Marriage or Mortgage (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Adopting New Traditions

The dilemma is crazy. We want a house,
but we also want to have a wedding.
We don't know what to do at this point.
I've had a dream of having a wedding
since I was literally a child.
The thought of spending $30,000
for one day, it makes me crazy.
That's like a down payment for a home.
How do we pick between
the day that we want and the future?
-How are you?
-I'm Sarah!
Hey, I'm Nichole.
That's where we come in.
As a real estate agent,
the smart thing to do is invest in a home.
No way.
As a wedding planner,
give me a dream wedding any day.
I am split down the middle.
Having a wedding
or buying a house is an age-old dilemma
for many engaged couples on a budget
who don't know what to do.
My head and my heart are going
in two different directions.
We'll compete for their business.
- Whether that means a house…
- Or a wedding.
Yes, my dear.
Whatcha doin'?
A little work on the couch.
Whatcha doin'?
Feet up and all propped up.
Look at this.
Why have this beautiful area
if we don't live in it?
I know. It's so cozy.
I've got the goods on Denise
-and Nicholas.
- Oh!
Do you wanna see?
I know. Let's go over it.
They look really fun.
I did win "Class Clown" in high school.
-So I take it very seriously.
-I won "Best Smelling."
-You did?
What else did I win?
"Most Spirited."
-That makes sense. I can see that.
-Got a lot of spirit.
-"Best Eyes," too.
How many people were in your school?
He's a full-time firefighter
and a personal trainer.
Denise is a former pro-cheerleader
turned recruiter
and works from home.
- Kitty kisses in the office.
-Been together five years.
I told him not to call me
after the first time we hung out.
Honestly, 'cause I knew.
"We'll fall in love,
don't call me tomorrow."
-Don't answer.
-I shouldn't have answered.
And, oh, wait a minute!
Our engagement
was super dramatic.
Popping out of a box at a hockey game,
in front of 17,000 fans.
All screaming for us.
And just getting down on one knee
and not saying a word.
-Neither of us said anything
-That added to it. She didn't say yes.
-Just let that be known. So…
-And I didn't ask her to marry me.
-But here we are.
-Here we are.
Nicholas shares custody
of his six-year-old daughter with his ex,
but Denise and Nick
are eager to have more kids,
biologically and through adoption.
-I love that.
They live in a two-bedroom apartment,
and they would love to buy a home
their family can grow into.
I'm a real estate agent.
Owning a house is the all-American dream!
I can make that dream come true.
Between the two of us,
my daughter, Tatum, and the cats,
we need more space.
My gym is also my garage.
Love what you've done
with the place.
We want a three-bedroom,
If we don't spend our savings
on a wedding right now,
we can afford a house that's 300-400,000.
Having a wedding celebration
is also important.
Nick is a romantic
and never had a real wedding
since he eloped the first time.
The best part about wedding planning
is creating
these huge moments for my couples.
It's the biggest day of their life.
It's amazing.
This is our favorite date night.
Hers, too.
My mom and dad divorced
when I was young,
and I never had that intact family unit.
And with my previous relationship,
we eloped,
and it wasn't what I wanted.
You don't get many chances for do-overs.
I wanna be able to show our love off.
I wanna be a bride-zilla.
-You ready? Let's do it.
- Ready?
-Love you.
-Love you.
-Yes. I'm a little nervous.
-Okay. Let's go.
It's overwhelming.
It really is.
-How are you?
-I'm Sarah!
-I'm a hugger.
-I'm Nichole.
-How are you?
-Come on in! Yeah!
-Have a seat.
We have limited funds
and can only afford one.
How do we pick between
the day that we deserve and we want
and the future?
Excited? Are you nervous?
You seem nervous.
Super nervous.
Naturally, I couldn't--
-A little snot hanging out.
I don't know if it's a post-nasal drip,
but he does get these dangling snots.
When it's cold.
When we smooch, sometimes I end up
with snot… Like, "This is romantic.
