King of Boys: The Return of the King (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Devil's Revenge

- [in Pidgin] Boss Maka!
- [gasps]
But how?
[thugs exclaiming]
[thug 1] Boss, please, it wasn't me.
- [Makanaki] Mm?
- It wasn't us.
- I swear, it was Boss Odogwu.
- [Makanaki] Really?
[thug 1] I swear!
- [chuckles] Call this my resurrection.
- [gasps]
- [in Pidgin] Remember this place?
- [exclaiming]
This is where you maggots
betrayed me.
Look at the floor.
- My blood might not have dried yet.
- Boss Maka, please.
It wasn't us. I swear.
It was Boss Odogwu Malay. He did it!
- [chuckles]
- [in Yoruba] Makanaki, please.
[in Pidgin]
My sister, please help us beg him.
- It was the devil.
- [in English] I swear. You know.
Should we leave them?
- [in Pidgin] You're lucky.
- Huh?
- She said I should give you a chance.
- Thank you, Jesus.
- Thank God.
- Thank you!
Auntie, God bless you.
- [Makanaki] But…
- Huh?
We're gonna play a game.
- Chiji.
- What? What?
We are too far from the house,
let's go home before Daddy wakes up.
[Chiji tuts]
[animal whimpering]
- [Nnamdi] Was that him?
- I think so.
- [gangster 1] Move!
- [in Pidgin] It isn't that serious.
- What's all this? Calm down!
- [gangster 2] Hey!
[in English]
Spread out! Spread out!
[gangster 1] Spread out, guy.
[in Pidgin]
Boss Maka, it was all a mistake.
We can run any package for you.
We'll run any operation
you want for free!
Please, Boss Maka,
we're so glad you're back.
We'll never do that again!
Boss Makanaki, please!
- I'll run any operation you want.
- [whispers] Bring that bottle.
[in Pidgin]
Makanaki, please. We won't do it again.
[in English]
Rules of the game.
See this bottle?
I am going to spin it three times.
If it stops in front of you…
[Makanaki chuckles]
[thugs exclaiming]
[in Yoruba]
It shouldn't come to that!
[in Pidgin] I'm giving you a chance
to live and you're still complaining.
End them.
[guns cock]
Wait, calm down.
We'll play, Boss Makanaki.
- We will play, Boss Maka.
- Hm?
We'll play.
So, like I said,
I'll spin the bottle three times.
[in Yoruba]
Just three.
[in Pidgin]
This means one of you won't die today.
I won't touch you.
But if it points to you…
Where is it?
We have a deal?
[Makanaki] Hm?
Uh, yes.
- Agreed?
- Okay. Agreed.
Okay, let's start.
- [exclaims]
- [in Yoruba] Thank God.
[in Pidgin]
Are you nuts?
Boss Maka, look, this is a tough one.
Looks like it's between these two.
- Looks like it's this guy.
- No! It is not me.
[gangster 1] Um, no, no, no.
- Looks like this maggot got it.
- Boss, please. It's not me.
[thug 2] No! Look at it.
- No problem, let's measure it.
- Measure it!
[glass shatters]
[gangster 2] Hey!
Ah! Tango!
- [gangster 2] It's a dog.
- [dog whines]
[footsteps running]
- [gunshot]
- [grunts]
[gangster 2 laughs]
[in Yoruba]
That solves our math problem.
[Makanaki chuckles]
[gangster 2 snickers]
[in Pidgin]
Maka, let me explain.
Odogwu made us do it.
I could tell you where he lives.
[in English]
Nnamdi! Did you hear that?
It sounded like a gun.
You said it is a gun
and you're still moving there.
[Nnamdi sighs]
[Makanaki] Spin the bottle.
And the three later become two.
- [in Pidgin] Spin it again.
- Wait! Boss Maka.
I told you, I really can take you
to where Odogwu lives.
Boss Maka,
I'll take you right into his house.
So you think I don't know
where to get to Malay?
That's for later.
- Spin it again.
- Okay, wait, Boss Maka.
I know where he keeps his stash.
Yes! The warehouse, the product
and even where he hides his money.
- And, and--
- [exclaims]
[in Yoruba]
Let me talk.
- Boss Maka.
- Mm?
[in Pidgin] He's got
a shipment coming in. Tomorrow!
[in English]
The shipment is huge. Large.
[footsteps running]
- [in Yoruba] You wouldn't lie.
- [in Pidgin] We'd never lie to you.
