Messiah (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

It Came to Pass as It Was Spoken

1 I'd welcome him to try a so-called miracle under controlled observation, but he won't, because it's an illusion.
Not even a new one.
People have walked on water before.
"What's the difference?" you might ask.
A magician is honest.
The Vatican is only prepared to confirm that an investigation is ongoing.
The case has been put under the review of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and we await its findings.
A crowd of over 150,000 faithful gathered this morning in St.
Peter's Square in the hopes of hearing a statement from Pope Alexander.
Roads into DC remain choked this morning, and its airports overwhelmed, as people continue to descend on the nation's capital.
It's a phenomenon some people are likening to Beatlemania.
Looting and vandalism in surrounding DC and Baltimore areas continues into its fourth day, as the area's combined law enforcement agencies meet this afternoon to discuss issuing curfews in certain neighborhoods.
In what observers are terming a "Messianic Revival," the refugee known as al-Masih has become a catalyst, not only in the West Bank, where the cause for Palestinian independence has reached critical mass, but also here in Washington.
The question becomes, how far will this new movement, this revival, spread? Can you believe it? First our rooms now all of this? Everyone is being so generous.
What is it? Anna.
You saw what we all saw.
Yes, I saw it.
What more could you need? We witnessed a miracle.
It did look like a miracle.
It's just a lot to take in.
I know it's a lot, but the world just changed, Anna, and we're all a part of it now.
What are we supposed to do with all this? Build his church.
Welcome, brother.
Liberator! Our Hero! Welcome, young men.
Thank God you are safe.
Come on there is nothing to fear.
Go inside, that way.
Brother Zaid is a good man.
A teacher.
We studied together.
He is going to offer you young men food and shelter, for as long as you need.
You will not be in need of anything.
Sheikh Zaid! Please come in.
Stay here.
The Sheikh will come visit you soon.
I'm not to leave? It's for your protection.
There are threats against you.
Not just the Israelis, but Muslim brothers, too, who don't like your "al-Masih.
" It's from all sides.
I'm sorry.
But you'll be safer here.
What about the others? They are not you.
No one thought he was any kind of leader in the camp.
So it was just a moment of desperation on the boy's part.
Looks that way.
But he's sparked off another wave.
Rioting's spread to the West Bank now.
When will you be back? Uh, I can't say.
I'm onto something here.
Eva, we need you back in Israel.
I'm in Iran for at least another day.
Then you'll need to get back soon.
Keep me posted.
Payam Golshiri plays at being this nomadic holy man, but he's not acting alone.
He has resources.
The private plane that he took from Jordan to Mexico was leased by a shell company that we traced back to Russia.
And the Russian link gets deeper.
Golshiri spent a semester at Williams College when Oscar Wallace was still a professor there.
Now, as you know, Wallace has been in hiding outside of Moscow under the Kremlin's protection ever since he hacked the stock exchange.
Now, his online posts continue to incite his followers to carry out acts of social disruption.
What if Wallace cultivated a relationship with Golshiri at Williams and recruited him? Converted him to his ideas.
What better agent of chaos than a new messiah? You're basing this all on the fact that they happened to be at the same place at the same time? Not just that, their ideologies align.
Ideologies? Is there anything actionable? We have eyes on Golshiri 24/7, his brother is in Iran.
We're interviewing him.
Maybe he will tell us something.
Have you been watching the news? The West Bank is in full Arab Spring mode and DC feels like Woodstock.
So he has a brother, so he spent a a semester abroad.
So what? We need to discredit this asshole right now, and I'm not hearing anything that sounds like real ammunition.
- Sir - No.
Give me a photograph of Golshiri looking like a terrorist, - building a bomb, cutting off a head.
- You're not gonna find that.
We're talking about something else here.
He didn't blow up a building.
He walked on water.
Every time we crack down on one form of terrorism another threat pops up in its place.
al-Qaeda, ISIL, it evolves.
What we're facing now is a state-sponsored social disruption.
This is a new world.
This isn't just about one man.
This is a war of ideas.
You can call it whatever kind of war you like, but it looks like we're losing.
The president doesn't care about your half-baked deep-state conspiracies.
Get us a smoking gun.
Something troubles you.
It's nothing.
You've trimmed your beard.
Perhaps we have both changed.
These boys will study and learn, like we did.
They will find purpose here, God willing.
It was good of you to bring them.
All right.
So Would you all like to discuss, um how you are feeling about everything that's going on? - Go ahead.
- All the histrionics, it's BS, right? Nobody really believes this guy.
It's just people want an excuse to skip class or get high or whatever.
I don't know.
I I think people are being sincere.
I mean, I'm afraid that he's real.
Why are you afraid, Casey? Think about it.
