Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Clans & Tartans

[light music]
[Sam] It's pretty incredible,
isn't it?
[Graham] See right over
to the distance on the-
-on your left-hand side?
-[Sam] Is this the time
when you tell me
you're afraid of heights?
Yeah, I'm actually not
joking about that,
so this is a bit of a tense
moment for me, okay? Thank you.
- Don't look down, then.
-[Graham] Thank you.
No, I'm okay--don't-
don't, please don't do that.
-[Sam] Rickety.
-[Graham] I mean it.
Here we are,
floating up into the clouds.
Never to be seen again.
[Graham] Stop it.
[Sam] There's a beautiful
waterfall here.
I do hope
you don't fall in.
You're just determined
-[Sam laughing]
-to make me suffer.
[Sam] Yes. Yes.
-For my own amusement.
-[Graham] Yes!
-That's actually the reason
-[Graham] Yes!
we're doing this.
It's nothing to do with clans
or Scotland.
-[Graham] Or history or--
-No, no.
It's just- I just want to make
you look like a fool.
[Graham] Yes.
Mocking McTavish.
[Sam] I think we should
call it "Mocking McTavish"
in various locations
-around the world.
-[Graham] Yes!
The Various Humiliations
of Graham McTavish.
[dramatic music sting]
[lively music]

[Graham] Well, finally,
we're gonna be talking
Clans of Scotland.
I mean, even the word
it's just such a great word,
isn't it?
Clans, clans, clans.
[Graham] Clans--
it's just got
such a bite to it, hasn't it?
It just sounds like,
"I'm not messing about."
What is a clan?
Well, it's like family,
like a--yeah, a family group.
And the clan chief is almost
like a-a father, really.
They're basically responsible,
they look after everyone
-that's part of
-Every aspect--
-this family.
-Every aspect of their lives.
-They would mete out justice
The-the clan chief, just like
Colum does in Outlander.
You're asking me to do what,
[Colum] I'm not asking you
to do anything,
ya half-wit!
I'm ordering you.
[Graham] He makes decisions,
and his word is law.
Clans--they all have control
over different areas,
and they're always warring
with each other
but also forging alliances.
Intermingling, intermarrying.
And then back-stabbing
each other.
Rape, murder.
And then the clans we're gonna
go see--MacLeods
-the MacDonalds,
and, uh, MacGregors
and MacLeans,
-and the MacTavishes.
-Aye. The MacTavish Clan.
[Graham] In fact,
we're going to be going
to Sween Castle,
the family seat.
I don't know an awful lot
about my personal history,
uh, clan history.
I mean, onOutlander,
I play Jamie Fraser.
Tell me about your family.
[Sam] Jamie's backstory
is based on the actual
Fraser clan.
My fatheruh, was a Fraser.
-[upbeat fiddle music]
-[Sam] The Gaelic word "clan"
translates broadly to kindred,
and these groups share an
identity, name, and lineage.
[Graham] This tribal system
emerged in the 11th century
and offered protection
and a sense of belonging.
[Sam] The clans lost power
in 1745
when the British put down
the Jacobite uprising
and took control of Scotland.
[Graham] But today, clans
still play a critical role
in defining who Scots are
and where they come from.
[end notes]
The first people we're gonna
meet are the MacDonalds
-and the MacLeods.
-Now, they are a mega-feud
-Notorious enemies.
Oh, the horrific things
that they did to each other.
It's nasty.
I mean, t-this feud went on
-for, I think, 140 years.
-We have to be careful
that we don't reignite these--
these long, long feuds.
I think you'd secretly
like to, though.
I would, actually,
to be honest, yeah.
I think pretty much your goal
is to cause
an enormous eruption
of violence between
clan chiefs.
[Sam] If I can't wind you up,
-then I'm gonna wind up
-The clan.
[mellow instrumentals]
-[Sam] Clan, clan, clan.
-[Graham] No, stop doing that.
You're ruining it for me.
[Sam] Clans, clans, clans.