If I'm lying, I'm dying!
- Please.
- That's all we know, I swear!
[Makanaki] Hm.
[in Yoruba]
Ready for the final spin?
[in Pidgin] But Boss Maka,
we've told you everything we know.
It hasn't come to this.
Boss Maka, please.
- We've told you everything.
- Boss Maka, I could never lie to you!
- Please, Boss.
- Please, I beg you.
I have given you everything I know.
Please, Boss Maka!
Please. Please, please.
- I beg you, please…
- [bottle spinning]
- Boss Maka, please.
- Boys! [kissing sounds]
[gun cocks]
[screaming] Boss Maka, wait! Wait!
[in English]
Let's go! Let's go!
[Makanaki chuckles]
Chiji, please, let's go home.
[thug sobbing]
Makanaki, please.
I don't want to die.
[sobbing continues]
[mumbling desperately]
[in Yoruba]
Boss, Makanaki, please…
Please, please, please.
Don't make me change my mind.
[gangster 1] Maggot!
[grunts, yells]
[Makanaki chuckles]
[groaning] My leg!
[in Pidgin] Makanaki,
you promised you wouldn't kill me.
- I've told you everything.
- [in Yoruba] I didn't break my word.
[thug in Pidgin] Boss Makanaki.
Boss Maka, please.
Ma'am, my sister…
No, no, no!
[blow lands]
[in English]
He's coming!
Nnamdi, let's go.
I can't move.
Something's holding my leg.
- Like what?
- I don't know.
[Nnamdi straining]
[Chiji] You know what?
Wait here, let me call Mommy.
[Nnamdi] Don't leave me!
[Nnamdi] Please, sir, please.
[man] And it is because of this,
I've chosen to step down
as the CMP gubernatorial candidate
to focus more on my family.
[audience murmuring]
And I wish…
I wish to thank the CMP
for allowing me to serve them
and for their unreserved understanding
of my decision to step down.
[unsettled chatter]
[woman] Please, please, stay calm.
We will get to your questions
in a bit.
But you need to stay calm.
We would first like
to thank Mr. Tunde Moshood
for his dedicated service
to our great party.
With sadness,
we accept your resignation.
This would have put us
in a very difficult position
had it not been
for Alhaja Eniola Salami.
[applause, cheering]
We all have seen how well
she has organized her campaign,
and how well she's doing
in the polls.
Our parties share similar ideologies.
it is only logical
to embrace her campaign
as the new official
gubernatorial candidate
on the CMP ticket.
[cheering continues]
Alhaja Eniola Salami.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I already feel so welcomed,
and with your backing,
I am certain that we shall clinch
the seat for governor
of the best state in Nigeria.
Lagos State.
[emphatic cheering]
We will now take
a few questions, please.
Thank you, Ma.
My name is Benson Friday
from The People's Tribune.
The people would like to know
if you'll be suing the government
over your false arrest
and forced exile.
[Eniola] Sue?
Oh, not at all.
Why will I sue?
We all make mistakes.
I choose to let bygones be bygones.
I'm more focused on the future now.
[cheering, applause]
The government
admits to bungling your case.
[audience hushes]
[chuckles] The same case has caused you
much distress and grief.
But you choose
to turn the other cheek.
That must make you
a very forgiving lady.
Please, sir, we are only
taking questions, not comments.
And you may only ask a question
once you have been chosen.
May I?
Thank you.
What exactly
is the president's involvement
in your pardon?
[audience murmuring]
[in Pidgin]
What's on the news?
Huh? Eniola!
[Eniola in English]
You haven't introduced yourself.
[Dapo] Apologies.
My name is Oladapo Banjo
and I work for
The Conscience Newspaper.
You may have heard of us.
[Eniola] Um…
I can't say that I have,
but anyway, Mr. Banjo…
I was not pardoned.
The charges were dropped
because I was found
innocent of them all.
[sparse applause]
And, as you know,
I would not
be able to run for office
if I was pardoned.
And, as for the president,
I have never met him before.
[in Pidgin]
Mm! For God's sake!
[Eniola in English] …for the first time
over the phone yesterday,
as he welcomed me
to the party.
I have no involvement with him,
apart from him being
my able president, of course.
[in Pidgin] Get off my TV!
Am I going to eat your lies?
- [in English] Bring my plate.
- Okay, sir.
[in Pidgin]
All these liars.
[in Yoruba] She lies non-stop.
