Hotel Portofino (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


Wait, wait, wait!
Stop! Stop. I need to stop.
If they catch you,
they'll deport you.
I-I can't.
You must.
I can't.
Yes, you can.
Go, go, go, go!
Come on, come on.
Eccoli la! Eccoli la!
Nish! Nish!
Come on.
Ehi, vieni!
Venite! Hanno trovato qualcosa.
Bugger, bugger, bugger.
It's Wingfield.
Well, good night, then.
Good night.
Come on, Nish. Where are you?
I understand.
You don't.
It's very kind.
Thank you very much.
Don't slip, my dear.
Oh, Lady Latchmere, I do hope
that last night's hijinks
didn't disturb you too much.
No, no, no. They seemed to have
a much gayer evening than we did.
I'm only sorry that Melissa
didn't stay behind.
Don't look so surprised, my dear.
I've decided to try and follow your
lead and become a little more
a little more modern in my outlook.
A little less judgemental, perhaps.
For Ernest's sake.
Come, come, my dear.
We cannot blame the young
for trying to squeeze as much
out of life as quickly as possible.
Given the mess
that we've made of it all,
who knows how long
they'll have to enjoy it?
I was wondering where you'd got to.
Er occupied.
My apologies.
Have you seen Rose?
Not since breakfast, no.
might I have a quick word with you?
Of course. Please.
I must apologise.
Whatever for?
For the unedifying spectacle
that greeted us
on our return from supper
last night.
They were in rather high spirits,
weren't they?
They were drunk.
I was rather glad
to see Rose having a lovely time.
I was worried she was having
a dreadful time until now.
Is that why you wanted to see me?
Oh, no.
I thought perhaps we should
talk about her and Lucian.
But I'm speaking with Cecil
about all the arrangements.
Yes, but there are
other aspects to consider.
You mean matters of the heart.
Of course! Why not?
How very sentimental of you.
Is it sentimental to want your child
to be happy and settled?
No. But it is to put happiness
above status and security.
Yes, I
Have I offended you?
No, not at all.
I fear I have.
I wondered if Rose was ready.
She's a year older than I was.
Perhaps, but
she seems very young.
Is there anything to be gained
from waiting?
Perspective, perhaps.
Time to see
if they are well matched.
Is any of us well matched?
You and I, Bella, of all people,
we shouldn't pretend
that love ever trumps money
when it comes to marriage.
Are you all right?
You look a bit peaky.
I don't feel well.
Well enough to come on
our boat trip, I hope.
What boat trip?
The one that we agreed upon
last night.
Oh, Lucian, I can't.
You can't or you won't?
What does it matter?
You see, I know what it feels like
to live in constant fear
of a parent's disapproval.
My father finds faults
in almost everything that I do.
Ever since I got damaged.
Sometimes it's like
he can't stand the sight of me.
And my mother
tells me that I ought to stop
worrying about making him happy
and start worrying about
making myself happy.
I can't believe that Rose,
the girl that I saw last night
dancing with such
reckless abandon too fearful to tell her mother
that she wants to go on a boat trip
with her friends.
I could ask.
Go on.
Lizzie, there you are.
At least now I know
why you're feeling so beastly.
Has someone been telling tales?
Only the bar bill.
Listen, Lizzie?
There's no easy way to say this,
so I'll just out with it.
We're in trouble.
Pelham, you always say that.
But this time I mean it.
So, how bad is it?
Bad enough I can't pay the bill.
The hotel bill?
The bar bill! Any of it.
But your father gave you 500.
Not long ago. Where's it all gone?
I lost it.
Lost it.
I had a wager on myself
in Monte Carlo.
Rather a sizeable one, I'm afraid.
Well, can you ask him for more?
I've already written to him, but
it's been ten days and not a peep.
He'll come good.
Not this time, I fear.
So what are we going to do?
I have a plan.
But you may need to be ready
to leave. At short notice.
When's the last time
you put a comb through that?
Thank you.
Smarten yourself up
before Mrs Ainsworth sees you.
What's this?
Mrs Turner lent it me.
I hope you know what you're doing.
And what does that mean?
It means be careful.
Wearing a skimpy thing like that.
Now, you should know, of all people.
What are you suggesting?
I'm not suggesting nowt.
You're saying it's my fault.
What happened to me.
No. No, no, that's not what I said.
But it's what you think.
You and the rest of them.
I just don't want you
to get hurt again, Conny.
I'm sick of it! Skulking around,
all buttoned up, living in fear.
