King of Boys: The Return of the King (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

A Wounded Lion Is Still A Lion

[man on TV] And it'll be the largest
gathering of the children of God
on this side of the world.
[Sade on TV] Hm! I can see that.
Now, Reverend, uh,
you are expecting 150,000 people--
One hundred and sixty thousand.
One hundred and sixty thousand
children of God
are being expected
for this year's crusade.
One hundred and sixty thousand people!
That's impressive.
[laughing in agreement]
- To the glory of God.
- [chuckles]
In spite of all that
is happening in this country,
the children of God are still eager
to just bask in his presence.
Now to the question
everyone wants answered.
Reverend, your church holds
the largest following
of any denomination in the country.
You are seen as
the moral compass of this nation.
And your followers hold on
to every single word you say.
Now, an endorsement from you would be
any politician's
most prized possession right now.
Can we be expecting
an announcement from you?
Who will Reverend Ifeanyi
be supporting for president?
For governor even?
I know you're itching to let us know,
so please do not worry,
we won't hold you back.
is not a god of politics.
And neither am I.
I only urge
the children of God
to vote with their conscience.
And I really do wish
all the candidates the very best
in the coming elections.
[both chuckling]
you are a hard one to break.
But I do respect your decision.
Thank you so much
for coming on the show.
[Ifeanyi] Thank you.
[in Igbo] God bless you.
- [Sade in English] Um, thank you, sir.
- [chuckles] God bless you.
[man] You are mad!
You are very stupid!
Get out of my office.
I said, get out!
- [Dapo] Hear me out, please!
- [man] Go!
All I need is just ten minutes,
please, just ten.
You have five.
Sir, this is a big story.
Is it dangerous?
But, sir, we can't be afraid
to publish this story. Please!
- Listen, Dapo.
- Sir.
You're a great reporter.
One of the best
I have ever worked with.
Thank you, sir.
But this is career suicide.
I'm in enough trouble
with the newspaper already. Look!
A lot of the staff
have not been paid for months.
I… I'm just barely managing
to keep the lights on in this place.
People don't read the paper anymore.
They prefer sensationalism to facts.
They carry their phone and… pa-pa-pa,
they're getting their cropped news
from Twitter, "Instaman"
or whatever you call
that stupid thing.
Instagram, sir.
- You say?
- Nothing, sir.
What I'm trying to tell you
is that this paper is broke.
When I am eventually forced
to turn off the lights in this place,
I want to be able to do so
with some dignity, Dapo.
- Dignity?
- Yes!
Sir, with all due respect,
where is the dignity in keeping quiet
while the masses face
unspeakable atrocities?
Those people
who can't speak for themselves.
While the people in power,
all they do is pillage,
rape and destroy this country.
And what do we do?
We turn the other cheek.
Sir, nobody is bold enough
to stand up for what is right.
This country has so much potential.
And what do we do?
We do nothing with it.
as members of the press,
it is our duty
as the conscience of the people
to stand up
and speak for what is right.
For the truth.
But if you're not ready
to do anything about it, then… [huffs]
May as well just turn out the lights,
close the doors and retire early.
- Dapo.
- Sir.
[sighs deeply]
Even if this is true…
If everything you have is true.
No, why would the president
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
involve himself in this kind of mess?
Sir, that's what
I've been trying to show you, sir.
This is what I've collected.
Just take a look.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Dapo.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Think about it.
Who was this man
before the elections?
He was a nobody, running
with a very unpopular fringe party.
He was barely racking up
single numbers at the polls.
I mean, he hardly stood a chance
of competing, talk less of winning.
Then elections come up,
and then boom!
He wins by a landslide.
How, sir?
- Dapo.
- Sir.
Pff… No.
What you're trying to tell me
in exchange
for being able
to return a free woman,
Alhaja Salami
manipulated the elections?
- Yes, sir.
- In his favor.
Yes, sir.
- From the US?
- Yes, sir.
I can feel it in my gut.
And you always taught me
to follow my gut feeling, sir.
Look at this.
we are on the cusp
of uncovering the biggest
political story in Nigeria's history.
This is it.
Sir, this is the story.
This is true journalism.