Does it have to do with the 'stache?
-No, it's--
- It should catch it, right?
No one likes a dirty mustache.
-I don't.
-Clearly, a woman would not--
I don't like… When mine is dirty,
that is it. So thank you so much
for entrusting us.
Tell me about your hopes,
dreams and dream house.
What are you looking for?
So, three-bedroom,
two-bath, open floor plan.
I'm a firefighter,
but I used to be a personal trainer.
I've amassed a large amount of equipment.
So, I have to have a garage
that I can have my own space.
Tall ceilings, because I'm--
- Your wingspan.
-He's tall.
But also because she works from home,
I need a spot that's separate…
-You guys so need space to spread out.
-Oh, wow.
What else is important
to you guys in a home?
We spend a lot of time
in the living room and the kitchen,
because I cook, I'm at the station…
-I watch and cheer him on.
- He's the chef.
It's also, kind of,
nostalgic for me.
My father was a chef.
No way!
Mmm-hmm. He passed away
when I was in high school.
-I was left to my own devices.
It reminds of me of my dad when
he's in the kitchen cooking. I love it.
We don't have space
to entertain right now.
-But then also,
I have a daughter
from my previous marriage.
Definitely having a third bedroom,
or at least one extra bedroom.
We're at two now.
Making sure Tatum still has
her space and feels very
-included in on all of that.
- Sure.
It's crucial.
Denise walked into a situation
that was incredibly difficult.
And she became
an instant step-parent overnight.
It's amazing to see someone
love a child unconditionally.
He already has a biological child,
and for me, my heart's desire is to adopt.
We'll have to have a place for that child
and have the space to bring them in.
So you've always wanted to adopt?
I have.
My father, he was actually dropped off
at an orphanage when he was really young
with his two sisters.
They were adopted and he was not.
So he grew up until the age of 18
in an orphanage.
So, to be able to do that,
it checks off a lot of boxes for us
and would mean the world to do that.
I feel like Denise has
this amazing sense of family,
given her history and her dad's history.
They need a house.
But having that foundation
as a marriage first, super important.
We are in a dilemma, because
I didn't get
the big glitz and glam of a wedding
the first time I got married.
So, that's why as much
as we'd love to put roots down,
there's also the excitement
of possibly having that big wedding.
And what's my budget?
We can only spend $25,000 on a wedding
or down payment for the house.
Do you think $25,000 will work?
-You're thinking, for 80-100 people?
That's a great budget.
Just depending upon
the areas and the venues.
Nothing's been decided.
-If you can keep an open mind--
We've kind of settled on a Graceland,
Elvis-themed, gold everything--
Dark navy velvets, peacock feathers,
a long white leather couch.
-I mean, filthy.
-The emerald tones…
Vintage and…
Yeah, I mean, that's what it is.
I love this, but why?
Like, what brings that to play?
One of our first getaways
was actually to Graceland.
It's been a big part of our life.
We made a replica of Elvis' tux
for him to wear.
- No way.
- We found a velvet-paisley print.
It comes very close
to what Elvis actually wore.
-For his wedding.
-For his wedding to Priscilla?
That is the coolest thing ever.
So, I mean, clearly you've seen
what he wants to wear.
Are you gonna be non-traditional
and pick out her dress as well?
-If it's okay with you.
-We'd like to.
-If it's okay with me? I mean, yes, it is!
You're the planner.
Let's have fun and customize stuff.
Like, I love making it unique.
What about a specialty cocktail?
-Love a specialty cocktail.
-Will there be taste testing?
Would you like taste testing?
I could do it.
I couldn't serve anything
without tasting it.
Make sure it's not poisonous.
You guys are amazing.
-This was fun.
-It was so fun!
We're looking forward to it.
Yeah, we are so excited.
-No pressure, guys.
Now that I know
about the Elvis theme,
I'm gonna give Nick and Denise
this look and vibe for this amazing
Graceland wedding that they deserve.
I would love to plan
this wedding for sure.