That what I do, or what I say,
or how I look
..gets taken the wrong way.
I just want to let go.
It's just the way it is.
Not for Mrs Turner, it's not.
Oh, they'll soon
cut her down to size. You watch.
Oh, don't listen to me, love.
I'm just a silly old fool
who's forgotten
what it's like to be young.
You're the wisest woman I know.
Get on with you. Go on.
Go and enjoy yourself, Conny.
Is that everything?
Yes, ma'am.
Might Rose join you?
It certainly doesn't appear so.
Perhaps Mrs Drummond-Ward
thinks you're a bad influence.
Mm-hm. Me and everyone else.
Take these.
Oh. Thank you.
Well, at least you can give
some more attention to our guests.
Will your husband be joining us,
Mrs Wingfield?
He's lying low, I'm afraid. Saving
his strength for the big match.
What about Mr Turner?
Jack wouldn't be seen dead
on a boat.
Then it seems Mr Albani and I
will have you all to ourselves.
Have fun.
Are we ready? Andiamo.
Aren't you going to the ball,
Nobody thought to invite me, Daddy.
No-one ever does.
Then start inviting yourself.
Put your best foot forward.
You don't want to be the last
chicken on the shelf. Is that it?
We all have to let our hair down
from time to time.
I'm too old to go out gallivanting.
You're 26, for heaven's sake.
And you know what they say.
All work and no play.
Or all play and no work,
in your case.
Ah. I get quite enough of that
from your mother, if you don't mind.
Oh, poor old Daddy.
Why poor old Daddy? What's
He's feeling put upon.
I'm merely trying to suggest to our
daughter that she might occasionally
allow herself to have some fun.
And I'm merely trying to suggest
that I'm too busy.
Oh, darling.
What brought all that on?
She claims she's being overlooked.
Well, perhaps it should be Alice
that you're trying to matchmake,
rather than Lucian.
What do you think?
Signora Ainsworth!
Signor Danioni.
What an honour. Coffee, perhaps?
No, thank you.
I won't stay long enough
to drink it.
A gift, from one friend
to another.
Thank you so much.
That will be the last.
I'm sorry to hear that.
You imagine
that I am a woman of means.
But every penny I own
has been sunk into our hotel.
I simply cannot afford
to keep paying you.
Please don't try
to be clever with me.
Now, listen carefully.
You are a resourceful woman,
And I'm sure you will find
another way.
You are a resourceful man.
So will you.
Good day.
Come and have a look at this,
Mrs Wingfield.
Stepping in all the right places.
If you look down there
you can see winkle shells
and also, if you're very careful,
sea urchins.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, you little devil!
Leave me be, can't you?
Ma che fai?
Don't you understand?
That was a one-time thing. One time.
What is this place?
It belongs to my father.
Is he a farmer?
He's a lawyer. And a landowner.
He grows all this?
He rents it out.
His tenants send him
half of what they harvest.
A bit bourgeois, isn't it?
My grandfather bought it
off the church, in the last century.
I've pleaded with him
to give it away.
And what does he say?
He calls me an anarchist.
That's why I'm leaving.
We're not simpatici.
He wants you to settle down.
Where will you go?
Torino. I'm needed there.
You're needed here.
We must take the fight
to Mussolini in the cities.
Perhaps you'll come too.
What would I do in Turin?
We'll learn to resist.
Don't you think
you're being a touch hard on her?
She behaved shamefully.
Yes, but I
I thought the general idea was
to bring the two of them together.
Not at the cost of her good name.
Besides, nothing's been agreed yet.
Hasn't it?
Well, there's the question of money
for one thing.
What did you have in mind?
Well, there's Ivor's mother's house
in Bayswater.
I rather thought they could have
the top two floors of that.
And then the whole thing, over time.
Well, that's jolly decent of you.
But then there's
the question of the wedding.
And what they're going to live on,
of course.
Yes, well, I'm
I'm hoping the boy will settle down
to some suitable employment.
You can't run a household on hope.
Of course not.
Which is why I shall be happy
to give them an income.
At least until
they get on their feet.
Splendid. Have you decided how much?
Not yet. I'm waiting.
For a few things to
you know, fall into place.
To pluck up the courage to ask
your father-in-law, you mean?
I wouldn't lower myself.
I don't see why not.
There has to be some advantage
to opening up your bloodline
to the highest bidder.
I do have other means
of raising money.
Well, don't leave it too long.
You don't want things
to get too far.
