Murder in Suburbia (2004) s01e04 Episode Script


Who's there?
Yes, okay, yes, boss.
Sorry. I'm late, haven't
missed anything, have I?
Just don't get comfortable.
I could kill for a coffee.
One murder at a time.
A body's just been left
outside a charity shop.
Not very charitable.
Strictly against health
and safety guidelines.
So what does his wife say
when he doesn't get home at night?
He does get home, eventually.
I thought you were
gonna finish with him.
I am, It's hard.
Yeah, right.
What, have you never been
out with a married man?
How do you know they're not lying?
I just know.
You run a check on them, don't you?
No, not all of them, just
the ones I really like.
Anyway, I saw him to end it.
What's wrong with the phone?
You don't dump boyfriends on the phone,
phones are for
Ah, I wonder who that's from?
My mum?
Rubbish, your mum can't
work an egg timer, it's him.
- What?
[POLICE OFFICER] I don't want anyone
basically within 100 yards of this.
Get the cordon up and find
out who their names are.
Ma'am, sarge.
Female, white, mid
40s, single stab wounds.
Blood leads from the green over there.
- Murder weapon?
- Not yet.
Do we know who she is?
Handbag was with her, Lynn
Chichester, lives locally.
Husband's been informed.
Anything taken from the handbag?
No, cash, credit cards,
mobile phone, still there.
Any witnesses?
Someone heard a scream at a
quarter to one in the morning.
What's this?
An F?
Mrs. Chichester worked part-time here.
The woman that runs it,
Mrs. Gregson and her husband,
have arrived.
She did a couple of days a week
since we set up the
charity five years ago.
Yeah, I'm a keen amateur
photographer, wildlife.
We went on safari,
came across an animal sanctuary
that was badly in need of funds
and we felt something had to be done.
Luckily, others here felt the same.
That part of Africa's a mess,
civil war, disease, famine.
People forget that animals suffer too,
but we're all on this planet together.
We thought we ought to do our bit.
And how well did you know Lynn?
Very well.
We were at a dinner party
at her place last night.
Last night?
Yeah, organising our
latest fundraising event.
Lynn was at her usual,
enthusiastic, eager self.
- I still can't
- Oh, ay.
And what time did the evening end?
Half 11, quarter to 12.
And then you just went home?
Well, I did.
Yeah, I popped in to the Northover's.
They'd been at the dinner
and Tessa's a photographer.
I use her dark room.
At that time of night?
Well, it was to do with the appeal.
It was a rush job.
Tessa's a professional,
well, school photos,
stuff for the local rag.
She took that.
Tim's taken the day off from the office.
Do you think we'll be able to open?
It's what Lynn would have wanted.
Oh, very much so.
Yes, once our scene of
crime team have finished.
Does the letter F have any
significance to either of you,
or to Lynn, as far as you know?
- No.
- No.
It must be a terrible shock,
but we do need to ask some questions.
Yeah, sit down.
Well, my wife was such a caring person.
She was so giving.
I mean, she'd never walked
passed a "Big issue" seller
in her life.
And if she had a fault,
it was 'cause she cared too much
and she trusted too much.
Now, some vicious thug
I gather from the Gregsons
that you had a dinner party last night.
Is that right?
Yeah, yeah, it was to do
with that charity thing.
There were four couples.
There was me and Lynn, and the Gregsons,
Frank and Tessa Northover,
and the Arundels.
And I understand it wrapped
around half 11, quarter to 12?
What did you and your
wife do after that?
I went to the Arundels.
They had a flat pack wardrobe
that had been delivered over a month ago
and Fiona wanted it assembled
and David's useless at DIY,
so I said I'd put it together
for them in five minutes.
And did you?
No, instructions might just
as well have been in Martian
for all I can make sense of them.
It took me forever.
Finished about two
o'clock in the morning.
Was your wife here alone?
No, Frank Northover, he was
just finishing off his brandy.
And at some point she
went out onto the common.
Have you any idea why?
Didn't you notice that your wife was out
when you got back?
No, I went to bed in the spare room.
Why the spare room?
Well, 'cause I didn't
want to disturb her.
I thought she was in bed.
