Hacks (2021) s03e03 Episode Script

The Roast of Deborah Vance


The ones you love
the way they love you
the way you love yourself.
Welcome to SmoothBrain's
guided meditation
for navigating this difficult
time in your relationship.
Exhale negativity.
- Ava!
- Ah!
Mario Cantone is so gay
that when he was born,
the doctor spanked him, and he said
Can you knock?
Why would he knock on a baby's butt?
No, I mean, can you knock on the door
before you barge into my room?
Oh, well, first of all,
this is my room in my house.
And this isn't just any "room."
I mean, this is the
1987 to '92 guest suite.
I know, and it's disturbing.
I'm surrounded by photos
of you shaking hands
with literal war criminals. Can
I hide some of these pictures?
No. Okay, back to the roast joke.
Mario Cantone is so gay
that when he was born,
the doctor spanked him, and he said
Now spin around. It's my turn.
Ha! That's good. That's good.
Okay, I'm going to leave the door open.
I want to air this room out.

- I received a call.
As I was saying, the host of the
- Badz Cicho! Badz Cicho!
[SIGHS] They're
Polish for some reason.
Anyway, Danny Collins called me.
He's leaving late night.
I have been waiting over 40
years for a second chance.
This is it.
I want that chair.
Okay, full-body chills.
- Feel. Goose bumps.
- No.
Okay, I know this isn't my
world, but doesn't the network
already know who they want to take over?
Well, normally, that's how it works,
but right now there's
no clear successor.
Plus, everybody is still talking
about Deborah guest-hosting.
So, even though it's a long shot,
if ever there was a moment, this is it.
It's not going to be easy.
This network has ever
hired a woman for 11:30
or anyone as old as me
- or, let's be honest, a blonde.
It'd be easier to get elected president.
Should we just do that, then?
God, I'd love to get my
hands on those gardens.
But every time I'm at the White House,
it just I don't
know it feels small.
Anyway, the next few weeks
are going to be critical.
I need to be sharper and
funnier than I've ever been,
which is why Ava has
so generously agreed
to come here on her hiatus.
First up is my roast. Jimmy,
is there someone from
the network we can invite?
- Oh, yeah, I'm already on it.
- Fantastic.
More importantly, Damien, schedule me
for a lymphatic drainage and a Fraxel.
Ava, you need to fire my new writers.
- Excuse me?
- Yeah, they're in her office.
They've been here for a
while. I gave them nuts.
Are you serious?
No, I can't fire them.
We know each other.
I cannot afford to have
any new enemies out there.
This'll soften the blow.
Are you being real?
No, don't Wait, what
are you walking away for?
- Hey, Jimmy, tell her
- Okej!
It's like someone's making
French toast all the time.
- Yeah.
- But they're not.
Like, there's no one in
the kitchen right now,
I don't think.
Hey, hey. What is up, my dudes?
- Ava?
- Hey.
Yep, it's your girl.
You guys enjoying Vegas or
- I mean, yeah, it's fine.
- It's okay.
Like, it's a little weird.
I can't find vegetables.
- Totally.
- So I do have news
from the big D.
Um, how do I say this?
Uh, do you guys remember in "Ice Age 12"
when Scrat had to let
the Puffin Twins go
so they could swim back to Puffin Island
because there was no more
room left on the iceberg?
- Are you firing us?
- No, no.
- Yes.
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- This is good for you.
I mean, you guys don't want to be here.
- This is your fault.
- What?
- What do you mean it's my fault?
- You are deadweight.
It's why you didn't make
"Lampoon" until junior year.
- You're not funny.
- You're not funny!
You can't write a joke.
I don't understand watching "30 Rock"
and changing one word
of a Carlock script
and being like, I'm a professional.
Oh, my God, your obsession with
comparing me to Robert Carlock.
- That was horrible.
- Oh, you'll get over it.
No, I will never get
over it. One of them cried.
Oh, that's good.
You know, it's the ones who don't cry
who always bring
wrongful-termination lawsuits.
Hey, yoo-hoo. Sorry to interrupt.
Um, I'm on the phone with
the roast producers, and
They're on mute. Don't worry.
They're saying that it's really helpful
if a family member roasts the honoree,
and they pitched DJ.
- Absolutely not.
- Or
Kathy. Vance. Your sister.
- I'll ask DJ.
- Great.
She loves the idea. She's freaking out.
Yes, she's going to call.
Ooh, I forgot to show you.
I had Damien make this.
It is a full-body printout
of everybody who's doing the roast.
This way, we can concentrate
on attacking their physical flaws.
Just want to say roasts are vile.
I mean, everything about
them is problematic.
The material punches down, almost always
at the expense of women and
other marginalized groups.
It's almost fascistic when
you think about it, you know?
So I have a question for you.
What if we reinvent the roast?
Do, like, an uplifting version of it?
I have a question for you.
What rhymes with "flat tits"?
- I'll look it up on RhymeZone.
- Great.
- Hello, Ms. Vance.
- Hi, April.
Oh, I missed you.
Is this an okay place to set up?
Yeah, it's great.
Um, I'm not going to
sit here and pitch jokes
while you have Botox
needles in your face.
Well, too bad. I was going to
give you ten units for free.
- Can I do my armpits?
- Please.
Sweetie, please, elbows off the table.
The self-tanner stains.
And put your napkin in your lap.
- Mom, I'm an adult.
- Here's your plain pasta with butter.
Ooh, thank you. [CLEARS THROAT]
- My roast.
- Mm-hmm.
The producers want to
know if you'll perform.
Now, I know that sounds a little scary,
but think of all the
D'Jewelry you can promote
and might be a nice bonding
experience for the two of us.
Oh, right.
Yeah, what better way to
bond than let you insult me
in front of tens of millions of people?
Tens of millions, that'd be great.
Honey, sit up straight.
Your posture is atrocious.
Okay, yeah, I'm going to pass.
- Oh, come on.
- Nah, that sounds
like a lose-lose situation for me,
and I just don't need that kind
of stress in my life right now.
I-I get it. I get it.
But, honey, this is
such a big deal for me.
Is there anything I
can do to convince you?
Come to my recovery
meeting with me tomorrow.
I'll write you a check for $25,000.
Mom, come on.
You've never come to one
of these with me before.
And tomorrow's a really big deal.
It's my five-year anniversary.
Please? It would
really mean a lot to me.
- Sure.
- Really?
Yeah, okay.
Oh, awesome. Thank you.
You know what?
I think you're actually
going to enjoy yourself.
There are women there who
are 20 years younger than you
but look 30 years older.
- Ooh, that sounds fun.
- Right.


