Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e08 Episode Script

Promise to Meet Again

About Kimura's next match
We had a request for a match
from Takahashi-san's gym.
I see.
They also have another light-class
boxer in the same gym, you see
and they suggested a match
between him and our Aoki.
By the way, Yagi-chan
When is the application deadline
for the next pro certification exam?
Huh? Uh
I believe it's the 15th.
I see.
Bye, Mom!
The barrage stopped!
I wonder what Miyata-kun thought
of my uppercut?
"It was awesome!"
That would be cool!
Now I might actually be able
to be friends with him!
Wow! What am I going to do?
I'm getting nervous!
Oh. He isn't here yet.
-Hey, Makunouchi.
-Why are you training?
You took a lot of damage during
yesterday's sparring match, didn't you?
I thought you would be at home
taking it easy today.
Uh, is that how it works?
A boxer also has to manage his own body,
so don't push yourself too hard.
Uh, sure.
I see.
I guess that means
Miyata-kun won't be coming in today.
Oh, well. I'll probably
get to see him tomorrow.
He didn't show up today either.
I wonder what happened to him?
Excuse me
What's up, Ippo?
Aoki-san, Kimura-san,
have you seen Miyata-kun?
We ran into him
when we were out doing roadwork.
What? I see.
So, he is training.
I wonder why he hasn't come in?
What's with the girly punches?
Hey, why the frown?
Uh, it's nothing. I'm sorry.
I was thinking about Miyata-kun.
He hasn't been in lately,
so I was wondering what happened to him.
Miyata hasn't been in?
Of course he hasn't!
He lost to a slob like you!
How could he come to the gym?
If it were me, I'd kill myself.
What? No way.
I bet it was a huge shock to him.
I bet he can't recover from it.
Yeah, right. Just fooling you!
We can't go killing ourselves
over every silly, little sparring match!
All righty? So don't get so worried.
Takamura-san, you're so mean!
Use more strength, will you?!
Don't depend on your right!
Use your left more!
You're not putting your hip into it!
Step in, one-two!
What are you doing?!
Your guard is too loose!
I give up.
Go for a run and cool your head.
Why, sir? I'm doing the best I can.
Doing the best you can, huh?!
You punched like a wet sponge!
You can't become a pro like that!
Uh Yes, sir.
Enough, now go running.
Yes, sir.
What's the matter?
I thought he looked pretty good.
Only on the surface.
I couldn't feel an ounce of tension
in any of his punches like I did
before his sparring match with Miyata.
Ah, so he can't put any spirit
into it because Miyata-kun isn't here?
This is bad. Unless he improves,
I can't turn in his application
for the exam.
So, you were asking about
the exam on Ippo-kun's behalf.
Yeah. I must do something so
Miyata's determination isn't wasted.
At least Takamura is right
on track for next week's match.
His diet also seems to be going well.
Yes. His fighting spirit
before a match never fails to impress me.
Hmm Maybe I'll leave
the kid with Takamura!
What?! Don't you think
that's a little reckless?
Takamura's training menu preceding
a match is murderous!
That may be exactly the kind
of shock the kid needs right now.
You're late, kid!
Takamura's already gone!
What? Takamura-san?!
For the next week,
you'll be training with him!
Now, hurry up and follow him!
Huh? What do you mean?
Besides, I just got back from running.
-Don't argue with me! Get going, now!
-Yes, sir!
What was that all about?!
The old man already talked to me.
You're with me as of today, huh?
Did you do something to him?
He was in a foul mood.
No, I have no idea why he's upset.
Hmm, really?
Oh, well. Let's go!
Uh, right!
Good. I should be able
to keep up with him.
I did plenty of running with the Chief,
so I have faith in my legs!
How will the next match go?
Don't be stupid! I'll win, of course!
That's true! I'll be there
to cheer you on!
How long is he going to keep running?!
Actually, my opponent has won
with straight KOs up till now.
But if he takes one of my punches,
he won't last through the first round!
Oh, man!
Good. He finally stopped.
I feel his punches on my stomach
through the sandbag!
Is this the workload of a man
with an empty stomach?!
He finally stopped.
-We're going running.
It's hard. Too hard.
We're at totally different levels!
At this rate, I'll get in the way of
Takamura-san's fine tuning.
I wonder why the Chief made an amateur
like me train with someone so great?
Huh? What's the matter?
Are you already going belly up?
You are really awesome, Takamura-san.
To be able to continue this hard training
in silence, without being instructed.
Well, that's a wimpy thing to say!
Are you saying you can't move
unless someone swats your butt?