[in Pidgin] Clear this one.
[in English]
Why do they call you
the King of Boys?
[suspenseful music playing]
The "King of Boys"?
Yes, the "streets" refer to you
as the King of Boys.
I have never heard that
before in my life.
- I have it on record here that people--
- Mr. Banjo.
I grew up in the streets,
and I have never denied this fact.
I have never forgotten
where I came from,
unlike other people.
That is why a lot of my charities
and my refuge houses
are still in the slum,
catering for people over there.
The people the recent governor
does not care about.
Do you know why?
Because they do not wear
the fancy clothes he wears.
Because they do not speak
big English like his friends do.
But I, Eniola Salami,
do not only see their pain,
but also do something about it.
[murmuring in agreement]
And, in appreciation,
if the people choose…
to honor me
with a nickname,
who am I to complain?
I accept it with all my heart.
[audience cheering]
- [press officer] Okay. We have five…
- [Jumoke] Stupid bitch.
She's turning it around!
[press officer] …time for only
one more question.
[Seun] Hello? Yes.
Jumoke, maybe we should
just leave it alone.
Yes, you, ma'am.
My name is Beverly,
with the Eye on Naija Blog.
In a recent interview by the first lady
of Lagos State, Jumoke Randle,
she urges authorities
to reopen investigations
into your alleged corruption charges
and links to the underworld.
She insists
your clearance is suspicious
and maintains that
there's no smoke without fire.
What do you have to say
in response to that?
[audience chattering]
[Eniola sighs]
Absolutely nothing to say
to that woman.
I've seen
and I have heard
all her personal attacks
against me in the media.
Who am I running against?
Her husband the governor?
Or herself?
That woman
should focus on her charity
and ribbon-cutting events…
and leave the race to the people
with their names on the ticket.
And if
the governor's party
chooses to debate me
on flimsy rumors…
Then the candidate, her husband,
should bring it up himself.
I do not cater to…
[in Yoruba]
What's that word?
[in English]
[audience cheering, applauding]
[shouts] I told you to leave it alone!
I told you to leave it alone!
But you never listen.
Look! Look at this.
[audience chanting]
[classical music playing]
[waiter] Good morning, Ma.
- [Jumoke] Thank you.
- You're welcome.
[powerful music playing in Yoruba]
Thank you.
I see you finally made it.
I hope you don't make it a habit
of keeping first ladies waiting.
Good morning, Ma.
What would you like?
Would you like
what the first lady is having?
Come on, Michael.
It is Michael, right?
Yes, Ma.
I am sure Alhaja Salami's palate
is used to something more…
Let's try not to overwhelm her.
- [chuckles] Thank you, Michael.
- You are welcome.
As you know,
I'm the front runner
for the governor of Lagos State.
And I have been warned…
not to eat,
nor drink,
from just anywhere.
Too many bitter people around.
Leave us.
[Michael] Thank you.
I will not bother
beating around the bush.
I will make you an offer now,
and you will take it,
and you will drop out of the
gubernatorial elections tomorrow.
[in Pidgin]
The "juju" your witch doctor gave you…
[in English]
It's not working on me.
Go back home.
[in Yoruba]
Use it to rinse your mouth thoroughly…
then come back, and try talking
to me again. Maybe it'll work.
So you're this cheap!
The way you demanded the pen,
I thought you were going to wow me.
But all you can offer
is this chicken feed.
Quit playing games.
[in English]
There are two state contracts
we are willing to offer you and--
There is no contract in Lagos
that you want to offer me
that I have not gotten before.
[In Yoruba] Both the real…
[in English] And the fake.
But there is something
I have wanted for a very long time
that you cannot offer me.
Are you going to make me beg
for an answer now?
The seat
of the executive governor
of Lagos State.
Alhaja Salami,
I am trying my hardest
to be reasonable with you.
Be reasonable with your mother.
For some reason,
you have decided to make this
negotiation unnecessarily difficult.
our paths might not
have crossed in the past,
but you would do well
to ask around about me.
And when I do ask about you,
what will they tell me?
They will tell you
not to overplay your hand.
[Jumoke] Once you walk out of this room,
my deal is off the table.
[in Yoruba]
By the time I'd become a high-end gin,
you were little more than
tap water.
By the time…
I was in the streets,
you were just a toy
for sugar daddies.
You are small.
Too small for my level.
[tuts] Little sister,
don't overwhelm yourself.
[in English] When you get home,
say hello to your husband.