[GASPS] Ava.
- Hey. I missed you so much.
- BOTH: Ooh.
Um, I thought this was
a school fundraiser.
Girl, it is. It's the PTA fashion show.
But why are all the
women so unbelievably hot?
Okay, horny.
Girl, this is Las Vegas.
Most of the moms here
are showgirls, acrobats,
or, like, married to a Raider.
Yeah, makes sense.
Um, are are there
are there kids here?
No, of course not.
This fundraiser is for
the older, rich dads
with late-in-life kids
to open up their
hearts and their wallets
so the school can finally
have a botanical garden.
Denise. Waist, very snatched.
Ass, very fat.
Also, I love Stephanie's
diorama on the Hoover Dam.
I learned so much.
Mmm. That's, uh, quite good.
Ironically, it would pair
well with a nice dry Chablis.
That'd be super funny if this wasn't NA.
Look who's finally made it in.
- It's Deborah Senior.
- Oh.
Mom, this is Laurie, my therapist.
She leads group.
Oh, so you're the one who
got my little girl clean.
Well, my car insurance
owes you a gift basket.
- Okay.
You crack me up.
I'm sorry I look crap.
I mean, when DJ texted
that you were coming,
I really wanted to look my best.
But my hairdresser had a hip
replacement, and I just
I-I think it has quite
seriously affected her work.
- You look lovely.
- Oh, thank you.
Oh, DJ, you need to Zelle me
for dues and the, um, caramel frappe.
- Mm, mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
Oh, while I remember, which one was it?
- The five.
- That's right. I knew that.
- Your garbage is in the way.
- There we go.
- Thank you so much.
Um, normally, I have to say, you know,
don't be scared about
speaking to the group,
but I think this time, you
are going to be just fine.
Mark, no!
Just use a plate.
Sorry, guys, I just, um
I just got to make sure
that everybody uses a plate,
'cause if there's lots of crumbs,
there's lots of rats,
aren't there? Loads.
Thank you. Sorry. Bye.
She's great, right?
- Um, so I have to say something?
- Yeah, duh.
Say a couple nice words,
present me with the chip.
It's not a big deal.
Like, tighter. Even tighter.
Like, don't be afraid to break a rib.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry. One sec.
- Hello?
- Hi.
I need you to write a few words for me
about how proud I am of DJ
for being five years clean.
Short, sweet, nothing too maudlin.
Okay. When do you need it by?
ASAP. I'm here now.
Just text it to me.
All right, I'll send you
something in a minute.
- Who was that?
- Deborah.
She wants me to write something
for DJ's recovery group.
Mm, that's messed up.
Isn't that, like, personal stuff?
What, she want you to write
her diary entries for her, too?
I did once write her food journal
for "Woman's Day" magazine.
- It was pretty good.
- Ava
look at yourself in the mirror.
You are a bad bitch, in-demand
executive producer now.
Co-producer. It's a couple levels below.
You know that Deborah
used to treat me the same?
Expecting me to deal blackjack
at her house on a moment's notice.
But then I had Luna, and
I said, Deborah, look,
my daughter is my number-one
priority right now.
If you want me to be somewhere,
you got to give me at
least 24 hours' notice
- to get a babysitter.
- And that worked?
No, but she did offer to pay
Luna's school tuition here instead.
They have amazing after-school
care, so I can go whenever.
But the point is, I
did set that boundary.
And now Luna can play the French horn.
- You've got to set boundaries
and keep things appropriate.
- You're right.
- Yeah.
Can you sprinkle some of this glitter
on the top of my ass crack?
- Like, just blow on it.
- Sure.
Dang, why is your breath so hot?
I am so happy to give
you this ten-year chip.
- I love you.
Thank you, Sarah.
And now, last but not least, is Deborah
to give DJ her five-year chip.
I know sobriety has been
a difficult battle for you,
and I haven't always made it easier.
But seeing you here with your friends
and seeing the progress you've made
and the resilience you've shown
over the last five years just
- fills my heart.
Oh, thank you.
You know, DJ's childhood
wasn't what you'd call stable
normal or even lucid.
You know, until she was
seven, she said the kitchen
was "the place where
we kept the batteries."
Every time she rode a
bike, she got pulled over.
In kindergarten, she
learned her ABCs backwards
so she could recite them to a cop.
No, but, seriously, we're
all, uh, really proud of DJ,
and not just me her whole
family and all her friends,
like Mario Cantone.
Speaking of Mario, by the
way, Mario Cantone is so gay
This casino-dealer mother
to second grader Luna
is not playing the
odds with this outfit.
It's Kiki Laos.


