Minder (1979) s01e07 Episode Script

The Bengal Tiger

I could be so good for you
Love you like you want me to
I could be so good for you
Love you like you want me to ♪
What are you doing? That's my car.
The way I see it, pal. It was your
Oh, that's charming, eh?
Five weeks behind with the payments.
Look, we had this dispute, you know,
at the firm. An industrial dispute.
The man said, 'Go and get the car.'
All right? Yeah, well
Say I don't let you take it?
You'd be very silly, wouldn't you?
- Needs a bit of choke first thing.
- Oh, yeah.
Ow. And you've got to sort of,
you know, blip the accelerator.
I see.
Full of rust, anyhow.
Yeah, it's not all that, is it?
No, no, no, don't do that!
Not when it's cold.
Why don't you let the other geezer
worry about that?
How am I going to get to work, then?
I don't know.
How far is it?
Park Royal.
Come on, then. Jump in.
I'll drop you at the Tube.
(Glass fragments clinking)
Morning, Mr Mukerjee.
Dear oh dear oh dear.
They tried to wreck my shop,
Mr Daley.
Got my papers, Mr M?
Whoops! You'll have to start a new
line in broken biscuits.
They have been tracking me all week.
Who? They didn't have a go at my
Panatellas, did they?
I don't exactly know who.
- Local lads?
- I don't know.
- Kids!
- They said they would be back.
Did they? Well, you'll be needing
help, then, won't you?
Oh, no, no. No police.
Why's that?
I don't think it is a matter
for the police.
No. I mean, you'll need looking after,
won't you?
Mr Mukerjee, that's a very
naughty word.
People could misconstrue that.
No, what I'm saying
is, if you have a face
about the place, you
don't get any aggravation.
Ah! But 'ali-babay' this will cost me
Well, naturally, if I put my man in here
300, you'll be well looked after.
300 pounds?
Well, I'm not talking
about chapatis, am I?
hundred pounds?
You'll get the best. My boy Terry is
an ex-boxing champion.
A bouncer at the Lyceum Ballroom.
What more could you ask for?
- What's up? Mad or something?
- No. He is temperamental.
Hey, with Terry you're dealing
with an artist.
What is he, then? A minder or
Shirley Bassey?
Eh, Terry!
- See you.
- Thanks, Arthur.
- You've done me a right favour.
- Yeah. Bye. Yeah.
What's all that about?
Just don't ever get me another job
like that.
He have a go at you?
He's a vacuum cleaner assembly
worker at Park Royal.
What's he gonna do? Hit me over the
head with a suction hose attachment?
Hang on. There you are.
A double score. All right?
How much did he give you?
Well, he didn't give me that lot.
I've always got a nice wad on me.
- Yeah.
- What's the matter with you?
The geezer buys a car, he doesn't pay
for it, he loses the car.
- That's reasonable, isn't it?
- They've been on strike.
Oh, that's lovely.
Doing the economy in an' all.
- It was official.
- Even better.
Strike pay. A bit of Social Security.
What's he got now? A Mercedes?
I don't know. Just don't get me any
more jobs like that.
Or down the Lonsdale.
What's wrong with that
place? It's a nice boozer.
O, nice? Yeah. Three fights last week.
They were having a go at the group.
That's not nice, is it?
Did you hear that group?
There is a mate of mine
who is just finishing a tenfor
doing less damage than their drummer.
I'm not kidding you, Arthur. I'm
thinking of packing it all in.
- I understand your feelings, Terry.
- Do you?
Yes, I do.
And I absolutely agree with you.
Not a nice job, at all.
But it was an earner.
That's all that matters.
I only have your interests at heart.
Well, haven't I
always got you jobs?
Well, yeah.
- Seen you're all right?
- Yeah.
- A nice little flat?
- Yeah.
One more job.
- No.
- All right, Terry. All right.
All right. I will go over there and
tell them
that Mr McCann has let them down.
- I've let them down?
- Yes. You.
A nice little Indian and his family.
- Oh. I've got to get a drink in.
- Are you buying?
What, the first round?