- Dapo.
- Sir.
This your source?
Do you trust him?
With my life, sir.
If we're going to do this,
risking both our personal
and professional lives…
- Yes, sir.
- We have to cover our asses.
And we will, sir.
With real undisputed evidence.
Yes, sir, we will.
Every fact has to add up.
It will, sir.
I promise.
[dramatic music playing]
Our lives may depend on it.
Yes, sir.
[sighs deeply]
This could bring down
an entire government.
And us with it.
I won't let you down, sir.
God help us.
God help us all.
[secretary] Reverend Ifeanyi will see
you now, Ma. Please do come in.
You're welcome, Ma.
Please have a seat here.
- [Ifeanyi] Ah!
- [chuckles]
[Ifeanyi] Madam Salami.
[Eniola chuckles]
[Ifeanyi] Please.
[Eniola] Thank you.
Thank you.
- Mr. Fashina.
- [chuckles] Thank you, sir.
[Ifeanyi] Good. Now,
can I offer you anything?
- Coffee?
- [Eniola] Not at all, sir.
- Nothing.
- Biscuit--
Thank you very much, Reverend.
[Ifeanyi chuckles]
Okay! Doris, that'll be all for now.
Yes, sir.
how can I help you today?
[chuckling] Yes, sir, Reverend, um…
[clears throat]
Well, our visit here today is, um,
is still in regards
to the discussion we had before.
I… I know that you have
your reservations, but, um,
that's why
I brought Alhaja Eniola Salami,
in person,
[chuckles] to come and see you.
So, perhaps, I hope
that you would reconsider our--
- Mr. Fashina.
- Sir.
- We talked about this.
- [chuckles] Yes, sir.
- Numerous times.
- Yes, sir.
And I, in no uncertain terms,
told you that this is not possible.
But, sir--
I truly do not understand why
you insist on
embarrassing yourself like this.
Look, if this is all you came here
to talk about, then I'm sorry, this is--
- Um, Mr. Fashina.
- Ma?
Can you step outside, please?
I would like to speak
with the reverend alone.
Get out!
Okay, Ma. I'll be right outside.
Alhaja Salami.
I do not want
to embarrass you as well
I would like to make
a donation to your church…
for all the incredible work
you've been doing.
[both laughing]
[in Yoruba] Thief!
Look at his nose,
shaped like a woman's high heel.
The moment he heard money,
his ears shot up like that of a rabbit.
- [in English] Alhaja Salami.
- Yes.
You don't know
how many desperate lives
will be affected by your generosity.
- It is nothing, absolutely nothing.
- Yeah?
- We have a deal?
- Of course we do.
- Let me drop this in immediately.
- [laughs] Okay.
Doris, please come.
Maybe we should bring in Mr. Fashina,
so that he can start to…
work out the details.
You called, sir?
- [Eniola] Yes.
- What details?
Of the announcement.
- Doris, just hold on a second.
- All right, sir.
What announcement?
[scoffs] Reverend,
my endorsement.
Alhaja Salami.
I thought I made myself
crystal clear earlier.
But I'll repeat myself again
to eliminate all doubts.
There is nothing under the sun
that will make me endorse you.
Or any other candidate,
for that matter.
[in Yoruba] Jesus Christ!
You see?
I told you so!
[in English]
Would you want this back, Madam?
Alhaja Salami!
Thank you
for your magnanimous generosity.
- Doris.
- Sir.
- Pay this in immediately.
- Okay, sir.
[claps] If that'll be all,
I would like to thank for coming.
Thank you so much.
One more thing, if I may.
My spirit tells me
that you are troubled.
And I'm not talking
about the elections.
Have you thought about
where your soul will end up
when you are finally released
from the shackles
of your earthly body?
[in Yoruba] What is this?
What nonsense are you talking about?
Are you crazy?
[in English] Alhaja Salami,
I have heard a lot about you.
You will forgive me
because your reputation precedes you.
[clock ticking]
I would have thought
that the redemption of your soul
will be more important than
any position in government.
The real question is
would you make God's government
when your time comes?
I am not asking you
to give me an answer now.
