Owning Manhattan (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I don't know if you can hear me ♪
All I know is that you fear me ♪
When I'm lying waiting here for you ♪
In the dark ♪
Thank you very much, man.
I appreciate it.
All right, it's all right.
-Thank you.
Wake up ♪
-What are we doin' here?
-Welcome to One Park Row.
-I wanna show it to you.
-You know this is my neighborhood, right?
-Yes, I do.
- You know this is my hood.
- Yes.
There's 64 units. Every floor has a view.
It's pretty incredible.
When you're a broker
in New York City this is what you want.
You wanna be able
to have relationships with architects,
general contractors,
interior designers, developers.
-So they look to you and they trust you.
-It's about trust.
In this city, in this business,
you wanna have buildings like this,
which is the whole reason
that I brought you on.
But if you don't act professional,
and if you make podcasts
in my podcast studio that I pay for,
that's there for you to get business,
to do more sales,
and if you use them to bad-mouth
and gossip about other agents,
not even at other companies
-I I would, like
Five percent of me
would probably understand
if you did it and you were pissed off
at an agent that screwed you on a deal.
-But this is in your protection
-But 95% of me don't understand
-No, no. Wait. Stop, stop.
-It kind of was.
-Stop, stop, stop. It doesn't matter.
You don't go in public,
and you don't bad-mouth other agents.
You don't use company resources
and talk shit about other agents.
I don't care what you think about them
or what they think about you.
You either hold yourself
to a higher standard at this company
or go start your own fucking company.
There's plenty of other brokerages
who don't care about professionalism,
about ethics, about sales.
-They don't care.
This company's very, very, very different.
You understand?
You spend so much of your time
trying to get noticed
instead of spending your time
trying to be great.
If you spent half your time
just trying to be great,
you'd be so great,
everyone would have to notice you.
Any time you associate yourself
with any negativity,
it is a negative reflection on you.
And because I allow you to work with me,
it is then a negative reflection on me
and a negative reflection
on the whole company.
You need to take that podcast down
everywhere you that have.
-I took care of it on our side.
But you're gonna apologize to Savannah.
If you don't, you're gonna have
whatever kind of career you want,
but it's not gonna be with me.
Do you understand?
-I will.
-All right, I'm out.
Tell me, where you gonna run to? ♪
Where you gonna hide? ♪
Come on, tell me, homie
Where you gonna run to? ♪
This day was a little rough.
Thank you so much
for sitting down with me to talk.
Um this week has been
very, very heavy for me,
um, and I'm sure for you as well.
Jonathan and I really wanted
to create a podcast, right?
But I think it catapulted into something
that I didn't really want it to be, um
when we started conversations
about Savannah.
that's not what I wanted to do.
But when you're, like,
in the thick of it all, you sometimes
sometimes get out of line.
I felt like I wanna take responsibility.
I shouldn't have said
and continued the conversation.
I should have stopped it.
But we live and we learn
through that experience.
I shouldn't have talked poorly
about anybody.
-Good thing to learn.
Yeah, I think you know, he was clearly
the instigator in that moment.
It was stupid.
More importantly than anything,
I made it pretty clear
I'm not going to allow anyone
to tarnish the company, tarnish the brand,
and we must protect this house.
- 100%.
- Right?
We're not messing around.
This isn't a joke.
-This isn't a daycare.
Every agent here should know at all times
that if you're a great person,
if you're hustling, hardworking,
and you sell a lot of real estate
- Yeah.
- You get to stay here.
-If you don't, you don't get to stay here.
And there's plenty of firms to go to
if you wanna coast or be an asshole.
-Mm-hmm. Mmm.
-There's a lot. Go there, not here.
Well, I'm sorry.
-Listen, onward and forward.
-We took care of it.
Moving on. I don't wanna hear about this
stupid podcast for the rest of my life.
- Yeah!
- Let's focus on selling.
-Let's focus on big things, right?
-Good? Go sell things.
-Yes. Perfect.
-Okay, thanks, Ryan.
-Of course.
Appreciate it.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Anyone else out here I need to
need to yell at or lecture? Okay.
This masterpiece in Tribeca
is the most impressive,
panty-dropping, jaw-dropping property
that one could ever imagine.
The building was originally built in 1881.
Gorgeous ornate cast-iron facade.
And the penthouse
is basically new construction
on top of that existing building.
