Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Culture & Tradition

[upbeat rock music]

[engine rumbling]
-Come on!
-Come on.
-Come on!
Come on. Come on.
-[engine sputters]
-[engine dies]

[lively instrumental music]

Edinburgh City.
[Graham] One of the most
beautiful cities in the world.
One of my favorite, favorite
places in the world.
Yes, we've just walked past
the Edinburgh Castle there
in The Old town.
Well, The Old Town
are never in The New Town.
The New Town being
a strange name for a place
that was built in the late
18th, early 19th century,
-which is pretty incredible.
Edinburgh, which is also
steeped in tradition,
and I think Scottish people,
they love being Scottish.
Don't we?
We hold on to these traditions.
Celebrate it, yeah, yeah.
-They do.

Few counties rival Scotland
when it comes to tradition.
In fact, most of Scotland's
ancient traditions
are still celebrated today.
[Sam] Whether it's working
the land
and all it has to offer,
speaking Gaelic,
a language as ancient
as the mountains themselves
and at one time
seen as a language
of rebellion
Or embracing Harris Tweed,
a fabric so important
to Scottish style
that a parliamentary act
actually defines
its standards.
[Sam] You see, Scotland
is a land of many delights.
[Graham] But nearly all of them
can be traced back
to a single idea:
[Sam] And of course, there's
nothing more traditional
than a well-dressed Scotsman.
That's why we're here
at Stewart Christie.
Oldest tailors
in Scotland.
Established 1720.
That's 26 years before
Culloden, that makes it old.
[Sam] That's a couple of years
before you were born, hmm?
-After you.
-Thank you.
No, actually, after me.
Age before beauty.
Thank you.
[Vixy] Afternoon, gentlemen.
Thank you for inviting us
into your
utterly stunning shop.
It's like stepping back
in time.
I was gonna say it's like
stepping back in time.
We are 300 years old.
I dream of having
a wardrobe like this.
I mean, this is like
paradise for me.
What would it have been like
coming to Stewart Christie
in 1720, I wonder?
[Vixy] Actually, the original
shop was on the Royal Mile
across from
St Giles' Cathedral.
I imagine the Jacobites
coming up the-the Royal Mile
-Totally, mm-hmm.
-and passing the store.
So we've really looked after
a lot of nobility
and gentry and--
-And these-are there for--
-We still use them.
-And we have them--
-For discipline?
They're yard sticks.
[Sam] What would be measured
in a yard,
apart from a yard of ale?
Uh, tartan a-and tweed
for the-for the kilts.
-Of course.
-Nine yards.
[Graham] It's wonderful.
It's so non-digital.
Yeah, I like to keep everything
very much
the traditional methods.
[Graham] Everything here
made in Scotland?
Yeah, we're really proud
to try and support
local economy.
A lot of our mills and weavers
are across Scotland,
and we're one of the handful
of tailors
that still makes
on the premises.
We make full bespoke suits
[light music]
[Sam] There's a sort of move
away from this fashion
that's sort of discarded,
you know, and cheap.
You know, people are wanting
to invest more in--
[Vixy] Well, it's just
the beast, isn't it?
The fast fashion sort of beast,
and we're trying to just
slow it down a little bit.
And I think
when you come in here,
you really appreciate the cut,
make, and trim of garments.

[Sam] Well, what do you say
we get ourselves some suits?

[Daniel] Ah.
Looking great so far.
Thank you.
I feel like
a discerning gentlemen.
I-I'm standing taller.
I feel--
It's amazing
what clothes can do.
It's quite a transformation.
Isn't it?
It's, uh--
[Daniel] Would you like
to pop the jacket on?
Ooh, right.
Yes, of course.
-Finish it all off.
-The finishing touches.
Ooh, there we go.

[Graham] Oh, yeah. Wow.
That is a great color on you.
Thank you, Sam.
It brings out the-the-the red
of your eyes.

Feeling good, gents?
[Graham] I'm feeling very good.
I feel like we should change
the name of the show
-to Men in Tweed.
These are the most gigantic
I've ever seen, by the way.
[Vixy] They are 200 years old.
The other ones are older.
[Graham] These are older?
Yeah, those are probably
from the original shop.
[Vixy] We still use these
to cut all of our fabric.
Do you, uh, need
any tailoring done, sir?
I don't.
Thank you.
Yeah, I could take--
take it in at the waist.
Really, please, don't.