I should have checked, I
should have checked she was
Off doing DIY in somebody else's house
in the middle of the night?
Sounds a little bit weird to me.
Not the first married man
to be found in somebody else's house
in the middle of the night.
I don't imagine yours spends
his time erecting wardrobes.
Give it a rest.
[DI ASHURST] Fiona Arundel?
DS Scribbins, DI
Ashurst, Middleford CID.
Must be about poor Lynn.
Penny Gregson just
popped round and told me.
[DI ASHURST] You and
your husband had dinner
at the Chichester's last night?
Yes, David's organising
a charity tennis thing,
this Sunday.
Mr Chichester said that
afterwards he came over here.
- Did he?
Mrs. Arundel, would you mind
making your phone calls later?
This is a murder inquiry.
I'm sorry, I've lost my mobile phone.
It's very annoying.
What on earth is it doing here?
We need to confirm that Nick Chichester
came here after the
dinner party last night.
Have you talked to Nick?
Yes, he said he came over
to assemble a flat pack wardrobe.
Oh, of course, yes, the guest room.
We've got fitted wardrobes
in the master bedroom.
I'll show you.
I just need to know if he was here
from midnight until 2:00 AM.
Yes, it did seem to take him forever.
Can you and your husband swear to that?
I can, my husband wasn't here.
Oh, where was your husband then?
David was, have you
talked to the others?
I'm talking to you.
Where was your husband?
David went, I dunno, went for a walk.
About midnight?
Why, where'd he go?
You need to ask him that.
Just practise keeping the ball in play
- as long as you can, okay?
- No problem.
Hi, how can I help you?
Police officers, Mr. Arundel,
about Lynn Chichester.
Just heard, appalling business.
The idea is to keep the rallies going
as long as we can on Sunday.
Every five minutes we complete
raises more money for the chimps.
If you girls are handy with a racket
why don't you get your
kit on, come along?
You had dinner at the
Chichester's last night?
Yeah, could call it that.
Mediterranean sun dried do
dah, brown rice, salady stuff.
Lynn's usual offering.
We're less interested in the menu
than in what you did later.
I guess you are.
So what did you do, Mr. Arundel?
I went to Penny's, Penny
Gregson, runs the charity.
Yeah, we gather her husband
was at Tessa Northover's
doing some photographic work.
Whatever turns you on, mate.
Right, so there's a dinner party.
Afterwards, you go to Penny Gregson's.
Her husband goes over to
Mrs. Northover's dark room
whilst her husband drinks
brandy with Lynn Chichester
and Lynn's husband puts up
a wardrobe for your wife.
Sounds about right.
And you and Penny Gregson were
stamp collecting, beekeeping?
No, shagging.
I take the thing seriously.
The whole point of wife swap
is to have sex, isn't it?
You were wife swapping?
Of course, what else?
Wife swapping?
Yeah, husbands chuck
car keys into a hat.
Whatever set you draw,
you get to bonk that wife.
Yeah, yeah, I do know what
it is, thanks, Scribbs.
Yeah, sorry sir, obviously you do.
I mean, not from personal experience.
I wasn't implying that.
[DCI SULLIVAN] And the murder weapon?
[DI ASHURST] Six inch blade,
uniform are out looking.
You ruled out a mugging
or attack by a stranger.
I don't think it was random.
She staggered to the charity shop,
drew a letter F in her own blood.
I believe she knew her killer.
Then you think it may be connected
with this wife swapping?
It's the line of inquiry
I'd like to follow
at this stage, sir.
Yeah, apparently respectable
people living in nice houses,
doing lots for charity, but
behind the double glazing,
they're shagging each other silly.
I dunno how they find the time.
Shop for food, walk
the dog, do the ironing,
oh, pop over to number 12 for a shag.
So the group, in
theory, all have alibis,
from the husband or
wife that they were with.
Apart from Frank Northover,
who was with the murdered woman.
And his name begins with an F,
and of the group, he was the
last person to see her alive.
Bungee jumping.
I warned him, silly sod.
Hurling himself off a crane at his age.
Must be very painful.
Oh it's murder.
Unfortunate choice of word, dear.
I did it for those bloody chimps.