Not until we know the price
we're both going to have to pay.
You look busy, darling.
We made a profit on our tea party.
Next time it'll be bigger.
Well, you are clever.
Oh, darling, this arrived for you.
What happened to it?
I'm so sorry, I opened it.
I didn't see
who it was addressed to.
I do hope you don't mind me saying,
just while money is very tight,
if you do have anything left over
from your widow's pension,
or from the annuity
that George left you and Lottie,
perhaps it should go back
into the running of the hotel.
Rather than spending it
on jewellery.
But I haven't.
I REALLY haven't.
Oh, Carlo. Of course.
Count Albani?
Oh, no.
Stai benissimo.
My, oh, my!
Look out, world!
Will you swim with me?
I thought you might
show me the cave.
Of course.
Shall we go in?
Where did you learn how to swim?
Scarborough. In the summers.
But it's nothing like this.
What about you?
I learned in school.
We had this terrible lake thing
that we called "the spinney."
Is that where you learnt to draw?
At school?
Well Erm
No, I've always
just known how to do that.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
What would you call it?
Luminescent, I think.
We should We should go back.
I'll race you!
Come back!
I'm only resting my eyes.
Count Albani.
Oh, my dear Mrs Mays-Smith.
It is always a pleasure.
May I assist you?
I cannot accept this.
It's a lovely thing.
Exquisite, even.
But inappropriate.
I'm sorry to hear you think so.
I would be taking it
under false pretences.
I understand your sensibilities.
I will convey them to Roberto.
It is he who commissioned
this gift for you.
As a token of our his admiration.
For you and your family.
I would be most obliged.
I've been on at him for ages.
To give it up.
Losing is so bad
for his self-esteem.
Men and their egos.
They're such children. Pelham
can sulk for days. Weeks, even.
Over a stupid tennis match.
They're all the same.
Yes, well, I'm beyond caring,
to be honest.
You know, I'd be happy to leave him
to stew in his own juices,
if he'd only pull himself together
long enough to give me what I want.
And what would that be?
A damned baby!
Been trying long, honey?
We're barely trying at all.
He shows no bloody interest.
You're right, men are babies. But
..with a bit of pampering
and cajoling,
we can teach them to behave
the way that we want.
I'm sorry.
Do we have any Champagne
in the cellar?
Um I kept behind a crate or two.
But why?
Be a good girl and crack open
a bottle or three?
Oh, no. Darling, we can't afford
to drink it ourselves.
Ah! Not even if we're celebrating?
What do we have to celebrate?
Let me show you.
Ancora bicchieri. Grazie.
What's happening here?
Your father's about to make
an announcement.
Not that one, darling.
What, then?
He wants to tell you himself.
Alice, hold it.
Er, thank you, everybody,
for joining us
at this slightly earlier hour.
I promise I shan't keep you
from your dinner.
Now, I have to confess,
when it comes to art,
I'm a bit of a Philistine.
I mean, I enjoy a good cartoon
in Punch as much as the next man,
but that's the end of it.
I'd prefer to leave the enjoyment
of the finer things in life
to my wife and son here.
And the rest of the Ainsworth clan
are equally lacking
in aesthetic sensibility, so
it shouldn't surprise you to learn
that we've had a quite extraordinary
artefact hanging in our midst
for nearly half a century, without
having the foggiest idea about it.
Now, as luck would have it, I've
recently made a new acquaintance.
A new friend, I should say.
A man who does know his art
from his elbow. Take a bow, Jack!
Now, Jack Turner here is not just
a connoisseur, he's a man of action.
You see, it's taken my brother and I
a lifetime to realise
we own a masterpiece,
but it's taken Jack a jiffy to bring
his man up here to authenticate it.
with a letter in my hand
to prove it,
it gives me very great pleasure
to present
a previously unidentified work by
the Old Master, Peter Paul Rubens.
My word.
Quite something, isn't she?
This is what's going to stop you
going cap in hand
to Old Man Livesey.
Jack says that we shouldn't settle
for a penny less
than a hundred thousand.
One hundred thousand?
Are you still on for tonight, honey?
Very much so.
Ten thirty?
First floor bathroom.
Bring every weapon in your armoury.
The composition is so dramatic.
Yet with such delicacy
at the same time.
Just look at the skin tone.
It's almost
She's rather
That's one way of putting it.
Not to your taste, Aunt?
I feel nudity is something that
I'll never grow accustomed to.
Are you going to let him hang it?