[powerful music playing in Yoruba]
[phone ringing]
[flies buzzing]
[in Igbo]
Boss, phone.
Says it's important.
What is it?
I don't understand what is going on.
They've destroyed everything.
They ransacked our warehouses.
Stolen our product and
all the money in the safes, Odogwu.
I don't know, Odogwu. Maybe the same
people who intercepted our shipment.
I don't know who'd dare
do this to you.
Who was on guard?
Odogwu, they killed
all the soldiers on duty.
[thug] Odogwu! Odogwu!
[in English]
Move it or I blow your head.
Move it, my friend.
[in Igbo]
This woman's son…
Odogwu, he saw what happened here.
They live nearby.
You know who I am?
[sobbing] Please don't hurt him.
He is just a silly child.
Madam, I won't hurt him if he tells me
what he knows. Who did this?
[in English]
What happened?
[in Igbo]
The foolish children
snuck out in the dead of night
while my husband and I were asleep.
Later, Chijioke ran in,
screaming that his brother was dead.
- [in English] He is dead?
- [in Igbo] No, sir.
When Chiji brought his father here,
they found him on the floor.
He fainted.
But when my husband told me
what he saw here,
I told him not to call the police,
or they'd say we were responsible.
Where is the other boy?
- Odogwu--
- Where's the other boy?
Odogwu, he's at the hospital.
He's awake now but still in shock.
He won't speak or even eat. He sits
and stares like he's seen a ghost.
Come over here.
Odogwu, please…
I said come here.
[mother] Odogwu, please.
I already told you
I wouldn't hurt him.
But now you're both
testing my patience.
Come over here.
[mother] Go.
[in English]
You saw what happened?
[Chiji sniffling]
[Odogwu] Are you afraid?
- You know who I am?
- [sobs] Yes.
[in Igbo] You know nobody can hurt you
or your family unless I say so.
[in English]
So tell me, what did you see?
- [in Igbo] Tell him.
- [Chiji whimpering]
[in English]
I don't know the person,
but I heard this guy
call his name when he was begging.
What name did you hear?
Tell him!
[in Igbo] Come whisper it in my ear,
so no one else will hear. Tell me.
- [mother pleads]
- Come close.
[mother] Tell him, Chijioke, tell him.
Ma, the Minister of Works and Housing
has called five times today.
[woman] And I am sure he won't die
if he has to make it six.
[assistant] Evening, your excellency.
Ma, I'll get back to the minister.
Sit down, dear.
You're looking well.
Oh, thank you, Chief. And you too.
You are still looking very agile.
How are you feeling now?
- Tunde--
- Oh, that's quite enough.
How about we cut past
the phatic bullshit this time around?
The pretense is exhausting.
My masseur arrives in 15 minutes,
so I'll get right to it.
Don't bother with that, Patrick.
Madam won't be staying long.
Back to what I was saying.
I have tolerated you in my family
all these years because,
despite my reservations
with your person,
I cannot deny
you've been the pivotal motivation
in getting my son to where he is now.
Thank you, Chief.
Don't thank me.
It's not a compliment.
Yes, Chief.
Then what the fuck's going on
with that Salami woman?
Why are you allowing her
to threaten my legacy?
Perhaps I've given you
more credit than you deserve.
If so, then I no longer
have any use for you.
Eniola Salami is a mere discomfort
that's already been taken care of.
I do not have to remind you
of all people
how important this second term
is to my son's future.
I want my son sitting
in Aso Rock in five years.
That cannot happen
if he loses this reelection
and his credibility
to that nincompoop.
He will not lose this election,
I promise you that.
It's quite a shame, really.
Eniola had proved
helpful to my late husband
many times in the past.
It's unfortunate
she's now become a sore thumb.
Well, I'm waiting.
Waiting for what, Chief?
Dear girl,
Tunde is my son
and, of course,
I'll do everything in my power
to make sure he is reelected.
But, please,
do not take away the satisfaction
of having to see you grovel for it.
I came here today,
Chief, to solicit--
for your assistance
because I have hit a wall that requires
your skillful maneuvering.
That works.
And I think I have
an old friend that can help.
[locks clicking]
Good evening, Aare.
Welcome, Madam. What can I offer you?
[in Yoruba]
[in English]
Oh! There is suya in the fridge.
- Officer.
- No, no, no.
I'm fine, thank you.
I ate before I came.
Oh! What about drinks?