You do what you're good at. Everybody
knows that. It's called aptitude.
You have an aptitude for knocking
blokes out on the cobbles.
To each his own, Terry.
It's not a proper job, is it?
- What else could you do?
- I don't know.
- Do what?
- Computers.
They're always advertising, aren't
Terry, son, you can't even work
a pocket calculator.
Of course I can.
You wouldn't know where
to put the decimal point.
I could bloody well learn, couldn't I?
I'm not stupid, am I?
Thanks, Arthur.
Thanks a lot.
So that's it, then, is it?
I have muscle.
Stand at the doors of clubs and
My mum thinks I'm a chauffeur!
Excuse me, gentlemen. Would you like
a drink with the guvnor?
That's very noble of him. I'll have
a large vodka and Slimline.
- Oh, and a lager for Terry.
- Hold on. Hold on.
I'll have a large vodka and
Slimline, too. Cheers.
Thanks, Harry!
Perks an' all.
You see, Terry? I'm respected.
If we look after each other,
we can't go wrong.
Computers! Ha-ha-ha!
How do I know who they are?
Hooligans? Kids?
They're giving an Indian newsagent
a hard time.
They're not exactly Lucky Luciano,
are they?
Stick about the place.
Be very interesting.
He's paying well.
How well?
120 sovs in your hand.
He's expecting you. I've got to slip over
to Finsbury Park to see Charlie Francis.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
He's gone in with
some insurance assessor.
He's trying to shift 50
frost-damaged Italian refrigerators.
- Frost-damaged?
- Yeah.
I don't know. Must have had
a bad winter out there.
- See you, Terry.
- Yeah.
Can I help you?
Yeah. Is Mr Mukerjee about?
Who are you? A traveller?
A traveller?
Yeah, yeah. Christmas novelties.
Could you tell him Terry is here?
A friend of Arthur Daley's.
Oh, you've come to look after us,
haven't you? Come to protect us?
Dunno yet.
- Who are you?
- His daughter. Indira.
I'm soppy Indian names.
Well, it's better then Saboo.
Yeah. Do you think
they'll come back again?
I don't even know who they are.
Well, one of 'em is a real
This is Terry, Mr Daley's friend.
You go to your room.
- Ta-ra, Terry.
- Yeah, ta-ra.
What was she saying to you?
Oh, nothing. We were just chatting.
Oh, but you must not talk with her.
She is already spoken for. She is
promised to be married.
Erm Look, I wasn't proposing.
We just said hello.
Oh, yes! I know what hello means
with you fellas.
You're a champion boxer?
Well, not exactly a champion.
I had a good few fights, though.
Not a champion?
Look, as far as I understand it,
it's just kids, isn't it?
Kids. You don't really need a Sonny
Liston for that, do you?
Yes. Kids.
How many of them? Mm?
Two or three.
This will be all right behind
The Economist, won't it?
All right, then, Mr Mukerjee.
What's their strength?
If we're gonna fight, shoulder to
at least I ought to know
what the war is about.
No war.
What did they want, then? Money?
- How much?
- None of your business.
Look, what I'm trying to get at
is do you owe them money or are they
demanding money?
Uh-huh. You owe them. How much?
Look, I don't want to discuss this
with you.
If I fight them, what happens?
I'm accused of starting
a bloody race riot!
I suppose it's never occurred to you
to do something really dramatic,
like pay what you owe 'em?
How? How much do you think
I earn here?
What is the profit margin
on half an ounce of Old Holborn?
Anyway, they want more than money.
Like what?
My daughter.
How do you mean?
They want to bring somebody here
Oh, that's nice, innit?
And they want my promise that she
will be this person's bride.
So what's the problem?
You people do that, don't you?
'Ali-babay!' She is promised
to my second cousin.
Oh, my good gawd.
You don't need me, you need
the marriage guidance people.
I do need you.
- Believe me.
- Why?
Because they just came back.
Who is he?
He He's a friend of mine.
This way, please.
After you, you people.
Better go through this way.
Will you?
After you, please.
Health & Strength is down
the other end.
Who are you? The delivery boy?
