Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e09 Episode Script

C Class License

He's late.
Welcome back!
-Hey there!
-Why are you standing out here?
Uh, I have my pro
certification exam today.
Oh, yeah. Now I remember.
Takamura-san is
supposed to come with me, but
Yeah. He's punctual
when it comes to himself,
but he's pretty sloppy
when it's other people's time.
All right. As your senior,
I'll help you steel yourself for the exam.
Huh? Uh, sure.
Listen. The most important thing
in the exam is your fighting spirit.
You must forget what you've learned
and show them you've got the drive.
Hey, what are you talking about?
You won't get anywhere with drive alone.
Basics are key. The jab
defense, and footwork.
That's true.
I remember how you ran around in circles
for the whole exam.
Look who's talking.
You're the guy
who's been slinging mud ever since.
You were so stiff and nervous,
I'm amazed you passed at all!
And you looked like you
were about to wet your pants!
Don't laugh!
I'm sorry. So, you both took
the certification exam together?
-Well, yeah.
-Sort of.
Now I get it, but
So, are you feeling more relaxed now?
Uh, oh Yes!
It is possible to be suddenly
matched against someone great like me!
Oh, man!
The poor stiff who was pitted against me
couldn't show off any of his stuff
because I knocked him out in ten seconds.
That reminds me. I heard Miyata
has already passed the certification exam.
If you fail, it'll build a gap
between you guys again!
Don't say that.
Well, although there's no one
as great as me in the entire world!
What are you yakking about?!
Kid! Be confident! With what you've got,
you'll pass for sure!
Uh, right!
If he doesn't screw up.
Oh, shut up!
They all look so strong.
I wonder if they're all taking the exam?
Don't get wigged out! Stop peeking around!
Give me a break.
It's that girl!
She's cute!
Well, aren't we feeling cocky?
So, you don't need me
to come along with you?
No Don't!
Maybe I should wreck you
right now so you can't take the test!
I'm sorry!
Number nine. 117,9 pounds.
-Next, Number ten.
They only check body weight here.
I can't get nervous now!
Number 11. 140,5 pounds.
-Next, Number 12!
Number 12. 124,5 pounds.
Uh, excuse me!
Next, Number 13.
He's kind of scary-looking.
He looks strong, too.
Number 13. 125,66 pounds.
That's about the same as me!
He'll be taking the written test by now,
but I'm sure he'll do fine.
-Hey, Takamura.
Hi, Fujii-chan! Doing an article?
Today, I'm just observing.
It's my policy to follow around boxers
who catch my attention.
You followed me all the way here?
All right, why don't you name it
"Exclusive Coverage!
A Day in the Life of Mamoru Takamura"?
How has Makunouchi-kun been?
He's so nervous, he's shaking like a leaf!
Fujii-chan, you must be bored
chasing around a small-shot like him.
I'm not after Makunouchi-kun exclusively.
One other fighter interests me.
Miyata-kun already passed the exam.
I can't fall behind!
-What's your problem?
-Keep it down!
I'm sorry.
Here, you can use this.
Thank you so much! Ow!
-What a joke.
-He's helpless.
Maybe he should go into comedy instead.
Thank you for your kindness earlier.
Huh? Oh, it's you.
Don't worry about it.
We're both in the featherweight class,
aren't we?
Thanks to you, I was able to relax a lot.
It was nothing.
Anyway, let's both do our best.
What's his problem?
Hey, what are you doing?!
Defense! Remember practice!
It's just a test, so relax!
Use your hand!
Use your feet!
What pathetic sparring!
That's usually how it is with applicants.
When I took the exam,
everyone was pathetic, myself excluded.
Next, Number five and six! Into the ring!
By the way,
I haven't seen Makunouchi-kun yet.
Hey, you're right.
Where did he wander off to?
The Chief said I'd pass for sure,
but I really do tend to screw up
at the most crucial moments.
I have to relax.
My opponent is an applicant just like me.
Ah, so there you are!
-It's almost your turn!
-Uh, right!
-Were you able to relax?
-Yeah, sort of.
-Hey, Ippo!
Go out there and spill your blood!
I don't want to!
-Then go out there and feed him leather!
-Yes, sir!
Next, Number 11 and 12! Into the ring!
-Go on!
Show them what you've got!
Listen, don't concern yourselves
with winning or losing.
Try to show the basics
you learned at your gyms.
Yeah. Don't rely on your right straight.
Use the left.
What's he mumbling about?
I lucked out getting
this guy to fight with.
He seems nervous as usual.
Did my efforts go down the drain?
Here I come, Mr. Mumble!
I can see it!
Compared to Miyata-kun's speed,
it's almost like slow-motion!
Hey, it's that klutz from earlier.
I thought he looked slow,
but he's actually rather good.
Oh, good moves.
He's wide open!
Hey, that right straight
completely flipped the guy over!
-What a big move!
He's a monster.
He used jabs to stop his opponent
and sent a straight punch.
The power of his punches is extraordinary.
He's not bad, for applicant level.
Gosh, you surprised me.
That was an awesome punch!
Uh, thanks.
I'm up next.
Good luck!
