Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e17 Episode Script

Ippo on the Beach

Well, then Bye!
You be careful.
I will!
The training camp
is finally starting today.
Takamura-san's title match is coming soon,
so I guess the camp will be pretty hard.
But that's what I'd rather have!
I'll never give up!
It's the ocean! Takamura-san!
Yahoo! I'm getting fired up!
Wait for me! I'm coming over now!
We're here, guys!
It's been so long
since we last came to the beach!
It sure has!
Oh, no!
-Did you really say that to him?
-Of course!
There's no place like
the beach in summertime after all, right?
Ah, you idiot! There is
something important in there!
But this isn't fair.
You made me carry
all the equipment necessary for camp.
What rubbish are you talking about?
It's natural that rookies
should carry all the luggage!
That's not fair!
Just a little more to go.
Hang in there until we get over there.
Aren't we going to the camp center?
What are we going to do over there?
You idiot! Changing our clothes,
of course! We're going to swim!
Hurry up and change
so that we can join the tanned ladies.
Takamura-san, are you already
taking off your clothes?
"Number one in everything" is my thing.
I can't let you win!
Look at the beautiful body
which I've been training every day!
I'll be the center of attention
on the beach!
Well what about the camp?
Aren't we going to train?
Let's see
What?! I knew it was heavy.
It's stuffed with things like these!
What on earth are we here for?!
Don't worry, Ippo.
-We'll train all right. But
What if we train in this scorching heat
and get heatstroke?
Our long-awaited camp will be worthless.
The camp is effective
only if you work hard
in the morning and the evening.
When you play, you play hard.
When you train, you train hard!
Why don't we draw a line like
the pros do, as we all are, right?
You're right. Drawing a line is the key.
Well, to tell you the truth,
it's not that I don't want to have fun.
All right! Then why don't
you put your swimming shorts on?
-We'll be waiting for you outside.
Gee, how come he's so square?
It's rather bold of you to play
when there is a title match approaching.
-Wait a minute!
-What's wrong?
His swimming shorts
He's not going to wear Speedos, is he?
That's not even funny.
Hi there! Thank you for waiting.
Here you go!
What a great view.
We have a plentiful harvest this year.
Oh? You are brave enough
to check them out.
Oh, no! Not at all.
Hey, which one do you like?
Hmm I like the one piece on the right.
I like the bikini on the left.
How about you?
What? Uh
I like the girl in the middle.
Wow, he chose the most risqué one.
-You are a man!
My taste is
She is the one!
Hey, you! Do something about
your misaligned taste?
Ippo! Give us a hand!
We're going to bury him!
This is so much fun.
Come to think of it,
I've never come out to
the beach with my friends.
All right! Why don't we get serious
and go grab us some girls?
Yes, sir.
Could he possibly mean "picking-up girls"?
What should I do?
I wonder Should I follow them for now?
Starting over there, shall we?
-They look pretty good.
-Looking great.
You are staying here!
They are really selfish.
Hey, kid! Wake up!
Are you still dreaming or what?
Look ahead!
Ugh wait
It was a dream.
While I'm here,
those who are stronger than me
are getting even stronger.
I have to train
Damn! I had no luck with any of the girls!
Well, we still have tomorrow.
Huh? They are all dressed.
Stop mumbling and get yourself ready.
We're going to start training!
Uh yes!
We're going to do some dash and dart!
Yes, sir!
They're fast! It's so hard
to run on the sand, though.
Hey, Ippo! Keep right up with us!
Ugh I can't keep up with them at all.
It's not like this on the riverbank
where we usually run.
Why are they so fast?
This time their dash is particularly long.
Though they were
playing around during the day,
they still have such energy.
After all, these guys are impressive.
Were they possibly
dashing toward their butts?
-Whoa! Takamura-san, look at them!
-All right, we're going, guys!
-Yes, sir!
We can get ourselves fired up
when we find the joy in training, huh?
I will keep running
as long as there is a goal!
How serious are they? Really
Hey, keep it up, Ippo.
A little more to go
till the training center.
I'll be fine as long as there is a futon.
I'll have a good night's sleep tonight.
Wow, it's a nice facility!
This might be more
impressive than Kamogawa Gym.
Well, then shall we start now?
Yes, sir!
They ran that much and yet
they're still going to practice more!
Shadow boxing! Five rounds!
What? Five rounds!
Rather, five sets!
They are doing it totally unfazed.
They're amazing.
All right!
All right. Let's get rest
for tomorrow's training.
We trained pretty hard
for the very first day.
I'm a little beat.
What? That was nothing.
That was just the beginning.
I I can get to sleep, finally.
Hey, you're retiring
for the night before us?
What are you doing?
For such bad behavior, you deserve this!
We're starting early tomorrow .
This is not a school trip.
Don't be fooling around forever!
You you're right.
Takamura-san is kind.
But I can't get out of this.
Did you just see my suplex?!
-Hey, he's not moving.
-This could be really bad.
Next we'll do a DDT!
All right! Ippo,
feel free to step in and punch me!
Today I'll pretend to be Hayami.
Keep punching as if I'm him.
Yes, sir!
What's up? I'm over here.
What's up?! You are not keeping up
with me at all.
The way you are,
you can't possibly catch Hayami!
