La Femme Nikita (1997) s02e04 Episode Script

Approaching Zero

♪♪[Gaze by sweetback playing]
♪♪[Volume reduces]
I need somebody ♪♪
Something's bothering me.
What's that?
Your past.
Your life before section.
Michael said
what you told me
wasn't true.
That you were
dangerous before,
and you still are now.
What do you think?
I don't know.
That's why I'm asking you.
There's nothing
I can do or say
to prove to you
who I was or who I am.
I guess you have
to ask yourself,
why would either of us
lie to you?
Maybe you both just
want something from me.
I know you were not a hostage
for the 6 months you were out.
I also know that
Michael had something
to do with your return.
That alone is enough
to extort anything
I would want from you or him.
[Knocking on door]
Excuse me.
I was in the area.
I thought I'd drop in
to see how things were going.
It's good.
It smells like you're cooking.
Yes, I am.
Can I come in?
Of course.
Hi, Michael.
We were just sitting down
to have some dinner.
Did you want to join us?
No. I have some things to do.
I just wanted to see
how you were doing.
Are you sure?
[Woman speaking French]
As you know, most satellites
have a nuclear power source,
a material that could
be used as a weapon.
Normally, this doesn't pose
a security threat,
as these orbiters burn up
when they reenter
the atmosphere.
[Beeping] Yesterday, however,
while a Norwegian satellite
was on the way up,
a booster exploded
causing the payload to fall
into the north sea, intact.
What about
their recovery team?
3 choppers went down.
No survivors.
There was a naval
ship in the area
that was sent in to investigate.
We've lost contact with them.
Someone wants that satellite.
Was there a beacon?
It was destroyed.
Mr. Birkoff is in systems,
preparing a spreadsheet.
Every hour that passes,
chances of recovering
the satellite
are reduced by a factor of 2.
Get on it.
Birkoff's running
the numbers now.
There's a ship
in the north sea
where the satellite fell.
We've hailed them
but they haven't
Start running the numbers.
I want you to get me
on that vessel.
(Birkoff) It's too far offshore.
If anything goes wrong
out there, you're alone.
There's a NATO carrier
300 kilometers away.
Let them take it.
No. Orders are
to work autonomously.
I'll see what I can do.
Did you pull something?
There are 2 connections
we backed into through
the satellite's manufacturer.
Both are soft,
but one of them we know
to have an interest
in acquiring nuclear capability.
Do we have location
or personnel?
They're working on that now.
What do you want to do?
Prepare a chopper and a zodiac.
Do you want to use advance ops?
No. I want to use my team.
by sister machine gun playing]
They're approaching target.
They're at the ship.
I look at you
and then I see your fire ♪
and I think about desire ♪
yes, I think about desire ♪
tell me things
that you try to hide ♪
now I'm burnin' up inside ♪
oh, now I'm
burnin' up inside ♪
when I think
about the first time ♪
that I saw your face ♪
I've never felt this way ♪
No one's on deck.
We're going down.
(Birkoff) keep looking.
Now I'm thinkin'
that you feel the same ♪
That signal's coming
from somewhere.
And I get down on my knees
and pray ♪
you're like a burning flame ♪
and I'll never be the same ♪
no, I'll never be the same ♪
you're like a burning flame ♪
and I'll never be the same ♪
no, I'll never be the same ♪
What kind of fool am I? ♪
(Jurgen) Michael?
Anything else?
No, just this.
[Radar beeping]
Something's out there.
I'm picking up
something in the air.
I'm not sure yet.
Probably a commercial
airliner. I'll check.
Nikita, give me a visual,
40 degrees to the southeast.
No, I never had before ♪
and now I'm livin'
in my own reality ♪
'cause all the things
you did to me ♪
Looks like a vapor trail.
(Birkoff) a vapor trail?
Whatever this is,
it's getting closer.
Could be a NATO plane
on maneuvers?
Not on that trajectory.
Get them off the ship.
Michael, get your team
to exit point now.
We have an abort condition.
And I'll never be the same ♪
Looks like you got
a hostile sukhoi,
30 kilometers and closing.
You've got a live
warhead aimed at you.
Get out of there, Michael.
[Boat engine revving]
You're like a burning flame ♪
and I'll never be the same ♪
no, I'll never be the same ♪♪
Birkoff tracked
the sukhoi.
He'll fill you in.
Did you get
any debris
from the ship?
Jurgen's off-loading it.
Good. Let's work up an analysis.
This is all I got
from the satellite.
Take this to Walter.
Play back the data
on the assault.
Tear it apart and rebuild it
until we get a clear picture.
Go help Walter
run down the hardware.
Oh, it'll take him
a couple of hours.
I'll get to it in the morning.
How'd you get away with that?
I don't answer to Michael.
And operations?
He was standing
right there.
If it was important,
I would've done it.
So, how do you get to decide?
It's it's complicated.
Let's go.
How was your visit
to the north sea?
How'd your team hold up?
There were no incidents.
