Medium s05e09 Episode Script

All in the Family

It's our rock.
Our salvation.
These are the people we are closest to in the whole world.
They share our dreams.
They share our blood.
And yet it's often those closest to us who are capable of hurting us most deeply.
"To be or not to be".
That was not the question in Hamlet.
The question was: "How could my uncle kill my father and marry my mother?" Is this what they mean by family entertainment? Real life is even more frightening.
A world-famous football player is accused of garroting his wife.
Two brothers are found guilty of massacring their parents.
And the government tells us that almost are perpetrated by one family member against another.
Don't be afraid.
No one will ever know it was you.
Everything okay? Oh,my God, I just I just had the worst nightmare.
Did you hear what you just said? No,I mean it, it was just it was truly a nightmare.
Just,you know, a bad dream.
Something that would never happen.
Something that could never happen.
Just a bad dream.
A bad dream? Could never happen? Excellent.
proudly presents sync:ßÇÈâÈâ Episode09 All In the Family Oh,yeah.
Sunday morning.
What are you doing up? Oh, I heard you and mom in the kitchen.
Yeah, well, Mom's got to go in to work for a couple of hours this morning, so I just thought I'd keep her company while she ate breakfast.
Look who I found in the hallway.
Hey,your sisters aren't up yet,are they? No.
Just me.
I actually want to talk to you guys about something without everyone else around.
Uh,well,last night, after the movies, Ashley's dad invited me, Madison,and Carla to go skiing at his cabin in Flagstaff next weekend.
That's awfully nice of him.
I think.
No,it is.
So would it just be,uh,you three girls and Ashley's dad? Uh,well,Ashley's older brother Jamie will be there.
And I,uh,think he's bringing a few of his friends,too.
How much older is Ashley's He's a senior.
I'd really like to go.
I know skiing is expensive, but I could use babysitting money.
And they want to leave around noon on Friday, which means missing everything after fourth period, but I haven't been absent all year.
Um,well,honey,this is really something that Daddy and I need to talk about and I-I got to go now.
But I promise we'll talk later,okay? - Hey,um,can you walk me out? - Yeah.
- Senior boys.
- When did she get to be so old? Can you hold that,please? Thank you.
Don't be afraid.
It was a car accident.
I'm sorry? You were wondering about my scar,right? I was in a car accident a few years back.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to I'm used to it.
Oh,well this is convenient.
Did you all actually meet? Allison Dubois, this is Dylan and Brooke Hoyt.
Detective Scanlon.
and Mrs.
We're brother and sister.
I'm the official psychic.
Nice to meet you,Brooke.
And you,Allison.
Detective Scanlon.
Brooke and Dylan are the children of a dear old acquaintance of mine.
I went to college with their mother.
I really appreciate you all seeing us on a Sunday.
Of course.
The last time I actually spoke to Mom was Thursday night.
We made a date to have lunch.
Friday I drove over to her place and her car wasn't in the driveway.
I have a key.
I went into the house.
She was nowhere to be found.
I went down to the police, they said if she didn't turn up after 48 hours we could file a report.
We did that last night.
We're sitting there.
Filling out all the paperwork, talking to this very bored-looking officer and I,I just, frankly,I felt like we needed to pull some strings.
This woman has been gone at least three days, and we can't seem to get anybody excited about that.
So that's when I thought about calling you.
And I'm happy to help.
As you know,I'm very fond of your mother.
But the truth is, missing people are the province of the police.
Now I've asked Detective Scanlon to sit with us so that he can liaise with the department on your behalf.
And I've asked Allison to be here because,well,frankly, um,she's an invaluable resource in these kind of matters.
But at the end of the day, if she is truly missing, it's police that we have to depend upon to find her.
The key phrase being "if she truly is missing.
" Which is why I have to ask if you're sure that she didn't just take a trip somewhere.
Look,you wouldn't know it from looking at her, but she's not a well woman.
She's had diabetes for years.
She has to give herself three injections a day.
Her kidneys are starting to fail, she has to go to the hospital for dialysis treatments.
So,no, spontaneous travel is not something she's inclined to do.