Not to brag, but I've got
some tricks up my sleeve, too.
Knowing that this is a blended family,
and the history that Denise has
and her father has,
I think I'm gonna show them a thing or two
that's going to really impress them.
Feelin' good about it.
- We'll see ya later.
- Bye!
You excited
about seeing homes today?
I am. If I'm havin' a bad day,
he says, "Wanna look at houses, babe?"
Really? I love that.
The realtor in me is giddy
hearing that.
I've got three amazing houses
to show Nick and Denise today,
and each one has all the things
we're looking for in a forever home.
A gourmet kitchen,
extra room for a growing family,
and a separate garage space.
I've also staged some rooms
with some extra goodies
to help them forget
all about having a wedding.
I love this.
- Yeah?
-This openness is beautiful.
This house is just under 360,000.
It's 1,300 square feet,
it's a single family home,
and it checks all the boxes
off of your wish list.
It is a gorgeous kitchen.
They did a great job in here.
I know your dad
was quite the chef.
So, the kitchen may have
a little special touch.
Aww. Okay, I'm crying.
-Remember your dad's recipe?
Yeah, this is one of his favorite…
Everybody's favorite.
The London broil he made.
-So good.
- It sounds delicious.
I actually had Nick help me and
give me these recipes of Denise's dad's,
and then I staged them in the kitchen.
-It was pretty emotional.
- Cuttin' deep.
It's what I do for my clients.
- His crepes.
-The crepes.
I lost a lot of my dad's stuff in a fire.
So, this is so special.
Seeing his recipes,
does it feel like this could be
-your kitchen?
I mean,
it already kind of makes it feel homey.
- Shall we see the master?
- Nice.
Think I'm gonna slip into something
-more comfortable.
-Kidding. I'm just hot.
-Guys, get out.
- I'm excited.
-We gotta go.
Look at this!
Separate sinks.
I feel like
separate sinks saves marriages.
Also, separate bathrooms.
Him having a throne of his own.
"A throne of his own"?
-This is awesome.
-And a fenced-in backyard.
This is incredible.
-I love this space.
- My God.
- You gotta test it.
-He's a toddler. Between him and Tatum,
it's enough.
Babe, watch this.
- If you fall--
- It's a trick.
It's a trick I learned.
Now you see what it's like for us
in the bedroom.
-You know?
The detached garage.
This… I don't know.
I need at least ten feet
for push-press and wall balls
and all the overhead movements
because I'm so tall.
-You did well with the house.
-All right.
-But this won't do.
- Won't work.
- No.
-All right.
You didn't like the garage.
I don't know exactly
how high those ceilings are.
How high do they need to be?
Ideally, they're 15-foot.
He didn't like the first house,
because of the garage
but I am not going down that easy.
I am showing him the garage first
in the next house.
Do you hear angels singing?
I think I hear angels singing, Nick!
-I set up a gym for Nick in the garage.
-Oh! Okay.
So he could see what it's like to work out
from his own home.
This is a little gym thrown together.
-You did this for me?
- You are quick.
Is it high enough?
-You're sure?
I'll need
a couple of minutes to myself.
I'm stepping back.
Please don't break the wall.
This would be perfect.
Stay here for, like, an hour.
No, thanks.
Get a nice jog in.
- I'll take a bath.
-There you go!
- You had me at gym. It's gorgeous.
-This is amazing.
You listened
to all of our wants and needs.
Would Sarah do this?
-Did you move these yourself?
-Of course!
That's impressive.
- Oh, my God.
- Let me in.
- You love those arch doorways.
- That is my love language.
Oh! Good to know!
This house is 395, has an amazing garage,
good-sized bedrooms, and a great kitchen.
But it is a townhome and there is an HOA.
-And the HOA is $320 a month.
-It's a little steep.
I like the cabinets.
- Good!
-More modern than a traditional Shaker.
I love this little
sitting area option.
-You didn't tell me it's an air mattress.
- Oh, my God.
Oh, no!