Yeah. Sometimes, when he's a bit
He was a bit short-handed last night.
I didn't notice you around then.
Oh dear, oh dear. Did you do all
that damage?
Cor, I bet Mr Mukerjee was
Mind you, a big boy like you
You'd terrify anyone, wouldn't you?
Hey, I know you from somewhere,
don't I?
- I don't think so.
- Got it.
- The Scrubs.
- The Scrubs?
No, not me, pal.
Unless you mean Well
- What?
- Well, I go jogging there now and again.
- Overrated, that jogging.
- Is it?
Working out, I mean, in the gym,
a different grade, innit?
Dunno, is it?
Course it is. Weight training,
All that pectoral development?
Yeah. T'riffic, that is.
Nah. Overrated though, innit?
I mean, a lot of people think
you weight trainers
You are a lot of poofs.
Got a Sporting Life, please?
Yeah, behind you.
I'm sorry pal, got no change.
- Don't matter.
- No, I tell you what, take it.
Pop in tomorrow and pay for it.
Very nice of you.
Really nice of you.
Good day.
Sorry, what were you saying?
About bodybuilding.
Yeah. Those steroids, though.
Don't do you a lot of good, do they?
End up looking
like a Russian discus thrower.
- What's wrong with that?
- You ever seen any of those birds?
With you I have no quarrel.
Yeah, but he pays my wages, see?
And I'm one of those very
old-fashioned English workmen.
Loyal to their guvnor.
See you, Muscles.
- Where are you going?
- Out.
- I forbid you to leave.
- Tough!
You'd better get him to tell you
the full story of all this
or you're gonna be in real trouble.
You be quiet!
Terry, will you please stop her
from going?
Pfft! What's he gonna do?
Knock me out?
Just Just don't stand there!
Go after her!
- Please, stop her!
- All right. All right.
Oi! Indira!
Oh, sorry, mate.
'Ere! 'Ere!
Just a minute.
Just a minute.
- Not now. I'm busy!
- Never mind busy, I want to talk to you.
- Now what do you want?
- I've just been down to the Law Center, haven't I?
You had no right to do what you done
this morning.
Who says?
It's the Consumer Protection Act,
didn't, ai?
I could have you nicked.
No. Not me.
The bloke who owns the car.
I own the car. That is the whole
point, innit?
Oh, yeah? They got away
from you, did they?
Yeah. Well, good luck to them, I say.
- I'm going right off you, pal.
- Yeah?
What are you gonna do about it, then?
Nothing. So that makes it a very
lucky day for one of us, doesn't it?
Breaking and entering?
There is something wrong
with your lock.
There was nearly something wrong
with your nose.
The catch is
What are you doing with a key
to my flat?
Your flat? Who obtained this
desirable bachelor residence for you?
I pay key money, I'm entitled to have
a key.
Oh, certainly.
- I'm getting that lock changed tomorrow.
- Cop hold of that for us.
- What is it?
- It's a fridge, old son.
The latest in Italian-manufactured
mini fridges.
- I've got a fridge.
- But think of all the people who haven't.
The countless millions who cannot make a decent
Bacardi and Coke for the want of a few ice cubes.
You'd better put a woolly on. I've got
another 19 of those outside in a van.
Arthur, this ain't a bleeding
No, no. Temporary storage.
And you can put that out, as well.
Don't want that. I've just woken up.
Anyway, what's wrong with your gaff?
The decorator is hardly out.
Regency Stripe in the hall.
They'd look lovely,
wouldn't they?
I'll bring some fellas back
from the Lodge for a drink.
Oh, Yeah, we mustn't
ruin the Regency Stripe.
What what what are you doing?
It's half past two in the morning.
I'm going to bed.
You can close the
front door on the way out.
Terry? A mini-fridges.
Arthur, I don't even know anybody
who wants one!
Your mum.
No. She's got a big jumbo-sized one
from the Co-op.
Who deliver in daylight hours.
- The caravan dwellers down at Sheppey.
- Eh?
Telegraph readers with holiday homes
in North Wales.
Arthur. You managed that one,
you bring the rest of it.
Terry! You are young, fit.