What is she inclined to do? Does she have any hobbies? Uh,does she like to shop? She likes nature.
She likes to bike; she likes to hike.
Even after she started getting really sick, she wouldn't slow down.
I always worry, what if she gets hurt or lost? I mean,what if she doesn't have enough insulin? I'm begging you.
She won't even return my phone calls.
Brooke,you've got to talk to Mom for me.
I don't think I can do that,Dylan.
Mom's cut you off.
- She doesn't want anything to do with you.
- I know what she wants! I know what she wants.
But I need money.
I have debts.
Debts you can't make late payments on.
Just explain to her that I'm in trouble.
And that I will pay her back.
I'm starting a new business.
Another new business.
You've come up with yet another way to lose money.
- You're amazing.
- That's not fair.
Look, I'm not talking to Mom for you.
I can't.
When it comes to you, I happen to agree with her.
I think you're an embarrassment.
I'm glad she cut you off.
I'm asking one more time.
Those two have sure come a long way.
Excuse me? Oh,I just saw something back there.
Must've been a few years ago.
Brooke didn't have that scar on her face; not yet.
They were fighting about money.
It got bad and Dylan pulled a gun.
Looked like they got along fine to me.
Well,like I said, it was a long time ago.
Is someone supposed to be coming over,Daddy? Not that I know of.
- Hey,there.
- Sis.
Wha what are you doing here? My ma-marriage I don't understand.
You two always looked so happy.
I guess we're both good actors.
The truth is, we've been having a hard time for a while now.
The marriage is barely running on fumes.
But it is running,right? Okay,Sara's all set up in Ariel's room.
Ariel's in with Bridgette and Marie.
She didn't look very happy about it.
She kept asking if we'd talked about the, uh,ski trip.
I really hope we're on the same page with this, 'cause I think that we're going to have to deal with this tomorrow morning.
You mean,the page where 15-and-a-half-year-old girls don't go on overnight trips with 18-year-old boys? Yeah.
I think we're of the same mind on that.
Sara asked me to thank you again.
It's fine.
She's thanked me already, four times.
Did I thank you? Thank you.
I know my sister can be a little much sometimes.
It's fine.
How many times have we put my brother up? You know,I know this doesn't matter,but I always kind of liked Ryan.
I always felt my sister was lucky to have him.
Well,don't start mourning yet.
The marriage isn't necessarily over.
This very well be act one in a very long play.
Besides,we don't even know if it's true yet.
I mean,he never seemed like the cheating type to me.
I know; that's what I thought.
Who knows? Maybe she'll come to her senses and want to go back home.
Honey? Dylan,I'm home! Dylan? I'm out in the garage.
What are you doing out here in the dark? My God,Dylan, what are you doing? What is that? What's going on? I told her I needed money.
We needed money.
Wouldn't listen.
I didn't mean to kill her.
Oh,my God.
I've thought this through.
Everything's going to be fine.
We're going to be fine.
We just have to work together.
We just have to each do our part.
Now,me-- I'll take care of the body.
I'll put it in my car, I'll drive somewhere far away and I'll bury it.
You don't need to have anything to do with that.
I need you to take care of her car.
It's parked out front; we can't leave it there.
I need you to drive it to the airport, to long-term parking.
Just drive it in there, lock the door,walk away.
Once you do that,call me and I'll pick you up.
Can you do that? She's alive.
You awake? Do you smell that? Here you go.
Hey,check it out,you guys.
Aunt Sara made tofu.
Tofu oh,boy.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
I figured while I was here, I'd teach the girls what being a vegan's all about, see if I couldn't recruit a couple of converts.
Did you guys know that meat is murder? No,I hadn't heard that.
Can I be excused? I'll be right back.
- Yeah? - You all right? How long is she staying here? Through the weekend maybe.
You have to let me go on that ski trip.
What does that have to do with this? It has everything to do with this.
With her here, I don't have a place to sleep, I don't have a place to change.
I can't even eat the foods that I like.
Honey,I think you're being a little dramatic.
Really? Did you know that Bridgette snores? It's true.