[CHUCKLES] Well, that was fun.
I should be coming to
these things more often.
Are you fucking kidding me?
All you had to do was focus
on me for just a few minutes,
but, no, you had to go
telling your shitty jokes.
- "Shitty"?
- Mom.
I have been begging you to come
to these meetings with me for years.
This place is important
to me and to my healing.
But, of course, the
first time you show up,
you just make it all about yourself.
Well, to be fair, all
the jokes were about you.
Oh, my God, you can't even
stop telling jokes now?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I
didn't do therapy good,
you know, but at least I showed up.
Well, I really wish you hadn't.
You know, I don't need this.
I came, even though this is
a very important time for me.
Well, it's a very important
time for me, too, Mom.
I'm pregnant.
Well, I wish I wasn't
finding out like this.
I wasn't supposed to tell anybody
until after the anatomy scan,
because, technically, it's
it's a geriatric pregnancy.
Don't you dare say a goddamn word!
Honey, I
Wow. It's
Congratulations. This is amazing.
- Come on, give me a hug.
- I'm not giving you a hug.
You know, one of the very first
thoughts I had when I found out
that I was having a baby was,
how do I protect my child
from getting fucked up
by you for shit like this?
I'm walking home.
Oh, come on, at least take an Uber.
I'm locked out of my account!


