Receiver (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Win or Go Home

- [crowd cheering]
- [whistle blows]
[Justin] Hey, hey!
You know, after I got hit
I was spitting up blood as I'm coughing.
I don't ever want to go
in the back of an ambulance again.
That was my first time.
That was my first time ever
going in the back of one.
So it was a different
experience for me
- [siren blaring]
- just leaving the game,
then going to the hospital.
I definitely did not
enjoy the experience.
Yeah, it wasn't my favorite.
Go to the X-ray.
They tell me that
there's no broken bones,
but they can see that
there is some internal bruising.
Did I feel like I could've
went back into the game?
I'm not really 100% sure.
But people don't
really see the inside of it,
they just see me get hit
and come out the game.
- Just for a second.
- Fuck.
And people don't understand how much
I really love the game of football
and I want to be out there competing
and fighting every single play. Um
[airhorn blows]
It's just something
that's unseen.
Here we go.
[reporter 1] So in the end,
is it a bruise or what?
Yeah, pretty much
like a bruise, an inner bruise.
But nothing to really
affect me at this moment.
[reporter 2] So do you anticipate
playing on Saturday?
- Yeah. Yeah. Yep.
- [reporter 2] Just full, normal stuff?
I'm gonna push through it regardless
and just try to suck it up.
This week is a new week and hopefully
I can give what everybody is expecting.
You stupid, dawg.
Haven't did that in a while.
[Davante] Yes, sir. We back at it.
We back at it, man. Let's go.
The fans think we just show up on Sunday
and just play the games
and maybe talk a little bit about plays,
but it's actually pretty complex, man.
Obviously, you know Sunday.
Sunday is game day.
Let's go.
Monday is come in
in the mornings, get a workout in,
then we have the film
and watch all the tape of the game.
Talk about explosive games
[Davante] And then Tuesday's
a player day off.
- Daddy!
- Daddy.
And Wednesdays is one
of our first workload days.
We got meetings, meetings, walkthroughs.
Then we got more meetings,
go out to practice,
come back and more meetings after.
I got media.
We just gotta stay aggressive
as coaches and as players.
- Cool?
- [reporter] Good.
[Davante] Thursday's real similar.
Friday's a little shorter.
We got body work getting done.
Big deep breath.
Let go.
Saturday, we come in in the morning,
do a meeting,
then we have a walkthrough,
we off, then we gotta go back,
I got my captains' meeting at 6:30,
another offensive meeting
and another walkthrough at night.
Start it back over. Sunday, game,
and then Monday, get back at it,
watch some more tape.
[Deebo] The sauna has been a part
of my routine
for like four or five years now.
Ooh, shit!
When I got here,
I seen the vets start doing it,
I just tagged along.
For me, it's just
like getting a sweat.
It gets me ready for the week,
gets me freshened up,
days before we start practicing.
The Eagles, of course, it was
a game that we was really,
really looking forward to
for a while.
To go out there
and get in the end zone three times
- and win by a large margin was crazy.
- [grunts]
[commentator 1]
What an absolute beast.
[commentator 2] Wow.
And Deebo Samuel
with the hat-trick today.
What the fuck I tell you?
[commentator 2]
Deebo, four catches for 116 yards,
two touchdowns and he also
has three runs for 22 yards,
the end around touchdown.
[Deebo] After the Eagles week,
Seattle came to us,
was able to stack
some good stats again.
I think like 149,
seven catches and two touchdowns.
[commentator] Deep shot,
Brock Purdy's going downfield
for Deebo touchdown!
[Deebo] Hopefully, this continue to go
but I feel like
we playing well as a team.
[commentator 1] The 49ers have
got a really good win streak
going against NFC opponents.
[commentator 2] But you know
what the goal is,
to go to Vegas for the Super Bowl.
[Deebo] As of right now,
my body is perfectly fine.
No nicks, no bruises.
Just do everything, take care of my body.
Just get ready for another big game.
Hopefully we can continue
to stack these games
and stack these days
and see you in Vegas.
From Glendale, Arizona,
San Francisco has its sights set
on the number one seed in the NFC.
Looking to lock up the division
with a win here today.
The 49ers control
their own destiny.
Can I get a pic?
[George] Playing in Arizona is fun because
I have family from Iowa
that moved down there.
Thank you.
It's just incredible to have
a circle like that, with that love.
I love you.
Kick some ass, okay.
This summer, played in Arizona,
my grandma, she came down
to go to the game.
The previous year, we were
playing the Cardinals at home,
I convinced my grandma to come out
to a game on her 100th birthday.
- Your grandma's hundredth?
- Yeah.
- Happy birthday to her. That's awesome.
- She's up there.
She's up there?
That's fucking cool, man.
- Happy birthday to her.
- First NFL game.
- Really?
- Yeah, she's from a small town in Iowa.
- That's awesome.
- Flew her out on a PJ for her birthday.
She told her local radio station.
- Absolutely.
- Absolutely.
Print that in the paper.
[George] And on my way out, I hear
the tail end of "Happy Birthday"
and it turns out the entire stadium sang
"Happy Birthday" to my grandma.