And Jurgen and nikita?
They're forming an attachment.
Stay close to it.
Let me know when it's time.
What's up?
We're going out again.
Is my panel up-to-date?
No. Comm's finishing
up the sequences.
You weren't home when I called.
I went out for dinner.
Why? Is that a problem?
All right, Michael,
so what is this?
So I went out to dinner.
Why do you care?
Patented Michael answer,
the blank stare.
If you're jealous,
just be jealous.
Tell me not to see him.
Is that all it would take?
Maybe not.
But at least
it would be something real,
an emotion,
instead of this cryptic
game of 20 questions.
You're right.
I shouldn't have asked.
So, that's where we stand?
You really don't care
if I see Jurgen?
See you upstairs.
We've distilled
all the current data
from the ambush attempt.
Tactical must
have originated
from within Norway.
This matches up
with one of the two
groups we backed into,
the 5th order.
Russian mafia?
They have been underwritten
by various organized factions
inside the former Soviet union.
But we still don't know
who is motivating the action.
If they're so well-financed,
why go to all the trouble
to steal some fuel rods?
That's not what
they're after. Birkoff?
This wasn't a landsat
orbiter after all.
It was a military
communications satellite.
It has the hard-wired
decryption codes
of the main command
and control lines
to the Pentagon.
If the 5th order can figure out
how to leverage
these codes in time,
it would become
a global security
How much time before
the Pentagon can reprogram?
Not fast enough.
We have to recover
that satellite.
Mr. Birkoff is triangulating
the location.
We're on close quarters standby.
Madeline wants
to see you
in her office.
How are things going?
I never got a chance
to congratulate you
on your full return to status.
A lot has changed for you.
Has it?
Tell me.
I want to hear it
in your own words.
Well, all I wanted to do
back then was get out.
And now?
I won't lie to you.
I'm not happy to be here,
but it's not about
getting out anymore.
What is it about?
Having a better life.
Has Jurgen helped
you come to this point?
Actually, yes.
He seems to be able to do things
that you said weren't possible.
Like what?
He makes his own choices.
Jurgen is an unusual case.
[Door opens]
We're ready.
Birkoff's got a location?
It's a twin location.
We'll have to use
parallel teams.
(Madeline) Who's running point?
(Michael) I'll be using nikita.
Then get her wired.
Birkoff's going
to be pulling off
a transmission frequency.
Cover as much space as you can.
And if I'm detected?
We'll be in the basement.
You'll have to cover
the first 10 seconds alone.
After that, look for us
and and stay out
of the line of fire.
Finish her up and
get her to access.
(Walter) Yeah. Ok.
How's that feel?
It'll loosen up.
As long as
you can breathe.
There's a mission loading.
I don't have
our location yet.
What's going on?
Don't worry about it.
Keep working.
[Phone buzzing]
Are you sure?
Advance team just
arrived on site.
Target's been abandoned.
Mission's off?
I thought advance team
already confirmed.
Nothing should surprise
you about this place.
Oh, it's just
we've never aborted
during egress.
[Walter scoffs]
I remember once
heading to Italy.
We were on a plane.
We did a mid-game abort.
I had it all planned, too.
I was going to take out
an armory Friday morning,
and then,
have the weekend
to see selendra.
Where's that?
Not where is it, who is it?
She was a section op
out of Rome, and we made
Walter, can you
come here immediately?
(Michael) I'll take it.
Put this stuff on here.
So, are we still on
close quarters standby?
No, you can leave.
Is that it?
You're all set.
I'll do it.
(Nikita) What a beautiful house.
I was surprised
to get your call.
Yeah, it was an early abort.
They lost the location.
I'm glad.
Can I get you anything?
(Nikita) no, thank you.
what's up?
You seem distracted.
I wanted to tell you
that you were right.
There was something
between Michael and me.
Is there still?
I spoke with him today.
It's over.
For him or for you?
For both of us.
Can I fix you a drink?
Let me know when you get a lock.
You know, it wasn't easy
for me to train you.
Why was that?
Sometimes, to get
trainees to cross the line
I have to become their enemy.
Well, I guess it just
didn't work this time.
You know, I'm just a little
No rush.
You you're not ready.
It's not that.
We can wait.
No. Come here.
Birkoff, you have sync yet?
It runs at 500 megahertz.
I can't change that.
Ok, there it is.
Is that all we need?
I still need to cycle
the combinations,
but we can do that on site.
[Phone dialing]
[Phone ringing]
Lt. Comdr. Ronald arka.
We believe he's
the pilot of the sukhoi
that bombed the freighter.
He's been on leave for 2 weeks.
Birkoff connected him
to a paymaster
for the 5th order.
Where is he now?
He's stationed in Nova Scotia.
He's due to return tomorrow.
Why do we think it's him?
There were 23 sukhoi
pilots unaccounted for
at the time of the incident.
Birkoff worked them all up,
found linkage between
5th order and arka.
Any questions?
Is Michael leading the team?
No, he won't be going.