I just want to let you know
that if you ever want to talk…
If you want to make peace
with God,
I'm here.
In the meantime,
God loves you.
[in Igbo] God bless you.
[Odudubariba chuckles]
I knew you would
come around eventually.
But I want you to say it.
You are the only king
I now recognize.
[Odudubariba] Mm-hm.
And my loyalty rests solely with you.
You see, here, we don't bear grudges,
unlike that woman.
I receive everyone with an open arm.
- Thank you, Odudubariba.
- Ah, ah. [chuckles]
Don't be in a hurry to get up.
This sight is so magnificent.
Allow me to enjoy it
just a little bit longer.
[Eniola shouting] I have never been
so embarrassed in my life!
[breathing heavily]
Madam, I'm sorry.
I thought that he would fold
if he saw you in person.
[in Yoruba] What an insult.
What an insult on me…
[in English]
Eniola Salami, what is this?
My people are looking
for a suitable replacement.
Suitable replacement?
Will that replace the insult
I received today?
- [in Yoruba] It's nonsense!
- Oba.
[in English] What?
[indistinct whispering]
Are you sure?
I have it under strict intelligence.
He has defected.
Give me the order, Oba.
I can have it sorted within the hour.
Just give me the order.
Give him the damn order!
[in Yoruba] Deal with him!
Wipe out that disloyal cockroach
and his entire family.
Then put his head
on an electric pole and burn it.
[in English] Let them pick up
their ashes from there.
[in Yoruba]
They'll be believers in no time!
- [in English] Stand down.
- Oba?
[shouts] I said stand down!
Excuse me.
Show me the new posters!
Okay, Ma.
- [woman] …we're with the machine.
- [Mgbada] Odogwu.
- Hey!
- Odogwu!
- [in Igbo] My people.
- Odogwu one.
My own people.
What's happening in town?
You know what
they used to call me in Malaysia?
- What was it, Odogwu?
- It's "Stick Shift," my guy.
- [in English] Stick Shift.
- Yeah!
You know?
[in Igbo] When we get to my place,
I'll show you why.
I'll show you.
You, I'll give you
gears one to three.
[all] Yeah!
Then you'll get gears three to five!
Then, we add some of your friends,
and then switch
to automatic for all of you.
Yeah? Yes.
[laughter stops]
- Doggy.
- Sir!
Isn't that one of our cars?
What's going on?
Wait, let's find out what's going on.
You follow. Cover, Onye-nche.
[in Pidgin] What are you doing
to my car? Are you crazy?
Move away!
[Doggy] Hey!
Who did this? I said, who did this?
- Hey!
- Are you all mad? Who did this?
- [Doggy] Hey!
- [in Igbo] What is it?
[in Pidgin] Who did this?
Who did this? Can't you all speak?
[Mgbada in Igbo]
Who did it? Come out.
- [Doggy yells]
- What?
[Doggy groans]
What kind of mind would do this?
Who did this?
- [Doggy grunts]
- [Odogwu] Who would do this?
[grunting continues]
[ethereal music playing]
Alhaja Salami…
I must say that I was
rather surprised when you called.
Shall we begin?
[celebratory singing]
[Eniola] Thank you.
Thank you very much.
[crowd cheering]
Thank you very much.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
[in Yoruba] Well done. I hope your goods
are moving smoothly. Well, that is good.
Madam, well done.
- [woman] Alhaja Salami!
- [Eniola] Thank you.
[in English] Okay, thank you.
Who is that woman?
[phone vibrating]
Margret Nwachukwu.
She's a widow.
Three daughters, they go to school
and work at this stall.
What's the name
of her first daughter?
[mouths] Excuse me.
Mama Nkechi!
- [in Pidgin] Hey!
- Welcome.
Really? You're enjoying your lunch
and didn't even invite me?
Auntie, you wouldn't eat
this kind of food.
How do you know?
- It'll run your belly!
- Could I have some?
- Or did you eat it all?
- There's still some left.
Yes, so let's share!
No, don't give it to me.
We'll each grab one end…
and split that piece. Good.
I got the bigger piece!