Happy birthday to you ♪
[George] And I'm pretty sure
my mom probably
cried for like 20 minutes
and my grandma just smiled
and really appreciated it
because it's a really cool moment
and I'm very thankful to be
a part of a franchise
with just such an
incredible fan base
that would do that
for my grandma at a game.
She was lucky.
I am Lugene. L-U-G-E-N-E.
Like Eugene, only Lugene
Hendrickson Krieger.
I gotta put this on,
Bosa's gonna headbutt me.
I'm gonna need that.
George came along,
a little scrawny boy,
that every time I saw him
he'd be on the football field.
Pretty fast.
He was just a good ballplayer.
Told ya.
There's no better time,
there's no better place than right now.
Do something with it.
Let's win this game, get hats.
Tights on three!
One, two, three!
[commentator] This franchise
looking to wrap up
the NFC West again,
well-represented here.
[commentator 2]
First and ten on the Cardinal 12.
See See 34.
[commentator 2]
Deebo Samuel motions right to left.
[commentator 1] A boot,
Purdy left, throw, wide open.
- Deebo Samuel uncovered!
- [crowd cheers]
- Touchdown!
- Touchdown!
- Good going.
- Let's fucking go, man.
Go get more. Go get more.
Why do you suppose
they don't throw to George?
I do not know why they don't,
'cause he's open.
He's so open so often.
I play to win. [laughs]
I don't play to lose, do you? Ever?
- [man] No.
- No.
[commentator] Third down and 11.
Throw over the middle.
George Kittle wide open.
- [Lugene] Come on, come on.
- [commentator] Kittle, still going.
Kittle all the way inside
the Arizona 40-yard line.
What a catch and run on
the crossing route there by George Kittle.
[cheering and whooping]
Purdy out of the gun, looks left.
Now gonna slide out left.
He's gonna throw for Kittle.
Makes the catch,
first down Niners.
Kittle picks up
a big third down.
Second and ten,
Purdy throws for the end zone.
It is caught by Deebo Samuel.
What, are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
That's 11 tugs on the year,
missing three games.
[Charvarius] You good.
Hey, good job at football today.
Thank you.
[commentator] Niners are on top
and they are once again
the champions of the NFC West.
We got hat and T-shirts!
[Kyle] We had one thing to do today.
What was that?
- [players] Win.
- [Kyle] All right. Hell of a job, men.
Enjoy the T-shirts, enjoy the hats.
The first thing we set out to do
was win our division.
Got both taken care of. Hell of a job,
big time to all you guys.
Go ahead, clap.
It's just a great feeling, kind of like
getting our minds right for whoever
it is that we play.
Just make sure our body and mind
and everything right
where it need to be.
Very excited about it. Anytime you can win
the division's a big deal.
It's a fun win to be a part of.
How fun was that?
All my family's here.
Grandma Lucky was in town today.
Hundred and first
birthday coming up hot
so she's 2-0
against the Cardinals.
[man] She's the best.
[George] She's got more sass than
anyone I've ever met.
- [man] More than you?
- [George] Yes.
- Really?
- I get it from her probably.
Hi, Grandma!
Hi! And he's here
You're undefeated.
We haven't lost with you here.
I know it, I know.
Grandma Lucky?
Nice to meet you.
Ma'am, you look great, look great.
Thanks for coming.
Remember last year,
it was your birthday?
We were all
scored a touchdown,
- we were waving up to you.
- We were all waving.
- Nice to meet you guys.
- I wanna take a photo of you with this.
- Yeah.
- It's a big deal.
It's a huge deal.
[woman] On the count of three,
say "Lucky." One, two, three.
[all] Lucky!
[Justin] Feel good, not cold.
- [KJ] Dry.
- [Justin] Dry.
- No wind.
- No wind.
It's a good day.
Feeling good, feeling good.
[commentator 1]
The Minnesota Vikings super excited
because Justin Jefferson is a go.
[commentator 2] Nick Mullens
making his first start for the Vikings,
try to get him comfortable
in an uncomfortable environment.
[Justin] It doesn't matter who
quarterback, who's throwing the ball,
you gotta make
the most of what you have
and being in the playoff hunt, it is
I was definitely determined
to go back out there
on that field
and to do what I gotta do.
[commentator 1] Hope everybody
realizes what we're seeing
in Justin Jefferson right now.
I mean, we're seeing the start
of one of the best careers
in NFL history for a wide receiver.
The guy averages
97 receiving yards per game,
that's first in NFL history.
Did miss seven games with a hammy,
looks like he's picking up
where he left off.
[commentator 2]
The game in overtime is tied at 24.
This is a 29-yard try
for Evan McPherson.
Cincinnati wins.
And this is a very, very
emotional overtime loss
to Cincinnati, 27-24.
[Justin] I felt like I did
everything I needed to do.
Definitely was difficult
not being able to get the W
and kind of falling
a little bit more behind
where we wanna be in the playoffs.
- I miss you, man.
- Love you, buddy.
Love you too, man.
Get healthy, dog.
[broadcaster 1] No matter how
we want to put this loss,
the Vikings still have the sixth overall
seed in the NFC playoffs,
so the Vikings still
control their destiny.