It's just the two of you
and backups.
Michael's needed elsewhere.
We'll go in here.
Here's the carrier
of his backup system.
Just have to invert it and wait.
Got it.
I just heard from Michael.
It's done.
Thank you.
What? Who are you?
What do you want?
I haven't done anything.
Shall we continue
where we left off?
Has he offered up anything
since our last transmission?
No. He will need to be squeezed.
Before you leave, Jurgen,
I'd like you to debrief.
I'll do it tomorrow.
You'll do it now.
You heard me.
From now on,
you'll follow orders
without question.
Jurgen, wait.
Is everything all right?
[Tires screeching]
I don't understand.
I'm dead.
What'd you have in there?
You asked how I could
live like this,
on my own terms.
I had damaging intel
that I could have
used against them.
Who? Operations?
It doesn't matter.
It kept everyone off my back.
Why didn't they just cancel you?
They couldn't.
I had a fail-safe.
I distributed the damaging intel
among servers around the world.
If I didn't
refresh the codes
every few days,
it was scripted
to automatically
upload to the agency.
But you still have
all the data, don't you?
It's too late.
They've done damage control.
The only people
who can corroborate
the allegations
are probably dead by now.
It doesn't make sense.
I, uh, had
a one-sided security
hold on the house.
A dynamic carrier frequency.
The only way
you can tap in without
was from the inside.
You were the only
person I allowed in.
They broke in hours
after you were here.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
The mission.
What mission?
I told you about it yesterday.
The early abort.
They wired me to go out.
Walter got called off.
Michael finished.
They used you.
Get out.
Let me help you through this.
They can't take
everything away
from us.
There is no "us."
There's not even a "me,"
not anymore.
Will they cancel you?
No. I never posed
a malicious threat.
I just wanted to be treated
like a human being, I think.
They understood that.
That's how we all feel.
I can't live that way.
I never could.
It won't be exactly as it was.
But I'm here.
leave me alone now.
Did you get it all?
The name arka gave us connected
to a software firm in Brussels.
The firm is a cover.
Cover or not,
do they have the technology
to recover the codes
from the satellite?
This is never an easy job.
Sometimes unbearable,
for all of us.
I respect Jurgen for who he is
and what he tried to do,
but there are
certain things
that are absolute.
Jurgen could not be allowed
to hold the section hostage.
How could you do this, Michael?
I just told you.
Not to him, to me.
It was never my intention
to hurt you.
Oh, so that makes it ok?
How far back does it go?
My training with Jurgen,
or when you brought me in?
The night we had together?
Everyone's been contacted.
Walter needs you in inventory.
In a minute.
Well, that's the first
time you've had the
section wait for me.
When you were
at his house,
I was listening.
I had to keep my
feelings separate.
That's how I live
my life, nikita.
Split in two.
I never let anyone see
the other half,
but it's there.
Always part of me.
Well, it's just
too little, too late.
I'm going to help
Jurgen through this,
if he lets me.
I've become part of his life.
Remember, we're not looking
to retrieve the satellite.
Just the on-board computer.
Only signal birkoff
when you get
visual confirmation.
It's on your panel.
Whoever gets it,
hold your position.
I'll need to do a scan.
Once we get a positive I.D.,
you'll be given
a 2nd burst.
We'll do a surgical.
by les jumeaux playing]
Magnetic sensor
deactivated. Proceed.
Nobody's clown ♪
carroussella ♪
Sensor circuit is closed.
You're clear to enter.
Carroussella ♪
Read it, birkoff.
What are they
doing in there?
Give me a zoom
on the main console.
[Gun firing]
Spin around ♪
Yeah, that's it.
They're cycling codes.
Can you get it?
Carroussella ♪♪
I can't get to it.
Well, you better do
something quick.
Because it looks like
in about 90 seconds,
they're going to be uploaded.
Whoever's on
the receiving end
is going to have those codes.
[Gun firing]
Everybody out. I'm arming.
When's the detonation?
5 seconds.
What's wrong?
They jammed the remote.
It's not activating
the detonator.
We'll have to rearm.
How much longer
before we lose our window?
Less than a minute.
Can you fix it?
It'd have to be done manually.
Let me do it, Michael.
I'm not going to make it anyway.
Jurgen, no.
Put down the gun,
and stay in the Van.
[Gun fires]
You got 21 seconds.
You've had to endure
a number of difficult things
since you've come back to us.
We all have to come to terms
with our personal losses,
look into our souls,
find a way to cope.
We can't help you with that,
but I know you,
and know that you'll be able
to find that inner strength.
Although we rarely do this
with such a young operative,
we're willing to make
an exception in your case.
We want you to take
some time for yourself.
Anywhere in the world
you'd like to go.
That'll be all, nikita.
Some of the things
I said about Jurgen
are not true.
I tell you this
in case you have
any doubt
as to what kind of man he was.
I'm sure you don't.
Jurgen trained me
when I first came
to section.
I'll miss him.
So will I.
[Woman speaking French]
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