Eva Lasting (2023) s02e03 Episode Script

Cartas a un niño que nunca nació

Good morning, gentlemen and young lady.
And where are your manners, you people?
[soothing music playing]
What's going on here?
What is it?
Young lady, uh
Wait. Where are you going, huh?
Hey, guys! What's happening?
But where are you going with that?
What's happening here?
Do you know
what's happening here, Salcedo?
[Dr. Alicia] Professor, good day.
No, it's not good, Dr. Alicia.
Huh? Can you imagine?
The kids from 5B.
I walk into class, and they greeted me
by having their backs turned.
Listen, it's evident that the devil
is behind all of these shenanigans.
What do you mean?
Well, to Miss Samper,
I'm pretty convinced
that she's the devil incarnate.
I'm sorry, Professor,
but I won't allow you to talk like that
about any student.
- But but, Dr. Alicia!
- There's no "but"!
Yes, Miss Samper is a difficult student
who needs a lot of patience from us.
I apologize for my sincere honesty,
but patience won't solve
that young woman's issues.
Please come with me.
Let me show you what they're doing.
They're outside the classroom.
Everyone is wearing a scarf
around their necks.
- [Dr. Alicia] Let's see.
- No, but come, and you'll see.
[Dr. Alicia] Now calm down, please.
[Tello] Look. Look!
[Dr. Alicia] Now it turns out that,
since you don't have an argument,
you decided it was best to go on strike.
To put it in your terms, Dr. Alicia,
peaceful protests are a right
guaranteed by the Constitution.
But you know
this isn't a peaceful protest.
You are clearly sabotaging
religion class, Miss Samper.
No, you're wrong, Dr. Alicia.
Because we're not just sabotaging
religion class,
but, actually, all our classes.
[unsettling music playing]
And we won't return to class
until you welcome Luisa back
at José María.
If this is what you want, let's do this.
Professor Tello,
please go to the classroom,
take attendance, do a quiz,
explain what the final exam's about,
and then you have a normal class.
But for just one student?
Yes, sir.
And you need to think about whether
you wanna fail the school year
for non-attendance.
You won't scare us, Dr. Alicia.
[Dr. Alicia] I guess not.
I'll leave you to figure out
how to explain to your parents
that you failed the school year.
Yeah, don't worry.
We're working on that one.
Don't waste your time, Professor.
I want to see Luisa.
[opening theme music playing]
[music fades]
[melancholy music playing]
It's so different.
Things are very tough right now.
[Lucy] Ana, the truth is
I think you're absolutely right
to do what you're doing.
I have a question, Mrs. Lucy.
Did José tell you to come and talk to me?
But I'm not saying that he's right too.
I have to be honest with you here.
This seems very weird to me.
You're a woman
who's always been
so old-fashioned and moralistic,
and you come to my house to tell me
you think what I'm doing is right?
In fact, José behaves like this
because of you.
- [Lucy] Hmm.
- I honestly don't get it.
I know. You're right.
But you know what?
Sometimes in life, things just happen
that make you change after all.
[unsettling music playing]
Moving on.
I'm not here to talk about me
but to talk about José.
And, maybe it's a lot, but
if you still love him, even a bit,
I think you should
give him another chance.
He's wrong on a lot of things,
but he's still a very good man.
I [exhales]
I really have no doubt
that a woman like you
can live without a man like José.
However, I really doubt
that he is capable of living without you.
[sentimental music playing]
You don't need to answer me right now,
of course, but think about it, hmm?
[music fades]
So how'd it go?
For me, it was fine.
It went badly for you.
José, you are about to lose your wife.
No, Mom. Don't say that,
not even joking. My God.
- Well, you better get used to the idea.
- No.
- Oh! And something else.
- Hmm?
This is the last thing
I do for your marriage, hmm?
I don't like my role as a counselor.
And besides, you're too old
to have your mama solving your problems.
[soothing acoustic guitar music playing]
You know what?
Take me to the church of Father Angarita.
I'll go there and pray for you.
To see if you come to your senses, hmm?
- Hmm.
- Right.
Um, god bless you, Mom.
[door opens]
[music fades]
[door closes]
[emotional music playing]
[Luisa sobs]
[music fades]
Does Mom still hate me?
But she needs time.
You know her.
That's why I know
she'll never forgive me for this.
You fucked up bad, Luisa.
Yes, I know.
Anyways, thanks for being here.
No, I'm sorry for leaving you alone
with all this.
And for going crazy when I found out
that that you were pregnant.
You know I'm a jerk, and, yeah,
sometimes I don't think
before I speak or act and
I love you so much, Martín.
[emotional music playing]
That doesn't mean I believe
everything that's happening is okay.