Good heavens, no.
It would clash with the decor.
Proprio come piacciono a me.
No, le preferisco con meno muscoli.
Piu femminili.
Quanto pensate che valga questo?
Centomila sterline.
What a stroke of luck, Danioni.
That you were here
for the grand unveiling.
Most fortunate.
And what brings you this way?
I just want to return you this.
Oh. Where did you find it?
It was recovered from a bicycle.
Left at an illegal gathering held
by enemies of the Italian state.
Do you have any idea
how it got there?
Of course, yeah.
One of the undesirables we arrested.
He has confessed
to stealing the bicycle
at request of, er
..William Scanlon.
Billy, you say.
Why, the little blighter.
He's fallen in
with criminal elements now.
Oh, God!
And what exactly
are you proposing to do about it?
Well, I will leave that to you.
Thank you, Signore.
That's jolly decent of you.
Oh. How stupid of me.
I forgot. There is also this.
Where did you get this?
It was found in the street.
But it's been opened.
This is a private correspondence
from my wife.
I fear so, yeah.
No, no, no.
To her father's accountant.
I've no head for sums, I'm afraid.
I leave all that to her.
Yeah. Well, I think a man should
always be across his wife's affairs,
Signor Ainsworth.
Ah, Ainsworth! There you are.
So I
Shall we?
Yes. Of course. Do excuse me.
Mr Sengupta.
Thank you, Billy.
What is it?
Who gave you this?
A friend.
I were asked to pass it on.
Was that all?
There's summat else.
I were told to tell you
to bring these when you come.
I don't suppose you read Italian.
Not a word.
But I can tell they don't say
owt nice about Old Musso.
You're not gonna
leave them there, are you?
That's jail time if you're caught.
What am I supposed to do with them?
I could hide them for you.
For a price.
Sorry, Mr Sengupta.
What are you skulking about
down here for?
What have you got there?
Nowt for nosey.
I don't know what
this has got to do with Mr Sengupta,
but I do know
you're asking for trouble.
Not if you don't tell on me.
Well, you can't leave them here.
Mrs Ainsworth and Mr Ainsworth,
they're up and down here all day.
I'm gonna hide them
under Lady Latchmere's bed.
Whilst they're all busy with dinner.
Keep your hair on.
No-one will look for them there.
So you liked it, then?
The painting?
To think he painted her
more than 300 years ago,
and yet it seems so fresh.
Well, you have a good eye.
Well, I've never really seen
a painting like that before.
At leastways, not so close up
as I could touch it.
That's not the only thing
that you saw close up today.
I'm sorry that you had to be
exposed to that.
You have nothing to apologise for.
It must have repulsed you.
It took my breath away.
It made me yearn to know what you
must have been through to get it.
And what it must be like
to carry it still.
To be scarred for life, you mean.
We all have scars.
I saw none on you today.
I looked and looked.
And there were no imperfections.
Ah. Excellent. Are we OK to talk?
He doesn't understand a word.
Well, will this do?
I'd say $50,000
would do very nicely.
Let's just hope she sells.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.
The only real question
is for how much.
Should I keep her locked up in here
until your man gets back?
Ah. No, no. I'd prefer to keep
the lady with me. If you don't mind.
You're quite sure
she'll be safe with you?
Oh, yeah.
She'll be well protected.
I see. Then take her away.
Oh, but, er do come back down
for a glass of brandy and a cigar.
I hate to drink alone.
Of course.
OK. Let's go.
Now just set it down over here.
That's it.
Terrific. Thanks, Francesco.
Thank you.
Don't let anyone in, baby.
And I want you to stay put yourself,
all right?
I won't be long.
'Last Dance In Paris'
by Anders Johan Greger Lewen
If I have two pairs
of the same number, is that OK?
Can I put them down?
Yes, just in twos.
Mr Albani?
Are you looking for your father?
Oh, tuo padre?
I think he's upstairs. Sleeping.
Con permesso.
I just wanted to say thank you.
To say grazie. For the bracelet.
It was very beautiful and a very
thoughtful and generous gift.
I hope you can understand
why I had to refuse.
But that doesn't mean I'm not
grateful for the interest.
You sent back a gift!
I couldn't accept it.
Because he's Italian?
Because I thought it was
from the Count.
From the Count?
But it was from from Roberto.
Oh, poor man.
He doesn't speak a word of English.
Perhaps he needs his father
to speak on his behalf.
Oh, you won!
You sent back a gift!
That's so scandalous!
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