[broadcaster 2]
And the Minnesota Vikings fly home
to take on the Detroit Lions
on Christmas Eve.
[broadcaster 3]
The Lions have never won the NFC North
and they haven't won
a division title since 1993.
If we beat the Vikings in Minnesota,
we clinch the division
and so going into that game
it was like, "We can do this."
I mean, this is a possibility
but I haven't won
in Minnesota since I've been here
and you know,
had their guy back, Justin Jefferson.
[broadcaster] Lemme talk
about the next three games
for you, you still have the division,
the wild card still in front of you.
These next three games are big for us.
It's three divisional games
and it determines who's going
to be the king of the North.
Yes, sir.
Wide receivers on the field today,
Justin Jefferson of the Vikings,
Amon-Ra St. Brown of the Lions.
[broadcaster] With a victory today,
the Lions can lock up
their first division title in 30 years
and all that comes with it.
As far as the Minnesota Vikings,
the story has been not having Kirk Cousins
and many thought that was
the end of their season.
Here they are, we got Nick Mullens
back there at quarterback today,
very much in the playoff race.
[commentator] It's gonna be
interesting today
to see if Jefferson and Mullens can click,
because they certainly need him
to get going.
[commentator 2] Six minutes and counting
to go in the first quarter,
seven-zero, Lions.
Play action, pass right, there's JJ,
caught it at the line of scrimmage,
goes forging ahead
to the 20-yard line
and he also runs
into the record books
for the most receiving yards by anybody
in the history of the NFL
in their first four years.
Well done, JJ.
[Amon] Stop 18,
touch to the quarterback, we gonna win.
We gonna throw that bitch out.
[commentator] It is fourth
and three from the Lions 40.
Nick back to pass. He's gonna throw
to Addison, intercepted off the pass.
What'd I tell you? Pick!
[commentator] And the Detroit Lions have
turned over the Vikings
in a game tied at seven.
[player] Nobody's scoring shit now!
[Justin] Talkin' to me? Talkin' to me?
Talkin' to me?
- I'm talking to you.
- Show me I'm a bitch.
- I will, I'm here all day. I
- You not. You not.
I ain't seen no film on you.
I ain't seen no film on you.
I ain't see no film on you.
What? What? He talking about
we ain't gonna score no more.
I got something for you.
[commentator 1]
We have a minute 48 to go.
[commentator 2]
All right, you just want to get some
points on the board before halftime,
you're going through a half with JJ
only getting one target and reception,
you have to start getting
the ball to him more.
[commentator 1] Caught, JJ at the 50.
23-yard grab by JJ, clock runs.
Mullens shotgun facing a four-man rush,
straight drops, throws to Jefferson.
Caught, first down.
They called one of my favorite plays,
I think, twice during that drive.
Literally on different sides of the field.
[commentator] Justin Jefferson,
he's always gonna get to that spot,
he's so savvy.
Look how he breaks down Cam Sutton,
no chance for Cam Sutton to make a play.
Hell, they ran
that play like six times.
- I know, the little lob.
- It's every time.
And then the final play,
Nick was able to scramble
and catching me going around back.
Make 'em pay, Nick, come on.
He rolls out to the right,
throws to the end zone.
Come on!
[commentator 1] Touchdown!
He's JJ!
[commentator 2]
I mean, that's an essence of prayer
by Nick Mullens being thrown up there.
Just happened to throw it to maybe
the best receiver in the entire league.
[Justin] It was definitely much needed
just from not scoring for so long,
but it definitely felt great
to Griddy again. [laughs]
And how we've missed that Griddy.
Welcome back to the end zone!
- Welcome back to the end zone!
- Come on!
[commentator] And that has got
the Vikings back in this game.
Let's go, baby.
[commentator] And certainly feeling
more confident
than they did a couple of minutes ago.
That right there, all I thought about
that whole drive,
all I thought about that whole drive
was my player. Okay, all the way.
- I got you, bro.
- I'm gonna need you all second half.
[Amon] As a receiver, you always
when there's another good receiver
on the other side,
I'm always in the back of my head
seeing what he's doing, how he's playing.
It's kinda like a back-and-forth for me.
I try to keep up,
if not do better
than the other guy across from me.
[Justin] You know, he started
really balling for Detroit,
catching the ball
and not going down right away.
Getting those extra two,
three yards after catch.
Him and Goff got it down pat.
[commentator] Knocking on
the door, Goff is back,
looking, throwing middle, caught,
touchdown, Detroit Lions.
Amon-Ra St. Brown,
the Lions have the lead back.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Fuck you talking about.
Hey, can you pass me the helmet?
Thank you.
Jefferson? Yeah, I was aware of
what he was doing in that game,
he had a great game, balled out.
You can just tell that he's out there
trying to compete and be the best.
I mean, that third and
I think it was like 27.
[commentator 1] It is third and 27.
The Lions trying to
lock down the NFC North.
Minnesota needs the end zone.
[commentator 2]
Mullens, he's out of the shotgun.
Nick, straight drop, he's gonna
throw deep to Jefferson
and JJ went up
and got it at the 42.
[commentator 1] Best wide receiver
in the NFL throws up over two defenders.