Or that I don't think
Granados is an asshole.
He's been very nice to me
these past days, and his mother.
Yes, but he doesn't love you, Luisa.
He's in love with Eva!
Don't you think I know that?
[Salcedo] Hmm?
I've known all along,
even before I hooked up with him.
So, I'm not just a victim here.
You have to make up with him.
You've been friends since forever.
I don't know.
As Castro says,
"I need to think about it."
[mariachi music playing]
[door opens]
[music ends]
Mrs. Ana,
I can pay for for another song,
but I think that this one
this one is clear enough.
I will love you forever.
Come here, José.
[José] You're the love of my life.
And I, uh
And you had to get drunk
to realize that you love me?
No. No. You know that.
No, I've always known that,
but maybe I never told you.
Come on. Please stop, Mrs. Ana.
Let's forget what happened.
We still have many things to do, Mrs. Ana.
We need to have a daughter.
I'm ready, and you
José, it's not possible. Not right now.
[José sighs]
What did I do that's so serious
for you to punish me like this?
[Ana] No.
No, no, I'm not punishing you.
And you haven't done anything wrong.
It's something deeper, José.
There are differences between you and me
that won't change with a mariachi song
or a drunk lover's declaration.
Let alone with another baby. No, José, no.
Then tell me, what do I have to do?
Do you want to know what you have to do?
Give me the space I asked for
and give me time
because I need to think,
to organize my thoughts.
If you continue like this,
you'll drive me away.
[melancholy music playing]
And the distance between us
will be bigger.
Now I sound like a ranchera song.
Let me inside
so we can talk for a little while.
[Ana] No, José.
Go to your mother's house.
You should probably rest
because you're drunk.
But Look, Mrs. Ana.
[adult Camilo]
Despite what had happened before,
that night,
I fully identified with my dad.
Just like him, I was immersed
in deep hopelessness.
Both of us were responsible
for letting our loved ones down.
But I was moved by his persistence
and his firm willingness
to keep fighting for the love of his life.
Paradoxically and unintentionally,
my dad gave me an example
that felt like advice.
I couldn't let down my guard with Eva.
And if I needed to start over,
be her sidekick,
and be there for her at every moment
to get her to love me again,
I was going to do it
as if my whole life depended on it.
[all chanting] Present! Present!
- Student Luisa Salcedo!
- [Camilo] All right, then.
[all chanting] Present! Present! Present!
- Is the meeting about to start?
- [Eva] Yes.
That's great, cool.
It's the beginning of the change that you,
well, that we all really want, right?
[emotional music playing]
Come on. Student Luisa Salcedo!
[all chanting] Present! Present! Present!
[adult Camilo]
As it happened in this case,
Principal Alicia arranged a meeting
with the parents and teachers association.
The question was, why was she doing that?
To soften her position,
or to gain allies and maintain her refusal
to accept pregnant students?
Right now, as I speak,
all of Miss Salcedo's former classmates
are supporting her,
and they're sabotaging all their classes.
Therefore, I need for the decision
we make today to be unanimous.
Mr. Granados.
[José] Thanks.
I just want to express my opinion
and say that I strongly oppose
Miss Luisa Salcedo's acceptance
back to José Maria.
Mainly because of three reasons.
Reason number one.
It's really not good even for her.
- Why is that, José?
- Right?
Because a pregnant woman, okay,
needs to dedicate 100% of her time
and her energy
to take care and attend to her pregnancy.
Most of the people here are parents,
and we know that when a woman is pregnant,
she has hormonal changes
that can become a major problem for her
and for her classmates, right?
- That's the first reason.
- [woman] That's right.
Thank you.
Reason number two.
That's not actually true, Mr. Granados.
Pregnancy increases the production,
among other things, of estrogen,
uh, progesterone, and oxytocin,
that, in some cases,
increases the index
of concentration and energy,
which are key elements
in any educational process.
I totally agree.
I experienced the same thing.
- Or did you forget?
- Anyways.
What's really important right now is that
we are discussing the future of a woman
who has the right to study,
to be successful.
I don't know, but I completely trust
in Professor Adolfo and Professor LuisMi.
- And I trust your mom.
- Me too.
Okay, so what are we worried about?
Well, because we know
that Dr. Alicia isn't stupid or a fool.
She knows how to manipulate
the teachers and parents as well.
Oh, well, you're one to talk.
Dr. Alicia, my second reason, then,
has to do with reasons of ethics.
Parents, I think
we're sending the wrong message
to the students of our school.
Because we're condoning the incident.
Notice that I'm saying this, the father
of the one who caused all of this.
But if we don't teach our children
that sex is something serious,
that it's not a game,
well, here are the consequences.
