Grantchester (2014) s09e05 Episode Script

Series 9, Episode 5

Daniel, come, take a seat.
I wonder if I should
talk to him more.
Might be something I
need to do on my own.
I'm very grateful, but I'm
afraid I just don't need
a housekeeper. Oh.
I'm moving out.
Fine! Get out!
And here's me thinking
you weren't interested
in all of this.
I'm no detective.
I don't need a detective.
A vicar will do.
"The modern woman finds herself"
"at the dawn of a new era.
"She can now enter
the world of work.
"But how does she
know she is ready
"to put herself to good use?
"She would do well to ask
herself these questions:
"Do you greet the
men you work for"
"with a winning
yet chaste smile?"
"Do you put the needs of others
"before your own?
"Do you complete tasks
"without expectation of praise?
"If yes, then you are ready
to join Harrison and Sons!"
"Far East fabrics,
British excellence!"
Old Man Harrison and
his sodding rules.
What a load of tosh.
Doesn't mention a thing
about creepy Malcolm.
Or getting goosed every
time you make a cup of tea.
What's a "winning
but chaste smile"?
How about
No, wait, wait.
Is it
Hello, love.
What's so funny?
You remember Mae
from the office?
Oh, I remember Mae.
Mr. K.
Nice tie.
Brings out your eyes.
Hello, love.
Hello, Cathy.
What's with the "Cathy"?
Mmm, I'm starving. X-TIMESTAMP-MAP=MPEGTS:6006,
LOCAL:00:00:00.000 Mmm, I'm starving.
Don't mind, do you?
Bit late if I did.
This is nice.
Shall I put the kettle on?
No, we're not stopping.
I'll bring the whites next week?
Thanks ever so, Mrs.
K so good of you.
Well, she's a bit
A bit?
You have Bible study at
3:00, I know.
Parish council at
Let me guess 4:00?
And then we need
to find you a wife.
Is that before or
after Bible study?
The bishop is very particular
about his doilies.
No one cares about doilies.
If you want me to sit in
No, I don't.
I don't mind. Well, I do.
I mind.
My Lord.
Uh, good to see you
again, Mrs., um
Mr. Kottaram.
How are we?
Fantastic, thank you.
Told you.
I never thought I'd say this,
but I now know everything there
is to know about black mold.
A real page-turner.
I think I can save us a few
thousand doing some of the work
on the church myself.
I'm sensing a "but."
You're running
before you can walk.
But if we're looking
to save money
Well, in these times of change,
we need to find
ways to consolidate.
The congregation here
never more than 30.
The church at Newnham barely
full beyond the first rows.
Well, I'm sure you
can gather my meaning.
I'm not sure I do.
We're merging the two.
Winding this church down.
It's for the best.
This congregation will be
served by Newnham's vicar.
Have you met him?
Lovely chap.
So, um
I'm sorry.
What does this mean for me?
You'll caretake
for a few months.
And then?
We'll ponder that when we're
closer to the time, shall we?
God calls us where we're
meant to be, Mr. Kottaram.
Sometimes we don't have
a choice in the matter.
Now, if you have any questions,
don't hesitate to ask.
No, I don't bite.
Right, here's my card.
Thank you so much,
gentlemen. Nice meeting you.
I look forward to doing
business with you.
Of course, thank you.
New girl.
Nice top.
Thank you.
Maybe I could talk
you out of it later.
Good morning, gals.
Good morning, Mr. Harrison.
Have they had my amended rules?
They read them with great
excitement, Mr. Harrison.
Remember, gals.
Winning smiles.
Yes, Mr. Harrison.
Wonderful hospitality
as usual, Mrs., uh
I made my Bakewell specially.
Yeah, well done, you.
It really is for the
best, Mr. Kottaram.
I tried listening, but
you don't half mumble.
You'd do well to be
a bit more like him.
Polite, refined.
Answers questions
when he's asked them.
He doesn't even remember
your name, Mrs. C.
Get Mae for me, would
you, Miss Keating?
Yes, Miss Cheadle.
Miss Cheadle wants you.