[Sam] We're headed back
to the Isle of Skye
to visit Trumpan Church.
[Graham] The church is the site
of a tragic massacre
that occurred as the MacLeods
and the MacDonalds
fought for control
of the surrounding islands.
[Sam] Whoever controlled
the sea, controlled the land.

[Sam] We're joined by two men
that I am quite glad
they are separated.
MacDonald, MacLeod.
I feel like
I'm in the middle of a
start a cage fight
or something, but
-[Sam] It is.
-[Graham] Really?
Really, that bad?
-[Sam] Gloves are off.
-[Graham] Let's find out--
what was going on
between you guys,
uh, historically?
There was a-a Viking--
a very nice man, I'm sure.
-[Graham] A loving man.
-[Ian] Ljótr.
-[Graham] Very nice man,
a loving man.
-[Ian] Ljótr from MacLeod.
And that's where
the MacLeod Clan started off.
Where they come from.
And where--
where do the MacDonalds
come into all of this?
-[Graham] Your turn.
-[John] Well, my turn. Well--
Somerled, who Clan MacDonald
claims descent from,
he beat the Vikings,
and they drove them out.
Why-why-why were you pointing
at, uh
[John] So MacDonalds are
claiming descent
from a much greater hero
-[Sam laughs]
-. ..than the MacLeods did.
-Oh, okay.
-[Sam] There's been
a lot of animosity
between these two sides,
and I-I would love to
jump forward
maybe a couple hundred years
to the Isle of Eigg.
Um, so, yeah, there was
a very bad blood feud.
A party of MacLeods
went to the Island of Eigg,
and the MacDonalds
hid in a cave.
And the MacLeods had
not the brightest idea
to smoke them out.
But instead,
they killed them all.
They built a fire
to smoke them out,
-and unfortunately
Yeah, I don't think
it's unfortunate.
I think it was deliberate.
the MacLeods
killed these MacDonalds.
-Let me guess.
The MacDonalds retaliated.
Yes, they did, yes, yeah.
And that's
-w-what takes us to here.
-This is--this is where
that happened.
[haunting music]
[Graham] Trumpan Church here
is hallowed ground.
[seagulls crying]
[Sam] The MacDonalds
came over in their boats.
They came here one night,
and, uh, when the people
here went up there
theythey set fire,
and they killed everybody.

The MacDonald piper
was playing,
and they were shouting,
"Remember the massacre
at Eigg," as they killed them.
[Graham] Just the rage,
the anger on both sides.
[John] It's one of these things
about these feuds
that it's all part of
things that have happened
hundreds of years ago that have
the knock-on effects
all the way down.
We have a slightly different
concept of time.
There's so many steps back,
especially if you can trace,
you know, families back.
The other thing--
it's in the imagination.
It's found its way
into poetry and song
and into folklore.
We've got lullabies
which are 500 years old
which are still sung.
-[Graham] That's fantastic.
-[Ian] About this one, uh,
which is about one woman
singing to her child
about her husband's head
being cut off.
-Which doesn't sound that
-[John chuckling]
-subject for a lullaby.
-Night, darling, sleep well.
Oh, will you sing me
the song of the-the?
[Graham] Mummy, Mummy, but
you know the favorite one,
-The one about
-[Sam] Again
-The one about the husband
-[Ian] Dad's head on a post.
being decapitated.
-[Sam] Sing it again.
-[Graham] Yes.
[upbeat music]
[Graham] Think it'll take
more than a lullaby
to put that feud to bed.
[Sam] True. But we did
get them to shake hands.
-[Graham] There ya go.
[Graham] Yes, we did.