You did it because Lynn
seduced you into it,
like she always did.
I raised over 500 quid for
charity with that bungee jump.
[DS SCRIBBINS] Is it worth it?
Good question, I'm in agony.
I'm a regional sales director.
Can't drive, can't do my job.
Do you mind if we talk to your
husband alone for a moment?
I understand that at
the end of the evening,
you drew Mrs. Chichester
in a wife swapping session?
Ah, you know about that.
It started as a fun
way to aid the charity.
Lynn offered herself for
sale in a sex auction.
It developed from there.
Pay to play we call it.
We are all consenting adults.
So how does it work?
Car keys thrown in?
That's an old cliche.
Last night, Tim Gregson drew
names on bits of paper napkin
and we all put 10 quid
into the charity fund
and drew names out of the fruit bowl.
And you got Lynn?
Yeah, the real peach
as it were.
What do you mean?
Lynn was game for anything.
"Life is a about
experiencing everything,"
she used to say.
All the guys hoped to get Lynn.
So what happened after the others left?
Isn't the neck a bit of a handicap?
Well, there's more than
one way to peel a banana.
Or eat a peach.
Lynn obviously felt guilty
about the bungee jump.
She said she'd make it up to me,
suggested ways we might, you know.
Anyway, we were just about to
Unpeel the banana?
When the phone rang.
She took the call in the kitchen.
[DI ASHURST] What time was this?
Half 12.
Do you know who it was from?
Obviously, someone she knew,
I heard her laugh a couple of times.
How long did the call last?
A few minutes, then her
phone went off again,
said she had to pop
out, wouldn't be long,
grabbed her coat and left.
And you stayed there?
Well, after what she
promised, wouldn't you?
A man in a neck brace has to
grab his chances when he can.
How long did you stay for?
An hour or so?
Poured myself a brandy,
eventually got fed up, went home.
About 10 to two I heard him come in,
just after Tim Gregson left.
Took this for the local rag.
Penny Gregson, likes to milk
all the publicity she can.
We know about the wife swapping,
so you can be open with us
about what you and he
were actually up to.
We weren't up to anything.
Tim gives me the creeps.
It's all oily smiles
and clammy embraces.
When we are drawn together,
I stick him in here.
You don't approve of
the wife swapping then?
Oh, I'm not a prude, but
well, Nick's not up to much,
and David Arundel, he seems
to think he's at the gym,
all grunts and pushups.
I almost prefer my husband.
So if Mr. Gregson was working
in here, where were you?
Scanning images into the computer.
I'm a digital convert.
Much easier for producing
pamphlets, et cetera.
You said that Lynn seduced your husband
into events like the bungee jump?
Hmm, only had to open
her big saucer eyes
and he was putty in her hands.
Was that a problem for you?
No, Lynn was like that with all the men.
Constant simpering, inane smile.
"Wow, bungee jumping,
gotta try it, Frank.
You're so brave."
They all fancied her rotten.
Rather sad, behind all the golly gosh,
life is for living stuff,
she was a neurotic mess.
Oops, mustn't speak ill of
Your husband's neck
injury seems quite serious.
Well, everyone laughs, the neck brace,
but the specialist says
he may not be able to drive
for some time.
Well, does he blame Lynn for the injury?
I think he does, yes, or did.
Not much point in blaming her now.
the milk of human kindness,
isn't she?
That's jealous wives for you.
What about the husband?
He has no alibi and he's got a motive.
What he murdered her
because he hurt his neck
doing a bungee jump?
Well, his career's threatened,
a sales director who can't drive.
me, are you Mrs Kirkman?
Yes, I am?
[DI ASHURST] You reported
hearing a scream last night.
[MRS KIRMAN] Frightful,
absolutely frightful.
Such a nice young woman.
- You knew Mrs. Chichester?
- Oh yes.
I helped out in the
charity shop with her.
We both had keys.
So you'll know her friends.
Oh yes, they're a very chummy lot,
always popping in and out
of each other's houses,
day and night.
Can't seem to get enough of each other.
So you weren't aware
of any arguments or rows between them?
Oh no, no.
Well, there was that
unpleasant spat yesterday.
Involving who?