Tell the Cheadle she's
otherwise engaged.
You're not frightened of
ghosts, are you, new girl?
Leave her be.
You know, you can hear her
sometimes, weeping and wailing.
No, be gentle with her, Iris.
She always picks
on the pretty ones.
What's the emergency?
Ah, Geordie.
I think I've lost my job.
In fact, I'm pretty
sure I have, so, cheers.
For she's a
jolly good fellow ♪
And so say all of us ♪
All right, boys.
Time for the
bumps. Malcolm, no!
Now, don't encourage
'em, there's a good girl.
Sorry, Mr. Harrison.
Good, good.
19 years old.
Barely remember
what that was like.
But look at you.
Whole life ahead of you.
You'll make some chap
a very lovely wife one day.
All right, five minutes.
Then back to it.
All right, boys.
Have at her!
One, two, three!
HARRISON Miss Cheadle!
Send in the birthday girl.
Miss Keating.
Fetch Mae, would you?
Yes, Miss Cheadle.
Are you in there?
Knew it would rear its
ugly head eventually.
Never known a vicar
without a wayward streak.
No vicar in Grantchester,
it's just
I can't believe he's doing that.
Now, now, he's a man of God.
Absolute bastard. Hmm.
Why bring me here
if he knew there was
no job? Why lie to me?
Welcome to my world.
It's what they do, lie.
If it's not criminals,
it's daughters, and
Lie to their own mothers if it
got them further up the ladder.
What the hell do I do?
Pub? Pub.
Hold that thought.
I'm not in the best
of moods, Geordie.
Neither am I.
If it's not the wife,
it's the eldest.
It's Miss Scott.
It's women in general, really.
Betrayed you, did they?
The Church?
Sorry, I, uh
I couldn't help overhearing.
"Betrayed" is a strong word.
Mm-hmm, it's apt, though.
It's what they do, isn't it?
If you don't quite fit in.
If you're not quite one of them.
There's a body at Harrison's.
Esme works there.
Where's the body?
It's that way, up
there, up the stairs.
What do you think's
happened? Mm?
Swollen eyes, the mouth.
Allergic reaction, maybe?
I'm so sorry.
Mae doesn't have her bag.
She doesn't go anywhere
without her bag.
Come on.
They can't know you're my dad.
None of us are sure
what to do, Officer.
Well, if you wouldn't
mind waiting,
we'll take your
statement shortly.
Thank you.
Come along, darling.
Get this bagged.
Did he tell you?
This is my quiet time, Mrs. C.
He did, didn't he?
Context is always useful.
There is something afoot
with Alphy and the bishop.
So he did tell you.
And I don't feel comfortable
breaking that trust.
He's a gambler, isn't he?
He looks like a gambler.
What does a gambler look like?
Is it women? Is it men?!
You're such a Such a what?
You'll end up falling
out with everyone
if you carry on like this.
I don't fall out with people.
Cathy, Geordie, Esme
I just want to know what's
happening under my own roof.
It isn't your roof,
though, is it?
It's Alphy's roof.
And Alphy's conversation.
And Alphy will tell
you when he's ready.
He's definitely a gambler.
Where is he?
Can I help?
Tell him his daughter
is having sex.
His wife is having kittens.
So he should spruce up a cell,
'cause I'm about
to commit murder.
You haven't heard, have you?
It's a tragedy, really.
Terrible for business.
And the girl.
And her family, and friends.
Goes without saying.
Does it?
I suppose you'll want us
shut for the foreseeable.
Will you?
We have a contract in
London with a big firm.
Rather lucrative.
Poor child.
You should talk to Malcolm,
my second-in-command.
She was
one of the jollier girls.
Some of the secretaries
can be a little po-faced.
Yeah, but she
She what?
We're all gentlemen here.
We all understand
the way of the world.
Explain it to us.
The boys have a game.
The girls are either
Doris Days or Marilyns.
Sounds a little reductive.
They're men, Reverend.
And what was Mae?
A Marilyn.
Very much a Marilyn.
Were you and her
I'm married.
Question still stands.