Here they are!
[Tello] Sure! Yes!
But, Mr. Granados, the problem is
that you've made a mistake again
because you're mixing up
ethics with morals.
Ethics are about the way you treat others.
Morals are about traditions that,
generally speaking, change over time.
And linking sexual intercourse,
something that's natural and normal,
to a reward and punishment system,
uses an outdated,
let's say, morality, sir.
That shouldn't even apply
to this case at all.
- One that's dying out.
- [José] Unbelievable!
I wanna know, Dr. Alicia,
what side the school's on.
Because I'm listening to the teachers.
I'm worried, and I wonder,
"What type of school is this!"
- [man] Yes, that's right!
- [José] Please!
[parents murmuring, clapping]
Calm down, everyone!
Eh, Mr. Granados, let me explain.
I, along with the rest of the teachers,
don't share the same opinion
as the chemistry
and and philosophy teachers.
I do agree with you
and think
that having Luisa back in school,
well, would promote debauchery.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Debauchery? Please. Are you for real?
- Nowadays, Professor?
- [Dr. Alicia] Sit down!
Excuse me, Professor.
Why are you talking about debauchery?
They had a relationship.
A relationship that's over now!
Why did they break up?
Why? José, don't you get
that relationships end?
Sometimes, couples realize
that they are not in love anymore.
Then what?
Consequences are paid by children?
For children, it's better
having divorced parents
than parents living together
without love just
- Yes. Okay. Fine.
- living together? Why?
- To maintain a
- [José] The third reason.
That's the most important, I think.
We can't allow our students
to make these kinds of decisions.
Why? Because they're still underage!
They can't make their own decisions.
[unsettling music playing]
- What's up, babies from 5B, huh?
- Asshole.
What? Are you praying your naughty sister
will be accepted back?
Asshole! I will beat you up! Say it again!
- I hope you don't do it.
- Little bitch.
Can you imagine that bad example?
It's bad that a woman spreads her legs,
has sex, and we act like nothing happened.
- Stop. They're still in there.
- What do you want, Octavio?
I'm just expressing
the opinion of several friends.
- Several?
- Or can't I?
No, yeah. Of course.
And am I lying? As far as I'm concerned,
his sister's a slu
- What? What? Say it!
- Easy. Easy.
We already know what she is.
What exactly would you call a woman
who has sex with any man who asks for it?
Women own their bodies
and their decisions.
They're deserving of enjoying sex
without restrictions,
without any negative thought.
But for one to understand that,
they need intelligence and courage.
And I guess for a Neanderthal like you,
that's pretty hard to understand.
Look, Samper, you can trick these morons
with your cheap talk all you want, okay?
But the truth is,
his sister's a bad example,
and she shouldn't be
in a decent school like ours.
Mm-hmm. Oh really? Look who's talking!
The asshole who's helping his stupid uncle
in that shitty clinic.
- You think it's a shitty clinic, asshole?
- Yes, it is.
Then why'd you take his sister there, huh?
Because I screwed up.
I screwed up, but I realized it.
At least I realized it in time, fuckface.
Be thankful that I didn't call the police.
You're criminals.
You're taking advantage
of desperate young women.
- I'll make you eat your words.
- Fuck off, idiot!
You're seriously
calling me a criminal, asshole?
[scoffs] Did you forget who her father is?
- Now the tables have turned, brother.
- Let's go.
That's why they say she's cut
from the same bad cloth, bitch!
[Salcedo] Son of a bitch!
- [Eva] Hey, stop.
- [Salcedo] I'm gonna kill you!
[Eva] They're inside. We cannot do this.
- Hold him. Hold him. Hold him.
- [Salcedo] Son of a bitch!
Let me ask you, Dr. Alicia.
Isn't it true that the one who should ask
for Luisa's reinstatement to José Maria
is her mom?
That is completely true.
Okay. So I'll ask Mrs. Salcedo,
who is Luisa's mom.
Mrs. Salcedo, do you want Luisa
to come back to school?
- Of course not! That doesn't make sense.
- Great. It's settled, then.
I have no more questions.
I have no more questions.
[parents murmuring]
It is an enormous mistake.
We should be listening to the students.
What do they want?
What do they need? What do they think?
Can you imagine if we let them do
whatever they want?
What they think? Whatever they want?
Where would we end up? You know where?
In anarchy! Hell no!
Where will we end up
if we impose everything on them?
- Where?
- In absolutism!
- Do you want that?
- What's better for you?
Well, Mr. Granados, between absolutism
and anarchy, anarchy for sure!
[Tello] Ah, no, but come on, Professor!
- I totally agree with Professor Adolfo.