[woman vocalizing]
[Sam] It's time to learn
some Gaelic.
Can you believe only
one percent of the population
can actually speak it?
[Graham] Really?
Well, I say we do our part
in reviving this old tradition.

We're here for a Gaelic lesson.
Now, we are surrounded
by tradition at the moment.
-We're sounded by midges.
Traditional in Scotland.
-There's no point in hiding it.
-We're surrounded by midges.
-Oh. Trying--
Is there a Gaelic word
for midge?
[speaking Gaelic]
[all speaking Gaelic]
[repeats word angrily]
How would you say,
"Go away, midges"
in a really
Well, you haven't even
got midges right.
disrespectful way?
Start with midges.
We obviously spoke, uh, Gaelic,
uh, in Outlander.
-We learnt it phonetically.
But it was somewhat of a fraud
on our part.
Eh--which I'm ashamed of
because my
would have spoken Gaelic.
Um, but as with a lot
of Scotspeople,
I imagine,
from the Highlands
-it was discouraged.
[Morag] Some generations
prior to our generations,
Gaelic was forbidden
to be spoken.
-[Graham] Really?
-Is it--
-Is it your first language?
It is my first language,
and it's a language I speak
every day to my family,
to my children,
in the home, all the time.
It is a beautiful language.
It is.
It's a very descriptive
Uisce,obviously water.
-And whisky?
-Uisce beatha.
-Uisce beatha.
Water of life.
I knew that one.
-You did know that one.
-I did. I did.
But I wish--I wish I knew more.
-We're on the road, of course.
It would be really handy
to know, um,
certain phrases, words
-[Morag] Yep.
-[Sam] Mm.
applicable to driving.
One in particular
is, "Watch what you're doing"
is what I need to say a lot.
[speaking Gaelic]
Oh, boy.
[all speaking Gaelic]
-What about stop?
-[both] Stad.
-That's an easy one.
Oh, that's an easy one.
You got that one.
Yes, I used to say it
to my horse.
[Morag] Stad.
And I would say it
to these midges.
[Graham] Stad.
Well, there are ones that are
definitely gonna come in handy.
-Yes, um, left?
If you were asking
to turn left
-[Morag]you would say
[speaking Gaelic]
[both speaking Gaelic]
-[Morag] Excellent.
-Now right.
[speaking Gaelic]
[both speaking Gaelic]
[Morag] And again.
[both speaking Gaelic]
-Straight ahead.
[speaking Gaelic]
[both speaking Gaelic]
And again.
[both speaking Gaelic]
-Are there swear words, or--
-Oh, I knew you-
I knew you were gonna
get onto that.
I can't tell you those ones.
[Sam] Ugh, Morag,
I'm sorry we haven't
been very good pupils,
but we will come back
and learn more Gaelic
[Morag] Okay.
When it is less
I'm enjoying
all the midges here.
-How do you say goodbye?
-Feasgar math.
-Feasgar math.
Feasgar math
is good afternoon.
Feasgar math.
I'll leave you to it.
I apologize for my,
uh, midge-averse friend.
-Um, how do you say thank you?
-Tapadh leat.
Tapadh leat.
[speaks Gaelic]
-"You're welcome."
-[Morag] You're welcome.
-See, I'm learning already.
Thank you very much, Morag.
-You're very welcome.
-[Graham] Thank you.
[Sam] That was intense.
There was a lot to take in.
I mean, it's-it is an utterly
beautiful language.
I wanted to do it justice,
and to be honest,
-your midgey farm
-Ah, yes.
your midgey
little minions
My plan worked.
they really got to me.
It was--it was--it was intense.
Yes, I delighted
in watching you
slapping your own face.
[breathy laughter]
[Sam] I don't know where we're going.
Uh-oh, crossroads.
[speaking Gaelic]
Uh, ceart, ceart, ceart.
-[imitates buzzer]
That was Gaelic for "wrong."
Okay, so right.
That must have been--
Ceartis right.
Got it.
Got it.
So you did quite a few scenes
of Outlander
in Gaelic, as did I,
but I seem to remember
I learnt mine.
You had dummy boards.
I had dummy boards in one scene
because I had a, I think,
a six-page speech.
[speaking Gaelic]
But I also remember that
they wrote the dummy boards,
but you didn't
have your glasses on,
because Dougal
doesn't wear glasses,
so they had to write them
in very large letters
so you could read them.
Yes, obviously,
I'm going díreach.
I mean, there's no other
direction to go in that--
other than off-road,
so I'm gonna díreach.
I wish you'd díreach.

