Regular Show (2010) s04e02 Episode Script

Exit 9B (2)

Well, well, well.
What've we got here? A couple of protesters trespassing on private property.
What? You're not a fan of Exit 9B? Let me guess, you stuck yourself in that cement so we'll stop building, hmm? Well, I'm afraid that isn't going to work.
In fact, you're one of the final components of its completion.
Dude, what's your deal? Yeah, what's your beef with the park? Beef? I have no beef with the park.
My "beef" is with Mordecai and Rigby! Us?! But we don't even know you! Perhaps, not in my current form, but maybe this will jog your memory! That's right, I'm the son of universe renold gaming champion, Garrett Bobby Ferguson, Garrett Bobby Ferguson Junior! Is this just because we beat your dad's universe record? No, it's because you blew him up! You think you can just go around exploding people's dads? But that wasn't our fault.
Yeah, it was just a side-effect of getting schooled so hard! Silence! Garrett Bobby Ferguson Sr was a kind, loving father, with a heart as big as his head, and he's gone because of you.
Good one, dudes.
When my freeway is complete, it will be a gateway to the fiery center of the earth, and then my dad, along with everyone else you've ever destroyed will come back from beyond the grave to destroy everything you hold dear.
And now that I have a captive audience, I present Exit 9B! Oh no, bro.
This is bad.
No way.
Get ready for a universe serving of revenge.
You're looking good, son.
Now what do you say we show these park scum the meaning of revenge? I'm gonna enjoy this.
These cowards die tonight! It's useless.
We're all gonna die! We're surely done for! I don't know about you guys.
I think it's rude not to invite your friends to the party.
'Ello boys.
Nice of you fellas to drop by.
Greetings, park dwellers.
Huh! What, is that supposed to be an army? Huh, yeah! There's too many of 'em! He's right.
We'll never defeat them! It's not about defeating them anymore.
It's about standing up to them and fighting.
I for one am not just gonna hand over everything that I care about to some floating head that wants revenge on us.
I'm not backing down, and I don't think you oughta back down either! Today we fight! We fight for the park! Now who's with me? Who's with me?! How touching.
Demon spawn of the underworld! Attack! Hold the line Hold the line Now! Charge! Dude, we've gotta find Benson so we can get him to sign these papers.
Let's go! Now! Summertime lovin'-- Dude, there's Benson! Benson, you've been brainwashed! You're on the wrong side, man.
Shut up! We're telling the truth.
The beard guy's evil! Where'd Benson go? What the-- Benson, you're the boss of the park.
How do you not remember that? Lies! Look out! No~! Step off! No rules.
Benson, don't do this! The park means everything to you.
He warned me you'd try to fill my head with lies! Say goodnight.
Huh? We were doing donuts.
Quick, dude, hamboning.
Ham-bon-ing! Ham-bon-ing! Ham-bon-ing! Not setting up the chairs next time! Not setting up the chairs next time! Get.
of my head!!! Wha-OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Where do I sign? They're outnumbered.
Soon it will all be over.
I think you just got the universe record for best revenge ever! Huh?! STOP! This ends now! That's right.
Benson got his memory back and with his signature this document is complete.
Shut down Exit 9B and the portal! Decreed from City Hall, yo! Historical landmark! They think they got everybody, Garrett Bobby Ferguson Senior! Huh? You had to get the signatures of all the park employees.
Huh? Thomas! Now, hand over the document or the intern gets it.
Why did I have to hire him right before all this happened? This isn't his fight.
Quit messing around and bring me the contract! Alright, alright.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Intern, fetch the coffee - iced! The park Our home.
All is lost.
Thomas! Stop thinking about things and bring us the coffee already.
Kid's worthless, am I right? Thomas! Hmm, alright, gather round, gather round now.
We'll just tear this thing up and get this war back on.
Minions! Behold! Uh, is that a drawing of you with a butt for a face? Huh? a fake?! Hey, losers! Should have checked the fine print when we switched the contract in front of yo' face, know what I'm sayin'? No.
! Junior.
You just broke the universe record for disappointing your father.
Nooooo!!! Yeah, Thomas, that was awesome! Yeah, you're gonna make a great addition to the team.
-Sweet job, Thomas! -Good to have you! Hah, thanks guys! Does stuff like this happen all the time? -Oh yeah.
-Pretty much.
Don't worry, we'll have this place cleaned up in no time.
Right, Skips? Ehh, I've seen worse.
Alright everyone, let's get to it! Later, grandmas! Thomas, we'll catch you later, right? Uh, yeah.
Later, Thomas.
Hey, mom.
No, no, I'm not going to quit anymore.
Yeah, yeah.
I think this internship's gonna be really cool.
很好 看看我们抓着谁啦? 一支擅闯私人领地的反抗军 怎么?你们不喜欢9B出口吗? 我来猜猜 你们把自己封在水泥里好让我们停止动工吗? å… å®ž ææ€•è¿™å¹ ä¸èµ·ä½œç”¨ 实际上 你们就是让它完工的最后一部分 老兄 你到底想干嘛 是啊 你跟公园到底结了什么梁子 梁子?我没跟公园结梁子 我是跟摩迪凯和瑞格比结了梁子! 我们?! 但是我们不认识你! 也许 你们不认识我现在这个形态 但是这个 也许能唤醒你们的记忆! 没错 我是旧宇宙游戏冠军之子 加雷特.