[Graham] I cannot believe
that this was your idea
of a good time!
[Sam] This is so pleasant.
It's lovely.
It's a--actually, that's
such an interesting adjective--
Not one I would use.
There's some blackberries
[Sam] Oh, yeah. Yeah, go-go
over to the left a bit.
-[Graham] No. No.
[Sam] I'm gonna try to get one.
-[Graham] No, no!
-[Sam] Over here.
[Sam] Oh, there's one--slow
down, slow down, slow down.
-[Graham] No--[huffs]
-I'll get one.
[Graham] Just let go
of my back!
[Sam] That's it. See, easy.
This is like
my ultimate holiday.
-[Sam laughs]
-Cycling on a
a 1980s tandem
that is breaking my backside
while you stare into my ass.
[Sam] Yes. It's remarkable.
[Graham] This isn't exactly
what I imagined
when I first met you.
[Sam] I think
you're doing quite well.
[Graham] What else have you
got up your sleeve--
hot-air balloon?
This is ridiculous.
Are you actually pedaling?
[Sam laughs]
-[bicycle bell rings]
[Sam] I wish I'd worn
my kilt.
Oh, don't be ridiculous.
They offer great padding.
When we're makingOutlander,
pleating and dressing
in the Fraser tartan
helped me get
into my character.
It's a huge part
of Jamie's identity.
[Graham] I suppose every Scot
feels that way
about their tartan plaid. They- they've got a long history.
[Sam] Tartan
is the crisscrossed,
multicolored fabric
you can find wrapped around
almost anything in Scotland.
[Graham] Centuries ago,
this patterned, woven wool
protected Highlanders
from the elements.
[Sam] Over the years, clans
adopted official tartans,
each with their own
unique weave and color.
[Graham] My clan,
the MacTavishes,
have a whole range
of signature tones,
for every occasion..
except riding a bike.

Oh, wow, look at this!
[Sam] Here we are.
Isn't this amazing?
The Prickly Thistle
continues to make
authentic, stylish tartans
right here in the Highlands.
We're here to talk with
its founder, Clare Campbell,
who's bringing
the tartan tradition
into the 21st century.
[Clare] It's wonderful
to have you both here,
and have a look around.
-[Sam] Let's have a look.
-[Clare] There's probably
more preparation than people
would appreciate
in-in producing a tartan,
where you're looking at the
colorways that are involved,
you're buying yarn
in-in big cones, essentially,
and then you've got to break
all of that down like a recipe
and create this beam of warp
that we see coming into
the back of the loom.
But you can see at the back
there is all of these threads
coming in a very sort of
perfect order.
We have a system of making
sure that they stay in order,
um, and everything's nice
and tight and tension.
And traditionally, obviously,
this would have been done
by hand.
Yeah, traditionally,
yeah, before the sort of
Industrial Revolution,
they were not powered,
um, so they were sort of hand
and foot powered.
-[Sam] Yeah.
-When does this date from,
-this, these--
-[Clare] So this particular one
um, is 1954.
These are still quite vintage
in terms of today's standard.
And so this happens to be
one of mine that you're very
kindly, uh-uh, weaving here.
-[Clare] Yeah, they are.
-[Sam] It's a beautiful,
beautiful piece of tartan.
I can't wait
-to wear that, um, um
-Am I getting one?
Uh, you might get one
if you're lucky.
[Sam] Will you give us
a little demonstration?
-I'll take my hand out.
-Yes, I would, yes.
-[Clare] Uh, yes.
-[Sam] It might add a nice
-touch to the-the tartan.
-The-the color.
[Sam] Yes. The red
is actually your blood.
[loom clattering]
[Clare] Every minute,
there's a hundred strikes.
So a shuttle goes back
and forth a hundred times.
So much is happening
at high speed.
And this was done
over 200 years ago.
So, I mean,
they're just incredible,
and I think they're, you know,
they're a work of art.
And we feel really proud
to still be using them, to be
As you should.
Brilliant. Great.
[rhythmic thumping]
[singing in Gaelic]
[Graham] OnOutlander,
we showcase
the traditional
waulking process--
handling wool
over several hours
to tighten and weatherproof
the weave.
[singing in Gaelic]
The Badenoch Waulking Group
continues to sing the songs
weavers developed
to keep and pass the time.
[singing continues]

