Haven s03e04 Episode Script

Over My Head

Previously on Haven - What's wrong? - I can feel you.
- How long have you known? - A while.
The Hunter, it's a meteor storm.
It comes every 27 years, and when it does I disappear.
No, Nathan, it's coming in 46 days.
Easy, easy, easy with the triggers people.
- I'm a cop.
- What led you to Haven? I talked to the local chief.
I'm gonna accept his job offer.
Hey, I'd rather be in the sticks than a body bag.
You pushed him away on purpose.
Nathan would never have stopped trying to save me.
And you're trying to protect him.
You didn't need me to help find him.
You needed me to kill him.
Duke What happened back there? - What caused that? - Bolt gun.
Normally used to put down livestock.
An identical wound.
What who's that? - Rosalyn.
- Rosalyn? Whoever abducted you is doing this.
He's still here.
And then he scalped her.
Killed with a bolt gun.
Think one of your "troubley" people did this? Back of the head.
Just like the other two.
This isn't a troubled person.
Three women.
All killed the same way.
Haven's got itself its first serial killer.
First the nose.
Now a scalp.
Taking trophies.
I was surprised you changed your mind about joining up.
You're not already regretting it, are you? Kidding me? This crazy stuff is exactly why I stayed.
You got something here? Maybe.
Good thing our killer's ink is in a different place.
Otherwise you'd have some explaining to do.
What's the symbol mean anyway? It's a townie thing.
Can you take point on this? You want me to hold the scene down for Audrey? No.
Catch her up later.
Surprised she's not here.
Her day off? No days off in Haven.
Think back.
It's 1983.
You're Lucy.
You're on the beach with this necklace.
You're holding Duke's hand.
Duke's only eight.
What do you remember from that day? This is stupid.
It's not stupid.
It's regressive hypnotherapy.
And I blew three days on the web trying to figure it out.
I thought you learned this in medical school.
You kidding? Yale thinks this past-life hypnosis stuff is all bull.
Then why are we doing it? Because whether Yale wants to believe it or not, you've had a past life.
Several, actually.
And desperate times require desperate measures.
It's been three sessions and I haven't remembered anything.
Regression is weird.
You never know what is gonna trigger a memory.
We kind of just got to wait.
I don't have time to wait.
Do you want to talk about that? No.
There's nothing to talk about.
How are things between you and Nathan after your talk? Does he know why you pushed him away? No.
But it's better that way.
Until I find out more about what happened to the Colorado Kid Nathan's safer.
And Duke? How are things between the two of you after what happened? Harry Nix was a monster who was troubled, and he would have killed hundreds of people.
It doesn't mean it was an easy decision to kill him.
Listen, I know what I asked Duke to do wasn't fair.
But I did what I had to do.
And I did what I could do.
I am running out of time, Claire, okay? In a little over a month, I disappear.
And there are still so many people that I need to help.
You're only one person, Audrey.
You can't save everyone.
But I have to try.
You can do it, Frank.
Jump to me.
You're too far.
The water won't be over your head.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
I'm going to drown.
You're not going to drown.
I promise.
For crying out loud, Frank.
A three-year-old can learn to swim.
What are you so afraid of? Alice? Alice? _ - Over My Head - Whatever did this is big.
Yeah, so where the hell did it go? I'd like to know how it got in the pool in the first place.
I swim laps here in the morning.
At least I used to.
My wife said I had to learn to swim.
Said it was dangerous I couldn't, in a town surrounded by water.
More dangerous than this? And you're sure you didn't see what attacked your teacher? Piranhas.
The Loch Ness Monster.
Frank, have you ever had anything like this happen to you near the water? What do you mean? Does anyone in your family have Issues with water? My mother and father are sailors.
They love the water.
Okay, so what can you tell me about your teacher? Not much.
She wasn't my regular teacher.
She just took over when Daphne didn't show.
What are you doing here? Heard there was a monster in the pool.
Thought I'd come check it out, you know.
Concerned citizen and all.
What are you doing here? He was just leaving.
Just staying.
This is a police investigation.
You're not a cop.
Well, you wanted my help last time.