And Marie thinks that it's hysterical, so she laughs all night long.
Laughing and snoring.
Snoring and laughing.
It's not funny.
I didn't sleep at all.
Okay,hey,so that's why Dad and I are supposed to let you go on an overnight with a bunch of I never should have told you about her brother.
Right-- lying-- absolutely-- that would've sealed the deal.
You know what,honey? I got to get ready for work, you got to get ready for school.
Why don't we talk about this tonight sisters are asleep? "Tonight" what? Your mind's made up, Dad's mind's made up, so just forget it.
- Okay,fine.
- Fine! She's got no business putting you through this.
What are you talking about? What are you doing here? I'm talking about my daughter Sara.
She's got no business inflicting herself on you and Joe, particularly since her husband hasn't done anything wrong.
That man's as faithful as a dog.
Are you sure? Am I sure? I'm dead,aren't I? So what are you saying? This has all been some big misunderstanding? This,my dear Ally, is just Sara being Sara.
I mean,I love her to death-- literally-- but believe me when I tell you my little girl never saw a molehill that she couldn't turn into a mountain.
Now you need to fix this.
You need to get her to understand that she is screwing up a good thing.
Ryan is her one chance for true happiness,and she is going to ruin it.
Yes? Hey,no fair hiding.
If I got to eat bean curd for breakfast,so do you.
I'm sorry.
We really need to talk.
I can't even begin to imagine how to have this conversation with my sister.
I think it's pretty straightforward.
You just tell her that your dead father stopped by to swear that her husband wasn't cheating on her.
Look,she's read about me in the papers.
I'm sure she'll understand.
Well,I sure don't doubt that she'll understand.
I'm just not certain that she's going to believe.
What,Sara? I'm sorry,she strikes me as the poster child for people who believe.
Oh,I got to get to work in 30 minutes.
Um,so I'll pick up the girls from school this afternoon and then I'll have a talk with her when I get back.
Hopefully I can convince her to go home tonight.
Oh,wouldn't that be great? Mrs.
I'm sorry to show up unannounced, Mr.
Hoyt,but I was working on your mother's case last night, and I think I had a real breakthrough.
Is this a bad time? Come on in,please.
Are you saying you know where she is? Does Brooke know? W - What kind of breakthrough are we talking about exactly? Boy,I really don't see a woman's touch here.
Why would you? I don't know,I guess I just assumed.
You live here with Harmony,right? Well,I could have sworn the district attorney mentioned that you were engaged to someone named Harmony? Harmony,um,yeah-- no,not for a long time.
I haven't seen Harmony in years.
Does Harmony have something to do with the breakthrough you had about my mother? Well,I thought she did.
Maybe I was mistaken.
This is embarrassing.
So you're no longer engaged? Not for about four years now.
She broke it off just before the wedding.
Sent me a note,said she was leaving the country.
I haven't seen her since.
I don't understand; are you suggesting that she might've had something to do with my mother's disappearance? I don't know what I'm saying.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
I'm s-- I'm confused,though; like,I just,I mean at least tell me what brought you here this morning.
I don't know that it matters, but I got this picture in my head about the night that your mom disappeared.
And yeah,there was someone named Harmony in it.
Although that makes no sense and and actually you were in it.
Okay,well,that-- I'm sorry,but that is crazy 'cause like I said, I haven't seen her in forever.
Besides,I was at Brooke's, talking about Mom,actually-- her health, everything.
Kind of ironic.
Got pretty drunk.
We both did.
I ended up staying the night; she didn't want me driving.
I'm plastered-- we're both plastered-- and our mom is I'm sorry for getting your hopes up,Mr.
Don't be.
Can I come in? Pull up a chair.
So I thought about what you said,about your dream, about Dylan and the fiancŽ killing the mom, about how that made no sense since there is no fiancŽ, about how he's got an airtight alibi 'cause he was with his sister all night, so I did a little research.
You want to see something else that doesn't make a whole lot of sense? You know what that is? Of course I know what it is.
It's a restraining order.
It's a restraining order you took out against your brother in 2004.