- Ew!
- W-what the hell?
Why doesn't anyone here knock?
Why don't you shut the bathroom door?
I don't have to shut
the door it's my room.
Oh, I saw something.
- What do you want?
Well, I'll tell you what I want.
What I want is to rip
my mom a new asshole.
So my roast jokes are gold,
but what I'm struggling
with is my catchphrase.
Yeah, every good comedian
has a catchphrase.
Your mom doesn't.
Well, not anymore,
but she used to say,
"Put down the fork!"
- Right.
- So this is what I'm thinking.
Are you ready?
What a cunt!
Oh Wow.
- That is strong.
- Yeah.
Um, can I hear what else you've written?
Yeah, yeah. Okay, um
All right, my mom's so old,
her social security
number is 2. What a cunt!
[CHUCKLES] Um, yeah, that that sounds
like it came out of, like, a joke book.
Yeah, that's where I got it.
- Is that not allowed?
- Not really.
Ooh, what if I change
the number 2 to 69?
Not really the issue.
- 420?
- Yeah, we
I don't know any other funny numbers.
It it's more so the
the joke book thing.
Made me laugh. Okay, um
Oh, God, you're going
to die. This is so good.
Okay, my mom's always on her phone
looking at real estate apps.
I'm like, stop looking for houses
and start looking for a damn grave site.
What a cunt!
- She's old.
Um, okay.
So I'm feeling like for
you, maybe one-liners
is not going to be, like,
necessarily the way to go.
What if you tried telling
funny stories about your mom
from, like, real-life experiences?
You're saying that the
truth might hurt her more.
- Yeah.
- Whatever hurts her the most.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Okay. You are good.
- Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.
- I'm pregnant.
What? Holy shit.
- Give me a hug.
- Congrats.
Oh, my God. Congratulations.
Oh, I'm going to be an uncle.
Yeah. Oh, my God.
I'm really really feeling nauseous.
Do you have any plain crackers in here?
- Um, yeah.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, I actually do.
- Yeah, yeah, could you hurry?
So, just so you know,
DJ asked me to help
with her roast material.
How is it?
Have you thought about
maybe having her not do it?
- Oh, God, is it that bad?
- Yeah.
I don't want her to embarrass herself,
especially if she's pregnant.
Congratulations, by the way.
If you're looking for a
name, Ava is beautiful
very hot-girl vibes.
- I'll talk to her.
- About the name?
About the roast.

What do you want?
- May I come in?
- You may not.
Okay. Okay, listen, I feel terrible,
terrible about what
happened the other night,
and I want to help you out.
I want to set you and Aidan up
with round-the-clock nanny care.
I want to hire a chef who
can come up with a meal plan
to make sure you're
getting enough folate.
And I'm going to buy some
baby toys that educate
- but also have no sound.
- Yeah.
Uh, no, thank you. I don't
need anything from you.
I'm perfectly capable of
handling this pregnancy
on my own.
I Yeah.
Um, well, look, at least let
me help you out with the roast.
I-I know from experience how
stressful performing can be
when you're pregnant.
So I came up with an entire set for you.
All you have to do is stand up
there and read it easy peasy.
Oh, my God!
This is my Cornell admissions
essay all over again.
I wrote you a gorgeous essay.
News flash, Mom I'm
stronger than you think,
and I'm going to do the roast my way,
and I'm going to crush it.
And when I'm done doing
my roast all over you,
they're probably going to
offer me a late-night show.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
You're the one who's going to get hurt
when I rip you a new one.
Please, please, let's not fight.
I-I just want to support you
and my future granddaughter.
You don't know the gender yet.
Well, they say little
girls steal your beauty,
and your hair's been
looking a little bit thinner.
I was so relieved when we got Mario.
I know. He's going to
bring amazing energy.
Oh, wait, have you
seen any of DJ's jokes?
- How are they?
- No. I don't know.
She wouldn't send them
in for the prompter.
- Oh.
- I know.
- Oh, hello, Ava.
- What's up?
Nice to see you, Ava.
Don't worry, Mom. They're
almost done with me.
I'm sure they're going
to need all hands on deck
- to finish you up.
- Oh, make sure
you contour her nose and
fill in those eyebrows.
She's an over-tweezer.
- Sorry to intrude,
but I couldn't wait to
meet the Deborah Vance.
- Hi, I'm Jack Danby.
- Hi.
Nice to meet a young man with manners.
Well, it's nice to meet
a young woman with class.
- Oh, please.
And I love seeing a man who knows
- how to dress for these events.
- Thank you.
No, I'm always saying, I was
born in the wrong generation.
I-I hate athleisure wear,
and I love to drink at lunch.
But, seriously, I-I-I can't
tell you what an honor it is
to share the stage with you.
You're, like, one of my comedic idols.
So I wanted to tell you
that before I eviscerate you
on national television.
Oh, I appreciate that.
- I'll see you out there.
- Can't wait.
Now, that
is a funny young man.
I don't think I've ever heard you call
someone funny who didn't
have a chromosomal disorder.
Oh, don't talk about yourself that way.
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?
- I said, are you ready?
- All right, girl.
I have to spit out my lozenge.
Damien! Damien!
Deborah Vance!