Isn't that right, Audrey? We don't even know that it's a trouble.
Yeah, we do.
He just shows up? Thinks he can do what he wants? He just killed a guy.
Only because I asked him to.
Are you sure about that? When he transforms, he gets a rush.
You've seen it yourself.
He didn't ask for what happened to him.
That doesn't mean he's not gonna learn to like it.
Hey, Frank.
See you in there, all right? Mmhmm.
I know.
Monster in the pool.
- Monster? - Pool? Never mind.
What's up? We came by the ATM this morning, but Detective Bowen wouldn't tell us what happened.
Well, finally, someone who knows what "police investigation" actually means.
The killer who abducted Audrey.
He murdered another woman, didn't he? What did he cut off this time? I think I'm gonna follow Tommy's lead on this one.
We just want to help.
Tell me about the tattooed people.
You think they had something to do with the killings? The days of one-way information flow are over.
You want to get, you're gonna have to give.
They've been in Haven for generations.
Call themselves "the guard.
" They refuse to let the troubled be victimized.
And they won't hesitate to kill to protect them.
How do I contact them? It's not like they have a clubhouse.
One of them works at the Gun & Rose.
Lunch shift.
Look for Jordan.
Now how hard was that? Mmhmm.
Your turn, Nathan.
The serial killer Has the tattoo.
How do you know? Nope, that's all you get.
Uh, leave it alone.
I'm serious.
This changes everything.
Yeah, well, we don't have all the facts.
And how are we gonna get them? Nathan isn't gonna tell us.
He doesn't trust us anymore.
Detective Bowen's doing quite a bit of work on the case.
Why would he help us? Maybe he won't have a choice.
Frank came to see me a couple months ago.
Most extreme case of hydrophobia I've ever seen.
Is he troubled? It never came up.
I did all I could for him on dry land, then I sent him to Daphne at the swim center.
She has a way with the Scaredy-cats.
Oh, and you left this at my place.
I didn't want you to think you lost it.
Audrey? Audrey, can you hear me? What? You totally zoned out.
You could have had a small seizure.
I remembered.
That day on the beach, I actually remembered it.
That's great.
I was Lucy.
I could feel being Lucy.
That's never happened to me before.
Okay, Aud, got to go.
Hey, Nathan.
From a Porbeagle shark.
Lucassi dug it out of Alice's leg.
- Attacked by a shark in a pool? - Mm-hmm.
It's a trouble all right.
Does Claire think Frank's troubled? She's not sure.
But she did say he's just gotten out of the hospital, so we should talk to him.
So how's it going with Claire? Good, good.
Did you get an ID on the woman at the ATM? Yes.
Mary Smith.
Her, uh, family says she has no connection to the victims, and they swear she's not troubled.
Who's this tattooed person? And why is he killing these women? And why would they abduct me? That's exactly what I plan on asking.
I found out they call themselves the guard.
One of their members works at the Gun & Rose diner out on route 10.
And you think they're just gonna talk to you because you have the tattoo now? It's worth a try.
You don't even know what it means.
Then I fake my way through it.
Nathan, it's dangerous, okay? Would you just, please would you be careful? Be careful.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, me too.
What does he want? He said he wanted to be involved.
Yeah, well, don't always get what we want.
You gonna tell him about that other thing? You gonna tell him about the guard? No, I don't want him anywhere near that.
Someone with the tattoo is gonna kill him one day.
About time.
The Scooby van was about to leave without you two.
Duke, I know what you did saved lives, but I know you, and I don't trust that that'll be the end of it.
Nathan, I don't think this is about you not trusting me.
I think you're pissed Because Audrey does.
There's someone in there.
Hey, you okay? Oh.
Sir, are you okay? Mr.
Harris, are you sure you're okay? I was just driving along.
Where did that water come from? Looked like a broken water main.
But the fish? There are fish in my car! Rock cod.
It wasn't a shark.
Harris, do you know a Frank Bentley or an Alice Hargrove? She teaches at the swim center? I don't know either of them.
I hate the water, and I never go to the swim center.
Looks like you cut yourself.