Oh, come on.
That kid has trouble with out-boxers.
Huh? But he beat Miyata.
More accurately, he doesn't fight well
against a boxer who moves away
with good footwork.
Miyata was coming forward hitting,
though he boasted excellent footwork.
At a distance, Ippo's powerful punch
will be nothing but a shot in the air.
I see.
Not a single punch connected
but I will catch him
for sure in the next round!
-No use.
If you're saying such a thing,
you will surely lose against Hayami.
Don't say that, please!
Well, if we fight now,
I may have no chance of winning,
but I will work hard!
Even so, you will lose.
How come?
Because you have
a crucial weakness in your boxing.
A crucial weakness?
So what is it?
What is my crucial weakness?
Listen, your weakness is
You mean toes?
That's right, it's your toes!
Your toes are weapons
as important as your fists for a boxer.
You have weak toes,
which means you haven't
trained them enough.
They're as important as my fists
But I didn't mean to tell
you to do a kneel kick or rolling sobat.
I I know that.
Excuse me, Takamura-san!
What is it? You're too loud!
Ippo's speed of dashing
and reaching the opponent's side
is pretty advanced for a four-round match.
Doesn't that mean
his toes are somewhat strong?
Sure. But that was
only limited to straight lines.
When it comes to shifting the weight,
he is no good!
Shifting weight?
Where is your center of gravity
when doing that?
Oh, it's my toes!
Exactly! The speed for
dashing and shifting your weight
all comes from your toes.
But as I told you before,
your toes are weak!
You are slow in shifting
your weight, which means each action
is delayed by one notch.
That's why even
Kimura's footwork can shove you.
Even mine?
Hayami's legs are
probably faster than Kimura's.
You need to somehow build up on your toes
so that you can keep up
with him by the time of the match.
What's wrong?
Uh well I think it's amazing that you
figured that out just
by taking a look at the way I spar.
Not just your sparring.
You couldn't keep up with us
during the running at the beach.
That's because your last kick
is not hard enough.
You can't tell on the usual road,
but such a difference shows
where your foothold is not secure.
Well, when your toes become like these,
you are a full-fledged boxer.
Whoa, you've got a huge blister!
At first, it was like a grain of rice,
but it's peeled off so many times
that it has become like this.
May I touch it?
Are you teasing me or what?
I'm sorry!
The toes
But how do I actually train them?
Hey, Ippo!
Let's do interesting training with this.
What? Tennis balls?
Well, I'm going to throw them
to your left and right.
Just catch it
before it drops on the floor.
-All right. Here we go!
I won't necessarily throw them
in the order of right and left.
All right, here we go next!
-Hey, you're not fully catching up.
What do you think?
This is pretty tough, isn't it?
This is very
Well, something like this
won't get rid of your weakness,
but I'm sure it will
alleviate it a little.
You will learn how to shift
your weight naturally as well.
Well? Do you like it?
Yes, please continue.
All right! Here you go!
All right! The morning session is over!
We're going to the beach!
Yes, sir!
My legs are so stiff!
But I won't give up.
I'm going to get over my weakness!
All right. Break time!
I'm getting used to
this practice to a great extent.
Yes, sir!
Kick with your toes! Kick!
Aoki, Kimura! We're going to
show him his seniors' true power.
How is it? Ippo won't
be able to catch up with us!
Takamura-san. Aoki can't catch up
with us either.
Humph! Don't take our real power lightly!
Don't say "our"! Not "our"!
We're not done yet!
Ah! It's over!
We've done everything
on the training list.
The training camp is over now.
I kind of feel a little sad.
Huh? Are we still going to do something?
Nothing is over until we do this!
Such a tiny one doesn't fit my character!
Isn't there anything flashier?
What? But you always said
there is an order for fireworks.
Shut up. That's when I'm with a woman.
Whoa! This is huge.
Let's name this "Ippo Fireworks."
-Now, here we go!
-Yes, sir.
This is going to be a big one!
What?! It's stale!
Damn! The Ippo firework
is big in size, but useless.
This is embarrassing,
so please don't call it my name.
Takamura-san. This one seems to be okay.
We'll be back in Tokyo tomorrow morning.
This is really
the end of the training camp.
Takamura-san. When we go back to Tokyo,
it'll be your title match.
If you win, you will be
the grand champion of Japan. That's great.
The title of the Japanese championship
is just a milestone.
For me, there is only one goal.
It's the world championship!
No matter what big talk Takamura-san says,
it doesn't sound like bluffing.
The scale of his dream
has no comparison to ours.
All right! Why don't we aim for
the Japanese championship title too?
Yeah! We've come to the eighth round!
It's reality!
Wait for me, champion belt!
I'll put it on my waist for sure!
I'm going to aim for
Rookie of the Year too!
The Ippo firework is
starting to work now?!
I told you not to call it my name!
Ippo, take the blame and go put it out!
You're the one who lit it!
You can't be serious!
Hey, do something about it! Come on!
A fight plan.
Collecting information steadily,
building up the research
perfecting the winning strategy.
There is no use for fear.
All I can do is to fight in my own way.
With my trained feet,
I will reach out to the opponent's body
and pull us into close range.
I'm sure that will help me cut my way.
Next time, "Clinch."
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