If he's real, like, what are we supposed to do? Just give up everything and then start worshiping him? What would it mean for this man to be real? Well, in Islam, the arrival of the messiah means a civilization-ending war.
So, if this guy is legit we're in for a major bloodbath.
Well, what if he turns out to be Christian? Then this course is irrelevant.
Yeah, no, I wanna check Pray with us.
Pray with us.
Come pray with us! Join our circle.
Come pray with us.
Join us.
- al-Masih! al-Masih! - Come on, sweetie.
- al-Masih! - Excuse us.
This is a white zone.
Everyone else, stand back.
I'm looking at Fox News al-Masih! al-Masih! - We believe in you! - Thank you! He is here! Make way, please.
Excuse us.
I have.
Yes, I Welcome, everyone.
Thank you for coming to our prayer meeting.
As some of you may know, I'm Reverend Felix Iguero.
- Where's al-Masih? - Is he here? He's gonna address you all again, in his own time.
Right now, though, we're here to pray.
- Do you speak for him? - What exactly No.
No, I don't.
I, uh I want to make that clear.
I'm just a preacher of a small church in Texas.
And though we didn't have much of anything, what we did have a lot of was faith.
And maybe that's why we were rewarded.
Maybe that's why our town was touched by God.
Now, we all witnessed a miracle.
We are the generation God has chosen.
And we need to think about why.
Why he chose us.
We need to heed his call.
Let us pray.
Uh, Dave, this is Steve here.
Can we get someone down here on the eighth loading dock? Can I help you? We need to see him.
- How did you get into the hotel? - My daughter is sick.
- Look, miss - We drove from Colorado to Texas to here.
We waited like they said to.
But we can't wait anymore.
We're running out of time.
Can you understand that? Look at her.
I'm not going home without my daughter seeing him.
I will see your daughter but only her.
Go ahead, sweetie.
Go ahead.
Were these cameras here since the beginning? Who do you think comped their whole floor? Nothing? This is his first contact.
Is he talking to her? I'm I'm not gettin' anything.
Who's that girl? Her mother's lookin' for a miracle.
Why is he bothering with this charade? - Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much, Reverend.
Take care.
- Congratulations, Felix! - Ed.
I thought you might be in town.
I've been watching you on the talk shows.
Well, everyone's just looking for any insight they can find.
You were very collected up there.
I'm impressed.
Not everyone could handle that kind of spotlight.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
But if you really want to harness all this, it's gonna be a big operation.
How do you mean, "harness"? Well You know, I have a venue.
Broadcast contract.
I can help you.
Help you amplify the message, if you'd like.
Where do you see all this going? I'm gonna leave that up to God.
Oh, this is me.
All right.
Okay, then.
We'll talk.
You are brave, my sons.
It was not easy to resist that cursed man that deceiver.
He could be the false messiah.
God protect us! His followers are doomed in this life and the next.
But you are strong, are you not? Yes! That's right.
You are strong.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you, Sheikh.
How are you, my son? Why do you call me your son? I wish you were, Jibril.
God honors you.
And you have done great things, despite your youth.
Everything you've done for your nation it's astonishing.
It wasn't just me.
I have heard otherwise.
But, no matter.
Now Please, sit.
Do you have a sense of your plan, in the future? I will trust al-Masih's plan whatever it is.
My son, I'm not asking for his plan.
I'm asking for yours.
What is your will, Jibril? My will? Hey.
You wanna play the license plate game? - Huh? - No.
When he was in the room with you what did he do? I don't know.
- Can you tell me, honey? - We just sat there.
How do you feel? I wanna go home.
I miss Daddy.
We're just asking that the public bear with us We have a large influx of people areas obviously see a lot of traffic Uh Yeah, two.
You drink now? Never should have stopped.
Walking on fucking water A bit of a cliché, huh? Still managed to take us all by surprise.
God only knows what he'll do next.
God knows.
Please tell me that was a joke.
If he was God, he wouldn't need these parlor tricks.
Uh That's all that Jesus did.
Right? Walked around, performed tricks.
Gets you an audience.
What was Jesus, after all? Just a populist politician with an ax to grind against the Roman Empire.
Spoken like a true Jew.
He's connected to Russia.
You know this? It's a theory.
You have a lot of theories, huh? You're so certain.
My mentor used to say there's no room for doubt.
You can't blink.
Lives are at stake.
You have to see things as good or bad.
Or black or white.
And you believe that? Yeah.
So, what am I? Am I a good guy or a bad guy? You know, I think you're just afraid of being the bad guy.
Aren't we all? So, how did your mentor survive all this? He's dead.
In the attack, in Turkey last year.
Somebody blinked.
I check on his nephew every now and then.
Kid works at a diner, has no idea who I am, or what his uncle meant to me.
You're a better person than me.
You don't know me.
Officers Lewis and Jones, report to room 903.
Copy that.
On our way.
Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you so late.