Well, it quite upset me.
They're usually such good friends.
Who are we talking about?
Lynn and Penny Gregson,
in the shop it was,
got quite heated.
It's a good thing we
didn't have any customers.
So, what was it about?
Well, I don't really
I was trying not to listen.
Yes, but if it was heated, as you say,
you must have heard something.
Well, it seemed to be over a letter.
- So they rowed over a letter?
- Mm.
What letter was this?
Well, I don't really know.
Lynn had it and I obviously
didn't read it myself.
[DI ASHURST] Nice house, smart cars,
obviously got a few bob.
Just admiring the Merc,
Mrs. Gregson, very nice.
- Thank you.
- Very classy.
What does your husband do again?
He's a financial advisor.
Ah, that explains it then.
Can we come in?
Yes, of course.
- Quite sure?
- I'm sure.
I would've appreciated it
if you've been honest with
us about the wife swapping
when we first talked.
I'm sorry, inspector.
It didn't seem relevant.
Well, everything in a
murder inquiry is relevant,
however embarrassing
it may be, Mr. Gregson.
Of course, I'm sorry.
Mrs. Gregson, can you confirm
that after the dinner party,
David Arundel came here for sex?
Yes, he was with me from
midnight until about 2:00 AM.
I also wanted to ask
you about the row you had
with Lynn yesterday.
Mrs. Kirkman said it got quite heated.
Mrs. Kirkman?
I only keep her on out of
the goodness of my heart.
The old dear's obviously got
the wrong end of the stick
as usual, what's she been saying?
That you rowed over a letter.
Well, I'd hardly call that a row.
No, we do a monthly mail shot.
Lynn had forgotten to post a
letter to a big contributor.
Well, I got quite angry.
We snapped at each other, that was it.
Penny and Lynn were the best of friends.
It was soon forgotten.
They laughed about it
at dinner last night,
didn't you, darling?
Yes, of course we did.
I see, well, if there's anything else
that maybe of interest to this inquiry,
I'd like it out in the open now.
Hmm, ah
then perhaps there is
something you should know.
We recently became aware that
Lynn was having an affair.
She had a lover.
Well, she had several didn't she?
Wife swapping every week.
This was different.
The wife swapping's in the open.
It's not the sex, it's the deceit.
This was behind her husband's back.
How do you know that she had a lover?
Whispered phone calls in the
shop, unexplained absences.
I approached her about it.
She admitted that she
was seeing someone.
Was that someone in
the circle or outside?
She wouldn't say.
I got the impression that
it was someone close to home.
Obviously we've no idea
if poor Nick was aware.
Just now, he's distraught
enough as it is.
God, these people,
they really irritate me.
One of them's just been murdered,
yet they're still hiding things
for the sake of appearances.
So you have reason to believe
that she was having an affair
outside the rules of
the swapping circle?
The idea of the circle's
for them to add variety
to their sex lives, not to get involved.
Frank Northover was telling the truth.
Lynn's mobile did go
off twice last night.
She had a phone call at 12:29
and a text message five minutes later.
And her SIM card indicates
that the phone call came
from our tennis playing stud,
David Arundel.
But the text message is
even more interesting.
"Need to see you, my
place, ASAP, urgent."
And that came from a mobile
belonging to his wife,
Fiona Arundel.
I never sent any message.
[DI ASHURST] The text was received
just after half past midnight.
Well, it wasn't from me.
There's obviously been some mistake.
Is this your mobile number?
The text came from that
number, can I see your phone?
It wasn't me that sent it.
Well, who sent it then?
I lost my phone.
Remember, I found it in the morning
when you came round.
In the living room, as I recall.
Behind the curtain,
I thought it was odd.
Someone must have taken
my phone, sent the message,
then put it back in my house after.
Your husband also called Lynn
just a few minutes before you did.
Why was that?
David, David called her?
Just before she died, why?
We believe Lynn was having an affair.
Was that with your husband?
Is that what drove you to
lure her out onto the common?
God, this is a nightmare.
All right, Sarge.
Those are definitely the
clothes she was wearing?
Yes, it's an absolute joke.
Fiona isn't a killer.
Well, hopefully our
tests will prove that.
