Stage of Number One (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Ek, write a song for me.
What do people call them?
A songwriting duo!
But it fits Khwan better.
You were born to be a daughter
of Phlengphon and Phanni.
And don't you want
to fulfill Phanni's dream?
For Mom, for the Stage
of Number One award in the future,
let's go.
I went to a record store.
My album doesn't sell at all.
Kaeota is Mr. Nop's artist at M Sound.
If she's not in the right place
at the right time,
she won't succeed.
This year's winner is Khwanchai Sidon!
"The sweet-voiced singer
with great potential
from the stage which has created
many renowned singers.
We will see whether Khwanchai Sidon
will reach as high as her seniors."
This is the same Khwanchai
you invited over and over again
to join our company,
but in the end,
she chose to join a singing contest?
On a related note,
she and Kaeota are siblings.
There is rumor in their hometown
that this pair of siblings
hate each other.
Is that true?
So that's why
Kaeota didn't seem happy
to see Khwanchai on TV.
-It's Kaeota. Clear your desk!
-What is the meaning of this?
Um, I
You told me that
a singer who has their own music album
is better than a singer from a contest.
She is a singer from a contest,
but she is so well-known that she
has even been featured on the news.
She's only on the news, Kaeota.
She doesn't have her own accomplishment.
It's her first step,
but you've reached the finish line.
There's nothing to be jealous about.
Who said I'm jealous?
From now on, do not talk about that woman.
That store!
Let's go.
Do you want it?
Hello, which on are you interested in?
Um, I have gift cards
from the shopping mall.
Can I use these here?
Yes, you can.
These are the 1,000-baht gift cards.
Would you like to use all of them?
Um, okay then.
Great, I'll choose the clothes for you.
-This way.
Ah, here.
Let me pay for your mu krata this time.
I see you wanted to have it for so long.
I think it wasn't me
but rather someone around here
who wanted to eat mu krata.
Didn't you want to eat it as well?
Every time we walked pass mu krata places,
you always inhaled the aromas.
By the way, have you spent
all the prize money?
Oh, that would be really bad.
If I spent money so carelessly,
would you lecture me?
How could I do that?
It's your money.
So what did you spend the money on?
This is the lease agreement
and the security deposit.
Okay, here's the key.
-All right, thanks.
-Take care.
-You're welcome.
Hi, Auntie.
I will show you the winning certificate
when I get back.
Are you happy?
I love you the most.
Me too.
Saoek loves you too.
Okay, goodbye.
How is she?
She's doing great.
Here, the room key.
Ah, your belongings.
I got some of them for you.
I will move them to your room after work.
Okay. Here.
You should hold on to it.
I don't use it
since I'm usually in my room.
Also, an artist's manager
is the one who normally answers the phone.
Wait a second.
Who is the manager?
You, of course.
How can I drive a taxi
if people call all the time?
I'm sure you can manage.
But now, you have to get to work.
To celebrate your new place,
wash my clothes for me.
No problem.
-I'll be back.
-Drive safely.
Kaeo, I forgot to tell you something.
I had contacted a TV show
for you to participate,
but there was no slot available.
What kind of TV show?
I'm not interested if it's a variety show.
I don't want to be ridiculed
in front of people.
Well, the participants
have to be celebrities.
Um, what I mean is
if you need to participate in a TV show,
I think you should get to sing,
to show them your voice, you know?
There're over ten songs in my music album.
All of them are useless.
I've mulled it over.
I agree with Kaeota.
The songs in your album
are too cliché to become popular.
Though I heard that
to become a famous singer,
one needs a good songwriter
who is capable of
bringing out the singer's true self.
Khwanchai Sidon!
I won!
-You did it!
-I won!
I won!
Is there a songwriter who can
make a song specifically for Kaeo?
Specifically for Kaeo?
The songwriter
who can do something like that
needs to understand Kaeota really deeply.
Someone who deeply understands me
and can make a song just for me?
I know someone.
Ek, it's sunny today,
so your clothes smell good.
They smell good.
Anyway, you have perfect timing.