I just I heard you helped a little girl today.
That you healed her? I'm sick.
I'm very sick.
This is really something.
You're not from here.
From DC? Is anybody? Did you really heal that little girl? Do you believe I did? Yes.
I was there.
On the Mall.
I saw what you did.
When I was watching you I felt something inside me.
Here, like a a warmth I think a lot of people felt it.
You touched us all.
I felt you touch me.
I was so nervous coming up here, but now that I'm here, it's like the whole room is just filled with you.
Filled with your power.
You smell good.
What do you think is going to happen now? I want you to heal me.
How? Isn't that up to you? Do you think we're going to have sex? I want to.
And how is that going to heal you? - I just want to be close to you.
- You don't know how to be close.
I thought we were getting on.
There's so much shame in you.
What? You have a difficult job.
Carrying men's burdens, keeping their secrets, telling them what they want to hear, as you let them touch you.
You tell yourself you don't care, but every day your soul is diminished.
Every day you die a little more.
What I do with my body is my business.
It's not anybody's call.
Sure as hell isn't yours.
Was coming here your call? So let's stop pretending.
You came here tonight because somebody paid you.
But you could have turned down the money.
It's not the only reason you came.
Is it? There There you are.
Now I see you.
How can you be the person God intended if you are not honest about who you are? Tell me your name.
Your real name.
I love you.
I love you, Eliana.
I love what is eternal in you.
- They paid me.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
- I didn't mean to - I know.
I think someone's watching us right now.
I'm sorry.
I should leave.
God loves you.
Hey, come here.
Come on.
Hey, we gotta bounce.
Come on.
Come on, leave it.
Come on! Yeah.
Where are you? I'm here.
With you.
I'm glad.
- Rejoice - Rejoice Put your hand in mine - Rejoice - Rejoice - Rejoice - Rejoice, salvation's close at hand - Rejoice - Live your joy - Rejoice - Raise your voice Spread the word throughout the land - Rejoice - Rejoice Rejoice - Rejoice, salvation's close at hand - Don't be shy.
- Come on, join us.
- Rejoice - He has returned.
- Rejoice The day has finally come.
- Throughout the land - Live your joy Rejoice - Rejoice - God bless you, child.
Rejoice, salvation's close at hand - Rejoice - Live your joy - Rejoice - Raise your voice Spread the word throughout the land - Rejoice - Rejoice - Rejoice - Rejoice, salvation's close I'm callin' the cops.
Why are you followin' me? We are going in the same direction.
You know, sometimes your answers are annoying.
People don't like it.
Plus, I'm not goin' anywhere specific.
That's the point.
I just couldn't take being in that hotel anymore.
It's okay for you to ask me what you want to ask.
That woman in the hotel, who was she? A lost soul.
It looked like she knew you pretty well.
You are not going to understand everything that happens.
You have to trust that I have a special place for you, Rebecca.
Feels like we're on the edge of somethin'.
Like nothin's gonna be the same again.
That's not a bad thing.
Sometimes I have thoughts about all this comin' to an end.
But they're more than just thoughts.
They feel real.
They are.
False Prophet.
If I asked you something impossible, would you do it? Yes.
Then you have to shed your burdens.
The pain, the shame.
Leave it all behind, strip it all away.
Only then you can speak your truth.
Do you understand? Yes.
It won't be easy.
No, I can do it.
My brother always liked to tell stories.
He was always such a liar.
Always loved to be at the center of the room.
Now he's at the center of the world.
Is that what he always wanted, then? Even when you were young? It likely had to do with our upbringing.
There's no good record of your parents.
They were killed, while fleeing Iraq.
We were just kids.
This was 1990 Our father was Jewish.
Our mother, Christian.
Wasn't safe for us during the "liberation" of Kuwait.
Does Payam blame America for the death of your parents? This, my friend, you will have to ask him.
After they died, what happened to you and Payam? We were raised here in Iran by our uncle.
In Tehran? Our uncle dragged us all over.
He was a how do you call? Vagabond, yes? A trickster.
Sometimes, we would travel with the circus, during the summers.
Other times, we'd busk in markets, run scams.
We would sleep on the street.
We were always ready to flee with the rags on our backs.
He called himself "Yusuf the Magnificent.
" Ah! Can you imagine? Magnificent! He was proud and cruel.
Put us to work from the very beginning.
Pulled us from school.
Beat us.
But he also taught us everything he knew.
The art of illusion.
Uncle Yusuf was a magician.
A master.
And we were his apprentices.
The trick it's not so much the mechanics of it.
That's just practice.
The real trick is making you believe.
You're not sleeping in your car anymore? No.
No, found a room.
- In a hotel? - Yes.
- With running water? - Yes.
Well, you won't believe it, actually.
It's this hotel.
Really? Uh, what'd you get?
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