I also need to ask you some questions.
Oh, we're both in it
together now, are we?
[DS SCRIBBINS] When did you
last see Lynn Chichester?
I told you, at the dinner party.
she was left with old neck brace.
And you went to Penny Gregson's.
How long did you stay?
Quite a while.
How long precisely.
Do you mean how long did the sex last?
None of your bloody business.
Just wanna confirm what
time you left, that's all.
No, you don't.
You're dying to know
what I'm like in the sack.
Well for your information, my dear,
we made love a couple of times.
No, I tell a lie, three,
and all in athletically
different positions.
Really not interested in
your sexual gymnastics.
Just want to know what
time you left the Gregson's.
I don't know, about 2:00
or something like that.
And you had no contact with
Lynn after leaving her house?
[DAVID] None at all.
Her mobile shows she received
a call from you at 12:29.
Shit, I'd forgotten about that.
So, in fact, you called her
just prior to her being murdered.
Now, hang on a bloody minute.
Yes, I admit I called Lynn.
I spoke to her, but that was all.
Were you having an affair?
Don't be bloody stupid.
Then why call her, what do
you wanna talk to her about?
It's perfectly simple.
Penny pulled the I've
got a headache routine.
I reckoned neck brace
wouldn't be up to much,
so I phoned Lynn, said
"Bollocks to the draw,
fancy swapping with me tonight instead?"
Why Lynn?
Because she was the
best lay in the avenue.
She never had a bloody headache.
How did she respond to your call?
It was just a joke, we
had a laugh, that was all.
If Penny Gregson had a headache,
how come you stayed till 2:00?
Because Penny heard me joking with Lynn
and suddenly changed her tune.
What do you mean?
Jealousy, I guess.
She suddenly got the
hots, begged me to stay.
Yes, really.
She was gagging for it, ask her.
Well, thanks, that's it, for now.
Oh, is it indeed, and
what about my wife?
I should warn you, I play tennis
with your deputy chief constable.
Do you, is he any good?
Your alibi's in tatter, Fiona.
Your motive was sexual
jealousy and revenge.
Lynn was having an
affair with your husband.
Your husband made no secret of the fact
he found Lynn sexually attractive.
My husband finds most women
he meets sexually attractive.
And how does that make you feel?
I couldn't give a toss.
But if he and Lynn were
carrying on behind your back,
wouldn't that humiliate you
in the eyes of the rest of your circle?
You think David and Lynn
were at it so I killed her?
You couldn't be further from the truth.
And what is the truth?
The truth is I loved her.
The affair she was having wasn't
with David, it was with me.
He's outside, oh, I must warn you,
he plays tennis with the
deputy chief constable.
Well, I outgun him, Scribbs,
I play bridge with the chief constable.
So, have you got anything else for me?
What about the murder weapon?
- Oh, not yet, but, you know.
Oh, excuse me.
- Oh, no it's not me.
- No, it's not me either.
- Spooky.
you'd better answer it.
Hello, Lynn Chichester's phone?
No, I'm a police officer.
Can I ask who's calling?
So did your husband know
that you and Lynn were lovers?
No, he'd have gone
ballistic if he'd found out.
I really don't care now,
'cause whoever killed her,
killed a part of me too.
And if, as you say,
you lost your mobile,
when did you last see it?
I called Lucy, our
eldest, at boarding school
just before we sat down to dinner.
That's the last time
I remember using it.
So one of the guests at
dinner could have taken it?
Well, that's what I've been saying.
I've obviously been set up.
But they'd have needed
access to your house
to put the phone back.
What about Nick, her husband?
He could have taken
the phone from my bag,
sent the text, then hidden
the phone when he came back
after killing her.
Wouldn't you have heard
him go out or come back?
Not necessarily.
He was upstairs, I was
downstairs in the living room.
He could easily have slipped out.
If he can't swear I was
in the house all that time,
by the same token, I
can't swear he was either.
Did he know about you and Lynn?
Yes, they had a terrible row.
He was none too happy.
[DAVID] Where is she?
She damn well better be
home in time to cook supper.
You can take your wife
home now, Mr. Arundel.
Thank you for your patience.