[person sings solo]

[all sing]
[Sam] Wonderful!
That's just amazing.
It's completely mesmerizing.
And this is actually an-an
or a traditional way
of-of working the wool.
[person] That's right.
When it comes off the loom,
it's a very loose weave,
so it had to be rendered
waterproof and windproof.
And this was the process
way back
before machines were invented.
[Sam] And tell us about
the--the song.
Is it, uh, traditional
storytelling, or--
[Sheila] Oh, yes, the songs
are all very traditional.
Lot about sailing.
Lot about going away to war.
-[Sam ] Mm.
-Um, and a lot
of gossip as well.
It was a laborious task,
-and it went on all day.
-[Sam] And hard work too.
-[Sheila] So, to pass the
time, they just sang.
And there's also a lot of
rhythm attached to it as well,
depending on what the pro--
what part of the process
you were doing.
The cloth was always wet,
so the cloth was always heavy.
So, therefore, the songs were
slower to start off with.
And then as the cloth
got lighter and drier,
-the songs got faster.
-[Graham] Yeah.
[Sam] We'd love to hear
another song.
[Sheila] Okay.
I don't know
if you're ready for this.
[Sam] We're ready.
-Oh, we're ready. I'm ready.
-[light giggling]
[rhythmic call
and answer singing]
[all singing]
[person sings]
[all singing]
[person sings]
[all singing]
[singing continues]
[voices echoing]
[bright fiddle music]

[Sam] We are on our way
to the location
of what may be the grave
-of Rob Roy MacGregor.
-You know, a lot of people
-don't even know who he is.
-Yes, well
-I mean, there's been a
-been a movie about him.
-There has, a great movie.
-Many movies, actually.
-Great, great movie
with Liam Neeson.
This is Robert Roy MacGregor.
[Sam] To some, he was a--
he was a notorious outlaw,
and to others,
he was a-a hero, right?
He was a very, very popular man
among his own clan
in-in his day.
And we're talking what,
early 1700s?
One could argue, I mean,
he's the most infamous
clan leader ever,
sort of like the Robin Hood
of the Highlands.
-Rob Roy gives safe passage
to your cattle
in return for what was known
as blackmail.
The origin, apparently,
of that term.
-If you didn't pay Rob Roy
then your cattle
would mysteriously disappear.
[moo echoes]
[Graham] Really interesting
clan, not a--not a huge clan.
They had, um, big, big disputes
-with the MacLarens.
-I may have done some
slightly naughty things
as well.
[Graham] Oh, good.
[Sam] I arranged for them
to meet in the same place
at the same time,
and they don't know about it.
Oh, so you're deliberately
setting up a situation
where they could actually
potentially come to blows.
[Sam, chuckling]
I know, right?
-[Graham] Great.
-[Sam] Yeah.
[Graham] Fantastic.
Will they be bringing swords?
[Sam] I do hope not.