"Warm-reekin, rich!
"But mark the Rustic,
"The trembling earth resounds
his tread,
"Clap in his walie nieve
a blade,
"He'll make it whissle;
"An legs an arms,
an heads will sned,
"Like taps o thrissle.
"Auld Scotland wants
nae skinking ware
"That laups in juggies:
"But, if ye wish,
"Her grateful prayer,
Gie her a Haggis."
[light guitar music]

It's a beautiful day.
We're in this amazing,
amazing herb garden.
It smells incredible.
You were the advisor
on Outlander
for Claire Beauchamp Fraser,
who is a nurse.

[Sam] She uses a lot of the
traditional forms of medicine
that comes from nature
in the show.
[Claire] Absolutely.
[Claire Fraser] While the caps
of these mushrooms
are poisonous,
you can make a powder
out of the dried fungi.
It's very effective
in stopping bleeding
when applied topically.
I taught her what she knew
in-in those first few seasons.
[Sam] Looking around,
we see a garden.
You see powerful treatments.
I mean, before pharmaceuticals,
knowledge of herbs was a matter
of life or death.
Even past the 20th century,
when the first antibiotics
and penicillin were created,
the bulk of medicines
were still plant-based,
and in fact,
most modern medicines today
are derived from plants.
For instance, garlic, I think,
is-is a pretty strong
Garlic is actually
one of the herbs
that was an antibiotic before
antibiotics were created.
Garlic would have been used
even on the battlefield
for wounds and gangrene and--
-For gangrene?
Yeah, no.
I mean, it's potent.
Are there any herbs here
you can show us that were
maybe used in the show?
Yeah, well,
as a matter of fact,
we're standing
right beside one.
-Who would've thought it?
[Sam] Let's have a look.
What is this, Claire?
So this is Saint-John's-wort.
This is actually one
of the first herbs
that features
in the Outlanderseries.
And it's one of the first herbs
used on Jamie Fraser.
It's a really good
pain reliever.
It's used to treat nerve pain
in particular,
and it's a herb that helped
to stop bleeding.
These wonderful things
that you know about,
would they have been
common knowledge then?
I mean, would that have been
-Or are you a witch?
-The province of--
-She's not a witch.
[Sam] In the fact that she's-
she's a-
she's a very knowledgeable,
powerful person.
-Oh, but back in the day--
-And in the time may have--
-They may have
-They may have looked upon her.
been very suspicious
of someone of your character.
-Well, yeah.
I'm not sure
I'd want to go through
a stone circle back in time,
-'cause I don't know
if I would survive very easily.
I noticed this purple one here.
I don't wanna talk about it
too much,
-but that--that's lavender.
[Claire] I've been instructed
not to mention lavender.
[Sam] It smells lovely,
but, um, I was just wondering
if you had anything for, um
Are you really--is this--
is this happening?
-Oh, you mean
-Mm. Right.
-Hair loss.
One that you might be willing
to try, um,
is the juice of an onion
massaged into the area
which is a rubbing fashion.
-Which means it, uh
draws the circulation
to the--the peripheral areas.
So you actually--
but it actually will have
some sort of effect
because it will actually draw
some sort of hair.
Yeah, I mean,
I'm really confident.
Do you have anything
for midgies?
[Graham] Oh, yes.
Poor man.
-He is being harvested
-[Sam] Just to keep them away.
-by midges.
I happened to notice over here
that we have some bog myrtle.
[Claire] It's got a very sweet
smell that deter--
The notorious midge.
Stick that somewhere.
Oh, uh, thank you.
I will.
Here we go.
I'm gonna grab
a couple of onions.
[Sam] Yeah, and I've gotta get
some of this.
So we'll leave you to it,
Claire, thanks a lot.
And I tell you, I like the look
of the Saint-John's-wort
as well.
I'm just gonna start,
you know, stealing from you.
Thank you so much, Claire.
It really has been a pleasure.
I-I actually learned a lot.
[Claire] Oh, good.
Don't even think
about rubbing
an onion on my head.
[exhales sharply]
[lively rock and roll music]