[rhythmic drums beating]
[in Yoruba]
Greetings from Jumoke Randle ♪
She wants you to be rich
And bear children ♪
She wants your business to prosper ♪
Lagos State is great ♪
But it can get even better… ♪
[drumbeat continues]
[in English]
What is the meaning of this?
If you knew she was coming,
why did you bring us?
In the first lady's itinerary,
she's not supposed to be here today.
She's not.
[reporter] Mrs. Randle, do you think
your husband is intimidated at all
by Alhaja Eniola Salami's role
in this community?
Why should we be?
Remember, Governor Randle
is not just the head of this state
but also a committed husband
and a father to our children,
a family man.
If this shows anything,
it shows structure,
and he will always be committed
to the betterment of Lagos State
and its wonderful people.
[reporter] Are you saying Alhaja Salami
is a less qualified candidate
as she's unmarried
and without children?
All I'm saying
is that we are Nigerians
and our values are stocked
in deep-rooted history and culture,
and we must never forget them.
The people of this great state should
be concerned about handing over Lagos
to a flighty person
with no home structure whatsoever
and no one that anyone knows
she's personally committed to.
- [in Pidgin] Bro, what's up?
- I'm good, how are you?
I'm good, aren't you going to eat?
Mama Bose has buzzed me
that hot amala is ready. Hot amala!
No worries. I'm fine, man.
- Oh, bro, are you sure?
- Of course.
- All right. I'll be on my way.
- Thanks, no problem.
[in English] It's just not my day.
Give me something!
- [in Pidgin] Boss!
- Hey.
Akpan, what's up?
Someone just dropped this
for you, sir.
He didn't leave a name, sir.
Akpan, how many times have I told you
to always get a name
along with any delivery?
Don't be angry, sir. I asked
for his name but he didn't answer.
- I'm sorry, sir.
- No, it's fine. No problem.
- How's your family?
- They're fine, sir.
[in English] Weirdo.
[singing continues in Yoruba]
[Mr. Fashina] Madam!
- Madam!
- Mr. Fashina.
What do you think you are doing?
[repeats in Yoruba]
I hired you to make me governor.
If you can't do it,
get the hell out of my sight!
- And let me get someone who can!
- Sorry.
It was an unfortunate incident.
It'll never happen again.
Where do you think you're going?
[repeats in Yoruba]
Go and ride with my security.
[in Yoruba]
Dressed up like a cricket.
[in English] Let's move.
[sirens wailing]
[children's program on TV]
- [growls]
- [squealing]
- Daddy!
- My boys! My boys!
Don't… Don't strangle me! Oh…
[in Igbo] If you kill me,
who'll buy you chocolate and toys?
[in English] How are you, my boys?
Sit down. Sit down.
What are you doing, Kelechi?
You're drawing Spider-Man
instead of doing your homework.
That's your friend.
Your father has a lot of friends,
but Spider-Man is not one of them.
He's not Spider-Man,
he said he was your friend.
"He said"?
He came to our playground after
school and was asking about you.
He came to your school?
What did he say?
He said that I should greet you
and he said that he is back.
Back from where? What is his name?
He gave us chocolate.
I said no, but Kelechi took it.
Shut up!
So you're taking things
from strangers.
Kelechi? Huh?
After everything I taught you boys.
- But he said he was your friend.
- Which friend? What's his name?
[woman] What's with all the noise?
- [in Igbo] My heart, welcome.
- Don't "welcome" me.
[in English] Why were you late
to pick up the kids from school?
[in Igbo] My heart…
- [in English] We had a flat tire.
- Flat tire?
People are going to their school,
questioning these children.
You can ask the driver
and the bodyguards.
[in Igbo] Hurry!
[in English] Time for bed. I don't
want to hear, "Mom, I'm tired."
Let's go.
[Kelechi] Because of you,
Daddy is angry.
It's okay. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
[suspenseful music playing]
[woman sighs]
[Eniola] Towel.
[in Yoruba]
Don't worry. This is my home.
- Hm.
- [exclaims]
Hey, this is my home.
- Thanks for being gracious.
- No, thank you for hosting me.
I really enjoyed my meal.
It was delicious.
[chuckles] Thank you.
After what happened today,
I wouldn't expect you'd even drink water
in my home, much less dine with me.