Oh, my God.
-Come on, let's go.
- My God.
We love this house, but Nichole
did say we'd look at three houses.
So we can't wait to see what's next.
It's a great school district.
Williamson County does have
amazing public schools.
Once we brought Tatum here,
'cause we love this neighborhood.
Is she tall like you?
-For her age?
Someone told me that
she looked like she was 12.
Everyone asks me
if my daughter is older, too.
She's tall for her age.
Tallest in her class.
Having a turnkey house with extra room
in a good school district,
near Tatum's school,
is really important to Nick and Denise
as they grow their family.
So, I decided to take them
to a brand-new development
in a great neighborhood
and show them a model home.
-Oh, these floors.
-Like 'em?
- I do.
So, this is the model.
-This is so open.
Honestly, Nichole, if your best pitch
is selling somebody on a model home,
I'm not worried about it at all.
I didn't expect so much space.
- There's a lot of space.
Would I pick a house
based on a model home?
-Why? What's not to love?
It's a model home!
This is what we wanted.
-All day.
- Right.
The reason I wanted to bring you guys here
is because it's brand-new construction,
-it's close to Tatum's school.
-Preach it.
-And you can choose your own finishes.
- Yes.
Base price for these townhomes
start at 350,
but this actually doesn't
come with the appliances.
So, that would have to be something
that you would be out of pocket for.
In our apartment, obviously,
we can't bring appliances with us,
-so that's--
- Something we have to add on.
Would you like something higher-end,
something different?
Because I go away at the station,
I like to leave her notes.
So, I thought about getting one of those
smart fridges that have the screens
so that I can write notes from work
and they can just pop up randomly
-for her.
-That's sweet.
-And there is an HOA as well?
-There is an HOA.
Our lease is up soon.
-What's the turnaround time?
It can take from three to six months
depending on what's available
in inventory right now.
Regardless, you will have to probably rent
another month or two.
We'd have to sign a new lease.
-You're breaking my heart.
The new home,
the option to customize,
-being so close to my mom, and also Tatum.
This is speaking my language.
But I do worry about the costs.
It's a good option!
A little courtyard area.
-Okay, this is nice.
Access to your own personal garage.
You don't share.
-This is your domain.
Wow, babe!
Is this the standard garage?
So they can vary
from eight feet…
Wait for it, wait!
Do we have a medic?
All the way up to 15 feet!
-I'm back.
- He's up.
-I'm up.
-It just depends on the elevation.
-Your master ensuite.
- It's a good size master.
- Isn't it?
You could put the sitting area there.
So much room here.
-So, this is the first guest bedroom.
Oh, my God.
This is so sweet!
-Tatum would love this.
I wanted to do this for you guys,
so you could imagine
-what it would be like.
- It's perfect.
You got me on that one.
It's three bedrooms. We've seen two.
Got one more to go. Wanna check it out?
Oh, no!
-Did you see that?
It says "Welcome home."
This is so cute.
Well, it could be.
Did you do this, too?
Guilty as charged!
This is so sweet.
Don't lay on the bed, Nick.
-If you do, sit gently.
I'll let you guys have a second.
We've talked about it for so long.
It's not until you see everything in here
that it… could become real.
Being in a room
that's decorated for this child,
that Nichole set up,
it really makes the adoption
feel real for us.
It's overwhelming.
It has been a big day.
And I know we've had a lot of fun
joking about garage sizes
-and upgrades…
…but seeing the rooms set up for Tatum
and a possible adoption…
That makes it feel like home.
Like family.
And that's what matters.
So, if you were to choose a house
today, would this be the one?
-It's a no-brainer.
- Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh.
I feel really bad
for Sarah right now.
You really did amazing.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
-Happy to do it.
- Good.
- Thank you so much.
Come on everybody… ♪
- Excited about today?
-Nervous anticipation.
I'm always nervous.
- Nervous? Don't be nervous.
We have fun on these days.
Nick never got to have
a wedding celebration for the first time.