- [Dr. Alicia] Calm down! Everyone, please!
- Parents, please sit down. Silence!
- [Ana] I agree with Professor Adolfo.
- [Dr. Alicia] Silence!
- [José] They're kids!
[Dr. Alicia] At this time,
since we couldn't reach
a unanimous decision,
then we will all have to put it to a vote.
[Camilo] Hey.
[Salcedo] What's up? It's done?
No, not yet, but I wanted to
I wanted to talk to you.
[Salcedo] About what?
About about Luisa and
what happened, what will happen,
about about us.
What are you trying to say, Granados?
That you screwed up?
That you acted like a pig with me?
- I already know that!
- [Camilo] Calm down, calm down.
I know. I I just wanted you to
I want you to know
that I'm really sorry about everything.
If I could turn back time,
I would do things differently, seriously.
But you can't do that.
I am going to ask you one thing, Granados.
- Don't leave Luisa alone on this.
- No.
Even if you don't love her,
she's pregnant with your child.
And she'll need your support.
I don't want my nephew to go through
what we've gone through at home
since my dad left.
- Do you get it?
- Yes, I get it.
I get it, I get it. Don't worry.
That won't happen with me. Just relax.
what what about you and me?
Are you crazy? Are you falling for me?
I can never tell with you.
Nah, don't be an ass.
I don't mean it that way.
I'm talking about you and me
I mean, are we still friends?
Can you forgive me or or what?
Honestly, I'm still offended.
But I must admit
that you've been doing a lot
to get Luisa back into José María.
[Camilo] Mm-hmm.
And so
Do my math and philosophy homework,
and we'll see.
Okay. It's fine. I'll do them.
- It was an honor to be here.
- Professor LuisMi.
- Long live anarchy, Professor.
- Goodbye.
[Tello] Have a good day.
Thank you for all your support.
No, no, no, Ana, no.
That was nothing at all, believe me.
I love those acts of rebellion
from the boys.
[both chuckle]
And supporting the students
doesn't get you in trouble
with the Dr. Alicia?
I mean, Dr. Alicia doesn't look like it,
but she's impartial
and respects freedom of speech.
Birds of a feather flock together. My God.
- Don't be stupid, José.
- [José] I'm sorry?
Um, what did she say?
Like, you're unbelievable!
Where do you live? The Middle Ages?
In the Middle Ages? Why?
For standing up for my beliefs?
No, for not accepting
that things are changing, José.
If that change means we will be losing
morality and good behavior,
I will always be there opposing it.
- Even if you don't believe in it.
- [Ana] No, José, honestly.
After the serenade, I thought we could
figure things out. But after today?
Bye, Professor.
- Bye. My pleasure.
- Thanks for the support.
- [Ana] Excuse me.
- [Adolfo] Nice to see you.
[Ana] Unbelievable.
Anarchist? Interesting.
[Adolfo] Uh, no, no. Mr. José.
Let me explain something.
Anarchy is a utopian system
that relies on the trust of human beings,
where no one
imposes anything on anyone. Why?
Because everyone
respects the freedom of others.
See you.
[tense music playing]
At the meeting, we took into consideration
all points of view.
- Except ours, of course.
- According to the regulations
Aren't you tired of using regulations
as an excuse for everything?
[Dr. Alicia] Whether you like it or not,
we're in a society with the rule of law,
Miss Samper.
And the rule of law
is governed by regulations.
Is Luisa coming back,
or is she not coming back?
To be fair to you,
I wanted it to be a democratic vote.
The teachers voted,
as well as your parents,
and the majority decided
not to reenroll Miss Salcedo
back at José María.
[dramatic music playing]
[adult Camilo] Obviously, Eva was not
going to accept an outcome that was unfair
because we couldn't participate
in the democratic process.
And so, using her high-level connections,
she decided to use the ones
who, theoretically, oversaw
the decisions of the powers that be.
The press.
[bell dings]
[adult Camilo] So we went back to
the newspaper ran by her family's friend
to make one last effort to win the battle
that, so far, we were losing.
Hey, guys.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting,
but the M-19 just released a statement
explaining the conditions
to free José Raquel Mercado.
Really? And and what are they asking for?
Well, the rebels
consider Mr. Mercado a traitor
[adult Camilo] The M-19 was
a guerrilla group that started in the '70s
who, so far, have been doing symbolic acts
like stealing
the liberator Simon Bolivar's sword.
But in order to strengthen their position,
they kidnapped the union leader
José Raquel Mercado,
who they considered
a traitor to the working class.
In order for them to release him,
they demanded the release
of trade unionists
and repeal the state of siege decrees.
Do you think the government
will accept those conditions?
Well, I don't know.