Our investigation will be continuing
and we may need to
speak to you both again.
I play tennis with
some hot shot lawyers.
I'd be very careful about
accusing anybody of murder.
No one has been accused
of anything yet, sir.
Ludicrous, all this,
I do know my own wife.
Do you?
[DS SCRIBBINS] So the phone call
was from an old friend of Lynn's.
Apparently, Lynn was trying
to contact her urgently
the day she died.
[DI ASHURST] Any idea why?
[DS SCRIBBINS] She wanted the number
for a guy called Clive Frazer.
- Do we know he is?
No, but I left a message for him.
Oh, probably nothing, but his
name begins with F, Frazer.
Sorry to bother you
again, Mr. Chichester.
May we come in?
Mr. Chichester, were you aware
your wife was having an affair?
It's a simple enough question.
An affair?
Did you know your wife
was having a lesbian affair
with Fiona Arundel, Mr. Chichester?
Yes or no, please.
Then why didn't you tell us
when we questioned you earlier?
Sorry, I didn't think it was important.
Not important?
Your wife has a text message
from Fiona Arundel's mobile phone.
It probably lured her to her death
and you didn't consider informing me
that they were lovers important.
I'm sorry, [NICK SOBS] I'm so sorry.
I'm, just so utterly lost.
Oh, you gave me a fright.
Mrs. Gregson, what are you doing?
Oh, Nick kindly offered
Lynn's clothes to the charity.
I've [BAG RUSTLES] just
been sorting them out.
We weren't aware that
anyone else was here.
Oh, I'm just off actually.
It was Penny Gregson.
Oh yeah, I let the charity
have Lynn's clothes.
So what was your attitude
to your wife's affair?
Well, you know, she liked to experiment.
Having sex with a woman was
just an enjoyable novelty.
I asked you about your
attitude, not hers.
Well, I just told her
to be careful, you know,
keep it discreet.
People around here are
very straight laced.
What, in wife swap avenue?
Yeah, most of them would freak
at the idea of gay sex in the group.
So, come on, your wife's
having a lesbian affair
and all you do is
tell her to be careful?
Look, I didn't want to lose her.
I loved her, I needed her.
If she wanted to try
out different things,
then I just had to accept that.
Yes, but you didn't accept it though.
Fiona said you and Lynn had
a huge row when you found out.
Yes, because I loved her.
I didn't want to see her hurt.
She was so naive sometimes.
She just didn't see
the danger in things.
She was always flinging her
arms around perfect strangers.
I couldn't bear it.
Kissing everyone at my college dos.
I warned her time and time again.
Everyone laughing at
her, behind her back,
laughing at me, taking advantage of her.
I warned her.
Yeah, and she wouldn't listen
and you couldn't bear it, so.
So, what you think I killed her?
no, I couldn't have killed her.
I couldn't have hurt her.
Not my Lynn.
- Not my Lynn.
Excuse me, I'm looking for DS Scribbins.
Yeah, that's me.
Oh, Clive Frazer.
You sounded rather
anxious to speak with me.
Oh right, yeah.
Well, here I am, at your disposal.
Right, well, fine.
- This way then.
- Thanks.
Not bad for a chance call, eh?
Very good of you to give
up your time, Mr. Frazer.
Please, call me Clive.
I do hate formality, don't you?
Yeah, absolutely.
Clive it is then.
And does DS Scribbins have a first name?
Emma, that's nice, it suits you.
The day Lynn Chichester died
she contacted a friend
to get your phone number.
She said it was urgent
and was obviously keen
to talk to you, why?
I've no idea, absolutely none at all.
But you did know Lynn?
Well, not really, no.
I had met her.
When did you last see her?
Four, five years ago.
You haven't seen her for five years?
No, and to be perfectly honest,
I only met her once or twice, even then.
How d'you meet?
It was to do with Africa.
I'd been working as a game
warden in Zambia and Uganda
and Mrs. Chichester and some friends
were setting up an animal charity.
I was brought on board as an
African expert to advise them.
Right, you mean Jungle
Alert, the Gregson's charity?
Yeah, if she wanted to
speak with me urgently,
I can only assume it was
something to do with that.
[DI ASHURST] So, did
you see him last night?