I'm also got an early start with Ganga-din!
Five little minutes, Terry.
- Hello. Got my papers?
- Listen, before you go on,
tell him that I'm not a delivery
boy, no way am I delivering papers.
- All right?
- Well
Our delivery boy did
not turn up this morning.
Tell him, Arthur.
Well, I think Terry has got a fair
point there, Mr Mukerjee.
- Too right he has.
- Very well. No deliveries.
Will cost me money.
I don't mind marking
them up for you.
You look well behind there.
Straight up, you look right for the part.
When you get older, that'll suit you down
to the ground, a newsagent's,
and you're learning something.
That's true, as it happens.
I'm learning something very interesting.
Ah, well, I'll just have my usual
and a packet of Panatellas.
- How much is that?
- Ta-ta-ta. Silly boy.
Don't he have to pay, Mr Mukerjee?
Mukerjee. Mr Mukerjee and me are
old friends, Terry.
Good. Maybe you can get him to tell you
a bit more about this other business.
- What?
- Well, your friend, Mr Mukerjee,
is not being exactly forthcoming
with me.
I have told you enough.
All right, then. I'll just have
to ask your daughter.
She seems about ready to give me
the full SP.
Indira did not return home
last night.
Maybe they have taken her from me.
What? You mean, kidnapped her?
No, they wouldn't do that.
- Of course not.
- Why?
Well Dunno, really.
Maybe they would.
No, no, no. Wait a
minute. Wait a minute.
Look, you owe a fella some money.
A private debt. That's one thing.
But kidnapping?
That's something else.
I mean, they are not stupid,
aren't they?
They know the police would have
to be told.
But how can I go to the police?
I don't even know whether
I'm allowed in this country.
(inaudible) Sure you're not.
I think I am.
I've been here 20 years.
That's all right then.
They'll just check up on your name.
- And you're all right.
- Yes. But which name?
One is so frightened
of being deported.
I have given so many names
in the past.
But if I go to the police, I will
have to tell them everything
explain about my daughter.
You have met Indira.
She is a Londoner.
She is a bloody Cockney.
That would be
all right, wouldn't it?
My only consolation is
that her dear mother did not live
to share in my misfortune.
Oi! Look, if they had
kidnapped her,
they would have been in touch
by now, wouldn't they?
Demanding a ransom and all that.
They haven't. Have they?
Not much I can do.
I'll see you, Terry.
Keep smiling, Mr Mukerjee.
Just dropped in to pay for The Life.
There's no change again, mate.
Got today's?
Yes. It's over there.
- I better come in tomorrow, then, eh?
- Yeah. OK, pal.
Wait a minute.
I'll give you change.
Lovely mushrooms! Lovely pears!
- How much are they?
- 10 pence each, love.
Bloody expensive!
I'm on my way now. Ta-ra.
- How many of them?
- I don't know. I only saw the one.
You dive in and take him unawares.
It's down there.
What will you be doing?
Er, I'll be on the corner
having a drink.
They're not even open yet.
I'll be having a cup of tea
on the corner.
I mean, you want someone outside
as lookout, don't you?
Look, down there, over the wall,
round the back, in the basement.
- All right?
- Thanks a bunch, Arthur.
What the hell do you want?
Well, nothing really.
- Look, what are you doing here?
- Run away, haven't I?
- Who's he?
- My boyfriend, Kev.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Your dad is worried about you.
Oh, is he?
Kev, make some instant.
This your drum, then?
Yeah. Yeah. I'm building
a room divider.
Oh, nice.
Of course, on the other hand,
open plan is all the go, innit?
Is it?
Your old man thought you'd been
A flamin' wonder I haven't.
- Just cos he promised you to someone?
- And took the bride money.
And took some more bride money
from a second cousin's family.
Promised me to about six other
families, as well.
That's how he got the money to buy
his shop.
Oh, that's charming, innit?
Look, Mr Aslam is only acting for
everybody else who got taken.
Plus, he got taken for the most.
Look, why not make it easier for
everybody and marry one of 'em?
Cos I don't want a bleeding
rice picker from Bengal.
