Intergalactic (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

- I will kill you before I
let you take my daughter!
- Our daughter.
My daughter.
- Happy family.
- We know you're
in communication with ARC.
- Okay, wait.
Please there's been a mistake.
- What happened to your scalp, sweet?
- Oh what, this?
While you were getting
off your head, Candy,
I was getting mine bashed in.
- These women, criminals
are becoming your friends.
- But not you, you're a terrorist.
- You are changing.
I can see you're not ready.
Ladies and
gents, welcome to Skov.
Let's get that patient some help.
And make sure you wrap her up,
the weather outside's minus 10.
Bloody hell.
- Why does the pirate feel the need
to give us a running commentary?
- Hospital, now.
- Never parked in a back garden before.
Your fam must be loaded.
- Oh, this is the lower orchard, actually.
- Hmm.
- No one will find us here.
- Better not.
- Put something behind her head.
Put this behind her neck.
What the hell's happened to her?
You sure you can't just
give her some of your blood
or the kiss of life or something?
- She needs a hospital.
- Got the directions.
- You know, there's a darling
little patisserie.
If you just turn right, you can't miss it.
- Jesus.
She's looking better.
- She hasn't opened her eyes for two days.
She's barely got a pulse,
she's not exactly on the mend.
- She'll be all right,
with the right treatment.
- You know that for sure, do you?
- Just be quick.
And keep your eye on the witch.
- Yeah, you don't need to be concerned.
- Don't tell me what I need.
I'm the captain.
I'm the one taking us to freedom.
You're just my compass.
Fields of poppies in Arcadia.
That's what they say.
Far as the eye can see.
- Thou hast the keys of paradise.
- Looks like you've already got 'em.
Orchards, eh?
I always knew you were
a princess, Candy, but-
- Shouldn't be this cold,
not this time of year.
Hope everything's all
right with my parents.
- I thought you weren't
interested in a family reunion?
- I'm not.
- Then be a good girl.
Have another line,
and forget about it.
- It's beautiful.
- I've never seen the snow before.
- Me neither.
I made you this.
Sorry, it's a bit shit.
Look, if you just move that,
it moves the beak.
Look, Gen, I just want to say that,
all the rest of 'em, you know, they,
they treat me like shit on
the bottom of their shoe.
Just a stupid screw.
But you
You're the only good thing
that's come out of this shower of shit.
And I just want-
What is it?
- No, no!
- What the hell?
- Mama's gonna kill me!
I lived by the good book ♪
With God in my ears ♪
And I followed His will ♪
For all of my years ♪
Then you ♪
Then you ♪
- This shouldn't have happened.
Earth first, everyone else last.
- Who's helping these people?
Where are the ARC?
Their base?
- Emma Greaves has arrived.
How did I find myself here ♪
How did I find myself here ♪
- Candy?
- I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- Can I help you?
I'm Phoebe, Candy's mother.
- Tula, Candy's friend.
- What happened?
- Pass me the jar.
- Mum-
- There's plenty of time
to talk later.
Let's have some tea, warm the blood.
Soothe the heart.
Medicine for the soul.
- Commonworld bastards.
- Use this.
- Can we take that?
You using that?
- Shh, keep your voice down.
Can you at least try not
to draw attention to us?
Find a doctor.
I'll be here.
- Hey, no, I'll go.
- No, both of you go.
I'll stay here with Ash.
- From the Eastern Quandrant.
Our van's outside.
- I was helping with the maintenance.
Caught my hair.
I don't know how it happened, Mama.
I'm so sorry.
- Ah.
Don't you Mama me.
You're no use to me like that.
You hear me?
Get it fixed.
I don't want to see you until you do.
- There's a bio mechanic
in the west market.
No idea if he's still there, but
Take this.
Sell it, buy some vegetables.
You look like you could
do with a good dinner.
Are you feeling okay?
- Where's Dad, Mum?
Where's Quint and Jasper?
What happened to our family?
- No!
No, no, please, get off me, get off me!
No, please, no!
- Fuck.
I've got the
antidote to wake her up.
- About to call it a day,
didn't think you were coming.
Let's go.
Shit, shit.
- Are you okay?
- Who the fuck are these lot?
Bounty hunters?
Come on.
- The fuck you doing?
Let's go!
Come on!
- They were caught
stealing medical equipment
for an ARC field hospital.
Captured by the Commonworld.
When they marched into our shelter ♪
I was cautioned to surrender ♪
This I could not do ♪
I took my gun and vanished ♪
An old woman gave us shelter ♪
Kept us hidden in a cellar ♪
Then the soldiers came ♪
She died without a whisper oh ♪
I've changed my name so often ♪
I've lost my man and children ♪
But I have many friends ♪
And some of them are with me now ♪
- Yeah, I can fix the hair.
Little bit of soldering.
But it'll happen again,
every time you get excited.