Apparently he pulled a gun on you.
He did.
And yet, according to him, he was with you the night that your mother disappeared.
In fact,you invited him to stay over-- the man that pulled a gun on you, the man that you took a restraining order out against? It's true.
He'd had too much to drink.
I told him to spend the night in my guest room.
It's also true that there was a period in my life when I was terrified of my brother.
Thankfully, that's ancient history.
You're not suggesting he's somehow involved in my mom's disappearance, are you? Well,from what we know about them, from what we know about him, it's obviously crossed our minds.
I swear to you, he was with me.
The thing you need to understand,Detective-- the thing you both need to understand-- is that my brother isn't the same man he once was.
He's changed.
What do you mean? Do you remember when we first met, I mentioned a car accident? I was in the hospital for over a year.
I had multiple surgeries, months of rehab.
Dylan practically took up residence in my hospital room.
He was with me every step of the way.
In a strange way,my nearly dying changed everything.
Everything bad between us just dissolved.
What about your mom? What was it like between her and Dylan? My mother has always been very hard on Dylan.
At one point,she actually removed him from the will.
That said, Dylan's really been trying to mend fences with her.
When Mom had to start dialysis this past winter, he got himself tested to see if he could donate one of his kidneys.
It wasn't a match, but I think it meant a lot to her that he'd even be willing.
I'm sorry.
I know you're working very hard to try and find my mother, but if you think Dylan had anything to do with her disappearance What are you guys watching? Aunt Sara says it's called reality TV.
Come on,Al,sit.
Help us decide which one of these attention-starved wackadoos has the scariest boob job.
No,that's okay.
I'm just going to get out of these clothes, grab something to eat.
Sara did,uh,you and Joe have a chance to,to talk? Sure did.
Ariel? Yeah? Is this the only place you could find to do your homework? Yeah.
Well,what about your bedroom? Aunt Sara's stuff's all over my desk.
Well,the kitchen? I can't concentrate.
They're watching some heinous show.
And now that I know that I'm going to school all day Friday, instead of leaving in the middle of the day to go on a ski trip, I have a lot of extra homework to do.
Do you know where your father is? - In the shower.
- Great.
It's not that she doesn't believe you.
It's not that she doesn't believe in you.
It turns out,she just doesn't believe my dad.
She never has, and she never will.
I'm dealing with a ghost with a credibility problem.
She just kept asking me, "If Ryan's such a decent guy, "then how come he hasn't shown up here? "How come he isn't pounding on the front door, "begging me to come back? How come he hasn't even called?" And you know what? I mean,I-I don't have an answer for that.
Well,maybe you should go see him.
Encourage him to make the first move.
No,I don't want to do that.
This is my sister's marriage.
It would make me really uncomfortable to get in the middle of all that.
Well,it might be your sister's marriage,but this is our house.
We got to do something.
Ariel's camped out in the hall, and our other children are being force-fed tofu and reality TV.
All right,I guess I could drop in on Ryan.
Harmony,you okay? I don't know.
I think so.
I'm almost at the airport.
Are you really sure that I'm not going to wind up on some security camera or something? They tape over that footage all the time.
Nobody's gonna notice the car there for weeks,believe me.
Everything's gonna be fine, Harmony.
I'm almost done here.
Just do like we said.
Drop off the car, and I'll pick you up at Terminal Two,all right? Okay.
Sir, I really need to speak with you.
I'm very worried about Brooke Hoyt.
- I think she might be - Sorry, Allison but you have to wait.
Brooke's mother,Felicia-- they,uh They just found her body at South Mountain Park this morning.
I'm so sorry.
I actually just got off the phone with Brooke.
I'm meeting her and Dylan at the city morgue so that they can make an official identification of their mother's body.
Did you just say you were just talking to Brooke? A park ranger found her at the bottom of a cliff in a remote area of Pima Canyon.
They figured she slipped and fell during a walk, but the coroner thinks otherwise.
What do you mean? There was no blood spatter where the body landed.
A living person falling from that height would have popped like a balloon.
Hoyt,on the other hand What are you telling me? She was already dead before she went over that cliff? No.