So far, the guerrilla problem
was contained to the countryside.
Far away. To call it, somehow,
a distant problem.
But M-19 is an urban group,
and that's a different issue
for the government to consider.
We just have to wait to see what happens.
- But tell me, why are you guys here?
- [Eva] Uh
Another issue with the school newspaper?
Uh, no.
No. Actually, we wanna ask you
something different.
Tell me, what's this about?
We wanna know if the newspaper can help us
to publish an editorial we wanna write.
[intriguing music playing]
"Finally, you'll have to fight
to demonstrate that,
inside your smooth, shapely body,
there's an intelligence
crying out to be heard."
"Motherhood's not a trade.
It's not a duty."
"It's only one right among many."
"You'll be tired of screaming."
"You'll have so many things to face
if you're born a woman."
"To start with, you'll have to struggle
to maintain that if God exists,
he might even be an old woman
with white hair or a beautiful girl."
"Then you'll have to struggle to explain
that sin wasn't born
on the day when Eve picked an apple."
"That day, a splendid virtue was born
called 'disobedience.'"
This book is called
Letter to a Child Never Born.
It was written by Oriana Fallaci.
She's an Italian activist
and a journalist.
What's the idea?
Well, now that we can
write in the newspaper,
let's do something different from what
we've always read in the newspapers,
and let's follow Fallaci's example.
I was thinking the editorial could be
Letter to a Child Who Will Be Born.
And Luisa can write it,
talking to her child who's waiting
for reasons for her to return to school.
Um, it's a very good idea, Eva,
but I I don't think I'm capable
of writing an editorial
and to gamble what's left on it.
Well, then,
I I can write it.
Right? I'm the father.
You can explain to me
what you wanna say to the baby,
and I can write it, huh?
[adult Camilo] Things were looking good,
and I was a fundamental part
of Eva's plan again.
And luckily, this could be
the opportunity I was waiting for
to prove to the editor in chief
that, even without experience,
I could be one of his writers.
[Luisa] I don't know if,
from where you are,
you can sense everything that's happening.
[Luisa] The hardest part
was explaining to my mother
that I wanted to be a mother.
But it hasn't been easy
for others to accept
that I'm pregnant so young.
They've called me irresponsible,
thoughtless, a bad woman, a sinner,
and more things I hope you haven't heard.
I had doubts myself.
And, if I'm being honest with you,
I even thought about
the possibility of not having you.
But something inside me,
maybe it was you,
screamed that facing the world
was worth it
because, someday,
I would have you in my arms
and giving you all the love
I know I can give you.
[Eva] "But I want you to come
into a different world."
"A better world."
"A world with more love."
"A more understanding world
where a pregnant woman
is not synonymous with a sick woman."
[Luisa] A world where being a mother
is a blessing and not a sentence.
Where life is truly celebrated,
and a place where expecting a child
is an invitation to fight.
[Eva] "I know it won't be easy to achieve,
but you're giving me the strength to try,
and I don't wanna wait."
- "This is the moment and place to start."
- Perfect.
- "I feel like I owe you that."
- Great.
- We did it? All right!
- Yes! We did it!
[Luisa] That's why I want and need to go
back to school to prepare myself.
I want you to come with me,
and wherever you are,
give me the strength to change the world.
Or rather, to change it together
to be a better world.
[phone ringing]
[indistinct chattering]
- Yes, speaking.
- [indistinct chattering]
- [students chanting] Luisa back to school!
- Yes, I understand. Okay, I'll wait.
It's the office of
the Ministry of Education.
[chanting] Luisa back to school!
Luisa back to school!
Luisa back to school!
Luisa back to school!
[Eva shushing]
Guys, I just received a call
from the Secretary of Education.
And he's asking me
to reconsider the decision
to keep Miss Salcedo
out of this institution.
I still don't agree,
but it makes no sense
to continue fighting over it.
So does that mean
that Luisa can come back to school?
It means you win.
[students cheering]
- Guys, something else.
- [emotional music playing]
I wanna congratulate you
on your editorial.
It's a very original
and effective way to fight
for the things
which you believe are unfair.
Now, if you may, please. Go to class.
[students cheering]
[chanting] We did it! We did it!
Luisa stays at school!
We did it! We did it!
Luisa stays at school!
We did it! We did it!
Luisa stays at school!
- I heard the news, guys.
- [Camilo] Hello, Professor.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
No, Professor.
You should congratulate Luisa,
who gave us the material
and, also, Camilo,
who helped us write the text.
No, it was you who gave us the idea.
[adult Camilo] We were a team again.
[Adolfo] Have you seen
how dialectics work?
That's why the Chinese say,
"Crisis is a synonym of opportunity."
Yes, Professor.