Where are we going next?
Oh, we're gonna experience
another ancient
Scottish tradition.
Basket weaving.
-Basket weaving?
I have
a great-great-grandfather
who was a basket weaver.
He w-he was in Argyll
and moved to Edinburgh,
I think, like, at
the end of the 18th century,
early 19th century.
The only skill he had--
Well, the only skill they would
allow him to do in Edinburgh.
I mean,
he could have been brilliant
at many other things but--
Yeah, he might have been
an amazing accountant or--
Yeah, yeah, all the things
that he wasn't allowed to do.
-Scholar, but no, no.
-Basket weaving.
What if he was, like, the worst
basket weaver in Edinburgh?
-Yeah, like, famous.
-In fact, in Scotland. Yes.
Famous for his awful
basket weaving.
-If you want a basket woven
that is not fit for purpose,
go to McTavish.
McTavish's fine baskets.
-Well, not so fine.
-They dinnae work.
Absolutely terrible,
awful baskets.
[Sam] Ah.
My uncle is indeed
also a basket weaver.
It sounds like
everyone in Scotland
is a basket weaver,
but they're not.
But my uncle is
a basket weaver.
They're everywhere.
Look, there's a basket weaver.
Oh. There's another.
Oh, God, they're everywhere.
Actually, he created-
uh, he makes
a lot of, um,
wicker structures,
and he did a couple
for Outlander.
[Graham] Did he?
[Sam] He did the stag
and the--
I don't remember the stag.
-Was I in that scene? No.
-No, you weren't.
No, then I don't even know
it existed.
[Sam] And the fiery cross
in season five.
So both-both of which were
so basically everything
of his gets burnt.
[Graham] Everything he makes
is immolated.
-That's a big word, isn't it?
-It is.

Ah, wow.

This is amazing.
And in the garden,
we have Lise and Anna.
[Sam] I deduce that
you're basket weavers.
-Genius, well done.
-Thank you very much.
And, um, here's
some of your handiwork.
It's fascinating.
And it's, so we said,
and ancient craft, right?
-As old as humans, really.
Yeah, as old as humans,
that's right.
It probably was the first
vessel, the first container.
Ceramic imprints uh, show that
the clay
was pushed into a basket
-and then fired,
and I think that
baskets came first.
-Yeah, baskets.
That's what basket makers say.
I bet.
[Graham] Yeah, I always wonder
when you hear
about these things how
you know who
the first person was,
who the first group was
that sat around and said,
"We really need something
to carry things around in."
I think, maybe, people copy
the plans of nature,
to start with.
[Lise] But I--I think it was
probably women
who were fashioning
leaves or something
-to carry home berries and
-food for the family.
And is it traditionally willow?
[Anna] What we're working with
is willow
that we grew in Scotland
-[Graham] The smell--
-[Anna] Oh, it does
-smell amazing.
-[Graham] The smell is-
it's, like, fresh, very green.
-A hat for you.
[Lise] One of its uses
was at mealtimes
as a colander
-[Graham] That's brilliant.
-[Lise] and a sieve.
Would you like a potato?
I actually would like a potato
because I'm--I'm actually--
-Home grown.
-Are they really?
Would you like a potato?
I--I would absolutely
love a potato.
-Small or large?
-I'll go for a small potato.
Ah, it's a hot potato.

[Graham] Well, let's get to it.
Let's see--
-[Sam] Okay. All right.
-[Anna] Yeah.
Let's see you do some, Sam,
and then I'm gonna
-try it as well.
-[both] So
What we're going to take is
one of the biggest bits
of basket making
is sorting your materials.
So I'm gonna start
with some of the finer ones.
So this will go in here,
sort of taking over from
the strokes that that one did.
-It'll go in and out.
As well as going in and out,
each one, when it gets
to the main hoop here,
it does a whole loop around.
-I could do that for you.
-Go on then.
Come on, then.
And sort of--you've gone under
this one
-and then go over this one?
-And then under--oh, dear.
Oh, okay. Under this one.
And then over this one.
Yeah. Yeah.
God, this is tough.
You make it look so easy, but--
ooh, sorry.
-It's okay.
-[Graham] No, no.
-Taking her eye out.
-It's just going in her eye.
You don't need that, do you?
[Graham] No. That's fine.
Under here, over this one.
Meanwhile, the uh-
the tribe is starving.
Well, all the potatoes
have gone, so--
But he is the only
basket weaver of the tribe.
Why is it taking him so long?
Look. Man make basket.
[Lise] So now you got
to that end, you want to get
-Ah, I've got the hang of this.
-a whole circle round
-I could do this all day.
-and then back over.
[Graham] Well, it will
take you all day.
-It will, yeah.
-Yeah, huh?
All right, let me have a go,
I'll have a go at this one.
-Are you ready?
-Yes, I'm ready.
I'm gonna--I'm just gonna go--
I'm just gonna dive in
and just dazzle you with my
inherited basket weaving