She was a little
too jolly for me,
if you gather my meaning.
I liked her, I did.
But she was no innocent.
I did my best to protect her.
From anyone in particular?
These young ladies
are impressionable.
Often away from home
for the first time.
The chaps see them as sport.
She was sport to them.
Miss Cheadle, the birthday cake.
Did you make it?
It was from Molly's
Café, in town.
We've never had
a problem before.
That poor girl.
I don't know how you handle it.
I could say the same for you.
The kids, the
house, the husband.
I have to say, it
never appealed.
I haven't been.
Handling it lately.
I mean, me and Esme.
She's A teenager?
The world of work
it comes as quite a shock,
but it's mostly harmless,
don't you think?
Until it isn't.
Esme is out there,
in that world,
and there is not a damn
thing I can do to stop it.
That place, those men.
Puts me in mind of
Daniel in the lion's den.
Yeah, and my little
girl's lunchmeat.
she's sensible.
She's 16 years old.
Were you sensible
when you were 16?
Did you want to
interview her now, Boss?
Just a second.
It can wait.
Promise me you won't get angry.
Angry about what?
No temper-losing,
no veins popping.
Angry about what?
Anything you want to tell me?
Anything important?
It's haunted.
The store room.
Iris, her name is.
Iris the ghost.
Might want to get her
in for an interview.
Did Mae keep company with men?
I don't know.
Would you tell me if you did?
Are you a Doris
or a Marilyn, Esme?
What does that mean?
Would you go out with Mae?
To the cinema sometimes.
Mm-hmm, would you
go out dancing?
No. Drinking?
And dallying?
It's for contraceptive pills.
What are they?
Give over, Esme.
Is it yours?
Answer the question!
She said no.
They think they're so grown-up.
Think they understand
how it all works.
They don't understand
a damn thing.
Esme didn't even
know what they were.
She pretended not to know.
There's a difference.
She still believes
in ghosts, Geordie.
Mae Jenkins' medical
file from Harrison's.
Page two might interest you.
Try talking to her.
Maybe in a less intimidating
setting this time.
Or I can try?
I'm afraid for her, Alphy.
Dad's in a mood, isn't he?
Barely seen him out of
one since I met him.
I'm sorry about your friend.
I didn't always like her.
Is that a terrible thing to say?
She was so loud.
It made me feel quite
small sometimes.
Esme, the prescription.
It's not mine.
Was it Mae's?
They were in her handbag.
Was there a boyfriend?
I love my job so much.
The last thing I want
to do is lose it.
Who was he, Esme?
You were carrying on with Mae.
While your wife waited at home.
My marriage is rather complex.
I'd say.
And Mae was what, a
welcome distraction?
Put it this way, Mae isn't
someone you'd introduce
to your mother. Or your wife?
Did Mae get the impression
that was on the cards?
Meeting mothers? Wedding bells?
Never promise more
than you can deliver.
Did you help her get these?
Never seen them before.
Only available
to married women.
Maybe you went to the
doctor's with her.
Hm? Popped a ring on her finger?
Mr. and Mrs. Smith?
Nice young couple.
Perhaps that's when you
heard her medical history.
Yeah, what medical history?
She has an allergy.
A severe allergy to almonds.
The first I've heard of it.
What did you put them in, hmm?
Maybe the cake?
If I wanted to get rid of her,
all I had to do was
give her her notice.
Why would I bother putting
almonds in a damn cake?
Just tell me the truth
did you set me up to fail?
Why would I do that?
Because I'm dispensable.
Oh, you're being irrational now.
Why offer me the position
if there was none?
Circumstances changed.
Or was I always the scapegoat?
"Indian vicar with a common
accent, yeah, he's the one
that ran the church
into the ground."
Yeah, I thought so.
As a woman of this parish
and former council member
"Former" being the
operative word.
I deserve to have answers.
You don't work here, Mrs. C.
What do you think
I'm doing right now?
Nothing I asked you to
do, that's for sure.
I am doing God's work.
Yeah, and I'm sure God's really
grateful, but I don't need you.