Well, we were looking for you
because we wanted to thank you.
- Mm-hmm. That's true.
- [chuckles] But I didn't do that much.
No, what do you mean? You helped us!
You helped us, and my mom told me
that that, during the meeting,
you supported us with Professor LuisMi.
So thank you very much.
- And you also took a risk with Dr. Alicia.
- [Camilo] Yeah.
We know her,
and we know she's not easy at all.
Are you sure that you guys
really "know" Dr. Alicia?
[unsettling music playing]
- [knocking on door]
- Are you busy, Dr. Alicia?
Miss Samper, what happened now?
I wanna talk to you,
but don't worry, it's it's nothing bad.
- Sit down, please.
- Thank you.
The thing is,
I've heard some stuff about you
that surprised me.
Is it true
that you supported
the administration to change
from male and female only schools
to mixed schools?
[Dr. Alicia] Yes.
And you were part of the committee that
wrote the decree approved by Congress?
The decree that says
that women and men are equal
to represent
the interests of their children?
Yes, Miss Samper.
The Decree 2820 from 1974.
Why do you ask?
Because I don't understand
how someone who has done so much
would ban a pregnant student
from attending school.
[chuckles softly]
Miss Samper, look.
Having a child
is a very big responsibility.
And it's a job just as important
as a doctor's, a lawyer's,
or an engineer's.
And none of those people are ever expected
to do more things
on top of their normal activities.
But women can't only be mothers.
- No? And why not?
- [emotional music playing]
- Because it's not much?
- No.
- Because it's a minor job?
- No.
Or simply because,
as women are the ones who gestate,
we have to assume
twice the responsibility?
Look, miss.
When society understands
that maternity is a fundamental job
which deserves to be recognized, paid,
and have all the privileges
other professions have,
that day, maybe
women who wanna dedicate themselves to it
will be able to do so
without feeling the pressure that
they are doing nothing.
[indistinct chattering]
[salsa music playing on radio]
[adult Camilo] After the crisis,
the new goal was
for all of us to pass our final exams
so we could move on to senior year.
So we got together and helped each other
on the next new adventure.
Nevertheless, our enthusiasm
and group spirit were not enough,
and we fell back into our old habits,
not all of them being honest.
But the goal was to get through
the school year, no matter what.
[salsa music intensifies]
[music ends]
- 3.5.
- [Álvaro] Yeah.
I hope next year,
you improve your handwriting
because I almost went blind
trying to decipher what you wrote.
Yes, Professor. At least I passed, huh?
- [Adolfo] Hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Thanks.
- [Adolfo] Salcedo!
- Yes, Professor.
[Adolfo] Very good.
I like how you used Luisa's case
to expose dialectics in real life.
- [Salcedo] Hmm.
- [Adolfo] Good. 4.5.
Ah! Did you hear? 4.5, guys!
[salsa music playing]
[adult Camilo] Whatever the case,
we achieved our goal,
and we all made it to senior year.
- Yeah! Let's try it!
- [Camilo] Yes!
- Guys, shall we celebrate at the 68?
- Beers at the 68, okay?
- [Eva] Um, sure? Sounds good to me.
- Hey. What's up?
- [Rodrigo] Quiñonez failed the year.
- [Camilo] What?
- Yes!
- Serious?
One of his friends just told me.
- [sighs] No. Damn it.
- No, no, no. Come on. Come on. Come on.
That means that he might be in
the same grade with us next year, right?
- No, the last thing we needed, bro.
- [rock music playing]
- Shit.
- Let's go.
- [Camilo] Here is for senior year!
- [Salcedo] We made it!
- [Luisa] Yes, guys!
- Yeah!
- Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!
- [Eva] Hey!
And also, here's one for Castro,
who, for the first time,
has passed without retaking the class.
- That is awesome!
- And another one.
Wait, wait, another
another toast for Luisa, who made it, huh?
Aw, that's right!
Cheers to Luisa! Cheers.
- All of this is thanks to you guys.
- That's right.
Well, now what's the plan for break, huh?
Should we maybe plan a vacation?
[pensive music playing]
- Did I say something wrong?
- No, no. Not at all.
Because, you know, at my last school,
we always traveled at the end of the year,
and we had a blast.
I can imagine.
- Now, I wanna do it with all of you.
- Thanks.
I swear, it would be a great experience.
Okay, but here, during vacation,
everyone needs to work to help with funds.
- Really?
- Mm.
Here you go.
[Camilo] Salcedo is a waiter
at the restaurant where his mom works.
- Hello, ma'am. What can I get you?
- [man] Can I order
[Camilo] Arbeláez is part of
a serenader's trio who works at night.
Don't take long, okay? Good.