Why wouldn't I?
Why would you say that?
It's not like we just met today.
After all, we're old friends.
- Nothing will come between us.
- Amen.
Thank you.
[in English] But…
I was very surprised today.
[in Yoruba] You know
I'm very frank in my dealings.
That's why I was hurt and embarrassed
by what happened at the market.
This one is just toying with you.
Remind her of all
you've done for her!
Remind her of the enormous debt
she owes you!
[Ifeanyi] That's enough, Mrs. Randle.
You spoil me.
[Jumoke] Nonsense, Reverend.
You're a special guest in our home.
["Pachelbel's Canon" playing]
- Wine?
- Oh, yes, please.
If it was good enough
for our good Lord,
it is certainly good enough for me.
My husband and I were commenting
that we haven't seen you
in our home in a while.
I hope there's no problem.
None at all.
You see, matters of the Lord
tend to take over your time.
But we do this work
not for earthly satisfaction,
but for heavenly rewards.
Hopefully, the donation
we made last week to the church
would help alleviate
the heavy workload.
As usual, you and your husband,
you're very generous.
God bless you.
[in Yoruba] Iya Oloja,
death and sickness
will never know your daughter.
- [in English] How is your girl?
- Ah.
How is your daughter?
- [in Yoruba] She's fine.
- Mm?
She's in America
nursing her second child.
Praise be to God.
- Mm.
- [exclaims]
I'm so glad I was able
to assist with her problem… ba-ba-ba…
when you ran to me,
desperate for help that time.
And I thank God for giving me the grace
and wisdom to solve the problem.
- Mm.
- Ah!
As I was saying, Iya Oloja,
[clicks tongue] what happened today…
was extremely embarrassing
to me and my people.
Worst of all,
so many press people
were there to see it.
From print, to TV, to radio…
All there.
It's already all over the news.
You must have seen it.
No, I haven't.
I don't watch TV that much anymore.
- Why not?
- Ah…
It's this cataract. It bothers me.
What happened to your eyes?
Maybe I'll get them checked.
Oh? [laughs]
[clears throat]
[clears throat]
[in English] Reverend,
as you know, I am back in the race
to retain my seat as governor.
And, uh,
well, we wanted to make sure
that we had the full support of both
you and the church at this time.
Of course.
Of course, sir.
You will always have my support.
You and your family
are always in my prayers.
I best be going,
before it's too late.
[in Yoruba] We're not as young
as we used to be.
Let me tell you,
my position is now threatened
by one small girl from a rich family.
I have to make smart choices.
I cannot afford to lose my position.
I simply did
what you would have in my shoes.
I pitched my tent
with the highest bidder.
[clock ticking]
So your loyalty is for sale?
- You said that, not me.
- [chuckles]
Your loyalty was open for bids.
[in English]
the Randles have your backing.
[Jumoke] Reverend Ifeanyi.
I'll not insult you
by beating around the bush.
While we appreciate your prayers,
thank you by the way,
we were expecting, hoping
for a little bit more this time.
We all know your reservation
about explicitly endorsing
a candidate for the elections.
We're hoping for an exception.
Your excellency, Madam,
what kind of man will I be if I were
to turn away from my principles
when it concerns
special ones like you?
[Ifeanyi laughs]
So what about
an indirect endorsement?
His excellency and I
will attend your church service.
We'll leak our schedule
to the press, of course.
And during your service,
you'll spot Tunde in the congregation,
you'll call him
up to the altar to pray.
There will be no official statement
from my camp.
Give us this photo op.
Tunde at the altar,
on his knees,
and you laying your hands on him.
[in Yoruba] You of all people know
Randle isn't high on the food chain.
He just happens to have
powerful people backing him.
You know the real candidate
is never the face on the ticket.
Is something wrong?
Your expression has changed.
Have you lost your mind?
Are you all right?
Do you understand the nonsense
spewing from your mouth?
Do you understand
the nonsense you're saying?
Iya Oloja, I can't believe this!
Anyway, they say,
"The water a fish swims in…
is the water that cooks it."
Iya Oloja…
you do this to me?