[Sam] Rob Roy MacGregor
spent his last days
in Balquhidder,
where his descendants
claim he's buried.
[Graham] Unfortunately,
this is MacLaren land,
and the clan chief here
strongly disagrees.
Let's hope some whisky
helps us get
to the bottom of it.
We're now walking
to what is called the
-[person] Eaglais Beag.
-[Sam] Eaglais Beag.
-[person] Little Church.
-[Sam] Little Church.
And, uh, I'm gonna get
in between you both here,
-Peter, and, uh--
-[Graham] Yes, I think
you're gonna need to get
in between them, Sam.
-[Peter] Oh, aye.
-Yes, that's right.
-[Graham laughs]
-[Sam] This is actually,
you know, an ancient site,
and there was an older church
that we're actually standing
almost in the middle of here.
-Oh, definitely pre-Christian.
It's so much
the Christian practice
to build on original sites
of worship.
[Graham] Yes, of course,
but they were very clever,
weren't they?
They knew--they knew--
they didn't want to admit it.
But there's a sacredness
that goes down through
-the centuries.
-Of course.
So the real question is,
who's buried here, then?
-[Graham whispers] Oh, my--
-Well, perhaps--
-[Sam] I had to--
-Perhaps I should let Peter
-have first crack at that.
-[clears throat]
Rob Roy MacGregor
was an outlaw for many years.
He eventually settled
further up the Glen
beyond Loch Loyal
at- in Loch Lairg.
And this is where
his sons were.
Rob Roy died in 1734,
and you find in
the introduction to Rob Roy
by Walter Scott in 1817,
he said as well
that he's buried here.
Okay, this is a very, very
compelling case
-for the defense.
-It's a very compelling case.
I'll drink to that.
And I'd hesitate to call you
-the prosecution.
The-the counter-defense.
The truth will do.
Ooh! Oh, that was--
Oh, I felt that one
right there.
[Donald] Rob Roy died
as a result of a quarrel
with the MacLarens.
Um, the fight took place.
Rob Roy was wounded.
The fight was stopped,
and he died a few weeks later.
Now, this was, and remains,
basically a MacLaren kirkyard.
And Rob Roy had failed
in trying to take
a piece of MacLaren land.
He died as a result.
I do not see
the MacLarens saying,
"Oh, look,
terribly sorry, chaps.
"What a dreadful mistake.
Can we give you pride of place
in our kirkyard?"
My own view is that this is
more of a memorial.
Something that's been in place
for a long time.
-[Sam] Yes.
-[Graham] Well, I suppose
the only people
that know the answer are
-[laughing] are right there.
-[Sam] It's been fabulous
-having the MacGregors
-Oh, this is fantastic.
and the MacLarens here.
-And we are sharing a dram.
-Really appreciate it.
-And really, it's, uh
-Yeah, absolutely.
[Sam] It's incredible, so
thank you so much, gentlemen.
-[Graham] Well, to whoever
-[Sam] To whoever
lies beneath these stones.
-[Sam] Yes.
-[Peter] Rob Roy.
[light, punchy music]
[engine revving]
-[Graham] Whoa!
-I'm getting out of here
before those two can catch up.
Mate, mate, I mean,
you know, they were really
super polite with each other,
but the edge was like, "Yes.
"Why would we have
your ancestor
"buried in our graveyard
when we didn't like him
and it was our church?"
It's this veil of politeness
that, really, i-is paper thin.
Isn't it amazing that,
you know,
couple hundred years,
but yet still
still that animosity,
-still that
-Yeah. You know
you're completely on the wrong
side of the road, don't you?
Yes, I--
well, there are cars parked.
Of course you do!
Okay, enough of the feuding.
I have arranged a visit
to my ancestral home.
-We have this,
you know, connection
with this country
that I have only truly begun
to understand,
uh, recently.
[Sam] All right.
Just tell me where to turn.
[Graham] Oh, no,
a visit to the family castle
demands that we travel
in style.
[epic music]

So just--
like, right foot first.
-[Sam] Yep.
-Oh, yes, very elegant.
[Sam] Don't put your foot
on that.
[Graham] What, well, the bit
that says don't stand on it?
[Sam] Yeah.
[Graham] No, no, you need
to open the other bit.
It's two, it's--
No, no, you c--
-No, you can't get into it
-No, it's all right, I got it.
like that!
That's not how you get in!
-What are you doing?
-[laughs] Well, it's tight.
-It's quite tight!
-Just open the door!
-Yeah, right, okay.
-[Sam] Welcome aboard, sir.
Yeah. Could-could you just wait
until I get past the door?
-Welcome aboard.
-[Graham grunting]

-[Graham] Is that shut?
-[Sam] Going up!
[engine revs]
-[copilot] Ready for takeoff?
-[pilot] Yeah, roger, roger.
Cleared for takeoff.
And we are, uh, weapons hot.
-[Sam chuckles]
-[Graham] Kids, let's get rid of
[Sam] Oh, my God.
Oh, God, it's properly
Oh, oh
[both laughing]
-So childish!
-Ha ha ha!

