La Femme Nikita (1997) s02e02 Episode Script

Spec Ops

Her strength is returning.
Yes. Not that she ever seemed
what you would call weak.
I'll set up a program.
She's ready.
Yes, but we've decided
to let Jurgen handle it.
You're the one
who brought her out.
You're too close
to the situation.
We need complete objectivity.
you're familiar
with the case history
of an agent named nikita?
I just got the file.
About 6 months ago
she was placed in abeyance
and sent on a mission
against the freedom league.
At first we thought
she was dead.
Then we received word
that she'd been
taken prisoner.
You think she cooperated
with the league.
That's what we want you
to tell us.
I want a complete evaluation.
Physical, psychological,
and emotional.
She's mine.
(Madeline) You own her.
Find out the truth.
You have one week.
Good to see you, Michael.
[Woman speaking French]
[Door creaking]
I was wondering
when you'd come and see me.
You were in observation.
It wasn't permitted.
Does that mean I'm out now?
As of an hour ago.
I've lost sync on 5.
We have 2 minutes.
Do you know a man named Jurgen?
I've heard of him. Special ops.
You'll be spending
some time with him.
Is that bad?
Operations is not convinced
you're telling the truth.
Jurgen's been assigned
to find out for sure.
I won't let him.
It's not going to be easy.
Supposedly, you were
tortured for 6 months.
Progress too slowly,
you'll seem damaged.
Too quickly,
and they'll be suspicious.
I can handle him.
When are we gonna
see each other?
I don't know.
Just be careful.
[Door closing]
We received a message
this morning
from a contact in Hong Kong,
concerning a man named kudrin.
Wasn't kudrin
in the freedom league?
(Operations) Yes.
He was at a base
we incinerated 2 weeks ago.
Apparently he survived.
That's impossible.
Not so.
Our contact is reliable.
It's very likely
kudrin's back in touch
with the remnant of the league.
So we need him alive
for questioning.
Michael, put together a team,
you'll leave in an hour.
Of course.
Wow. Look who's here.
Back from the dead.
Hi, sugar.
Oh. I wanted to come
to see you,
but they wouldn't let me.
I know.
The freedom league,
was was it bad,
what they did to you?
It was bad enough.
Anything I can do, you tell me.
I'll be fine. But thank you.
So what's next?
I'm not sure.
I'm going into rehab
with a man named Jurgen.
Do you know him?
Yeah, I know him.
I've seen him help people,
I've seen him destroy people.
You can catch me later.
There's a mission on the pad.
What's the mission?
One of the freedom leaguers
survived the assault.
Could've been one of the guys
that worked you over.
If we bring him back,
maybe you can pay him back.
Wish us luck.
[Door opening]
[Men chattering]
Is it true that someone
survived the assault?
A man named kudrin.
Did you hear about him
when you were
with the league?
But he might know
I was only there for 2 days
instead of 6 months.
If he's captured
and questioned
by Madeline
I'll take care of it.
Just make sure
you handle Jurgen.
[Car horn honking]
♪♪[Music playing]
[People chattering]
[People clamoring]
We were supposed
to take him alive.
I had no choice.
Hope you can sell
that to operations.
This must be your lucky day.
What do you mean?
He's not dead.
Not yet, anyway.
Maybe he'll pull through.
Bring him in.
(Jurgen) It's open.
[Door opening]
Do you know what this is?
Do you play?
You should.
You'd be surprised
what it can teach you.
I'm not much for games.
Why are you here?
They sent me.
Why are you here?
To increase
my proficiency levels.
Why are you here?
To become a better operative.
I thought you didn't like games.
I'm here because
I don't want to die.
You might just live
if you obey one simple rule:
Don't tell me any more lies.
The truth,
the whole truth
and nothing but?
That's right.
I'm not sure
that's possible in section.
No need to worry
about the section.
You need to worry about me.
Shall we begin the session?
We just finished.
I'll see you tomorrow.
(Madeline) Mr. Kudrin,
you've had
a rough couple of days.
The doctors say
you're gonna live.
That's the bad news.
There is no good news.
You'll notice the pain
is minimal,
given the severity
of your wounds.
It's because
we've pumped you
full of painkillers.
The painkillers we've used
are highly addictive
and they work very quickly.
If the supply is cut off,
you'll suffer
not only the pain
of your wounds
but the pain of withdrawal.
Most people
find the combination
The remaining members
of the freedom league,
where are they?
When you feel you'd like
to speak with me,
just push the button
next to your hand.
[Breathing heavily]
Hostile action.
That's enough.
Sorry. I must have finished it.
[Man grunting]
Your report said
they used neuroshock.
Yes, that's right.
It damages nerve tissue.
Sometimes it's permanent.
Meaning what?
You may have already
reached your maximum
performance level.
It's not good enough?
Then I'm gonna have
to try and be better.
Michael's report
didn't mention the neuroshock.
Well, he wasn't there, I was.
He did the initial debriefing.
Uh, I was in pretty bad shape.