Architecturally, like,
it doesn't exist in New York City.
It just doesn't.
Hello, hello!
- Hello.
- How are you?
-How are you?
-Good. Mwah! Hey, guys.
Good to see you.
- Welcome back to the cast-iron house.
- How are you?
I'm inviting a few exclusive top brokers
to give them a preview of this
before we hit the market.
- Wow.
- This is amazing.
And they have done business
in this building.
So if anyone has a buyer for this,
it's them.
-Wow, this is amazing.
-So, welcome in.
- Look at the light.
- I know.
So, upon entry,
you're obviously welcomed
into a gracious foyer,
which flows into the open concept
living room, dining room, kitchen.
- This room is incredible.
- I know.
It's amazing.
This is a Bianco Oro marble countertop,
imported from Italy.
- It's beautiful.
- Yes.
You have a suite
of Gaggenau appliances.
Really nice.
So, three of the four bedrooms
are upstairs.
The primary is open to below,
so you have
these sliding glass frosted panels.
- Wow. Fun if you're entertaining.
- Wow.
Yeah, this is kind of, like, DJ vibes
up here, you know what I mean?
Like, telling everyone to be quiet
because you have to go to bed.
I'm only here for the party ♪
I love the finishes they chose.
- Very light and clean and neutral.
- Yes. And chic.
- Yeah. The blond floors.
- Very chic.
Honestly, very soothing.
Just such a crazy space.
And then something very special
about this home that I wanna show you.
- I'm only here for the party ♪
- Exterior square footage 1,510.
This is very like Miami, Malibu
- I feel like I'm in Miami right now!
- In New York City!
- You feel the air
- Not something you see often here.
Listing a property this unique is amazing
because it's literally one of a kind.
It's really special.
This is the ultimate
entertaining apartment.
However, it's so specific
that not everybody
wants a Malibu beach house
in the middle of Manhattan.
And that's fine,
because everybody can't have it.
-Hey ♪
-I'm only here for the party ♪
We're off-market now.
We are likely going to be listing
at $12 million.
You need to get this below 12 million.
So, 11 million
- 750
- 750
- 11.9
- 11.795
I mean
I just feel like penthouses in Tribeca
of this size
are not necessarily of this caliber.
- Yeah.
- Right.
This doesn't even compare
to the comps in the neighborhood. Right?
Like, this is like
The architect is a Pritzker Prize-winning
architect, Shigeru Ban,
a very famous Japanese architect
who's only ever done
one other building in New York.
-Very unique.
-Very unique. Very special property.
It's hard to comp.
You also have the outdoor space.
I'm trying to think of another
cast-iron building that has this.
-I cannot think of one.
-There's nothing.
My goal is to sell this
for a record-breaking price
and make a name for myself
in this neighborhood.
I'm sick of everyone thinking
that I'm Ryan's old assistant.
I want them to think
I'm the king of Tribeca.
-Thanks for bringing us in.
-A second time.
- Thank you for coming.
- Yeah. I really appreciate it.
We want to sell this penthouse.
What's up, bro? How you doin'?
Let's sell
Central Park Tower.
I've got a meeting with Ryan,
going over the penthouse.
Do you have any updates on anybody?
All right. All right.
I'll let you go. Thanks.
- Hi. How are you?
- Oh, look.
- Hey, you.
- Hello!
How's it all been going?
I don't wanna reveal
who I'm bringing.
- You have the buyer?
- I don't know. Do you have the buyer?
- All right, all right.
- What's up?
- Hello. Good to see you.
- Hi.
- You brought snacks.
- What is that?
-Hard-boiled eggs.
-Breaking fast
- Oh gosh.
- Now.
How many hours do you go without eating?
- This has been two days.
- Why are you doing this?
-Somebody go pick him up a steak.
-Oh my gosh. You need food?
Central Park Tower. The penthouse.
Who's gonna get $10 million? Tell me.
I'd like to get it.
I'm very, very positive
that I will bring somethin' pretty soon.
Do you have a buyer,
or have you just been making calls?
I've been making calls.
Literally just dialin', dialin', dialin'.
We've been working incredibly hard
to sell the penthouse
at Central Park Tower.
Like, pulling out all the stops.
But now, I only have one month left
on our exclusive listing agreement.
I have a meeting
with our developer this week,
so I'm meeting with my team now
to get updates.