Always love that moment.
And we're flying!

[Sam] Look at that!
I'm very excited
to be showing you
the castle of my forefathers.
The MacTavishes.
-[Graham] Yes.
-[Sam] Wow.
We have a castle, Castle Sween.
Castle Sween.
It sounds
it sounds majestic.
It is majestic.
We're a very majestic clan.
You are.
[Graham] It's possibly the
stone-built castle in Scotland.
[Sam] I mean, if I know
anything about the MacTavishes,
I feel like either--
even if it wasn't the oldest
stone-built castle,
they would just say it was.
I mean, you probably build it
last week.
No, it was not built last week.

[Graham] I think we're actually
coming in to land.
[Sam] We are.
[Sam, softly] Jesus.
It's like-it's like being
driven by you in the van.
Yeah, only
less things to crash into.
-Apart from the ground.
-[Graham] We're coming low.
-[Sam] The water is getting
very, very close
-[Graham] Yeah.
- and we're on an angle.
-We're at a bit of an angle.
-Uh, we might want to just
level up a bit.
Where did we find this pilot?
I don't quite know.
Oh, God.
- Oh, God.
-[Graham] Oh, are you ready?

- Ah!
- Ah!
This is crazy!
Sea landing!
Ah. We made it.
Cute castle!
Home of the MacTavishes.
[Graham] That is the home
of the M--it looks like
it was built yesterday.
[Sam] Is this the first time
you've been here?
Yes. Yes.
I've dreamt of coming here,
obviously, all my life.
Did they tell you
where they left the key?
[Graham] Now, the MacTavishes
actually came over
from Ireland,
like a lot of the Highlanders,
and married
into the Sween family.
That is why it's called
Castle Sween.
Can I say something, mate?
-You-you made it sound like
it's gonna be this incredible
old castle
-[Graham] It is!
-Centuries old.
-[Sam] It's a caravan park.
-Don't look at the caravan!
-Look at the castle!
-[Sam] It's-it's quite possibly
a whole community of caravans,
-if not a whole metropolis.
-They're probably
all MacTavishes
that live in those caravans.
MacTavishes cannae afford
to fix a castle,
-but they'll get a caravan.
-They're working on it, okay?
[Sam] It is a very nice
caravan park, I have to say.
Ah. Well, there you are.
How does it feel being home?
[Graham] I'm not gonna lie.
It's an emotional moment.
[Sam] Mm.
[Sam] Morning.
Are you a MacTavish?
-[person] No.
-[Graham] That wasn't
-really a moment, was it?
-I-it's a nice castle
for--well, for a ruin.
[Graham] The oldest castle
in Scotland.
[Sam, laughing]
I just didn't expect to see
-a caravan park.
-[quietly] Would you stop
going on about
the caravan park?
-I mean, there's probably--
-Look at the castle!
Yes. The castle
is magnificent.
-[Sam] All right, moving on.
-Can't we walk around?
No time for that.
I've scheduled a visit
to the home of the Frasers.
Ah, yes, the Frasers,
the fictional character
you play.
[Sam] Yeah, well,
the very real Frasers
were a powerful clan,
despite their apparent
lack of caravans.
But we do have an impressive
castle near Beauly.
[Graham] They have
an impressive castle.
You're a fictional Fraser.
[light musical sting]
[Sam] We're here
at Beaufort castle.
I was desperate to come here
-to talk about the Frasers.
-You were.
-You were.
-Obviously, I play Jamie Fraser
-in Outlander.
-[person] Mm-hmm.
So, when you actually
start to dig deeper
into Scotland, into the clans,
you realize it's not--
it is not a fantasy.
These are actually
real families
-Yes, indeed.
-we're talking about.
-They were a French family.
-Yes, yes.
That's where we have
the name Fraser
[Sarah] Yes, yeah.
from strawberry, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, well,
we think it does.
And they've been in
Great Britain
-for about 900 years.
-[Sam] Mm.
They arrived
with William the Conqueror.
-But then what happens
is they come up here,
they marry,
they make alliances,
and they get
