great costume, David.
Looks like we've
got stiff competition.
RYAN: Attention, all campers.
The color war float
competition is about to begin.
RYAN: First, we have
the green team's float.
GIRL 1: All right!
RYAN: Here we find the
dinosaur and the human
in hand-to-hand combat.
RYAN: Oops. It looks
like the human is winning.
Hey, what's going on?
Paul, look.
Those kids are wearing
Tyranno T-shirts.
Oh, well, looks
like the green team
had some bad
luck with their float.
Let's hope the red
team does a little better.
RYAN: And don't they
look realistic, folks?
The red team has really
gone out of their way.
These dinosaurs are so
well done they look alive.
Wait, those are Tyrannos.
Ryan to Lava Dome. Come in.
What is it, Ryan?
RYAN: Trouble at
Camp Summer Fun, Allo.
The Tyrannos are here.
We'll need your help.
We'll be right there.
We've got you now, Tyranno.
Hey, it's me, guys.
Sorry, pal.
The Dinosaucers
are on their way.
In the meantime,
I have some ideas on how
to fend off the Tyrannos.
Attention, all dinosaurs,
report to the playground
on the double.
All dinosaurs to the playground.
Here's a flash from Reptilon.
I've got a plan.
You'd better leave
peacefully, Tyrannos.
We don't want any trouble.
What a shame.
Because trouble's
our middle name.
How original.
Get 'em, Tyranno tikes.
BOTH: Whoa!
That should tie
you up for a while.
Here, have a lifesaver.
You take care of the rest, Ryan.
Let me go, you
overgrown armadillo.
Why, thank you.
I take that as a compliment.
Hang on, Paul.
BOTH: Hey!
Surprise, kiddies.
ALLO: Why don't you pick
on someone your own size?
REX: With pleasure, Dinosaucers.
We're with you.
What practical joke
can we play now?
I'll handle this.
Hey, that's not
funny, Genghis Rex.
Pipe down, brat, or
you three are next.
This dude is too mean for me.
Let's team up with the Scouts.
BOTH: Yeah, you
said it. Let's go.
Thanks, guys, maybe
you're not so bad after all.
Look, Allo's in trouble.
Hey, I have it.
Head for the volleyball net.
DAVID: Okay, we all pull
this net as hard as we can.
Hey, Ankylo, your mother
wears prehistoric army boots.
Why you [♪♪♪]
Now. Let go!
Allo, give up. This
is the end of you.
Good work, guys.
That's team spirit.
Let's get out of here.
Congratulations to both teams.
Color war is over
and the score is tied.
Both teams win.
STEGO: And on that
planet, the dinosaurs reigned
having never suffered
the catastrophe
that destroyed them on Earth.
What a great story.
And that's definitely the best
costume I have ever seen.
You're right.
I wonder who he
is under the mask.
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