They are doubling him.
[commentator 3]
I mean, he's just a special player,
that's really good coverage.
[commentator 2] Six catches, 141 yards
and a touchdown for the best.
Come on, D, come on, D,
come on, D, come on, D.
[commentator] Minnesota now
30 yards from the end zone
they've got to have.
Down six.
Just no sacks no sacks no sacks.
This could be a walk-off.
Fifty-eight seconds to go.
Mullens takes the shotgun snap.
Picked off by the Lions.
Ifeatu Melifonwu,
Lions are gonna win it.
Let's go!
[commentator 4] Lions are bringing
the NFC North title back to Detroit.
Let's go!
[commentator 1] Vikings, of course,
still remain alive
in post-season contention.
[commentator 2] Justin Jefferson
played as hard as he could play.
That was a valiant effort,
but give all the credit to the Lions,
they earned this victory today.
- Keep ballin'.
- You keep, balling!
- I love that shit.
- He threw that third down,
I said, "No fucking way."
You know how it feels
to be fucking captain,
I'm like, "No fucking way." What?
- Keep ballin'. Glad you healthy.
- Keep doing your shit. Stay healthy.
Much love.
[Amon] It was awesome for everyone.
I mean, I was excited
myself personally.
Winning the division was something
that we wanted to do.
Get the shirts and hats, dance,
whatever it was, it was a lot of fun.
But some of the guys that
have been there for so long,
that went through all the tough years
I only went through, I would say one,
maybe one-and-a-half tough years,
they've been through way more than I have,
so it's definitely a moment
I'll never forget.
I want Give me the old guard
up here right now.
Decker, Frank, Germ.
Where they at?
Yeah, boy!
[Dan] The old guard.
You're part of an organization
and it's been 30 years
since we won a fucking championship.
It's special, man.
And these guys have been dying for it,
waiting for it, man, it's for you,
this first one's for you.
[interviewer 1] You got a big game
this week, Ravens, Christmas Day,
do you think this is a Super Bowl preview
we're about to watch?
I have no idea. We just have to go
out there and see.
Does this feel like
a Super Bowl year?
I mean, you've had a Super Bowl year
before with this team.
- Yeah.
- Does it feel like it to you?
We're winning a lot
of football games.
We're currently the one seed and yes,
I feel like I'm on a talented team
that has every opportunity to continue
to win from here on out.
The media likes to build up games,
you have people talking,
you have all the talk shows
going like, "Oh, wow, this is
gonna be an amazing game."
"This is a preview of
what's to come in the future."
"MVP Lamar,"
"So much is at stake."
You know, whatever it is,
whatever they're talking about,
I don't hear much of it.
[commentator] Merry Christmas, faithful.
We have one more huge box
for you to open.
It is red and gold,
a little purple as well,
the colors of Super Bowl 58
this year in Vegas,
by the way, are red and purple.
- [yelling] Yeah!
- [yelling] Come on, boy. Come on.
- Do something with it.
- Let's go.
[George] Definitely excited
to take the stage
on Christmas Day, I know it's very unique.
You're looking great, Merry Christmas.
To be able to play on a holiday,
Monday Night Football
in front of the entire nation,
what more could you ask for?
[commentator] Purdy, Kittle,
first down plus, here he goes.
Kittle, getting a block
and down inside the 30.
Set, hut!
Purdy. End zone he's picked.
[George] Oh, come on.
[commentator] Intercepted by Hamilton.
Exactly what the Ravens needed.
All right, let's score some points.
[commentator] This one is batted into
the air and into the arms of Humphrey.
Interception, second of
the night for the Ravens.
Take it easy there.
Keep going. We with you.
Keep your head up, baby.
Shit happens, bro.
Make the best outta these
next opportunities coming up.
Let's fuckin' go.
[commentator] Fourth and goal.
Another interception.
A five-interception game.
And that is that.
[George] What the fuck?
So it was a tough one for the 49ers.
Oh, wow.
[commentator] This has not been a good
game for the 49ers any way you look at it.
- [Harbaugh] You're a stud, man.
- Thank you, appreciate it.
- You're an absolute stud.
- Thank you.
Good luck the rest of the way.
You are gonna do great.
Maybe we'll see each other again.
- It should be that way.
- For sure!
- Hey, boy, how you been doing?
- Hey, you showed your ass, boy.
You too, I ain't gonna lie.
You gotta get right though.
[commentator] This loss is
humbling without a doubt.
We were so amped up for this game.
Baltimore just wrangled the game.
- [George] So losing is never fun.
- Can you sign?
- Can you sign my son's jersey?
- You want the glove? Here you go!
[George] Everyone's telling you that
you're not very good.
To be able to be there
the next morning
to celebrate Christmas, open up presents
and do fun things with family,
it definitely raises
your spirits instantly
and it just makes it a lot more fun.
[Claire] Is it Christmas?
Are you happy?
Opening presents
the day after a loss,
I mean, what else is
gonna cheer you up, right?
- [Claire] Here.
- Thank you.
[Claire] Perfect.
[George] Who got me a harmonica?
That's cool. Thanks, Mom.