- Nope.
- Good.
No, not good, he cancelled.
I'd cooked and everything.
Oh, not your special?
You can't expect him to
be reliable, he's married.
I know, that's why I went around there.
I don't think I want to hear this.
I sat outside for three hours.
You could get arrested
for that kind of behaviour.
It gets worse, I saw his wife.
- And?
- She looked really nice.
Well, as nice as you can look
when you're putting out rubbish,
but she looked normal.
She looked a bit like you.
Well, we can't fault
his taste in women then.
Come on.
Morning, Mrs. Kirkman,
could we have another word?
It seems that Lynn may have had
some sort of problem with the
charity just before she died.
Were you aware of anything
that was troubling her?
Oh, no, no, I don't think so.
[DI ASHURST] The other day you mentioned
she had a row with Penny Gregson.
Yeah, over some letter
she'd forgotten to post.
Forgotten to post?
No, I don't think so.
Mrs. Gregson told us the row
was over the monthly mail shot.
Lynn had forgotten to post a letter.
Did she, mail shot?
No, I don't think the
row was about that.
What was it about then?
Perhaps it was.
Penny's right, I am losing my marbles.
would you tell us again
about the row they had the day she died?
Well, as I remember it,
Penny and I were in the shop.
Lynn came in with the letter.
It was apparently
meant for the Gregsons,
but Lynn had found it somewhere.
Yes, go on.
Well, Lynn was very angry
about what the letter said,
but Penny said it was all rubbish.
What was rubbish?
Whatever was in the letter, I suppose.
Anyway, Penny got very cross,
she grabbed the letter and tore it up,
saying that was the end of it.
So the letter was destroyed?
But after Penny had gone,
Lynn said, no, it wasn't the end of it
because she'd made a photocopy.
She took it out and waived it.
Very pleased with herself, she was.
And what happened to the photocopy?
Oh yes, she zipped it up in
that favourite coat of hers.
Remember that Penny Gregson
was at Lynn's house yesterday,
collecting all her clothes?
Did you say you had a key
to the charity shop, Mrs. Kirkman?
I think it's very
generous of Lynn's husband
to donate her clothes.
So, we're looking for a coat?
Well coat, a jacket, you
know clothes these days,
they have pockets and zips and things.
No, dear, no it's more of
a greeny brown sort of thing
with zips.
Well, I don't think it's here.
Oh, wait a minute, oh,
silly me, of course,
it was that very jacket that
woman was so keen to buy.
Who was so keen to buy it?
Um, oh, what's her name?
Ah, oh, she's an unpleasant woman.
Husband wears a neck brace.
Come on, Fiona, anyone will think
you're playing for the other side.
In more ways than one,
I think you'll find.
Care to put the long arm
of the law into your pockets
and make a contribution, ladies?
- Yeah.
Seems to be going well.
Oh indeed, we're blessed
to be living in a charitable community.
Oh, well done everyone.
Another five minutes, another
100 pounds in the kitty.
That's her, she's wearing
the coat, let's go.
[ANNOUNCER] And getting
couples on court, please.
Would you hold this?
[DS SCRIBBINS] That's all
right, we'll look after that.
Suit yourself.
It belonged to Lynn, I gather.
A bit mawkish, isn't
it, wearing her clothes?
Nonsense, I always liked her in it.
Lots of pockets for
spare films and things.
20 pounds in the charity kitty.
Seemed a fair way to remember her.
Mind if we have a look in the pockets?
Hasn't left a winning lottery
ticket in there, has she?
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gregson,
thank you for this year's
donation to the animal sanctuary.
Be assured your 97 pounds
will be put to good use."
97 Pounds.
Jungle Alert must turn
over at least 40 K a year.
Frank Northover raised over
500 pounds from one bungee jump.
I think Lynn found out they
were pocketing the raised funds,
confronted them, Tim Gregson panicked,
and planned a way to kill her.
Well, it might turn out they
were ripping off the charity,
but big jump from that to murder.
Kate's got a copy of the letter.
She's questioning the Gregsons about it.
You've no murder weapon,
no forensic or hard evidence
to link them with a killing.
Yeah, but it all fits now.