Uh, no. It's not that
Then what is it?
It's just kind of lonesome
because Miyata-kun hasn't shown up lately.
Are you coming to
our gym to look for friends?
Weren't you going to become a boxer?!
You'll never make it
with that kind of attitude.
The world of professional boxing
isn't that easy!
All right, time to go home!
What's with the long face?
Huh? Yeah.
Oh, I see. It's probably
that scolding I gave you earlier.
I'm so hungry, you see, that sometimes
I get irritated during training.
Oh, yeah. That's true.
Hey, want to come to my pad?
-What? Are you sure?
-Are you sure I can come over?!
-Uh, sure.
Wow! It's been years since
I got invited over by someone!
This guy really must not have any friends.
What's the matter?
Don't be shy. Come on in.
Uh, right.
Go ahead and find a place to sit.
I've got to whiz.
There's no place to sit in here!
Hope he doesn't mind if I clean up a bit.
There isn't a single normal magazine.
There's so little fluid in my body,
I can't even pee.
He's taking a long time in there.
No Stop!
Hey, Aoki! I just caught Ippo
with a porn mag!
What? Ippo's doing porn?!
Here, eat this. You must be hungry.
But you're on a diet, aren't you?
I can't eat in front of you.
Idiot, don't hold back for my sake.
I've got something for myself, too.
Really? Okay.
Huh? Takamura-san, is that tomato?
Is that all you're having for dinner?
Never mind me and eat up.
Once you're a top-notch boxer like me,
dieting is nothing.
I heard that a severe diet
is like hellish torture,
but Takamura-san makes it look easy.
It's like he really
was born to be a boxer.
Come to think of it,
I never asked this before.
How did you first become
involved with boxing, Takamura-san?
Why the sudden curiosity?
I forgot about that ages ago.
What?! But surely you had a reason!
Well, you don't need a good reason
to start something.
I used to fight all the time, you see.
That's when I made the geezer's
acquaintance and he introduced me to it.
I had nothing better to do,
so I gave it a shot
and I won my debut match.
And then, the applause
fell on me like rain.
It's the greatest feeling.
It was the first time
I was praised by another person.
How can I put it?
It's like the fists I didn't know how
to use were recognized by the public.
I don't know how to describe it.
I understand! I totally understand!
I totally understand how that feels!
-Oh Really?
-Want to stay the night?
Damn! I'm so hungry,
a hole could burn through my stomach!
I wonder what he's doing up so late?
I I'm so stupid!
There's no way it's not hard!
Ippo! Hold it tighter!
Right! I'm sorry!
Takamura's long gone!
Get your butt in gear and follow him!
Yes, sir!
-It seems to have worked perfectly.
Right. I thought he should experience
the severity of being a pro firsthand.
Now he has the face of
someone who could be in the ring.
-I'll send in the application.
your match is tomorrow, right?
I'm kind of nervous because
I've never been to Korakuen Hall before.
Is this your first time
watching a match in person?
I see.
I'll show you
what a professional fight is all about.
Wow! This is amazing!
Takamura-san is actually going to
fight in front of all these people.
Thank you for waiting,
ladies and gentlemen!
Today's main event
the Japan Middleweight
ten-round match is about to begin.
We've been waiting for this, Takamura!
Enough with the corny theme song!
-It's Takamura-san's big entrance!
-Hurry up!
There he is! Drop him in one punch!
That's so cool! He's really popular!
What's wrong, Takamura?!
Did you lose too much weight to punch?!
The winner, Takamura!
He won. Takamura-san won!
It's a lot of work to be a pro, but
I want to stand up there too.
I want to become a professional boxer
and stand in this ring!
You came to cheer on Takamura-san too!
There was also that, but I thought
I'd run into you if I came here.
What? You came to see me?
Yeah. There was something
I wanted to tell you.
I quit Kamogawa Gym.
What?! But why?
Is it because you lost to me?
Yeah, that's right. It's all your fault!
However, I didn't quit the gym for
a trifling reason like embarrassment.
I did it because if I belonged to
the same gym as you, I wouldn't be able to
fight you in the professional ring.
So far, we each have one win and one loss.
Let's settle the final score
in the ring as pros.
Very well. I'll see you next
in the professional ring!
The final match of
the Eastern Japan Tournament!
That's the only place I'll wait for you.
License. My dream.
The proof I'm a pro boxer.
My ticket to a world
where strong men are common.
I'm uneasy, but I'm determined
to do my best in this world.
Because I promised!
It's a steep and rugged path,
but there's someone
waiting for me at the top!
Next time, "C Class License."
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