Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e43 Episode Script

The Speed Star

All right, that's enough.
-Thank you, sir.
A bit of inactivity
hasn't dulled his power blow.
So, what shall we do
about the A-Class Tournament?
His punches haven't weakened,
but he hasn't done nearly enough sparring.
I'm sure his match sense has dulled down,
and we don't have a game plan
to fight Saeki.
Are you all right, Chief?
The kid hit me with nothing
but right body blows.
Body blows?
-Hey, kid.
Are you all right, Chief?
Little fool! I'm not wimpy enough
to be swayed by your punches.
You used an awful lot of body blows,
so it got to me a little, you see.
I'm sorry.
Nah, that was a good way to hit.
Do you think so?
I imagined myself doing jabs
while moving clockwise
to intercept him at that point like this.
-Who moves?
Who moves clockwise?
Uh, that's
So it's your best try at forming a plan
of attack against Saeki.
Well, yes. But I definitely
need more practice. Um
In the meantime, you appear
to be making rapid preparations.
Your plan of attack against Saeki
is right on target for now.
If you're going to use it,
get in the ring intending to win.
You're in the A-Class Tournament.
Yes, sir!
So, he came back.
Good afternoon.
So, they already started sparring.
How's Saeki shaping up, Okita-kun?
He's fast. Even Date-san can't catch him.
I guess that's the Speed Star for you.
Hmph! When all's said and done,
I failed to catch you.
I was seriously trying to avoid that.
Speed before style, huh?
You're my least favorite type.
Least favorite?
I'll take those words as a compliment.
He's a hateful little bastard.
He won't use more
than 60 to 70% of his full power.
Would it have been more fun
to make him go all out?
Speed Star.
He isn't going to be an opponent
you can beat by ordinary means,
An opponent that's hard to fight?
Yes! Kimura-san, you I mean
To an outboxer, what kind of boxer
is most difficult to fight?
Good question.
The type of boxer
who charges forward relentlessly like you
is easy!
But the most difficult opponents are
those with better footwork than yourself.
They always get ahead one trick at a time,
so you can't get your rhythm, or pace.
At any rate, it's hard going.
Someone faster than yourself?
-I'm going to continue now.
-Oh, sure.
That would mean that if
I can move faster than Saeki-san
Is he trying to outbox?
Knock that off, you tone-deaf freak!
You're screwing up my rhythm, too!
I'm sorry!
You can't do it! Give up!
-Oh, Saeki-sempai!
Good afternoon.
Well, you guys are as lively as ever.
This brings back memories.
Saeki, you bastard!
Thanks to you dropping out,
we were slaughtered
in the university meet.
You're looking well, Captain.
So? What's it like being a pro?
As I recall, this white part of the glove
was your excuse
for quitting amateur boxing.
You didn't like how hitting it scored
the same points as a knockdown.
It's all well and good
to compete with techniques,
but I found it lacked something.
Did you get what you wanted in the pros?
What can I say?
The professional guys sure are great.
They have murder in their fists.
They strike at you risking their lives,
their souls in every shot.
I barely dodge their punch
and in the next split-second,
I make my punch.
That dog-eat-dog instant,
a mere hundredth of a second, is so great
I can't get enough of it.
So, you chose the path
with the most thrills.
-Let me use that a second.
You can't just leave this to strength.
You need to use momentum.
In other words, your spring.
Like this!
Holy cow!
The secret to Saeki's speed
is his extraordinary "spring".
There can't be many who can keep up
with your speed, even in the pros.
You probably can't get the thrill
you need if you can't get hit.
I get my thrills. Especially
with my upcoming opponent.
He's the man with the most powerful fists
in Japan Featherweight.
I'm counting on you, Makunouchi!
Give me that special thrill
you've been holding back!
A week till the tournament, huh?
Did you formulate some kind of plan?
Nope. Petty tricks
and fast cramming never pay off.
You got that right.
Whoa, Ippo! You've gotten pretty good
at that, haven't you?
Well, I've been studying
sense of rhythm nonstop the best I can.
Maybe fast cramming
has its own measure of success?
No. Hey, Ippo.
Can you throw punches with a backbone
while maintaining that speed?
I knew it. A professional
can see right through it.