I don't need you hoovering
all day, or
Or making me
breakfasts so large,
I'm expecting to have a
heart attack at any point.
You know? You don't work here.
Okay? And what the bishop says
is none of your business.
It's gambling, isn't it?
Yeah, that's it, it's gambling.
I mean, what do you
want to know, huh?
That he's getting
rid of me already?
That I'm out before
I've even started?
Well, there you go.
Hope you're happy now.
Why are you so angry
with me, Cathy?
I told you she never
should have taken that job.
I tried to put my foot down.
You didn't back me up.
Made me look like the bad one.
You have no idea what
happens in places like that.
With men like that.
Brushing too close to her.
Following her home.
Not every man is a
potential murderer, Cathy.
Show me.
Show me which ones are
and which ones aren't.
You're jumping at every shadow.
You're starting to
sound like your mother.
You're keen. Hm.
How do you think the
filing gets done?
Filing fairy?
They're called women.
Those fairies that make your tea
and darn your socks,
they're called women.
Spoke to the bakery
guess who ordered the cake.
Miss Cheadle.
No? It was a bloke.
Shop girl was a complete dunce,
but she was sure it was a man.
Hiding, are you?
Yeah you?
Mrs. C.
She irons my underwear.
Why does she do that?
Why don't you do that?
I've done some digging.
Another ghost?
Another dead girl.
Used to work at Harrison's.
Jane Goldman, 18 years old.
Died of a botched abortion.
"Open verdict."
What's the betting
one of the Harrison boys
got her in the family way
and goodbye, Jane?
Could be a coincidence.
Or it's all connected.
Hard to tell.
You send someone in.
Someone with excellent
clerical skills
and a brisk yet perky demeanor.
They're already advertising.
No. No way.
One of those girls
knows something.
I could get her talking.
It's not a bad idea.
She's a civilian.
It's too dangerous. You do it.
I would, but they've met me.
Uh, no no.
Just a thought.
In any event, I'm on
leave from tomorrow, so,
I guess my time is my own.
"Do you dress impeccably?"
"Do you refrain from showing
off how much you know?"
"Do you avoid bossing
the men who manage you?"
Can I stop you
there, Miss Cheadle?
Of course, please.
I've worked since I was 16.
I know how to manage men
without making
them feel managed.
Congratulate them on
ideas which were mine.
I know how to deflect the
gropes and the comments.
And your filing?
Second to none.
Then welcome to Harrison's.
I think this is the beginning
of something rather wonderful,
don't you?
I'm on strike.
Well, do you want
to tell me why?
Because you were very rude.
I was very angry
there's a difference.
Not to my ears.
So, this strike.
Is it going to involve
you being here?
No talking across
the picket line.
Well, you couldn't,
I don't know,
strike at home, maybe?
That wouldn't make my point.
And what is your point?
You need me. No, I don't.
I really, really don't.
Cathy, she needs you
more than I do.
Esme, Geordie at a push.
Me, I'm self-sufficient, okay?
Just think of me
as a one-man band.
I hate one-man bands.
Yeah, so do I that
is not the point.
Ink's in the second drawer.
The new girl, Mr. Harrison.
Good, good.
Have you read my rules?
Most comprehensive
thank you.
I run a tight ship,
strict, but fair.
Wouldn't you agree,
Miss Cheadle?
All sundry expenses
must be passed by me.
Everything, Mr. Harrison?
Watch the pennies, the
pounds watch themselves.
Now, run along, you gals.
He's harmless.
New girl.
Tell us everything
what's your secret?
I speak Russian
does that count?
Ah, a Bolshevik.
Fiery, are you? Hot-blooded?
Never during office hours.
He, on the other hand
Miss Keating.
Could you show Miss
Scott the ropes?
Yes, Miss Cheadle.
LOCAL:00:00:00.000 ♪
What happened to you?
Nobody knows how to
work the tea urn.
We have a tea urn?
Yeah, news to me, too.
What do you need, Boss?
You don't know where the
Jane Goldman file is, do you?
No one knows where anything is.
It's chaos out there.
What happened to him? Huh?