I have something to share.
When I called the radio station today,
do you know what happened?
What happened?
There's this one DJ
who said you should release a single
and said they can do it for you.
Really, Ek?
Really, I've already told them
that we need some time to write a song.
What about that song?
The song you wrote
that mom told me to sing on stage.
Let's do it together and send it to the DJ
at Gods of Country station.
What do you think?
Kaeo, I've finished the song.
I want to sing that song.
I want to challenge myself.
I sang that song because of Mom's order.
I didn't get to sing the whole song
before things happened.
All right.
If you want to sing it
and make it into a single,
I suppose I can revise it for you.
You mean it?
I do.
Thank you so much, Ek.
I'm so happy.
I'm going to have my own single!
Nop, I got it right here.
Saoek's cell phone number.
What? How did you get it?
Come on, it's so easy.
I called the radio DJ
who hosted the singing contest.
According to the grapevine,
this Saoek fellow
signed Khwanchai up for the contest.
As I see it,
this Saoek or whatever
has named himself her manager.
Ah, hey.
What's the relationship
between Saoek and Khwanchai?
Saoek is a young songwriter
from the band in my hometown.
A real songwriter?
He has written
many wonderful songs for me.
I'll go ask him for those songs.
Oh, but I heard that
no one in the family
cares about our Kaeota.
So will he really write a song for you?
No one knows better than me.
Will she be all right?
Oh, hey, my recording rooms
are always available.
Just book them in advance.
Right, thanks. See you soon.
-Thank you.
-Keep the change.
So it's a recording studio.
Here, you left it in my taxi.
Oh, thank you so much.
Nothing is missing.
A good person should be rewarded.
I'm sorry, I can't accept it.
Hey, don't.
You took the time to return this.
Plus, honesty deserves a reward.
In that case,
may I ask for something else?
What do you want then?
I'd like to consult you
about a recording room.
That's a good idea, Saoek.
If one of your sisters is a singer
and you're a songwriter
This song
is perfect for Khwan.
What about that song?
The song you wrote
that mom told me to sing on stage.
All I can do is keep waiting
Who's speaking?
it's for you.
I found someone who can help
with the recording.
I just talked to him at his studio.
He said the recording room
is available this evening.
Can you ask for some time off?
Yes, I can.
Great. I'll pick you up.
We can talk to him then.
Wonderful, I'll be waiting for you.
Are you that excited?
We just ended the call.
Is that you, Kaeo?
The reason I came here to drive a taxi
is to find her.
She ran away to Bangkok.
She wants to be a famous singer.
Please take a seat, Ek.
You look more beautiful than before.
What are you doing here in Bangkok?
Don't tell me that
you're driving a taxi.
That's right.
I'm a taxi driver now.
Have you been here for long?
It's so different from home, isn't it?
Why did you do this?
You thought about running away,
and you did it just like that?
You didn't tell anyone.
Have you ever thought that you worried us?
Ever since I arrived,
I've been looking for you every day.
I was always on the lookout for you.
I almost gave up hope.
Lotus root soup
and fried chicken with salt.
All your dishes are here.
Then, you should eat first.
I'll pay this time.
I'm not popular, am I?
You haven't heard of my songs
even in Bangkok.
Released an album and still unpopular?
That's confusing.
That's because
they're not the songs you wrote.
Had I known you were in Bangkok,
I would have gone to you.
I really wanted to see you.
I miss you.
Where on earth is Kaeota?
She didn't pick up the phone.
Are you worried about her
or possessive of her?
I'm worried.
However, I don't get why
she has to go see this Saoek.
There are other songwriters.
Why does it have to be that guy?
She probably has confidence in him.
Don't you want him
if he's as good as she said?
Of course, I want him if he's good.
But why didn't she let me go with her?
She has her reasons, you know?
She has her own reasons.
They are close
and are from the same hometown.
They speak the same language.
Ah, since you're so possessive,
you should chain her to you.
It's nothing. I'm just reading up
on songwriters.
-Anyone making a new song recently?
Ah, Khwan, didn't you
take leave this afternoon?