Once I put my hands into it,
my rhythm goes all over the place.
If I can see that,
Saeki will see through it, too.
I guess petty tricks
are no good after all.
That was an exercise in futility, Ippo!
Sempai, I don't think
it's a futile exercise.
Yeah, me neither.
If I can get closer
to Saeki-san's moves and rhythm,
I might realize something.
Do you mean, to know thine enemy?
Then let's try it again!
I'll keep practicing with you.
I'm going to punch you.
It's difficult to do with you staring me
in the eye like that.
I'm sorry. All right, I'll narrow my eyes.
-That's even worse!
-Is something wrong?
-Uh, no
It's just that I felt
like I just got a hint.
Oh, Umezawa-kun. Are you alone?
What are you hiding for, Ippo?
Go on!
-Um, congratulations on your recovery.
-Oh, my.
Thanks, but I think
you're making a big deal of it.
That's true. But Umezawa-kun
said I had to, so
This is a day of celebration,
so a bouquet is to be expected.
Do you think so?
More importantly, Boss
Should I give it to him now?
Well, you see, I had a lot of time
on my hands while I was here, so
Here you are.
Wow, trunks! Did you make these for me?
What do you think?
They're better than your old ones, right?
I'm responsible for the design.
Thanks! They're so cool!
The name of the store's on them.
That's right! You are
a fighting advertisement.
Don't you dare fall.
That wouldn't be good PR for the store.
You're kidding.
And this is from me.
Are you sure? Shoes are so expensive.
Let me do this much. Right?
Thank you both.
I can't return the favor,
but I'll do my best in the upcoming match.
What do you mean?
At least promise us a KO!
They're probably worried about me
because I haven't trained enough.
I caused everyone a lot of worry
because of what happened.
I'll try hard.
I'll give this match my very best.
I can't promise a KO because
Saeki-san is a powerful opponent.
I swear I'll win!
-How did it go?
The weigh-in went well, too.
Still, they all look
like they're out for blood.
It means that the fight
is already under way.
Featherweight is next.
Go throw some fear into them
so they don't take advantage of you.
All right. I'll give it
my full concentration.
That's right. The fight has already begun.
I can't let them take advantage of me!
Oh, it's Makunouchi
who's got eight consecutive KOs.
He's kind of testy, isn't he?
I know you're ready to give it your all,
but there's no need to stare down guys
from different weight classes.
You're Makunouchi-kun!
Nice to meet you.
Oh! Ippo's facing down with Saeki.
All right! Give him the evil eye!
Pleased to meet you.
Why are you acting shy with the opponent
you're supposed to intimidate?
Is this it?
So this is the fist that conceals
a wealth of destructive power.
I see.
I heard you were inactive for a while,
but how's your condition?
Don't tell me you injured your fist.
Uh, no. I'm completely fine. Don't worry.
I see! So you're okay.
Then hit me with everything you got.
With everything, okay?
"Hit me with everything you got"?
Does that mean he'll dodge everything?
I don't have confidence.
I didn't get enough practice.
Will I be able to hit the fastest man
in Featherweight with my punches?
He's restless.
Not being able to take part
in training camp is affecting him now.
The kid is the type to gain confidence
from repetitive training.
So he feels pressure
from his lack of training?
Because he's up against a tough one.
Will I be able to hit him?
Will I be able to hit the Speed Star?
Chill out, kid!
Flopping around like that won't help you.
Yes, sir.
He's right. I have to concentrate.
A staffer will call on me at any minute.
Excuse me
Whew, that's a relief. You're in here.
I've never been in a place like this,
you know. It made me nervous.
Thanks for coming.
I invited the boss to come along,
but she doesn't want to watch.
Huh? Oh.
Anyway, I thought I'd get a picture
of you in all your glory to show her.
Come on, make a pose.
Huh? Like this?
Oh, that's good!
The trunks and the shoes look great.
Okay, cheese!
What do you have to push
to make it do that?
I'm sorry! Hold on,
I'll put in a new roll.
Makunouchi, please enter the stadium.
-We're going, kid.
I'm sorry!
I didn't mean to get you flustered
when you were concentrating.
Maybe I shouldn't have come.
Watch me, Umezawa-kun. I'll keep my word.
Umezawa, if that's your name,
I'm grateful for your help.