Yeah, you should get that checked out.
No, it's fine.
Look, I just live around the corner.
I just want to go home, get out of these wet clothes, and pretend none of this ever happened.
That is the Haven way.
- Do you mind? - Yeah, well - What? - We'll be there in five.
The guy from the pool? He's dead.
We should, uh we should get on this.
I'm gonna kill him.
Harris, we'll have the car towed.
But I want you down at the station as soon as you get cleaned up.
We need to talk more.
Detective Bowen, this is a surprise.
Yeah, I got a surprise too.
One of the cops from my old precinct called.
Said you guys are checking up on me? Oh, just getting some background for an article.
Lots of people are curious about our new big city detective.
In fact, we were hoping to get an interview.
No interviews.
Stay out of my business.
Well, we were just Are we clear on that? 'Cause I just want to make sure that we're clear.
Of course, Detective.
Our apologies.
Won't happen again, sir.
That's good.
Thank you.
You were right.
That is a man with something to hide.
Something serious.
Pull out every contact you have.
Someone in Boston knows why our "big city detective" is hiding out in Haven.
Wife found him collapsed against the wall of the shower, still on his feet.
Hit his head somehow? But there's no contusions.
And check this out.
His lungs are full of water.
So how does a grown man drown standing up in the shower? Duke and I just talked to Frank's wife.
She said he definitely wasn't troubled.
But she did give us some information about Daphne, the missing swim teacher.
She said that Frank had been calling her all morning and wasn't able to reach her.
Think she's another victim? Or she's the one who started it.
Did you deputize him or something? Hey, good idea, buddy.
Don't call me "buddy.
" Hey, we should go over to Daphne's house, okay? There might be some clue there where she's gone.
Maybe she had something to do with this.
Stay there.
Come here.
With the dead body? Fine.
I can't go if I'm gonna make it to the Gun & Rose in time.
Listen, I'll take Duke with me, all right? That way I can figure out why he's following us around.
I'm guessing he's still pissed about Harry Nix.
That you didn't trust him enough to tell him what was going on.
I am so enjoying how unhappy he is.
This is Daphne's cell phone number.
First assignment, if you want to be part of the team, is to call her.
And keep on calling her until she picks up.
So you're really just following us around to piss Nathan off? Icing on the cake.
No, I'm serious, Duke.
You After what happened, I I would have thought you had enough of the troubles for a while.
Looking for Daphne? Detective Audrey Parker.
Haven PD.
I'm just Duke.
Um, Bob Harmon.
I just live next door.
Daphne didn't show up to work today.
And she's not answering her phone.
Come to think of it, I didn't see her car when I got in last night.
It's a green sedan.
She usually just parks it in the driveway.
Does she have a boyfriend? Or anywhere else she might spend the night? Not that I know of.
But she did just get a new job selling pharmaceuticals.
She travels all over the county.
I suppose she could have spent the night at a hotel, but, you know, it's not like her not to keep in touch.
You okay? Yeah, I'm okay.
It's just I'm itchy.
It's like I got something Crawling all over me.
What the oh, my God! - Hey.
Get 'em off me! Call 911.
Get 'em off me! Help me! More coffee, Chief? Or can I talk you into some pie? Coffee, thanks, Jordan.
Maybe just the check.
Have a seat.
Am I in some kind of trouble? Just looking for some information.
About what? Ask yourself.
You've got one too.
Or let me guess.
You got it just to be cool, and you have no idea what it means.
I didn't get it to be cool.
Then why? Back when the rev tried to divide the town, made me realize I had to pick a side.
So I got this to show which one I chose.
Good for you.
We done? Do you people have a leader? I want to meet him.
We don't talk to, uh, outsiders.
I bust my ass every day, trying to help the troubled.
That doesn't count for something? Tattoo or not, you're still a cop.
Are you doing something illegal? Hey.
Be right there.
Well, it's been fun.
Have a nice life.
I'd like to talk to you again.
'Cause this went so well.
Your people don't want me as an enemy.
My people can handle it.
You sure about that? Place closes at 10:00.
Come back then if you have to.
Hey, boss.