Wouldn't it be sick
if I could just rip one of these?
[playing harmonica]
[Claire cheers] Do that again!
[playing harmonica]
- Uncle Lazer?
- [Claire] Yeah.
Do you like that? How did I do?
- High five?
- [Claire] He did like it.
- Thank you.
- That was your favorite outfit.
- [George] I love that fit.
- [wheezes]
[Claire] I like that one.
- [Claire] Trying to find all the
- [all] What?
[Claire] What is it?
[Jan harmonizing fanfare]
There you go, babe.
- They just came out, right?
- They did.
You know.
Love you.
These are
going straight to feet.
The boys are gonna love these
in the locker room.
[Claire] Now we need a whole room
of Legos for Lego stuff.
[George] That's phenomenal!
We got Avengers Tower, baby.
[Claire] He always wants LEGOs
and doesn't build them.
He's like, "I'm holding on to 'em
for when we have kids."
Or "I'm gonna make it with this friend."
I'm like, "We don't
have any more closet space
for these LEGOs, you gotta make 'em.
We gotta put 'em on a shelf somewhere."
- [George] I'm excited about that.
- You're welcome.
LEGOs and shoes, that's it.
I'm pretty easy to buy for.
Is this a slingshot? [laughs]
Oh, shit!
That's hilarious.
Thanks, dude.
- [George laughs]
- [Claire] Such a goof.
[George] Be great today!
All right, let's say consistent.
Get better at one thing today.
Tights on three! One, two, three!
[broadcaster] It's all about the Niners
taking care of business,
and this game against
this opponent at this time
of the day works
in the Niners' favor.
Get the taste outta Christmas night
out of their mouths.
We're going into week 17,
we have two games left.
49ers, Eagles are
competing for the one seed.
We have to focus on
just winning this game.
[broadcaster] The Niners could
have the number one seed
wrapped up by the time they are
flying back to the Bay Area.
If the Niners win this game today
and Philadelphia loses to Arizona
[yelling] Yeah!
the Niners will be
the number one seed
throughout the entirety
of the NFC playoffs.
The number one seed
in the playoffs is so valuable
because you get a extra week off
for your body to heal,
take a second for your mind.
[commentator] Purdy back,
throws right, it is caught
by George Kittle and now
he's over 1,000 yards.
You did it, baby!
That's 1K, baby. That's 1K!
We went in that game and it was like,
"Yo, all right, let's go
get this dub, and you know,
see what's happening
around the league."
Second and goal. That's a pop pass
to Deebo Samuel to the edge.
He'll walk home for the touchdown.
If Philly lose right here,
we got the number one seed, like, locked.
Eagles, Cardinals,
it was seven to three.
Eagles was up.
Show the Eagles,
Cardinals, man, damn.
- [player] Are they playing right now?
- Yeah.
The Cardinals was out there
putting it on them.
- They tied 'em.
- Is it tied up?
Yeah, it's locked.
Get that air, Kyler Murray!
Get 'em, Kyler!
[commentator 1]
Can we have some Murray magic here?
The Cardinals will need it.
[commentator 2] Pressure coming,
end zone Wilson, touchdown!
[commentator 3] Wow.
[commentator 1]
What a throw by Kyler Murray.
Get they ass, Kyler Murray!
[commentator 1] Murray has been brilliant
here in the second half.
As the game going on, you know,
we came out on top so we was in a hurry
to get to the locker room to see
what was going on with Arizona and Philly.
[commentator 2] The 49ers did
what they needed to do today
to an inch closer to
the top seed of the NFC
with an impressive
performance today.
Arizona has the ball
at the two-minute mark right now.
So if they win,
y'all get the one seed?
Yes! Let's fucking go, man!
That'd be sick.
[Deebo] One of our reporters had
the game on his phone,
and we started watching it.
It was a close game, I'm like,
"This is crazy."
Here we go!
- Come on, Kyler!
- Come on, Kyler!
On second and goal, Conner again.
- Nice down
- [Deebo giggling]
- he's in
- He got in!
- for the Cardinal touchdown!
- They scored!
- Let's go!
- [Deebo] Let's fuckin' go!
[commentator] Arizona takes the lead
with 32 seconds left.
- [George] Let's go, boys!
- [Deebo] We're the number one seed!
[commentator] Everybody
at an NFL stadium right now
is looking up at the scoreboard going,
"Arizona 35, Philadelphia 31?"
- They scored, they scored! Whoo!
- [woman] Way to go, Kittle.
Then as an entire team
we're in two different parts
of the locker watching, like,
18-inch screen TVs,
which is pretty cool.
[commentator 1] Ertz waiting around,
lets it develop,
heaves one for the end zone.
It is intercepted
and that's the game!
The Cardinals come to Philadelphia
and knock off the Eagles.
[commentator 2] And the Niners clinch
the number one seed
and a first-round bye.
We got it, we got it!
[Deebo] Get in they ass, Kyler Murray!
[George] I'm sending him a gift box. Yeah.
- Come on.
- Shit.
Let's go, brother.
Rest your body, dude.
Rest your body and mind.
[George] Mom, can I have a hug?
[Jan] Oh, my God,
that was so much fun.