I'm telling you she was already murdered.
The coroner says she was dead at least an hour before her body hit those rocks.
That means somebody took her to that park.
That means somebody threw her off that cliff.
Probably wanted to make her death look like an accident Now,the good news is, they found a few chunks of skin under Mrs.
Hoyt's fingernails, which would seem to suggest that she put up a fight before she died.
With any luck,we'll find out who she was fighting with once we run that DNA.
You know,it's not polite to stare, Allison.
I can't help it.
I had another dream last night.
Dylan was burying a body in the desert, only it wasn't his mother.
It was his sister.
That sister? I don't know.
She looks pretty spry to me.
Look,Joe, this conversation is kind of tricky for me.
I mean,you know, we're talking about your sister here.
And I know you love her, and I love her,too.
But the truth is, she can be exhausting.
Believe me,I know.
Yeah,well,I'm tired of always having to be the adult in the relationship.
I'm tired of having to clean up messes I didn't make.
Look,the thing is that I know that she wants to make it work.
I wouldn't be here if she didn't.
She just needs a little nudge,you know? A gesture or something.
Maybe if you came by the house to see her, or if you just called her.
You know,I think that's all that it would take,really, to get her to come home.
Yeah,I'm sure you're right.
I'm-I'm sure that, if I made the effort, Sara would be perfectly willing to forgive me for the fact that she walked out on me.
Look,I'm-I'm not trying to be a hard-ass here, but she left me, not the other way around,okay? Okay.
Would I take her back? Sure.
It's not like I've changed the locks or anything.
She can come home anytime she wants.
But between you and me, she's put me through this way too many times.
Your sister digs the drama,Joe.
Me? I'm tired of it.
I forgot to get that validated.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Well,it didn't look innocent to me.
It didn't look like hand-holding.
More like hand-caressing.
Well,what are you going to do? I don't know.
I mean,if Ryan really is cheating, then why would Dad say that he's being faithful? Why would he want his daughter to go back to somebody who's betraying her? I think I got to tell her what I saw.
I'll take her out to dinner tomorrow night,and,you know, get away from the house, away from the kids,right? So she doesn't make a scene.
Hello? We just got a match on the DNA we found under Felicia Hoyt's fingernails.
Turns out,it belongs to Harmony Fletcher.
Harmony,Dylan's old fiancŽ? Yup.
Seems she got arrested for a DUI a while back, so her prints and DNA were in the system.
It's a perfect match.
Well,I don't understand.
I thought nobody had heard from Harmony in years.
I thought she left the country.
So did everyone else.
Devalos just spoke with Dylan again.
He swears he's had no contact with her since she left him.
Says he has no idea why she'd want to kill his mother.
Of course,Mr.
If Harmony contacts me, I'll call you right away.
Thank you.
What did he say? They identified the DNA they found on Mom's body.
They think it was Harmony Fletcher.
They've launched a statewide manhunt for her.
That's a good thing,right? Actually,I'd say that's better than good.
I'd say that's fantastic.
I told you it was going to be all right.
She didn't do it.
Harmony Fletcher didn't kill Felicia Hoyt.
Dylan and Brooke did.
Beg your pardon? Look,I'm sorry; I know that Felicia was your friend.
But I'm telling you, something peculiar is going on with her children.
Last night I saw them kissing.
On the lips.
For a very long time.
I think that they're lovers.
When you say you saw,you Okay,I didn't see it.
I dreamt it.
But what if it is true? What if Felicia found out? What if she confronted them? Look,I know that the DNA is telling us that Harmony killed Felicia, but what if Dylan and Brooke figured out a way to plant it there so that we would think it was Harmony? Allison,it's not just the DNA.
Harmony Fletcher confessed to Felicia's murder.
What do you mean? You found her? Well,not exactly.
Dylan Hoyt found this on his doorstep this morning.
It's from Harmony, confessing to everything.
Harmony Fletcher didn't leave Dylan at the altar 'cause of cold feet.
She left him 'cause of cold cash.
Apparently,Felicia Hoyt didn't approve of Dylan's fiancŽ, so she offered her $100,000 to leave town.