It is so fun, isn't it?
-It actually really is.
-[Graham] It is, really.
-I mean, I'm--
-It's really enjoyable.

-He's doing very, very well.
-Yeah, thank you.
-[Sam] Yeah.
-Thank you.
-Did you hear that, Sam, by the
-What's that?
You just--I think you missed
that crucial little thing
I-I commented
that his was excellent.
I knew this would happen,
it'd become a competition.
Even lefthanded.
Are you lefthanded?
No, I'm not lefthanded,
actually, no.
So you--you've become
fairly ambidextrous
when you're weaving.
Slightly embarrassed
by my handiwork.

[engine starts]

[Sam] For our next stop, we're
headed to the isle of Skye.
[Graham] Ah, yes,
such a beautiful place.
The mountains, the sea cliffs,
the rolling hills,
and sheep--so many sheep.
Did you know that in Scotland,
there are more sheep
than people?
[Graham] I did know that.
Look, why don't we go and meet
some furry friends of our own?
Try our hand at another
centuries-old tradition.

What is a crofter?
People with small holdings.
You know, it's a step down
from being farming.
Farmers just have
a bigger scale.
These fields you can see here,
long term, my father,
first you saw the hills,
you can see round about here,
usually filled with sheep,
which we try to gather in.
-[Graham] So how far back
do you go with crofting?
I suppose going back
a hundred years, I suppose.
-Yeah, aye. Yeah.
The idea of being here
in this place,
just bonded to the land
in this way
is just, I think, absolutely--
Come back here in January,
[laughter, overlapping speech]
-It's not so pleasant.
-Seasons change, yeah.
-Now, let's--
We need to get some sheep
in here.
Well, yeah,
where are your sheep?
-Well, the sheep--
-The sheep are in the back.
Somewhere--see, through
the trees,
we're gonna try
and herd them in.

[Alasdair] Ollie, go.
Here they go, look.
-[Alasdair] Ollie, dog--
-Look, look, look!
-See that one going up there?
-[Sam] Oh, wow.
-[Graham] The guys, they're
using signals
to make the dogs herd
the sheep into the pen.
So you see them now,
the-the sheep are-are beginning
to sort of cluster together.
The dog's gone right,
right back.
-Oh, yes. All right, look.
-They're putting up
-some movement.
-He's way up there.
[Donald whistles]
Walk on, Nellie, walk on.
They are so fast.
[Sam] They are clever,
aren't they, these dogs?
I mean, they are working dogs.
They're not, you know, pets.
They're not pets.
They're not pets,
and they're treated
as working dogs.
Get up, Billie, get up.
[Graham] It's amazing how they
know to sort of circle
-right round the pack.
-[Donald] Come on, Wille.
Walk on.
Isn't that incredible?
[Sam] That's amazing.
-[Graham] It's just--
-[Sam] Look, they're
walking to 'em.
-That'll do.
-Coming in.

[Sam] To be honest, I think
we could do a better job.
[Graham] Oh, here they come.
Look. Sam!
-That'll do.
-There they go.
Wow. This is so cool.
-Wait, sit.
-Look, look.
-Into the pen.
-Come by, Millie.
They've done it.
This is amazing.
-Don't, that'll do.
Don't, that'll do.
They make it look so easy.
-[Graham] Wow.
-[Sam] Well done, gentlemen.
-[Graham] Well done.
-[Sam] Fantastic.
[Donald] It doesn't always
work like that.
-[Sam] Experts.
-Aye, yeah.
-[Graham] That was amazing.
-[Sam] Yes.
And you do it
with 300 at a time.
-Oh, yeah. Yeah.
-Yeah, sometimes, yeah.
Sometimes a lot more, too,
depending on where you are.
-We've gotta have a go,
'cause I'm feeling
extremely confident.
-Key phrases--
-How do you control the dogs?
To your right hand side
is "away."
[both] Away.
And to your left hand side
is "come by."
And a sharp whistle
usually stops them.