So this is really important to him.
And even though they don't have
a lot of things set yet,
they do wanna have a Graceland wedding
with velvets and peacock feathers.
I know a few venues and caterers
that can fit within their $25,000 budget.
And today,
I'm taking them to the Liquor Lab
to show them they can afford
a wedding that's over-the-top.
We'll have fun.
That's not why we're nervous.
You guys get to show us
all the fun things,
-then we make life choices.
-And make it tough on you.
Nichole went above and beyond
and took us through the emotional gamut.
I don't know
if my heart can take any more.
Welcome to the Liquor Lab.
-Place is cool, huh? So fun.
- I'm intrigued.
Good to see you.
-I'm Candice.
-Hi. Denise.
-Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Candice.
You guys told me at the consultation
that it was important to have unique,
-customized things at your wedding, right?
I mean, what better way
than a specialty drink
-to pull that theme through?
Sarah told me that
you guys are into Elvis and Graceland,
and the rim that you see on that glass
is actually bacon,
salt, and a bit of sugar.
Your first cocktail.
Are you licking the--
-Am I doing it wrong? I thought--
This is something super fun.
It's a grape jelly syrup.
- Ooh!
- I get what you're doin'.
So, you're gonna throw your bourbon in.
Ice it.
Turning it over.
One good smack.
-Seal it. Power hand on top.
-And shaking over your shoulder.
Pour it over the fresh ice.
- Like Kool-Aid.
-Grab that blackberry.
- Wrong thing.
Put it right on top.
You're cocktail's done.
Cheers, guys!
-It was okay, clearly.
We're gonna do
a little play on an old-fashioned
I think Elvis would've
been a really big fan of.
We made you
this peanut butter syrup.
- Oh, wow.
-Ooh, hey.
We'll do
one dash of chocolate,
then for cherry, three dashes.
Three dashes.
That bacon,
you can lay it on top,
-you can put a little on the side.
-Mix it in.
Peanut butter old-fashioned.
Feels like a tuft
-of hair grew on my chest.
Is it always your plan
to get all of your clients liquored up
right before they make the most enormous,
life-changing decisions?
It's not always my plan,
but sometimes it just falls into place.
-Oh, my God.
What is this? Like, a $27 drink?
If you're thinking of choosing
a full open bar, you're looking at $3,000.
That's not including bartenders.
We are more beer and wine people.
But I know all of the guests
love mixed drinks.
So, naturally,
I want that open bar with other options.
Could you just pick one?
I like this one.
This is just such a statement.
Maybe a bride's choice
and a groom's choice?
- Okay.
I mean, clearly, this Elvis old-fashioned.
Anything with candy bacon in it.
-Oh, God.
This is awesome.
Thank you so much.
So much fun.
Come on in!
Oh, wow.
- Wow.
- Cool?
I love this.
No traditional chairs
and tables at your reception.
I want us to make our own
little vignettes or seating areas.
Really envision what you could have
for your Graceland wedding.
Here, I'm gonna set this up
and throw some fur on this, too.
- I feel majestic in this.
Did you think you were gonna
get a workout today?
It's fantastic.
-Really fun. Love this.
-Good one.
So, we decided we love this style.
Love it. You're listening to what
we're saying and you're pulling it off.
Look at this one.
-With the shimmer on it?
-It's got gold in it.
-Do we not need this?
-How about these?
- No?
- Yeah.
Where do these go?
-They could sit on the floor.
-Put them around.
So, let's say the sofa's--
-Two hundy.
- Yep.
Two chairs, let's say they're at 75 each.
And then a coffee table, 50.
And a rug, 75.
Depending upon what you choose,
you're looking about $500
for one vignette.
$500 for a vignette?
$500 for a vignette is a steal.
We've got flexibility.
- Right.
-We could either
do ten amazing vignettes
to seat as many guests as possible,
with a small amount of bistro tables,
-for standing.
Or we could take this down and do
maybe two to three, with mostly tables
-and standing bistros.