Your aggression node's
triggered by your Chastity-Circ.
Looks like it's been there for years.
- Chastity-Circ?
- It's a nasty bit of kit.
I don't see them that often.
Old school biotech.
Somebody wants to keep
you on a short leash.
I'll whip it out, if you want.
- No.
- You sure?
- Fuck me, Harper.
I thought you were a goner.
First a coma and then a kidnap!
- What happened?
- You tell me.
Bounty hunters?
- She needs rest.
- Hang tight, Harper.
It was a lucky escape.
- Here.
It's one of Mum's recipes.
It's herbal, it's probably a placebo, but.
You have family, Harper?
- It's just me and my Mum.
- Me too.
- What is wrong with you?
You're like a fucking magpie.
That, if it's shiny and not nailed down
you can't keep your hands off it.
- Didn't hear Ash
complaining the other night.
- Your hands.
Remind me of your dad's.
Same shape, same skill.
- Mum.
After uni, I-
- Your husband,
was he part of the resistance?
- He was a doctor.
Surgeon, helped my boys
run a field hospital.
- You have sons?
- Medical students.
All they ever wanted was to help.
Civilian casualties, children.
The Commonworld hung them from our barn.
Made me watch.
- Their sacrifice will not be in vain.
Where are the ARC based on Skov now?
- They had a bunker in the
east, near the university.
- Get away from me!
Get away from me!
- How are you feeling, Ash?
We were so worried about you.
- I'm fine, thank you.
- Good.
Be back to check on you later.
It's all right, accidents happen.
This was my little girl's cup.
- Lucy?
Why do you want to give us money?
It's the right thing to do.
- It doesn't make sense.
You're the head of security.
- I feel, have always felt that it's wrong
that the traitors' families
should be punished too.
That they should suffer
from the sins of the father.
Punished by association.
It's unfair that you or your
daughter should lose your home.
That you should suffer
on top of your grief.
I want to find a way to rebalance things.
It's gotten out of control.
- You were involved in
what happened to Donnie.
- He was a traitor.
- No.
I've known my husband
since I was 18 years old.
The good and the bad.
He was weak, easily led,
but he was never a traitor.
So whatever reasons you give me,
this is guilt money.
You have blood on your
hands, Arch-Marshall.
I hope they kill you too.
Hey, come on.
- This is Ash Harper.
Urgent message for Commonwealth Security.
- This is Arch-Marshall
Harper for Dr. Lee.
He's not available.
Can I help?
- No, I need to speak to him urgently.
- I repeat, urgent message
for Commonwealth Security.
I've got Dr. Emma Greaves.
We're in Skov.
- Ash?
- Can you come?
- Ash?
What are you doing?
Come on, come inside.
- Sir, I need to speak with you.
- Yes, I got your message.
- There's something
I should have told you a long time ago.
But we can't discuss it here.
- Let's go to my office.
- Sir.
She's been in contact.
- Ash?
- Is she still
with Emma Greaves?
- Affirmative.
- Where, where are they?
- Skov.
Closing in on the exact
location now, Ma'am.
- You must be relieved.
What was it you wanted to discuss?
Are you all right, Rebecca?
- Yes, yes I am now.
- They're back.
- Why did it take so long?
Did you get it fixed?
- Yes, Mama.
- Right, enough of this.
Everyone back on the Hemlock.
- No one's going anywhere
until they've eaten something.
- We're getting on the Hemlock,
and we're going back.
- I haven't shared a meal
with my daughter for eight years.
No one is going to stop me
now, especially not you.
Thank you.
- Are you okay, sweets?
All fixed?
- Let me have a look at you.
- Hey, what's going on with you two?
I've seen the way you look at her.
It's a ballsy move,
mate, given the mother.
- Nothing's going on.
I'm kidding myself if I
think anything could happen
between me and her.
- Well, it's never plain sailing.
Just keep your head in the
game, you'll be all right.
- I'm sorry that I
never got in touch, Mum.
- You couldn't wait to get away from us.
You left, didn't look back.
- It wasn't you.
- Then who?
What was so terrible?
- Please.
I can't.
- Just one message
to let us know you were all right.
- And I wasn't.
I'm not all right.
I haven't been all right for a long time.
After university, I never
took up my residency at Kings.
- Candy.
- I never practised
as a doctor.
I got mixed up with this
crowd and we'd party,
we'd go out, we'd get high.
And you know, it was fun.
It was fun for them at least.
- And you?
- I just wanted to forget.
I wanted not to feel anything.
Just to fill this
This hole.
- My sweet girl.
- Mum, I am not sweet!
I'm not, I'm
I'm dirty.
I'm damaged.
I lie, I steal.
I owed money, Mum.
To a dealer.
And I started struggling
to pay off my debt to her.
And now I'm here and I'm still in debt,
and I'm on the run and I'm
gonna spend the rest of my life
always looking over my shoulder.