[Camilo] And Castro is a bouncer
at a club downtown.
- Oh really?
- Yes.
And what do you think
you could do here, young man?
Well, one of the things
I would like to do in the future
is to work in sports journalism.
Yes. Oh yeah.
He's an expert on it. No, really.
- He knows everything.
- [Camilo chuckles] Thanks.
I don't know. Maybe I I could write about
Kid Pambelé's title defense
that will happen soon in Puerto Rico.
And do you know anything about boxing?
[chuckles] Ask me whatever you want.
Who's the current
world middleweight champion?
The Argentinian, Carlos Monzón.
Unified champion
of the association and the council
since November 7th, 1970,
when he defeated,
by knock out in the 12th round,
the Italian, Nino Benvenuti.
- See?
- [Camilo] In Rome.
He's an encyclopedia.
[adult Camilo] Eva's unwavering support
filled my soul.
There was no doubt
I was on the right path.
Let's do a test.
Test me. And if you don't like it,
well, it's fine with me,
but what if you like it,
and you're in front of
your next star journalist, huh?
Sorry. Sir, they just murdered
José Raquel Mercado.
[melancholy music playing]
[editor in chief] All managers, get to the
editorial department right away, please.
The body of the murdered union leader
was found in the roundabout
at 63rd Street and Carrera 50.
And in their statement,
the guerrilla group claims
that the decision to execute him
was submitted by popular verdict.
- [Camilo] Hi.
- Camilo?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. Outside is a mess.
- Did you hear?
- [Camilo] I did.
And now, what are we gonna do?
- [reporter] Let's remember as well
- [phone ringing]
that the guerrilla group
mentioned and labeled him as corrupt
and as a traitor
to the lower working class of the country.
- At this time, the police
- Hello?
Hey, it's me.
Hello, José.
Did you hear about José Raquel Mercado?
Yes, we were watching the news just now.
Unbelievable. How are you? Camilo at home?
Yes. Yes, he just arrived. He's fine.
Do you want me to come over?
No, José, it's not necessary.
We don't know if this
might turn into another April 9th.
Oh, I don't think so.
Well, let's do something.
I'll feel I'll feel better if I go
No, no, no. José, let's wait.
If things get worse,
we'll figure it out then.
- [sighs]
- Okay?
Fine. For now, stay at home, okay?
- Don't go out, and be careful.
- [door opens]
Say hi to Camilo, okay?
[Lucy] Hello, my love!
- Mother, where were you?
- Me? Walking around.
What do you mean?
Don't you know what just happened?
- What?
- There will be another Bogotazo.
They killed José Raquel Mercado.
You know what?
I did imagine that would happen.
Oh well. Let's pray
for the soul of that poor Christian
and that the country
does not go to you know where.
Mother, you you smell like alcohol.
Have you been drinking?
- So what?
- What do you mean?
Are you a police officer or what?
The country's collapsing.
- You're worried if I have a drink.
- Precisely. The country is collapsing.
I need to take care of my family.
- Mom, at your age, you shouldn't drink.
- Hey, hey, hey! José, look at me.
Don't you think maybe I'm a little too old
to have a dad yelling at me?
[soothing music playing]
Have a good night. Goodbye. [groans]
[adult Camilo] In 1948,
the liberal leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitán
was murdered in Bogotá.
And that unleashed a wave of violence
and bloodshed that lasted for many years.
In fact, that period of our history
is still recognized
as the Time of Violence.
And at that time, many people thought
that the death of José Raquel Mercado
was going to unleash
something similar, but it didn't.
We were already at
the dawn of the age of media.
And before we knew it,
the tension of the country shifted
from that tragic event
to the fight of Kid Pambelé.
He was our first world boxing champion
and was going to have to defend his title
in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
That night, I focused
on finishing the test
for the newspaper's editor in chief,
as that could be the answer
to my problems as a dad-to-be.
To be completely honest,
I wasn't sure whose opinion
was more important,
the editor in chief's or Eva's.
Because, as I wrote the night before,
I was thinking about
not disappointing
the trust she had expressed in me.
Excellent. I really like it.
Any problems traveling to Puerto Rico?
[uneasy music playing]
No, not at all.
Okay, so I'll send you to San Juan
with a photographer.
You will arrive two days before the fight,
and you will be back the next day.
Since Pambelé's winning all the time,
I want an editorial
that's completely different.
Very similar to this one here.
Yes, sir.
Since you're underage,
I'll need an authorization
signed by your parents
so you can leave the country.
[adult Camilo]
Due to my parents' situation,
that could be a problem,
but a problem
that I needed to fix at all costs
because, at that time,
that job and that trip
were starting to give me an idea of how,
in addition to solving
my economic problem,
I could capitalize on my good timing
to finally rescue
my relationship with Eva.