Your boyfriend will take you
to go do a recording, right?
It's almost evening,
and he still hasn't shown up.
You live here?
Almost a year now.
With Khwan?
No, I live here alone.
So are you still writing songs?
It makes me feel nostalgic.
Ah, by the way.
How's your taxi driving coming along?
It's all right.
I plan to keep on saving money for now.
Aunt Phanni lives alone after all.
Ah, I've bought a lot for Aunt Phanni,
clothes and other things as well.
I'm not sure if she'll like
the colors though.
Let me show you.
What are you doing?
Ek, this
It's the song you wrote for me, isn't it?
Let me have it.
That song?
You can't, Kaeo.
I promised Khwan I'd give it to her.
How could you do that?
You wrote this song for me.
Mom already snatched the song once
and let Khwan sing it.
I really can't give it to you.
Khwan has just asked for this
Don't you love me anymore?
Ek and Kaeo.
why didn't you pick up the phone?
The battery is probably dead.
Come on, don't act so irrational.
I'm here now, aren't I?
Each day takes ages
Each night takes eons
Each month, I'm getting lonelier
What song is that?
Where were you?
Did you forget
that you were going to take me
to the recording room?
I'm sorry, Khwan.
I'm sorry I stood you up.
-I It's
-It's okay.
Kaeo is more important than me anyway.
Khwan, open the door!
Hey, you!
What are you doing, being so loud?
-It's disturbing others.
Khwan. Khwan, please open the door.
Khwan, please open the door.
Why did she come?
-She was worried
-You're obviously lying.
She was really worried.
Then you both are a pair of liars.
She disappeared for a year,
and she's suddenly worried about us?
What reason does she have
to look for you, stupid Ek?
You don't have to think about her.
She's following her dream now.
I didn't think about her for a long time.
It's you who are still thinking about her.
Just tell me now, why did she come?
Please give me this song.
You're right, Kaeo.
I wrote this song for you
in the first place.
I give you my word
that I will do the song justice.
After all
it's our song.
Can I ask for a favor?
Let me tell Khwan about this first,
so she will know.
You may record the song after that, okay?
Each day takes ages
Each night takes eons
Each month, I'm getting lonelier
On the weary days
I just want a hug from someone
Looking around, I see no one
I hug myself alone
I soothe myself every day
Soon, this too shall pass
Can we talk?
You have an interview tomorrow
at the radio station.
I'll drop you off there.
Khwan, do you hear me?
This song
is it expensive?
It's my song.
He wrote it for me,
so I didn't have to pay for it.
This song suits you perfectly though.
He has to be quite fond of you.
I don't know.
do you have feelings for him?
You lived in the same place too.
No way. He can only be a brother to me.
Why do you ask?
Or can a singer under your company
-not have a lover?
No, whether you have a lover or not
is up to you.
Just don't let it interfere
with work, since I think
listeners are okay with their artist
being in a relationship.
Though staying single
is definitely better, remember.
All right, I suppose
we can start with this song tomorrow.
So I will go make a phone call.
That's right.
It is my song,
the song that no one
can take from me ever again.
I will completely defeat you, Khwan.
Ah, a moment please.
Why is the tempo this fast?
I I adjusted it myself. I want your music
to have another side which is more joyful.
I want to try this. Can you indulge me?
All right, I can try.
Go ahead.
Are you ready?
I'll drive you there.
No need. I can go on my own.
Khwan, let me drive you there.
We can talk on the way Khwan!
Hey, Nop.
It's good!
Do you like it, Kaeo?
I do.
So that means you inherited
your artistic abilities
from both of your parents.
That's right. I'm not
half as talented as them though,
so I don't want to invoke their names.
I'm only just starting out after all.
You're off to a good start.
Your participation in the singing contest
has made you popular.
Have you ever thought
about having a song under your name?
Ah, absolutely.
My dream is
to have at least one song under my name.
I'm not sure
if it's too out of reach though.
I don't think so.
With such a sweet voice,
I believe many large record companies
have already been searching for you.
No company has contacted me so far.