Then I made
a final report later.
I'll see you this afternoon.
He found some discrepancies
between your report and mine.
(Michael) That was deliberate.
A complete agreement
would suggest collusion.
What happened to kudrin?
They're keeping him alive.
Have they questioned him yet?
They're doing it now.
So what do you want to do?
So what are we gonna do,
you and I?
Something happened
between us, Michael.
We can't keep pretending
that it didn't.
This isn't the right time.
We may never have another time.
We can kiss, we can touch.
There's nothing stopping us.
They'll know.
They'll see it in our eyes
when we look at each other
and it won't be long
before they figure out
the truth.
Then they'll cancel us?
I'd be willing to die
if it meant in the meantime
I could live,
really live, for just one day.
Nikita, wait.
Until when?
Until you've finished the rehab.
Until their attention
is somewhere else.
And after that,
will there be another excuse?
I don't know.
I just know
right now it's too risky.
I came back for you.
For us to be together.
That's going
to be difficult now.
We'll have to be careful.
I'm tired of being careful.
Get over it.
Get over it.
He talked?
He gave me the location
of a safe house in Munich.
It may lead to other locations.
I'll take a team out tonight.
It's a start.
But I think he knows more.
More about what?
About the league, what else?
How's nikita?
She seems fine.
What does Jurgen say?
Nothing yet.
From what we've been able
to extrapolate from kudrin,
our best point of entry is here.
Where's the host system?
In here.
Room traffic?
(Birkoff) Minimal.
But they will be there
to protect the computer.
It has all freedom league
data on it,
including their directory?
Most of your hostile activity
will be in the corridor,
which means we can't saturate.
If we set off an alarm
too soon, they'll
destroy it themselves.
I'd run it single.
Only one?
If you enter from here,
you can get to the room
with minimum resistance.
Rudy, take it.
I've run this pattern before.
I have a higher p.O.S.
All right. Do it.
Once you get the hash table
give me a pulse,
I'll be bringing everyone in
for your egress.
If we pull this off,
it's more intel in one place
than we've ever seen.
[Men chattering]
Every Mark was a hit.
The computer was yours.
What happened?
By the time
I secured the room,
they had destroyed the computer.
What's going on, Michael?
When nikita was missing,
you had a rough time.
Now that she's back,
you're having another.
It has nothing to do
with nikita.
You of all people
should know the dangers
of an emotional involvement
with colleagues.
Is there anything
you want to tell me, Michael?
Another firefight sim?
What else did they do to you
besides the neuroshock?
Uh, sleep deprivation,
propaganda, threats.
Oh, promises.
Of what?
A safe haven on some island.
Sounds great.
Why didn't you accept?
Well, I didn't believe them.
They'd kill you whether
you cooperated or not.
That's right.
So why resist?
Why not get it over with?
Why does anybody resist torture?
Most don't.
Why did you?
To the section.
Yes, that's right.
I told you before
if you want to live,
don't lie to me.
I'm loyal to the section.
That is the way
we're trained, isn't it?
Birkoff just cracked
freedom league's directory.
So I hear.
There's no longer
any reason to keep
kudrin alive.
He may still have
some useful information.
We have all we need.
Why are you so anxious
to see him die?
He's wasting resources.
Not necessarily.
Ask kudrin about nikita.
What about her?
He may have been in the camp
when she was tortured,
he could tell us
exactly what they did to her.
Is that important?
(Jurgen) Yes.
There's something
she's not telling me.
She's probably repressing
the worst of it.
It's not repression.
Anything kudrin
can tell us
would be useful.
Unless Michael objects.
No. It's a good idea.
Then it's settled.
We're interested in a woman
who was held in base camp 4.
There was no prisoner
in base camp 4.
That's not true.
She was rescued
during the assault.
(Kudrin) Ah, impossible.
She was held for 6 months.
We want to know
what your people did to her.
We don't hold prisoners.
We interrogate
and dispose of them.
Whatever was done to her,
we won't hold it
against you personally.
In fact, the only way
that you can make things
worse for yourself
is if you lie.
There was no prisoner.
Certainly not
for more than a few days.
[Men chattering]
I've come to know Mr. Kudrin
rather well lately.
There's a good chance
he's telling the truth.
Perhaps nikita
was a prisoner,
but he wasn't aware of it.
Jurgen's evaluation of nikita?
That she's hiding something.
If she wasn't a prisoner
of the freedom league,
then she's been
outside the section
for 6 months, free.
Well, so why would
she come back?
I don't know.
But it raises
another possibility.
What's that?
That Michael knows the truth,
and he lied to protect her.
A bond between 2 agents
isn't always such a bad thing.
This level of betrayal
would be unacceptable.
Get to the bottom of it,
then we'll do
what we have to do.
Are you happy
with your new office?
I'm glad.
Thank you.
All right.
How am I doing?
Your reflexes are at 90 percent.
But your coordination
is no better than 75.
I can feel it.
I'm still out of sync.
So we'll step up the pace.