Do you have a buyer?
I've been working on my personal network.
But I've been working a lot on this
penthouse I'm selling in West Chelsea.
And this buyer
is taking up a lot of my time.
So I wanna close this $50 million thing
before I move on to yours.
- My God, priorities. You're killing me.
- Yes. Sorry.
Let me get this signed first.
Jess, what are your updates?
- I have a girl I went to uni with.
- Okay.
She works for a very high net worth family
based out of the Far East.
She came into town. She loved it.
There are also still apartments
available in the building,
if they wanted to buy ones for the staff.
Yeah, I was about to I was gonna
ask about the staff accommodation.
She took some videos for them.
'Cause of the time difference,
she couldn't FaceTime them or anything,
but she thinks
it could be perfect for them.
So when they come to town,
which could be in two weeks,
could be in six months
Their calendar changes on a dime,
which I'm sure you're used to.
-So we'll see what the family say.
Listen, good.
And it's not just about them.
It's also them and who they know.
-Of course.
-Who are they sharing things to?
-What about you?
-There's a lot goin' on.
We've been pounding the phones.
I have two very interested parties
right now.
They're gonna be in town
at the end of the month as well.
Maybe we'll piggyback and do the showing
together. I don't know.
We need to be getting people
through the space. What about you?
My brother-in-law, as you know,
he sells the trophy towers in Manhattan.
He has access
to international billionaires.
- So I have a meeting with him.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
This is incredibly, incredibly serious.
Does anyone actually have a buyer?
Do we have personal networks
that can afford it? Yes.
Have we been sending it? Yes.
Are they going to buy Central Park Tower?
We don't know.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
With all the talent at this table,
I am severely disappointed.
Like, they all say they have leads.
They all say they're doing this.
But I don't see an offer from anybody.
There is a buyer for this penthouse.
We have to think outside the box.
Otherwise, I gotta sit
in front of Joaquin at Extell,
and I've gotta say to him,
"I brought in the best of the best agents
that I have at SERHANT."
"So sorry, we can't get it done."
There is no world
in which I lose this listing.
- Right.
- Okay?
All the assets are there.
We have to sell it.
Otherwise, we're just like
every other real estate broker
who's just a professional tour guide.
So don't let me down. You understand?
- Absolutely.
- Yeah.
I have to go. Thanks.
- Okay.
- Thanks, Ryan.
I am so excited.
Ari Goldstein,
the developer of Brooklyn Point,
brought me on the sales team
to have me help
close the last 115 units of the building.
This is my first big shot
at selling new development,
so I'm bringing only my top buyers.
- Welcome!
- Oh, I love this!
- Beautiful.
- Isn't it beautiful?
-Welcome to Brooklyn Point.
-Thank you.
-Your new home.
-I love
Lu-Shawn is very much like
the First Lady of Brooklyn.
She's a huge philanthropist.
She raises so much money
for so many amazing organizations.
I'm envisioning this to be
your version of an empty nest.
It's private. It's luxury.
It's all the things you are.
You'll love it.
-Okay. My new home. Yes.
-And your new home.
-Put it in the universe.
Isn't that what we're doing this year?
-That's right. That's right.
-Of your new home. Yes.
She is becoming an empty nester.
I thought of Brooklyn Point
because all the amenities in the building
would be a perfect fit for her.
She works out.
She's really into fitness and wellness.
And I thought that if I could just
at least get her into the building,
I figured I could probably close the deal.
- Lucy. I'm home!
- This is home!
Oh wow!
First of all, get into the view.
- When I say I know you
- Are we still in Brooklyn?
- Your view is all of Manhattan.
- Oh, nice.
- You don't feel like you're in Brooklyn.
- Oh my goodness. Wow.
What I love about this, Lu-Shawn,
is, like, all this is going on around you
- Yeah.
- But look how quiet and peaceful it is.
- I love it. Nice.
- Yeah.
- This is the primary bathroom.
- This is really nice.
- Yeah.
- Oh, look at these finishes.
- Yes, this is
- Fancy.
They're custom satin copper.
This comes also in a brushed nickel,
but this is the one I knew you'd like.
I love this one.
And enough for two people.
- You never know!
- Absolutely. Definitely!
- Nice.
- This is your bedroom.
- Wow. And the view!
- Yes!
I'm picturing this
as a boudoir dressing room.