Oh, he was born,
and now here we are.
Jane Goldman the
botched abortion?
I was thinking too
much gin, hot bath
Hm, and trip down
the stairs? Exactly.
But ah!
She paid for it.
Harley Street doctor.
Harley Street does abortions?
All the doctors are at it.
Even the posh ones.
A hundred pounds?
Not on the wages she was on.
How the hell could
she afford it?
Where do accounts live?
In the store room.
Watch yourself.
Iris can be a terrible
beast to the new girls.
Do they ever grow up?
"Cleaning," again.
What where you onto, Mae?
There's a chill in
here, don't you think?
Not really.
It's Iris she's
A figment of your rather
trite imagination?
Drink? No, thank you.
It might warm you up.
I think you could do
with some warming
up. Miss Scott.
Perhaps I could assist you.
Thank you, Miss Cheadle.
His poor wife.
How he found one is beyond me.
So far, so normal.
Inappropriate comments.
The men drinking
themselves into a coma
while the women do all the work.
Old Man Harrison? Penny pinch.
Nothing gets bought
without his say-so.
So he orders the cake, poisons
it with almonds, Mae eats it.
Don't want to burst your bubble.
Oh, go on, burst away.
Test came back on
the birthday cake.
No almonds.
You sure?
Wasn't the cake that did her in.
Yeah, so what did?
Mae Jenkins had
this in her desk.
She queried some payments.
There are dozens of
them over the years.
Not for the dusting,
I'm guessing.
They use Bateman's
to clean the offices,
and those payments are
simply marked "Batemans."
Here, see?
So these cleaning payments
don't refer to actual cleaning.
Jane Goldman
when did she die?
March of '58, 15th.
15th of March '58
"Cleaning," same week Jane died.
One hundred pounds.
That's exactly what she
paid for the abortion.
I'll see what else I can
find when everyone's gone,
but it seems like
any girl his boys
get into trouble,
Mr. Harrison pays them off.
He's cleaning up after them.
What does that say?
I'll need my other glasses.
It says "cleaning."
I'll take your word for it.
You signed off these accounts.
Barely read them.
I tend not to bother myself
with trivial matters.
The company accounts
are trivial?
I'm more of a
figurehead these days.
Boozy lunches? Golf?
I hear you're a stickler.
Young Malcolm's more on
top of things these days.
Stepping into your shoes, is he?
He's bright ambitious.
He's getting girls
in the family way
left, right, and center.
Yeah, rather that
than the alternative.
Which is?
These young ladies are, um,
worldly, yeah.
Looking for husbands do
anything to entrap a man.
Chap has to protect himself.
It's not the men who are dying,
Mr. Harrison.
Boss. Mm?
It's with regards to our
colleague and her annual leave.
Miss Scott?
Ask him about Iris.
The ghost?
Before she was a
ghost, she was a girl.
Died ten years ago.
An accident, open verdict.
But her body was found in
In the store room.
The store room.
Iris Buchanan.
She worked for you.
She died on your premises.
That jog any memories?
It was carbon
monoxide poisoning.
Faulty chimney.
When did she die?
November '51.
November '51
One hundred pounds.
Yes, it was a gift
to her family.
Funeral expenses.
The least we could do
in the circumstances.
So you did know about
this particular payment?
Iris was a, a lovely
young thing who died in,
in very unfortunate, very
unfortunate circumstances.
Deemed an accident.
By your colleagues, Inspector.
Working-class girls
with no status, hm?
Easy to get rid of.
A dodgy chimney here.
Backstreet abortion there.
Unrelated incidents.
Scant motive.
Well, look, unless you are
going to charge me, uh,
perhaps one of your gals
could call me a taxi.
Strike over?
I can't ignore dust this thick.
I'm not an animal.
I'm sorry.
I was rude and snappy and
It's no excuse, but
I had no one to turn to, so,
I took it out on you.
And that was unforgivable.
You not a hugger?
I could be persuaded.
If the occasion warrants it.
Thank you, Mrs. C.
You had me to turn to.
I don't want you to
leave none of us do.
And I know you think
I'm just a silly woman.