You opened your mouth wide and
dared to call me by my given name!
Are you possessed?
Would you have dared do that before?
Are you talking to me?
[in English]
Your excellency, Madam. Look!
My hands are tied.
The church…
The church frowns on any kind
of political affiliations whatsoever.
But you're both
welcome to attend service.
I'll give his excellency the respect
of recognizing his presence.
But I cannot call him to the altar
for laying of hands.
[in Yoruba]
I've entertained you this long
because we have history.
Now listen, and listen good.
I won't help you any longer.
- Are you okay in the head?
- Who?
[sighs loudly]
Eniola, my eyes are closed,
but before I open them,
I want you to leave my house.
Don't let me see you
in this house again.
- You're asking me to leave?
- Get out.
If I open my eyes
and you're still here…
Something bad will happen between us.
Get out!
[Ifeanyi in English]
Your excellencies,
once again, I want to thank you
for your warm hospitality.
It's unfortunate that I couldn't
accommodate some of your requests,
but I will be praying
for you and your family.
Now that is the real power. Huh?
That's okay, Reverend.
We understand.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Reverend.
Forgive me, I have to rush back.
Please allow my wife
to walk you to your car.
There's an important conference call
I need to jump on.
- Please, excuse me.
- That's okay. God bless you.
[door opens]
[camera shutters clicking]
Reverend Ifenyi, does this mean
you endorse Governor Randle
for this year's election?
[clamoring continues]
Now, these are the kind of optics
that the church is strongly against.
What optics?
Lunch with your able governor?
Come, darling.
Smile. Everybody say,
"Randle for governor!"
[clamoring continues]
[doorbell rings]
[Aisha] Bambam,
get off that chair before you fall.
Aisha, please.
What do you want?
It's his birthday.
I brought this for him.
Let me just give it to him.
- He's expecting to see his dad.
- His birthday was two days ago, Dapo.
That boy cried all through his party
because his father wasn't there.
It is one thing
to be a horrible husband,
but you do not get to choose
when to be a father to your son.
That's a very hurtful thing to say.
If you're trying to hurt me then fine,
congrats, you've succeeded.
Okay, Dapo, explain to me,
how else will you explain your sporadic
presence in your son's life?
You have repeatedly chosen
your work over your family.
I promise you, I will not let you hurt
that boy any more than you already have.
He almost died the other day
because you forgot to pick him up.
No. What happened was he hurt himself
because he wouldn't sit in one place.
- Okay. Thank you, good night.
- Wait, Aisha…
Okay, fine.
Just give him the gift for me.
I miss you.
I miss us.
I miss my family.
Let me come back home.
Babe, please forgive me.
I'm so sorry. Please.
I haven't been with anyone since.
And there is no one for me
except you.
That's a lie.
That is a lie!
There will always be someone else.
Except that in our case,
the mistress is this infatuation
you have with your job.
Plus, Dapo,
I could never wake up every morning
and look at you again
without remembering
You know what?
Dapo, we are done.
So go on,
live your best life.
Date other people, please.
I absolve you of any guilt
you might be feeling.
You've already blown our lives
several times for your next big story.
And to be honest…
I'm done with this.
I'm sorry, Ma.
- I will come back later.
- Ade!
Why do you act like a stranger?
Come sit down with me.
something has come up
that needs your urgent attention.
Wash your hands and join me.
- I got a call from the boys.
- Wash your hands.
- Oba.
- Mm-mm.
You will get me upset if you say no
[chuckles] because I cooked this myself.
Very tasty.
Mm? So join me.
There is an article
coming out tomorrow,
front page of
The Conscience Newspaper.
They dig into your past case
and question why it was dropped.
It's not looking good.
The food is getting cold.
the info from my intelligence shows
that the reporter is working
on a much larger story.
He has been asking around about you.
We urgently need to deal with this.
- Agnes.
- Ma?
Thank you, you can leave the tray.
Okay, Ma.
- [Eniola] Ade.
- Oba.
[Eniola in Yoruba]
You're the only one I can trust.
[Ade sighs]
You're the only one
I have left in this world.
[in English] Tell me…
Tell me how you really feel
about this governorship thing.