I love Kyler Murray.
I know, I'm gonna
send him a gift box.
- Send him a gift box!
- How you doing?
- So fun.
- Oh, my God,
home field advantage,
you don't have to get on a plane.
You can sleep
in your own bed.
We don't have to get on a plane
the rest of the season.
That's awesome!
Until the Super Bowl.
- How fun is that?
- I know, so good.
Love you.
Look at those horses.
- I know, they're huge.
- Yeah, those are sick.
Those things are massive.
[Davante] Now come on, come this way.
Keep coming this way,
there you go. Good job.
- [Devanne] Jump. Jump. Nope, not that one.
- Good job.
- Keep going. Keep going.
- [Devanne] Not that one.
- [Daija whines]
- Keep going that way.
No, no! Help!
Just drop, you're right here. Drop.
Help me!
- You are so dramatic. [laughs]
- [Devanne laughs]
[Daija and Davante exclaiming]
[Davante exclaiming]
[Daija roaring]
[both laughing]
- Gimme this crocodile!
- No!
- Gimme you!
- [Daija laughs]
The goal for us is still
get in the playoffs.
That home stretch in December,
those are the most important games.
[broadcaster] We were surprised
when we showed up
to Raiders practice yesterday
and Davante Adams was
nowhere to be found.
He said his two daughters,
who are both under four,
just got over having the flu,
and it hit him next.
He said it took IVs,
vitamins, hydration, all of it
to get him back on the field tonight.
I don't know if my body
always just got a way of just, like,
having something weird going on
at the wrong times, man.
[man] Go!
[Davante] True flu symptoms,
like throwing up, not feeling good at all.
So I'm to the point
where I lost, like, six pounds.
I'm like, "This is not good,
end of the year I gotta be right."
- What's up, baby?
- How you doing?
Good to see you.
How's your body?
Great, just trying
to fight this flu.
- You got the flu?
- MJ had the flu game,
so I think these might be
some legendary cleats.
- There you go!
- You gotta do the flu game.
[Davante] Michael Jordan, who is my GOAT,
greatest player of all time
and the biggest competitor.
I always tell people
that I'm the second-most
competitive person on planet Earth
behind Michael Jordan.
The flu game was the black
and red 12s way back.
That was the game where he got sick
and had one of his best games.
So some of my teammates knew I was sick
and I had the flu going into that one,
so they tried to kind of
equate those two together
and ended up calling
that my flu game.
Have you gone to the bathroom since then?
You feel like you're gonna
throw up or nauseous?
Not throwing up, it just feel like
my stomach is just in knots,
you know what I mean?
Like it's just doing flips.
He put his cape on against
the Chargers, right?
He went out there,
no practice, sick.
You're looking at him,
we getting him IVs,
we're juicing him up, he over there
looking like he's dying and shit.
And then he goes out there
and he plays his ass off.
[commentator] Davante in this ball game
has gone over 80 grabs this season.
It is the sixth straight year
with 80 or more catches.
You ain't feeling well, for real huh?
[Davante] I've had better days.
[commentator] Davante Adams,
five catches here in the first half.
Las Vegas over Los Angeles,
in the first half.
Y'all boys ain't trying to put up 70.
I talked to the oxygen guy, anytime you
come off just throw the oxygen on,
- it's to help you recover faster.
- Okay.
[commentator] Now Davante Adams
and Jakobi Meyers both in there.
Jakobi Meyers in motion, O'Connell
takes the snap, throws it out to him,
he's gonna throw to the end zone.
Touchdown, Davante!
The Raiders set the franchise record,
63 points tonight.
Their largest ever win
over the Chargers.
Yes, sir.
[man] MJ'd them?
- [player 1] Flu game, baby!
- [player 2] MJ!
[commentator] Davante Adams, eight grabs
for 101 yards, and a touchdown.
[Davante] Hell yeah, let's go, man. Yeah.
That flu game!
Your star player, right?
What are we playing for?
Probably out the playoffs.
Got this interim head coach,
he'll probably get fired.
Got money in the bank,
why he needs to do it?
He could have just tapped out on me,
and been like, "I'm good."
He didn't.
Come on, man.
Get better. Get well, get well.
We'll be all right.
For me, to be honest,
that moment was like,
"I can fool with Davante."
Totally different approach and outlook
with Davante from that point on for me.
One-seven, let's go.
This game, it's your day!
- It's your day!
- Let's get it!
[commentator] The Raiders down 14-3.
You gotta put this in the end zone.
Five on the play clock, O'Connell's set.
Gets the shotgun.
Looks right, over the middle.
Has Davante at the goal line,
he reaches the ball across,
touchdown, Raiders!
[Jimmy] What a play,
1-7, good shit, baby.
- We need another one.
- I got it, I got it.
Hey, put this bitch in, let's go!
[commentator 1] Inside of a minute to go,
Raiders gotta score.
O'Connell, the snap comes up,
lobs nearside for Adams.
Jumps, bobbles,
catches, touchdown!
[commentator 2]
He's been a killer today, unbelievable.
As one guy torching the Colts,
he's got 12 catches
for 125 yards and two touchdowns.