into that argy-bargy
with local clans
where you're competing
for territory
and you're competing
for influence.
The primary virtue
of clanship was
protection, defense.
They were protecting you
from predatory neighbors,
of which there were bound
to be loads,
and in a symbolic sense,
-you were- you were building up
your identity as Clan Fraser.
-[Sam] Right.
Until you become a powerful
clan, like- like they did,
and you build, you know,
premises like Beaufort Castle.
When was it first established?
[Sarah] There's been a castle
on that footprint or close by
for about 700 years.
But this was built
in the early Victorian period.
[Sam] So the British
burn down Beaufort Castle,
and the Frasers rebuild it
stronger and better than ever.
What a clan.
[Graham] Who were
their principal rivals?
-The MacKenzies
-just north of here.
-Aye, that's me.
Yes, it is, of course.
Dougal. Dougal.
The war chief.
and the Atholl Murrays
going down
towards Perthshire.
-And they are
in the period of--
in the period of you two,
of Jamie--you as Jamie
and you as Dougal--
they are in a power grab.
They just sort of take over
and then suck the clan dry
-and then here we are.
-[Sam] Wait--
They doeffectively.
Par--you're calling them
a parasite.
No, I'm not talking
about the Frasers.
-Not us.
-[Graham] Not the Frasers.
Steady. I know
your- your fictional self
is getting very upset here.
No, I just want
to be fair here.
It's--it's--y-you aren't
actually a Fraser.
Just have to break that
to you gently.
-I'm not?
Moving on.
You could become
a balomeel Fraser
if you swear
eternal allegiance.
-Oh, really?
-And maybe pay a small fee.
-[Sam] Ah.
-It's a bad idea.
-That's what I like
about the Frasers.
Did they get on with
the MacTavishes, or
-Well, we were miles away.
-We were miles away.
-[Sam] Constantly reminded.
[Graham] The MacTavishes
got along with everybody.
No, they didn't.
I have to mention.
Look how wonderful, glorious
the grounds are here.
-[Sarah] Yeah.
-As far as the eye can see,
we have this beautiful castle.
And the MacTavishes
have a caravan park.
Oh, do they?
A whole one or just one van?
You see-you see, you try and
like someone
No. You didn't turn
your back on him, did ya?
Yeah, but you can tell
that I'm only--
I'm not fully turning
my back on him.
-Keep one eye. [chuckles]
[Graham] Well, amazing--
we managed to
not reignite any clan feuds.
I think we should
treat ourselves
to a very nice dinner.
[Sam] Great, yeah.
We can use my castle.
It's not your castle.
[light music]
[Graham] You were saying?
It's been a great journey.
We've learned about, you know,
the-the different clan feuds
that we've-we've touched upon
with the MacGregors
and the MacLeods,
the MacDonalds
and the Campbells,
and-and it just goes around
and around
and around and around.
It's as interwoven
as this tartan.
It-it basically shaped the land.
It's as interwoven as the
tartan. I love it.
Have you been storing
that one up?
No, I think it's the whisky.
It's, uhpretty strong.
And I've seen the family seat--
-Sween Castle.
-You have.
And I've been to the Frasers'.
-Here's to long memories
-[glasses clink]
and friendship.
[glasses clink]
[light music]
This is a feast
much like the Camerons and the
MacIntoshes had I beleive.
I believe that one or other
invited the other clan
to dinner
in order to um, put to bed
a feud that they had.
So they're sharing food
and drink,
and they were having
a nice time.
They're all having a nice time,
and then there's the knife,
and then boom.
Oh, so they got stabbed--
It didn't work out the way
that they expected.
-Which I believe is somewhat
of the inspiration for
a rather famous episode of, uh,
-Game of Thrones.
-Game of what?
-Never heard of it.
[light playful music]

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