Thank you very much.
I'm Mario Cantone.
You know, when I was asked
to be the roast master
for a trailblazing icon,
I immediately said yes.
But then a couple of days later,
they called back and said
Angela Lansbury just died,
so never mind.
Anyway, we are here to
celebrate Deborah Vance.
- Oh, yes.
So our first comedian is
the nicest guy in Hollywood,
which is what people
say when you are pretty
and you have no talent.
Please welcome Jack Danby.
Deborah is so old, she still
calls movies the talkies.
It's not her fault, though.
You don't know what they are
if you can't get cast in them.
Deborah, you're an important reminder
of what my future could look like
if I don't find a decent plastic surgeon
and just allow a carpenter
to rebuild my face.
Deborah is so old,
she remembers when Roe and Wade
were still very good friends.
Deborah Vance is on my
personal Mount Rushmore.
And by that, I mean, I thought
she died, like, 200 years ago,
and she probably owned slaves.
Tell me, sis. Not today. Not me.
Okay, maybe just for one night.
I'll do some light cleaning.
Deborah's jokes are so cheap,
you'd think the kids in her
QVC sweatshops make them.
Give them water!
They're working so hard!
I've never understood why
Deborah is so huge with gay men.
You are so popular with gay men.
Never got that, and then
I met her, and I realized,
oh, she smells like poppers,
and her face looks like a nut sack.
There you go. Are you
enjoying your evening out?
As we have all made clear tonight,
Deborah Vance has made a lot
of mistakes in her career.
But I'm happy to bring up
her biggest mistake of all
her daughter, DJ.
You may know DJ from her D'Jewelry line,
which is so ugly, she belongs in d'jail.
Everyone, please welcome DJ Vance.
Hi, I'm DJ Vance. My
mom is here tonight
is something I could never
say at a ballet recital.
Um, a lot of people think my mom
was a negligent, inattentive mother.
No, I'm just kidding.
My mom gave me everything I have
a house, an education,
crippling anxiety,
bipolar disorder, multiple subpoenas.
What a cunt!
You know, a lot of
people don't know this,
but I was a C-section birth.
Yeah, not for any medical reasons,
but because my mom says, and I quote,
"I'm known for my grip."
What a cunt!
Okay, I was wrong, really wrong.
You know, some of you may know this,
but my mom is always
collecting antiques.
I'm like, bitch, you are an antique.
What a cunt!
Anyway, before I go,
I do just want to say one
last thing to you, Mom.
And I have to apologize
I know you don't like
when I get all sappy
and sentimental, but
we've been through a
hell of a lot together.
And I know that we don't
always say this to each other,
but it's important to me that you know
that written on my heart
will always be those
three little words
ALL: What a cunt!