What? I don't think that.
Just another old biddy
wittering on about jumble sales.
But we're the ones who
keep the parish going.
Organizing everything for you.
Cleaning up afterwards.
No money and no thanks.
But you do it anyway.
'Cause it makes us feel
It makes us feel seen.
When most of the time,
no one sees us at all.
Cleaning why cleaning, huh?
It's an interesting choice
of word, don't you think?
I mean, it's, it's
almost biblical.
And he's off.
It's about so much more than
getting rid of mess, you know?
Actually, no no, no,
no, maybe it's just that.
Someone was getting
rid of the mess,
someone who'd been
there for years.
Someone Mr. Harrison
could trust.
What if Mae was getting
too close to the truth?
It might warm you up.
Test came back from
the birthday cake.
No almonds.
You put it in her
The ones you helped her get.
I had a feeling you were
too clever for this place.
Made you feel
important, I imagine.
Cleaning up after the men.
They didn't even notice you
were doing it, did they?
Are you a police officer?
Just a plain old secretary.
Makes sense, I suppose.
The girls are
dispensable, are they?
You block a chimney,
send them to a dodgy doctor.
Some almond essence, maybe.
Mr. Harrison expects
a tight ship.
He'd thank me if
he knew. Would he?
If I wasn't here,
everything would fall apart.
I keep my office running.
Even I know I'm
completely dispensable.
He needs me.
You'll be gone soon.
There'll be another
girl at your desk.
He won't even
remember your name.
I'm important I am.
Mr. Harrison always says it.
Oh, sweetheart.
You really believe
that, don't you?
You took your time.
Thank you, Miss Scott.
If you'd come with
me, Miss Cheadle.
I can't I can't leave!
Yes, you can,
you're under arrest.
But I have work to do
there's so much work to do.
I've, I've got work to do!
What can I do for you,
Mrs. Keating?
I don't know, really.
I just don't feel myself.
Can you be a bit more specific?
I'm prone to bouts of, uh,
being cross with the children,
apparently, but
it's more a case of,
I feel one thing, then
completely opposite.
And, um
Irrational thoughts,
mood swings, suicidal?
I feel weepy, which is
not like me, and, um
How's the sleep?
Oh, it's dreadful.
I'm tired all day,
and then I can't sleep
at night, and, um
Perhaps find time
to go for a walk
or read something comforting.
I barely have time to
go to the lavatory.
The washing alone is
Mother around to help out?
Take these once a day.
Mood stabilizers.
Can't have you
losing your temper
with the little ones, can we?
Come back in four weeks.
Let's see if things
have settled down.
Don't take this the wrong way,
but Can't promise that.
I've been taking things the
wrong way since before the war.
You're the last person
I expected to see.
Then aren't you lucky that
I'm such a persistent friend?
I feel like I can't win.
Give her her freedom, they say.
Cut the apron strings,
don't cling on.
But as soon as it
goes wrong, it's
the mother who's to blame.
So what do I do?
Do I let her go out there?
This small girl who I
taught to read?
Taught to swim, with my
hand under her belly?
That's exactly what you do.
I want to be with her
every step of the way.
But I can't, can I?
No one can.
And if you try, you'll drive
yourself round the twist.
Maybe I'm already round it.
I don't want to end up like her.
My mother.
You're not mad, Cathy Keating.
You're a woman.
Trying to get by in a world
that isn't made for us.
That's cold and brutal.
And now you know Esme is
old enough to see it, too.
And just like you did
when she was swimming,
you moved your hand
away and told her
how well she was doing.
You let her go.
Thought you might
like some company.
Iris and all that.
I'm not afraid of her.
Glad to hear it.
Good night, ladies.
Real life is much more scary.
I've thought about
punching him a few times.
Only a few? Goodness,
you are doing well.
To men.
I'm kidding to us.
To us.
So, tell me all about
There is a Roman
soldier in our village.
What's he doing here?
The new vicar?
You should be out there,
causing a ruckus.
Mind if I join you?
Another Roman, Mr. Blakely?
You'd best take a look.
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