I love Kev. I think Kev is wonderful.
Well, yeah, I mean
- I can see the attraction.
- He dances just like John Travolta.
A shame he don't look like him.
He's beautiful.
We was gonna move in with my mom, but she
would never on account her being colored.
Your mom?
She don't mind living among 'em. But she
draws the line at having one in the house.
You won't tell him where I am.
Will you?
- Ta, love.
- Thank you, sir.
She loves the geezer.
Yeah, but what about the thumping
I seen? Through the window?
He's building a room divider.
- You'll have to tell Mukerjee.
- Wrong!
I do not have to tell Mukerjee,
when he's the villain of the piece,
no questions.
But, Terry, these people,
they do this sort of thing.
They promise their daughters.
It's not like being in the C of E.
But he's had 'em all over. Half the
bloody Indians in Southall.
He's lined his daughter up for more marriages
than Elizabeth Taylor and she don't want it.
She wants Kev.
What's he like?
A QPR supporter.
Well, come on, there must be a bit
more to him than that.
Not a lot.
'Heathrow Airport, London.'
Eh Hello, London Airport?
I wish to speak to the Immigration
Yes. The people who handle
illegal entry.
- Immigration.
- Good morning.
I wish to report an illegal entry
into this country.
'Who is speaking, sir?'
Who is speaking? Well
Khm. This is Mr Chaudhury.
A very well respected citizen
of this country for many years.
I have been serving loyally
the crown for many years
as a member of the
Bengal Lancers,
with a fine commanding officer who
is still living in East Molesey.
Now, I cannot abide these
illegal immigrants
immigrant people, you know
coming here for Social Security
and things like that.
'Look, sir, what exactly is
the problem?'
Flight AI-129.
'Yes, sir?'
Now, I happen to know that there is
a person on this flight
with illegal documents.
Yeah? Now, have you got
a pencil ready?
- 'Yes.'
The family name is Aslam.
- 'Aslan.'
- Aslam.
And this fella is a scoundrel.
Probably smuggling things, as well.
'Yes, I've got that, sir.'
- 'Aslam.'
- Yes.
'Now, if you would just give me
a few particulars about yourself.'
Oh, thank you. Goodbye.
Hello. How are you, darling?
Look. My second cousin.
On the whole, I prefer Kev.
Next, please.
I think we have a little bit
of confusion here, sir.
- Confusion?
- Yes.
Almost to the point of
total incomprehensibility.
Do you mind just waiting in there
for a few moments?
This is my nephew.
Oh. Nice.
Chris Wilson.
- I wonder what the SP on him is.
- He's a very naughty boy.
- Do you know him?
- I know 'em all, Terry.
The highest and the lowest.
Charlie Knight's firm. Got away with
attempted murder a couple of years ago.
Well, he's not all that terrific,
then, if it's only attempted murder.
Yeah, he might try again and,
this time, he might succeed.
Oh, hello. Have a look.
They have refused him entrance.
Heh He must go back
on the next plane.
What about Aslam's
bridegroom of the week?
The same.
You'll be getting a visit from the
Immigration Authorities, won't you?
How am I to know
they've changed the law?
But I've given so many names
in the past,
they won't know who the
hell they are looking for.
When it comes to it, I can be as
crafty as an old Bengal tiger!
I only hope you can fight
like one, too.
It is the law of the land, Aslam-Khan.
- What can I do?
- Mukerjee, you owe me money. Me.
You have till tomorrow night.
I'm very sorry for you two
Yeah, me an' all.
Oh, a failed murderer.
I'm bloody terrified!
Till tomorrow night.
Let's go.
What can they do to me?
I mean, what can they do?
The Immigration people say no,
so what can they do?
They tried to wreck my shop once,
they'll try to wreck it again.
But what else can they do?
They could try killing you.
Me? For a few thousand pounds?
Not a chance.
Besides, I have protection.
You had protection.
But you're my friend.
As the man said,
'A friend in need'
Exactly, Terrence.
But who needs a friend like that?
Hey! Look, just take it easy, son.
You're friend's out of his skull
and you're being a nuisance.