[commentator 1] But they come up a
field goal short here in week 17, 23-20
Fuck, man.
to end any hopes of the playoffs
with one game left in this season.
[broadcaster] Final time
here for the 2023 season.
Nothing on the line
with regards to the post-season
but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot
on the line for this team as a whole.
Daddy. Daddy.
Hi, baby.
Mama, say "Raiders!"
- She got boogers in the nose.
- [Devanne] Raiders!
- She got boogers in her nose.
- You kept the brace?
This is one that we definitely
we gonna finish as strong
as we can for sure.
I just wanna say this, buddy,
if this is our last time together,
I appreciate the hell outta you.
Appreciate you, bro.
Really do.
You got me through a lot, bro.
We got each other through a lot,
that's for sure.
Hey, thank you.
You already know.
Appreciate you, bro.
You got your carrot?
Lookit, Daddy's down there, watch.
Daddy Oh, oh, oh!
- Say, "Go, Daddy!"
- [whistle blows]
[commentator] And this is Davante Adams
out of the backfield.
Catch number 100.
- Yes!
- Yes!
That's the catch, that's it. A hundred.
[commentator] So Davante Adams,
four straight years with 100 catches.
Not many guys have
done that in history,
he is the fourth player ever to do that.
[man] Go!
[commentator] O'Connell, backpedaling,
throwing, end zone.
What a grab for Davante Adams!
Waited for it,
and has a touchdown!
Say, "Go, Daddy!"
[Davante] Yup.
[Edgar] Appreciate you, hoss.
Appreciate you, man.
Sure do.
You have no idea.
We been through a lot.
A whole lot.
We've been keeping each other sane.
Appreciate you, brother.
Hey, at least
we finished that bitch right.
My boy went and got two,
I got one, let's go.
[Davante] We all went through
a lot this year.
It was a very trying time
but didn't let it kill us.
- Ended on a dub baby. Yes, sir, yes, sir.
- Fuck, yeah.
The way in Green Bay,
we won so many games,
we didn't have the same adversity
as I've dealt with here.
So it's made me a little bit
more appreciative of winning
and that's when you see cigars
popping out after the games,
things that I wouldn't
have been on board with before.
But now once you have a whole
new respect for winning,
it makes you sit back and allow yourself
to smoke a stogie and enjoy.
And soak it in a little bit and realize
just how hard it is to win in this league.
Good shit, baby.
Proud of you, bro, seriously.
- Hey, you did your thing.
- You too.
You know what I wanna do.
- Say it with me, here we go.
- [player] Talk to 'em.
[all] Raiders!
[Antonio] You're goddamn right.
[player] Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
- [player] Indeed, indeed.
- [Antonio] Appreciate it. Appreciate it.
[Davante] Damn, I can't
believe that was the last game.
We were celebrating
just because, you know,
with that version of a team,
we had a solid season.
Early on, we just put
ourselves in a hole
that was tough to come out of.
First half of the season,
even in a couple of the wins,
I came out not wanting
to watch Monday Night Football
or Sunday Night Football
or whatever, you know?
Like it was tough.
It was tough, it's hard,
'cause I love football, so it was tough
to not even want to sit there
and watch a game,
based off of the way that
our situation was going.
I think with AP, the aura and everything
was just different in the building.
Like everything he says,
everything he believe in,
like, it's real.
And he's not with any
of the extra fluffy BS
to try to make it,
you know, look a certain way.
It's all about the small things
that lead to the big picture.
Now it's time for me to go back
to being able to see my kids
a little bit more
and, you know, taking 'em to school
and all that fun stuff that I love doing.
You know, being a dad
is my number one job.
[broadcaster] Amon-Ra St. Brown
became a number one,
number one, number one wide receiver,
statistically, emotionally, thematically.
He did not make the Pro Bowl.
Wednesday morning comes,
we have a team meeting.
Here's what I want you to know.
[Amon] Coach Campbell
shows everyone that made it.
- This is it, man.
- I wasn't on there,
- I didn't make it.
- But I'll tell you this
And I was hot, I was [exhales]
I was furious.
You know, I wouldn't say I was as mad
as I was during draft day,
but I would say it was second to that.
- I don't like it.
- Like what?
I don't like
where it's coming from.
I don't like where it's coming from.
You feeding from the wrong dog right now.
You got both of them in you,
you always have,
but you always
feed from a different dog.
Right now you feeding
from the other one.
- How do I fix that?
- Ain't easy.
You competitive,
at the end of the day, like,
you the biggest competitor
out on the field right now.
[Amon] You know, I feel disrespected
as a player a little bit.
I feel like, you know, I had
a pretty good season this year.
Pretty good team.
I told myself last year
after I didn't make it,
we didn't have enough primetime games,
not enough people saw us.
We weren't, you know,
winning early on.
And this year we had more primetime games,
we won more games.
- You liked it where it was?
- Yeah.
But obviously, it wasn't enough,
it seems like
so I gotta do more.
Hashtag, "St. Brown got fucked."
[commentator] For the second time
in three weeks,
it is the Lions and the Vikings.
Lions went into Minneapolis
on Christmas Eve
and clinched the division title.