They are just itching to work.
-[Sam] Yeah--
-[Donald] That's right.
-[Sam] Constantly circling.
-[Donald] That's right.
[Graham] Yeah.
[clock ticking]

Bring out the sheep.
All right, boys, let's go now.
[Sam] Hey!
You need to get behind them.
You're coming this way,
You need to get behind them.
Oh. Oh, my God.
Go this way.
Let the dogs do the running.
[Sam] Oh, God!
That's it.
I feel like we've really
got a handle on this.
That's it.
[both] Come by!
-Come by!
-That's it. Come by.
We have to make them--look--
-[Graham] Come away, Sam.
Come away.
You're doing terribly well.

Oh, oh.
-Oh, no!
-We didn't even--
-No! It was so close.
[struggling efforts]
-Shall I get these ones, Sam?
Hang on, if you come back--
come back this way a wee bit.
Look at that, they're gonna go.
[indistinct shouting]
-[Graham] Quick!
-[Sam] Nice one.
-Yeah! [laughs]
-We did it!
-Yes, Gods!
-Christ above.
-Well done, boys.
I'm gonna pretend that we had
something to do with that.
-Thank you so much.
That was honestly wonderful,
even though we made
a terrible mess of most of it.
Not at all.
That happens to us all.
-It's hard work.
-Yeah, that is hard work.
You keep your--
keep you fit doing this.
-I don't know who's
more out of breath right now,
the sheep or--
-Or us?
So now we need to do
something else here, don't we?
-That's right.
-Because the sheep
don't shear themselves.
-They don't shear themselves.
-That's right. Yeah.
Do you have anything
to shear a sheep with?
-Yes, I certainly do.
-I take you don't use clippers.
Do you?

-Here she comes.
-Does this sheep have a name,
-or just--
-Dolly. Dolly.
-Dolly the sheep.
-Not breeding, yeah.
My word, that's some strength,
there, right there.
-Okay, let's get down.
-Yeah. Go like--
Let's get down.
All right.
So they're perfectly okay
having this done to them.
-They don't feel
-any distress at all?
-No, no.
-They're just very relaxed.
You've got to take it off them,
-Oh, absolutely.
-There's a lot more harm
-leaving it on them.
-Yeah, yeah, of course.
They've got
the electric shears, too,
nowadays, obviously,
as well, but--
-This is the way to--
-This is the way
-they used to do it.
-Yeah, they'd do this
before electric.
Yeah, so this has been done
this way for--
-So long, yeah.

-That's an amazing thing, too.
Yeah, long may it continue.
It's--it's wonderful.

What a great way to end today.
Yeah, it was fantastic.
I feel like we've experienced
just so many different
Oh, yeah.
I think I've learned a lot.
I mean, things--
not necessarily things that
I will pursue professionally.
You were really good at
the basket weaving, I thought.
-Thank you, Sam.
I-I felt like
I connected with my past,
my ancestral past
with the basket weaving,
and I connected while I was
wearing some beautiful things
-from Stewart Christie.
-Stewart Christie.
Well, I think those-those tweeds
really suit you.
My, you're just full of it
today, aren't you?
What--what's up?
What are you gonna do?
-Yeah, you are.
Oh, I've got something planned.
Oh, okay.
-To Scottish traditions.
-To Scottish traditions,
and to sheepdogs.
-Oh, that doesn't--
it just gets better.
I pull out in front
of this car.
Watch me just pull out.
No, he's not gonna let me.
Go on, let me out.
-Let me out, go on.
-So are we leaving, or--
You should've let me out.
You should--you--
oh, you're--
-I'm gonna get you first--
Oh, there's another car.
Now we're miles back.
-What is your problem?
-Now we've got
-an entire convoy of cars.
Oh, now you're letting me out,
are you?
Is he letting me out?
No, he's not.
Nobody's ever
gonna let you out, Sam.
How about this guy?
I'm going.
-There you go.
-Oh, there's a tractor.
-Shut up.
Oh, my God.
What's the-what's beeping?
-Oh, it's just the handbrake.
-What's the the beeping?
Don't worry.
Nothing to worry about.
Good God.
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