I want you to be honest with me.
It's okay.
[Eniola] Just okay?
[Ade] I mean, it's good positioning,
but what about our other interests?
The other businesses are suffering.
I had hoped that by the time you
get back, we can revive things fully.
But you've been
so focused on this election
that you have had time
for nothing else.
What about our enemies?
When do we show them
that you are back?
Odudubariba has practically
taken over the table.
And Aare is still alive,
after everything he has done to us.
Even in lock up,
he is still so powerful.
[in Yoruba] God said we should leave
all battles for Him to fight…
cross your arms
and watch knowingly.
[in English] I don't think you
understand. The streets are at war
because Odudubariba
has divided the table.
It is his faction against ours.
Our boys have no direction,
no orders because
they have not heard from their king.
If the election were to hold today,
we would lose, because we no longer
have the muscle on the streets.
And Odudubariba
has made sure of that.
Odogwu Malay has tried
countlessly to reach you,
but you will never take his call
or receive his visits.
How can we be seen
alienating him at a time like this?
It doesn't look good.
[in Yoruba]
All the boys are solidly behind you.
And they still accept you
as their king.
But the rain has forced us to house
the chicken and pigeon together.
[in English] We need to move.
Before they move us, Oba.
[in Yoruba] An ignorant child
sees a poisonous plant
and calls it "greens."
No matter how fast a car is,
it can't outrun
the ground.
if I have overstepped my position,
please forgive me.
[sighs deeply]
- Ade.
- Oba.
What if I were to just leave it all?
Give it all up.
[in English] Give up what, Oba?
[in Yoruba] The elders sitting…
and abandon…
all my businesses?
I'm tired.
[in English] I'm not as young
as I used to be.
This is where you rely on me, Oba.
Let me take the burden off you.
[in Yoruba] It's too much for me.
It's too much for me to bear.
[in English] Then what would you do?
I will be governor.
Just a governor?
And what happens to me?
[in Yoruba] Ade,
that is what I want to explain to you,
but you're not calm enough to listen.
[in English]
You can be anything you want to be
once I'm governor.
[in Yoruba] I'm a thug!
I know no other work!
[in English] You have not eaten meat.
I can't touch the meat
before my elders, Oba.
[singing and hailing Oba in Yoruba]
- Huh?
- Sir.
You caused quite a stir
with your article this morning.
- Yes, sir.
- Yeah.
I even heard them discussing it
on the radio on my way here.
- But that was the intention.
- Mm-hm.
- To arrest the attention of the public.
- Mm-hm.
Well, I'm not complaining.
Huh? I hate to say
that you were right, but hey…
Today alone, we sold
more copies than we've sold in,
what, three, four months?
[laughing] I mean, even my, um,
You're an idiot!
[both laughing]
My Instagram account,
I went from a measly 175 followers
to over 5,000,
and that's just this morning.
- Really?
- Mm-hm.
- You're famous now.
- I mean…
Um, anyway, so,
uh, do you know this--
your anonymous source now?
No, sir.
Well, I can't lie to you.
This feels really good.
Reminds me of the good old days
with your dad.
Now, that was a great man.
A real journalist
through and through.
You remind me so much of him.
- [chuckles]
- Thank you, sir.
I need you
to understand the full scope
of what happened to him.
You see,
he refused
to acknowledge that there are
some stories that you don't pursue.
And that got him killed.
I'm hoping that this
is not one of them.
- Stories that stand for what's right?
- [groans] No.
Stories that stand for the truth.
- Not again, Dapo.
- Stories like this never killed anyone.
Not less my father.
The people to blame,
the people responsible,
are the corrupt people in power.
And one day soon enough,
they'll pay for what they did to him.
when am I getting the draft
of the other article?
What other article?
You can't stop now
if you mean business.
This story on Alhaja Salami
introduces one player in the game.
The other article…
will introduce
the other player.
The president.
But we have to be careful.
Because with this piece…
you're already on their radar.
They know you're coming for them.
They're not going
to sit around waiting for you.
I ask you again.
Do you still want to open this box?
it is not too late…
to back out now.
Very sure, sir.
The only question is…
are you?
[theme tune playing]
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