- Officer.
- Sir!
Go and bring one minera
from the fridge.
- Sir, no mineral but stout.
- Ah…
So take money from the counter
and go buy--
Stout is fine.
[in Yoruba]
Hm? You'll drink stout?
[in English]
Only if you share with me.
- Officer!
- Sir.
One stout and tumbler.
- Yes, sir.
- Madam, please sit down.
[Aare chuckles]
Leave my own in the bottle. Mm.
You can go.
Yes, sir.
Bush man.
Jumoke Randle,
does your husband know you're here?
No, and I'd like to keep it that way.
All right,
what can I do for you today?
I need your help, sir.
You need my help?
My help for what?
Eniola Salami.
[laughs heartily]
[Aare sighs]
[in Yoruba]
So you're aware that
the stick that will pierce one
in the eye
is best avoided
while still far away.
[in English] Of course.
That's why I need your help, sir.
My help?
You need my help?
Tell me.
Your husband,
since he got into that office,
has he come here to greet me?
Because if I didn't sign off
on that seat,
he thinks he would be able
to sit on it?
Hm? An ordinary, common
thank you card, he cannot send to me?
[in Yoruba] Even the little contracts
we used to enjoy from the government…
[in English] He has collected them
and given them to other people.
You are sitting here
asking for my help.
This is true, sir.
But no matter how disappointed
you are in my husband,
you cannot punish him
by risking the alternative.
You and I both know
what that woman is capable of
if she gets into power.
My husband is a good man.
But unfortunately,
he is very stupid.
Oh, yes.
He is very stupid indeed.
When it comes to politics,
he believes that the match
is won on the pitch,
when in fact, you and I both know
it is decided in the back rooms
long before the game has begun.
Despite his deficiencies…
God has been kind to him.
He is blessed with me.
[in Yoruba] It's true
that my husband wears the crown,
but I give the orders.
[Aare] Mm.
He has the penis,
but I do the thrusting.
[Aare] Hm!
[in English]
So I apologize on his behalf.
It really isn't his fault.
I should have known better.
That is why
I am here
to reiterate
that we are indeed friends.
And, sir,
I am not my husband.
I know how to show
appreciation to my friends.
[in Yoruba]
Woman, get that thing out of my face.
[in English]
You're blocking my television.
[Jumoke huffs]
- [sighs]
- You see?
Your problem is that
you speak too much English.
- Aare, I'm perfecting my Yoruba.
- Go and perfect your Yoruba.
But you need to be afraid
for your husband.
[in Yoruba] You see, I am the lion,
king of the jungle.
He who leaves marks
without a scalpel.
[exclaims] The elephant in any jungle!
[in English]
I am the king of the jungle, but even I…
know that Eniola
is not easy meat to fry.
You think I am afraid?
[in Yoruba] One doesn't fight
to save another person's head
only to have his own
taken away by a falcon.
[in English]
The question I ask myself is
why must I put my hand
inside your matter.
Sir, I hope you do not assume
that Eniola
will let sleeping dogs lie
between you two,
now that she is back.
I have heard stories
of what you did to that woman.
Stories people will only say
in whispers.
All she wants from us
is to win an election.
But you, sir,
she wants to exterminate.
imagine giving a person
with that much thirst for your blood
the power of governor.
Let me tell you something.
She can't sit on the seat
unless I sign off on it.
The same instrument you used
to secure your candidates into power
is the one you say requires
your sign off?
She knows every trick in your book
and that's because
you handed her the keys to the city.
That woman is out for destruction
and you, sir…
You, sir, are the first name
on her calling card.
[sighs] If you think that you are safe
in here…
I apologize
for wasting your time and mine.
[in Yoruba]
You're right.
I underestimated her the last time.
[in English]
You can see that I am already
suffering for that mistake,
you can see.
But I want to assure you,
that mistake will never happen again.
[in Yoruba]
Come back.
[in English]
Your beer is getting hot.
If we have to strike first,
we must kill somebody.
Are you ready to kill?
Do you have the liver
to finish this journey if we start?
[in Yoruba]
You can't enter the river
and then complain
it's too cold or deep.
[in English]
I am fully aware
what is required of me, sir.
And I am ready.
There is somebody nearby
that I can call to help.
The only thing is…
[in Yoruba] One doesn't use
a snake's head to scratch one's nose.
I'm not here to play.
I want to kill this very snake.
I will smoke it,
and I will eat it.
Bones and all.
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