- I'll kill ya. I'll kill ya.
- Course you will.
Keith, I don't feel very well.
Behave yourself.
I've still got a full drink in
But you didn't pay for it. That's why
you got slung out.
Alright in there.
Mob-handed, ain't ya?
I could do you any day, mate.
Just see that your friend
gets home OK.
Piss off!
Go home. Now.
I'll tell you one thing.
Don't ever come down Putney High
you're a dead man.
Putney High Street?
I'll remember that.
Aha, bottled out of it, didn't ya?
Keith, I don't feel at all well.
If it hadn't been for you, we
could've been having a nice time.
See, I know this girl
and her sister has got a caravan
down by Canvey Island.
Oh, great.
It's all oil refineries down there.
- I don't care.
- Well, I do.
If you elope,
you elope somewhere nice.
You know?
Torquay. Or somewhere.
And that Terry, he's bound to find you,
sooner or later, isn't he?
Why? He hasn't told my dad yet
otherwise he'd have been down.
All the others, then.
They're all gonna be after us.
But I'm only gonna marry you, Kev.
I love you.
Deeper than a thousand oceans.
MAN: Ha ha!
Shut up. They can all hear.
I don't care.
No. I don't care, neither.
You see, what worries Dad is he'll be
made an outcast in his own community.
Yeah. Mind you, he ain't exactly
flavour of the month, is he?
It ain't religion with him,
it's money.
If I could persuade him that,
you know, I've got a few
prospects an' that
Have you?
Of course I have.
Mind you,
I've got to get my drill back
off that Scotch geezer
what I lent it to.
'Ere, 'ere!
I know the whole world loves
a lover,
but you two came in for breakfast.
We shall be serving afternoon teas
in a minute.
I hate old people.
Don't you dare leave him a tip.
I'm just glad he doesn't want to pay
by cheque, sweetheart.
The tea tastes like iodine.
Oh, Kev, do we have to?
Yeah. Look.
Leave all the talking to me. OK?
- I'll talk to your old man.
- I know he's gonna talk you out of it.
Get in.
Open the bloody door, then!
Thank you.
Poxy motor.
Only cos you're driving bumpy.
Course it's bumpy, it's stuck
in second gear, innit?
- Dad!
- Mr Mukerjee!
Oi, Mr Mukerjee!
- Come on, Kev. Let's go round the side.
- Right.
- Got your keys?
- Yeah. In my pocket.
Must be upstairs.
- Dad!
- Mr Mukerjee!
Ah-ha. Aslam-khan?
Please, I'm very sorry.
Believe me. I beg your forgiveness.
Yes, and I beg you not to harm me
any more.
Yes. Yes, that is a possible
Yes. But of course she will agree.
What do you think? I am not master
in my household? Ha-ha.
No fears.
So just give me a little while.
Ehe Eh
I'll call you in a little while.
Bye. Bye. Bye.
So, your old father
may sleep peacefully again.
You don't have to marry somebody
from Bengal.
You will be just as happy if you
married his nephew from Wolverhampton.
No bleeding chance!
- Indira.
- Listen, I'm the one she's marrying.
Can't you get that, Mr Mukerjee?
Please, Kevin.
Can you pay the bride money?
Can you match what Mr Aslam has
already paid, which I must return,
if she does not marry his relative.
- I can look after her, yeah.
- But you cannot pay.
All you do is stand in the way.
Do you know how rich is Mr Aslam?
Hm? He has got business interests
He has got the finest restaurant
in London.
And what have you got?
Dad, he loves me and I love him.
Yeah. And I've got a trade, didn't I?
A trade? But what job you have got?
- What?
- What job do you have?
- What? Do you mean at this precise moment?
- Yeah.
Well, right now, I'm between things.
But I've got a start next week,
a block of flats, Kensal Rise.
Anyway, Kev is thinking of starting
up on his own.
Doing what exactly?
Conversions. Like buildings.
Hm. I didn't think religious.
You don't seem to understand.
I'm a very skilled man.
I'll be getting about 200 nicker
a week clear in my pocket.
- 200?
- Yeah.