If we have a wedding, I want it to be
dramatic, over-the-top, non-traditional.
I want it to be an experience.
So, I want all the vignettes.
You get a vignette, you get a vignette.
-I want them everywhere.
-It's an Oprah wedding.
Nick, you said you had your tux.
Yes. And I have had it
custom-tailored to fit…
this physique already.
Oh, boy.
Oh, boy. Here we go. One of the places
that we're gonna go today,
I know you wanted to do together.
Can you guess?
Things we wanna do together.
I think we're going… dress shopping.
Ding, ding, ding, ding.
Come on in.
I'll get the door.
Niya, nice to meet you.
-Hi, I'm Nicholas.
-Nice to meet you.
-Niya has amazing, untraditional dresses.
I heard you like something different.
You're in the right spot.
- Usually,
my brides never want their groom
to see them in their wedding dress,
but when I put Denise in this gown,
Nick's heart is going to melt.
And they will choose wedding, hands down.
- How about this beautiful dress?
- You love it.
This is funny because
it's nothing like I imagined.
-I'm obsessed with it.
- Beautiful.
So, this dress is a ball gown.
It's like a gray and champagne color.
-You would look good in that.
-I don't know about my tiny
breast-icles here in this area because
-I don't have those.
- Same as the mannequin.
Neither does the mannequin.
We'll pull that one.
Show us more. Let's look around.
This actually goes with a mermaid,
which is right here.
Okay, I just need her to try just this on.
We're shopping for a wedding dress,
not lingerie.
I like this one,
how it has the nude underlay.
-This one?
- I love it.
Let's get naked.
-Wait, what?
-Wait, nope, sit down.
Sit down.
-Cheers. Yeah.
Not your normal dress shopping, right?
-With a bottle of champagne?
-I mean--
-You go dress shopping?
-Me and my boys.
-This is normal.
-I love that you wanna do this together.
When her father passed,
the few things that Denise had saved
got lost in a fire.
Unfortunately, she doesn't have
all those mementos saved anymore.
We wanna make sure that
we're making memories together.
That's beautiful.
I love it.
-Really pretty. How's it feel?
-I feel like a woman.
I feel like I belong on top of a cake.
Do you see how it looks like
I have a large bush?
I noticed that, too.
I'm glad you caught it.
I was like,
"I love the detailing here."
- Okay.
Very pretty.
-Let's try the next one.
-Can you help her?
Oh, my gosh.
I… love this.
Do you think Nick will like it? Yeah?
I hope.
Does this give you, like, the whole feel
of, like, what you were expecting?
-It's real, huh? It makes it real.
I think your daddy
would've liked this, too.
-Pretty cool.
-You'll make me cry.
It's pretty cool.
-I like it a lot.
Are you good?
You ready to show him?
-Yeah. Okay.
-Okay, let's go.
I wanna not be crying.
It's okay.
-I'll help you.
Cover your eyes.
Oh, gosh.
It's beautiful.
I'm crying.
- It's so pretty.
-That's gorgeous.
Thank you.
-Got it?
-This is--
-Oh, my gosh.
This is insane.
- This is it.
-This is the Graceland of dresses.
It's… You nailed it.
I mean, it's breathtaking.
-It couldn't be more perfect.
This dress on you…
takes my breath away.
And if we choose wedding,
that will be one of the best memories.
I have one little surprise for you.
Oh, boy.
-I wanted to give you something special…
…that you could really use.
Something that's an heirloom
and passed down.
- Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Nick told me Denise's dad's name.
So I had it embroidered
on a handkerchief and gave it to her.
That is very sweet of you. Look at you!
That is so sweet and rude.
-But sweet.
Thank you.
I know how important your dad was,
and it's so important that he was…
Be a part of this,
be at your wedding.
-That's so sweet.
-Now you can carry that everywhere you go.
Thank you. Love you.
See how important this would be?
A wedding is really important.
-It's emotional.
I want to stare at myself.
It's a showstopper at the front door.