How's Daphne's neighbor? - Where you been? - None of your business.
So what do you got? No permanent damage.
We're trying to find a connection between the victims.
And the only thing we've come up with is this mysterious woman Daphne, the swim teacher.
But we did put out an APB.
- Really.
- Yeah.
Daphne worked with Alice, Frank was her client, and Bob was her neighbor.
But what about the, uh the guy with the fish in his car? Reed Harris.
He said he didn't know anyone at the swim center.
Maybe he knows her, but somehow he just hasn't made the connection.
Or maybe he just lied.
Stan, has Reed Harris come in - What? - To give his statement yet? Harris never came in.
Stan hasn't been able to reach him.
All right, so no luck with Daphne.
Let's go after Reed.
I should have put him in a cell.
Just let him help.
We owe him.
You owe him.
Vincent, stop playing computer games.
You're supposed to be looking for information.
No, no, no.
I found something.
Tommy has a sealed internal affairs jacket back in Boston.
What's in it? It's sealed.
Well, how does that help us? Well, whatever it is, it must be something bad.
Something so bad, Tommy decided to hide from it here in Haven.
Yeah, since no one would want to live in Haven just because.
What is in that file could be exactly what we need to persuade Detective Bowen to share information with us.
You suggesting blackmail? Feels like old times, eh? Bingo.
All right.
On the case.
Hey, Sherlock and Holmes.
Cell phone.
It's the same pattern.
Help! Over here.
Harris, can you hear me? I need an ambulance at 147 Berkeley.
Victim's a male suffering extreme blood loss.
It's barely a scrape.
It shouldn't be bleeding that much.
Careful with that blood.
If he's troubled, the last thing we need is you turning all silver-eyed.
It's not the troubles.
It's karma.
For killing her.
Killing who? Who did you kill? The car.
I didn't see it until it was too late.
I swerved, but She went over the edge.
Into the ocean.
I know I should've stayed.
But I was scared.
I can't wait for that ambulance.
I got a first aid kit in the truck.
Harris? Reed? You need to hang on, okay? Help is on the way.
Harris? Mr.
Harris! He's gone.
Reed hated the water.
Maybe the guilt of him causing this woman to die in the ocean, maybe that maybe that triggered his curse? No, but that doesn't add up.
What about Daphne? Whatever his curse was It's over now.
Maybe it's not Reed.
Maybe it's Daphne.
Maybe it's her car that went over the cliff.
Maybe she is the one who's causing all this.
Help me, someone! Help me! I'm gonna drown! - I can't breathe.
- Duke, why are you wet? Audrey, I think I'm drowning.
Duke! Duke! Oh! No, Duke.
No, you're not going to die on me, okay? What happened? I think it's Daphne.
I think that she's the one doing this.
So, if I'm right, Daphne survived the crash.
She's desperate to be saved, and so her trouble is bringing her worst fears to life.
So anytime Daphne thinks about a potential rescuer, they experience whatever's happening to her? Yeah.
Alice at the swim center.
And Bob was her neighbor.
Both people, she thought, would notice her missing first.
And then she must have thought that Reed would have a change of heart and tell the police where she was.
But he didn't.
And he bled out, which Must be an injury that she suffered in the crash.
I didn't know Daphne.
How'd she target me? Maybe one of your calls got through, and your name came up on the screen.
That's what I get for helping.
You know, we may want to ask ourselves how many more people have to die just because she thinks about 'em? None.
All right? 'Cause we're gonna find her.
So we need to use what she's projecting as clues.
So we know she's probably on cliff road.
There's only four turnouts without guardrails.
That's still over a 10-mile stretch.
Most crabs live in wash zones.
Porbeagle sharks like cold water.
Which means she's near one of the deeper bays.
Only one of which has a cliff with a wash zone at its base.
I know where she is.
But we don't have much time before the tide comes up.
If I call fire and rescue, I'm putting them right in the path of Daphne's trouble.
We'll get her ourselves.
I've got some rope in the truck.
Let's go.
Before she takes another crack at me.
This is all the rope I have.
Hope it's enough.
I can't believe she could still be alive down there.