Harmony took it and never looked back,at least until four days ago.
She'd run out of money.
When Felicia refused to give her another cent, things got heated.
Harmony hit her over the head with a crystal paperweight.
When she realized she'd killed her, she dressed Felicia in hiking clothes, drove her car to South Mountain Park, pitched her body over that cliff.
This doesn't make any sense.
Why would she leave this note for Dylan? And if she did everything that this letter claims that she did, where is she now? I think this is a fake.
No,it's real, Allison.
We compared that signature to the one on her release papers from her DUI arrest a few years back.
It's a perfect match.
What's more,Harmony's fingerprints are all over that paper,and according to preliminary DNA tests, her saliva sealed the envelope it came in.
Rough day,Ally? Yeah,as a matter of fact, it was.
It was a rough night,too, now that you mention it.
You want to know why,or are you already ahead of me on that one? Well,if you're referring to the fact that Sara's husband appears to be giving more than just dictation to his comely young assistant, yeah,I guess I'm ahead of you.
Truth be told,I've been ahead of you all along.
But you got to understand,Ally.
There's a reason that I haven't been truthful with you.
Sara's pregnant? Your dad said she's three weeks along.
She doesn't even know yet.
I hate this.
So now what? What am I I'm just about to take her out to dinner and tell her that her husband is a cheating bastard.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now.
Your dad really doesn't want you to have that dinner.
He-He swears that once Sara learns that she's pregnant, once she and Ryan realize they're going to be parents, that'll go a long way to fixing their marriage.
That he'll end the affair.
He says Your dad says they'll actually be happy.
So he doesn't want me to tell her? Your father's absolutely convinced that if Sara finds out that Ryan's been cheating on her, they'll be a big blowup.
That-That'll be it for them.
They'll do the kind of damage that can't be undone, baby or no baby.
That's why your father lied to me.
And that's why you can't tell Sara that Ryan's been cheating on her.
Wait,where are you going? You're not going to say anything to her,are you? Well,I gotta tell her that we're not going to dinner.
And the rest of it I gotta sleep on it.
Are you really sure that I'm not going to wind up on some security camera or something? They tape over that footage all the time.
Nobody's even going to notice the car there for weeks.
Believe me.
Harmony,it's all going to be okay,all right? I'm almost done here.
Just do like we said: dump the car, and I'll pick you up at Terminal Two,all right? Okay.
We're just a few weeks away from the midterm elections, and polling data indicates that the incumbent Republicans will be lucky to escape What's going on? You okay? It's nothing.
Just a bad dream.
You need to call anyone? No,it was something that happened back in 2006.
There's nothing we can do about it now.
I think she's waking up.
Well,hello there.
It's nice to have you back.
You've been unconscious for some time.
You were in a terrible accident.
Now,don't try to speak.
We had to wire your jaw shut.
Now,I'm afraid your internal injuries are quite serious, and your facial tissue has been through some serious trauma.
You nearly lost all the skin on your face, and some of the underlying bone was compromised as well.
But it's going to be okay.
Tell her it's going to be okay.
A team of plastic surgeons is flying in.
They're going to work from old photographs of you.
It's going to take some time and a number of operations, but the good news is we believe, eventually, you will look just like your old self.
Now we have a long road ahead of us,Brooke.
You should rest.
Please,don't try to speak.
Doctor,can I have a moment with my sister? Of course.
All right,Harmony, listen to me.
They found you in Brooke's car.
They think you're Brooke.
You know my mom loves Brooke.
If you were Brooke,we'd have all the money we'd ever need.
I mean,all this-- the accident, the operations they want to do-- it kind of feels like fate, doesn't it? Sorry it's so hot in here.
The air-conditioning has been temperamental the last couple days.
I think it may have finally given out altogether.
Let me know if you want more.
Not to worry.
So,why are we here? Where is Dylan? Does he know about this? Actually,no.
Given his history of involvement with everyone, we wanted to talk to you first.
We've found Harmony Fletcher.