Go for it, Saeki-sempai!
Makunouchi's nothing to fear!
We've been waiting for this!
Makunouchi, make it another KO!
Sempai is really popular.
Well, it's due to the reversal KOs
every single time.
I believe they're moved
by the struggle of the little guy.
They sure are whooping it up.
That's to be expected
of the most anticipated match.
Are you here on reconnaissance?
That's petty.
Don't say that.
Newbies have been awfully tough of late.
So, who do you think will come out on top?
Let me think.
Beats me!
However, they all have a chance.
Technique, speed, destructive power.
All of them are excellent
in each category.
For now, I'll enjoy the show.
The man with the strongest fists
in Featherweight
versus the fastest man
will be something to see.
You got it, don't you?
Overpower Saeki's moves
with right body blows.
What about your plan to use footwork?
Want to test it out?
I won't use footwork.
The match is six rounds.
I can't possibly catch him
with my footwork.
If I can't follow him, I'll wait for him.
Your aim is good.
However, if you mess up the timing,
he'll make you into a sandbag.
I'll give it everything I've got!
He's different from the guy
I met at the weigh-in.
So he's switched over
from nice guy to bad fighter.
Looks like I won't be bored.
Seconds out!
Now, this is the much anticipated match!
Is it Makunouchi with his power
or Saeki with his speed?
The bell is about to ring!
Hey, you! Sound out!
Go, go, Saeki!
It's gonna start.
Go Saeki!
Now the bell has rung to enormous cheers!
Now, let's have a gander
at the power punch you're so proud of.
Saeki begins by establishing a distance.
Makunouchi doesn't move!
Makunouchi keeps a firm guard
and observes his opponent.
Saeki makes a lap around
the ring centered on Makunouchi.
But Makunouchi doesn't move.
What's the matter?
Aren't you gonna try to hit me?
The hint is my training with Yamada-kun.
It's difficult
when someone's glaring at you.
I know it's simple,
but I can put it to practical use.
Stare at Saeki-san's every slightest move.
Saeki looks like
he's having a hard time of it.
That's because, to him,
it feels more like he's being waited for.
It's a simple strategy,
but it's effective.
What are you doing? Exchange blows!
I can't be the first to make a move.
I must wait.
What's the matter?
This isn't a staring match!
Saeki! Your opponent's got the jitters!
He does not, I assure you.
If I go near him, he'll try to bite me.
But will he actually get his teeth in me?
Whoops, Saeki casually strides forward.
What is this?
This pose says, "Fight me!"
He is clearly trying to goad Makunouchi!
And he goes closer
Makunouchi, one-twos! He lashes out more!
Saeki only defends!
Saeki takes a powerful body blow
with his guard
and is blown backwards!
Even the Cross Arm block
doesn't absorb the impact.
He's good.
Once again Saeki establishes a distance.
Whew, that was freaky.
He likes to get up close on purpose
to taste the thrill.
That's how Saeki
likes to raise the tension.
He pushes himself to the brink
to raise his concentration to the max.
And then, he'll gear up one by one.
He brought out the rhythm. He's coming.
He's fast!
He's coming to punch. Now's my chance!
He's fast!
Saeki's speed causes Makunouchi's punches
to swing into thin air!
The Speed Star demonstrates his specialty!
I'm getting shivers.
This is it! I can't get enough
of this feeling.
It's like Saeki-san
is barely dodging on purpose.
But next time
He's good.
Take a good look at Saeki's position.
He can't catch him by himself,
so he's getting help from the corner.
That's smart.
He's really something.
Now Makunouchi's moving! A left barrage!
However, Saeki dodges!
Dodges! Dodges and dodges!
That can't be!
Oh, my! Saeki escapes from the corner!
He doesn't allow
Makunouchi's attack to make a hit!
He is definitely a Speed Star!
Thanks. That had its share of thrills.
That's ridiculous!
Clever boxer.
A boxer who fights calmly using
advanced techniques and his brain.
He will monitor not only his opponent,
but his own condition objectively
throughout a match.
When you think you've caught up,
he'll go one level higher.
I still don't want to give up!
I still haven't shown everyone
I made trouble for that I'm okay!
Next time, "Blind Spot in the Ring."
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