Next, Number 13 and 14!
Okay, let's go!
Knock him down.
-It's that guy.
-Use your jab.
-Go for it!
-All right!
-Hey, what are you waiting for?!
Hey, Fujii-chan!
Is this the other guy you're after?
Just watch. You'll see.
-Come on!
-Hey, get a move on!
-That's right. Flicker jabs.
The rush of flicker jabs. That pattern.
He's fast! Also, each punch
is beautifully supported by his hip.
Stop! Number 13!
The bell! Ring the bell!
He's beyond applicant level.
Yeah. His boxing has
a high level of perfection.
You need a strong spine
to make it as a pro.
But he didn't have to go to
that kind of extreme at an exam.
Do you have the leeway to be upset
about that right now?
Did you notice the jab that
triggered the rush of punches?
Uh, yeah. He made some weird movement.
That is called a flicker jab.
Flicker jab?
It's Hearns' special move.
Hearns? You mean
the famous Thomas Hearns?!
You got it!
The guy whose punches
made him a champion in five ranks.
A flicker jab always triggered
the explosion of strong punches.
I thought I should introduce you.
This is Mashiba-kun of Toho Gym.
This is Makunouchi-kun of Kamogawa Gym.
-You're both featherweights
-As long as I exist
you won't reach the top
of the featherweight class.
Want to switch classes?
I will not switch classes.
I promised to see someone
at the Eastern Japan Rookie Tournament.
Naturally, I'm not totally sure
that I'll make it there, but
I'm working hard with that as my goal.
That's why I will not switch from
the featherweight class, no matter what!
Good afternoon!
Excuse me!
Would you keep the noise down?
Oh, I'm sorry!
Yagi-san, you said it
would arrive today, right?!
Yup, it's here.
Here you go. Congratulations!
Thank you so much!
Good for you, Ippo.
I'm so happy!
I couldn't sleep at all last night
and I couldn't
concentrate at all in school today!
I don't know why,
but when I actually hold the license,
it feels so real!
It renders you speechless!
This is not good.
I need to get with the program.
-I have to go and help my mother now!
Don't get carried away
just because you became a pro!
You need to start preparing for
your debut match by running!
If you're looking for Ippo-kun,
he said he had to go home
to help out his mother.
Hey there. Long time no see, Ippo.
We missed you horribly, you know!
Lately, you've been going home
right after school lets out.
Why don't you hang out
with us once in a while?
We saw you.
You're going to a boxing gym, huh?
You bastard! I bet you've been training
to get revenge against us.
You've got some nerve!
What? That's not why I'm going.
Shut up!
What's this? A driver's license?
Professional boxing license?!
Registered with Kamogawa Gym?
Is this for real?
There's no need to get scared.
In this day and age,
even celebrities can get
a professional license.
I'm sure anyone can get one.
Please give it back!
I don't think so!
Anyway, I can't believe it.
Is this guy a professional boxer?
Why don't we experiment
and see just how strong he's got!
My license!
I didn't start boxing for
a pitiful reason like revenge.
I'm going to be a professional boxer
because I love boxing!
Is this a dream?
I can't believe it.
Him, a boxer?
I'm so glad I got it back.
It's been six months
since I met Takamura-san,
when I used to be bullied all the time.
I've come a long way.
I got permission from Mom.
I'm finally a real professional boxer!
I'll do my best! Huh?
All right!
You've got a lot of guts to challenge me.
Seems like you're
preparing for your debut match.
Takamura-san! Me, challenge you?
I just didn't see you there!
Come on! Take a shot at me, Ippo!
But I don't stand a chance against you.
Giving up before you even try won't
get you ahead in the world of pro boxing!
Here I come!
-Not bad, Ippo.
-All right!
Just kidding!
It'll be a million years
before you can take me on!
That's mean!
Hey, Fujii-chan!
I brought a video
I think Makunouchi-kun should see.
A video?
One minute and 33 seconds
into the first round of his debut match,
Ichiro Miyata scores
a brilliant KO victory.
That's how I'd write it.
Ippo wouldn't be able to beat him
in his current shape.
Miyata-kun really is amazing!
I have to work harder
or I'll be left behind.
Hold it!
There's one more tape.
He scored an instant KO with
the barrage following the flicker jab.
Ryo Mashiba lands an overwhelming victory
in his debut match.
What a flashy victory.
I'm returning to practice.
I envy you! The featherweight class
looks like a lot of fun.
You buttinsky.
Yes, Miyata-kun and Mashiba-kun are
way past the level of your average newbie.
However, Makunouchi-kun also
has an amazing, destructive single punch.
It's amazing that
he doesn't realize that for himself.
-What is it?
-I have good news.
-Good news?
-Ooh, what is it?
Kid, the opponent for your debut match
has been selected.
The name of your opponent is
The straight punch.
A basic punch
that all boxers must acquire.
A long-distance form which
causes damage to one's opponent.
Sometimes, that single punch
can turn the flow of the match,
and cut off the opponent's resilience.
Even if they tell me I'll win easily,
I can't underestimate him!
Because it will be my first time
in that ring!
Next time, "Debut Match!"
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