You get natural light coming in
at all times.
- That's the best way to do your makeup.
- I like it.
You have a third bedroom.
- I know you love it.
- This could be my closet.
This could absolutely be your closet.
- Both of them could be, right?
- Listen
This is the last trick in my hat.
Oh, this is it.
Your second pool.
- And your best view.
- Yes. Wow!
- This is amazing.
- Isn't it great?
Oh, I love it.
-We're on top of the world!
-We literally are!
- It's where I see you.
- Nice.
When I toured, I was like,
"Lu-Shawn needs to live here."
- Picture this, less wind on a summer day.
- Less wind.
I can imagine.
-I can see myself here with a blue drink.
-Yes. Absolutely.
-Overlooking Manhattan.
-Grab a bottle from your wine storage.
-Oh, I love it. I love it.
-Isn't it amazing?
My specific pressure is knowing that Ari
and Ryan are watching my every step
because they "gave you a chance, girl."
I just really wanna hit the ground running
and get a deal done.
It just takes one,
and then things start to roll.
Listen, let's talk.
Okay! I knew this would do it, though.
I know. I love it. I love it.
- Hi, welcome in.
- Hi.
Table pour deux.
Oui, oui.
- There you are, my dear.
- Very Instagrammable view.
-I like this table.
-I'll look out for those photos.
Cheers to you.
- Hi, hello.
- Hi!
So here I have sparkling and still.
Would you prefer still or sparkling?
I'll do sparkling. You can just
leave them both on the table, please.
- You got it.
- Thank you.
- Hi, love. How are you?
- Hi!
-I'm good. Your hair looks amazing.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-This humidity is just killing her.
-She looks good. Be confident!
-Thanks. So does yours.
-I didn't know which you wanted.
So I got both sparkling and still.
-I didn't order yet, but I figured
-I feel like you're, like, a matcha girl.
-I am!
-How'd you guess?
-I don't know!
I just feel like
you're very, like holistic.
-I have good read on people normally.
-Well, you have a good gut.
I thought it was nice
for Jade to reach out to get lunch,
but I don't really know her that well.
All I know is what I've heard from Chloe,
which is not good.
So I'm a little scared.
-Just place this guy right here.
-Oh, that's so pretty!
Thank you.
I feel like last time, at Jardim,
there was a lot going on.
-Little bit, yeah.
-And obviously, the podcast.
-So I just wanted to check in with you.
-And be like, "Hey, like are you okay?"
-Thank you.
I went back home that night
and watched the rest of it,
and I knew that,
you know, you were mentioned too.
-I was just like, "This is so ridiculous."
-But, like, Savannah, it was bullying.
Like, you were bullied,
and, like, that's not okay.
-Like, that is not okay.
-It's not.
I was like, "I don't I don't care."
I was like, "I I have been
talked about my entire life."
So when I see
someone like Jonathan tearing down
a woman at his company
It's also the fact
that I'm still fairly new to the company,
and I'm trying so, so hard.
-And your reputation is everything.
And for him and Jessica to do that
when I'm just trying to do my best,
it's just really it's really frustrating.
-Yeah. It's okay.
-And it's
Look, listen.
You need to let what they say fuel you.
People come to New York,
it is a dog-eat-dog world.
- My first year was tough.
- Here in the city?
Oh my God, it was the worst.
And honestly, I was on one
of the biggest buildings in New York.
That's how I met Chloe. She was
I was gonna ask you how you two met,
'cause now I'm I'm working with her.
Are you happy?
I'm excited to see where it will end up.
Honestly, I think that's
that's awesome. Look.
Love her, but she's really good
at taking credit for other people's work.
'Cause y'all were, like, best friends.
So what happened?
I'm going through
the hardest time of my life.
She just started being a bitch to me.
Like, she was, like, really bitchy.
Chloe makes everything
about herself.
She claims that the reason
that I'm at SERHANT.
is not because of
the $46 million deal that I brought in,
but because of her.
She found a way to make
my husband cheating on me about her.
And not only that,
I go to Jardim just to support her,
and she kicks me out.
How psychotic and unprofessional is that?
If you think the backstabbing
from Jessica is bad,
keep your eye out.
When somebody kicks you when you're down,
like, that's not love.
I want nothing to do with it.
Plus, she wears Zara.
