Dinosaucers (1987) s01e59 Episode Script

The Babysitter

RYAN: We used to be
four ordinary teenagers,
until one day,
we met some new
friends from out of town.
Dinosaucers ♪
They were called Dinosaucers.
My friends and I became
the Secret Scouts,
allies to these Dinosaucers
from outer space,
and joined in their battles
against Genghis Rex
and the evil Tyrannos.
The Dinosaucers are
leaving, bossasaur.
Well, follow them!
Dinosaucers ♪
Dinosaucers ♪
MAMASAURUS: It's a very
important business trip, Bonehead.
I can take your brother
Lumphead, but not the baby.
Would you mind
Numbskull while I'm gone?
Would I? Wow.
We'll have a great
time, won't we, Nummy?
Shouldn't you ask Allo
if it's all right with him?
Nah, Allo and me are like that.
As long as it's no problem,
I'll drop Numbskull
off next Sauraday.
Goodbye, dear.
Bye, Mom. Whoopee!
Allo, Dimetro.
My baby brother
Numbskull's coming to visit.
Oh, glad to hear it, Bonehead.
Uh, this brother, is
he anything like you?
Mom says I was just like
Numbskull when he was my age.
I mean, when I was his age.
Oh, that's what I was afraid of.
Hey, terrific news, everyone.
Yeah, isn't it?
You'll like Numbskull, Teryx.
I was referring to
this year's reptile fair
on Reptilon, Bonehead.
The date's been set.
The fair opens next Sauraday.
Wow, the reptile fair.
Fancy costumes from
the really old days.
Yeah, seaweed
candy and roast beast.
And singing and dancing.
It'll be great. It'll
be next Sauraday.
Oh, no.
Next Sauraday is when Mom's
gonna bring Numbskull over.
So take the little
dino-tike along to the fair.
Ah, the fair is no place
for a baby, Dimetro.
I guess you'll just have
to stay home, Bonehead.
And miss the fair?
I'll tell mom I can't
babysit Nummy after all.
Well, that's your
choice, Bonehead,
but a promise is a promise.
Yeah, I know, and I'd hate
to hurt Numbskull's feelings.
Look at the bright side.
Someone has to mind Lava Dome.
Might as well be you.
And we'll bring you back
some goodies from the fair.
You can always go next year.
Yeah, we'll probably
have a rotten time anyway.
What did I say?
RYAN: Gosh, Bonehead, the
Secret Scouts would love to help,
but we're all busy this weekend.
Paul got grounded and
David's studying for a big test,
and Sarah and I have to go
with our folks to our grandmom's.
Allo was right.
I'm stuck, and I really
like my little brother.
My dad says if you've
got something to do
you don't want to do,
just grin and bear it.
Thanks, Sarah. I'll try.
Sure you'll be all
right, Bonehead?
Absolutely, Mamasaur.
Then I'll see you next week.
Have fun you two.
I'm proud of you, Bonehead.
Say, do you want
anything from the fair?
I'd really like a
seaweed ripple sherbert.
I'll stick one in the
shuttle's freezer
when we head back home.
Bye, guys. La, la, la.
Yeah, I'm glad to see you too,
you little dino-tike.
BONEHEAD: Just one more
piece and we're finished, Numbskull,
and it's only
taken us five hours.
Hand me that last box.
Come on, Nummy, give me a box.
There. Now isn't this nice!
Nummy? Numbskull? Where are you?
Mamasaur should've
told me you started walking
since the last time I saw you.
Now stay put.
Numbskull, no! Not the alarm!
What's going on?
Where's the fire?
No. You can't play with that.
Aw, I'm sorry, Nummy.
You Just can't play with
Uncle Allo's computers.
He'll get real mad.
What's the matter, Numbskull?
Oh, I get it.
You need to be changed.
No problem.
We'll get you
fixed up in a Jiffy.
Hmm, no instructions.
I thought they wrote them
on these things somewhere.
Maybe one of these other
diapers has the instructions.
Or maybe the instructions are
down in the bottom of the bag.
Oh, no, Numbskull,
look at this mess.
Naughty. Naughty.
Now what?
What do you want?
A-ha! Is the fire out,
Bonehead? Huh?
I wish it was a fire.
I could put it out.
My little brother just
threw a false alarm.
He didn't
Hey, Quackpot, how
did you hear the alarm?
I'm supposed to be
spying on you. Heh.
That's how.
Rex and everybody left
me in charge of the Tar Pits
while they went off
to the fair on Reptilon.
Yeah, that's what
my guys did to me.