And all of Dad's hard work,
all of, all of your sacrifices.
- What went before, it's gone.
No one can change that.
You're here now.
That's all that matters.
You have a remarkable brain, Candy.
And if you can heal other people,
I know that you can heal yourself.
The day they were martyred.
My love, my boys.
You see, we all have scars.
You're lucky I'm even
allowing you in my home
after what you did to my daughter.
- After what I've done?
Your Mother's blaming me
for your fuck ups, Candy.
Not very fair, is it?
- Tula.
- See, Phoebe,
you underestimate your daughter.
She's clever.
Got more education than the
rest of us put together.
- That's your crime.
All her potential wasted.
She is a doctor reduced
to this because of you.
- Nah, nah, nah, nah.
She made her own choices.
- And you capitalised on it.
You're toxic.
I smelled it from you the moment
you stepped into my house.
You're the real poison here.
I pity your daughter.
- Fuck it.
Hate deer anyway.
Come on.
We're out of here.
- Oh come on, Tula, can we
at least finish our dinner?
- Yeah, I agree, this is bangin'.
- You know what, Tula, you're right.
I do make my own choices
and I'm making one now.
I'm staying with my mother.
- And I too.
I'm not leaving Skov.
- Fuck sake.
- I cannot go back onto the Hemlock.
Not when I'm this close to being free.
Those men in the van,
they were ARC comrades sent to rescue me.
What are you
talking about, witch?
- It was in my grasp.
My freedom.
My only hope.
They will not stop until they
get what they want from me.
- What do they want from you?
- How did you know?
- Because it is part of me.
I can find it anywhere.
This room, the universe.
I must find my comrades.
If the ARC have me, my power-
- The galaxy can be free.
I will help you, do anything,
my own family is decimated.
But if I can help you-
- Mum.
You don't need to do this.
- Oh my sweet girl, I know, I know.
All I want is for us to be happy,
but this, this will help all families.
This will be the most important
thing that we ever do.
This way, they did not die in vain.
- Nah, nah, nah.
You just don't get to swan off to Arcadia
with your ARC mates.
- Tula, leave her.
- No, I won't fucking leave her.
She doesn't get to leave us.
- Ash.
I want you to stay with me.
I know I can't make you, but,
I need you to trust me.
- Commonworld.
Black ops, shit loads of 'em.
We're surrounded.
- We have intelligence
you're harbouring a fugitive.
If you do not give her up immediately,
you will be shot.
- I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.
I'm here alone.
I'd like to help.
- Move!
- On your own, are you?
Come on!
You have five seconds
to tell me where Dr. Emma Greaves is.
- I don't even know who she is.
- Give her up, or I will shoot you.
Five, four,
three, two,
- Stop!
She's here, she's in there.
- Stay where you are!
- Oh, Candy, no!
- Suspect identified.
- No!
Suspect in transit to Kelp.
- At last.
- What about Ash?
Have they found my daughter?
Sweep the house!
- Now don't move!
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
- No!
- Shoot me!
Do it!
- I told you not to move.
- Please.
- Shit.
- Come on girl.
You can't stay here!
- Shoot to kill.
- Look, I don't give a fuck
where your loyalties lie.
But if you don't shoot them,
they will kill us all.
- Oh!
- Light it!
- They're all dead.
- It's a ballsy move, mate.
- Got to go now, Candy.
Can't stay here.
- Just let me die here.
- No, not gonna do that.
It's not what your Mum would have wanted.
Come on.
Come on.
- Hands up.
Turn around.
- Don't shoot me.
I'm Ash Harper, daughter of Arch-Marshall.
- No.
No, you're dead.
You're dead!
- That's what your mother told you.
She lied to you.
Ash, it's so wonderful to see you.
I love you.
I never stopped.
That's why I sent for you.
You and Emma.
So we can be together.
- No!
- Where is Emma?
She's supposed to be looking after you.
- No!
No, no, no.
- My men are outside.
- Your men?
- Just, come with me.
You'll be safe and I'll
explain everything.
- No, you get away from me.
Stay away from me.
- Ash!
- What are they saying?
- I'm sorry, Ma'am.
It's very
We've got confirmation Skov
forces are under attack.
They have sustained casualties.
- But what does that mean?
Is the Hemlock still there?
- I don't have that information.
I'm sure they're doing
everything they can.
- I don't care about that.
Where is Ash?
Do they have her?
Alert, proximity warning.
Alert, proximity warning.
- It's like fucking Christmas out there.
Jupiter cruisers, ARC
gun ships all shooting
the shit out of each other.
- Can you do it?
Can you get us out?
- Yeah.
- Then go, go now!
- We sure?
- I am sure.
- Look, I'm sorry.
I never meant Phoebe-
- Aboard GCC Hemlock.
Securing ship.
Scanning for any remaining convicts.
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