And what's more,we're virtually certain that we can prove that she's responsible-- at least in part-- for the murder of Felicia Hoyt.
You're joking? Where was she? How did you ever find her? We didn't have to look very hard.
We know exactly what you did,Harmony.
Were you were you just talking to me? - That's crazy.
- We know all about the accident.
All about the reconstructive surgeries.
We know who you really are,Harmony.
You're serious? It's a hell of a story.
Lucky for us,we can prove it.
What's he doing? Your fingerprints are on that glass.
DNA from your lips,too.
And I'm fairly certain that when we test them, they're going to come back a perfect match for Harmony Fletcher.
Am I wrong? We know that Dylan killed the real Brooke three years ago.
They got in a fight about money.
Things got out of hand.
The two of you conspired to get rid of the body.
The DNA evidence tells us that you killed Felicia Hoyt.
The one thing we don't know is why.
And if you're willing to testify about Dylan's complicity about both these murders, I'll just think about taking the death penalty off the table.
Please,feel free to exercise your right to remain silent, but you should know that I'm offering the same deal to Dylan, so you'll need to decide rather quickly whether or not you believe your "brother" will keep quiet if his life's on the line.
I had to kill Felicia because of her kidneys.
She need a transplant.
She kept pressing me to get tested to see if I was a compatible donor.
Of course, I couldn't do that.
The test would prove in an instant that I wasn't really her daughter.
She didn't understand why I wouldn't help her.
How could her only daughter just let her die? It got nasty between us.
She threatened to cut me off.
And you couldn't let that happen.
Harmony Fletcher, you're under arrest for the murder of Felicia Hoyt.
You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Yeah? How goes the hunt for a new place to live? that's encouraging.
If I,uh, tell you something promise not to roll your eyes? I don't roll my eyes.
You've been rolling your eyes my whole life.
Well,maybe you should have said something sooner,'cause I honestly have no idea that I'm doing it.
I miss my husband.
There,you just did it again.
- Sara - I know.
It sounds crazy,right? What what are you saying? You saying you suddenly changed your mind? You saying you think that he's innocent? Because,if you do, there's something that I I got to tell you.
There's nothing you need to tell me.
I know he's having an affair.
Even have a pretty good idea who he's having it with.
But I miss him, and I want to go home.
- Well,hold on, just wait a second.
- I don't want to hold on a second.
That's what I want to do.
If he'll have me.
If he'll have you? Get ready to roll those eyes again.
- I cheated on him first,Joe.
- What? I cheated on him first.
About a year ago.
Last summer.
It was at the beach club during the week, while Ryan was at work.
I never drink during the week, and I never drink without Ryan.
But it started to rain,and there was nothing else to do, and this nice-looking guy bought me a drink.
Didn't even ask.
Just sent it over.
I kind of convinced myself it was all a big drunken nightmare.
But then,the guy started texting me.
I didn't answer his texts.
I didn't even encourage him.
But Ryan saw one.
Well,say something.
Well,anyway,I'm heading home tomorrow morning.
Hopefully,he hasn't changed the locks.
Who knows? Maybe a miracle will happen.
Maybe he'll find a reason to love me again.
Well,for what it's worth, I have it on pretty good authority that your key will still let you in.
And believe it or not, being married to Allison, I'm learning to buy into this miracle thing more and more.
It's quite a family you've married into,huh? Dad's a liar, sister's a cheater.
I'm starting to think maybe my mom kills drifters in her spare time.
Well,at least she's home again, and there's peace for now.
Ariel? Honey,your room's ready! Hey,you know what? I get to be an uncle.
I mean,if everything that my dad says is right, I'm going to be an uncle.
- Congratulations, Unc! - Thank you.
Ariel,you can have your room back! - I guess I'll be an aunt.
- That's right.
What's all the hollering about? Honey,can you go tell your sister in the kitchen that her room's ready? What are you talking about? Ariel isn't in the kitchen.
She's not even home from school yet.
What what are you talking about? It's after 5:00.
But she's still not home from school.
You know,it's Friday.
I bet she left school and went on that ski trip.
- Ariel? - I have Ashley's number in the kitchen.
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