- [Amon] What up, bro? You good?
- They cheated you outta the Pro Bowl.
I was pissed for you. Go crazy.
I know that from your heart.
- Go crazy.
- Yes, sir.
[commentator] Vikings still have a path
to the playoffs.
They need a win today and help,
they need the Bears to beat the Packers,
Cardinals to beat the Seahawks,
plus either a Falcons win
against the Saints
or a Panthers win
against the Bucs.
[Amon] Going into that last game,
for me personally,
like I have my goals,
but not many people
knew about yards that I needed
to get 1,500 yards in the season.
[man] Good job, 14, way to play ball.
I needed 129 to get it.
But I've only had one or two games
I've had more than that in my career,
so I knew it was gonna
be tough to do it.
Fifteen-hundred yards.
I'm gonna get that, watch.
[Dan] Well, the thing about St. is,
when you work
to execute at a high level,
you have the will to really make things
go the way you want 'em to go in a game.
[commentator 1] Jared throws downfield,
it is caught, left sideline cutting back.
That is Amon-Ra St. Brown,
angling in the 25, to the 20,
to the 15, cut back at the 10,
Amon-Ra at the 5,
- fighting at the two into the end zone.
- [commentator 2] Yes, sir.
[commentator 1] Touchdown, Detroit Lions!
Oh, baby, what a run
by Amon-Ra St. Brown!
[commentator 2] And when
you talk about yards
after the catch, that was yards
after the catch.
Beautiful job of weave
and bob and breaking tackles,
and he ended up in the end zone.
[commentator 1]
That is great stuff by Amon-Ra.
He just said, "I got your
Pro Bowl right here."
[commentator 3] I mean, this young man has
1,500 receiving yards and ten touchdowns.
How in the heck did he
not make the Pro Bowl?
What an absolute sham.
- Let's fucking go!
- [player] Hey!
What happened?
Fifteen-hundred! Ugh!
[Justin] It's tough, man,
it's tough, it's tough.
This sport has the least amount
of opportunities.
You know, we only have 17.
Let's go, Nick, let's go.
Just seeing different quarterbacks
coming in and out,
you don't really know
who's gonna be the starter that week.
So it definitely was
a tough transition
of just trying to be
on the same page as all of 'em.
You know, for the times that I was
out there on that field making plays,
I was pretty good.
But the record doesn't say so.
[loudly groans]
And that's the frustrating part about it.
Individually you do good,
but still the outcome is bad.
Boy, I catch that bitch, boy.
Boy, I'm like that, yeah!
I'm like that, yeah!
It's like, "Wait, what more can I do?"
You know, "What else
can I do for us to win?"
It's the last game
of the season,
but the people don't see
the 190-yard game that I had.
Nick from under center, play action.
Deep, Jefferson, there
[Justin] The focus is on Detroit,
you know, we're gonna focus on Detroit,
we're not gonna focus on Justin
having 190 with a touchdown.
And getting over 1,000.
[commentator] Twelve catches, 192 yards.
But at this point, very little
to play for on the standings,
and it doesn't matter one bit.
[Justin] To experience the things
that I have experienced,
going through the things
that I've gone through this season,
and still end up with over 1,000 yards,
it was a blessing.
Hey, I know the season's not ending
the way you wanted it
but 1,000 yards after missing the amount
of games you did is impressive.
- Thank you, man, thank you.
- Baller.
[Kevin] This is a guy that had been
knocked out of doing
what he loves, more than anything,
a couple times now
in the 2023 season.
And he was gonna play all the way
to the very, very end.
And we literally had to
pull him off the field
to make sure we were
doing right by him.
[commentator] The Detroit Lions end the
Minnesota Vikings season unceremoniously
with a 30-20 victory.
[commentator 4] Vikings will not be
in the playoffs, Lions will.
Thanks, man.
[Justin] It's a lot
of work that you put in
to go through the things
that you go through,
and for you to just go through a season
and just be done.
It's like you're competing for no reason,
it's like the season was for nothing.
All of the injuries, all the different
things that happened was for nothing
I got you, I got you.
just for us to go on
and start it all over again.
Um It's tough, it's tough, it's tough.
It's very, very tough.
[commentator] The final day
of the regular season,
your Detroit Lions,
the NFC North Champions,
beat the Minnesota Vikings
by a score of 30 to 20
for their 12th win of the year.
Tying the franchise record
for most victories
in a single season.
Next up, the playoffs.
- Much respect. Stay healthy, bro.
- Go get that shit.
[reporter] How bad do you want to come out
and make a statement today, man?
I was ready, I was excited.
I don't know, it is what it is,
but I don't know
how many 1,500-yard receivers
with ten touchdowns
didn't make a Pro Bowl,
but I guess I gotta try to see
look that up and see.
But at this point it's like,
regular season's done.
- Got everything?
- Thank you. Appreciate it.
For me, it's going out there and
do whatever I can to help the team win.
Anyone can beat you in these playoffs,
so and we know that.
So for us, it's just
everything that happened
before this point is gone.
- Gotta go!
- Later, guys.
We finished the year how we wanted
and now it's win or go home from now.
[closing theme music playing]
[man] Omaha!
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