A huge part
of SERHANT.'s success so far
is because we sell
large new construction buildings.
That's the be all, end all,
because you wanna sign
one listing agreement
for $300 million, right?
For 171 units.
But the developers of the Huron
took a chance on us,
even though
we're a brand-new real estate agency,
because I might have made a
crazy promise.
Okay, hey, everybody.
Hello, hello, hello!
Thank you. Everyone come together,
and I'll explain what we're doin'.
So, welcome to the Huron.
We have a significant amount of pressure
to sell the units in this building
as fast as possible.
And it's a little bit hard,
because the building's not done.
If I have a shot at even competing
with other brokerages that have been
around for hundreds of years,
then I have to offer developers something
that these other brokerages can't.
In full transparency,
we have to cross
$100 million in presale contracts
before the model unit is done,
or they take the building away.
So because we have so many agents at
the company who speak different languages,
from all around the world,
we're gonna create a significant amount
of foreign language assets
that we're going to
then position completely globally.
So we can go after
everyone in Italy, right?
Across the Middle East, France,
Israel, Ukraine, Poland.
Where are we?
Across India, Russia, Germany. How would
you say "fitness center" in German?
Uh Fitnesscenter.
-Fitnesscenter? I could've done this!
I don't need you guys!
I could've done this.
All I gotta do is do the accent.
Sell it. Just sell it all.
- Um who wants to start out here?
- Jessica.
- No! Why me?
- You're the
- No!
- Okay.
I'm thrilled to have
the opportunity today to be at Huron.
I haven't had a great couple of days.
This podcast thing
blew out of proportion for no reason,
'cause that's not what I wanted to do.
I don't wanna, like, create the drama,
unnecessary drama.
That's not who I am.
I want Ryan to just see the real me,
selling real estate, doing real estate,
living real estate, breathing real estate.
So the Huron is
the perfect property for me to sell.
I grew up here, so I know every street,
every square inch of this area.
Greenpoint used to be
a very, very Polish community.
And I speak Polish,
so let's close some deals.
If you go to the link, you'll be able
to see all of the units and floor plans.
-Okay, we'll wrap Hey.
-What's going on?
-Oh, hey!
-Nice to see you. Shakir, my buyer.
- How are you?
- Good.
-How are you?
-Sorry. A little chaos.
-We just launched. It's nuts.
-Nice. Congrats.
Yeah, so I guess
There's a lot happening,
but I guess we can start here.
You walked through construction.
What you came through was the garage.
You have anywhere from studios
to four bedrooms.
And your price point, roughly?
A couple of million.
- Couple million?
- Yeah.
-Maybe there's some more million?
-Yeah. We can stretch.
-Okay. Okay!
- He can find some.
- Okay, good.
- All right. Let's do it?
- Great. Follow me.
This unit is
just over three million.
It's just under 1,400 square feet,
three bedroom, two full bathrooms.
Nice high ceilings.
You have massive Midtown views.
Kitchen here.
Nice, open, great breakfast bar space.
Dining room here. Big open living space.
And then you've got the en suite primary.
- And then the secondary is in the hallway.
- Mm-hmm.
- Amazing.
- Okay.
- Selling fast. Selling fast.
- Yeah.
- I love the view. For sure. Yeah.
- Yeah.
I apologize. There's really
nothing else I can show you.
-Basically, what he's saying is
-That he loves it.
He loves it,
but he can't really visualize, honestly.
Like there's not
You know, the finishes aren't in,
the kitchens aren't in.
-Yes. I know.
-There's no furniture. No staging.
So he's having kind of that mental hurdle.
Totally understand.
Here's what I can say.
By the time we get a model unit,
the prices will be more expensive.
This is one of the biggest
new development projects
we've done as a company.
I'll send you all the renderings,
the floor plans.
- Perfect.
- Virtual tours, animations, and videos.
If I don't succeed here,
if our agents
who are on-site don't succeed,
my entire new development team,
if we can't pull this off, we get fired.
Then the press isn't,
"SERHANT. did $90 million in presales."
No, it's, "SERHANT. fired."
No one's gonna care
that the building wasn't even built.
No pressure, but just It's moving fast.
So this is when you get the best deal.
- I'll send everything.
- We'll talk.
- Talk to the wife and get back to you.
- Appreciate it. Thanks for coming.
Oh my God.
- Give me a break.
- How you doing?