弗格森之子 小加雷特.
弗格森! 这事是因为我们打破了你爸的宇宙记录吗? 不 是因为你们把他弄炸了! 你们觉得你们能随随便便炸掉别人的老爸吗? 但是那不是我们的错 是啊 这就是受教育水平太高的副作用 闭嘴!老加雷特.
å¼—æ ¼æ£®æ˜¯ä¸€ä½å‹å–„åˆäº²åˆ‡çš„çˆ äº² 心胸如同脑袋那样宽大 而他却因你们而死 干的好啊 兄弟们 我的高速公路建成后 将有一扇与炽热地心连接的大门 åˆ°é‚£æ— æˆ‘çš„çˆ äº² 还有所有你们曾击败过的人 会从坟墓里爬出来来毁灭你们的心爱之物 æ—¢ç„ æˆ‘çŽ°åœ¨æœ‰äº†ä¸€ç¾¤è¢«è¿«æ¬£èµçš„è§‚ä¼— 下面我就隆重介绍9B出口 哦不 老天 糟透了 不是吧 准备好这份宇宙级的复仇 çˆ äº² 儿子 你看上去很帅 儿子 谢谢 现在你有何意见 给这群公园里的渣宰看看复仇的意义所在吗? 我会很享受这个过程的 这群懦夫今晚死定了! 没用的 我们都要挂了! 我们完蛋了 我不知道你们怎么想 反正我觉得不邀请老朋友参加派对太不礼貌了 哈罗 小子们 哇哦 你们能来真的太好了 你们好 公园的居民们 哈!怎么 这算是个军队吗? 哈 是啊! 他们人太多了 没错 我们永远打不赢 这不再关于是否能赢得这场战斗 而在于我们勇敢面对 无惧战斗 我作为一个不愿就这样将珍惜之物拱手让给 一个想要向我们复仇的漂浮脑袋的人 我不会退缩 而且我相信你们也不会! 今天我们战! 为了公园而战! çŽ°åœ¨è°ä¸Žæˆ‘å¹ è‚©æˆ˜ï¼Ÿ è°ä¸Žæˆ‘å¹ è‚©æˆ˜ï¼Ÿï¼ 真感人 åœ°ç‹±çš„æ é­”éƒ¨é˜Ÿ 进攻! 维持阵线… 维持阵线… 就现在 冲过去! 兄弟 æˆ‘ä»¬å¾—æ‰¾åˆ°æœ¬æ£®å¥½è®©ä»–åœ¨æ–‡ä» ä¸Šç­¾å 我们走! 就现在 夏日之恋— 老兄 本森在哪呢 本森 你被洗脑了! 你站错边了 兄弟 闭嘴 我们说的是实话 èƒ¡å­ç”·æ‰æ˜¯é‚ªæ çš„ 本森去哪了? 搞什么— 本森 你是这个公园的经理 你怎么能不记得? 说谎 小心 不~! 去死! 没规则 本森 别这样 公园就是你的一切 他警告过我你们会跟我撒一大堆谎 说晚安吧 哈? 我们在做定点漂移 快点 老兄! 连环拍 连~环~拍 连~环~拍!连~环~拍! 下次不用排椅子咯 下次不用排椅子咯 从我脑袋里滚出去!! 哇哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦 我该签在哪? 我们数量上完胜 很快这就会结束的 我想你刚刚打破了宇宙最佳复仇记录 哈?! 住手! 一切结束了! 没错 本森恢复了记忆 而有了他的签名 è¿™ä»½æ–‡ä» å°±å®Œæˆäº† 关闭9B出口和这个传送门 市政厅颁布的 哟 历史遗迹 他们觉得他们找到了所有人 老加雷特.
弗格森 哈? 你们必须集齐公园所有员工的签名 哈? 托马斯 现在 æŠŠæ–‡ä» äº¤å‡ºæ¥ ä¸ç„ å®žä¹ ç”Ÿå°±å®Œè›‹äº† 为什么在这一切发生之前我刚好雇用了他? 这不是他的战斗 抱歉 别磨磨蹭蹭的快把合同给我 好啦好啦 君子报仇十年不晚 实习生 拿咖啡来 要冰的 公园… æˆ‘ä»¬çš„å® å…¨éƒ½æ²¡æœ‰äº† 托马斯 别走神了快把咖啡拿来 没用的小子 对吧 托马斯! 哼 好啦 聚一块来 我马上就撕掉这个来赢得战争 奴才们 看啊! 呃 这是一副把你的脸画成屁股的图吗? 哈?假的? 嘿 衰货们 æ‹¿èµ°æ–‡ä» ä¹‹å‰ 要好好看内容哟 知道了吧 不 儿子 你刚打破了宇宙 最让老爸失望记录 不!! è€ æ‰˜é©¬æ–¯ åˆšæ‰è …èµžçš„ 是啊 你是我们团队的一员猛将了 -干的好 托马斯! -有你真好! 谢谢你们 这种事…经常发生吗? -哦是的 -很经常 -是啊 别担心 我们很快就能把这地方整好 是吧 跳跳? 呃 我见过更糟的 好啦各位 工作吧 回见 è€å¥ å¥ ä»¬ 托马斯 一会见啦 哦 好 很好 回见 托马斯 嘿 老妈 不不 我不想辞职了 是啊 我觉得这次实习经历将会非常酷
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