Heh. Well, at least
you've got your little brother
to keep you company.
That must be fun.
Ha-ha! Oh, lots.
Ha-ha! Hey, as long as
we're both stuck on Earth,
why don't I come visit, huh?
You mean come here to Lava Dome?
Gee, I don't know.
Ha-ha! Listen, listen.
I'm supposed to
spy on you, right?
Ha. Well, why should I
spy on you at a distance
when I can do it in person, huh?
Okay, but don't
try anything funny.
I'll be watching you.
what a great picture.
You got real artistic talent.
Aw, gee, you think so?
Here, kid, put it up on
your refrigerator. Ha-ha.
Ride 'em like a cephalosaur.
You know, Quackpot,
I've been thinking.
Why don't you stay
here with Numbskull,
and I'll go to the reptile
fair just for a few hours.
Then when I get back,
Numbskull and I can
watch Tar Pits for you,
and you can go for
a couple of hours.
Heh-heh. Nah, I'll stay here.
Nummy's more fun
than a dumb old fair. Heh.
Go for it! All right!
Good throw, Stego.
Stego, you were great.
ALLO: Huh? Bonehead?
What are you doing here?
Where's your brother?
Oh, don't worry, Allo,
I left him home with
the babysitter. Heh.
What babysitter?
One of the Secret Scouts?
No. Quackpot.
You left Quackpot
STEGO: Are you crazy?
In Lava Dome with
your baby brother?
Forget what he might
be doing to our defenses.
What's he doing to Numbskull?
But But But ALLO:
Come on. But But
Oh, no!
Dumb, dumb, dumb!
How could I be so dumb?
If anything happens
to Numbskull
Oh, take it easy, Bonehead.
We don't know if Quackpot's
done anything bad.
Not yet, anyway.
QUACKPOT: Ha-ha. Yoo-hoo, Mommy?
Come out, come
out, wherever you are.
Ohh. Uncle Quacky's getting
real tired of this game, kid.
Heh-heh-heh. What?
A-ha. Come on, Numbskull,
let's stop playing
and get some dinner.
What do you say, huh?
QUACKPOT: Let me out!
Oh Uh-oh.
Come back, please! Come back!
Bonehead's gonna annihilate me.
I gotta find him. I've gotta.
Fourth Street and Main.
That's the middle of town.
Oh! Why did I ever do this?
Where did he go? Where? Where?
Muffy, come back here.
Heh! Numbskull,
are you in there?
Speak to me.
Mister, that's a neat costume
you and your friend are wearing.
Ha. Same to you
and your little dog.
Wait, kid, don't!
What do these mammals
make things out of, anyway,
tissue paper?
Ah! Give me a break!
Nummy, come out, come
out wherever you are.
Ha-ha. Oh. Wonderful.
Hey, what about these toys?
Actually, I think
they're better this way,
don't you, Muffy?
Doesn't that kid ever get tired?
I never got away with
wearing an outfit like that
when I was his age.
QUACKPOT: A-ha! Got you now.
Hey, sonny, watch
out for those
Never mind.
Heh. I think I really
wanna go home now.
Must be a promotion for the
national vegetable counsel.
Ha. Nummy, what are you doing?
No, no, no! Put those down!
Oh, if we don't get out of here
we're gonna be in big trouble.
Come on.
Everyone's cashing in
on this dinosaur craze.
And so tacky.
My nephew Oswald has
a better costume than that.
You were right, Allo.
Numbskull and Quackpot are gone,
and it's all my fault.
We checked everywhere.
There's just no sign of them.
And the flying
skateboard I fixed for David
is missing too.
Well, we'll start searching
the area outside Lava Dome.
But maybe it's time you
called your mother, Bonehead.
Mom will be so mad.
But I've gotta do it, don't I?
I'm responsible.
So there you are.
Quackpot? Numbskull.
Look, It's been great,
but I'm just glad he's not mine.
Oh, Nummy, am I glad to
Don't bother giving him
lunch. He's had some.
And just where do
you think you're going?
Heh. Back to Tar Pits, you
overgrown feather duster.
I may be bored back there,
but it's a lot easier being
a spy than a babysitter.
MAMASAURUS: You're absolutely
certain he wasn't any trouble?
Well, maybe a little at first,
but once we settled down,
Numbskull and I
had a great time.
You're a good son, Bonehead.
I'm proud of you.
Aw, gee, Mamasaur,
not in front of the guys.
So did Nummykins
have a nice time
with his brother Bonehead?
Dinosaucers ♪
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