- A cup of coffee, please.
- Of course.
Thank you.
You have to be kidding me.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
How are you doing?
Is it okay if I take a seat?
Um, I'm a little busy.
I have something
I am afraid I have to tell you.
First and foremost, I wanna say
that I apologize for the podcast.
Did you learn a lesson from posting it?
I think that there was a lesson
that needed to be learned
that I think
that's still probably not learned,
even by the way you're behaving right now.
-I'm not sure
-The lesson that you learned.
The lesson I've learned
has been learned a long time ago.
-Okay, so you don't give a shit right now.
I'm here to apologize
because Ryan told me to.
Um But I do think
there's a way to go around business
that that you need to
think about, you know.
And that podcast
might've been a little heated,
you know, but I don't think
Um, you don't blame an agency.
I've never blamed our agency for anything.
You did, though.
You said,
"SERHANT.'s not giving me listings."
"Why am I not getting stuff?"
You're not getting stuff
because you can't handle stuff.
I am getting house leads.
You're getting house leads now
because you made a fuss of it.
-You made a big fuss about it. Agree?
-Do you not have better
-What is the only lead?
Is the house lead the only lead?
No, I have six clients right now
that I'm trying to pay attention to.
-And you're distracting me.
Gotcha. Well, I think this was, uh,
from my end, an apology.
I don't wanna hurt the company.
I don't wanna hurt Ryan.
So if it looked bad on the company,
I apologize.
-If anything, you looked bad.
Well, I apologize
for me looking bad on that.
And, um, I hope that, you know,
you learned a lesson from it.
And, um, you have a great day, okay?
- Okay.
- That's that's that.
-Please get out of my face.
This is my kingdom, this is my king ♪
I'll break the system, never afraid ♪
Won't back down ♪
'Cause I wear the crown ♪
Welcome, Genesis.
This is the pinnacle
of New York City living.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
- Is this not insane?
- This is amazing.
Ryan's under a lot of pressure to sell
the penthouse at Central Park Tower.
Let me just break down
what's happening.
Talk to me.
There's no way in hell
I'm gonna disappoint him.
There's also no way
that I'm gonna let somebody else get
a $10 million commission.
We have four of
my most connected connectors downstairs.
Bring them upstairs,
and we're going to pitch them
on helping us find the buyer.
-Let's do it.
-All right, let's go.
In a sale like Central Park Tower,
you need all the resources
that you can get.
Gabriel started an international
private security business
for ultra high net worth individuals.
Liv's great.
She started her career many years ago
as a stylist
for billionaires and celebrities.
Mark is a financial commentator,
and his firm has over two billion
in assets under management.
Franck is an international art dealer.
He has contacts
to the wealthiest people in the world,
and he is at the top of my connector list.
That's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
- Hey, Liv! What's up, girl?
- Hi! How you doing?
How are you? Great to see you.
This is the tallest residential apartment
on the planet.
It has some of the most amazing features.
I'm gonna show it to you.
You let me know if you think of anybody
who you might be, uh, thinking about
who'd be able to take something like this.
- You got it.
- Okay?
- Wow!
- Look at the view, everybody.
Is that the Statue of Liberty?
That tiny little speck?
- Exactly.
- Yes it is.
- Oh my God!
- Straight down.
- Amazing.
- It's to die for.
I've been only focusing on billionaires.
It's called Billionaires' Row.
If you want to feel like a power player,
this is it.
-This view!
-You own the game.
But I'm always looking for
the best possible strategy.
So I thought,
"Is there a bigger market out there?"
Centimillionaires outnumber billionaires
ten to one.
- My
- I mean this is it.
This is this is the pinnacle.
This is the pinnacle
of New York City living.
I'm targeting a brand-new demographic.
There's the billionaires.
There's about 3,000 of them.
But I think,
out of the 30,000 centimillionaires,
we have a much better chance.
Anyone can enjoy this property.
- A couple, family, single person.
- Right.
Key NFL players, like Aaron Rodgers,
now is in New York.
Who are we talking?
-Gotta hit Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O'Leary.
- Yeah, I should.
- You know?
- That's a great idea.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna hit him up.
The reach that these people have
with the 1% of the 1%
is expansive and influential.
Nuts, right?
Now I need them
to brag about the penthouse
to their networks and bring me buyers.
The right buyer is out there.