Thank you so much. Thank you.
- You were so funny.
- Stop.
- You killed it.
- Thank you.
- I'm gonna get you a drink.
- Thanks.
- DJ.
- Mm.
- You were incredible.
- Mom, that was amazing.
I have never experienced
anything like that before.
- I finally get it.
Why comedy was always the
most important thing to you.
You know, I spent my whole life thinking
you were a narcissist,
but it turns out
you're actually an addict like me.
You're addicted to getting laughs.
And, I mean, I can go to group
to stay sober, but you can't.
Your addiction is the group.
There's no hope for you.
Oh, my God, I feel so much better.
Oh, good I think.
Um, well, anyway, you were just amazing.
And I'm sorry I ever underestimated you.
Thank you.
If you ever want me to go
back to group with you
No, no, no, I'm good.
I'm sorry about the way I acted.
That's okay.
Addicts always hurt the ones they love.
- And it's completely non-invasive?
- Completely.
You were on bed rest for two weeks.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I mean, that's huge.
And I will say, it couldn't
happen to a nicer guy.
Someone funnier, yes.
What are we congratulating you on?
A Deadline article just came out.
Danny Collins is retiring,
and apparently Jack is the
front-runner to replace him.
Is that right?
It's just a rumor right
now, so I don't know.
- What don't you know?
- Well, uh
No, no, no, no, it's great. It's great.
You're perfect for it.
You're generically funny.
Excuse us.
I guess you don't
find him funny anymore.
- Smug piece of shit.
- Ooh.
Come on, we got work to do.

Good morning.
I thought you might
want your lozenge back.
Ew, no.
God, that's been in your hand.
God knows how many germs there
are in that giant ecosystem.
Perfect segue.
I'm only here for another 86 days.
So I would love to set some boundaries
for our working relationship.
"Boundaries"? Okay.
I would prefer that you
use the outdoor shower.
I'm serious, okay? This
isn't the same as before.
I'm a co-producer now.
[GASPS] Ooh, la, la, a co-producer.
Oh, fine, fine. What do you want?
Well, to start, I would like
you to stop handing me things
that have been inside your mouth
or asking me to fire people.
Fine. Deal.
I'm actually not done.
I want you to knock
before you enter my room.
I want clearer-cut set work
hours with overtime pay.
I'm not going to be
writing personal material
for you anymore.
And no more jokes about
my physical appearance.
Yeah, nothing about my face, my hair,
you know, what I'm
wearing, what I'm eating,
and, most importantly,
the size of my hands.
Oh, come on, now, those
are grandfathered in.
I can go back to LA right now.
All right. All right.
I agree to your terms
but on one condition.
I'm not going to your bra
lady for a fitting, okay?
My bra fits fine. Yeah, it kind
of hurts, but that's what bras are.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
While you're here,
you make time to work on your own stuff.
Okay, cool.
So you're doing Hoda on Monday, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay. So I feel like
over the weekend, I could
probably get some stuff together,
but I think the Carrot Top
stuff is, like, pretty timeless.
Um, but I also kind of had the idea
that maybe we bring out
some of the old footage,
which kind of could be major,
um, just since it's already
ready and you have that video.
And, also, I think that appeals to more
of, like, a, you know, wider crowd.
That's something that
can What's up, Josefina?
- Ava.
- Yeah?
Do you need me to give your hair CPR?
Because it is limp and lifeless.
Oh, my God, are you serious?
- That is not fair.
[LAUGHING] No workarounds.
- Also, Ava
- No.
I have started the Mediterranean diet,
and I am out of olive oil.
Can I use your forehead?
- That's funny.

[GRUNTS] Come on. Huh.
People, let me tell you
what my woman told me today ♪
She said, "Baby, I still love you ♪
Love you in the same old way" ♪
But you got to take care of business ♪
Like you're supposed to do ♪
Or I ain't got no other choice ♪
I got to replace you ♪
You better listen to me, baby ♪
Hear what I say ♪
If you can't TCB, you got to TYA ♪
- Hey, hey! Come on ♪
- TCB or TYA ♪
Got to, got to get
it - TCB or TYA ♪
Hear what I say ♪
She done tell me about her friend ♪
Whose name is Mary Jane ♪
She said that her husband ♪
Buys her everything ♪
I tried to make her see the place ♪
Where money wasn't where it's at ♪
She said, "If
you ain't got none, huh ♪
Think you better get your hat" ♪
You better listen to me, baby ♪
Hear what I say ♪
If you can't TCB ♪
You got to TYA ♪
- Hey, hey! ♪
- TCB or TYA ♪
You got to tear it on down ♪
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