- That's so exciting, Camilo.
- Yeah, it is.
Just look at your son, Mom.
They gave me an ID.
[chuckles] Oh, I've always known it.
Look, my baby will be
the first member of my family
that travels abroad.
No, Mom, the second one
because you can't forget Aunt Rosa Elvira.
I'm so proud of you, honey.
Thanks, Mom.
Well, we have a problem
because, um, to be able to travel,
they they they're requesting
an authorization I have here.
It's an authorization
to get out of the country,
and it must be signed by you and by Dad.
Oh yeah, honey. I will sign
whatever I have to sign. Yeah, of course.
Yes, but Dad?
He will sign too.
Do you think he'll ruin
such a great opportunity for you? But
- No, but
- I don't think he'll go that far, Camilo.
What if you do instead?
No, Camilo.
- Aw, Mom!
- No.
[tuts] Please. Look, Mom.
I know you and Dad
are taking a break right now,
but I know if you tell him,
he probably will say yes.
And that's exactly why.
No, no, no, no.
If I talk to him, he might get confused.
Can you imagine what he'll do?
You know your father.
No. You talk to him.
Face the responsibility.
Don't be afraid of him.
No, no. I'm not afraid of him.
[uneasy music playing]
I'll tell him.
[music fades]
[Lucy chuckles]
[Lucy and Camilo] Mmm.
Well, if your dad wasn't staying here,
I would never see you.
- Right, Camilo?
- [Camilo] Mmm.
Grandma, but you don't invite us to lunch
on Sundays anymore,
or come visit us, or anything.
- That must be because she has new friends.
- [Camilo] Oh really?
[José] We don't know who they are.
Well, I guess you wanna talk,
and as always,
I'm in the way, so I'll leave.
[Camilo] No, no, don't go.
Besides visiting Grandma,
and I wanted to talk to you too.
- Oh really?
- [Camilo] Yes.
What favor do you need now?
No. No, it's not a favor.
Well, maybe a bit.
Guess what.
I got a job.
- Oh!
- [José] Mm-hmm.
It's a job at a newspaper.
See? To write a column about
Kid Pambelé's fight in Puerto Rico.
Oh! That's great news, Camilo!
Thanks, Grandma.
But to be able to travel to San Juan,
I need a permission slip
signed by you and by my mom.
- So, I came for, well
- Right.
- Okay. Mm.
- for your Here.
- And that way
- So sad.
Sorry for being the buzzkill,
but you're too young to travel alone.
No, I won't. I will go with a photographer
from the newspaper.
We don't know what bad habits
that photographer has.
What do you mean "bad habits"? Dad!
My mom already signed it.
She has no problem with it.
- It's only you.
- Your mom!
Was it too much effort
to call to talk about this?
I don't know why she didn't call.
- That's not my problem!
- Look how he's talking to me.
Look. So disrespectful.
No, but this is the best opportunity
I've ever had in my entire life, Dad.
Didn't you want me to be responsible
for Luisa and to quit the school and work?
- There you go!
- You can work here. There's work here!
Huh? It's a trip
to another country, Camilo. Please!
Can I talk to you for a second, José?
- [soothing music playing]
- Of course, Mom.
[music ends]
Well, now, tell me
what's wrong with you, José?
A lot of things, Mom. I feel a void here
that I don't know how to fill.
Tell me something.
Do you really want to have
a chance or not with Ana?
Of course.
Don't screw it up!
Don't be an obstacle for her, José.
Sign the permission slip for the boy.
And little by little, you'll win her over.
Or don't sign the permission slip.
And that way,
[scoffs]you'll push her further away
than she already is. Hmm.
[feel-good music playing]
[adult Camilo] Things with my dad
were far away from being mended.
He was still mad.
But thanks to my grandma's advice,
he signed the authorization form,
and that trip to Puerto Rico was on.
I just had to put my plan in place.
And in order to do so, one way or another,
I was going to have to go all in,
but I was optimistic.
[music continues on radio]
- [Eva] Hi. [chuckles]
- Hello.
Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you.
[gasps] Do you have
your authorization form?
- [Camilo] Hmm.
- No way!
- [Camilo] What do you think?
- I can't believe it!
It's awesome, right?
Aw, I'm sure you will be fine
and that this is the beginning
of your journalistic career.
I hope so. It's all thanks to you.
Did you tell Luisa?
Uh, no, not yet.
I wanted to I wanted to tell you first
because, um,
I have a proposal for you.
Let's go together to Puerto Rico.
[music intensifies]
[music ends]
[soothing music playing]
[music fades]
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