- Why don't I grab a veil?
- I love that.
Maybe one step closer to choosing wedding?
The dress is $3,200. But then we have
to add the veil too, so, that's $1,500.
The veil.
Yeah, you got us with the veil.
You could go without the veil, too--
- No. You want the veil.
I've got this one in the bag.
From the dress to the drinks,
to the vignettes, this one's in the bag.
-I know it. Yeah.
-Care to make a friendly wager?
-Sure, whatcha thinkin'?
Loser pops champagne.
We had a fun day.
But we really need
to talk through numbers.
Let's do that. That would be helpful.
Your budget right now was $25,000.
Let's just say venue, photographer, food.
That's probably gonna be
two-thirds of your budget right there.
And then you have to add in the dress,
which was 3,200, with the veil. Right?
And then, you guys selected the full bar
option with two specialty drinks.
And that's about $3,000,
and then another $1,000 with bartenders.
Then the vignettes.
You're probably looking at $5,000
for ten fun, vintage furniture vignettes.
You're gonna be over budget.
-It'll definitely be over.
-The dress.
The dress I don't think we can argue on.
-That was the one.
-We can do without the veil.
The higher end of your budget would be
to have ten to 12 vignettes.
So are we thinking, like, two or three?
I would probably say three.
How are you feeling at the end of today?
Look at you, trying to get
more information out of us.
You know I gotta.
I will say, you and Nichole
have made this…
-Really difficult.
-…very difficult.
We have to go home
and decide what we wanna do.
I'm actually getting nervous.
When we get there, sit down,
talk to them, we'll get some clarity.
-That'll clear things up.
-It's gonna be…
We can't even decide now.
Hello, hello!
Hi! Oh, my God!
- You look fantastic!
Good to see you, gorgeous!
-The competition heats up.
-We may have to arm wrestle for this one.
True. This is gonna be a tough one.
-It is! It's down to the wire.
-For sure.
Come hang out. Sit down. Get cozy.
We have missed you guys.
We talked about you all the time.
- Good, I hope.
- Y'all have made life tricky.
-Arguing back and forth in our minds.
-Lost sleep.
You did lose sleep?
-Mmm-hmm. Yeah.
We really had such a great day.
We did.
I really do think it's important
for you both to choose wedding.
With all the special things
we selected that day,
I've got some little things
I'd love to do for you.
And you're not gonna believe
what I can do with your budget of $25,000.
I have this amazing vendor in Nashville.
They would love to give you 50% off
all of your alcohol.
I'm gettin' so drunk.
-I mean, I might get so drunk.
- You might.
-That's incredible.
The vintage rental company,
they really saw how important
the Graceland theme was to you guys.
They'd love to give you
a discounted rate
on any of the vignettes that you choose.
Now you both can afford
to have more vignettes.
I have not one single word.
Wanna hear more?
That veil was so expensive,
and you took it out for budget reasons.
-I spoke with Niya.
She'd love to throw it in for free.
-Are you serious?
Love her. That's sweet.
-Thank you for talking to her.
Now the veil becomes an heirloom.
Wanna hear the best part?
Everything I just offered you guys,
if you choose wedding,
you guys are still right at budget.
-We can do it all, dream wedding…
…for our budget.
It makes me emotional.
I want us to have that.
To start this next chapter of our lives.
You sure
you wanna be here right now?
This is really… Uh-uh.
And you guys do deserve a wedding.
But Tatum also deserves
a house.
And to be closer to you guys.
She can have her own room.
And you've got space
to add on to the family.
I spoke to the contractor.
The model home that you guys decided on,
there is a specific unit.
You guys can still pick out finishes
that you guys could have
within three months.
Oh, wow.
We know how much
you love to cook her dad's recipes.
But the appliances are not included
in the price of the home,
and you'd have
to buy those separately.
So, I spoke to the builder.
He is willing to give you guys
an appliance allowance
of $12,000.
Are you joking right now?