We know that Tim Gregson
chaired the wife swap draw.
He gave himself Tessa Northover,
which meant no sex and the chance
to slip out of the dark
room and back undetected.
He knew about Lynn's affair with Fiona,
knew that she'd respond
to an urgent text,
so he stole her mobile,
and sent the text to lure Lynn out.
Then how did he get the
phone back into Fiona's house
by the next morning?
Penny Gregson took it back.
We know that she called round to Fiona's
to tell her about Lynn's murder.
So the Gregsons planned this together?
Yeah, course they did.
Before the murder, Penny
Gregson was understandably jumpy.
That's why she didn't fancy
sex with David Arundel,
but when she heard him
on the phone to Lynn,
she panicked 'cause that could
have messed everything up.
So she threw herself at him.
Yeah, sounds plausible, but
it's all just supposition.
Simple mistake, it is
chaotic out in Uganda.
They look after the animals all right,
but paperwork's a shambles.
We're having Jungle
Alert and its donations
checked out by the Charity Commission.
Why, you're supposed to
be on a murder inquiry?
What's our charity got to do with this?
Well, Lynn came across the
original of this letter.
Where, in the shop?
Carelessly left in your bedroom
during a wife swap perhaps?
Anyway, she became concerned
about what had been going on
and what had happened to all the money
that had been raised
over the past five years.
Did it help pay for your
nice home or your smart cars?
I'm a financial advisor, I do very well.
Well you did very well out
of Jungle Alert, didn't you?
You certainly had the
lion's share of that,
not to mention the chimp's
share and the rhino's share.
How very amusing.
What exactly are you alleging inspector?
Lynn had discovered what you were up to
and that's why you killed her.
That's absolutely outrageous.
You had a very strong motive.
As pillars of the community,
you'd have been ruined
socially and financially
if she'd exposed your scam.
I'm as keen to nail them as you are,
and it does fit, but you've no evidence,
no forensics, no murder weapons.
Wow, hang on a minute.
Where's that local rag?
- What local rag?
- The local newspaper
with the photo that Tessa took
of the vicar handing over
the check, here it is.
- There's a lot of money.
- No, not the check,
the knife block.
Well, what about it?
Tessa's photo was taken
two days before the murder.
Our scene of crime photo was taken
the morning the body was found.
Now, check this out.
See the knife block there?
Well done, Scribbs.
You're clutching at straws, inspector.
All right, auditors
may find irregularities
with the charity,
but you've absolutely
no proof of murder.
So, if that's all.
Excuse me, ma'am, we're gonna
have to take something away.
I noticed this full
set of knives earlier.
This full set of knives
can also be seen in the
back of the photo of you
that was in the paper.
So, our scene of crime photo
shows the block had a knife missing
the morning of the murder.
So the knife was here
when Tessa took her photo,
then disappeared, and now, back again.
The murder weapon.
Lynn recognised you, didn't she?
That must have been scary.
Who's there?
You probably planned to
get the knife back earlier,
but you hadn't counted on
her staggering to the shop
and blocking the doorway.
You can't prove that.
You won't find anything on that knife.
Why, because you washed it?
I think modern forensics
will find a perfect match
between her wound and this blade
and even thoroughly clean,
they'll still find blood traces,
fibres, and DNA.
You stupid smug idiot.
I told you just to get rid
of it, but you knew best.
You always do.
Lynn writing an F just before she died
was to show you pair
for what you are, frauds.
Penny Gregson, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of conspiracy
to commit murder.
Tim Gregson, I'm arresting
you on suspicion of murder.
They're gonna be very short
for the wife swapping now.
Don't look at me, I
haven't got a husband.
Not one of your own, no.
There, what do you think?
Good, clear, and to the point.
There's only one N in finish though.
Doubt he'll notice.
Go on, it's for the best.
- I know.
- Well done.
Oh, that was quick.
Be strong, you've done the right thing.
Oh, it's not from him,
it's from Clive Frazer.
Wants to know if I'd like to
go out for a drink with him.
Tarzan of the jungle?
He's a witness.
Well, at least he's not married.
Are you sure?
Dunno, maybe I'll run a
check on him when I get back.
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