It's about us getting in touch.
'Cause they ain't ever gonna stop me
Or get in my way ♪
Hmm, mm-hmm ♪
My flame's burnin' brighter
High in the fire ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
Come on, get down ♪
I know I'm so dangerous ♪
Quick, like how quick? Like ASAP?
11.5, all cash?
What's their timeline for closing?
They can close
in seven business days.
Okay, I like that.
11.5, all cash, quick close.
That's a great start.
Just so you know, I have another offer
in play that I'm negotiating right now.
It's higher in number than this.
Um, I just presented it to the owner.
So he's digesting it right now,
and he's supposed to get back to me
within a couple of hours.
And they're We're close on that.
I can't believe
I have two offers on 67 Franklin.
Now we can play the cards.
We can go back and forth and see
who comes up to the best number,
the best terms, the best deal.
It also confirms that I priced it right.
And who doesn't love a bidding war?
I need you to get them up in number,
put their best foot forward.
I don't have to tell you. You've seen it.
They've seen it. They know. They love it.
This is a piece of art.
And, you know, I mean,
I hate to put urgency on it,
but this is an urgent matter.
Perfect. Okay. Thank you so much.
- Okay.
- Bye.
You just get an offer on the Plaza?
No, that was the penthouse at 67 Franklin.
- Okay.
- Yes.
-We're asking 12.
-What are we talkin' about here?
That offer just came in at 11.5.
We have another offer
higher in number, 11.68.
-All cash?
-That's not all cash.
- Contingent?
- It's not contingent on financing.
But they do want to finance.
Their timeline for closing
is more like a 60-day close.
So, again, I mean, it's
You know, it's good. It's not great.
- Right.
- We're trying to get them up as well.
-But we're very close to that deal.
-So these people are just calling me now.
11.5, that's a great start.
- It is.
- But, honey, you need to bring it up.
What do they need to come up to?
My gut tells me 11.7.
-You're super close. Okay.
-You're 20K away now from that deal.
But the all-cash deal is the best one
if you can make it.
-Cash is king, baby. We know this.
Hopefully, that broker's doing
what she needs to.
Half the battle is getting
the other broker to talk to their buyer.
-And create this sense of urgency.
-You're at the one-yard line.
-I know.
We're almost
Okay, this is her.
That was quick.
Quick. They want it.
Hello, this is Jordan.
So, they're okay with
11.8. Okay.
Is that gonna get it done?
I will have to talk to my client
and circle back with you.
Um, but this sounds great to me.
So let me speak to the owner,
and I'll call you as soon as possible.
All right. All right, bye.
-11.8! Whoo!
-Let's go! Let's go!
- Oh my God.
- It's 100K more than you thought!
-Well played.
- I gotta call the developer.
- Go!
-I'll be right back.
-Get the deal done.
Get 'em, Jordan. Get 'em! Get 'em!
Hello. How are you?
Amazing. Yes, so we have great news.
That's awesome.
Okay. Just stay here.
Yeah, no. So just tell me
where the deals are quickly.
No, I'm super, super late
to where I'm going.
I've had five months
and five of my top agents
on the penthouse listing
at Central Park Tower,
and it and it hasn't sold yet.
- Hello.
- You always make everybody wait like this?
So I just need more time.
When you come here,
do you focus on the view,
or do you look at
every other building you're building?
I use this as a bit of a platform
to show what we've done.
-But, uh, depends who I'm meeting.
So, what's goin' on?
Let's just cut to the chase, then.
So our listing agreement is coming up.
And I want an extension.
I took six months to get this
fitted out the way you wanted it.
You were supposed to be working.
-We were.
-To bring me a buyer.
You said you'd sell this in two seconds.
-You'd find the right buyer.
-We've done everything we said we'd do.
And you and your team
have not delivered yet.
I I just need a little more time.
Only so many people
can afford this apartment.
-It's not a $2 million penthouse.
-I believe in you. I believed in you.
I know there's nothing wrong
with this product.
If it's not us, it must be you.
There's a lot
of other good brokers out there.
And they're lining up.
We focus on results here.
You're asking me for how much more time?
Give me a couple months,
I will have exhausted all my resources.
I don't think you're gonna find
anyone hungrier
-You can't expect me to answer right now.
-I understand.
I can't make any promises.
But if I were you,
I would start thinking
that this is not for you.
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