So you can have the fancy refrigerator
to leave her notes
with the video recorder on the inside
you talked about.
All the newfangled things.
- You okay?
You guys
doing this stuff for us. Um…
-Wow. Okay.
-Time to leave them with their thoughts.
-Yes. That's what we'll do.
- Then you leave us.
-We need to.
-Let you mull it over.
-A lot to think about.
Look at this.
I love this place.
For us to have the house
where we could start a family
would mean the world to me.
It's also a gift we can give someone else.
How were you able to get all the vignettes
and the alcohol discount for 50%?
I know people.
But how am I competing
with anything that you show them?
We gave them a lot to think about.
I feel like there are a lot of things
in our relationship we have missed out on.
Meeting family and things like that.
I feel it's important to have that wedding
and have that day where everyone is there.
And I wanna wear that dress.
I'm so lucky.
-Love you.
-Love you.
-Thank you both so much.
- Yes.
From the bottom of our hearts.
You guys both really heard us
and made each option
feel very real and very us.
- You're awesome.
- Our pleasure.
You guys are delightful
and so enjoyable to be around.
The whole process has made me realize
the importance
of my situation with my father.
What he went through.
We could be giving a child
what my father didn't get.
I feel that would make him really happy.
Both of you have made this decision
incredibly difficult.
But the best choice for us is…
We choose house.
-That's a great decision.
Thank you.
-Thank you!
-Congrats, guys.
- Awesome.
-I am so happy!
- Don't apologize,
-you need that.
The house feels right.
It feels like the next step
for our family,
for Tatum,
for our future adopted child.
In two or three years when we refinance,
we can probably afford
the wedding of our dreams.
- Call me.
-You're on speed dial.
A house is so important because it's
the beginning of the rest of our lives.
It's opening the door to the next chapter,
it's giving a gift to someone else.
We can still have our Graceland.
-We can still have our day.
We're super excited for the future.
I'm gonna make
the most awkward toast in the world.
-Let's do it.
-To new best friends,
killer parties, new homes, and a family.
-That's amazing.
- Great.
Aw, that was so good! Aw…
We did it!
-It's moving day!
It's amazing to finally own a home.
Oh, yes.
We got the keys to the house
a week ago,
and we have spent every single day
since then unpacking, getting settled.
Keep it up, babe, doing great.
All right.
-Oh, my gosh.
-You need to work out more.
-Who thought of this present?
-Can you ring it?
-I'll ring it with my nose.
-Look alive.
- Hi!
Happy housewarming!
Sarah and Nichole are awesome.
- Muscles!
- You got it?
Nichole did a great job incentivizing
the builder to get us in quickly.
You could not have asked for a better
move-in situation time-wise.
This is a nice vignette, I have to say.
See why I was dying
over bamboo and peacock chairs?
Come in. We'll tell you about it.
This is the refrigerator.
He had to have this fridge.
He can be at the firehouse
and send her messages right here.
The appliances did it
for you guys?
The appliances are amazing.
I don't really know anything
about what they do, but they look so--
We got the double oven, the gas range,
and the aesthetically pleasing white
that my wife loves.
- Wait!
Back up that bus.
That his "wife" liked.
We eloped!
-Shut up!
- What?
I feel like I won twice here.
I'm so sorry.
-Congrats, guys!
- Thank you.
Oh, my gosh.
We're very non-traditional,
so we felt like, what better way
than just to make it about the two of us
and have our day
just the way we want it, in the rain,
very small. It was perfect.
-We're married.
-We did.
Husband and wife.
- So, this is from Nichole and I.
We hope you like it.
Fire safe.
You can make a copy of your dad's recipes
and use those in the kitchen.
But keep the originals safe in here.
-That's awesome.
-So thoughtful.
The fireproof safe will allow us
to put things in there
we can pass down, heirlooms.
This is good.
-To the new home owners.
-Thank you.
-Thanks very much.
-Beautiful home.
It's the perfect decision for us.
We're very excited about the future
and about the possibilities.
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