If she is, not for long.
The tide's coming up.
Tie it to the truck.
I'll go first.
If she sees me, I'm I'm immune.
Whoa, hey, hey, hey.
You okay? - What just happened? What's Duke doing? He's gonna kill her.
Stop the trouble.
Nathan, don't.
- She's the one in danger.
- No, Nathan, listen.
He's the same Duke that he was last week.
The same Duke that you've known your whole entire live.
Is someone there? Help! Oh, my God! Thank you! I knew someone would come and save me.
The rocks are gonna fall.
Daphne! - You're doing this! You're causing the rocks to fall! You have to stop! Hurry! She's gonna cause a rock slide! Get away from her car! He's gonna kill her.
I didn't know you were gonna be here.
Daphne asked me to come by so she could say thank you, I guess.
How is she? She's wrapping her head around the fact that she's responsible for hurting and killing people she cared about.
Yeah, it's gonna be a hard thing to live with.
I'm gonna recheck her vitals.
Hey, I wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for helping us find Daphne Alive.
We couldn't have done it without you.
"And thank you for not killing her.
" You know I'm gonna just assume that's implied.
Of Course not.
Nathan can think whatever he wants.
I don't care, but You're the one who asked me to kill that man, asked me to do something that I said I would never do.
I know.
This is It's all my fault.
That's just it.
It was my decision.
That's why I wanted to be on this case, Audrey.
To show you that my family's legacy does not control me.
And neither do you.
I know, Duke.
I know.
Don't even think about it.
- Wouldn't dare.
- Good.
Uh, but Just wondering.
You know, how much about this was about you worrying that Audrey sees you differently now? I don't worry about what Audrey thinks of me.
Just keep telling yourself that.
That's not bad, for a diner.
Private stock.
Straight from Japan.
Sounds like something Duke would smuggle in.
We don't associate with Crocker.
No, I don't suppose you would.
Well, now that the chitchat portion of our evening is over, why are you here? Why get inked with a symbol you know nothing about? I know it's worn by the troubled.
I know my father had one.
Garland Wuornos didn't have a tattoo.
Chief wasn't my biological father.
A guy named Max Hansen was.
Max? Wow.
Uh, we didn't know that.
You ever run into him? Before my time.
What's with the gloves? Well, you're right about one thing.
You don't get the tat unless you're troubled.
So? Pain.
Terrible, searing pain.
One touch and you're doubled over on the floor, wishing you'd never been born.
Can you control it? Of course not.
I can't touch anyone without them.
I haven't been able to for years.
What are you doing? You don't feel it? No.
I don't feel anything ever.
That's my trouble.
Can I have my hand back, please? I'm one of you, and I want to help.
I'll prove you can trust me.
How? You tell me.
Do the cops know you're doing this? Audrey Parker know? No.
This is personal.
I'll talk to my people.
This better not be about my case.
Actually It's about you.
A friend at the Boston Herald shared some interesting things about a shooting you were involved in a few months ago.
We were curious if Nathan knew why internal affairs was so interested.
Never came up.
Well, maybe it's best it doesn't.
You know, you two aren't the only ones who know how to do some digging.
Wonder how much Nathan knows about your past.
Think he knows that you two not only own the Haven Herald, but half of all the commercial real estate in Haven? I doubt it.
Took me digging through layers of shell companies, just to figure it out.
All of which then led to a string of offshore bank accounts.
You two are worth millions.
I mean, not like I could tell based on your wardrobe.
Yeah, well, it's family money.
The Teagues go back to the very founding of Haven.
Your family might, but not the money.
There is no record of a trust or transfer of monies on the federal tax rolls.
It's almost as if it just appeared out of thin air.
- Care to explain? - Not really.
Didn't think so.
Listen, how about this? You stay out of my business, and I will stay out of yours.
Yeah, that might be for the best.
For now.
All this supernatural crap that goes on around here.
Why are you two so caught up in this serial killer? Make no mistake, Detective Bowen.
We keep a very close eye on everything that happens here in Haven.
And everyone.
Agent Howard? You have to stop.
Stop what? Remembering.

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