I truly believe they will.
Oh, it's a pity that our time is up.
Would you like to say something
to our listeners?
I would like to say it's nice
to meet the music lovers out there.
And when I have a chance
to sing for them again,
I will do my very best.
I will give my all for my fans.
Thank you.
You talked eloquently.
I don't even have to edit anything.
You did great.
Thank you so much for today.
Well then,
I won't take any more of your time.
I'll take my leave now.
-Hello, Miss Ying.
-Hello, Miss Ying.
Hello, Mr. Mahannop.
What can I do for you today?
Kaeota has a new song,
so we'd like to present it to you.
Didn't you just release
a music album last week?
You have a new song already?
Here, try listening to the song first.
You're the first listener of this song.
And if you like it,
it'll be broadcast here first.
A moment please.
Each day takes ages
Each night takes eons
Each month, I'm getting lonelier
On the weary days
I just want a hug from someone
Once everything here is taken care of,
I will go back home right away.
See you later.
Someday, the heavens might take pity on me
-And bring me someone
All I can do is keep waiting
Sometimes, I can't help but cry
The one I'm waiting for
Does he really exist?
I don't belong to anyone
Let me tell Khwan about this first,
so she will know.
I'm feeling sorry
What did I do wrong?
I want someone by my side
When my heart gets cold with loneliness
Embrace me
Hold my hands and warm my heart
Make me feel worthy
The previous song? The singer is
-It's Kaeota M Sound.
Why did Kaeota come?
All I can do is
Keep waiting
We talked about this, Kaeo!
How am I going to tell Khwanchai?
Does he really exist?
Many listeners are asking for your song.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm feeling sorry
Kaeo, look!
Every well-known station
is playing our song for free!
What should we do next, Mr. Nop?
How can we use this to make money?
I want to be rich and popular.
The first songs we released
into the market,
I will issue a recall for them.
Discard that lot. Let them go.
We will make a new one
including this song.
I am confident that this time,
we can sell it.
I'm going to become famous, right?
You'll be famous, and M Sound will be too.
We will be famous.
Wow, I feel on top of the world!
I hug myself alone
I soothe myself every day
Soon, this too shall pass
Someday, the heavens
And bring me someone
All I can do is keep waiting
You thief!
Sometimes, I can't help but cry
The one I'm waiting for
Does he really exist?
I don't belong to anyone
I bought toddy palm cake for you.
Are you angry with me?
Yes, that's the song I wrote.
I was going to tell you,
but it seems I was a little too late.
But I already intend
to write you a new song.
Compose a new song for me?
After you've given my song to Kaeo?
Still singing?
Stop singing!
I've never been happier!
If this is how you sing my stolen song,
you'd better not sing.
-It's a waste.
How much for your song?
How could you forget?
Who will you choose between me and Khwan?
Someone told me that
you sent the reporter to provoke me.
Was he successful?
I'd like to invite you
to become an artist of M Sound.
Do you mind that my company is small?
Each day takes ages
Each night takes eons
Each month, I'm getting lonelier
On the weary days
I just want a hug from someone
Looking around, I see no one
I hug myself alone
I soothe myself every day
Soon, this too shall pass
Someday, the heavens might take pity on me
And bring me someone
All I can do is keep waiting
Sometimes, I can't help but cry
The one I'm waiting for
Does he really exist?
I don't belong to anyone
Nobody owns my heart
I'm feeling sorry
What did I do wrong?
I want someone by my side
When my heart gets cold with loneliness
Embrace me
Hold my hands and warm my heart
Make me feel worthy
I hug myself alone
I soothe myself every day
Soon, this too shall pass
Someday, the heavens might take pity on me
And bring me someone
All I can do is keep waiting
Sometimes, I can't help but cry
The one I'm waiting for
Does he really exist?
I don't belong to anyone
Nobody owns my heart
I'm feeling sorry
What did I do wrong?
I want someone by my side
When my heart gets cold with loneliness
Embrace me
If it's not too much to ask
Please make me feel worthy
Subtitle translation by: Chonnikarn Ounob
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