All right.
Have you started playing go yet?
No, I haven't.
Why not? I told you to.
I didn't realize
it was an order.
In go, every move is a cover
for something else.
Well, I'm sure
it's the section's
most popular pastime.
Anything else?
Oh, there is one thing.
You don't seem out of sync now.
He knows I wasn't a prisoner.
He just does.
Does he know about us?
I don't know.
I'm under suspicion, too.
I destroyed
the freedom league computer.
I was afraid
it might contain data
about their prisoners.
I wouldn't be in it.
You asked me once
what to do, and I said wait.
I have a better answer now.
Get away from here.
Be free again.
Do you mean it?
I mean it.
I have a plan. It's not perfect.
But it should give you
a 2-day start, maybe more.
Me? What about you?
I'll have to stay behind.
And if the truth comes out
when I'm gone?
That's a chance
I'll have to take.
You can do anything,
can't you, except be with me.
Michael, you can go to hell.
I ran once and it didn't work.
I'm not running again.
There's another way.
It won't be easy.
It requires something
from both of us.
I'll get kudrin to lie,
to say you were a prisoner.
How are you gonna do that?
That's my problem.
Your problem
is to take care of Jurgen.
By doing what?
Whatever it takes.
(Jurgen) You're not scheduled.
I thought I'd get in
a little extra work.
If that's all right with you?
It's fine.
What'll it be?
Whatever you want.
Just give it your best shot.
Are you sure
you're ready for that?
I think so.
What did you do on the outside?
You mean, before
I joined the section?
I mean during the 6 months
you were supposedly
held prisoner
by the freedom league.
What were you really doing?
Where did you live?
How did you support yourself?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
This is disappointing.
I was hoping
you'd take me seriously
when I told you not to lie.
I'm not lying.
You see, it felt wrong
from the start.
You were repressing something,
but not a memory, more
like a secret.
You're wrong.
Am I?
I don't think so.
I think I got it right.
See, I know why you're here.
What do you want?
What do you want?
To die.
I can help.
Then do it.
I want something in return.
If you do exactly as I say,
you'll die quickly.
If you betray me,
I'll see that you remain
like this forever.
Whatever you say. Just do it.
Tell me why you came back.
It was Michael, wasn't it?
He has you under his thumb,
just like all the rest.
What, you think
you're the first?
Manipulating beautiful women
is his specialty.
You've heard of Simone?
He loved Simone.
He's never loved anyone.
Not even himself.
You wanted to see me?
I'm listening.
There was a prisoner
Blonde hair.
We used the most
advanced techniques.
She suffered,
but gave us nothing.
Why didn't you
tell me this before?
I've told you.
Now kill me.
I only wish I could.
But you kept this back
and you may be keeping
something else back, too.
I'm afraid we're going
to have to let you live
a little longer.
He's dead inside.
He's made you dead, too.
You came to kill me
because he told you to.
If he told you to
have sex with me,
you'd do that, too.
You're his slave.
Medic to holding room, now.
beeping loudly]
The section will know
it wasn't an accident.
I don't give a damn
about the section.
Neither do I.
Because death doesn't matter
if you betray life.
Now you're not thinking
about the section,
of being cancelled,
or anything,
except what you want.
To put that knife
deep inside my throat.
Isn't that right?
That's right.
[Knife clattering]
(Jurgen) Congratulations.
You're alive again.
As far as I'm concerned,
our sessions are over.
Is it over?
He's no danger to us.
You just signed
our death warrant.
You wanted to see me?
(Operations) Yes.
Your evaluation is complete.
You should have told us
the truth, nikita.
Jurgen told us everything.
The freedom league used
forced hypnotic regression,
didn't they?
Reduced you
to a little girl again,
tried to build you back up.
Yes, that's right.
It's nothing
to be ashamed of.
Especially since
you didn't crack.
Well, I thought
if they put me through it
one more time, I might.
The point is, we could've done
a better job of helping you
if we'd known.
As it is, Jurgen says
you've made it nearly
all the way back
on sheer willpower.
In any event, I'm sure
you'll be pleased to know
that a team returned
just an hour ago.
The last remnants
of the freedom league
have been destroyed.
So, uh, what now?
You'll work a while longer
with Jurgen.
If all goes well,
you'll be returned
to active status.
Well done, nikita.
Forced hypnotic regression.
Does it even exist?
It exists.
It can destroy
your emotional structure
in a matter of days.
Any residual effects?
Report some nightmares,
just to keep it convincing.
Then in 2 or 3 weeks,
come up to full proficiency,
you'll be in the clear.
You still don't trust him?
Why should he protect us?
I don't know.
But he just did.
You've been in the section
long enough, nikita.
You should know better.
If he was gonna betray us,
he would've done it by now.
Betrayal gets him nothing.
But he has power over us
because he knows the truth
and one day
he'll use that power.
For what?
We'll find out soon enough.
I don't think so, Michael.
He's different.
Different from what?
Different from you.
[Woman speaking French]
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