And with this mate of mine,
who is about the best wallpaper hanger
you can get around here, who knows?
In a couple of months,
we could be very big.
Oh, Dad,
I do love him.
Don't I get a say?
I mean, you and Mr Aslam and all that,
it's just tradition, innit?
I was brought up here.
If I've got to get married,
I want to choose for myself.
Oh, my little Indira.
My sweet, darling girl.
Of course I want your happiness.
But they will certainly kill me.
They won't kill you!
Kev! One of them is a real gangster!
OK. But I love you, so I've got
to be prepared to fight for you, aren't I?
Kev! Stop!
Kev, please don't Oh, Kev.
Not a bad morning's work.
You've done well there,
Terry boy. Thanks.
I reckon this is the best part of
a Sunday.
A nice drop of afters.
Her indoors doing a nice roast.
Nice and quiet.
Terry McCann! Are you in there?
Friends of yours?
Well, yeah.
Well, I'm sorry, Terry.
It ain't a bleeding club.
Terry, Kev has gone after them
on his own.
All right, love. Come.
It's all right.
Now, tell me slowly.
You say he went after them?
He He's got no chance, has he?
No. Not much.
Mr Daley, please save this boy.
I promise you, you'll get your 300.
120 sovs, eh?
I got overheads, Terry.
You know that.
How do you know he's gone
to the restaurant?
Oh. It was the only place
I mentioned.
It'll take him hours. His motor only
goes in second gear.
Wonderful. And he's talking of
setting up business on his own.
See, what worries me is
he's got all his tools.
- His what?
- He's got a gun?
No. I mean, his tools for work.
Hammers, chisels.
You know, all that stuff.
I think if one is really sort of
into ethnic food,
it's always good to go to a place
patronized by the natives,
so to speak.
Mr Aslam?
- I'm a friend of Mr Mukerjee.
- Go away.
I'm his daughter's boyfriend.
And I've come to -
Come to what, sonny?
I've come to tell you
we're getting married.
And I want you to stop harassing
my future father-in-law.
You are disturbing my customers.
Sod them!
- If it's down to me and him
- OK. All right, son. Go home.
- Go on. On your bike.
- I'm not frightened.
What are you shaking for, then?
- I'm not bloody frightened.
- All right. You're not frightened.
But you stick to your room-dividing.
This is more my game.
Go on.
I'm afraid you just lost out,
Mr Aslam.
You see, this is jolly old England.
And that girl is gonna marry
who she wants.
The only problem is that Mr Mukerjee
is skint.
But he's gonna be a good boy. He's
gonna give you 15 quid a week.
It is not enough.
That's the state of his economy.
If you want any more
you're gonna have to take it out
of this, aren't you?
- Tooled up?
- What for?
15 quid a week, Aslam.
OK, Ok, Terry.
- I've had enough.
- So have I, pal.
Have you had enough, Aslam?
Mr Daley, please, I have to explain.
Obviously, I haven't got
all the money.
- Obviously.
- Only one hundred short.
I bet it's my whack, innit?
Well, with this guy, it's a risk,
I don't see why I should bear
the burden of monies owed.
Arthur, look.
Yeah, but that'll get better.
Stick this in your bin for now.
I'm gonna drop this back
at the garage.
- I'll see you at the boozer, all right?
- OK, yeah.
Terry, will you be our best man?
I always am, aren't I?
- What are you
- Watch your
Oh. Oh, it's you, is it, eh?
Ha ha! Well, I was right.
I got the motor back.
Yeah. Well done.
- Someone give you a whacking, did they?
- Yeah.
Well, I can't say as I blame 'em.
It's a risk you've got to take in
your game.
I suppose so.
discolor, some resync and a few lines
If you want to,
I'll change the situation
Right people, right time
Just the wrong location
I've got a good idea
Just you keep me near,
I'd be so good for you
I could be so good for you
I'm gonna help you
Love you like you want me to
I'd do anything for you
I'd be so good for you
I could be so good for you
I'll do it like you want me to
Love you like you want me to
There ain't nothing
I can't go through
I'd be so good for you ♪
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